In God We Trust | Robert E. Wells | 1982

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
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    How often do we ask ourselves "Can God trust me?" Trust involves accepting what we do not understand, even when we are not certain of the outcome.
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    Brothers and sisters, this really is a great privilege for me, and I pray that you and I might be united by the Spirit, that together we might be uplifted and rejoice in the beautiful things of the gospel. To begin my comments let me show you something I have here in my hand. It’s a silver dollar from Las Vegas, Nevada, where I was born and raised. At the age of fourteen I used to carry thousands of these up and down Fremont Street to the various casinos there. In fact, at the age of fourteen, I was so important in the banking industry in Las Vegas that I had the key to the front door of every bank in the entire valley-both of them! The city has grown a lot since that time.
    Trust in the Lord
    On this silver dollar it says, “In God We Trust,” and that is the theme that I would like to follow for my comments. In God we trust, and indeed we do. In fact, we must. Our salvation depends upon it. We trust Him even when we do not understand all of the things that may be happening about us or happening in our lives. One of the classic stories of the scriptures is the one about the woman of Canaan. She had a daughter seriously ill, and she approached the Savior asking that he would bless and heal her daughter. He did not respond. She then went to the apostles and pleaded with them. They apparently felt that she was bothering them because they went to the Savior and said, “Send her away for she crieth after us.” She must have insisted again. This time the Savior answered, “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” She did not accept the negative response; she insisted some more. She worshiped Him, and the scriptures say she pleaded with Him, “Lord, help me.” This time He answered, “It is not meet to take the children’s bread and cast it to the dogs.” She could have been offended at that. In fact, I imagine that she may have been. She may not have understood. It may have hurt her deeply. Yet, she trusted in the Lord so much that she replied, “Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.” The Savior answered, “O woman, great is thy faith. Be it unto thee even as thou wilt” (Matthew 15:21-28). And her daughter was healed from that very hour. But imagine the trust that she had in Him even when she did not understand why at first He was apparently not willing to help her.
    I know a man in Bucaramanga, Columbia. Now if you don’t know where Bucaramanga is, it’s close to Barrancabermeja. He joined the Church about ten years ago, and, the first time the mission president came through that city, the mission president had the difficult job of telling his brother that he would not be able to occupy certain positions in the Church, nor would he be able to perform the ordinances of the Church. This good black brother was hurt, was offended, just like the sister of Canaan, yet he trusted in the Lord. Even not understanding, he remained faithful. Some eight years later the revelation (to give priesthood to all) was received. Last December I was assigned to go to Bucaramanga to form the first stake in that city. I was thrilled, I was inspired, I enjoyed that stake conference as few other spiritual occasions because, as I interviewed the various priesthood leaders of that stake, there was that moment of inspiration when I saw the mantle of the Lord descend upon Brother Insignares, that handsome black man, and he was called as the new stake president. It was a moment of great rejoicing to place my hands on his head and with that special authority ordain him a high priest and set him apart as the first stake president in Bucaramanga. He is a man whom I honor and respect highly. For many long years he trusted in the Lord even though he did not understand.
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