Paradigm Shift in Economic Systems

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 52

  • @BIGDO13
    @BIGDO13 Год назад +4

    First off, let me say I found your channel about a week ago, and I’ve binged so many of your videos and I can only say, bravo. You book reviews and analysis is so important and thoughtful and really helps me actualize my own thoughts on a myriad of subjects. Secondly. In reference to this video, I believe your summations are correct. A paradigm shift is sorely needed in America and moreover the rest of the world. Economically speaking, this is a moment in time where I believe, at least in America, the citizenry recognizes this in huge ways.

  • @erikschall620
    @erikschall620 Год назад +2

    This is a critical conversation ! The legacy systems will not give up power voluntarily !!

  • @theory_gang
    @theory_gang Год назад +6

    Great video. While you were describing financiers as the garden spigot it made me realize that this is why companies and large organizations follow similar growth patterns to biological systems. They follow nutrients.

    • @BIGDO13
      @BIGDO13 Год назад

      What would, in your estimation be the ‘nutrients’?

    • @theory_gang
      @theory_gang Год назад

      @@BIGDO13 resources: capital, materials, etc.

  • @Robin-xe4yz
    @Robin-xe4yz Год назад +4

    Timely and relevant. Thank you.

  • @psikeyhackr6914
    @psikeyhackr6914 Год назад +3

    Karl Marx mentioned depreciation 35 times in his major work. But consumers did not buy cars and air conditioners back then.
    Adam Smith wrote "read, write and account" multiple times in Wealth of Nations but 50% of Brits were illiterate back then.
    When did you hear Milton Friedman say that accounting/finance should be mandatory in the schools? Our brilliant economists ignore the depreciation of durable consumer goods and pretend that planned obsolescence ain't happening.

  • @RedmotionGames
    @RedmotionGames Год назад +2

    I'm sort of - on and off - working on my own economic paradigm shift. I've been struggling with how to structure it and whether it is even worth attempting such a mammoth task (for probably no reward whatsoever - I'd have to make it free). Anyway, This is a nice structure and set of questions and propositions that should be answered by any attempt restructuring our cancerous societies.

  • @kevinarea
    @kevinarea Год назад +1

    I have a feeling that a year from now there will be a lot of videos pertaining to this topic of an economic shift/reset. I am hoping your video starts a serious talk about it. The massive amount of money injected into the system during the 2008 Financial Collapse was supposed to push us back to normalcy, but instead we have injected way more money into the system since then. We are so saturated with money that the rich can buy things like the entire collection of Taylor Swift property, large collections of real estate (driving up prices), and even politicians and elections.
    The money is too saturated and the gap between rich and poor is way too large now. We need solutions.

    • @msimon6808
      @msimon6808 9 месяцев назад

      If only people WANTED to operate at a loss.

  • @alienkishorekumar
    @alienkishorekumar Год назад +1

    Great channel, just subscribed.

  • @hylje
    @hylje Год назад +1

    My personal top three areas of paradigm shift:
    1. Land use law/ownership reform
    2. Intellectual property and royalty systems
    3. Legal frameworks of various privately run networked services (the Internet itself, banking and finance, social networks and human communications)

    • @rustylidrazzah5170
      @rustylidrazzah5170 Год назад

      Good list. I would like to add economic growth, compound interest, GDP as the dominant indicator of prosperity, and criminal codes/policing.

  • @TeachingLiberty
    @TeachingLiberty Год назад +1

    Loving this framework. I am wording how we avoid falling into technology as rhe answer. I think it checks off a lot of boxes in terms of providing feedback to the system, but I fear this will be superficial and allow for further consolidation of control.
    I am very interested to learn what these mechanisms might be and how they would work.

  • @ProfessorBraus
    @ProfessorBraus Год назад +2

    Important to be thinking on this big of a scale. Takes courage and I appreciate it!

  • @jjuniper274
    @jjuniper274 6 месяцев назад +1

    Would you kindly review Technofeudalism by Yanis Varoufakis?
    Thank you.

  • @3ool0ne
    @3ool0ne Год назад

    We need to factor in the likelihood of 100% employment with the maturation of AI to AGI to SI. The only things that can stop this is severe gov. regulation, AI winter, and/or SHTF event. Very important to think long term here. Anyways, if everything continues at its current rate, we are looking at 10-15 years for total unemployment. This means either:
    - a redistribution of economic power. literally everyone has the same amount of money.
    - or the total destruction of the concept of money. the concept of ownership will be decimated.
    Also, competition will be an outdated concept when SI arrives. Humanity will be fully managed and taken care of. Crime will also be an outdated concept due to the coming next gen crime prevention / law enforcement system.

  • @Paul_I_S
    @Paul_I_S Год назад +1

    Where does Skynet fit in here? 🤔

  • @bedardpelchat
    @bedardpelchat Год назад

    I suggest you read "How to Dismantle an Empire" by Tereza Corragio. She calls herself a housewife but she is a genius housewife. She made me see the world in a whole different economic realm like no other. She also has a substack and RUclips channel. Like you she is optimistic but she might be also more realistic in the way we should proceed. As far as I am concerned the current economic system will have to crumble on itself before anything change. Perhaps through cataclysmal climate changes.

    • @WhirledPublishing
      @WhirledPublishing Год назад +1

      The cataclysm is coming - but not in the way the "experts" have forecast.

  • @SamuelOrjiM
    @SamuelOrjiM Год назад

    My vote is on a paradigm that makes us more like planeria on the multiagent level

  • @DomenicoMigliorini
    @DomenicoMigliorini Год назад

    Nice, very nice! But you need to make some proposal that may hit at least in part the issues you described. In my opinion, nature teaches and if u think about, a darwinian approach may help providing that creativity that is missing... In other worlds if u never try u never see if it will work, but what counts is variability, open mind and overall a clear idea on how it has to be the result, which specific shape you want... :)

  • @timothybaker4091
    @timothybaker4091 Год назад

    When weeds and parasitic plants take over the garden they must be rooted out and burned. Greed, apathy and fear of lost status quo result in true change requiring a great amount of sacrifice and pain.

  • @martinwilliams9866
    @martinwilliams9866 Год назад

    The A.I. revolution including the generation of Meta-data, will be enhanced by a symbiotic relationship with people, as automation will inevitably replace more jobs, people will fall by the wayside unless other institutions arise to deal with the problem, such as an educational society, a greater appreciation of crafts & arts, & a citizen's wage system.

  • @thor6925
    @thor6925 Год назад

    present mam

  • @spartan6931
    @spartan6931 Год назад +1

    Enlightenment was one of the worst things that could have happened to the Western society

  • @SeventhCircleID
    @SeventhCircleID 4 месяца назад many nails hit here square on the head... impressive.

  • @agrxdrowflow958
    @agrxdrowflow958 Год назад

    History teaches us we've got decades of war to figure out a replacement system. The only choice we have right now is (1) French Revolution, or (2) 30 Years War.

  • @kozywrld3637
    @kozywrld3637 Год назад

    you should go down the bitcoin rabbit hole. u will find a lot of answers and ideas to how the new enlightenment might look like.

  • @paulabizzak9532
    @paulabizzak9532 Год назад

    Blockchain for Intellectual Property

  • @mungojelly
    @mungojelly Год назад

    In programming there's an ancient (ok well 1993) saying known as Greenspun's tenth rule (there aren't nine other rules, he just thought that sounded like a good name): "Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common Lisp." There's an idea that Lisp is overly complex, lacks sufficient overall structure, and anyway it's an old idea so it certainly couldn't be relevant these days. So given the constraints "program effectively, but you're not allowed to use Lisp" people end up rewriting the same essential flexible tools that Lisp has. The equivalent in politics is the analysis of libertarian socialists. Like Lisp, anarchist socialism isn't a specific set of rules but rather an overall framework for approaching the contextual construction of appropriate rules. That's overwhelmingly complex of course sure, but the complexity is a fair mirror of the irreducible complexity of the underlying general problem space. So any new generic structures we attempt to invent and impose are only effective to the extent they simply go back in the direction of that already discovered essential element of root flexibility.

  • @fractal_cedar
    @fractal_cedar Год назад

    I agree with all of these proposed system criteria solutions for a new economic paradigm. They're not everything that's required but it's a solid initial set.
    I especially appreciate your point near the end about being intentional about who decides what and who is given a chance to succeed or to continue "living". That's almost the power of a god in our current reality yet those with that power were never elected, nor had to meet any select criteria for who society wants to be making those decisions. It was defacto given to those with money whose own personal goals tend to directly conflict with what benefits the population at (equality, freedom, transparency, democracy, fairness, compassion, etc.)
    Like, haven't we learned as a society already that it is the ideas, struggles, perspectives, and movements of marginalized/oppressed (e.g. Queer, Black, Trans, Women, etc.) people that change society throughout history, and almost always in a way that benefits the most people, in more equitable and dignified ways. Well, this lesson surely won't be learned if their/our history isn't shared widely and freely, unfortunately.
    Anyways, back to your video. The need to be strategic about who has the power to decide who gets resources directly ties back to what you spoke of earlier regarding the need to address the 'power to the powerful' reinforcing feedback loop and similarly with 'success to the successful'.
    I'd recommend checking out Graham Boyd's videos explaining FairShares Commons as a model. I think you'd likely find this model a good candidate for a new enlightenment model across all three sectors. I at least think it's the most rigorous and comprehensive model that I've come across so far. Of course, the founder was a particle physicist and also worked for P&G before creating FairShares with an economics professor, so that makes sense.

  • @donaldponder6462
    @donaldponder6462 Год назад +1

    As charming as your accent & eccentric enunciation of words may be (especially noting the way you pick up words, momentarily shake them held in your toothed clench as a big cat might do with prey or rebellious young & then release them, vibrantly charged) the stuff you're talking about denotatively isn't, IMHO, "new paradigm" but a continuation of old paradigm with tweakings, dial adjustments, for updating purposes...even the metaphor for cutting out cancerous tissue, is still in the realm of allopathic symptom-based medical modality not transformational & preventative as a possible ecstasy-based new world, yogically mature beyond Freudian adolescent genital maturity as final, (along with Freud's nephew Edward Bernays, who invented "psychological" advertising, to generate consumerist cravings for "things", including concepts, leading to the "shop til you drop" dopamine carrot tied to foreheads): this presentation is incremental in scope, shifting around components, repurposing, regifting etc...rather than a big picture transformative-view, alchemical transmutation-vista that would in neurotransmitter terms progress look at new neurotransmitter reward mixes, from dopamine cravings to oxytocin Love parent child, long-term partners-ish deep feeling satisfaction-fullness unrelated to possession or earnings, iow "Santosha" in Hindu yogic terms, & beyond this plateauing in the "lower mind", mannamaya kosha in the Hindu 5 sheaths human architecture, evolved upward to include, the higher mind, vijnanamya kosha, the "wisdom mind", & then even further [like Maryushka nested dolls] to access the "bliss mind", anamyakosha...this presentation as wonderfully bright as it may be, is so in the confined psychic space so overdeveloped in the modern West of technological adolescent video-game boys' breakthrough-pride- sensations of for instance AI, transhumanism, & greening Mars as the stress-induced jumping-ship reactivity- response next step in our ecological crisis, this is rather like sci-fi movies & series tropes of the scene thousands of years or eons in the future, people (as presently) still go to bars to drink & get inebriated, only now along with other alien species that eyes on stalks & other mollusc & insect inspired features to drink neon-bright, shimmering liquids in chemical retort-styled drinking vessels...❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💯

    • @timothybaker4091
      @timothybaker4091 Год назад

      You didn't take your meds yesterday did you. Or did you micro dose too many times?

  • @InkaHacker
    @InkaHacker Год назад

    Did you manage to organize the discussion around Moloch?? In case you did, I miss it out 🥲😪