  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 22

  • @mchenneptrixxx
    @mchenneptrixxx 12 лет назад +70

    Colour is just something that is pigment
    ALLAH does not look at colors and races
    but only to the Taqwah imaan deeds you do and the intentions
    ma cha allah
    we are Muslim we are one !!!!!

  • @misscamara12
    @misscamara12 13 лет назад +42

    Your little daughter is adorabe. Anyway, I was in Mauritania a few months ago and I loved it. I like their culture.

  • @kanjumrox
    @kanjumrox 15 лет назад +19

    asalam wa aliakum HEY abu taubah
    Everybody who reads this i am one of his students And Abu Taubais THE BEST TEACHER IN THE WHOLE WHITE(WIDE) WORLD!!

  • @omopapa
    @omopapa 13 лет назад +38

    ya allah, he just touched my heart with those kids.

  • @going2sleep
    @going2sleep 12 лет назад +38

    @n0gar It is not about "black man" learning a few words in Arabic and trying to be an A-rab. It is about a brother learning the language of our religion, Islam, and spreading the knowledge in the United States. when he comes back to us ignorant folk. His knowledge of Arabic language surpasses many Arabs trust me on that. So it is not about being black or Arab. Our religions roots are the Arabic language it is much more than a race.

  • @dawholic1
    @dawholic1 15 лет назад +15

    Assalamualaikum may ALLAH reward Abu Taubah for his struggle & guide us to straight path AMEEN.

  • @mindmineral
    @mindmineral 14 лет назад +8

    why havent I already subscribed to your lectures - subhaan'Allah
    Jazaakamullah khayrun sheikhana

  • @alithelin1234
    @alithelin1234 13 лет назад +4

    well said, may Allah (swt) preserve our brother/sisters in Mauritania.

  • @azizah1says
    @azizah1says 13 лет назад +12

    @n0gar @n0gar - i dont wish to offend you but this is a very ignorant thing to say. Perhaps black people where you come form do not dress like this but in west and east Africa(the motherland of the black race) this is how we dress (everyday and traditionally) and many black african countries speak arabic as their first or second language, its not just for arabs. If i expand my vernacular to learn another language, that does not make me a sellout. Pls speak with knowledge in future.

  • @misscamara12
    @misscamara12 13 лет назад +10

    @n0gar I agree. A lot of black american muslims equate being muslim with being arab and get confused between the two. Some arabs are not even muslim. Arab CULTURE is different from Islam. It is just that the religion was revealed in Arabia and the quran is in arabic so this deceives a lot of people into thinking muslim means arab when they are two completely different things. Also, the majority of arabs are muslim as well.

  • @thebigbanyantree
    @thebigbanyantree 13 лет назад +8

    @n0gar the person you are referring to as wanna be arabic actually is more educated in english than you could ever dream of. don't judge a man by this looks. he can teach arabic to arabs. you haven't done anything in this life than can bring you even closer to his toenail.

  • @ma123x100
    @ma123x100 14 лет назад +5

    be what u win to be gad bless all muslim people other stop hating

  • @saeedsalafi
    @saeedsalafi 15 лет назад +6

    as salam wa alikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. brother may allah subhanho wa taala give you reward in this dunya and the here after only think i ask how i can get contact with brother and how i can become your student to learn arabic and deen barakalhofikum.

  • @BelligerentPacifist
    @BelligerentPacifist 13 лет назад +3

    Salam baraadare man
    Agree with both parts. I've had Mauritanians neighbours, and their way of carrying
    themselves is just so graceful.
    But yeah it is such a different lifestyle for us that we're better off INITIALLY studying within Pakistan. Here in Karachi they teach such good Arabic that they even get Arabic-speaking West African students. But our lifestyle has become so comfortable that it will be hard getting to the soul of being a taalibul3ilm. Not even in AkoRa Khattak!

  • @SaihatAlhaq
    @SaihatAlhaq 15 лет назад +4

    Mashalla, you are the man

  • @MauritaniaXmen
    @MauritaniaXmen 15 лет назад +4

    god bless u brother

  • @abdulrasheedsalafi
    @abdulrasheedsalafi 14 лет назад +4

    mind yr language if yr not def he is speaking english he might like wering those clothing in africa they wer thobes and he's african american so therfore its still his culture

  • @fightermma
    @fightermma 12 лет назад +11

    @n0gar What do you know? Have you seen what this brother went through to gain his knowledge? Just cause he is black you make assumptions due to stereo types? For your information the beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W wore a juba. That's what this brother is wearing. From watching this brothers videos I have not seen one ounce of arrogance in his character? But in you I have seen a lot. Remember the Prophet of Allah S.A.W said that no body will enter Jannah with an atom's worth of pride.

  • @Junseld
    @Junseld 15 лет назад +2

    n0gar, unless you know this person, you have no idea how many Arabic words he speaks. It appears that he speaks Arabic very well indeed. Tell me why is it a bad thing for an AFRICAN American to speak a language other than English? I was always told that learning is a good thing. You should save you comments for those AFRICAN Americans who speak Ebonics! Punk!

  • @M7amm3dSudanii
    @M7amm3dSudanii 10 лет назад +4

    سبحاااان الله عندك كام ولد؟!😳