I guess her motive for standing behind him wasn't totally selfless afterall. It was all good as long the payoff was Danny pledging his undying love in the end.
The scene convinced me that there had 2 b something that started btw them from when they were kids. The look on his face when he said Lacey's different told me that he's always felt differently btw the 2 girls. What may have started as an innocent crush at eleven is so much deeper now. He already told Archie that Lace wld nvr b his friend again & he meant that. It's not that he doesn't value Lacey's friendship. He knows he can't just only be her friend. Their romantic connection is too strong.
I know he didn't want to hurt her, but he should be honest. Repeating how much their friendship means to him is only digging the knife in deeper. However, I'm glad that he hasn't given up on Lacey and still has feelings for her. And finally she stands up for herself and for what's right. Applause for Lacey on this episode!! =D
Wow - Avan's acting is really amazing here. Its obvious Danny is so torn up about having to let Jo down easily while being true to his feelings for Lacey. He cares about her (and Jo) too much to deny his heart still belongs to Lacey even if that would have made it easier to get Jo's forgiveness. I understand Jo was hurting but she brought it on herself - Danny has been extremely careful to not lead her on and has directly friend-zoned a number of times. Why is she doing this to the poor boy?
the nice thing about this scene is that Danny said "that IS different". If he really wanted to mean it, he will say "that WAS different". #DaceyAllDayEveryDayAllNight :) dude
Damn Jo's jealous of Lacey was shown in full force. She was mad because Lacey wasn't a little drive-by Danny got with. Lacey means so much more to him and the cry baby can't handle it.
"This line about jo asking danny if he still has feelings for her. she sounded so desperate like she wouldn't or couldn't live without him. I believe she feel like danny is obliged to have those feelings because she was always there for him. Its not what the mind wants it's what the heart wants.
I have to say it. Does anyone else find it hilariously stupid that Jo would forgive Danny after just ONE DAY for killing his aunt and making her life miserable and yet confessing his feelings for Lacey is just unforgivable.
I like Jo and she was there for Danny but you aren't obligated to like a person back or start loving them because they're nice to you or have a crush on you.Jo went behind Lacey to ask whether Jo has a shot with Danny, that's hypocrisy because she yelled at Lacey for lying to her and going on date behind her when she is trying to do which is worse than that. I felt really sorry for Jo at episode 10 but in episode 11 what Jo was seeking and doing is wrong.
I need to know how many rejections does Jo need to know that he doesn't want anymore than friendship with her. Why does she constantly embarrass herself? She got sisterzoned and friendzoned and still has the audacity to ask that question about feelings for Lacey. He will nvr love her romantically. Only if the Prince Charming mother( on shrek) injects Danny with one of those special potions.
Did anyone else notice that right after Jo realize that Danny still has feelings for Lacey and he says, "Jo, I'm sorry but we are going to get through this the three of us cause that's what's important." He still mentions all three despite what happen earlier with Lacey in the diner. This episode actually shows how much he cares for both because he help Lacey and was honest with Jo despite both girls kind of abandoning him. I wander would he contact them or just leave without saying goodbye?
Yes because Lacey & Danny both drilled into her that it was nothing & a casual thing where as Jo has made her feelings clear to both of them. Also, you're right Danny isn't obligated to Jo, but I love Jo & it just sucks seeing her hurt seeing as she has been a true best friend to Danny throughout, in spite of her feelings. Her asking for space is the smartest thing she could have done right now
Agreed! I am soo tired of the poorjo hashtags! I am just wonderin why my girl Lacey can't get a shoutout hashtag. I mean, DAMN she has been through a lot, and is still goin strong! Just foul abc family, just foul!
idk if he fully realized his feelings for Lacey until Jo hit him with the question...i mean he knew he cared but i think he has to confront it now and that throws him off balance because he may actually be in love with her. somehow i think he will want to connect with Lacey because maybe he wud want her to know how he feels now that he has acknowledged the feeling himself. In addition, Lacey and Danny will or should def interact because of the clue she found.
Like really Jo 🙈 pleaseeee don't do this to yourself. Like u can't ask him, knowing the answer, then act hurt when u practically forced it from his mouth. 😔
I think the first place he'll go is to their childhood hideout (the fort). He'll probably text Lacey and ask for her help. Hopefully, Lacey will come to the rescue. We get to see Jo and Lace switch places, where she'll become the outside and his champion and Jo will be more stand-offish. Lace will eventually convince Jo (maybe Tyler too) to help. Just my theory.
this is why I like jo more for Danny then Lacey in the very beginning when they are kids you see jo ask Lacey if she notice Danny acting weird the last few days and Lacey said that he was fine right there for me it showed that jo0 was always more in toon with Danny him and her they just fit and Lacey was always more to him but she never saw him the way jo did and honestly I always thought that Danny had feeling for jo and just couldn't let himself feel it because she was the only person that was there for him and he couldn't afford to lose that
doesn't jo realise that lacey has feelings to. some friend she is. obviously he would have to break Lacey's heart in order to be with her but she does not care, or she would never have made him feel bad for it. some kind of friend she is. lacey is better off having cerci as a best friend(GOT). guilt trip much
Are you serious?! She was the first person to have his back & the look on his face when she left was heartbreaking. You can bitch about it, but Jo is sticking around, whether you like it or not.
I know her friends lied to her but come on Jo it's time to move on! It's clear Danny doesn't feel the same way. I'm happy there's still hope for Dacey. The chemistry those two have shouldn't go to waste.
Jo is such a Nice Guy TM. Many Nice Guys™ are insecure men unwilling to articulate their romantic or sexual feelings directly. Instead, they choose to present themselves as their paramour's friend, and hang around, doing nice things for her in hopes that she will pick up on their desire for her. If she fails to read their secret feelings, Nice Guys™ become embittered and blame her for taking advantage of them and their niceness.
That is his sister or I should say, half-sister. His father had a child with her mother. They don't make a good couple together and I don't see the chemistry, this is writers, and someone complains.
@sign4lyf There was always a hint that J was crushin on D. Lk when L asked her what it was lk hanging w D. J admitted it felt totally different. Also she sd she HAD to believe in D cuz it was the only way to get her life back. So she helped him thinkin she get something in return. L helped him once she found evidence.
Jo is not only selfish but very immature. It's like she's stuck at 11. She asks Danny if he still has feelings for Lacey, did she not see them basically attacking each other in that video? That passion does not just go away :)
If u want to read the interview done by Avan and Kylie that gives us Dacers more hope you can go to Dacey Fan page and look in recent post. I (Raynelda Salters) posted it.
And just to mention, here is Danny going through a heartbreak and miss "been there since the start" does absolutely nothing to help him. She never even asked her bff aka Danny throughout their re-connection if he was crushing on anyone.
Jo will have to come around because there is a bigger deception going on in her life where Tess is concerned. Plus now she will understand what Danny is experiencing considering Rico has expressed his feelings for her...so the next couple episodes should be interesting. I sincerely hope that the writers and abc fam stop the shipping wars among the three friends and create triangles outside the trio...i.e Jo/Tyler/Rico. Plus it wud b stupid to get rid of Dacey they sell the show!
I was yelling at Karen last night. When she said "there is nothing holding us back anymore." Me "While Fanny still loves Lacey that's holding him back!" #DACEY
Yep, i think they started b4 he left for juvie. I sure hope he ran to Lacey house, for her to tell him he has a reason to stay. I also believe Danny covered for his dad...and Tara knew something about Vikram and Tess affair. I just think Tess is Danny's mom...Jo is either adopted or something twisted in that family dynamic
This is not fair to Danny. He never knew she has these feelings for him. But to make it the end all of your friendship is petty and childish. So do I feel sorry for Jo in this scene NO! Because she figured since they were done this was her opening, sorry to say it's wasn't.
No, they all 3 were friends. Yes, J may have known him longer but all 3 were friends during the start of the show. I saw J's infatuation for D like the 1st episode. I believe differently. I think J liked him and maybe was afraid to voice that and then she finally got the nerve.
Ikr!?! I am not really a Jo fan, but I was really starting to feel sorry for her unitl I saw the Jo hashtags. I mean, I don't think that Lacey has gotten even one hashtag in this episode! This show is obviously one sided, which I don't understand since Danny is the main lead. I hope they get it together by the second season!
I have no audio so I cannot hear the convo.Just saying.I think that Dacey is not a problem it is just that Danny and Lacey knew how Jo felt about both of them.Danny probaly knew Jo loved him and Lacey knew that Jo missed and loved her.They could have told her about the relationship,so that the video would not be much of a shocker + Jo was there for Danny when Lacey was not.
And she cant get mad at danny for liking someone..she'll just have to accept it thats life babygirl jo is strong enough to get threw this! :) #TeamDacey tho
For a moment there he really wanted to stay but think when he remembered those hurtful words lacey said to him at the dinner and then he reconsidered. But where did he go? Wat ya think?
Tess is a "G". When she pull her stash of weed out, I was like this chick is nooo joke. Poor Sherif Masterson, you are in for a surprise!! Danny will definitely go to their secret hideout and contact his friends. I think Jo will join the team because she has strong feelings for Danny and would not want to see him hurt.
2 B honest, I don't think that many people were shocked by it. I've known Viktram was alive since the pilot ep & suspected Tess knew where he was sense the ep where she & Karen talked abt Viktram & her dating n HS. She looked shady whenever Jo wld ask her questions abt Danny's dad. So...no, not surprised at all by the ending. I also think she knows exactly what happened with Tara five years ago. I believe they had Danny take the fall 4 his own protection bc he witnessed his aunt's murder.
I know no one cares about this show as much as they used to but I think he was willing to risk his friendship with Lacey because he doesn't connect with her on the same way he does with Jo I may have so many people who disagree but the only thing Danny and Lacey had was lust and sexual tension Danny and Jo have much more.
@@lareina9071 no that's not really what I meant yes he likes her sexually but that's not the only thing that he likes about her it doesn't seem like Danny and Lacey's relationship goes much further then the bed room.
@@brittanycooper2947 But he doesn't...they didn't even share a kiss. Their relationship remained platonic. Lacey on the other hand was a lover and a friend.
@@lareina9071 the show was cancelled but I'm sure if they continued it a kiss between them probably would have happened he ended up realizing his feelings for Jo near the end of the season
@@brittanycooper2947 lol nope. They had no chemistry. The actos didn’t seem to vibe. There’s a reason Avan and Kylie went on to star as a couple in another show. Danny and Jo were silly and the fan girls rooting for that awkward pairing killed Twisted.
@Sign4lyf I don't believe that that's true. I think Jo has from the start of this show had feelings for Danny. She just finally voiced them during one of the episodes. In all honesty who didn't see her character falling for him though?
I wish he would have said yes but his face said it all. I don't think Lacey or Danny will want to explore a relationship now that they see that it hurt Jo so much. I mean she didn't even say thk you to Lacey for trying to squash the tape from being released to spare her feelings. I don't dislike Jo's character but these past few episodes she has been getting on my nerves.
I noticed the nod during the episode. I think verbally saying he still have feelings for Lacey would have hurt Jo more. What i don't get is he is apologising for unrequited feelings. #Selfish Jo. I like the fact that he admitted that even after Lacey said those harsh words to him. Those feelings he has for her is too strong and even though they tell themselves they are over. Their heart evoke something different.
This scene here was kinda sad to watch. What did Jo actually expect to happen here? The entire town knows that she has feelings for Danny. But every time she brings them up he stirs her towards the friendship aspect. She didn't even have to ask did he still have feelings for L. Of course he does. He's stammering all over her name. I feel badly for Jo's feelings and heart breaking but he's told her yet again.
How can you not believe that is true? I mean if that is the case, then I could also believe a lot of things that aren't shown on the show & so on, surely you can see my point? She was his friend before the feelings came, it was Lacey that became his friend after being intimate.
I hope Danny doesnot wholeheartedly put Dacey on the backburner because of Jo and her selfish ways. So if Jo can't have him, no one else BS. If Danny contacts jo first in new season i will be upset.If she loves Danny so much y doesnot she wants Danny to be happy? She knows only Lacey does that. I think dacey's connection is so strong, even though they always try to deny it, They will end up in each others arms. Trust me. And to think of it next season no dacey action gotta be crazy. #Dacey
Cont'd So i guess Jo lose out. Possibly making Janny even more pointless/irrelevant to occur. You can tell danny's feelings for lacey is overpowering, they way he watched her and the cute scene where he enters via the window was emotionally satisfying. I wonder if Pheobe hadnnot shown up what would their conversation be about. I mean no man sticks around for mix signals and constant avoidance. He puts up with the outburst, her critical moments of weakness. He really likes her.
YES he still have feelings for lacey!! And lacey still does foe him :D they must of had a fun time rehersing but i'm Glad thats cleared up lol Team dacey :) but I liked how jo had to tell him to his face! Something that I would do she needed closure! Now move tf on becus life dosnt wait foe heartaces :/
i want to feel bad for her, but her character is the worst and the show is not helping with their "lets all cater to jo's feelings fuck anybody else". I also wonder because someone mentioned it on tumblr, if danny hasnt admitted to still having feelings for lacey, jo would have stepped up to him and i know she will. Jo is so so thirsty
I love twisted, but i don't see it making it to season 2 with this stupid story line of poor jo. If they do that again, alot of people will quit watching, especially with so many great shows to choose from now.
Danny why the hell are you so sorry for not being able to feel the same way she feels about you. She expects for u 2 drop lacey and run to her.I don't think Danny should be apologising because of the unrequited love and feelings. New Hashtag# LeaveLaceyManAlone or # Leave Dacey Alone to sound more professional.
Her being a good friend doesn't entitle him to be in love with her. That's what friends are for -_-
I miss this show 😢
I guess her motive for standing behind him wasn't totally selfless afterall. It was all good as long the payoff was Danny pledging his undying love in the end.
The scene convinced me that there had 2 b something that started btw them from when they were kids. The look on his face when he said Lacey's different told me that he's always felt differently btw the 2 girls. What may have started as an innocent crush at eleven is so much deeper now. He already told Archie that Lace wld nvr b his friend again & he meant that. It's not that he doesn't value Lacey's friendship. He knows he can't just only be her friend. Their romantic connection is too strong.
I know he didn't want to hurt her, but he should be honest. Repeating how much their friendship means to him is only digging the knife in deeper.
However, I'm glad that he hasn't given up on Lacey and still has feelings for her. And finally she stands up for herself and for what's right. Applause for Lacey on this episode!! =D
Wow - Avan's acting is really amazing here. Its obvious Danny is so torn up about having to let Jo down easily while being true to his feelings for Lacey. He cares about her (and Jo) too much to deny his heart still belongs to Lacey even if that would have made it easier to get Jo's forgiveness. I understand Jo was hurting but she brought it on herself - Danny has been extremely careful to not lead her on and has directly friend-zoned a number of times. Why is she doing this to the poor boy?
the nice thing about this scene is that Danny said "that IS different". If he really wanted to mean it, he will say "that WAS different". #DaceyAllDayEveryDayAllNight :) dude
Damn Jo's jealous of Lacey was shown in full force. She was mad because Lacey wasn't a little drive-by Danny got with. Lacey means so much more to him and the cry baby can't handle it.
"This line about jo asking danny if he still has feelings for her. she sounded so desperate like she wouldn't or couldn't live without him. I believe she feel like danny is obliged to have those feelings because she was always there for him. Its not what the mind wants it's what the heart wants.
I have to say it. Does anyone else find it hilariously stupid that Jo would forgive Danny after just ONE DAY for killing his aunt and making her life miserable and yet confessing his feelings for Lacey is just unforgivable.
if u look closely he did give a subtle nod of the head along with his facial expression.
I like Jo and she was there for Danny but you aren't obligated to like a person back or start loving them because they're nice to you or have a crush on you.Jo went behind Lacey to ask whether Jo has a shot with Danny, that's hypocrisy because she yelled at Lacey for lying to her and going on date behind her when she is trying to do which is worse than that. I felt really sorry for Jo at episode 10 but in episode 11 what Jo was seeking and doing is wrong.
I need to know how many rejections does Jo need to know that he doesn't want anymore than friendship with her. Why does she constantly embarrass herself?
She got sisterzoned and friendzoned and still has the audacity to ask that question about feelings for Lacey. He will nvr love her romantically. Only if the Prince Charming mother( on shrek) injects Danny with one of those special potions.
I am so very glad that JO called DANNY for this talk. if she wouldn't then i would have never come to know that DANNY still has feelings for LACEY.
Did anyone else notice that right after Jo realize that Danny still has feelings for Lacey and he says, "Jo, I'm sorry but we are going to get through this the three of us cause that's what's important." He still mentions all three despite what happen earlier with Lacey in the diner. This episode actually shows how much he cares for both because he help Lacey and was honest with Jo despite both girls kind of abandoning him. I wander would he contact them or just leave without saying goodbye?
Yes because Lacey & Danny both drilled into her that it was nothing & a casual thing where as Jo has made her feelings clear to both of them. Also, you're right Danny isn't obligated to Jo, but I love Jo & it just sucks seeing her hurt seeing as she has been a true best friend to Danny throughout, in spite of her feelings. Her asking for space is the smartest thing she could have done right now
OMFG!!! I laughed so loud when I read your comment...my husband to the room to check on me. ROTFLMFAO!!!
Agreed! I am soo tired of the poorjo hashtags! I am just wonderin why my girl Lacey can't get a shoutout hashtag. I mean, DAMN she has been through a lot, and is still goin strong! Just foul abc family, just foul!
idk if he fully realized his feelings for Lacey until Jo hit him with the question...i mean he knew he cared but i think he has to confront it now and that throws him off balance because he may actually be in love with her. somehow i think he will want to connect with Lacey because maybe he wud want her to know how he feels now that he has acknowledged the feeling himself. In addition, Lacey and Danny will or should def interact because of the clue she found.
Like really Jo 🙈 pleaseeee don't do this to yourself. Like u can't ask him, knowing the answer, then act hurt when u practically forced it from his mouth. 😔
I think the first place he'll go is to their childhood hideout (the fort). He'll probably text Lacey and ask for her help. Hopefully, Lacey will come to the rescue. We get to see Jo and Lace switch places, where she'll become the outside and his champion and Jo will be more stand-offish. Lace will eventually convince Jo (maybe Tyler too) to help. Just my theory.
this is why I like jo more for Danny then Lacey in the very beginning when they are kids you see jo ask Lacey if she notice Danny acting weird the last few days and Lacey said that he was fine right there for me it showed that jo0 was always more in toon with Danny him and her they just fit and Lacey was always more to him but she never saw him the way jo did and honestly I always thought that Danny had feeling for jo and just couldn't let himself feel it because she was the only person that was there for him and he couldn't afford to lose that
Ain't no damn chemistry between Jo and Danny. Who cares if you like her more for him. This is a weird comment...
How she gonna get mad that he likes lacey lmao -___-
doesn't jo realise that lacey has feelings to. some friend she is. obviously he would have to break Lacey's heart in order to be with her but she does not care, or she would never have made him feel bad for it. some kind of friend she is. lacey is better off having cerci as a best friend(GOT). guilt trip much
Hell yeah! I am so glad Lacey finally stood up to those losers posing as her friends! Long live Queen Lacey!
@Arianna Wilson Great point! I didn't think about that.
Are you serious?! She was the first person to have his back & the look on his face when she left was heartbreaking. You can bitch about it, but Jo is sticking around, whether you like it or not.
Exactly! Tess, Tess, Tess. Of course I always suspected that she knew what was up.
I know her friends lied to her but come on Jo it's time to move on! It's clear Danny doesn't feel the same way. I'm happy there's still hope for Dacey. The chemistry those two have shouldn't go to waste.
*Yemme does her Carlton dance* I should be in bed.... ROFL!
*Yemme sings "It's a thin line... Between love and hate"*
Jo is such a Nice Guy TM. Many Nice Guys™ are insecure men unwilling to articulate their romantic or sexual feelings directly. Instead, they choose to present themselves as their paramour's friend, and hang around, doing nice things for her in hopes that she will pick up on their desire for her. If she fails to read their secret feelings, Nice Guys™ become embittered and blame her for taking advantage of them and their niceness.
That is his sister or I should say, half-sister. His father had a child with her mother. They don't make a good couple together and I don't see the chemistry, this is writers, and someone complains.
You should see the chemistry they had in the last 3 interviews they did for the summer finale!
Ahh, yes I see the acknowledgement.
@sign4lyf There was always a hint that J was crushin on D. Lk when L asked her what it was lk hanging w D. J admitted it felt totally different. Also she sd she HAD to believe in D cuz it was the only way to get her life back. So she helped him thinkin she get something in return. L helped him once she found evidence.
why isnt nobody talking about the fact jo's mom called dannys dad at the end
Jo just go 2 Rico , he loves you!! Not Danny
Jo is not only selfish but very immature. It's like she's stuck at 11. She asks Danny if he still has feelings for Lacey, did she not see them basically attacking each other in that video? That passion does not just go away :)
If u want to read the interview done by Avan and Kylie that gives us Dacers more hope you can go to Dacey Fan page and look in recent post. I (Raynelda Salters) posted it.
And just to mention, here is Danny going through a heartbreak and miss "been there since the start" does absolutely nothing to help him. She never even asked her bff aka Danny throughout their re-connection if he was crushing on anyone.
Jo wanted it to be her in the video. Let's be honest here. Sure she's hurt but she's also jealous.
Jo will have to come around because there is a bigger deception going on in her life where Tess is concerned. Plus now she will understand what Danny is experiencing considering Rico has expressed his feelings for her...so the next couple episodes should be interesting. I sincerely hope that the writers and abc fam stop the shipping wars among the three friends and create triangles outside the trio...i.e Jo/Tyler/Rico. Plus it wud b stupid to get rid of Dacey they sell the show!
as long as the writers make Dacey the end game and stop writing bs for Lacey's character, I'm all good....smiles
i literally cried at this scene . Jo was really hurt.
it's on Netflix
to Danny
I was yelling at Karen last night. When she said "there is nothing holding us back anymore." Me "While Fanny still loves Lacey that's holding him back!" #DACEY
Yep, i think they started b4 he left for juvie. I sure hope he ran to Lacey house, for her to tell him he has a reason to stay. I also believe Danny covered for his dad...and Tara knew something about Vikram and Tess affair. I just think Tess is Danny's mom...Jo is either adopted or something twisted in that family dynamic
This is not fair to Danny. He never knew she has these feelings for him. But to make it the end all of your friendship is petty and childish. So do I feel sorry for Jo in this scene NO! Because she figured since they were done this was her opening, sorry to say it's wasn't.
No, they all 3 were friends. Yes, J may have known him longer but all 3 were friends during the start of the show. I saw J's infatuation for D like the 1st episode. I believe differently. I think J liked him and maybe was afraid to voice that and then she finally got the nerve.
Ikr!?! I am not really a Jo fan, but I was really starting to feel sorry for her unitl I saw the Jo hashtags. I mean, I don't think that Lacey has gotten even one hashtag in this episode! This show is obviously one sided, which I don't understand since Danny is the main lead. I hope they get it together by the second season!
I have no audio so I cannot hear the convo.Just saying.I think that Dacey is not a problem it is just that Danny and Lacey knew how Jo felt about both of them.Danny probaly knew Jo loved him and Lacey knew that Jo missed and loved her.They could have told her about the relationship,so that the video would not be much of a shocker + Jo was there for Danny when Lacey was not.
And she cant get mad at danny for liking someone..she'll just have to accept it thats life babygirl jo is strong enough to get threw this! :) #TeamDacey tho
For a moment there he really wanted to stay but think when he remembered those hurtful words lacey said to him at the dinner and then he reconsidered. But where did he go? Wat ya think?
Tess is a "G". When she pull her stash of weed out, I was like this chick is nooo joke. Poor Sherif Masterson, you are in for a surprise!! Danny will definitely go to their secret hideout and contact his friends. I think Jo will join the team because she has strong feelings for Danny and would not want to see him hurt.
2 B honest, I don't think that many people were shocked by it. I've known Viktram was alive since the pilot ep & suspected Tess knew where he was sense the ep where she & Karen talked abt Viktram & her dating n HS. She looked shady whenever Jo wld ask her questions abt Danny's dad. So...no, not surprised at all by the ending. I also think she knows exactly what happened with Tara five years ago. I believe they had Danny take the fall 4 his own protection bc he witnessed his aunt's murder.
Danny has an alliance that consists of Lacey and Cole, Rico could get on it too once Jo destroys his heart.
I know no one cares about this show as much as they used to but I think he was willing to risk his friendship with Lacey because he doesn't connect with her on the same way he does with Jo I may have so many people who disagree but the only thing Danny and Lacey had was lust and sexual tension Danny and Jo have much more.
Lol...so he should be with Jo cuz he doesn't like her sexually? What kind of logic is this?
@@lareina9071 no that's not really what I meant yes he likes her sexually but that's not the only thing that he likes about her it doesn't seem like Danny and Lacey's relationship goes much further then the bed room.
@@brittanycooper2947 But he doesn't...they didn't even share a kiss. Their relationship remained platonic. Lacey on the other hand was a lover and a friend.
@@lareina9071 the show was cancelled but I'm sure if they continued it a kiss between them probably would have happened he ended up realizing his feelings for Jo near the end of the season
@@brittanycooper2947 lol nope. They had no chemistry. The actos didn’t seem to vibe. There’s a reason Avan and Kylie went on to star as a couple in another show. Danny and Jo were silly and the fan girls rooting for that awkward pairing killed Twisted.
Wow Jo is getting no credit for being the only person to have his back when NOBODY else did!!!
How fickle?
@Sign4lyf I don't believe that that's true. I think Jo has from the start of this show had feelings for Danny. She just finally voiced them during one of the episodes. In all honesty who didn't see her character falling for him though?
I wish he would have said yes but his face said it all. I don't think Lacey or Danny will want to explore a relationship now that they see that it hurt Jo so much. I mean she didn't even say thk you to Lacey for trying to squash the tape from being released to spare her feelings. I don't dislike Jo's character but these past few episodes she has been getting on my nerves.
I noticed the nod during the episode. I think verbally saying he still have feelings for Lacey would have hurt Jo more. What i don't get is he is apologising for unrequited feelings. #Selfish Jo. I like the fact that he admitted that even after Lacey said those harsh words to him. Those feelings he has for her is too strong and even though they tell themselves they are over. Their heart evoke something different.
danny likes jo and it will flourish...they were good friends
This scene here was kinda sad to watch. What did Jo actually expect to happen here? The entire town knows that she has feelings for Danny. But every time she brings them up he stirs her towards the friendship aspect. She didn't even have to ask did he still have feelings for L. Of course he does. He's stammering all over her name. I feel badly for Jo's feelings and heart breaking but he's told her yet again.
How can you not believe that is true? I mean if that is the case, then I could also believe a lot of things that aren't shown on the show & so on, surely you can see my point? She was his friend before the feelings came, it was Lacey that became his friend after being intimate.
Me too, then I started ROTFL...
I actually didn't feel sorry for her:)
I hope Danny doesnot wholeheartedly put Dacey on the backburner because of Jo and her selfish ways. So if Jo can't have him, no one else BS. If Danny contacts jo first in new season i will be upset.If she loves Danny so much y doesnot she wants Danny to be happy? She knows only Lacey does that. I think dacey's connection is so strong, even though they always try to deny it, They will end up in each others arms. Trust me. And to think of it next season no dacey action gotta be crazy. #Dacey
As much as the Jo character irks the hell out of me, I have to admit that Maddie acted the hell out of this scene.
Cont'd So i guess Jo lose out. Possibly making Janny even more pointless/irrelevant to occur. You can tell danny's feelings for lacey is overpowering, they way he watched her and the cute scene where he enters via the window was emotionally satisfying. I wonder if Pheobe hadnnot shown up what would their conversation be about. I mean no man sticks around for mix signals and constant avoidance. He puts up with the outburst, her critical moments of weakness. He really likes her.
YES he still have feelings for lacey!! And lacey still does foe him :D they must of had a fun time rehersing but i'm Glad thats cleared up lol Team dacey :) but I liked how jo had to tell him to his face! Something that I would do she needed closure! Now move tf on becus life dosnt wait foe heartaces :/
i want to feel bad for her, but her character is the worst and the show is not helping with their "lets all cater to jo's feelings fuck anybody else". I also wonder because someone mentioned it on tumblr, if danny hasnt admitted to still having feelings for lacey, jo would have stepped up to him and i know she will. Jo is so so thirsty
I love twisted, but i don't see it making it to season 2 with this stupid story line of poor jo. If they do that again, alot of people will quit watching, especially with so many great shows to choose from now.
Was starting to feel sorry for Jo but then abc family had to ruin it with the hash tags #joisnotoverdanby #poorjo
To be fair, she helped him long before she ever started having feelings for him so how do you explain that?
i assume you meant Danny* haha! ;p
Danny why the hell are you so sorry for not being able to feel the same way she feels about you. She expects for u 2 drop lacey and run to her.I don't think Danny should be apologising because of the unrequited love and feelings. New Hashtag# LeaveLaceyManAlone or # Leave Dacey Alone to sound more professional.
OMG there goes Jo do you have feelings for her, its life get over it, but I'm happy she moved on to Tyler
jo u had a chance to tell him but u choose not to so do not blAme noone but yourself
Jo/Tyler are such a cute couple Danny not even that cute and he also lie to much
Jo/Tyler yes yes and Jo/Danny no no no
What did Jo seen in him Tyler hotter and cuter Danny not that cute