Video title "2021 Nanyang World Table Tennis Championships" The wall panel reads "Road to 2021 World Table Tennis championship, simulated Olympic trial" in Chinese. Correct me if I'm wrong. Winner will be selected to compete in corresponding upcoming Olympic table tennis event.
Sorry to ask silly, are both ladies or its a mixed double for both ladies and men and Chen did a lot of mistakes but liu was fighting had not to make mistake and sorry of liu
Playing so well and being so cute, it's impossible not to have a massive crush on Sun Yingsha
which is the top one pair: Manyu with Sunyingsha or Manyu with Chenmeng??
Video title "2021 Nanyang World Table Tennis Championships"
The wall panel reads "Road to 2021 World Table Tennis championship, simulated Olympic trial" in Chinese.
Correct me if I'm wrong. Winner will be selected to compete in corresponding upcoming Olympic table tennis event.
Now I feel really bad for Liu Shiwen.. She lost the singles and now the doubles. And this is her last chance at the Olympics.
better to lose now and rebound at the 0lympics !
Sorry to ask silly, are both ladies or its a mixed double for both ladies and men and Chen did a lot of mistakes but liu was fighting had not to make mistake and sorry of liu
These 4 players are ladies, its a Ladies Double Final Match.
Because its not easy to different a lady and a man in Asian countries
中国真实下了大功夫, 口号提的特别高,"大满贯", 这必然给选手带来多余的压力。选手只有在轻松的状态下才能发挥最好的水平。所以,这种造势太过头了。
难道压力不是考验的元素之一么? 这个压力跟奥运比起来还是差得远去了
Boys VS Girls..