Sign up for CuriosityStream at using code ‘girltalksfish’ to stream thousands of documentaries for just $11.99 for the whole year! (Apparently, the discount is even better than before. 👀)
i got kuhli's as my 1st loach and they are crazy!! they swim all around the tank and seem to have subpar coordination. their bodies go everywhere and they bump into everything and they look ridiculous when they swim. I love it lol. Very fun to watch. I don't see them 24/7 but when they do show themselves its a party
I have 2 yo-yo loaches and when we bought them, I was told they only got a couple inches long! They are so beautiful but too big for my tank. I will be rehoming them 😢 They eat sooo much and eat all the food from the other fish and the frogs so fast! They are nuts! Would I have the same thing with a kuhli loach? I am debating between a couple Corys vs kuhlis.
Corys are very hard working but they lift all the vegetation out of its place; loaches (khuli) sometimes you never see them but they are very peaceful and the way they wiggle is so cool. I love them. I particularly love hillstream loaches. Best fish ever.
A couple important things to mention are that the popular clown loach also get up to several inches long (I’ve seen some giant ones that were over 7” long). They’re a lot of fun and fun to watch as they play with each other around the tank, but they’re also ravenous snail eaters, and I highly don’t recommend keeping them with corydoras catfish, since when they get a bit larger, clown loaches are notorious for their cruel habit of ripping the eyes out of a corydoras catfish head and eating them.
@@CanadianCorydorasCatfish funny we talked about clown loach went to my local pet store and they have 8 in a 20 gallon with like 4 platys and a yo-yo loach and Kuhli loach’s, no love for the loach it’s sad get abused almost as much as the Bettas
@@CanadianCorydorasCatfish only like 10% of fish keepers properly take care of there fish and it’s sad to many people don’t know about fish when they buy them
Aside from the always valuable fish talk (I've been looking into pygmy cories for my future little tank!), THANK YOU for also mentioning burnout and the importance of managing your workload and professional life.
I love my khuli loaches, while the do spend a bit of time hiding, but when there is plenty of places for them to duck under when they get nervous, they get braver and you see them much more!
@Seamus they seem to live quite awhile too, and in some really bad conditions! I had a tank, where the heater when bad, and boiled all my fish it was awful. I finally set it back up again, get some new fish, and who is in there alive after that mayhem? the khuli loach! He lived down in the gravel for about 2 months without a pump or anything. I had just assumed that he passed away too. I will always be a fan of the little clowns!
I used to breed loads of different Cory ' and sometimes the odd one will grow massive about size of your hands as it depends on how Deep your tank is as Deep water presser will make your Cory Grow bigger as I found when I breed them I had over 18 Different species mixed together and they all got on well mixed together
I have Sterbais and Dojos... My Dojos are extrovert A-holes that love to splash me when I feed 🤣 and my Sterbais are sooo shy and timid that I sometimes fear they are dead... but I love them both
@@sten423 yes they are. Dojos are in with goldfish but the Corys are with my zebra danios and they can be dominant and faster eaters . Soon they'll be split up so hopefully I will see them more. Now they tend to only be active at night but hide when they see me...
Does anyone know if sterbais and Julii Cory's are very similar? Cause my Juliis are so shy they hide from guppies. Even though I have 2 guppies and 5 Cory's hahaha
I've done albino corys for decades while I've had yoyo loaches for 5 days. The yoyos took to my bladder snail issue with a vengeance cutting 30 snails to a handful overnight. their extremely smart in that within an hour of purchase they found perfect hiding places worming into some driftwood. It took about 4 days before I could slide my office chair (which is 15 feet from the 29 gallon tank) a half foot to get up without the loaches reacting to the vibrations and bugging out. Although I wasn't immediately a fan of their looks, they are quickly growing on me and seem to outclean the corys. They both make for a fun tank and good mates with my dwarf frogs.
This video has perfect timing for me. I am currently adding new fish to my 55 gallon, and am starting to look at choices for my bottom dweller. Of course I also like both, but may go with the Corys cause I have nerite snails.
Good luck! Kuhli loaches and hillstream loaches leave my snail alone, so only certain types of loaches (usually the ones with pointed faces) tend to be snail eaters.
I’m Team Panda Garra! It’s like an algea eater hybrid of a Corydora, Loaches and Hillstream loach. Plus, Panda Garra are so spunky and extroverted. I’ve seen mine chilling on my Betta hammock. Lol
I LOVE my Panda Garra! I was rehomed a few fish, and he was one of them. He's now become my favorite fish in my tanks. He's got such a personality that it's really cute. He loves to come up to me and swim all over my hands/arms when I'm doing some work in my tank.
Hello again! I've been watching your vids since you first started on YT (back in the day when you always had your sunglasses on LOL.) Your advice is always spot on. Peace from the UK.
How many marine clownfish and budding aquarists would have been saved if the characters in "Finding Nemo" had been Nemo the Kuhlii Loach and Dory the Cory?
I've had both in the past, and they are indeed both a joy to keep. After being out of the hobby for a good number of years, I want to start a tank again, and I feel loaches are more interesting because of the variety in shape and behavior, and the fact that they help clean up algae. I'm thinking of getting Hillstream Loaches, together with some White Cloud Mountain Minnows, and possibly some Odessa Barbs.
I love my Kuhli loaches, I wouldn't trade them for the world. Literally the most entertaining fish I've ever had, besides the Angelfish my mom used to have.
I have both. I have albino corydoras, and a couple of kuhli loaches. The loaches are babies, not an inch long yet... and I can never find them in my 20 gal tank. I have to overturn decor to make sure they are still alive.
I bought 3 sumo loaches when I was stocking my 30 gallon tank. Basically haven't seen them since. They live under my hardscape, only come out at night lol.
I adore both and ave 2 cordies and 1 kahuli in my 10gal. In my betta tank I have 2 younger kahulies and they ate so funny. They rush all over the tank and then crash into my betta and he is all confused. My older kahuli used to life with my old betta and my betta didnt even know he was there. Both are such fun fish. When I got back into keeping fish afyer giving away all my tanks 10 years ago after keeping fish for 25years. 1st fish I wanted was a betta, kahuli and cories. Ive got mollies, a platie, 3 glofish, cherry shrimp, nirate snail and a bunch bladder snails (have 5 tanks going. Use to have 10 big and several 1gal) soon will have a glo tank with 3 glofish for my BF.
As far as personality, - I've only kept the Kulli loach, so I have limited ex- experience with loaches; but Cories ! They're very bold little things. When in my tank cleaning or planting or even moving things around - my Cories won't get out-of-the-way ! They'll wait till I literally have to move them away with my hand ! All my Cowries are like this. They're fearless. I keep the Aneus variety.
keep looking, it took me requesting my local fish store to order them. When they get them look them over good, if they look emaciated, think twice, they are prone to internal parasites. That said I completely cured mine ,now when I get any fish, I immediately use general cure and mix it with their food and treat ( 2 -4 weeks for loaches)
I feel in a video like this, for price comparing the higher end Cory to a higher end loach is kinda pointless. I feel if you’re looking at a $30+ for a schooling fish, you’re pretty sure what you want
I just got 6 sterbai Cory’s and they are so cute! I was nervous they would hide and stuff but omg they didn’t. They’re all over the tank 😂. They love playing with each other too which is just adorable.
ThI've kept 2 kinds of each in the past and both are great: albino cories, salt n pepper cories, kuhli loaches, and zebra (striata) loaches. The cories are nice but seem a little basic and boring? If I had to choose I'm on team loach: if I only have 1 tank at my new place (which I'm setting up now) it must contain Kuhli's. If I have one smaller and one larger tank, then the larger one must contain Striatas! They're so unique and beautiful!
I'm definitely Team Loach!!!!!!! My Hillstream Loaches are some of my very favorite fish!!! And now you have me wanting to try the Dwarf Chain loaches. I have Corydoras but they just aren't meeting my expectations.
Love the video. I've had several Cory's over time, panda, pygmys, pepper corys and some others. On loaches I have had kuhli, pakastani, clown and currently have hillstream loaches. I too love both corys and loaches for different reasons. In my current planted tank not all the plants are really rooted well yet, Crypt flamingo, dwarf mini hairgrass, Pogostemon helferi, are from tissue culture and need a bit more time, so I am not keeping any corys at this time so the plants can root. I have a 4-1/2 inch bristlenose pleco so maybe my plan is mute anyway. He can be VERY boisterous. yesterday I saw him rip out a full grown Hemianthus tenellus and just munch on it. When the time comes I will have to get a few panda corys cause they are just too darn cute! I LOVED my pygmy corys but I am afraid they look too close to my ottos at that size. So far I will agree corys about equal to loaches in most respects.
I have both in my 4ft long high tank the Corys clean up during the day and the kulu clean up at night, shift work for fish, but my Bronze Corys are so cute 🐟🐠🐟🐠💙🇦🇺
After 10+ years I finally think I found out what "Alplechino" was. We thought he was some generic albino algae eater but he kept harassing the goldfish by swimming up and sucking on their sides. He was thus confined to solitude. Poor guy... Is that something loaches tend to do?
I have 4 Kuhli loaches and I barely see them. once I introduced 4 bronze corys and 2 panda corys to my tank... when I wake up I only need to clean the the fish poo... now I have 7 bronze corys!
I actualy think dwarf corydoras are super adorable, but unfortunately everyone else seems to agree, so I didn't find any to buy and ended up buying some kuhli loaches instead (they are also super cute)
Hey I had a powder blue gourami in a 30 gallon tank with a female betta and some tetras but after the betta died I bought a dwarf flame gourami and two more female bettas but after a few days I found in the morning that the flame gourami killed my powdered blue gourami I don't know what just happened
So sorry! I've seen on a number of RUclips that flame gourmet are considered more aggressive and territorial . I had them in a communal tank 20 years ago with out a problem, but it's seems to have changed . Love powder gouramies, so sorry,
I have 3 juli corys in a heavily planted 60 gallon tank. I've had them almost a year. They were very active and now they just kind of lay there. Water parameters are good. Do I need more of them so they get more active?
Great video-thanks! I just set up a lightly planted 10 gallon, sand bottom tank with some big river rocks and spiderwood as a centerpiece. I hope to stock with CPD’s and kuhli loaches. How many of each fish do you think I can safely add? I’m hoping three loaches and six CPDs. What do you think? Is a 10 gallon too small? Thanks!
Sorry that I'm just seeing your comment now! I think that should totally be fine for a 10-gallon tank. Kuhli loaches and CPDs don't have a huge bioload from my experience.
I just bought some albino cory doras and they are so much fun to watch! They are so active all over the tank and when I'm at the tank one of them comes over to say hi, lol. I have them with neon and black skirt tetras and they all get along great.
I have red devil angel and ramiraizen cichlid breeding pair. Is it good & safer to add clown loaches & Hill Street loaches as a take mate.? Dose it affect the eggs of ramiraizen & angel ?
I got both and they both happen to be the oldest fish I got. The loach is 6 years old and the albino Cory is going on 12. I know it’s hard to believe but I’m certain of it cuz I got it within 6 months to 1 year of moving to Florida and that was 13 years ago
I got a betta fish an a few neons with shrimp but thants in one tank ,and in the other tank I got 2 corie and I thought about them all together, Would it work or should I keep kthem as are and just get mor fish in with cories as on there oan at moment? Thanks
My Cory cats literally sit on rocks all day, all 7 of them just sitting there, eating the algae. Also, I had some loaches that killed 3 bettas. 3 of them, I had to give them back to the fish store because they literally attacked and killed every fish in the tank other than the 14 inch at the time common pleco, 1 and a half inch common mini pleco, and 3 inch bristle nosed pleco.
I like both, but Corys have so much personality. They act like little dogs always scouting for food and huddling up in dark corners of the tank for powernaps.
I have about 14 Khuli loaches in a tank with a few angels, platys and other misc community fish. My loaches are super active! I can always see at least 4 or 5 at a time but usually 10+. Would pygmy Corys be small enough for angels to try to eat them?
Do dwarf chain loaches eat mini rams horn snails? They get fully grown so small and reproduce that I'm not sure if they can get to the snail before maturity.
I would have to say any loach eel like will eat a snail my banded loaches and chocolate both clear them out. Just slowly. Pea puffer or even a figure 8 should make short work of snails.
Hello Irene! Love all your videos! I have a fishmergency question! Could I keep 3 Kuhli Loaches with 4 Albino Cory Catfish in a 20 gallon tank together? I have a friend who is moving and cant take her tank. I THOUGHT it was just shrimp but it looks like they came with a few more buddies! LOL
Cory’s are so easy and do a great job of cleaning 🧼. Loaches I have found you must have good quality water 💦. My experience with loaches is cycled water about 2 months and longer. Cory’s are way forgiving. Great video !!!
Im doing a yellowtail forktail species tank but want a bottom dweller to eat left over food, the frucatis love my hard water of Iowa. Will a new zealander do ok with a south american?
if you want something odd get a loach if you want something cute get a cory i currently have hillstream loaches and cae and albino pepper bronze and panda corys i love them all
Would you suggest any of the two for a 10 gallon with 5 platy fish? I’ve been looking through what the internet says and generally snails would be better but I wanted to see if I still had the opportunity to put some loaches or corys.
Sign up for CuriosityStream at using code ‘girltalksfish’ to stream thousands of documentaries for just $11.99 for the whole year! (Apparently, the discount is even better than before. 👀)
I'm definitely getting corydora
Thats a crazy deal! I love docts! Excited to see the new stuff, happy you got such a great sponser
Just signed up for curiosity. Thank you. Look great⚘4K annual sub
Wow will definitely consider! I can’t choose which is my favourite. I love kuhlis though 😊
How can you tell if the Kory lay eggs? Where do they lay them? What do they look like? How can you tell the difference between male and female korys?
cories are really hardy and cute, but loaches are straight up cool
I had an ammonia spike once and half the fish died but the Corys and the kuhli loach lived. So they ate some tough fish.
I'm definitely on team corydoras. If I could only keep one fish for the rest of my life, it would be corys. They're just so corydorable!
Fish for taught corydora song
Me too
I have them both lol
Yes.. i.m team cory too.. if i had to choose one type of fish... definitly Cory.. 😁
i got kuhli's as my 1st loach and they are crazy!! they swim all around the tank and seem to have subpar coordination. their bodies go everywhere and they bump into everything and they look ridiculous when they swim. I love it lol. Very fun to watch. I don't see them 24/7 but when they do show themselves its a party
omg agreed!!! I love when they do that lol!!!!!
I have some that love playing in the bubbles it's so cute watching them go up and down with them lol
I was wondering why mine was going nuts. Guess loaches are just like that
I have 2 yo-yo loaches and when we bought them, I was told they only got a couple inches long! They are so beautiful but too big for my tank. I will be rehoming them 😢 They eat sooo much and eat all the food from the other fish and the frogs so fast! They are nuts! Would I have the same thing with a kuhli loach? I am debating between a couple Corys vs kuhlis.
Mine go bananas I almost feel bad for my other fish. Especially after a water change they just go nuts all over the tank
Corys are very hard working but they lift all the vegetation out of its place; loaches (khuli) sometimes you never see them but they are very peaceful and the way they wiggle is so cool. I love them. I particularly love hillstream loaches. Best fish ever.
A couple important things to mention are that the popular clown loach also get up to several inches long (I’ve seen some giant ones that were over 7” long). They’re a lot of fun and fun to watch as they play with each other around the tank, but they’re also ravenous snail eaters, and I highly don’t recommend keeping them with corydoras catfish, since when they get a bit larger, clown loaches are notorious for their cruel habit of ripping the eyes out of a corydoras catfish head and eating them.
They can be almost 2 feet actually lol
@@CanadianCorydorasCatfishya I was about to say lol I’ve seen them a foot thick
@@CanadianCorydorasCatfish funny we talked about clown loach went to my local pet store and they have 8 in a 20 gallon with like 4 platys and a yo-yo loach and Kuhli loach’s, no love for the loach it’s sad get abused almost as much as the Bettas
@Dougles_prospecting yes, probably worse. And let's not get started on iridescent sharks.
@@CanadianCorydorasCatfish only like 10% of fish keepers properly take care of there fish and it’s sad to many people don’t know about fish when they buy them
The black/brown khuli loaches are so chill they just scream “ok I pull up” vibes
I fell in love with loaches after seeing them in your tank! I saw them at the store and just had to get them. Absolutely love them, they are so cute!
Aside from the always valuable fish talk (I've been looking into pygmy cories for my future little tank!), THANK YOU for also mentioning burnout and the importance of managing your workload and professional life.
Thank you so much for your kindness! 🤗 I love what I do, but making more than 1 video a week was hard so gotta get me some help.
Pygmy cories aew so cute
I love cories. They're so derpy it's almost comical watching them. Breeding them is pretty fun, easy and rewarding too.
Girl I'm really proud of you, almost at 100k subs and the educational value of your videos is amazing!!!!
Awww, thank you so much! It's been 3.5 years of hard work, but slow and steady wins the race. 🐢
I love my khuli loaches, while the do spend a bit of time hiding, but when there is plenty of places for them to duck under when they get nervous, they get braver and you see them much more!
I am just crazy about them too, and they live so long!
@Seamus they seem to live quite awhile too, and in some really bad conditions! I had a tank, where the heater when bad, and boiled all my fish it was awful. I finally set it back up again, get some new fish, and who is in there alive after that mayhem? the khuli loach! He lived down in the gravel for about 2 months without a pump or anything. I had just assumed that he passed away too. I will always be a fan of the little clowns!
I used to breed loads of different Cory ' and sometimes the odd one will grow massive about size of your hands as it depends on how Deep your tank is as Deep water presser will make your Cory Grow bigger as I found when I breed them I had over 18 Different species mixed together and they all got on well mixed together
I have Sterbais and Dojos... My Dojos are extrovert A-holes that love to splash me when I feed 🤣 and my Sterbais are sooo shy and timid that I sometimes fear they are dead... but I love them both
Your corys are shy with a reason
@@sten423 yes they are. Dojos are in with goldfish but the Corys are with my zebra danios and they can be dominant and faster eaters . Soon they'll be split up so hopefully I will see them more. Now they tend to only be active at night but hide when they see me...
@Kianite 😁cool name
Does anyone know if sterbais and Julii Cory's are very similar? Cause my Juliis are so shy they hide from guppies. Even though I have 2 guppies and 5 Cory's hahaha
@@kylebusc3624 you probably have trilineatus often sold as julli. Try expanding the group with the same species helps 9/10 times!
Your voice is so pretty!! It sounds to sweet and smooth!!!!
I've done albino corys for decades while I've had yoyo loaches for 5 days. The yoyos took to my bladder snail issue with a vengeance cutting 30 snails to a handful overnight. their extremely smart in that within an hour of purchase they found perfect hiding places worming into some driftwood. It took about 4 days before I could slide my office chair (which is 15 feet from the 29 gallon tank) a half foot to get up without the loaches reacting to the vibrations and bugging out. Although I wasn't immediately a fan of their looks, they are quickly growing on me and seem to outclean the corys. They both make for a fun tank and good mates with my dwarf frogs.
tied for me, their both very amazing fish with their own reasons to be completely awesome
Dojo loach and clown loach out classes the Cory Catfish they both lived up to 14 years in my 90 gallon tank.
This video has perfect timing for me. I am currently adding new fish to my 55 gallon, and am starting to look at choices for my bottom dweller. Of course I also like both, but may go with the Corys cause I have nerite snails.
How do you deal with the eggs? I had nerite snails but got rid of them because cleaning white spots off my driftwood got old real quick
Good luck! Kuhli loaches and hillstream loaches leave my snail alone, so only certain types of loaches (usually the ones with pointed faces) tend to be snail eaters.
My kuli loaches have never bothered my snails
I’m Team Panda Garra! It’s like an algea eater hybrid of a Corydora, Loaches and Hillstream loach. Plus, Panda Garra are so spunky and extroverted. I’ve seen mine chilling on my Betta hammock. Lol
Yes! I love those little fellas! They are even loach colored!
@@onebilliontacos3405 exactly! The best of both worlds
Ooo, now I'm going to have to add them to my bucket list.
I LOVE my Panda Garra! I was rehomed a few fish, and he was one of them. He's now become my favorite fish in my tanks. He's got such a personality that it's really cute. He loves to come up to me and swim all over my hands/arms when I'm doing some work in my tank.
They’re adorable!
Just found you on Aquarium co-op, thanks for the amazing info!
Hello again! I've been watching your vids since you first started on YT (back in the day when you always had your sunglasses on LOL.) Your advice is always spot on. Peace from the UK.
I have black kuhli loaches from petsmart and I absolutely love them. They are always out and about and very interesting to watch
Are cory's good for a planted dirt tank? Will they move the soil or try to bury themselves in substrate or uproot the plants?
How many marine clownfish and budding aquarists would have been saved if the characters in "Finding Nemo" had been Nemo the Kuhlii Loach and Dory the Cory?
I've had both in the past, and they are indeed both a joy to keep. After being out of the hobby for a good number of years, I want to start a tank again, and I feel loaches are more interesting because of the variety in shape and behavior, and the fact that they help clean up algae. I'm thinking of getting Hillstream Loaches, together with some White Cloud Mountain Minnows, and possibly some Odessa Barbs.
I love hillstream loaches and bornoe's
I really like your videos i love how you add timestamp to the description so the viewers can go directly to the part they wanted to watch
I have both.... and personally I don't understand the need to choose, both are excellent :)
Me too! I love them both and my loaches love having the Cories to hang out with
@@briedalton9237 I keep mine in separate tanks but that sounds like an excellent combination as well :)
@@pangiokuhli512 I keep them in 3’s in a 20gallon long and they keep the bottom sparkling!
I love my Kuhli loaches, I wouldn't trade them for the world. Literally the most entertaining fish I've ever had, besides the Angelfish my mom used to have.
I have both. I have albino corydoras, and a couple of kuhli loaches. The loaches are babies, not an inch long yet... and I can never find them in my 20 gal tank. I have to overturn decor to make sure they are still alive.
Hi again, I'm getting back into the hobby and it's funny seeing my comments from years ago.
I bought 3 sumo loaches when I was stocking my 30 gallon tank. Basically haven't seen them since. They live under my hardscape, only come out at night lol.
I adore both and ave 2 cordies and 1 kahuli in my 10gal. In my betta tank I have 2 younger kahulies and they ate so funny. They rush all over the tank and then crash into my betta and he is all confused. My older kahuli used to life with my old betta and my betta didnt even know he was there. Both are such fun fish. When I got back into keeping fish afyer giving away all my tanks 10 years ago after keeping fish for 25years. 1st fish I wanted was a betta, kahuli and cories. Ive got mollies, a platie, 3 glofish, cherry shrimp, nirate snail and a bunch bladder snails (have 5 tanks going. Use to have 10 big and several 1gal) soon will have a glo tank with 3 glofish for my BF.
As far as personality, - I've only kept the Kulli loach, so I have limited ex-
experience with loaches; but Cories !
They're very bold little things. When in my tank cleaning or planting or even moving things around - my Cories won't get out-of-the-way ! They'll wait till I literally have to move them away with my hand ! All my Cowries are like this. They're fearless.
I keep the Aneus variety.
love em both. But so far, I've owned the cory's. Yet to find the loaches though
keep looking, it took me requesting my local fish store to order them. When they get them look them over good, if they look emaciated, think twice, they are prone to internal parasites. That said I completely cured mine ,now when I get any fish, I immediately use general cure and mix it with their food and treat ( 2 -4 weeks for loaches)
@@primesspct2 thanks for that info!
@@MFarid92 yvw! good luck in your hunt for cool loaches!
I feel in a video like this, for price comparing the higher end Cory to a higher end loach is kinda pointless. I feel if you’re looking at a $30+ for a schooling fish, you’re pretty sure what you want
Just curious can you keep both in the same tank. I just upgraded from a 10 to a 36 gallon and would love to get some Cory's
Sure can!
I have two 10" Albino Dojo Loaches and an albino Corydora. The loaches bully the poor little guy a lot
Please don't keep corydoras individually.they are a schooling fish and like to be around others of the same species
You should have 6 or more cory cats of the same species…
I got both :). I have albino corys and I just picked up 3 black khuli loachs. I love the snake like look.
I just got 6 sterbai Cory’s and they are so cute! I was nervous they would hide and stuff but omg they didn’t. They’re all over the tank 😂. They love playing with each other too which is just adorable.
I love this 😂 I hope they’re still doing well!
Both species are scaleless fish; so, how do you plausibly refer to either as “bulletproof” and inherently hearty? (Especially loaches)…
Every albino corydoras I had died within a couple days. I had 2 dark green corydoras in the same tanks and they're perfectly fine.
That is great. We have an albino Corydora that has lasted for 5 years with us.
ThI've kept 2 kinds of each in the past and both are great: albino cories, salt n pepper cories, kuhli loaches, and zebra (striata) loaches. The cories are nice but seem a little basic and boring? If I had to choose I'm on team loach: if I only have 1 tank at my new place (which I'm setting up now) it must contain Kuhli's. If I have one smaller and one larger tank, then the larger one must contain Striatas! They're so unique and beautiful!
I'm definitely Team Loach!!!!!!! My Hillstream Loaches are some of my very favorite fish!!! And now you have me wanting to try the Dwarf Chain loaches. I have Corydoras but they just aren't meeting my expectations.
Love the video. I've had several Cory's over time, panda, pygmys, pepper corys and some others. On loaches I have had kuhli, pakastani, clown and currently have hillstream loaches. I too love both corys and loaches for different reasons. In my current planted tank not all the plants are really rooted well yet, Crypt flamingo, dwarf mini hairgrass, Pogostemon helferi, are from tissue culture and need a bit more time, so I am not keeping any corys at this time so the plants can root. I have a 4-1/2 inch bristlenose pleco so maybe my plan is mute anyway. He can be VERY boisterous. yesterday I saw him rip out a full grown Hemianthus tenellus and just munch on it. When the time comes I will have to get a few panda corys cause they are just too darn cute! I LOVED my pygmy corys but I am afraid they look too close to my ottos at that size. So far I will agree corys about equal to loaches in most respects.
Do Khuli loaches turn over the substrate as well as Corydoras?
I had corydoras lay eggs on the leaves of some plants. The betta camped out next to the plant and ate them.
My khuli loaches are out and about! Nothing shy about them they are goofy lil guys very high energy
I think I'm gonna try some kuhli loaches in my new tank.
I love Kuhli loaches!! Just make sure they can't find a way to swim out of the tank, I unfortunately lost one out of my quarantine tank this way :(
I have both in my 4ft long high tank the Corys clean up during the day and the kulu clean up at night, shift work for fish, but my Bronze Corys are so cute 🐟🐠🐟🐠💙🇦🇺
After 10+ years I finally think I found out what "Alplechino" was. We thought he was some generic albino algae eater but he kept harassing the goldfish by swimming up and sucking on their sides. He was thus confined to solitude. Poor guy... Is that something loaches tend to do?
Great video👍
Imagine if on an aquarium Co-op video, they get a picture of Cory on the screen and then label him as team Cory!
Corydoras will always have my heart. they are the first fish I ever got and my fish Whiskers lasted 7 years
I personally love loaches! Kuhli and hillstream are my favorites :) but of course, panda corys are also so cute! I love the videos, keep them coming!
Yes! I haven’t been able to get my hands on hillstream loaches in Australia though 😩
I have 4 Kuhli loaches and I barely see them. once I introduced 4 bronze corys and 2 panda corys to my tank... when I wake up I only need to clean the the fish poo... now I have 7 bronze corys!
I actualy think dwarf corydoras are super adorable, but unfortunately everyone else seems to agree, so I didn't find any to buy and ended up buying some kuhli loaches instead (they are also super cute)
Hey I had a powder blue gourami in a 30 gallon tank with a female betta and some tetras but after the betta died I bought a dwarf flame gourami and two more female bettas but after a few days I found in the morning that the flame gourami killed my powdered blue gourami I don't know what just happened
So sorry! I've seen on a number of RUclips that flame gourmet are considered more aggressive and territorial . I had them in a communal tank 20 years ago with out a problem, but it's seems to have changed . Love powder gouramies, so sorry,
@@user-sb2wl8zj7f thanks but can you tell why it don't kill my betta
Can you do platys vs molys video 😁
I have 3 juli corys in a heavily planted 60 gallon tank. I've had them almost a year. They were very active and now they just kind of lay there. Water parameters are good. Do I need more of them so they get more active?
Great video-thanks! I just set up a lightly planted 10 gallon, sand bottom tank with some big river rocks and spiderwood as a centerpiece. I hope to stock with CPD’s and kuhli loaches. How many of each fish do you think I can safely add? I’m hoping three loaches and six CPDs. What do you think? Is a 10 gallon too small? Thanks!
Sorry that I'm just seeing your comment now! I think that should totally be fine for a 10-gallon tank. Kuhli loaches and CPDs don't have a huge bioload from my experience.
this video is just fantastic! thank u so much! youre doing such a great job and your enthusiasm! woohoo! just a blast to watch! thanks again!
Find a hobby
@@Tango-_- fishkeeping is a hobby scrooge
@yoyoyo9669 Get Insurance Plans 😒
I just bought some albino cory doras and they are so much fun to watch! They are so active all over the tank and when I'm at the tank one of them comes over to say hi, lol. I have them with neon and black skirt tetras and they all get along great.
I have red devil angel and ramiraizen cichlid breeding pair. Is it good & safer to add clown loaches & Hill Street loaches as a take mate.? Dose it affect the eggs of ramiraizen & angel ?
Definitely corydoras but loaches are super good for a more personable fish.
I got both and they both happen to be the oldest fish I got. The loach is 6 years old and the albino Cory is going on 12. I know it’s hard to believe but I’m certain of it cuz I got it within 6 months to 1 year of moving to Florida and that was 13 years ago
You might want to mention that the most popular loach, the clown loach, grows to 8 inches or more.
I have both. They live in a planted blackwater tank.
I got a betta fish an a few neons with shrimp but thants in one tank ,and in the other tank I got 2 corie and I thought about them all together,
Would it work or should I keep kthem as are and just get mor fish in with cories as on there oan at moment? Thanks
Commented for your stats, love this kind of video! you should do a step by step auto water change :p
@Irene, do you notice any issues with your loaches on ecocomplete?
My Cory cats literally sit on rocks all day, all 7 of them just sitting there, eating the algae. Also, I had some loaches that killed 3 bettas. 3 of them, I had to give them back to the fish store because they literally attacked and killed every fish in the tank other than the 14 inch at the time common pleco, 1 and a half inch common mini pleco, and 3 inch bristle nosed pleco.
I like both, but Corys have so much personality. They act like little dogs always scouting for food and huddling up in dark corners of the tank for powernaps.
Hehe, I do love me some derpy corys.
I have a Albino Corydora rn and im planning to get Kuhli Loaches in the future
This channel is a gem. Thanks for sharing!
I have 7 Pygmy corydoras AND 3 Khuli Loaches.
I want to pick up 3 or 8 more pygmy corydoras and maybe 1 more kuhli Loach
Enjoy your videos but am wondering what the thick green plant on the left side of your tan that goes from top to bottom ? Thanks
I have about 14 Khuli loaches in a tank with a few angels, platys and other misc community fish. My loaches are super active! I can always see at least 4 or 5 at a time but usually 10+.
Would pygmy Corys be small enough for angels to try to eat them?
Do dwarf chain loaches eat mini rams horn snails? They get fully grown so small and reproduce that I'm not sure if they can get to the snail before maturity.
Yes they do
I would have to say any loach eel like will eat a snail my banded loaches and chocolate both clear them out. Just slowly. Pea puffer or even a figure 8 should make short work of snails.
i got both lol, coincidentally the exact types in the thumbnail; albino corydoras and kuhli loaches.
I have 2 yoyo loaches and 6 albino corydoras in my tank it's awesome
Cories were the first fish I was able to breed as well!
Hello Irene! Love all your videos! I have a fishmergency question! Could I keep 3 Kuhli Loaches with 4 Albino Cory Catfish in a 20 gallon tank together? I have a friend who is moving and cant take her tank. I THOUGHT it was just shrimp but it looks like they came with a few more buddies! LOL
I got kuhli 1st and then i bought corydora they're living in the same tank. Corydora cleaned the tank a day time and kuhli at night 😊
Cory’s are so easy and do a great job of cleaning 🧼. Loaches I have found you must have good quality water 💦. My experience with loaches is cycled water about 2 months and longer. Cory’s are way forgiving. Great video !!!
I love kuhlis and corys!!!
Most peaceful freshwater fishes 👍
I have a 4" kuhli you weren't wrong for that quote
What about both in the same tank? If I get a 30-40 gallon tank with 6+ of each species is that okay? Or should I just do like 12 of one in the tank
Im doing a yellowtail forktail species tank but want a bottom dweller to eat left over food, the frucatis love my hard water of Iowa. Will a new zealander do ok with a south american?
Can you keep both in the same tank? What would be a minimum tank size if you want to keep both?
Which one is best for keeping with a betta in a 3.5 gal tank pls ??
Lol. Sunday night. Made me think of Mutual of Omahas Wild Kingdom. Sunday nights were great!! Thank you for bringing that up⚘
if you want something odd get a loach if you want something cute get a cory i currently have hillstream loaches and cae and albino pepper bronze and panda corys i love them all
Would you suggest any of the two for a 10 gallon with 5 platy fish? I’ve been looking through what the internet says and generally snails would be better but I wanted to see if I still had the opportunity to put some loaches or corys.
Kuhli loaches are great in a small tank, as well as rosy loaches dwarf chain loaches etc. panda cories and Pygmy cories are great too
Question! You said you didn’t have too nocturnal an experience with your kuhlis. What can we do to replicate that?
I have a 10 gallon tank and I’m planning to buy Cory. I’ve had guppy, molly and zebra danio already. How many Cory cat should I buy?
What type of fish are the small bright blue fish in this aquarium. I assume it is a tetra but haven’t seem ones so vibrant.
Can we keep both of them in a tank
I have 2 panda Cory, gonna get 2 more and planning for 2 - 4 kuli loaches?
can you keep both ??