Revelation 11 - The Time, The Temple, and The Two Witnesses

  • Опубликовано: 12 мар 2018

Комментарии • 20

  • @jonsouth2592
    @jonsouth2592 7 месяцев назад

    Insightful! It is true that God has certainly used his prophets in ancient times to fulfill His prophesies. Is there a church in our time that has prophets called of God, with proper priesthood authority, that would again fulfill His promises on the Earth?

  • @daviddeleon6345
    @daviddeleon6345 Год назад

    Gran tribulación..
    Y se le permitió hacer guerra contra los santos, y vencerlos.También se le dio autoridad sobre toda tribu, pueblo, lengua y nación. Apocalipsis 13: 7

  • @kimmanning2913
    @kimmanning2913 Год назад +1

    Yours too.

  • @Ephesians5-14
    @Ephesians5-14 2 года назад

    Church family, it looks like someone forgot to turn off the comments on this lesson 🙏 Thank you PR, we appreciate your teaching!

  • @GirlDadAdventures7
    @GirlDadAdventures7 3 года назад +2

    There is only one 2nd coming. The rapture happens at the end of the tribulation.

    • @rolfolsen3236
      @rolfolsen3236 3 года назад

      There is no such thing as foretold in the Bible that there will be a rapture at the end of the tribulation, for
      the tribulation happens in the time of the sixth seal and trumpet, whereas the resurrection of all humanity will
      happen at the last trumpet, so the whole doctrine of rapture is just a devilish distortion of Holy Scripture!

    • @johno2277
      @johno2277 Год назад

      Study Josephus and the answer is fascinating! Yes, there is only one Second Coming but how long did The Day of the Lord last? We know that for Babylon, the Day of the Lord lasted a relatively long time.

  • @garylubbe3286
    @garylubbe3286 3 года назад

    7gweller - seems you got it all figured out, sir? Refer Daniel 12:8-9 for a better comprehension of end times.

  • @kimmanning2913
    @kimmanning2913 Год назад

    Vs. 18

  • @daviddeleon6345
    @daviddeleon6345 Год назад

    They are not Elijah and Moses because they have glorified bodies and could not see death.

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 10 месяцев назад

    At this time, we're gathering together to confirm the identity of the 2 witnesses, which could be the Apostle John and Daniel- Royalty and the Priesthood.
    Joseph, the husband of Mary, was both of the seed of David Matthew 1:1, 16; Luke 3:23-24, and of Levi.
    Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, who was of the daughters of Aaron, is the cousin of Mary - the woman who bore Jesus, Luke 1:36,5, and also Mary, the mother of John, Matthew 27:56. They were all of the Aaronic Priesthood lineage.
    Thus, the Apostle John is also of the Aaronic Priesthood lineage - Joshua the Son of Josedech Zechariah 3.
    Daniel was one of the Princes- descendants of King David, and Zerubbabel, Zechariah 4, taken captive into Babylon. They both meet the criteria for the Candlestick and Lampstand prophecy, as the two witnesses of God, they Anointed Ones standing before the presence of God.
    Their mission overlap as both represent the Church and Israel, respectively.
    Revelation 1:1-2, equally applies to both of them- Daniel was referred to as "Greatly beloved " 10:111, 19, as well as John referred to himself as "the desciple whom Jesus loved " John 21:7; 13:23; 20:2.
    They both received direct revelation from the risen Jesus Christ. John 16:25; Daniel 8:17; 20:1, 8-9; Revelation 1:17 (Daniel chapters 8-12. (Daniel chapter 10=Revelation 1, Jesus Christ came to give them the vision, from the Father).
    Revelation 10:11 signified the end of all written prophecies, and now they must be orally proclaimed, which continues into chapter 11, about the mission of the two witnesses.
    Daniel once "rested" until the manifestation and completion of the prophecy, which he couldn't understand - about the suffering and killed Messiah. John was called up in Revelation 4, and I believe the same goes for Daniel, called up from his rest.
    Thus, it's highly probable that they both were the ones prophesying for 1,260 days- for both the remnants of Israel and the left behind Christians, and as witnesses to the whole world as the "mystery of iniquity" is being concluded Revelation 11:2, and the world system is being prepared for final judgement.
    They had to do to fulfill the word that says, "It's is appointed to man, once to die, and then judgment." They died, but according to 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; death's sting had no effect on them, and the grave couldn't be victorious over them!
    They were finally called back up, and they ascended into heaven Revelation 11:7-12 to be in the presence of the Lord
    as "The Two Anointed Ones, The Church and Israel, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth " - The two Candlesticks and two Olive Trees!!!
    Fulfilling Zechariah 4:14!
    Revelation 11:6 shows the authority given to man being displayed by the 2 representatives of the fallen, but ransomed, redeemed, regenerated, restored and reconciled man- the Church, and Israel, back to his original state and God's will for him in Genesis 1:26-28- having all authority Matthew 28:18, over all creations, until the redemption of the purchased possession, and present them faultless before the presence of God the Father!
    Man gets a representative in heavenly places, but no more place is found for Lucifer and his angels!
    Let the Lord shed light on His mystery in Jesus' name!

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 Год назад

    God gave Daniel the end time vision and revelation, and he couldn't understand what he heard and saw. Thus, the bible was shut in Daniel 12:4 because he couldn't comprehend what the angel that talked with him was saying, especially about a Savior who would be cut off- it didn't make any sense, and about the end of the world. He was only praying for God to remember His people in captivity, who are nearing the completion of their 70 years in captivity. It was then the 69th week year, so God sent the angel to let him know that His people were not ready, and they wouldn't be able to return to the promised land- which will reject them, as they were cast out already because of unbelief and disobedience to the law of the land. In His mercy, God was going to play His ultimate card- send His Son to finish the work and restore His people. But, they have to go through the period of the wrath of God, so to spare at least some, God ushered in the dispensation of Grace- whosoever would believe in Him, through the sacrificial death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, His Only Begotten Son, and accept Him as Lord and Savior, will be spared.
    Thus, he was told to go rest till the time of the end when everything would've come to pass already and would then be easier to understand.
    The first 4 books of Revelation were written by the Apostle John, for the revelations of the Church, in the grace dispensation, (until he was called up to the presence of God, at the same time, Daniel was called up from his rest, Daniel 12:13), which Daniel couldn't understand, at the time the angel was talking to him; and from the 5th chapter to the end, are the revealing or clarification if those things that Daniel couldn't understand at that time, especially that of a suffering Messiah, who will later be glorified (Benoni to Benjamin), now made already came to pass.
    The Lamb took the book that was sealed from God, and He fulfilled the first part of the three parts of Isaiah 61:2, in Luke 4:17-20.
    Daniel was referred to as "greatly beloved" Daniel 9:23, and also the Apostle John often referred to himself as "the desciple whom Jesus loved ", other than that, there's no where in the scriptures where there's any reference whatsoever, to connect him to end time revelations, except that he bears witness for the church. Thus, Daniel must have been referred to as the man greatly beloved, (like Solomon and Benjamin), rather than by his name in the manuscripts, thus, it was also attributed to the Apostle John as the person to whom the vision was revealed.
    Jesus, as the Lamb of God, took the book that was sealed Revelation 5, and opened it physically in Luke 4:17-21, after His baptism and anointing, now filled with Holy Ghost and power, as the Messiah, to begin His ministry, as it was written of Him Psalm 40:6-8. He quoted the first part of Isaiah 61:2, because that was what He had come to fulfill. Isaiah 63:4, let us know that the second part would begin after the completion of the first part.
    The days of the Lord's vengeance is now upon the world. The acceptable year of the Lord is fast closing. The final part will herald the millennium reign.
    Let's endure till the end by His grace. In Jesus name. Luke 4:17-18, Isaiah 61:2, 63:4, 34:8; 35:4, 33:22. Psalm 91.
    We have no excuses. The bible will be shut again very soon, as the Holy Spirit that was sent to teach, help us understand, interpret to and lead us until the time of the end would have taken all Believers up and out of this world, thus, the bible returning to how it was in Isaiah 28:11-12; Amos 8:11-12. Everything written and revealed are now unfolding.
    They have started to make sense as the day draws near.
    The whole counsel of God will be fulfilled, and then the end will come.

  • @kimmanning2913
    @kimmanning2913 Год назад +1

    Shame on both of you.

  • @kimmanning2913
    @kimmanning2913 Год назад

    Vs. 18
    Parker, your arrogance is going down.

  • @jeremiahsturk8982
    @jeremiahsturk8982 4 года назад

    God will never build a Temple in Old Jerusalem!!! The New Jerusalem is in America where the Ark of the Covenant rests!!!

    • @rolfolsen3236
      @rolfolsen3236 3 года назад

      Dear you, there will no new physical temple ever be built, for the time of all temples are gone and will never anymore return.
      The only temple left as described in the Holy Scripture is spiritual.
      A physical temple would be, if established, be with the offering of animals, so that is all gone for ever with the redemptional work
      of Jesus Christ. Do not believe in blind and stupid twisters of Holy Scripture!