What if... what if Jim did this video as a crypto-advertisement for Magic the Gathering Arena? You know pretend he hates all this while talking about Magic the Gathering... genius! lol
I've been looking in supermarkets for years to no avail, I assumed they were so popular they sold out. Just like religion the journey has no destination
The humonculous was rescued from the island of misfit mascots, it’s not sponsored but still has cornflakes in the name because you gotta say the whole name kinda like a pimp named slickback.
@@evilbob840 and he makes video about Gaming. Every sponsor agency know gamers are a mindless mass that would buy anything and everything if they favourite RUclipsr tells them too.
To be honest, the research was a bot that returned a list of RUclipsrs and their addresses. They probably never had a human look at the channel, until after a deal has been struck and payment is due. Then it's all "but you failed to do this, this, and this as part of our deal, so we don't owe you anything."
@@shytendeakatamanoir9740 The problem is that they believe that because that's what the statistics and demographics tell them. Which means that, even if it isn't true for this community, it is broadly true about our society. They might be soulless asshats, but they're not wrong about how to reach suckers with ads.
The whole "CiRcLe BaCk" thing needs to be a recurring, cliché/theme on the Jim Sterling channel. Like, "I just want to CiRcLe BaCk to that one time that Randy Pichford LIED."
I can actually see Jim doing a Raid Shadow Legends video. It would just be him in a black room, only illuminated by the light from his phone, and he slowly looks up into the camera and simply says, "It's shit." And then looks back down.
Yes. If they contact him, he should whole-heartedly agree. Say yes to all the terms and conditions and legal mumbo jumbo and then post the most scathing, straight to the point takedown ever
I concur; though I don’t really want to fault the creators for taking such deals, since it’s basically free money for them. Rather have them shill out a bit and be able to keep making quality content than go under. (Heck, even James Rolfe of AVGN fame has started taking sponsorships...)
OjoRojo40 - Fair point. I still don’t mind since everyone is free to decide whether to follow that promotion or not; I take for the noise it is and move on.
The average representative for these sponsorships: "Sir, I don't think this person is interested." Their boss: "You're not trying hard enough." "But his contact info essentially says no solicitations." "Do it anyway." 9 out of 10 probably have that conversation with their boss, or wish they had the guts to have that convo.
9/10 of these people don't do anything until someone e-mails them back. It's like robocalls but just in e-mail format, they are send off most of the case just is. With some just having to add name + email + brand. doubt they give a shit, besides I want to get paid and want that bonus.
I doubt they're assuming anything. More likely than not this is quite literally just quantity over quality with basically 0 thought being put into who they're reaching out to. Like, does this youtuber have more than X subscribers? -> Mail him. Does this youtuber have more than X+Y subscribers? -> Keep mailing him. Most of these people have probably never watched any of his videos, let alone any video of any youtuber they've reached out to - there's just too many. Just dish out a thousand mails per day and maybe you'll get enough that are desperate enough to sell their integrity for RAID SHADOW LEGENDS.
@@MrOPD That's largely the point. The people doing the mailings are explicitly lying to create a false familiarity. They don't know him or his work, but the email structure uses language intended to invoke the idea that they already have a long standing relationship. That's what makes it gross.
Jim, I've been watching you for years, but I don't think I ever appreciated enough that you keep your videos add free. So I've just now decided to support you on Patreon. Should have done it sooner, but I hope it helps a tiny bit. Thank God for you, Jam Starlint.
Mad respect for no Sponsored Content all through the years, Jim. It's no joke hard as hell to leave that much money on the table (you mention one of them offered a measly $100 but I KNOW plenty of them offer a shit ton more than that - real money). You've held strong for so damn long honestly, and I for one seriously appreciate it. ❤ This comment brought to you by Skillshare; Honey; Raid: Shadow Legends; Raycon; Curiosity Stream; Audible; Nord VPN; Tiger Knight, and your mum. ...I respect the hell out of Jim's willpower, but fuck it, I gotta eat.
This is what I was thinking too. Instead of taking the money and doing a promo spot, he gives them a free one instead? Even if he's trying to talk smack, it's free publicity on one of the largest gaming/comic etc. channels in the world. It seems a bit odd.
When I found this channel a few weeks ago, I couldn't put my finger on why I liked it so much. This makes it clear--Jim doesn't do sponsorships that span the first five and last ten minutes of his videos, and it reminds me of older RUclips before all the paid inline sponsorship became the new normal. I don't necessarily mind sponsorship when it's relevant but lately so many channels have been rambling on and on for ever longer periods about how wonderful Squarespace and Audible are. Thanks Jim, for not doing that.
Blame RUclips and their ever decreasing ad revenue for channels. That by itself hit everyone the hardest and pushed a lot of them to use patreon and the like. Then it got worse and some started doing sponsored videos.
In general I don't mind sponsorship, but I think Jim's refusal to take it is worth all the respect in the world. His ability to survive without it is part luck and part very hard work and dedication. He's got in early, built up a solid fanbase, and has been putting out consistently quality stuff for like a decade at this point.
I am also not interested in tiger night or products liketiger night, but I would be very interested in watching Jim Sterling review a game like that and rip into it like a tiger dismembering a knight.
God I LIVE for the more petty Jimquisition episodes. In "THIS DIFFICULT TIME", sometimes you just need to sit back and watch Jim Sterling tear into weird PR people forced to act weird by their weird company.
This isn't really petty though. This is complaining about spam mails from companies that are trying to seem legitimate. Like, one part of my brain just goes "Ugh..." and the other goes "Yeah, fuck them up Jim!"
I hate petty Jim. I can't help but think about how much it must suck to be petty, it seems pathetic. that being said, this is actually a pretty legitimate problem. Those five emails weren't borderline harassment, they were genuinely harassment.
Oh, I don't think he wasn't contacted by real companies. They are real companies. By "legitimate" I just mean companies which don't harrass you every day to do their bidding. Basically eMails that would end up in your spam folder, sent by companies that want to be taken seriously. Like they're Sony or Microsoft, or Nintendo, or Valve. They just don't carry that level of legitimacy. Maybe they do legally as a company, but they sure as heck don't in the eyes of Mr Sterling here, or mine for that matter. If you have to spam people with your eMails, you're not a company to be taken seriously. You end up in my spam folder.
I'm kind of surprised Jim didnt Circle Back to the Cornflake Homunculus joke. They were literally made for this topic. 'Want a sponsorship from Jim? Here's a box-armed homnoculus wailing in agony at the screen in short five minute skits. If you like Jims channel you should know this fan loved mascot'
@Skeith you say that like these people watch the shows the sponsor. There are plenty of just straight up preaching nazis who have sponsors that only care once it gets around they are sponsoring the "Jews need to be erased and here's why" channel.
you know that would make for some great comedy content for this channel though. I could see the corn flakes homuncoulus pouring g-fuel and magic cards while wailing in agony XD!!!
“Circling back” is similar to standing there after someone slams the door, confident that they will come back and listen to your offer. Then continuing to stand there as the police arrive because you’ve been standing outside that person’s house for 9 hours and won’t leave.
@@parallaxnick637 Marketing is the major you choose when you don't like math and you don't know what to pick either. However, they get all that sweet money that should be better spent at actual product development tho
THE CRAZY SHIT IS this article explains why people use "circling back" in marketing Emails. "Are they avoiding you on purpose? Did they forget? Is it a no? Do they hate the idea you pitched? Do they hate you? All you know for sure is that you want an answer, but you don’t want to come across as pushy. So you drop them a note with those three deadly words.. Just checkin Rather than saying, “Just checking in,” here are some options that feel more authentic. Each one does the crucial job of reminding without chastising. Some are more buttoned up, some more familiar. Choose one based on your relationship with the recipient. I’m circling back to see if you’ve had a chance to think about this.."money.com/the-three-words-you-should-never-use-in-a-work-email-and-what-to-say-instead/
I have to admit, Jim, I have some respect for the fact that you didn’t drop the individual reps names. Yea, they probably deserve to be put on blast for being terrible at their jobs and/or shady as hell’s darkest corners, but at the end of the day they are just trying to put food on the table. That’s pretty classy of you to preserve their privacy knowing how terrible the internet can be to people. Keep up the good work, Jim.
I don't know how these businesses work but they may not even be picking this channel, their boss may have a list of leads that gets put together by one part of the marketing department and then gets sent to a group akin to a call center to spam with emails.
I studied marketing and after one semester I fell into fucking depression cause I realized the whole thing is just about scamming people into buying stuff. Its a disgusting work and I do not envy anyone who has any little bit of shame who has to do it. From my experience with companies those guys are maybe not even terrible at their job, I wouldn't be surprised if they were told to just spam influences with emails cause companies are stingy fucks and research would mean time, which means money and can you imagine how many emails you can copy and send by the time you finish research? This is not their fault this is because thats how marketing is done by some places, not by doing reaserch and gathering information its done by pestering 100 people to get 1 reply.
@@terezavajs4486 To be fair you CAN do "ethical" marketing aka don't sell people shit that they won't need but for that to work you need to have a good product in the first place.
Man that one "I know we've contacted you several times" email reeks of a man who's just told his boss "He's not interested" for the tenth time and then been consigned to writing spam. Makes his comments about seeing the twitter kind of sad
To be honest, I bet that guy's life sucks ass. If you're being forced to email people who are actively hostile to your advances over and over, and who you've probably TRIED to tell your boss is NOT a "good fit" and were definitely ignored... phew. That job ain't a nice one i reckon.
Well, to be fair, in order for some youtubers to make enough money to live on or continue to run their channels with high quality content and pay employees a relatively decent amount, they often need or have a good reason to want the sponsorships ... Although obviously not all of them... Luckily, Jim does pretty well on Patreon, but not everyone is so lucky. Though while we're talking good guys on youtube, I reccomend checking out ACG if you haven't already. He does great reviews and buys a copy even if he gets code, then gives them out to people... He could probably do with more people checking out his stuff because I think he gets demonetised a lot for no good reason that I can see... I don't think he does sponsorships usually either... I forget... I think it's part of his intro, but I've heard it so much that I tune it out lol.
Same. It would be pretty hilarious if in the same skit he was also playing the child being read to and actually responded in a childlike voice how fucking stupid it was for them to email him.
I did something similar when I worked at an insurance company when they'd make us come in on Saturday morning to cold call people. I'd dial houses in the Hassidic Jewish neighborhood knowing full well they couldn't answer the phone if they wanted to, that way I could keep my boss off my back because he'd just think I was unlucky and I wouldn't have to get cussed out by people who hate talking to salesmen.
Jim, I just watched this video you'd sent. I was a little confused until the end. So you would like to circle back to our original offer? If so, give me a shout if you're interested.
I feel bad for the interns sending those emails because I know for a fact the higher ups don't care and are breathing down their necks to send them out no matter what. Its the worst kind of "you miss all shots you didnt take" attitude that creates such terrible spam and honestly scary emails to be receiving. And as someone who is currently in school for design you'd be surprised how many companies are just really shit and don't actually care enough to look through customer demographics at all.
This is why literal millions of dollars go into sending trash to everyone's inbox (physical in digital). It does not matter if it illegal, marketing companies will do what they can to cram more ad where they can. I always laugh about just who is sponsoring adware. The person funding the malware does not get in trouble, but whoever hosts the site that has the adware does. I love laws that don't keep up with technology. You know, the technology of the letter.
yeah im not saying jim is like... wrong for being mad but it feels kinda like getting mad at the telemarketer instead of the company itself making these folks call everyone and their grandma because its faster for the numbers to send an email and hear nothing than to do due diligence and even if it wasn't these folks are slaving away for free as interns, minimum wage workers, or cut throat numbers driven recruiters always on the brink of being fired if they dont have big enough numbers
I imagine that even if you replied with a straight up "No, I am not interested." that they would still reply back to say something like "Why not? This is a great opportunity!" or some other such rubbish.
If these places are anything like call centres then even a flat no would not be enough to justify to their bosses giving up trying to get Jim to advertise for them.
@rcblazer They would never, ever ask "Why not?" as they don't want the answer. They would say something like "We understand you may have reasons but here's why we think it will be fantastic...." Funnily enough, I'm just hearing Jim mention something similar in the video.
knowing marketting guys and sales people, i can tell you with absolute certainty - saying "No" is not an answer to them, its merely a foot in the door and confirmation they got your attention now. Theyre trained to deal with No, all the time.
Dear Jeremy We would like to propose a sponsorship deal. We would like for you to not plug our product in any videos. Mr john we think you would be a great fit for this. In exchange for completely ignoring this offer and pretending we do not exist you will be compensated $0.00 and a lifetime supply of absolutely nothing. Please give this offer some thought Jason and we hope to hear back from you. Sincerely Not A PR Company
Dear Jackson, just circling back to make sure you saw our previous email. We at MarketingCompany are great fans of your YT videos, and think you’re a perfect fit for this! We’d also be offering you a lifetime supply of absolutely nothing. Give me a shout if you’re interested! - Not a PR company
Just c̵̻̥͚͕̼̆̿̍̈́̈́i̶̡͎̞͇̾̽̇̈͒̉͌͘͘͝r̷̭͇̓͒̊͌̌̑̓̄͐̎́͂̑c̷̺̙͓̣̖̣̭̦̭͆l̴̡̧̰̭̂͌̈̀̏͑͠ͅí̶̛̘̳͂͊̓̈́̑͐̚n̴͕̳͚̜̻̮̱͗̾̒g̶̢̼̲̠̤͉̪͇̹͔̜̬̦̟̏̔̄͜ ̶̧̗̹̖̮̦̈́͐̇̽̾̇͆͝͝b̸̢̢̺̖̪̫̤͚͉̞̘̩̀̽̈́̀̅ͅå̵̢̛̝͓͙͍̼͚͓̎͆͆̎c̶̝̥̭̣̙̹̝̯̟̓̀̌͝k̴̨̨̩̘͓̹̦͖̯͉̯̱͉͔̜̊̍̂͋̒͐ to make sure you haven't died in a suspicious accident that was definitely entirely unrelated to our product. If you haven't succumbed to the encroaching nothing that is our brand, please respond! We here at MarketingCompany think you'd be a great fit to join us. Join us. We hungrily wait for an email and your acceptance of your terrible fate. We will hear back soon. Sincerely, Definitely Not A PR Company Or An Eldritch Abomination
Dear Jink, Just circling back to our previous emails. We here at MarketingCompany are big fans of your channel and would like to sponsor you. Let us know if are interested. Sincerely, Not a PR scumbag MarketingCompany Inc.
"I saw your tweets about this offer and I didn't understand some of your doubts about this opportunity..." You can see their inability to comprehend principles > money. They offered you money to do something, the fact that you don't want to do it is just completely inconceivable to them.
i think thats the same mindset i have when replying to absolute fuckwits on facebook, usually about politics, its fucking pointless but you still do it anyway
I ACTUALLY have a very similar feeling when I am reading the news because some opinion pieces are so assinine that you just can't help yourself but feel pissed off while reading them (looking on you, Vlastimil Vondruška, you limited pseudo-historian writer).
Mmm. Yes. We need someone... some _thing_ that can *truly* represent our company. Mmm. Yes! Oh yes! YES! Get that Corn Flakes Homunculus guy! He will be the face of our brand!
According to other RUclipsrs, replying to flat out tell them "No, I find your product immoral and will never sponsor it" still doesn't dissuade them. So yeah, you are better off just ignoring altogether.
well, he's kind of an asshole really. but he's an asshole with integrity. when he tells you you're a fuckstick, you can trust that that is what he actually thinks of you, instead of him saying that to get more likes.
Jim, I often find myself disagreeing with you about a number of things, but you have repeatedly shown to have the comsumer's best interest at heart and you're consistent in your stances and morals. You have my respect, for as much as it's worth.
@@warren_r what's a "circle backer"? Does it have to do with Patreon? I tend to respect Jim's views as well, whether I agree with them or not (usually I do, occasionally I don't). I think I only mainly watch his Jimquisition episodes, sometimes the occasional game review or rant about a thing, otherwise I don't back anybody on Patreon or on any other Patreon-like website. However, I do think Jim is one of a handful of content creators who actually deserves it, he would probably be one of the few I'd choose if I did ever decide one day to throw some money at some artists ("artists"?)
You sure know how to make friends in the marketing industry :)) "I priced you" .. how the 2#$% would anyone use these words about someone else and even more tell them to their face? "I priced you .. you're worth 350$ and 27 cent to me."
Tell me about it. Some people look angrily when I dare to go swimming in a bikini, but my pearshaped ass and thighs refuse to fit into any one-piece clothing, from dresses to swimwear. I love swimming and I'm not gonna stop it just because some people are against my existance.
I had channels that I liked go into that Raid trend, and now those channels are dead to me. I kind of get its part of the "hustle" and people want to get paid, but for fucks sake, these ads are now at obnoxious levels!
The people with Marketing degrees are higher up on the totem pole. This is an intern at a PR firm hired by the marketing firm. Neither firm wants to put in the effort to do their jobs properly, and that's how we get the ad-pocalypse.
@@aria5614 Not at the start they aren't When i got my IT degree and walked into a company first day one guy asked what my qualifications were i told him and he said thats great put the kettle on because a degree means shit here. I ended up running the IT department after 3 years nobody with a degree by passes shit that is a myth unless they are a start up
@@TNTITAN To be fair to Mad Men, they show the glamour but also how that lifestyle and mindset destroyed families and everything the main characters care about.
“Declining career?” Aww Jim, please don’t say that, we love your work! Now, if we could circle back to my previous offer, Boglin’s Bogroll is the number 1 producer of pandemic-grade toilet paper, and we would like to offer you $50 and a free lung disinfector to review it on your channel! :):):)
It's Jims ideology on progressive viewpoints, turns quite a few people off. And is out of touch with the wider gaming community. Like when he made a video about the privileged game dev who called fans "asshats". Like most of the time Jim criticises Devs, but then when a subject like gender ii's involved, he acts like any "AAAyyy" PR firm would.
Grubby bum so you’re saying being progressive is a bad thing? And that its out of touch with ‘the wider gaming community’? seems like you’re justifying why you specifically don’t like him and trying to present it as an opinion shared by every other gamer.
Well Jim's not wrong, he's getting less views because RUclips is showing his content to less people. He doesn't use the ad revenue but the side effect of less views means less patrons.
Darth Mawrak yeah using the phrase ‘it’s just statistics’ without providing any tangible statistics isn’t a very compelling argument, especially since games are a fairly universal passtime that extends beyond specific political ideologies. I’m a left-leaning progressive and I enjoy video games, and the same is true for the friends that I play with. Even in terms of influencers, lefttubers like Hbomberguy, Curio and Philosophy Tube are all themselves avid gamers (Hbomberguy even raised hundreds of thousands of dollars and got a phone call from AOC just by playing donkey kong 64) In other words, being a gamer doesn’t mean you have to be a dick
Hey Jim! Just circling back to this video. I accidently clicked on it and remembered I needed to circle back to see if you had gotten back to me. Be sure to give me a shout when your not busy. I think you will be a great fit for this comment section!
A case of rebranding so as to avoid the negative connotations. Just more business mumbo jumbo to cover up the fact they want to buy your integrity, and not for expensive prices either. The "integrations" I hate the most are when the person isn't even being honest they are just doing it to keep the lights on. Act like they actually give a crap about what they are plugging.
Oh, you don't know the half of it! I am not entirely sure if this wasn't created using a Deep-Fake Algorithm. Not saying it looks real, it is obvious the lips sliders where set to 'cartoon,' but the movements in the face and shoulders scream 'this was originally a stock picture.' That is the scary part of these Deep-Fakes Algorithms, they can now take a single picture and animate them in such a way one would think it was a video feed. It feels like the animation software used by Jim's Editor might contain some of those Deep-Fake Algorithms, which do make things easier on the animator.
Im sure others have said it but this is dedication. I truly appreciate this stance as a consumer as we are often flooded with this certain type of advertisements. I understand channels and the people running them often have overhead and expenses that often cross that grey area, causing them to need the (ad)ded revenue. So the fact that this is your philosophy and that you've always stood by it speaks about what kind of person you are. And that's truly appreciated. Keep up the fight and the good work👍 p.s., the 549 Dislikes HAVE to be from the desperate companies trying to get you to accept an offer😂
I remember going into a call center interview and the interview was going well up until they asked me this question, "How are you at rebuttal?" I replied like any normal person would, I'm fine at rebuttal. They go onto to explain in their seedy, disgusting little language that part of the job was to get customers to buy things even when they tell me no and to rebuttal their no and ultimately land the sale. At that point, I said sincerely, "So you want me to fucking harass them? Because that is what you are doing. If they say NO, it means NO. When you continue to persist and pester them, that is harassment." I then went on to say, "This interview is done," thanked them for their time and walked out. There needs to be laws against this shit. These tactics should not be legal.
I had a case sorta similar but it's explained to me that the customer already bought a "special offer", which has a mandatory bundle (unknown to the customer) attached that adds cost to the offered price. The customer would contact to ask why there's an added cost, and the job is basically to convince them to keep the item and not ask for a refund....and if they did request for a refund, I have to essentially beg them so the company keeps the money. Boy, did I not last long in the company. 2 weeks, in fact.
The greatest secret in sales is that you're not interested in the nos, you're interested in making sure the yeses purchase the upsell. If you're in a store and people walk in not intending to purchase, that's not your fault for closing the sale, it's marketing's for wasting your time. If you're given a list to reach out to and it's full of people that haven't expressed interest, that's not your responsibility to change, it's the company not able to find its demographic. But in a lot of companies nowadays, marketer and salesman are one and the same, and everyone is a yes until the police are called. It's not only gross, but ultimately, take solace that it's ineffective, and everyone - not the least the publisher - wastes enormous amounts of money on it.
This is one of many reasons I left circle k. They wanted us to "up sale" promos and the ck card. If people said they didn't want the card I was told to just scan and give to the customer anyway. No joke I watched my manager do this to annoyed customers who simply wanted their cup of morning coffee without being harassed. Why? Because the registers track EVERYTHING employees scan and do. Too many voids? Sent a report and a "talking to" from the manager. Literally fuck that job.
"A great fit." Even Jim's wrestling outfit isn't a great fit. The only thing Jim Stirling is a great fit for is Jim Starling. Which is exactly the way it should be, just as dog made him. Thank dog for Jim Sterling.
For a long, long while I never liked the character Jim uses for Jimquisitions, it was just just to OTT and silly for me. I have become used to that character though, even though my personal reservations still stand. However, I have always had full respect for the content of those videos and the work that Jim does in highlighting certain areas, people and so on in the gaming industry. That is why he is worth watching.
When I saw the title i thought this was going to be about RAID: Shadow Legends. The number of actual gaming channels that push that gatcha piece of shit is just ridiculous.
Only Internet Historian did that one right anyway. He took the 'do it in your own style' thing and ran with it, right into a brick wall. Raidy Shady still won't get my download but his ads make it look the least shit. Thing is, Raid is owned by Plarium, and they've been Freemium, Pay to Win games for years, like their entire library.
Its not just gaming channels, its EVERYBODY. Gun channel: RAID Beauty channel: RAID Political commentary channel: RAID Its like these people don't understand what market demographics are, and are just like "let's just shove it down EVERYBODYS throat!"
@@collinmclaren6608 I know but they just might not know any better and no-ones really going to those channels to hear about games. It only really angers me when gaming channels do it because they should be well aware of how shit the product is and how predatory those freemium games are.
"A good fit" Translation: according to your channel's demographic we think you can help us sell our crap to kids who could become addicted to our "freemium" client's product. You make money, we make money, some people who can't help themselves could lose their savings, Everyone Wins!
They didn't do their research. Jim is deeply unpopular with children viewers. If he sent out hid demographic stats they would all stop sending those sponsorship emails.
Last one of those I saw was absolutely hilarious. It was about as sincerely delivered as a fake baby pulled out of a phoney mother by an unlicensed midwife, all of whom are J Allen Brack.
Eh. They're giving money to a lot of creators, including many that aren't monetized, so they're good for that. Even if I have no desire to ever play that game.
They’re doing something called ‘sequencing’ through a programme like outreach etc... It’s a pre-written series of emails that send automatically at specified time periods (like 4 working days etc or whatever they set) Lowest form of low
"So Media Top, if you want to email me again..." MT: *typing at the speed of light* Circling back after you're new vid E O! Not sure if you were into interested or not! Give me a shout!"
"Thankyou for your genuine interest in our product. We think you'll be a great fit and we've already mailed the forms to your address, just to circle back this was the correct address right? [old home address]
Just stumbled upon your channel the other day. I have to say that you are both entertaining and informative. I work in a supermarket where every day I am coughed on, shouted at and abused. Usually because we don't have the right kind of pasta to fulfill their instant means of gratification. To come home and watch videos like yours genuinely makes my days brighter. Thank you Jim, you are fantastic!
@@thomasjohnston1805 You do know you're supposed to add milk to cornflakes before you can properly enjoy them. Also, if you microwave them, do it for only 15 seconds. You don't want to burn yourself.
Now I kinda want Jim to take a sponsorship just to do absolutely nothing but talk crap about it for 10 minutes straight and see if they still decide to pay him.
AJ - there’s a certain RUclipsr who took a sponsorship (although no one knows how), then had a disagreement with his sponsor, dropped it like a hot potato and used the remaining sponsorship money to commission hentai artwork...
Some of them would, because even if Jim just sat there talking shit for 10 minutes straight, their name is suddenly in front of about a million people. And some subset of those people are going to install just to see if the video is true, or because it sounded neat despite all that. Not to mention the SEO and youtube algorithm crap which would further boost their visibility, and in some cases make them look more legit than they actually are.
I know Angry Joe more than once was offered money if he would say something nice about a terrible mobile game, turned down the money and did a video about how bad the game was.
@@winfehler for a moment I thought you might be talking about Sseth Tzeentach, but Sseth doesn't use sponsorship money to commision hentai artwork. He uses patreon money for that sort of thing :D still though, maybe that was before I was following the channel. I could definetly see him doing this.
I mean, I get what you say, but I can totally understand if somebody takes these deals if they aren't financially as well situated as Jim. However, I think game reviewers shouldn't take game sponsorships for obvious reasons. And nobody should do sponsorships for online casinos.
Except, what your also saying, you want only corporations on youtube. As they are the only ones able to do youtube fulltime. With the exception of patreon.
The unfortunate part is that many original content creators are losing funding here because of a whole slew of bad practices that have been slowly funneling money into a handful of content farms. What does help this channel is the fact that Jim clearly has better ethics than to take money from a game advertiser. I don't think anyone should take a penny from anyone that would stop them from doing their job properly. Because clearly, they cannot criticize a game if they are sponsored by it. Not to mention we all get annoyed by it.
I honestly have so much respect for Jim, since he is in less then 1% of youtubers that refuse to make sponsored or promotional related content. Keep doing great job Jim, and thank god for you
I love how they say "Give me a shout if you're interested" And he doesn't reply... meaning he isn't shouting... meaning he isn't interested... and they try again anyway... lol.
The people there don't actually look at it like that, they just see that one of the probably dozends if not hundreds of possible clients hasn't responded so they automatically send another email just in case it got buried or something. Doesn't cost them anything.
What do you expect from a marketing brainlet? You don't get into marketing because you're smart. You do it because you're basically a human parrot who is extremely good at echoing the same thing over and over in an annoying and intrusive way.
I use to work for an internet marketing and hearing terms from that industry now make my skin crawl. "Circle back" is pretty infuriating to hear but the absolute worst for me is "Touch base" or "Just touching base". I must have emailed that countless times to my career 200+ clients. There is no atoning for a crime like that...
Life hack for people who have no impulse control and find themselves repeatedly eating soap for a joke: Keep a soap bottle full of water handy, even if you don't think you'll need it. Soap eating is a spontaneous thing. Always be prepared. Seriously though. Part of surviving with ADHD is setting up your environment so you don't need things like impulse control, short term memory or an intuitive sense of time. Write random reminders on your windows (or walls, if you have shiny paint) in dry-erase marker. Put extra steps between yourself and stupid decisions. If you have to do something at the same time every day, give your cat a treat every time you do it so your cat will remind you. If you have to remember to unpack a suitcase, put it where you're most likely to trip over it.
the language they use makes me think of “nice guy” stalkers online.. they don’t take your lack of response as disinterest and at the vaguest hint that you might be interested they jump down your throat, regardless of everything you’ve said before that illustrates how uninterested you are
Its canned language... its written to throw off people who are new to either working with adverts, or just people who have little business experience... it can be off putting to see someone being so "polite". usually the shadiest or ones that send out tons of emails a day wont even give a name or indication that they know who the email was sent to, and wont tell you their exact relation to the company in question. they might get a contract from a company for xxxxx about of dollars. and send you x amount of dollars "under the table" to do their job for them spreading the word form the company that they were hired to advertise for... its all BS. blanket marketing.
"Every other person I've worked with has told me we're a nice corporation and just between us, has told me my is quite a lot larger than the competition's! Also I know where you live and where your child goes to school. Call me!"
...that ending joke about getting more email is beautiful. The company will see it as an opportunity to think that he's inviting them in. What's actually happening is that he's just getting more ammunition to throw into an atom smasher for our entertainment.
Surprise twist: He accepted all the sponsorships and these ARE the advertisements in his 'organic style'
Wow. Yep, wow.
That exact thought had crossed my mind as well.
Hes advertising those ball wipes too!!
He needs money for all the costumes. Those giant plastic glasses cost 2000 dollars!
Ad agents: "So you're saying there's a chance."
"I'd say, more like one out of a million!"
Just circling back!
they sound like telemarketers, except they might be wearing a suit.
What if... what if Jim did this video as a crypto-advertisement for Magic the Gathering Arena? You know pretend he hates all this while talking about Magic the Gathering... genius! lol
Wait... Does this mean that the Cornflake Humonculous is not a real sponsored mascot? Everything I've ever known has been a lie.
i feel your pain man come here man lets hug it out lol
no he's Jim Sterling's Boss, he has to make sure Jim has done all of his research before releasing a video
I've been looking in supermarkets for years to no avail, I assumed they were so popular they sold out. Just like religion the journey has no destination
I just threw away my manminlk-soaked cornflakes in disgust. Won't buy that brand anymore.
The humonculous was rescued from the island of misfit mascots, it’s not sponsored but still has cornflakes in the name because you gotta say the whole name kinda like a pimp named slickback.
Every time I hear the words "circle back", I just think of vultures for some reason.
Just...don't reduce vultures to the that level.
@@darksidegryphon5393 oh snap!
for some strange reason. can’t imagine why those might come to mind.
Or flies
Vulture serve a valid purpose.
So... this isn't brought to us by Raid: Shadow Legends?
Nord: VPN legends.
@@kentonbaird1723manscaped and their $200 ball trimmer
Raid: Shadow Legends is the 4th best rated game on the google play store. It has hundreds of champions to customize...
Look at these early PS3 graphics. Can you believe an $1100 smartphone with a 4k display can handle such mediocre character models!?
Sorry 'bout the reverb during the intro section. We're still in so much flux here but we're doing what we can to keep the videos coming!
I didn't mind the reverb, honestly. It kinda adds to the video.
You do whatever you have to sir. We understand completely. Or at least I hope we do......
@@RandomShinigami7 I regret we didn't make the background a void, like space or something. I think we'd have totally gotten away with it.
@Brother Sanguinary "tHe mOst aMbiTiOus Rpeeeegeeeee..."
You know whats sad? This won't stop the emails.
The research they did was "Oh Jim Sterling doesn't have any sponsors, we can be the first!"
I think the first (and last) research they did was, "he makes content related to games and has 900k+ subscribers."
Yea, I mean I've never known a money grubbing corporation to not be into sloppy four thousandths.
@@evilbob840 and he makes video about Gaming.
Every sponsor agency know gamers are a mindless mass that would buy anything and everything if they favourite RUclipsr tells them too.
To be honest, the research was a bot that returned a list of RUclipsrs and their addresses. They probably never had a human look at the channel, until after a deal has been struck and payment is due. Then it's all "but you failed to do this, this, and this as part of our deal, so we don't owe you anything."
@@shytendeakatamanoir9740 The problem is that they believe that because that's what the statistics and demographics tell them. Which means that, even if it isn't true for this community, it is broadly true about our society. They might be soulless asshats, but they're not wrong about how to reach suckers with ads.
The whole "CiRcLe BaCk" thing needs to be a recurring, cliché/theme on the Jim Sterling channel.
Like, "I just want to CiRcLe BaCk to that one time that Randy Pichford LIED."
I can actually see Jim doing a Raid Shadow Legends video. It would just be him in a black room, only illuminated by the light from his phone, and he slowly looks up into the camera and simply says, "It's shit." And then looks back down.
"Cut! That's a wrap."
And no one got paid. The end.
Yes. If they contact him, he should whole-heartedly agree. Say yes to all the terms and conditions and legal mumbo jumbo and then post the most scathing, straight to the point takedown ever
He should do that and then donate the money to a charity. I'd watch and like the video.
@@Camdenandroid They don't pay out if they don't like the execution of the ad.
According to Tom Scott, putting the phrase "I do not take sponsorships" in chinese on the site with the Email too helps a lot.
Tom has a lot of good info, trustful expert/source in my opinion.
That's why they contact you, Jim. Because they can't read English.
In all seriousness, I really appreciate someone not willing to sellout to these companies. It’s a rare thing these days
I concur; though I don’t really want to fault the creators for taking such deals, since it’s basically free money for them.
Rather have them shill out a bit and be able to keep making quality content than go under.
(Heck, even James Rolfe of AVGN fame has started taking sponsorships...)
@@ReGo001 - No adult in the world has clean hands, it's whether or not that person can change and move forward that is the difference.
@@winfehler It's not free money. Is money you are making promoting their shitty scam games.
OjoRojo40 - Fair point. I still don’t mind since everyone is free to decide whether to follow that promotion or not; I take for the noise it is and move on.
He won’t even sell out for things he actually, truly, genuinely loves. And that takes a fuck ton of spine.
"I think i'm addicted to the disgust"...i feel that on a spiritual level
Me when playing League
"A few of us at the office are fans of your channel"
(X): Doubt
Love your LA Noire reference
Maybe they hate their jobs and thought it was funny.
* Bad Cop.
The average representative for these sponsorships: "Sir, I don't think this person is interested." Their boss: "You're not trying hard enough." "But his contact info essentially says no solicitations." "Do it anyway." 9 out of 10 probably have that conversation with their boss, or wish they had the guts to have that convo.
It's the equivalent of sticking a "no publicity" sticker on your mailbox, except mailmen actually respect those.
@@popsicleman1834 Those stickers actually work?
@@Sorrowdusk I guess I can only speak for my country, but yes they do.
9/10 of these people don't do anything until someone e-mails them back. It's like robocalls but just in e-mail format, they are send off most of the case just is. With some just having to add name + email + brand. doubt they give a shit, besides I want to get paid and want that bonus.
@@popsicleman1834 Which country would that be?
They're just assuming he's a hypocrite, and while offensive, it's a strategy that probably works with a lot of youtubers.
That's it exactly. And based on JIm's influencer character, I think he understands this.
I doubt they're assuming anything. More likely than not this is quite literally just quantity over quality with basically 0 thought being put into who they're reaching out to. Like, does this youtuber have more than X subscribers? -> Mail him. Does this youtuber have more than X+Y subscribers? -> Keep mailing him.
Most of these people have probably never watched any of his videos, let alone any video of any youtuber they've reached out to - there's just too many. Just dish out a thousand mails per day and maybe you'll get enough that are desperate enough to sell their integrity for RAID SHADOW LEGENDS.
It’s projection, and they don’t even see it. They’re hypocrites, so they just assume everyone else is too.
@@MrOPD That's largely the point. The people doing the mailings are explicitly lying to create a false familiarity. They don't know him or his work, but the email structure uses language intended to invoke the idea that they already have a long standing relationship. That's what makes it gross.
@@MrOPD This is exactly right. I wouldn't be surprised if they work on a commission basis
Jim, I've been watching you for years, but I don't think I ever appreciated enough that you keep your videos add free. So I've just now decided to support you on Patreon. Should have done it sooner, but I hope it helps a tiny bit.
Thank God for you, Jam Starlint.
Mad respect for no Sponsored Content all through the years, Jim.
It's no joke hard as hell to leave that much money on the table (you mention one of them offered a measly $100 but I KNOW plenty of them offer a shit ton more than that - real money). You've held strong for so damn long honestly, and I for one seriously appreciate it.
This comment brought to you by Skillshare; Honey; Raid: Shadow Legends; Raycon; Curiosity Stream; Audible; Nord VPN; Tiger Knight, and your mum.
...I respect the hell out of Jim's willpower, but fuck it, I gotta eat.
Well hell he's got the cash rollin in from patreon though!
Hey, if you need it, you need it. Just as long as you don't "Live, Eat, Breathe" the stuff. :P
not being sponsored is the best
this comment brought to you by Atrocitus, he's not just the leader of.....he's the founder of the Red Lantern Corps
And dollar shave club.
You forgot that 'Loot Crate/Box' junk...
...and Arknights...
No, I don't want to play Tiger King: Shadow Legends.
Sign Up Today to get a free Meth booster pack, a Colored shirt upgrade AND a Limited Edition Flaming Crocodilian Champion!!!
@@JoseRS1186 i didnt watch this show, even though tons of jokes are surfacing about it. But meth booster? Fuckin' love that.
Thanks, Im gonna take that laugh out with me as I travel out to Covidland today 😄
Plot twist: the segments where Jim reads the emails and lists the content they want him to sponsor are actually the sponsored ads. Very sneaky Jim!
Also those are the real names of the advertising representatives. It's all reverse psychology.
#Sponsorship is in the video description. You might be on to something, here.
This is what I was thinking too. Instead of taking the money and doing a promo spot, he gives them a free one instead? Even if he's trying to talk smack, it's free publicity on one of the largest gaming/comic etc. channels in the world. It seems a bit odd.
No advertiser in the world would let this stand as a commercial for their campaign.
@@kazmark_gl8652 they should, because it works
Brands reaching out to make a business deal with Jim "anti-CAAAPITALISM" Sterling. What a world.
James Stephanie Sterling: would literally rather eat hand sanitizer than accept ad money
We must truly thank God for them
To that end, we need to pay him in hand sanitizer.
@@swatmajor1 He's going to drink so much sanitizer, you'll be able to kill the germs on your hands with his piss.
What if the hand sanitizer was the sponsor all along?
How much do we have to pay to lease Jim out from England so he can run for president?
Hand sanitizer has booze in it, you ain't slick. You drunk ;)
If you want his attention, at least get Jam Starling's name right.
I thought it was cucumber succulent? He's an influencer right?
Jam Farking Starling, daughter.
None of you know how to spell Kim fucking Serling's name right.
Jink stipling
Steve Jerbleys
This is a really high-effort way of getting a company to change your address, but I respect the hustle.
So much of this is spoken DIRECTLY to random companies, it's really ballsy
When I found this channel a few weeks ago, I couldn't put my finger on why I liked it so much. This makes it clear--Jim doesn't do sponsorships that span the first five and last ten minutes of his videos, and it reminds me of older RUclips before all the paid inline sponsorship became the new normal. I don't necessarily mind sponsorship when it's relevant but lately so many channels have been rambling on and on for ever longer periods about how wonderful Squarespace and Audible are. Thanks Jim, for not doing that.
Well done, you basically found Total Biscuit 2.0 :)
Blame RUclips and their ever decreasing ad revenue for channels. That by itself hit everyone the hardest and pushed a lot of them to use patreon and the like. Then it got worse and some started doing sponsored videos.
In general I don't mind sponsorship, but I think Jim's refusal to take it is worth all the respect in the world. His ability to survive without it is part luck and part very hard work and dedication. He's got in early, built up a solid fanbase, and has been putting out consistently quality stuff for like a decade at this point.
@@darkstorminc I accept it from a few ones that deserve it. I just grit my teeth and skip ahead. Some of the companies have ridiculous demands.
Raid:Shadow Legends
For the purpose of market research: No, I am not interested in Tiger Knight or products like Tiger Knight
The Algorithm reads you loud and clear: "I am [...] interested in Tiger Knight [...] products"
I am definitely interested in hearing Jim talk more shit about them. Hope this helps Jim!
I am also not interested in tiger night or products liketiger night, but I would be very interested in watching Jim Sterling review a game like that and rip into it like a tiger dismembering a knight.
For the same purpose: Screenshots looked like a mix of dinasty warriors and Mount & Blade. I would need more to know if im interested..
God I LIVE for the more petty Jimquisition episodes. In "THIS DIFFICULT TIME", sometimes you just need to sit back and watch Jim Sterling tear into weird PR people forced to act weird by their weird company.
This isn't really petty though.
This is complaining about spam mails from companies that are trying to seem legitimate.
Like, one part of my brain just goes "Ugh..." and the other goes "Yeah, fuck them up Jim!"
@@ColdRoland what makes you say they're not real companies? Jim never said they weren't real companies.
I hate petty Jim. I can't help but think about how much it must suck to be petty, it seems pathetic. that being said, this is actually a pretty legitimate problem. Those five emails weren't borderline harassment, they were genuinely harassment.
Oh, I don't think he wasn't contacted by real companies. They are real companies.
By "legitimate" I just mean companies which don't harrass you every day to do their bidding.
Basically eMails that would end up in your spam folder, sent by companies that want to be taken seriously.
Like they're Sony or Microsoft, or Nintendo, or Valve.
They just don't carry that level of legitimacy. Maybe they do legally as a company, but they sure as heck don't in the eyes of Mr Sterling here, or mine for that matter.
If you have to spam people with your eMails, you're not a company to be taken seriously.
You end up in my spam folder.
I'm kind of surprised Jim didnt Circle Back to the Cornflake Homunculus joke. They were literally made for this topic.
'Want a sponsorship from Jim? Here's a box-armed homnoculus wailing in agony at the screen in short five minute skits. If you like Jims channel you should know this fan loved mascot'
@Skeith you say that like these people watch the shows the sponsor. There are plenty of just straight up preaching nazis who have sponsors that only care once it gets around they are sponsoring the "Jews need to be erased and here's why" channel.
Yes passive aggressive acceptance of those deals would be something I think would fit Jim's brand and I would like to watch it.
you know that would make for some great comedy content for this channel though. I could see the corn flakes homuncoulus pouring g-fuel and magic cards while wailing in agony XD!!!
12:33 Me: Please let there actually be something in that mug
Jim: *Splashes liquid all over himself*
Me: thank you.
“Circling back” is similar to standing there after someone slams the door, confident that they will come back and listen to your offer. Then continuing to stand there as the police arrive because you’ve been standing outside that person’s house for 9 hours and won’t leave.
Why the hell would anyone think that a metaphor that calls to mind vultures was a good fit for their brand?
@@parallaxnick637 Marketing is the major you choose when you don't like math and you don't know what to pick either. However, they get all that sweet money that should be better spent at actual product development tho
"Circling back" evokes imagery of a stubborn turd that refuses to go away after repeated flushes.
THE CRAZY SHIT IS this article explains why people use "circling back" in marketing Emails. "Are they avoiding you on purpose? Did they forget? Is it a no? Do they hate the idea you pitched? Do they hate you? All you know for sure is that you want an answer, but you don’t want to come across as pushy.
So you drop them a note with those three deadly words.. Just checkin
Rather than saying, “Just checking in,” here are some options that feel more authentic. Each one does the crucial job of reminding without chastising. Some are more buttoned up, some more familiar. Choose one based on your relationship with the recipient.
I’m circling back to see if you’ve had a chance to think about this.."money.com/the-three-words-you-should-never-use-in-a-work-email-and-what-to-say-instead/
My dog used to paw me and circle back when I wouldn't pet her for literal eternity. She could keep it up for hours.
I have to admit, Jim, I have some respect for the fact that you didn’t drop the individual reps names. Yea, they probably deserve to be put on blast for being terrible at their jobs and/or shady as hell’s darkest corners, but at the end of the day they are just trying to put food on the table. That’s pretty classy of you to preserve their privacy knowing how terrible the internet can be to people. Keep up the good work, Jim.
I don't know how these businesses work but they may not even be picking this channel, their boss may have a list of leads that gets put together by one part of the marketing department and then gets sent to a group akin to a call center to spam with emails.
Are you implying Doctor Klunge isn't a real person?? They didn't get a PhD in viral internet marketing to be slandered like this
I don't think they do, especially if we don't know if thats how they were trained.
I studied marketing and after one semester I fell into fucking depression cause I realized the whole thing is just about scamming people into buying stuff. Its a disgusting work and I do not envy anyone who has any little bit of shame who has to do it. From my experience with companies those guys are maybe not even terrible at their job, I wouldn't be surprised if they were told to just spam influences with emails cause companies are stingy fucks and research would mean time, which means money and can you imagine how many emails you can copy and send by the time you finish research? This is not their fault this is because thats how marketing is done by some places, not by doing reaserch and gathering information its done by pestering 100 people to get 1 reply.
@@terezavajs4486 To be fair you CAN do "ethical" marketing aka don't sell people shit that they won't need but for that to work you need to have a good product in the first place.
Man that one "I know we've contacted you several times" email reeks of a man who's just told his boss "He's not interested" for the tenth time and then been consigned to writing spam. Makes his comments about seeing the twitter kind of sad
Honestly seems like he's a decent guy stuck at a bad firm
To be honest, I bet that guy's life sucks ass. If you're being forced to email people who are actively hostile to your advances over and over, and who you've probably TRIED to tell your boss is NOT a "good fit" and were definitely ignored... phew. That job ain't a nice one i reckon.
The voice of reason in this chaotic, greed ridden RUclips environment.
Well, to be fair, in order for some youtubers to make enough money to live on or continue to run their channels with high quality content and pay employees a relatively decent amount, they often need or have a good reason to want the sponsorships ... Although obviously not all of them... Luckily, Jim does pretty well on Patreon, but not everyone is so lucky.
Though while we're talking good guys on youtube, I reccomend checking out ACG if you haven't already. He does great reviews and buys a copy even if he gets code, then gives them out to people... He could probably do with more people checking out his stuff because I think he gets demonetised a lot for no good reason that I can see... I don't think he does sponsorships usually either... I forget... I think it's part of his intro, but I've heard it so much that I tune it out lol.
This comment is sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends.
Or that one password saving service that totally isn't a giant phishing expedition honest.
This reply is sponsored by NordVPN. the shadow master demand i accept
It’s the most innovative RPG game on all of mobile
This comment is sponsored by Raid - the insecticide.
NGL, I kind of want to watch Jim play Tiger Warrior.
Hot damn, Jim getting this genuinely angry is rare.
He needs more gems.
MORE gems? But his hat is full of *slowdown voice* JEWELS
"rare" lmfao about as rare as a Pidgey maybe.
Now I want Jim to start a series where he reads the emails in his spam folder like he's reading a bed time story.
Same. It would be pretty hilarious if in the same skit he was also playing the child being read to and actually responded in a childlike voice how fucking stupid it was for them to email him.
Do it as Duke Emil du'Ardcore. Please!!!!
Imagine a PR intern intentionally emailing Jim just to get this video as a reply, in order to justify watching Jimquisition during work hours
I did something similar when I worked at an insurance company when they'd make us come in on Saturday morning to cold call people. I'd dial houses in the Hassidic Jewish neighborhood knowing full well they couldn't answer the phone if they wanted to, that way I could keep my boss off my back because he'd just think I was unlucky and I wouldn't have to get cussed out by people who hate talking to salesmen.
Jim, I just watched this video you'd sent. I was a little confused until the end. So you would like to circle back to our original offer? If so, give me a shout if you're interested.
I feel bad for the interns sending those emails because I know for a fact the higher ups don't care and are breathing down their necks to send them out no matter what. Its the worst kind of "you miss all shots you didnt take" attitude that creates such terrible spam and honestly scary emails to be receiving. And as someone who is currently in school for design you'd be surprised how many companies are just really shit and don't actually care enough to look through customer demographics at all.
Sadly not surprised at all. 😞
This is why literal millions of dollars go into sending trash to everyone's inbox (physical in digital). It does not matter if it illegal, marketing companies will do what they can to cram more ad where they can. I always laugh about just who is sponsoring adware. The person funding the malware does not get in trouble, but whoever hosts the site that has the adware does.
I love laws that don't keep up with technology. You know, the technology of the letter.
My favorite reply to "you miss all the shots you don't take" is "You're unlikely to die on a mountain you didn't climb."
yeah im not saying jim is like... wrong for being mad
but it feels kinda like getting mad at the telemarketer instead of the company itself making these folks call everyone and their grandma because its faster for the numbers to send an email and hear nothing than to do due diligence and even if it wasn't these folks are slaving away for free as interns, minimum wage workers, or cut throat numbers driven recruiters always on the brink of being fired if they dont have big enough numbers
Don't feel bad. They are human trash. If they were worth more than my cat's crap they'd find a real job.
I imagine that even if you replied with a straight up "No, I am not interested." that they would still reply back to say something like "Why not? This is a great opportunity!" or some other such rubbish.
If these places are anything like call centres then even a flat no would not be enough to justify to their bosses giving up trying to get Jim to advertise for them.
Given that these are probably sent by bots on a daily basis, I doubt you'd get a reply like that.
@rcblazer They would never, ever ask "Why not?" as they don't want the answer. They would say something like "We understand you may have reasons but here's why we think it will be fantastic...."
Funnily enough, I'm just hearing Jim mention something similar in the video.
knowing marketting guys and sales people, i can tell you with absolute certainty - saying "No" is not an answer to them, its merely a foot in the door and confirmation they got your attention now. Theyre trained to deal with No, all the time.
It not an opportunity... it’s SURPRISE ADVERTISEMENT !
Dear Jeremy
We would like to propose a sponsorship deal. We would like for you to not plug our product in any videos. Mr john we think you would be a great fit for this. In exchange for completely ignoring this offer and pretending we do not exist you will be compensated $0.00 and a lifetime supply of absolutely nothing. Please give this offer some thought Jason and we hope to hear back from you.
Not A PR Company
Dear Jackson, just circling back to make sure you saw our previous email. We at MarketingCompany are great fans of your YT videos, and think you’re a perfect fit for this! We’d also be offering you a lifetime supply of absolutely nothing. Give me a shout if you’re interested!
- Not a PR company
We haven't heard back about the 30 emails we sent you this last month, clearly we were lost in your spam folder :) so i got you with another email :)
Just c̵̻̥͚͕̼̆̿̍̈́̈́i̶̡͎̞͇̾̽̇̈͒̉͌͘͘͝r̷̭͇̓͒̊͌̌̑̓̄͐̎́͂̑c̷̺̙͓̣̖̣̭̦̭͆l̴̡̧̰̭̂͌̈̀̏͑͠ͅí̶̛̘̳͂͊̓̈́̑͐̚n̴͕̳͚̜̻̮̱͗̾̒g̶̢̼̲̠̤͉̪͇̹͔̜̬̦̟̏̔̄͜ ̶̧̗̹̖̮̦̈́͐̇̽̾̇͆͝͝b̸̢̢̺̖̪̫̤͚͉̞̘̩̀̽̈́̀̅ͅå̵̢̛̝͓͙͍̼͚͓̎͆͆̎c̶̝̥̭̣̙̹̝̯̟̓̀̌͝k̴̨̨̩̘͓̹̦͖̯͉̯̱͉͔̜̊̍̂͋̒͐ to make sure you haven't died in a suspicious accident that was definitely entirely unrelated to our product. If you haven't succumbed to the encroaching nothing that is our brand, please respond! We here at MarketingCompany think you'd be a great fit to join us. Join us. We hungrily wait for an email and your acceptance of your terrible fate. We will hear back soon.
Definitely Not A PR Company Or An Eldritch Abomination
Dear Jink,
Just circling back to our previous emails. We here at MarketingCompany are big fans of your channel and would like to sponsor you. Let us know if are interested.
Not a PR scumbag
MarketingCompany Inc.
"I saw your tweets about this offer and I didn't understand some of your doubts about this opportunity..." You can see their inability to comprehend principles > money. They offered you money to do something, the fact that you don't want to do it is just completely inconceivable to them.
Do you expect modern corporates to understand the concept of 'Principles'?
@@Punishthefalse Companies maybe. But advertising agencies have never understood it for as long as they've existed.
"..except when I read them to piss myself off as part of my hobby."
I think we have the same hobby. I'm not sure it's healthy.
i think thats the same mindset i have when replying to absolute fuckwits on facebook, usually about politics, its fucking pointless but you still do it anyway
I ACTUALLY have a very similar feeling when I am reading the news because some opinion pieces are so assinine that you just can't help yourself but feel pissed off while reading them (looking on you, Vlastimil Vondruška, you limited pseudo-historian writer).
We need someone... some _thing_ that can *truly* represent our company.
Oh yes!
Get that Corn Flakes Homunculus guy!
He will be the face of our brand!
I’d buy THAT for a dollar !
I play MTG and watch Jim Stelring so there must be an overlap *shrug*
According to other RUclipsrs, replying to flat out tell them "No, I find your product immoral and will never sponsor it" still doesn't dissuade them. So yeah, you are better off just ignoring altogether.
How about “Stop contacting this email address or I will be contacting my lawyer”?
@@aaaah540 That might work.
Thanks for not selling out, Jim. You’re a good person.
well, he's kind of an asshole really. but he's an asshole with integrity. when he tells you you're a fuckstick, you can trust that that is what he actually thinks of you, instead of him saying that to get more likes.
well, he might say it to get more likes too, but that's just gravy
artlessknave I didn’t say nice person, lol. He’s genuine, and doesn’t sacrifice his integrity.
@@earthwormjim9739 i guess i see "good" and "nice" as not dissimilar enough for that to matter.
@@artlessknave there's a definite difference - in some cases they go together but here, evidently not so
Jim, I often find myself disagreeing with you about a number of things, but you have repeatedly shown to have the comsumer's best interest at heart and you're consistent in your stances and morals. You have my respect, for as much as it's worth.
You're one of those circle backers, aren't you.
Congratulations Jim, you have earned the respect of seven asses.
@@warren_r what's a "circle backer"? Does it have to do with Patreon?
I tend to respect Jim's views as well, whether I agree with them or not (usually I do, occasionally I don't). I think I only mainly watch his Jimquisition episodes, sometimes the occasional game review or rant about a thing, otherwise I don't back anybody on Patreon or on any other Patreon-like website. However, I do think Jim is one of a handful of content creators who actually deserves it, he would probably be one of the few I'd choose if I did ever decide one day to throw some money at some artists ("artists"?)
It's for things like this that it's hard not to admire Jim Sterling. The guy can be blunt but he stinks of honesty.
And a delicious funk it is.
You sure know how to make friends in the marketing industry :))
"I priced you" .. how the 2#$% would anyone use these words about someone else and even more tell them to their face? "I priced you .. you're worth 350$ and 27 cent to me."
It sounds horrible doesn't it?
To me that sounds like an insult, a direct insult to your face.
Well this comment worth nothing to me but a like and a praise from me.
As a fat guy myself, that line about trying on clothes was too real.
I just want a good fit! Not even a great fit - I'd settle for a good fit.
Never too late to make a change, stranger
Tell me about it. Some people look angrily when I dare to go swimming in a bikini, but my pearshaped ass and thighs refuse to fit into any one-piece clothing, from dresses to swimwear. I love swimming and I'm not gonna stop it just because some people are against my existance.
Jim is probably one of the 1% of RUclipsrs who HASN'T been sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends
In jim we trust
Karl Smallwood also regularly dunks on sponsor offers, particularly That One, as of latest, it's great.
I had channels that I liked go into that Raid trend, and now those channels are dead to me. I kind of get its part of the "hustle" and people want to get paid, but for fucks sake, these ads are now at obnoxious levels!
Dont forget those testicles wipes! 😉😉😉
It's not the best choice.. it's slaver's choice..
Do you think that people getting marketing degrees realize that this is what their life will be?
The Therapist Gamer I’m upset at Mad Men. They made it look glamorous with their suits, women, and booze. They didn’t mention the form letters.
The people with Marketing degrees are higher up on the totem pole. This is an intern at a PR firm hired by the marketing firm. Neither firm wants to put in the effort to do their jobs properly, and that's how we get the ad-pocalypse.
@@aria5614 Not at the start they aren't When i got my IT degree and walked into a company first day one guy asked what my qualifications were i told him and he said thats great put the kettle on because a degree means shit here. I ended up running the IT department after 3 years nobody with a degree by passes shit that is a myth unless they are a start up
@@TNTITAN To be fair to Mad Men, they show the glamour but also how that lifestyle and mindset destroyed families and everything the main characters care about.
That delivery of "I'm a gamer, I'm a gamer" lives in my head rent free
"Because it was funny!"
It was, sir. It was funny.
Funniest bit I've ever seen.
Not if he’s genuinely ingested hand sanitizer... funny so long as he’s okay.
Just circling back! Like a vulture.
I've just got this image in my head of someone dying of thirst in the desert while you can hear, "You must have missed my last email," overhead.
So is that a "no" on the Tiger Knight campaign?
It's clearly a "maybe".
It's alright we can circle back to it later....
My next DnD-character will be a snake oil salesman named Skunkem Crow
@@Honsanmai Record your sessions and message me them so i can have a laugh... don't forget to "Circle back" to people ;)
Circle back or circle jerk?!
Is there a difference?!
They may stop if you make an outrageous counter offer. Like:
For 20 million dollars you can have me slag off your product in a 5 minute video.
Jim, you're a beast in these times. Don't ever change. We need people like you moving forward.
“Declining career?” Aww Jim, please don’t say that, we love your work! Now, if we could circle back to my previous offer, Boglin’s Bogroll is the number 1 producer of pandemic-grade toilet paper, and we would like to offer you $50 and a free lung disinfector to review it on your channel! :):):)
It's Jims ideology on progressive viewpoints, turns quite a few people off. And is out of touch with the wider gaming community.
Like when he made a video about the privileged game dev who called fans "asshats". Like most of the time Jim criticises Devs, but then when a subject like gender ii's involved, he acts like any "AAAyyy" PR firm would.
Grubby bum so you’re saying being progressive is a bad thing? And that its out of touch with ‘the wider gaming community’? seems like you’re justifying why you specifically don’t like him and trying to present it as an opinion shared by every other gamer.
Well Jim's not wrong, he's getting less views because RUclips is showing his content to less people. He doesn't use the ad revenue but the side effect of less views means less patrons.
@@mawrak Weird. I know a few gamers, and they are, by and large fairly progressive, at least the ones whose political stances I know of.
Darth Mawrak yeah using the phrase ‘it’s just statistics’ without providing any tangible statistics isn’t a very compelling argument, especially since games are a fairly universal passtime that extends beyond specific political ideologies. I’m a left-leaning progressive and I enjoy video games, and the same is true for the friends that I play with. Even in terms of influencers, lefttubers like Hbomberguy, Curio and Philosophy Tube are all themselves avid gamers (Hbomberguy even raised hundreds of thousands of dollars and got a phone call from AOC just by playing donkey kong 64)
In other words, being a gamer doesn’t mean you have to be a dick
Cucumber suculence is increasingly become one of my fave recurring characters in Jim's own extended universe.
He's leading the way with the new Hand Soap drinking challenge!
Hey Jim! Just circling back to this video. I accidently clicked on it and remembered I needed to circle back to see if you had gotten back to me. Be sure to give me a shout when your not busy. I think you will be a great fit for this comment section!
60-second "integrations"? They don't even have the balls to call them advertisements? Wowee
S i x t y s e c o n d i n t e g r a t i o n s
Another case of corporate lingo designed to make something shady/unappealing sound better, I guess.
Sounds like a term for disappointing sex
"Integrations" like the Borg.
A case of rebranding so as to avoid the negative connotations. Just more business mumbo jumbo to cover up the fact they want to buy your integrity, and not for expensive prices either.
The "integrations" I hate the most are when the person isn't even being honest they are just doing it to keep the lights on. Act like they actually give a crap about what they are plugging.
Sixty Second Integrations is a great name for a rock band that only makes songs 1 minute long
Jim Sterling: *Bitch slap of honesty*
Oh, you don't know the half of it!
I am not entirely sure if this wasn't created using a Deep-Fake Algorithm.
Not saying it looks real, it is obvious the lips sliders where set to 'cartoon,' but the movements in the face and shoulders scream 'this was originally a stock picture.' That is the scary part of these Deep-Fakes Algorithms, they can now take a single picture and animate them in such a way one would think it was a video feed. It feels like the animation software used by Jim's Editor might contain some of those Deep-Fake Algorithms, which do make things easier on the animator.
Me: Holy shit. No, that's gotta be some fake soap for the gag
Justin(?): " *why would you do that* "
Me: *Oh*
that is a man committed to his art :)
@@blindio466 You just don't understand us artists, we have to SUFFER, for our art...
i think that was part of the joke
@@blindio466 This man is a nutcase ^^
Im sure others have said it but this is dedication. I truly appreciate this stance as a consumer as we are often flooded with this certain type of advertisements. I understand channels and the people running them often have overhead and expenses that often cross that grey area, causing them to need the (ad)ded revenue. So the fact that this is your philosophy and that you've always stood by it speaks about what kind of person you are. And that's truly appreciated. Keep up the fight and the good work👍
p.s., the 549 Dislikes HAVE to be from the desperate companies trying to get you to accept an offer😂
I remember going into a call center interview and the interview was going well up until they asked me this question, "How are you at rebuttal?" I replied like any normal person would, I'm fine at rebuttal. They go onto to explain in their seedy, disgusting little language that part of the job was to get customers to buy things even when they tell me no and to rebuttal their no and ultimately land the sale.
At that point, I said sincerely, "So you want me to fucking harass them? Because that is what you are doing. If they say NO, it means NO. When you continue to persist and pester them, that is harassment." I then went on to say, "This interview is done," thanked them for their time and walked out.
There needs to be laws against this shit. These tactics should not be legal.
I had a case sorta similar but it's explained to me that the customer already bought a "special offer", which has a mandatory bundle (unknown to the customer) attached that adds cost to the offered price.
The customer would contact to ask why there's an added cost, and the job is basically to convince them to keep the item and not ask for a refund....and if they did request for a refund, I have to essentially beg them so the company keeps the money.
Boy, did I not last long in the company. 2 weeks, in fact.
Ah, so whenever I call up my local cable company and wish to cancel some of their services, I should have known that I was being harassed.
@@terrencenoran3233 That just reminds me of when Jim did an episode on Confusopolies.
The greatest secret in sales is that you're not interested in the nos, you're interested in making sure the yeses purchase the upsell. If you're in a store and people walk in not intending to purchase, that's not your fault for closing the sale, it's marketing's for wasting your time. If you're given a list to reach out to and it's full of people that haven't expressed interest, that's not your responsibility to change, it's the company not able to find its demographic.
But in a lot of companies nowadays, marketer and salesman are one and the same, and everyone is a yes until the police are called. It's not only gross, but ultimately, take solace that it's ineffective, and everyone - not the least the publisher - wastes enormous amounts of money on it.
This is one of many reasons I left circle k. They wanted us to "up sale" promos and the ck card. If people said they didn't want the card I was told to just scan and give to the customer anyway. No joke I watched my manager do this to annoyed customers who simply wanted their cup of morning coffee without being harassed.
Why? Because the registers track EVERYTHING employees scan and do. Too many voids? Sent a report and a "talking to" from the manager. Literally fuck that job.
"A great fit." Even Jim's wrestling outfit isn't a great fit. The only thing Jim Stirling is a great fit for is Jim Starling.
Which is exactly the way it should be, just as dog made him. Thank dog for Jim Sterling.
I can't like this... So here you go 👍
Can we get some arfs in chat
I was tempted to make a sarcastic joke about getting his name wrong too, not gonna lie..
PR Team: Advertise for us.
Jim: No.
PR Team: We have Mint Condition Bogglins.
that would mean the PR team did their research though :D
Love the video but seriously "cucumber succulence", if that even is your real name, i'm coming for that TP hoard behind you.
This is why I respect Jim so much, he knows what his channel is and how he got here, and he knows what kind of people watch his videos.
For a long, long while I never liked the character Jim uses for Jimquisitions, it was just just to OTT and silly for me. I have become used to that character though, even though my personal reservations still stand.
However, I have always had full respect for the content of those videos and the work that Jim does in highlighting certain areas, people and so on in the gaming industry. That is why he is worth watching.
Oh, that's why I was seeing NordVPN adds everywhere lately.
Ilya Landa I think they’re popping up again after lying low for half a year because they admitted they had a security breach in 2018 . . .
You'll have to find a Scrooge Mcduck picture now where he's swimming through a vault of integrity instead of money.
When I saw the title i thought this was going to be about RAID: Shadow Legends. The number of actual gaming channels that push that gatcha piece of shit is just ridiculous.
wait, people are still promoting that? i started to think their ad wave was dying down
@@Raikeran We're in the tail end of it now but it still pops up occasionally.
Only Internet Historian did that one right anyway. He took the 'do it in your own style' thing and ran with it, right into a brick wall. Raidy Shady still won't get my download but his ads make it look the least shit. Thing is, Raid is owned by Plarium, and they've been Freemium, Pay to Win games for years, like their entire library.
Its not just gaming channels, its EVERYBODY.
Gun channel: RAID
Beauty channel: RAID
Political commentary channel: RAID
Its like these people don't understand what market demographics are, and are just like "let's just shove it down EVERYBODYS throat!"
@@collinmclaren6608 I know but they just might not know any better and no-ones really going to those channels to hear about games. It only really angers me when gaming channels do it because they should be well aware of how shit the product is and how predatory those freemium games are.
If they were actual fans they'd know to pay in Boglins.
Don't you mean Pogs?
@@McSquiddington Dude. Get your mind out of the gutter. Everyone knows pogs are sexual objects.
@@LifeWulf I don't know, really. They're circular, they work in a wide variety of orifices, they're almost transactional in their very -
Oh. *Oh.*
"I'll give you... 10 BOGLINS if you say you like Raid: Shadow Legends"
"A good fit"
Translation: according to your channel's demographic we think you can help us sell our crap to kids who could become addicted to our "freemium" client's product.
You make money, we make money, some people who can't help themselves could lose their savings, Everyone Wins!
Hasn't Jim said his audience skews older? If that's so then they really aren't doing their research. XD
@@abitcattywampus But he talks about games. Games are for kids. Therefore he is for kids. Ipso fatso.
They didn't do their research. Jim is deeply unpopular with children viewers. If he sent out hid demographic stats they would all stop sending those sponsorship emails.
The only things that Jim's " a good fit " for is his wrestling outfit and the suit and hat! That's why those are the only things he wears!
@@abitcattywampus I actually never knew that lol
“Let’s Play Raid: Shadow Legends!”
Anyone else instinctively say something akin to “Yeah, how about let’s not?”...?
No I instinctively let out a noise somewhere between a sigh of frustration and a scream of unintelligible irritation.
Last one of those I saw was absolutely hilarious. It was about as sincerely delivered as a fake baby pulled out of a phoney mother by an unlicensed midwife, all of whom are J Allen Brack.
Eh. They're giving money to a lot of creators, including many that aren't monetized, so they're good for that. Even if I have no desire to ever play that game.
I typically let out a long sigh and double tap fast forward a bunch to get past the shit ad
Craig Thompson was at least sincere when he advertised that game.
They’re doing something called ‘sequencing’ through a programme like outreach etc...
It’s a pre-written series of emails that send automatically at specified time periods (like 4 working days etc or whatever they set)
Lowest form of low
I feel the urge to start a videogame ad agency called quarter-circle back
I'll allow it on the condition that you only advertise fighting games.
And pretend I have the ability to not allow it.
Ezra Clark What about Nickelback
@@theodorelehman And David Cage "immersive sims"!
Not gonna lie, that is low key a cool business name
It’s over for you - I’ve already reserved “@quarter-circleback” for myself
*insane megalomaniacal laughter
I'm interested in the Tiger Knight! That's the Netflix show everyone is talking about right?
You might be thinking of The Dragon Prince.
@@TheSeptet No. It's tiger King. The documentary.
@@BlackVampyr woosh
I think your talking about Lion Duke
Sorry everybody. I was actually thinking of Lionheart, starring Jean-claude Van Damme.
"So Media Top, if you want to email me again..."
MT: *typing at the speed of light* Circling back after you're new vid E O! Not sure if you were into interested or not! Give me a shout!"
"Thankyou for your genuine interest in our product. We think you'll be a great fit and we've already mailed the forms to your address, just to circle back this was the correct address right? [old home address]
Just stumbled upon your channel the other day. I have to say that you are both entertaining and informative. I work in a supermarket where every day I am coughed on, shouted at and abused. Usually because we don't have the right kind of pasta to fulfill their instant means of gratification. To come home and watch videos like yours genuinely makes my days brighter. Thank you Jim, you are fantastic!
Jim only takes quality sponsorships, like from Kellogg's.
Or Pornhub.
The Corn Flakes Homunculus! It wants to die, great nutritious taste!
@@thomasjohnston1805 You do know you're supposed to add milk to cornflakes before you can properly enjoy them.
Also, if you microwave them, do it for only 15 seconds. You don't want to burn yourself.
You know media top is going to see the end and think he’s serious and send him another offer.
Now I kinda want Jim to take a sponsorship just to do absolutely nothing but talk crap about it for 10 minutes straight and see if they still decide to pay him.
AJ - there’s a certain RUclipsr who took a sponsorship (although no one knows how), then had a disagreement with his sponsor, dropped it like a hot potato and used the remaining sponsorship money to commission hentai artwork...
Some of them would, because even if Jim just sat there talking shit for 10 minutes straight, their name is suddenly in front of about a million people. And some subset of those people are going to install just to see if the video is true, or because it sounded neat despite all that. Not to mention the SEO and youtube algorithm crap which would further boost their visibility, and in some cases make them look more legit than they actually are.
I know Angry Joe more than once was offered money if he would say something nice about a terrible mobile game, turned down the money and did a video about how bad the game was.
@@winfehler Was it SSeth?
@@winfehler for a moment I thought you might be talking about Sseth Tzeentach, but Sseth doesn't use sponsorship money to commision hentai artwork. He uses patreon money for that sort of thing :D
still though, maybe that was before I was following the channel. I could definetly see him doing this.
Jim Sterling, the one channel nobody has to turn off Adblock for.
You turn your Adblock off?
these spammers might be held hostage by their bosses. tell 'em to smiley-face the sos signal if they are.
:) :) :) :D :D :D :) :) :)
I'll shed a tear for them just like I shed a tear for paparazzi and MMO gold selling advertisers.
"Genital warts here! Just wanted to circle back and make sure you weren't interested in genital warts."
What are you offering
Wveth Meal kits.
well seeing as your back...
I've always thought that genital warts were a good fit for me.
Hilarious as this is, it really is so respectable that Jim blatantly tells stupid sponsors to get lost. We need more Jims on RUclips
I mean, I get what you say, but I can totally understand if somebody takes these deals if they aren't financially as well situated as Jim.
However, I think game reviewers shouldn't take game sponsorships for obvious reasons. And nobody should do sponsorships for online casinos.
Except, what your also saying, you want only corporations on youtube. As they are the only ones able to do youtube fulltime.
With the exception of patreon.
The unfortunate part is that many original content creators are losing funding here because of a whole slew of bad practices that have been slowly funneling money into a handful of content farms.
What does help this channel is the fact that Jim clearly has better ethics than to take money from a game advertiser. I don't think anyone should take a penny from anyone that would stop them from doing their job properly. Because clearly, they cannot criticize a game if they are sponsored by it.
Not to mention we all get annoyed by it.
I honestly have so much respect for Jim, since he is in less then 1% of youtubers that refuse to make sponsored or promotional related content. Keep doing great job Jim, and thank god for you
I hope he gets an email addressed to Cucumber Succulent
Maybe he should add a second spam account for Cucumber Succulent and put it on his website
He could still have his old email on it too; just put it in the middle somewhere so only people who actually read it can find it.
I thought Cucumber Succulent was Ninja for a second.
"Wait a second. This guy is wearing glasses and has different coloured hair. Clearly this is a channel run by two people. Who is Clark Kent."
@@mugendono23 That's who he's parodying
Jim's inbox will now be filled with loads of people just saying circle back.
Not gonna lie, I thought about it.
I love how they say "Give me a shout if you're interested" And he doesn't reply... meaning he isn't shouting... meaning he isn't interested... and they try again anyway... lol.
The people there don't actually look at it like that, they just see that one of the probably dozends if not hundreds of possible clients hasn't responded so they automatically send another email just in case it got buried or something. Doesn't cost them anything.
What do you expect from a marketing brainlet? You don't get into marketing because you're smart. You do it because you're basically a human parrot who is extremely good at echoing the same thing over and over in an annoying and intrusive way.
I use to work for an internet marketing and hearing terms from that industry now make my skin crawl. "Circle back" is pretty infuriating to hear but the absolute worst for me is "Touch base" or "Just touching base". I must have emailed that countless times to my career 200+ clients. There is no atoning for a crime like that...
100% of your emails will now “circle back” and it’s hilarious
Sometimes I feel like there's no actual people at those PR firms. Just algorithms, sending out emails with offers to anyone even slightly famous.
To misquote a film classic: Mr Pink: "You kill anybody?"
Mr Jim: "A few PR."
Mr Pink: "No real people?"
Mr Jim: "Just PR."
Why even be picky? You can probably just datamine all YT accounts that are monetizable then mass email
I remember when Jim was told on the escapist to basically soon sponsor "mtn dew and doritios!" -- he left the escapist in response.
Life hack for people who have no impulse control and find themselves repeatedly eating soap for a joke: Keep a soap bottle full of water handy, even if you don't think you'll need it. Soap eating is a spontaneous thing. Always be prepared.
Seriously though. Part of surviving with ADHD is setting up your environment so you don't need things like impulse control, short term memory or an intuitive sense of time. Write random reminders on your windows (or walls, if you have shiny paint) in dry-erase marker. Put extra steps between yourself and stupid decisions. If you have to do something at the same time every day, give your cat a treat every time you do it so your cat will remind you. If you have to remember to unpack a suitcase, put it where you're most likely to trip over it.
the language they use makes me think of “nice guy” stalkers online.. they don’t take your lack of response as disinterest and at the vaguest hint that you might be interested they jump down your throat, regardless of everything you’ve said before that illustrates how uninterested you are
"But i'm a nice corporation"
Its canned language... its written to throw off people who are new to either working with adverts, or just people who have little business experience... it can be off putting to see someone being so "polite". usually the shadiest or ones that send out tons of emails a day wont even give a name or indication that they know who the email was sent to, and wont tell you their exact relation to the company in question. they might get a contract from a company for xxxxx about of dollars. and send you x amount of dollars "under the table" to do their job for them spreading the word form the company that they were hired to advertise for... its all BS. blanket marketing.
Turtle Rhythm “Why don’t you do business with MY corporation? We’re not like those other businesses. We’re nicer and better!”
PR people aren't social people. Social people don't intentionally piss in your cornflakes. It's the callous nuts that thrive in PR.
"Every other person I've worked with has told me we're a nice corporation and just between us, has told me my is quite a lot larger than the competition's! Also I know where you live and where your child goes to school. Call me!"
...that ending joke about getting more email is beautiful. The company will see it as an opportunity to think that he's inviting them in. What's actually happening is that he's just getting more ammunition to throw into an atom smasher for our entertainment.
all the down thumbs are from the PR people that didn't read his contact info.
Legends say the human adbots are still circling back to this day