@love111131 F'din id-diska hemm marbut l-anniversarju tad-90 sena anniversarju tal-PL,mhux ovvja li jkun hemm dik it-touch politika jekk giet miktuba ghalhekk!
More than can be said of what the Gonzi administration is auguring for the New Year, with the exception of the Chosen hefty weekily salary rises, free mobile free petrol performance bonuses etc., etc, etc and for the rest rest hefty rises in surcharges, increases in fuel , gas, bus fares, increases in MEPA chrges , increase in Social Secturity, etc., etc......
@love111131 F'din id-diska hemm marbut l-anniversarju tad-90 sena anniversarju tal-PL,mhux ovvja li jkun hemm dik it-touch politika jekk giet miktuba ghalhekk!
jekkkkk tamel diska tal milid manfx ala dahlu politaka xahna injoranti il maltinnnn man jaqq ! diska sabiha u tfotuwaaa imabt
il milied dalwaqt mana
More than can be said of what the Gonzi administration is auguring for the New Year, with the exception of the Chosen hefty weekily salary rises, free mobile free petrol performance bonuses etc., etc, etc and for the rest rest hefty rises in surcharges, increases in fuel , gas, bus fares, increases in MEPA chrges , increase in Social Secturity, etc., etc......
@xewkadotcom mandix xtaqsam mannn jek inti setamel diska tal milid diska ta ferh u mux ta DWEJAQQQQ