Usually for bills you would spend 10-20$ per week if you were living off campus accomodation. In your case if you can find a place for less than 180 without bills that could be cheaper. In saying that please do consider the distance you will travel to university as well since that will add up if you’ve to travel far and spend loads getting to campus.
@ thank you for replying💕 also I had a question I want to study in wsu for my bachelor’s of medical science. I want to apply for the spring semester so should I apply now for uni?
Great info maaan. 🎉 thanks
Love this!!!!!
Thaank you for sharing such a great video!!! i wish I could've seen this when I moved here for uni!!!
I have a question living on campus costs like 208 dollars and I think the bills are also included. Then which one is better? Living on or living off
Usually for bills you would spend 10-20$ per week if you were living off campus accomodation. In your case if you can find a place for less than 180 without bills that could be cheaper. In saying that please do consider the distance you will travel to university as well since that will add up if you’ve to travel far and spend loads getting to campus.
@ thank you for replying💕 also I had a question I want to study in wsu for my bachelor’s of medical science. I want to apply for the spring semester so should I apply now for uni?