After The Flash: A Veteran's Retrospective

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

Комментарии • 397

  • @NeuroBandit
    @NeuroBandit  10 месяцев назад +87

    Of course, there are other problems / talking points that I didn't touch upon, but I'll leave the presentation of those problems to a current player.
    Speaking of current players, I'm working on an RP game on my own, which takes place in a post-apocalyptic setting during the 2nd American Civil War. Check out the discord for more info. Also, if you're looking for apocalyptic, tactical, or videogame/movie roblox clothing, I've got you covered. I've been making clothes and assets for a year and a half now, so I welcome you to take a look at my work -- most of it is ATF-compatible. And for fellow clothing creators, I welcome you to join my discord to gain access to my assets. 20:25
    Here's the link to my main group, NeuroWar (check Affiliates for my others):!/about
    Joining our discord has its own perks:

    • @joeligma4721
      @joeligma4721 10 месяцев назад

      could i get some robux

    • @Tavdogg11
      @Tavdogg11 9 месяцев назад

      It got updated with better rules. We have been saved.

    • @joeligma4721
      @joeligma4721 9 месяцев назад

      @@Tavdogg11 No it did not you lyin

    • @joeligma4721
      @joeligma4721 9 месяцев назад

      @@Tavdogg11 Holy fuck nevermind

    • @kindadumbtrashpile3705
      @kindadumbtrashpile3705 9 месяцев назад +1

      I played After the Flash a few times.. I tried getting into it but. All I really saw was an immensely serious unforgiving environment that makes new players who dont know the factions or dont feel like they fit into these factions basically hate themselves. For being dumb. I genuinely do not enjoy it.
      Edit: I was a victim to having my character instakilled with absolutely no way to fight back.

  • @Taco2250
    @Taco2250 9 месяцев назад +273

    The stupidest thing i've seen in wintertide has to be, someone Specifically Roleplayed Grazing my head with a bullet, he rolled a 19 I rolled a 15, but he was screaming about how "since I rolled a 19 it should be a Kill shot" and not even asking to Server kill me, and then threataned to call a mod, like what bruh 💀

    • @matboss1115
      @matboss1115 9 месяцев назад +3

      Wait tf what after the flash have u been playing I don't remember dice rolling

    • @Taco2250
      @Taco2250 9 месяцев назад +14

      @@matboss1115I've played since Mirage, this was in wintertide

    • @xrGoldii
      @xrGoldii 9 месяцев назад

      Was he relatively new? Some people dont know the difference

    • @Checkit2
      @Checkit2 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@Taco2250 the people in wintertide are genuinely crp hungry as hell, some of the mods are also cheeks

    • @Checkit2
      @Checkit2 6 месяцев назад

      @@Taco2250 ive been playing whispers of the zone a bit now, its not the best rp but its pretty good

  • @lambda760
    @lambda760 10 месяцев назад +232

    As a veteran ATF player who's been playing since Rain, I sympathise with a lot said in this video, I do sometimes wish I could go back to the good old days of rain, deep-six and mirage, however, I still think wintertide is the better game for a lot of reasons, a few major ones I'll list below.
    -The rig system is a huge boon for Wintertide, despite some people's use of it to make some truly horrendous creations the rig system is a tool that has done more good than bad, it has allowed players to customise their characters infinitely, allowing for no limit on creativity, people can now make characters that are unique and distinct from one another; in previous titles you were mostly limited to whatever pre-set character outfits that was in the game and the addition of a few accessories to your character in mirage and overcast.
    -The cryptid problem you mentioned has always been present in after the flash (at least since rain), some Rad-X mutants were ridiculously overpowered, crushers were extraordinarily strong and resistant to damage with no downsides other than being unable to use weapons (this isn't really a problem when you can crush a man's skull in one action), they could solo entire groups and the only way to effectively take them out was OOC sniping.
    -The new mutants can now interact with normal humans in ways other than simply fighting, eldritch mutants are a lot less aggressive, acting in ways an animal reasonably would, less concerned on killing survivors than they are with staying alive. Additionally, the loose rules on how they can behave means that every interaction is at least slightly different from others, some like freaks can be found on the fringes of society, willing to have conversation yet there's always a sense that they could turn on you any second. In the previous universe, mutants were one-dimensional and boring, their only goal was to spread rad-x and there was no conversation to be had at all, if you saw a mutant, you knew exactly how they would behave if they saw you.
    -Speed typing used to be a huge problem especially in mirage, CRP that involves speedtyping is extremely low quality when it comes to actual roleplay as speedtypers will use little to no detail in order to win as quickly as possible, with speedtyping largely dealt with CRP (while not perfect by any measure) now allows for more detailed roleplay.
    -The general attitude of players has been improved, while I still do see Melvins and mini-mods their presence peaked during mirage, it was near impossible to get anything done you'd go anywhere and someone would metagame to find you, coming out of nowhere and attacking you, decreasing the quality of RP by disrupting the narrative in a way that was obnoxious and shoehorned. In mirage I'd shoot someone and then they'd start arguing with me about weapon calibres, in Wintertide if you try to do this you will be voided. While the number of self-obssessed pacifist role-players has increased as mentioned in the video, I'd personally much rather have someone that did nothing than someone who actively ruined roleplay.
    I've seen a lot of people view previous after the flash games through rose tinted glasses glazed with nostalgia, I outright quit after the flash when mirage came out because of how bad the attitude of those who played it was near middle of it's life cycle. I've had more fun roleplaying in Wintertide than any previous game and I don't wanna look back.

    • @dominicdelreal2941
      @dominicdelreal2941 9 месяцев назад +8

      I agree I've been playing since deep six and the rigging system has really improved the overall interactions and the theme of wintertide people can now fully realize their characters and the rigging system itself is easy to figure out in my opinion

    • @dominicdelreal2941
      @dominicdelreal2941 9 месяцев назад +2

      I also agree with the seeing through rose tinted glasses like sure i remember the older games being fun but the overall negativity to the newer games is a bit absurd in my opinion i see some people in wintertide servers who are only there to complain about it which is unfair I think that wintertide can be improved but it is by no means a bad game overall

    • @MasonStrand
      @MasonStrand 4 месяца назад

      The eldritches remind me a lot of stuff some of my friends and I used to do by making “friendly mutants” or “half mutants” back in the days of Dark. In our stories, half mutants could sort of blend into both worlds. Unfortunately, by the time rain came out stories like that couldn’t exist in the lore and would get voided because the lore became stricter. Wintertide has done a decent job of allowing people to be creative with their story and flesh out the lore to add a new side to the story where mutants aren’t all just rabid.
      But what still frustrates me with the character creation system is the amount of people who disregard the universe entirely and try to make Fallout characters, etc. most of these people are younger I assume, but it just frustrates me as an older player because ATF is NOT fallout and never should be played like fallout. If you want to do fallout, go find a fallout roleplay!
      And also, while the roll system is fun, not everyone wants to role play like it’s DND and make pvp a roll only based game. I feel like there should be an option that indicates whether you will role play with a dice or you won’t, and PTK should always be on, unless you enter certain areas like military bases, where maybe rolling or an instant void makes sense. Or simply, like in the old days, allow exploration of this area and let others void you.
      It would be cool if you could make voided players invisible as well on your client side, but I’m sure that’s a lot of work.

    • @lambda760
      @lambda760 25 дней назад

      Nine months after originally writing this comment, I've returned to say I quit ATF about 3 months ago. Bad decision after bad decision made by the devs and mods has led me to become fed up with the game and my views on this video have substantially changed. My tipping point was the change of the age rating, severely impacting the quality of communication. It has become abundantly clear that ATF Wintertide is a bloated mess of a game, and many of the decisions made are made so that the developers can exploit children of their and their parents' money.

  • @pray7056
    @pray7056 9 месяцев назад +44

    I also remember playing ATF as a kid, years later when I was playing Mirage I got banned for 22 whole years (2047) for just making people laugh, I was cosplaying as Steve from Minecraft and I had collected all the pickaxes for it, they banned me for two whole decades for something people can ignore
    The ATF moderators are the exact same as every mod everywhere else, unwilling to see reason and understand, only looking for someone to ban.

    • @lil_timmy7443
      @lil_timmy7443 2 месяца назад +3

      Agreed. Had my first experience with the mod team today, two mods to be specific who were unwilling to help; Irequim (something like that) and Duccy_soup. Not the brightest of the bunch.

  • @degen2789
    @degen2789 9 месяцев назад +45

    ATF 1 vet here, What killed the game for me was how tedious, and monotonous it became to participate in any main faction. In deep six, and rain faction play was what got me hooked. Being a member of any faction felt like you were playing alongside a group of friends. As you participated, you were noticed and appreciated for being there. You were a part of the magic. It felt good to rank up and be active enough to get myself into a position in multiple factions to be able to host and acknowledge other like-minded people who were always around making things happen and promote them. Every group had its core members, and for the most part only achieved a couple hundred in membership including the casuals. When Mirage permanently solidified ATF's popularity as thee roleplaying game, the population boom was bound to make it difficult to maintain that level of individual player impact.
    In Mirage I enjoyed playing solo, but in factions almost all individuality was crushed. Most mainline factions didn't allow customs, forced you to build your character a certain way, and behave and look a certain way. And with every faction host the server was always 75% that faction. There was rarely faction interaction, outside of factions interacting with themselves. You began to feel like a cog in a machine, you wouldn't get noticed for just being there and participating. And if you were noticed, it was in a corporate structured manner, marking off everyone who was there and having extreme expectations for their attendance to actually rank up or get anywhere. Most interesting faction roleplays were scripted, there was no real flow of roleplay. It felt so forced. Gone were the days of just hosting a faction RP and letting it be dynamic, and fluid. It was either RP by yourself and float around your faction base, No solo play! Or show up for large, scripted events where you were most likely going to be churned into a meat grinder for your faction. Don't get me wrong, despite all of this there were small factions that still felt just like the old times, but they would always be side-lined. Barely playing any part in the over-arching story. Gone were the small, but influential factions like DECorp, or the tifepol, or those British guy's I always forget about in d6. Or the border bandits and dew runners, I can't remember their exact names. Replaced with the generic CDF or USCPF, with a couple of forgettable un-eventful factions in-between.
    It was the individuals who made ATF what it was. It was the freedom to express yourself how you wanted and decide where the story goes. I felt like most of that has been lost. Sure, you have more character customization and freedom than ever before, but with absolutely zero constraints now it just seems so all over the place. Robots here, random little creatures there, absolutely immersion breaking builds and rigs. And now deciding for yourself mostly just feels like deciding who you're not going to RP with. I miss when the entire server felt engaged in roleplay together, not so divided and separated. The game need's structure, but it also needs to allow more personal freedoms. It must allow the player to impact the story. Maybe that's long gone in the past, killed by the massive population boom. Gone are the days of famous, and infamous characters who would die off but be remembered. Instead replaced by artificial, plot armored, moderator players. Or just completely forgetful faces.
    Maybe I'm just angry and getting old. But I'll always have a warm spot for what once was. Thanks Chad genuinely made both my early, and late childhood great. The good Ol' days. I'll always remember the real early day's of ATF 1 and 2. Back when it was still a survival roleplay, and you had to manage resources like hydration, nutrition, ect. It was a nice change when PVP was finally re-introduced in rain. the OG's remember.
    I'm glad more people are enjoying ATF, and the game was not built for me in mind. I hope the new generation of players never feels as jaded as me!

    • @krisdood713
      @krisdood713 7 месяцев назад +1

      I agree, the applications and character sheets are just horrendous! I end up wasting hours of my time only to get denied

    • @guy13677
      @guy13677 3 месяца назад

      Respectfully, get a life.

  • @ChadTheCreator
    @ChadTheCreator 9 месяцев назад +36

    Howdy! Chad here, nice video amigo. I came into this expecting another veteran RPer trying to grasp at reasons why Overcast or even DW were the best ATFs, but this video was a little more nuanced than that, though I do believe it has some misinformed moments. Out of respect for the video, I'll try to offer some responses. It's a long one, sorry in advance.
    First, most people leave ATF simply because they no longer have time or their interests shift. It's an incredibly complex topic - but just for a taste of how deep it goes - first "ATF is dead/dying" comment I ever got was 3 or 4 weeks after ATF1 released in 2011. Perhaps our communal-based progression has always been flawed since the beginning, or perhaps it's just people reeling from the disgusting nature of the economy we live in hitting them as they exit their teens and they miss the less horrifying times of their younger years. It's likely both. As for your comments on Overcast, great job on mentioning its pros but also its cons. Not many Overcast fans tend to remember much about how horrid 7.5 could be.
    ATF8 had many problems on launch, as you point out. I had been doing the 2032 lore for 10 years and I refused to turn ATF into a soulless grind I just do to pay my bills - so I remade the lore. Remaking lore from the bottom-up is always difficult. The 2032 timeline had 10 years of expanded lore behind it when it went away, ATF8's lore was always going to have a tough time just starting out. As for me 'shoehorning my politics into the lore', I don't feel that's a fair assessment. I feel that this is just the first ATF game to truly have some politically left-leaning factions or referencing any leftist politics in the lore. All games prior to this had politically center-right or even far-right factions, with one in ATF7 even being named after a particular far-right chunk of the political compass. Most factions in ATF8 are politically right-leaning. The CDF itself, being the furthest left-leaning faction in the 2032 timeline, was barely center-right at best. The lore is not my fan fiction, it's just a tool for telling stories.
    The Coalition resembling NCR or Alumni resembling the BoS is either coincidence or it's what the faction leadership wants. The Coalition was designed to be an updated CDF and the Alumni was literally just based on my own college experience but 'taken into the apocalypse'.
    As for the music - we're just in a different Roblox than we were in 2015. I used a bunch of new 1930s-era music to try to keep the aesthetic without running afoul of roblox's intense new push for punishing copyrighted music. But lately I've relaxed it a little because roblox missed a bunch of our 2015/2016-era uploads with their bot sweeps and my opinion is I might as well just put it back in ATF until roblox takes it down. But I can't upload new copyrighted music - it's just too risky nowadays. I was never trying to 'get rid' of the older soundtrack, I just get sick of the same music being in every game. ATF6 originally had vietnam-era music because I felt that best fit the atmosphere. ATF7 had PMJ music but more modern versions of it. ATF8 is in a tough spot, again, due to roblox's intense new push for removing/punishing copyrighted music.
    Releasing ATF8 for xmas wasn't just a matter of 'trying to cash in' as some people believe, rather it was an intersection of not having the game further along in development by the end of 2021 and NEEDING to sell stuff during xmas for the games to stay alive. December alone is around 20% of a game's annual income - you either try to put out things for people to buy or you earn nothing. We either had to try to get a slightly undercooked game out for xmas and raise funds for development for 2022 - or we accept that we lose a full 20% of the game's annual income. Since ATF7 had been slowly decreasing in activity for the 12 to 18 months before this, it would've been a situation where ATF8 might've had 25% or 50% less updates in 2022 - potentially tanking the game entirely. As much as these games are my passion an I love working on them ever since 2011 - they still pay for my food and housing and I sometimes have to make tough and unfortunate decisions to keep things running. I definitely could have just delayed the game and sold some items, but that would've put an almost unbearable amount of pressure on us following December.
    Not gonna comment at all on what seems to be a desire to call someone the R word without moderation lol. The whole section on 'being passive aggressive vs telling it like it is' sounds like the rose-tinted nostalgia goggles may have hit you on this topic. Those same things happened in the prior games - albeit with different words and different actions.
    I'm glad you were able to make note of some of the things we can agree are positive in the current experience. Your take on how to treat FRPers/newbies was particularly refreshing since veterans tend to have the opposite opinion on those RPers. I've learned a lot from ATF8 as a developer and as a manager, much of which can be summed up as: I overestimated how good the content would be if I give people advanced systems and let them have a ton of freedoms. We're slowly fixing ATF8 to be the game it was always meant to be - but I suspect the true lessons I learned won't be fully implemented until ATF9 - hopefully making it the best one yet. Despite how messy it can be intertwining passion with income, I'm glad these games and stories were able to find a place in your heart somewhere. Overall the video is a good one, well edited, etc - hope to see more from you!

    • @bockqses
      @bockqses 9 месяцев назад +25

      more effort was put into this comment than any script in atf8

    • @Americanwillchester
      @Americanwillchester 9 месяцев назад +3

      why did you write all this just for a small video💀

    • @cristinastan8444
      @cristinastan8444 9 месяцев назад +4

      Hey Chad,out of Curiosity,Couldn't you get a good job or like do ATF Games as a side hustle,since Game Developers don't get always paid as much (getting robux,then converting them into USD,Then Paying your team etc..) Like,i really respect what you're doing despite the Community's hate/Disliking Since you have made the childhood of alot of ATF Users,But going back in the Job Discussion,Since you're VERY Good at Developing and Scripting,along with your team's help,You could perhaps try becoming a Programmer,Something that could help you pay your bills and get food,so you don't always have to rely on this game to feed you.
      But hey,I'm not here to make decisions for you,I hope the best for your future and the future of ATF Games,And i have an immense respect for you and for the work you have put in ATF Games (Despite still some stuff i don't agree whit.)
      Also,a bit late but,merry christmas!

    • @ChadTheCreator
      @ChadTheCreator 9 месяцев назад +3

      I could either be dismissive of the video and write 5 sentences or I could go more in-depth, I decided the latter

    • @ChadTheCreator
      @ChadTheCreator 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@cristinastan8444 I appreciate the kind words and encouragement. I definitely would prefer to do ATF/LOTA full time. It's stressful and often requires me to monetize things in ways some deem sleazy, but it's what must be done for this to be a full time thing with multiple large updates per year. I'd much rather be creating these worlds everyday than doing it only a couple hours out of the week.

  • @bigboyox
    @bigboyox 6 месяцев назад +5

    been playing since rain and this is hands down the best ATF video ive watched that discusses my grips with the game as a whole. Very good video partner.

  • @kadecase7470
    @kadecase7470 9 месяцев назад +22

    Once you free yourself from the thought of your character dying or getting hurt or having bad things happen to them, the game becomes much much much more enjoyable, I started making quests and stories with characters and the build tool and it was the most fun I’ve had and most of the time my character would die by the end of it.

  • @user-qu7cg3ee7y
    @user-qu7cg3ee7y 9 месяцев назад +3

    Some of this comment is going to be all over the place between time. I debated even sending this, though I find it funny that after so long, I seeing ATF pop up on my youtube timeline after so many years, almost haunting me. I'm a bit of an oldhead roleplayer- I roleplayed so much after -22 and dropping. I stopped playing ATF and a couple of other roleplays after Rain- a lot of this behavior is a terribly predictable vicious cycle. The roleplay scene in Roblox died out hard as its intended demographic for it outgrew it, we're starting to see that there's an attempt to meet and accommodate the new demographic. Admin abuse has been rampant for years across multiple RP groups- I could name so many between ATF and too many other roleplay (not as big as ATF) but back then, you would often see the same group of people as heads of multiple other roleplays and seed themselves in somehow becoming the same circle.
    Genuine innovation in ATF had been pretty slow for many years- both on the side of the devs, but also the roleplayers themselves. As you mentioned, the attitude between roleplayers has gotten so bad that it's... just not fun. If you happen to find yourself in the decent roleplay circles- you do something right, and you manage to anger someone else in the process- it ends up being an uphill battle that you'd eventually just not roleplay, on top of the completely unmanageable character bleeding that happens, people becoming so incredibly ooc after taking it so seriously. I remember the emotional drain I felt OOC just talking to a handful of people in the RP scene, the blatant immaturity, the constant backtalking of other people, it all became insufferable.
    The rig system and animations- that was predictable development over time, something I foresaw happening with Roblox being an engine- I wouldn't call it "innovation" rather than inevitability with existing hat/customization systems dreadfully needing an upgrade. Roleplayers are often seeking new, unique ways to roleplay (or just a good place to roleplay in general) and ATF has creeped to a level of manageability. Admins back then seemed to exhibit insane behavior without any meaningful discussion, and were "always right" in their discourse. FailRP of all kinds is so rampant that it's essentially driven a lot of good roleplayers away from the community for more manageable forms of roleplay.
    I honestly implore that people that no longer enjoy Roblox RP or ATF to find meaning through other means of roleplay where your time and work is respected. Mine shifted hard after I stopped playing Roblox in general- I stopped roleplaying for maybe two years because nothing at the time really beat the creativity and ability to create in Roblox.
    In my own experience, I found I could express the same if not similar roleplay freedom in VRChat. You learn Unity along the way, you make your own systems and assets you can re-apply for use across the game. The roleplayers are there to make a story with you, full-on improv, full on great roleplay most of the time. FRPers generally fall off the face of the earth when they realize they can't do the same things they were doing in text RP in settings like VRC because they have to follow the rules of what's physically possible between game development and VR design. It's been a huge breath of fresh air.

  • @Sound_FXGuy
    @Sound_FXGuy 9 месяцев назад +36

    Side note: during wintertides shit release, a game called ATFBox made by Hyland Garrick was really popular, which as it implies was just a sandbox of ATF 7, they unlocked all of the locked weapons that you had to pay for with game pass or stream donos, same with rigs, you were allowed to role play as anything you want as long as it wasn’t NSFW, sadly ATFBox was shutdown by Chad, it was sad since they didn’t even make money out of the game. Many people in the Hyland Garrick discord accused chad of shutting it down for money reasons since Mirage was his cash cow

    • @oof_tvyt
      @oof_tvyt 8 месяцев назад +1

      There was also another, similar game called "M-Mod" which was really popular (and that I was a part of for a while). It did similar things to ATFBox, but also had roleplaying rules and custom assets to enhance experience. Unfortunately, it was shut down too, and rebranded last year to "After The Flash: New Beginnings" which unfortunately flopped due to bugs and people being booted from the community for seemingly no reason (including me). I really enjoyed ATF:NB and wish that it hadn't ended like that.

  • @SunsetLotus
    @SunsetLotus 9 месяцев назад +4

    Never got into too deep into ATF's community but I did roleplay a shit ton on the various ATF games, including the ones that go back to 2016. Shit was fun, although I do remember witnessing people break into OOC the moment that their RP didn't go well/powergame'd the fuck out of others to feed into their power fantasies. It's how I just fucked off from military RP and found the joys of RPing random joes/medics/mechanics without no real knowledge on how to clean, operate and even have a gun in the first place. Haven't tried out Wintertide as after AFT, I went on to RP in other games like WoW.

  • @s_pecial
    @s_pecial 10 месяцев назад +95

    Mirage: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
    I can agree with most of the video, but Mirage: G,B&U really clicked with me and how you described the atmosphere. Mirage really had me feeling like I was surviving the wasteland, and I can see why it got so popular. Being assaulted by a mutant or bandit, in the grand scheme, was one of the many things that I feel made Mirage great, as the Fallout/New Vegas vibe really snapped in place. With the Mirages map, there were also a lot of unnamed POIs, which were just great and tie right back in with Fallout/New Vegas.
    Wintertide: Too little, Too late
    Like you said at the start, when you joined ATF, you didn't know what you were doing: "We were all kids, running around fail roleplaying," which I seriously feel ties right in with Wintertide's current day, and that despite how annoying it is for serious RPers to do their RP in Wintertide, it must've been the same back in Rain when we were kids. Times have changed, as bad as we all want to deny it, and the new generation is here. Maybe they're cringeworthy, annoying, disruptive, or FRPers, but that's how we were as well.
    The reason why I don't play Wintertide is mainly because of its atmosphere; it has pushed too far from that of mirages while still trying to maintain the sort of 'cowboy' feel, which failed horribly because of the year Wintertide set in. I think I heard this from somewhere else, or maybe not, IDK, but the games worked so nicely before because we could sort of relate to what was going on; it's hard to explain, really, but Deep Six we could relate to because it wasn't really "futuristic" despite the time it took place, and Mirage, which I suppose was closer to 2019 or 2020, if you get what I mean. Whereas Wintertides set so far out into the future, with so many technological advancements and what-not, it just feels... Not to mention, the futuristic cowboy vibe doesn't work that well.
    Having Fun in ATF
    I don't like to call these players "FRPs" necessarily; I much rather prefer "New Player" since I've spent my fair share of time with them. They are fun to RP with and do tend to have more creativity than the average drained ATF player. There's not much I can add to this, which hasn't been mentioned in the video, but I agree completely.

    • @SenkaBandit
      @SenkaBandit 9 месяцев назад +2

      imo For a Few Dollars More is better than The Good the Bad and the Ugly. I loved the simple western and enjoyed the soundtrack better than TGTBaTU, and I liked the relation between Colonel Mortimer and El Indio. (Also liked Lee Van Cleef in a good guy role better, but I admit, he is great in a villainous role).

    • @cashholladay6294
      @cashholladay6294 9 месяцев назад +1

      As a new player, like very new. I like to see your opinion on it all. Though I have not played this specific game too much. I rp a lot, and that's what I came for. I hate when people correct me for failing the rp somehow, when they were the ones who were always OOC. Or they just watch and talk instead of doing a real RP. I remember hunting a shark mutation, and then I couldn't even rp with them because I was too low level. When I was the one started the chase on the shark. Has much as it's a pain for older players to deal with new ones, it's also a pain for newer players to deal with the drained older players.

    • @lunarfox6206
      @lunarfox6206 5 месяцев назад

      @jacksonisthenameofmeTo be seen as someone who knows how to rp you need to be level 600+ now

  • @shenxnnigxns
    @shenxnnigxns 7 месяцев назад +1

    I remember playing atf:7 (mirage). It was one of my fav games and I remember when 8 (wintertide) came out, I just did not want to switch. I still visit the game once in a while, remembering how cool the guns were. And loading my crappy old avatars again. Those were good times.

  • @Dragonpancake2
    @Dragonpancake2 9 месяцев назад +25

    I joined the games right before covid in mirage, wintertide has never felt the same, i find myself with tears every time i hear the mirage radio. What a different time.

    • @Foxtwozero
      @Foxtwozero 2 месяца назад

      Same here comrade, it's a real shame mirage died.

  • @Mausertwo
    @Mausertwo 6 месяцев назад +9

    I think a lot of us give the 'good old days' more credit than it deserves. Sure it had its moments, but as veterans we are inherently biased. The old ATF's had an extremely high skill ceiling to engage in combat, so you basically had a dichotomy of those that had fun and did what they wanted because they put in the hours and can type fast, and they usually tended towards going into combat since they were good at it, then the others that had no chance at all in combat, and were left to be either bullied or roleplay as something where lack of combat is acceptable (I.e. a child, a woman, etc.) I've been playing ATF since Sandstorm, and ATF has been one of those games that i play for hours and hours hoping to get a good moment or a fun scenario, but ended up getting burned from the 'veterans' of the community. I am not a fail roleplayer, this was just the nature of the games at the time. The game was treated like an FPS, like you try and actually WIN at the game. I resonated a lot with what you said at the end, giving fail rpers a chance. You were a fail rper once, wouldnt it have been nice if someone gave you a chance in those moments? I have two friends I consistently roleplay with, and theyre some of the best RPers I know, and they give everyone they meet their full attention, and play for others, not themselves. That is how you roleplay. Wintertide in my opinion may actually be the the best ATF in terms of overall enjoyment and playability, this is evidenced by the game having over 600 players online consistently even on weekdays. I think Chad saw the way the community was heading, and had this radical change implemented on purpose, to kill the stigma of the old guard and move forward with a game that is more accessible and casual, which I think is a step in the right direction. It has its faults, but I think less than the others. The only thing I wish they would improve is the music, bring back more of the postmodern jukebox!

  • @bulgarianveeboostproductions
    @bulgarianveeboostproductions 8 месяцев назад +4

    i would like to say thank you for the infomation about the situation on the new game as i haven't played it since launch and thank you for the cool clothing ideas not made by other groups/people

  • @KenDYTC
    @KenDYTC 9 месяцев назад +6

    My first ATF game was ATF Sandstorm - back in 2012. The game was pretty popular and I guess I was apart of the more serious RP'ers but didn't really attach myself to a faction. It was more of a - jump in and RP - type of situation and I met a lot of great people. Around this time, Chad was known to pop-in and RP himself, adding more lore and hearing out requests from Players. There weren't a lot of rules back then, it was merely to be respectful and no one really tried to 'kill' each other. Around this time, this was really the only other game you could RP in that was related to a post apocalyptic society - it was this or you played 'Town of Robloxia' or 'The Complex V6.' RP games on Roblox really changed.

  • @pilot5807
    @pilot5807 9 месяцев назад +3

    Even though I don't roleplay on Roblox anymore, this video brought back a lot of memories for me. I started playing Roblox back in 2008 but I intensely started roleplaying maybe in the mid 2010s. The first ever roleplay games I was introduced to was Kingdom Life, -22 Dropping, and After the Flash: Sandstorm. In these games I didn't roleplay, but I mainly used it as a hangout place to dress up in all of the cool morphs and check out the builds of the place. As stated earlier, I only got into roleplay more intensely in the mid 2010s when I was transitioning from middle school to high school. My main roleplay focus was primarily a Halo roleplay developed by s1xyears0ld and I was really deep within that community. I met a lot of great players however I lost contact with them because I had a falling out. I took a long break from Roblox and a long break from roleplaying but recently got back into it a bit because I thought it'd be interesting to see if roleplay in any capacity changed in anyway. Jumping into ATF: Winteride, I thought every change was for the worse. Like I said, I wasn't really into the ATF universe, but it was much simpler back then.

    • @DJVideso
      @DJVideso 9 месяцев назад

      Kingdom Life I remember that, I think I roleplayed as a cat species or whatever

  • @okcou7906
    @okcou7906 8 месяцев назад +3

    This series really holds a special place in my heart despite the countless list of things wrong with it. I never really ever participated in faction roleplay until Wintertide for a short time, but there were so many memories made on this game and Roblox roleplay as a whole which allowed me to meet so many interesting, wonderful people. There's always been a lot of bad, and that bad has ALWAYS made itself apparent, but the good in terms of experiences and people has always been the most memorable to me. I can't say I was an active member within the community (and, honestly, I'm glad I wasn't) but this series and its atmosphere was incredibly fun. Fo'sure a major part of my childhood. Props for the awesome video. O7

  • @Rortaa
    @Rortaa 9 месяцев назад +5

    Nice video. I was a Sandstorm veteran back in 2011, and over time I experienced a lot of the things you touched in this video that drove me away from ATF. I haven't had much time with Wintertide as by then I wasn't much interested anymore but it's a little disheartening to hear a lot of the same issues if not more are still happening. If only we could go back!

    • @badoof7803
      @badoof7803 9 месяцев назад

      itll never be the same again without vinya. the game likely never would have happened at all if it werent for him as he was the game's only scripter. sandstorm and darkness were the golden age, im going to miss kneecapping people into the abyss.

  • @xerothedude
    @xerothedude 7 месяцев назад +1

    the clothing in your group actually goes insane ima be real

  • @Flow86767
    @Flow86767 24 дня назад +1

    AFT 5/6 veteran (rain & deep six) and I used to loved this game. I stopped playing at some point as I got older 😅, but the nostalgia is still strong. I never played in factions group, I mainly had luck and roleplayed with solo players on servers and we created our own stories in an improv style, it was super fun for a while.

  • @amaciado.19
    @amaciado.19 10 месяцев назад +12

    I couldn't agree more with passive-agressive thing. It's insane with how easy it is to live rent free inside the average crptard/high level sped by just pointing out they were wrong lol.

  • @mcvandle5972
    @mcvandle5972 7 месяцев назад +2

    Ive stopped playing atf for about a year now, the series lost its simplicity and grittiness, just turning into another one of those Clear Skies rp games

  • @thundreski
    @thundreski 9 месяцев назад +17

    I used to play Deep Winter, Deep Six, and Mirage RELIGIOUSLY through middle school, and the game has a fond place in my heart because of all the fun times it gave me growing up. However, among other things like just simply growing up, the main thing that drove my friends and I away from ATF was the community.
    My first experience with ATF was when I joined Deep Winter back in 5th grade. I was extremely confused, and definitely a fail roleplayer, but the people I met and the stories we made up together hooked me on Roblox roleplay in general. I played Deep Six and Deep Winter a LOT for the better part of 2 years, until Deep Six ended and everybody transitioned to Mirage. I still deeply miss Deep Six and it's still my favorite ATF game, mainly because of the map events and the game's story. I was super young obviously but I made some of the fondest memories roleplaying with other likeminded people as members of factions I wasn't part of. The ending was also great, loved that game. I can't really say much about the community being annoying here since I was an FRPer (although I was learning fast), but it was extremely frustrating trying to play against people that took the game way too competitively. Still, I really loved D6 and I wish people appreciated it more.
    I'll never forget the Mirage biomass event, back when the game first started. By the end of Deep Six I had figured out how to RP properly, and a friend of mine had as well, so we took to ransacking the wasteland as mutants. However, that was probably the most fun I ever had in Mirage. That's not to say that the rest of my time playing Mirage was bad, and I'd still say I had fun for the most part, but that was the last event I really had any part in, since I never joined any factions or anything. After that, it seemed to become increasingly common for my sessions to be plagued by speedtypers and sweaty combat roleplayers whose sole intent was to end our story, rather than add anything to it. Toxic confrontations happened a lot, many characters were lost, but usually I just came up with an excuse to void them and moved on. Not to say that combat wasn't fun, though. I loved combat, and when done right it was always the most exciting part of the story. There were just a lot of people who tried wayy too hard. My friends and I played Mirage a lot over the years, but over time we began to gradually grow distant from the game, mainly because of ultracompetitive players coming to ruin our day, everyday we played the game.
    It wasn't all bad though, and I met just as many really cool people on ATF as I did really annoying ones. I have a lot of stories to tell, and I'm sure y'all do too, and I honestly don't know what I wouldn't do for a chance to go back and play those games as a kid again. Haven't seriously played any ATF games since middle school, though.
    Also here's the best song on the old ATF radio in case anybody was looking for it:видео.html

    • @ediblematter9280
      @ediblematter9280 9 месяцев назад

      I'm sorry dude. Suit & Tie is good, but not as good looking as 311's I'll Be Here Awhile.

  • @ooee6383
    @ooee6383 4 месяца назад +3

    I started in After the Flash: Sandstorm and quit around the end of Deep Winter. I still have fun with ATF spinoffs like ATF 6 Remaster by Tidal Interactive. What I miss the most is the people who filled these games and who you got to know and you would recognize these old heads just having fun like in ATF 5. I could join a server and recognize a lot of people's names and know what groups they usually RP'd with or if they were fun to RP with at all. I never really got into the games after but I feel like this whole veteran's woe won't stop until ATF stops. It will keep changing and people will have to grow up and learn to look back at all of this just as good memories. I hope these guys experiencing these new games now get to look back on these games like we do our original stomping grounds. God bless our community now spread apart.

  • @dom_40
    @dom_40 8 месяцев назад +2

    the things i would give up to go back in time and play Rain just one more time.

  • @RealT3STAR
    @RealT3STAR 7 месяцев назад +1

    Hey ya'll, started playing Deep Six during the middle of it's story line. Stopped playing ATF seriously about 5 months ago, entire series has gone to hell.
    Lets start.
    -Chad is Greedy, locking items behind paywalls, stream donations and doesn't seem to care about the general playerbase as much as he used to.
    -ACMF and various other factions HRs absolutely smacking chad and his hypocritical attitude lead him to Scrap the old Lore in favor of a Boring, barely immersive and non-apocalyptic feeling lore that implements chad's political ideologies.
    -Rule 2/3
    -LPMS changing rules and not letting the general playerbase know about it, leading to pointless, one sided OOC Arguments.
    -Eldritches are Flawed, especially above Stage 2.
    -Wintertide was released in an unfinished state, which killed overcast without any warning.

  • @meeplymoon8391
    @meeplymoon8391 7 месяцев назад +1

    I actually enjoyed this video! It was cool taking a look into someone else's experiences in the flash franchise.
    Also, in regards to clothing, please explore making simple clothes that are easy to add on to. A lot of the clothes 'made' for ATF8 come with 2d vests and pouches and belts that end up covered up because they don't mix well with the look of characters implementing the complex rig system.

  • @DJVideso
    @DJVideso 9 месяцев назад +20

    I remember playing Mirage a long time ago. I got into a roleplay, all of a sudden these people come to where we were claimed we can't be there because "you're not us" and proceeded to speed type shooting us
    Also, I did pull up a general roleplaying guide made for the game, and when I followed it, people in-game started saying "That's not how you rp"

    • @BroadcastNumber1
      @BroadcastNumber1 9 месяцев назад +4

      Yeah Mirage was notorious for the wannabe gangs and anime quest teams. I joined the SLF specifically for protection against them. I was happy to hear about the wipe out of the..was it the Coyotes I believe?

    • @DJVideso
      @DJVideso 9 месяцев назад +1

      I'm unsure what they were called, as I didn't follow closely with the "gangs" in-game. The game was fun, and the location I was at, was this little base near a rock (Near town spawn). Many people "voided" me because I didn't want to be randomly killed. I remember Clearskies or whatever over milwakee, I did kinda troll there, but it's bad now.@@BroadcastNumber1

    • @ph6m
      @ph6m 6 месяцев назад

      @@BroadcastNumber1 i cant lie i admit being those coyote combat roleplayers

  • @mossy3565
    @mossy3565 Месяц назад +1

    Absolutely true! There was something very special about the earlier versions of ATF, while Wintertide just felt... Wrong. It's a very vibes based game
    Personally, I especially hate the weapons variety. People running around with lightning rifles because they left the game afk for a couple nights, saying you're dead the moment combat starts. All the guns should be about the same damage level, otherwise why wouldn't you pick the stronger weapon? Believability be damned, raiders in wintertide are better equipped than most militaries

  • @Yeng2104
    @Yeng2104 8 месяцев назад +1

    I dont consider myself as a veteran since the only ATF games I've played were rain, mirage, and Wintertide. I have to agree with an abundance of things you've said, no doubt. Ive never really ran into any toxic rp players besides one time and that was with mirage. I honestly think the new additions in Wintertide were great.
    Although this is just my take since i was hardly ever there, i just think that the radio should be like Rains radio, add to the apocalyptic atmosphere rather than some music that doesnt really fit.
    Rain was a big reason why I got into apocalypse roleplays, Mirage is why i began to take it semi-seriously, and I'll see where wintertide will take me next.

    @ADASDASDASDASDASDASD 9 месяцев назад +2

    Look ma! I'm in an ATF retrospective!
    On a serious note though, you /still/ haven't got me that fucking drive asset mate.

  • @Ashyternal
    @Ashyternal 9 месяцев назад +18

    man this sparked up some memories, I started playing during rain when I was around the same age. Played up until mirage, had a bad experience and dropped the game. I forever yearn for rp but I'm too scared to talk to people because i dont wanna get into arguments which always happened in my experience. I'll occasionally join wintertide but I always end up ooc and just watch people.

    • @rbccafrg
      @rbccafrg 9 месяцев назад +1

      thats so real, i need to make friends or find a group to play with walking around by myself was so boring

    • @biggestmanlymanofman9599
      @biggestmanlymanofman9599 9 месяцев назад +3

      so real getting into rp's is hard

  • @brickistic8188
    @brickistic8188 8 месяцев назад +2

    you couldn't of explained it any better. well done man

  • @NamelessVex
    @NamelessVex 9 месяцев назад +4

    Holy shit, what the hell-? I’m in this video. Whiteout at 16:44. You probably caught me trying to build there or sumn. I’m definitely not big in the lore of ATF, so I try to just take my own route. I tend to stick to private rp’s with a few friends. Keeps things simpler. World is already set up, but you don’t need to know ever nuance that way.

  • @BoltActionCat
    @BoltActionCat 9 месяцев назад +3

    I love the way you approached the topic of ATF8. Instead of immediately just attacking it and chad, you first introduced who you were and why we should even care about what you have to say. You have truly gained my respect my good man.

  • @neztech.
    @neztech. 9 месяцев назад +2

    woah I completely forgot about this chain of games I didn't even know they were still even a thing today
    used to roam around on (sandstorm? i forget the name, but it was around 2012 or 2013) and roleplay as if i was some decommissioned drone with some morph that was in the main lobby

  • @povyouretiredbutdontwannasleep
    @povyouretiredbutdontwannasleep 9 месяцев назад +1

    i do not know why but the thumbnail gave me some both feeling of undescribable eerie and solacing feelings, it feels like an ending of a film i watched back as a kid that i forgot about

  • @toustikcz640
    @toustikcz640 9 месяцев назад +3

    Oh my god I completely forgot about these games. I used to play them so much back in the day…

  • @lucaharvey2443
    @lucaharvey2443 9 месяцев назад +1

    I remember playing after the flash desert storm back when I was like 10. I didn't know what I was doing I mainly just explored. Its strange to see where ATF has gone after the years. Completely forgot about it for years until this video popped up.

  • @raptorjesus6914
    @raptorjesus6914 9 месяцев назад +2

    I've got a lot to say on this topic, as I've been in the ATF Community essentially since the beginning, starting just before ATF 2 had released. I've seen the community fall from grace, rise back up again, and destroy itself with an identity crisis that is still plaguing the game today.
    Firstly, I agree with a lot of stuff in the video. I think that Wintertide is having an identity crisis, wanting to be ATF still as obviously the 'franchise' is popular, but scrapping the entirety of the old lore. In my opinion I believe this was done specifically because they don't want newer 'younger' players to feel like they aren't 'in the know' when it comes to the lore.
    The solution? Wipe it out, start fresh, allow people to be around while the lore continues to build. Was it a good idea? Fuck no, it's got lots of issues and isn't nearly as exciting as the original lore. The original lore has been in the making for years, with minute details added on in each entry into the series. That's all gone now.
    I heavily agree with money being an issue here. The amount of gamepasses I've seen for a game that hadn't even left "beta" is insane. They've pushed this shit out so many times and yeah, people are going to eat it up. Everyone wants the cool new weapon that would add that flavor of "uniqueness" to their character, so everyone buys it anyways.
    I've got some differing opinions about the old games. Firstly, Sandstorm was the main entry I had the most time in by far, only being led by Darkness and Rain before a shit-storm of an admin-abuse situation happened. I think that Factions becoming more coordinated was an extreme problem, being at its worst in Deep Six.
    Official Factions always bothered me. They work off of friends sucking eachother off for the most part, rubbing eachother's backs in order to make themselves feel special. It's a tale as old as time, and these faction leaders and moderators and what have you really let that power go to their head.
    I remember the first faction that had gotten out of hand was the ACMF in Sandstorm, having essentially become a bully faction, ravaging any player who at the time had no counter to defend themselves with. Organization back in the day was nonexistent, so the groups that were organized dominated and absolutely destroyed parts of the roleplay experience.
    I've played Wintertide the least out of the games obviously because it just isn't fun. It's not post-apocalyptic anymore, it's a step further than that. Half the time I see people in the park area with houses and everyone is in civilian clothing, no survival gear whatsoever. It's as if the whole idea of 'trying to survive in an apocalypse' has gone out the window in favor of more mundane roleplaying.
    Look, having those tender moments existed in the old ATF's. They were harsh sometimes, gritty and depressing, but the amazing stories made out of them were great storytelling. It's now become a tumblr-esque fuckfest of characters all wanting to be the main character.
    The way I see it, these level 1000's with crazy rigs who think they're the shit are almost no different than the fail roleplayers, the only difference being that they've got better Creative Writing skills. At the end of the day, shit is still shit, even if you pepper it and mask it with pretty flowers.
    The amount of times I've been ignored because of my 'low level' in roleplays is insane as well. I've had more roleplaying experience in ATF than most of these level 1000's, but they've no-lifed their way with 600 hours in the Rig system and apparently that number puts them in high status. Don't get me started on some of the admins that are tripping balls on power too.
    I remember quite awhile ago when Wintertide was about seven months old at that point I had gotten on and got into a conversation with a few people about the old ATF's and my experience with them. I told them that I don't like the new direction, that it feels stale, etc etc, and had attracted the attention of an Admin who wouldn't let it go lmao.
    I'm not going to say names, but it's not an isolated incident with just me, I know that for a fact. Moderation problems have existed in ATF since the beginning, having had reached a cataclysmic explosion with the tuxedo-wearing dudes in ATF Rain, something I found myself in the midst of.
    TLDR about that whole thing if you don't know: An admin created his own faction of tuxedo-wearing weirdo's with separately colored ties. They'd CRP anybody to death with speedtyping and if you didn't go with anything they did, you'd end up getting kicked or banned. It was a huge issue and went on for weeks.
    The Rigging system although absolutely amazing obviously paved way for people to get really stupid with these character designs. Bunny girls, cyberpunk edgerunners fucking sandevistans, that type of stuff. Gone are the days of wearing a rustled coat with a shitty backpack, maybe a dirty mask to help you breathe. It's been replaced with "hey guys, let me go OOC for 3 hours in my random-ass rig and sit in a densely populated area so people can ask me questions about it."
    OOC groups have been an issue in the past too but god it's even worse now. With the freecam now being a thing I've created a brand new account designed for watching roleplays. Sounds creepy at first, but theres a reason I've done this.
    I'm compiling data about how many roleplayers are 'actually roleplaying' on ATF. My goal is to view at least 500 groups in separate servers over a period of time and so far its been staggering. There are a lot of people just... standing around, talking, which is fine but jesus christ they talk about nothing. It's just... nothing half the time.
    It's the worst when its a faction doing it when they're clogging up 20 slots and 17 of them are OOC for 3 hours.
    Wintertide also doesn't have an interesting enough map in my opinion. I haven't played a whole lot to know, but yeah I mean theres a lot of interiors. Cool. But it isn't INTERESTING. It's just space.
    This has resulted in people obviously grouping up at area's becoming a metagroup. I mean, join half the ATF servers and you'll see 50% of the server at least in the same location, and when you go there at least 20% of them are OOC. Nobody goes out and explores anymore and the few that do are usually just as boring.
    Child characters are a huge issue in my opinion. Look, I get it, people want more freedom, but this is a game about a Post-Apocalypse. This is not the place where people should be rping kids in any shape, way or form. Think about the horrid things our characters have gone through in the previous ATF's. Why would you roleplay as a child and go through those things?
    It's just another way for people to want to be unique. It's a way to "subvert the medium" since it's so jarringly different from ATF's surroundings and reputation. Dark, gritty, post apocalypse, but there's cutesy kids running around who half of them are mute and etc etc etc? Oh my god, wow! It's so.. unique.. huh.
    Addressing conflict is also an issue as you've stated. Nobody wants to confront eachother and when they do its extremely rude, aggressive, and from a place of superiority nearly every single time. I've seen so many roleplayers get into petty OOC arguments and they're like "lol read the rules lol" when there's nothing stated about anything on what they're arguing about. But, they believe if they feign the superiority, the other party will just accept it.
    The problem is, the people who do that are egotistical, so that won't ever happen. It's a cycle that feeds upon itself.
    There's a lot more I'd love to say, but I'll cut this short. In my opinion, the series is at its worst. It's being completely brainwashed, with the original soundtrack replaced, the original lore replaced, the original idea replaced, and the original fanbase seeming to be try and be replaced.
    If they want to make another ATF game after this, they're going to fuck it up if they don't solve something. Hell, bring back the old lore, fuck this new shit. The old lore doesn't have the excuses people can use to create this dumb shit half the damn time.
    Like.. Eldritches, really? What the fuck? Why couldn't we have stuck with cool mutants. Eldritches, crazy. Now we've got people with big ass turtle rigs who roleplay as 'pets' and are friendly. But oh no, don't make them too mad, they're still crazy and can kill anything! Woahh!
    Cringe man. That's what the series has become. Cringe.
    Bring back the old lore. Keep the rigging system. Don't suck off the factions dicks. Stop making so many fan factions 'official factions.' Stop locking every cool item behind a damn paywall. Allow more free-form roleplaying. Accept the FRPers (we all were at some point guys, you were all a half zombie/half angel/half devil/half werewolf at some point.) Don't take the game too seriously.
    They've been able to succeed at MOST of this for so long. It's crazy how one game can fuck most of it up.

  • @5aiv.
    @5aiv. 10 месяцев назад +13

    the nostalgia man. i used to roleplay a lot especially on this series of games when i was much more younger

  • @foxflyer3035
    @foxflyer3035 9 месяцев назад +1

    Haven't played this game since Winter tide came out. Never was able to get into any of the factions much because people where so rude and i felt i couldn't even roleplay with random people some times because of how they would just out type me or just because they would nit pick my every move. Real pain in the ass. Loved the game. made some great friend. Fuck this game.

  • @Groovy_Goober
    @Groovy_Goober 9 месяцев назад +2

    I'm new to ATF generally a series but not to RPing in general, and I can say that the perspective of this video(minus to community drama as I am not knowledgeable on such for obvious reasons) that the points made are really on point considering the modern titles; and it's nice to know there are still veterans in the community who still have this game in a place in their heart while, in one way or another, are looking out for us newcomers. Despite the comments made by other communities I have been pleasantly surprised by the game, and this video gives me hope for what I am getting involved with.

  • @errorbox3447
    @errorbox3447 8 месяцев назад +1

    Hey, I'm the guy who used to play Corn in Wintertide, kinda funny seeing a character I haven't touched in well over a year in a video about a game I rarely play anymore but, good video lol

  • @gelacticcamper7942
    @gelacticcamper7942 6 месяцев назад +1

    as a former PRT 4th Penal shock trooper from Tide water I approve this video.

  • @sigilsick
    @sigilsick 9 месяцев назад +1

    wow, havent played this in like 6 years? thats insane i got this recommended. good video btw.

  • @generalIvan
    @generalIvan 10 месяцев назад +6

    This is real
    also looking at the vignette of my char gettin killed was deep

  • @DudeHayden02
    @DudeHayden02 9 месяцев назад +1

    I played mirage back in the day. i stop by to listen to the radio every once in a while, what a great map

  • @ViceKingKenny
    @ViceKingKenny 8 месяцев назад +2

    I remember I would play deep six and nobody would take me seriously because I had clothing like supreme on my roblox avatar. Still good times

  • @BroadcastNumber1
    @BroadcastNumber1 9 месяцев назад +1

    Just things I remember fondly about each ATF game I played:
    1. Rain taught me how to play (and the lore)
    2. Deep Six taught me how to fight
    3. Deep Winter gave me peace of mind
    4. Mirage was the most fun I ever had in a Roblox game (outside of my mod role in VWRP at the time). I miss the SLF.

  • @DrPestilence1345
    @DrPestilence1345 3 месяца назад +1

    After Thr Flash 7 was the first ever game I played, I joined around the first biomass event, and it just scratched that perfect post-apocalyptic roleplaying itch.
    This game inspired me to draw again, writing my OC and expanding the lore of my OC, having funny and fun RPs to serious (bad) RPs.
    The problem I have with ATF 8 is the vibe and the lore... it just wasn't the same. Think that what ticked me off was that the bombs they used were made out of dark matter... I get it had a Sci-Fi aesthetic, but not even Cyberpunk 2077 was THAT advanced.
    All I'm saying is that I miss those simple times in Mirage where I can just run around and have my own Fallout styled random encounters.

  • @poet8708
    @poet8708 7 месяцев назад +2

    I was never insanely deep into ATF, my first one being Sandstorm. I was way too young to understand, or really care and was very much among the sea of children playing. Rain was my first game where I really roleplayed in ATF, and it was truly special. I have a lot of memories, good and bad. While I never got as into ATF as much as you, and didn't play a lot of the newer games aside from one I paid early access for, I still very much enjoyed the atmosphere this game had. I even got to meet Chad once and roleplay with him, it was fun.
    I would love for the lore to be tidied up and have the IP turned into an actual game series. ATF has some cool lore from a distance, but seemingly gets messy when you look into it. Great video my man.

  • @MaxAndCheese8
    @MaxAndCheese8 9 месяцев назад +1

    Mirage is how i got into atf i was playing for a few years and never played wintertide and i wish i could have got more into the roleplaying before the games basically died

  • @thebatman9482
    @thebatman9482 9 месяцев назад +1

    I started playing after the flash around the beginning of Mirage. I was constantly ripped apart by crowds of crpers who would try desperately to insult me into removing my faction customization helmet or armor. I thought anybody could use them at the time and had no idea how easily crpers would use this as a reason to beat the ever loving shit out of whatever quick character a new role player would make. So eventually I learned I couldn’t have a jetpack and that I couldn’t wear the free customization items that were aligned with a faction. This limited my outfits, as I didn’t have any robux and had no idea how to use a code to add things to my outfit from the catalogue. The times I had as I matured as a role player in Mirage were great to say the least. I had a crew around atom kick factory and cliffguard and the other mountain town. We were small time and only really role played surviving and every once in a while helping out random survivors with fighting mutants or out of sketchy situations. Eventually I had joined the speed typing groups and it was nonstop arguing fighting and anger from everybody including myself. I eventually saw myself become the guy who would make fun of new role players until a random saint came out of nowhere and changed my ways. He told me that we were all once the new role player and that instead of beating the shit out of them for fail role playing, we should teach them how to play the game. So I began doing that instead. Soon, the game got boring as I watched the base of the community go from fun role players to crpers and ooc fests. I got bored eventually and moved on. I played other small time roleplay games until I returned to see the hopeful mess that was wintertide. I truly thought that it would be a chance to recreate the times I had in mirage before speed typing ravaged the lands. I thought the droids and eldritch would be great new things to roleplay as until the restrictions came and droids and eldritch became stale to play as. Sometimes eldritch would be given more power over humans, then eldritch would be nerfed down to where the droids were. Eventually the droids were buffed slightly allowing you to play as them without a “operator”. I played a bit as the two until this also got boring and I went back to solely being a human. It was fun in the beginning until every server was either a super exclusive faction poker session or a giant ooc fest spread around small places in sunrise or barge. It became rare that there were cool scenarios to roleplay with so I ended up quitting. I long to roleplay again but it seems near impossible. If you are playing wintertide now, rethink next time when you decide to leave every server as soon as you can’t metavision to find a group to fuck with. Just make your own roleplay, let others flock to it or cross paths with people without rushing to their group with meta as soon as your group disbands. I will probably try the game again some time.

  • @SirBungus
    @SirBungus 9 месяцев назад +6

    it's such a shame i didn't get into the AtF community during it's old days, I played it a handful of times and I really did enjoy it. I was just a dumb kid having fun and I never really understood the factions or "real" roleplay of the game.

  • @ParadoxLineage
    @ParadoxLineage 9 месяцев назад +1

    Been a Roleplayer since I was 11 in Chad's community, I haven't been actively playing there for about a 1-2 years and honestly there is much more out there than Chad. Though the deving is impressive, not a lot of other things except roleplaying with newbies who have just begun roleplaying is good. Liked the video and the share of information. Good overall.

  • @Defender8850
    @Defender8850 2 месяца назад

    Former LPM / Moderator spanning late mirage, overcast and wintertide
    You cover a lot of fair points in this video and you are a community member I've always liked and respected, I remember the chats Nik and I would have with you during our quests in overcast
    I had and continue to have a lot of gripes about things past and present especially with wintertide in recent years, particularly with the staff and the handling of things.
    Chad has on several occasions displayed a gross level of favoritism and blatant ignorance to staff or developers being exposed as pedophiles or groomers.
    There are inner circle issues within staff and even the CRH, there are issues that have been addressed but never fully acted upon and moderators who act like complete stuck up people who go on powertrips.
    I have gripes with current and ex staff alike and the game feels like a foreign environment to me these days, community and game alike, nothing brings me the same love and comfort as games like overcast, mirage, sandstorm and rain did.
    I genuinely feel like the community will just continue to go down hill from here.

  • @AfterTheFlash-BRAZIL
    @AfterTheFlash-BRAZIL 9 месяцев назад +3

    I am a Veteran from after the flash since 2014 and yeah.. ATF 8 just strange because of the lore and other things, i really love the after the flash 7, music, map, and the official lore, i started in after the flash 3 and, wow, we are in 8 yet?

  • @Achromatic_0
    @Achromatic_0 9 месяцев назад +3

    i remember playing mirage way back in the day. i absolutely loved the concept and execution of it because it was the closest i knew to a game that let you actually act out roleplays instead of just typing them out in chat. sadly, by then my roleplaying phase was over and even trying to do stuff like that was painfully embarrassing, so i mostly just walked around enjoying the features and atmosphere and watching other players do their thing. i knew there were other games in the atf series, but i never really knew the full extent until now. from what i gathered from this video, i guess i can say that im glad i didnt really get into the community though. thanks a lot for making this and bringing back some memories for me, and also clearing up some questions about the atf history that i had in the past.

  • @lil_timmy7443
    @lil_timmy7443 2 месяца назад +1

    The ATF moderators are honestly not the greatest; they won't reason, they will not accept any story.
    Their way of resolving conflicts is by; Ignoring someone, banning someone to resolve something as quick as possible. Had that experience today.

  • @thememays3285
    @thememays3285 9 месяцев назад +1

    As someone whos always been intrigued with the intricate maps of ATF but never seriously got into the roleplay scene due to a overall lack of story drive, character depth, insatiable crp'ers who'd rather KOS than deescalate low risk scenarios, a community incapable of articulating non condescending snide towards opposition and lack of actual occupations to make up non combat RP that drowned out any interest, this video is a perspective into the community and development cycles of it and is comprehensive. I think the best thing for the community and the developer would be if they outsourced some creative minds to analyse the deficits of their games to encapsulate the theme of a post apocalyptic roleplay survival.

  • @nar2cc
    @nar2cc 9 месяцев назад +1

    I used to play this game a lot when deep six came out.. I dropped it after a few years and never knew what happened to it, sad it's in such a state.

  • @mr.g1277
    @mr.g1277 9 месяцев назад +1

    Damn its been so long sense i've came in contact or even heard of another ATF veteran till now.

  • @sallyh1480
    @sallyh1480 9 месяцев назад +1

    i used to play as a Radioactive talking dog looking for their dead owner in this game. Man I missed it

  • @FritzMcYeet
    @FritzMcYeet 8 месяцев назад +1

    The thing I love about ATF is that I get really excited when making a new character, make a really cool outfit and think up a few one liners.
    And then I go to play the game, walk up to a bigass group of people because no one is anywhere else, and immediately close the game.

    • @krisdood713
      @krisdood713 7 месяцев назад +1

      Yup, OOC festing is a bitch

  • @SaturnsAlchemist
    @SaturnsAlchemist 10 месяцев назад +10

    I’ve loved the ATF series for many years, and still try to avidly play it. I set up in the cafe on Wintertide and go out exploring and have many fun adventures. The game has many issues of which you greatly talked about, but part of me still thinks that ATF will see the sun light once more. I still hold out hope, and still fund the project. I just hope one day role plays can be fun for everyone again, and all the rules will fade away. One day.

  • @ObtuseTaco
    @ObtuseTaco 9 месяцев назад +1

    I'm not veteran by any means, I joined when mirage was at its peak in popularity with one of my friends and had a tone of fun with him, made a ton of good memories. I have a sense of nostalgia for mirage even though I played for about a year or so, most likely an affect of me being younger but I digress, I've also played winter tide a bit and had a ton of fun on there as well. The medium for me got stale so I have stopped playing ATF all together but still enjoy the memories I made. To this day the music from mirage still holds a strange place in my heart, I can't explain it, but I still listen to it on repeat. Any who, this video was incredible and a real treat for someone like me who never was a veteran and never understood what the inner community was about. Thank you.

  • @Experience_Lived
    @Experience_Lived 9 месяцев назад +2

    This video is great and really brings out the best and worst parts of the franchise, and you hit it on the head concerning passive aggressive behavior. I use to be an SR for the coalition and the passive aggressive behavior among staff and towards normal players was outrageous, and miscommunication is rampant which lead to me being demoted and gaslit into believing I was overtly toxic towards people.

  • @ValveAnnouncements
    @ValveAnnouncements 9 месяцев назад +1

    i remember playing this game in 2019, and never touching it again cause i thought it would be an actual fighting game and the RP Detered me, but damn never knew the community runs this deep. Makes me nostalgic for other things of the time on roblox. Thanks for making this video dude.

  • @JustArchOnKick
    @JustArchOnKick 9 месяцев назад +2

    I've recently came back to ATF, and it does seem ok at the moment, the video was great and I'm keen to see what else you can make :3

  • @AkoMeister-t9g
    @AkoMeister-t9g 9 месяцев назад +1

    I got banned for a reasonable reason but when you actually go through the sheet showing everyone they have the absolutely no reason to be perm banned and it's really sad to see. I can see people saying such bad stuff in mirage but then in Wintertide people have been banned just because they forgot to put ".

  • @BedeGeneris
    @BedeGeneris 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @catswork
    @catswork 4 месяца назад +1

    ATF Rain was so good back in the day
    it feels like every new game can't reach the same absolute vibes that rain had

  • @devilcourt77
    @devilcourt77 9 месяцев назад +1

    I barely remember it, but I know there was some guy who role played as a character with blue hair because the sun was less attracted to it and it reduced the heat on his head. This was atf:rain and I think he was well known in the community or something? And I also remember getting banned for a long time with no warning at all after frping which made me sad for a while because I was young and I had no clue how to repeal a ban. ATF was absolutely my childhood and i wish I never stopped playing.

  • @HowieDewitt535
    @HowieDewitt535 9 месяцев назад +1

    Mirage was the only one of the games I played, I had a lot of fun though I doubt I would now playing it. Mirage was probably the only roleplay game I have enjoyed, I never really fought with people rather establishing a business and roleplaying through that with the many people that would I would somehow rope into it.

  • @goat9975
    @goat9975 9 месяцев назад +1

    watching this video sure was an nostalgic trip, i think i played the first ATF and its an experience ill never forget.

  • @ukownphantomGrin
    @ukownphantomGrin 6 месяцев назад +2

    I know Wintertide is objectively the better game and trying to avoid sounding like a guy looking through rose-tinted glasses I'm just not as invested in the lore as I once was. The lore of the previous games were so interesting and the events actively made me come back to the game as more options to roleplay were given as events rolled by (Mutant variants etc). And now? Well I tried my hardest to get into the new stuff but it just doesn't hit the same sadly. To me, Mirage will always be the peak of ATF, I've never had as much fun on an ATF game than mirage and I met so many different people. Even with all the flaws, and I don't think that's something many of us will be able to get back but that's okay. Thanks for making this video, I don't see nearly enough people talk about the games.

  • @varangianguard7102
    @varangianguard7102 6 месяцев назад +1

    The mirage radio was SO GOOD BRO

  • @funkycord1336
    @funkycord1336 9 месяцев назад +1

    Oh shit i remember this game. I was around during the really early years. But i didnt start actively playing until crane. I tried RPing but because i was a dumb kid i really sucked at it. And i was bulied by like 3 other serious RPers. So i never tried it again. So i usually just spectated other RPs. When Rain came around i was just a background character. With the highlight of my time playing it was waiting for that convoy that would go across the main street of town. I stopped playing roblox when mirage came out. So i doubt ill ever pick up this game again.

  • @2525arcik
    @2525arcik 9 месяцев назад +3

    I left the community after mirage and I wandered through communities like I did in Mirage but this time I was scuffling through role-play games that could match up long story short, none of them did so I’m still wandering till this very day

  • @alexvonalbert9412
    @alexvonalbert9412 10 месяцев назад +6

    Nice vid. I still play ATF8 but don’t have anywhere as near of a close knit roleplay group as I did with the Overcast hardcore gang.
    Also, Wintertide’s release will def go down as the worst game release in Chad’s history.
    I have a slightly different view on the game’s lore because I was lucky enough to be given a random offer for Coalition HR. That gave me insight behind the scenes to the lore, and allowed me to craft some of my own- which I enjoyed. Once I left the Coalition HR+ my opinion on the game and the inner circles was shattered, and I truly saw how bad it has gotten.
    I’m sad that you guys can no longer enjoy RPing in ATF, but I understand it. I do believe the game is on a better track now that we’ve had two years, but the community issues you’ve brought up can still be seen today.

    • @spachino7351
      @spachino7351 10 месяцев назад +3

      Alex you’re late for the blunt rotation i got that bockshot perc 24 im mewing

  • @nite1640
    @nite1640 3 месяца назад +1

    LPMs were so abusive. I used to be a cringe crper back in mirage and a rain veteran, I was banned twice and accused of exploiting both times as a wall to auto-deny my appeal til I eventually was able to get unbanned through rigorous proving my innocence to non-biased LPMs. All I did to get banned was deny PTK to zaylev and my ban reason was evading moderation, trolling and exploiting which was not even close to anything I did. Even one of my very old characters was killed by an LPM inner-circle who approved my PTK by another LPM in the same inner-circle and it was just utterly chaotic. My name, Niterax is still labeled as a toxic CRPer by many older LPMs and I was grudged til my final moments in mainstream ATF even after improving my behaviour years after.

  • @AR-qk3mg
    @AR-qk3mg Месяц назад +1

    fun fact tobi was like 10 years old during most of his time as an LPM+

  • @RX3RD-mx2vk
    @RX3RD-mx2vk 9 месяцев назад +1

    4:46 garfield kart for 11 HOURS is crazy

  • @grimmy6447
    @grimmy6447 10 месяцев назад +1

    I don't roleplay on Roblox, but I have a good amount of memories. I keep in touch with a few people from those days and my online friend group comes from another ROBLOX RP game, however I've a lot of good memories of ATF Deep Six, especially from the PRTM days. Nice video.

  • @kamaelea4060
    @kamaelea4060 9 месяцев назад +1

    I joined ATF late, with my first game being ATF deep six and whilst it was set far into the future (i think it was almost 100 years after the flash??) it still maintained the post apocalyptic survival atmosphere. Wintertide has not done a good job creating an enticingly gritty or struggle-filled atmosphere as you said, which is also the reason i completely gave up on the game and stopped playing. The last time i played wintertide was january 2022 and it seems like shit has hit the fan in terms of the types of players who are being drawn to the game. Glad i left even though there were so many moments that i would give anything to relive.

  • @homin3657
    @homin3657 9 месяцев назад +1

    First CDF host on mirage being making Vietcong traps outside GMC has to be core memory, too bad creativity is out of the picture now

  • @Catbuster
    @Catbuster 6 месяцев назад +1

    Sometimes I still go into Mirage just to check my old avatars and the nostalgia of that game.. I was level 398 and then Mirage died...

  • @anonymousgiraff5536
    @anonymousgiraff5536 9 месяцев назад +1

    Playing actively since Deep Six. As much as I dislike what Chad has turned ATF into with Wintertide, I can't really complain. While i'd like others to be able to experience ATF for what it was, Wintertide also exists due to a new generation of young people who just like different things, a different culture. Not that we're all old retirees but, theres definitely some key differences now. But, with my time as a GCSA HR, CDF SR, and roleplaying in several other factions and free roleplay, I got my fill over Deep Six, Deep Winter, Mirage, and Overcast. Its been a fun ride.

  • @TorieTheLamb
    @TorieTheLamb 9 месяцев назад +2

    When I played ATF, I always did my own thing. every character i made was always a farmer. Having a small home somewhere in well.. nowhere, farming. Then selling crops to locals and whatnot. It was so fun because it always created different aspects, sometimes I'd sell some crops and make money, others I'd get robbed. It was fun. Wintertide, has never brought that to me. It's like, now that I'm older the joy of being new and figuring things out is gone, and with new players leaving really fast its, like the new generation won't really come.
    Something I will say. I do typically create less edgy characters when wintertide came out, And more citizen based ones. I do make them a tad less grizzled and more feminine, but that's primarily because my characters either sell or rarely ever actually fight, And the characters that i have that DO fight/normally do, are grizzled and look like well people who fight, I do understand the general issue with it, But at the same time it's up to peoples generalized opinions/how they like things. I personally prefer more feminine/less grizzled characters, and its why I typically take up citizen based spots such as a store owner or merchant.

  • @Krosstic
    @Krosstic 5 месяцев назад

    By far the best part of my ATF career was when that Safe hunt event dropped, we had a lot of people on that.
    There was also the Coyote raid on that plane camp in the corner of the map that the mods forced us to void because we wiped the floor with them, good times.

  • @ilikemusic2024
    @ilikemusic2024 8 месяцев назад +1

    Dude wtf we had like the exact same experience with ATF entirely.

  • @V4LC0UR
    @V4LC0UR 9 месяцев назад +2

    this is advice I needed. thank you.

  • @Mangocares4u
    @Mangocares4u 8 месяцев назад +1

    My first game was mirage, so many good memories

  • @elicat1901
    @elicat1901 9 месяцев назад +3

    im new to the game, and im enjoying it, the constant bombardment of negativity gets me down though. I hope the game improves and people start suggesting changes instead of labeling their hate boner as criticism. The game needs constructive criticism, not to just get beat down.

    • @Americanwillchester
      @Americanwillchester 9 месяцев назад +1

      shut up cringe

    • @youtubeuser9496
      @youtubeuser9496 9 месяцев назад +1

      People tried to be constructive but Chad ignored, and even attacked, them for it. He dug this grave himself and embraced it.

  • @manfelix_nz
    @manfelix_nz 9 месяцев назад +1

    I played ATF under my username 'polluted' since I was a kid, from at least 2012 up until 2017. Was pretty fun and I became an LPM doing the first admin events (i got in trouble hehe), went back to check on the game and could never get back into it but this video helps explain what's been going on, hopefully it does recover because every so often I get the urge to want to return and see how it'd all go again. I'm sure most ppl who've played ATF have some amazing stories that we all wanna just experience again :)
    ps. hopefully will meet all the guys like RAFTyphoon, Noxchi, Jonnykins and heaps of others

    • @manfelix_nz
      @manfelix_nz 4 месяца назад

      @deathdragon1100 WOAH

  • @Xexden
    @Xexden 9 месяцев назад +4

    I just realized I count as a veteran player too, wow it's been forever. I've been playing since Sandstorm and ended with Rain, and honestly the whole series just doesn't hit anymore as a whole. The soundtrack and atmosphere however I will say has been everything I remembered Sandstorm to be, and it's wonderful to see. Of course I never got to experience Mirage or any of these big events, but nonetheless I'd say the matter is just growing old and yeah some bad choices here and there.

  • @eggguy20
    @eggguy20 9 месяцев назад +1

    I'm new to the whole roleplay deal but one thing that I enjoyed seeing in this video was that image of The dude: joke characters like that who over time end up becoming a serious character due to the hardships of the world add a sense of light comedy to a dark world.