Under the US system I'd be dead. 3 Brain aneurysms, 2 strokes, ICU care hospital stays, 20 MRI scans. 40 mile emergency (lights and sirens) ambulance. Physio at home rehab. Cost to me $00.00. If the US tax Microsoft, Apple, Ford, GM,. At a proportionate rate. You would cover all the costs for "free healthcare".
Same here when I had my heart attack.Paramedics came to my house and stabilized me and transported me to A&E spent 7 days in intensive care and then on a ward has to be pain free for 5 days so I could have my heart operation. Has 3 stents inserted and then came home the next day with my medication. Then I had 3 mths of cardiac rehab once completed and the surgeon was happy I could return to work on a fazed basis over a month.I this had happened in America I'd either bankrupt or dead simple as that the cost doesn't' bare thinking about.
I would've died four times by now. Blood clots in my veins and arteries. And without my FREE medicine, who knows how many more times I would've died. 😂😂 On se hienoa olla Suomalainen. Kiitos teille rakkaat kansalaiset kun autatte meikäläistä pysymään hengissä.❤ Pelastitte mut jo neljästi.
The biggest problem with Americans is the word "socialism". Americans mainly don't know the difference between "Comunism", "Socialism", "Democratic socialism" and "Social democracy", calling all of them "socialism" and spitting on them without even looking at them. There isn't a single country in Europe that can be called "socialist" We can say thet we have primarly Social democracies here Let's take the most clear example: Scandinavia (I'm not from there, I'm Italian, but Scandinavia is the best example) They have the HIGHEST number of very rich private company owners (own 30M+ dollars) per person of the ENTIRE WORLD (more than American riches per person rate), thus a pretty capitalistic free economy based country. But they have a thing that is called "Social net": universal health care, universal free education up the highest level, 4 weeks of 100% paid vacation per year, 30 weeks of 100% paid parental leave, strong unions that keep the minimum wage at high level (more than double than minimal wage in US) and other "social" protection for the weaks You see? It's a clearly capitalistic free economy based country, but has got also benefit and protection for workers and families You can have universal health care, universal free education, workers unions and other "socialistics" good things, without being a "socialistic country"
About the topic with work-life-balance and employee benefits, you should also check out "America compared - Why other countries treat their people so much better".
Similar in Portugal - 24 paied vacation + 2 extra days if you didn't skip work in the previous year, sick leave with 80% after the first 3 days, maternity leave with 100% for a month (mandatory), and an additional 3 months with 80% salary, and half time work for nurturing the child up to 6 months (50% of the salary supported by the state, and the other 50% supported by the employer, as you would already be working half time)
In Germany if you get sick during your 30 days of vacation you have the right to get your vacation days back for the time of your sickness. Vacation is there for you to rest and enjoy your free-time - being sick is not resting, so you get your vacation days back.
their military doesnt keep them safe though - if their military is so great they could have prevented 9/11 - their military is a constant money making business for the 1%ers that is all
Brian here from Canada. I have seen US commercials about Canadian Healthcare where we are dying in the halls waiting to be seen LOL simply not true. If you want to see YOUR doctor, most times it's same day but if not you can go to walk-in-clinics and be seen same day by another doctor. Also, I have had 5 surgeries, 2 CT scans, 1 MRI scan, 3 US scans, numerous lab tests and x-rays, multiple ER visits and hundreds of doctor visits over my life, total cost to me is $0.00. you ask Canadians, if we are happy with our healthcare and 86% will say yes! We do have some issues but overall - you are safe and will be taken care of in Canada. The wait times are often a result of elective health issues - anyone with critical issues - ER, Cancer, Injury...are seen immediately, ahead of elective health issues.
As a German working for the state i get 32 Days of paid time off a year and theres no such thing as sick days. A coworker of mine was on sick leave for 2 consecutive years and she still got paid 60% of her wages every month. In America, she probably would be dead now.
I can think of a few countries where people might disagree with you on that (like Tibet, who's people are suffering under the CCP because they didn't have a good military), but a good military alone is not enough, you also need a good government that provides all the other important services that are the responsibility of government in addition to a good military.
Mate Bangladesh is pretty much a third world country. He is comparing American infrastructure to third world countries infrastructure and life expectancy...
In Sweden we do have all those shifts, but if you work the "graveyard shift" you are usually paid more and only work 4 nights a week and have 3 off(at least at my company). We also get 390 days paid leave when we have a child. This leave can be split between the parents how they choose to, but the dad must take parental leave for at least 90 days. Usually the mother takes the rest, 300 days.
@@tuijakantola6550 klart jag förstår eftersom jag är Svensk... going English... what some don't understand... not even Swedes is that Borås is Göteborg for most people... even in Sweden... you know... there are ALOT of city's outside Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö (and nearby city's... also go above Uppsala you'l understand
Re your question about shift hours and laws abroad. Obviously the laws differ greatly in different parts of the world, or even between different countries in Europe since they're self-governing countries with relatively few overarching rules through the EU for the countries that are part of it. However, it's not a matter of how many shifts exist. That can differ from industry to industry and the laws are usually more overarching. There are plenty of industries that have Day, Evening and even Night shifts. Instead laws in European countries usually regulate things like how long a day of work is, how many days per week that entails, what the reasonable minimum salary is that the employer cannot go under, rules regarding asking your employees to work overtime, how many hours total an employer is even allowed to ask an employee to work regardless of their willingness to pay overtime, rules regarding things like maternity leave (possibly paternity leave too) plus paid vacation and obviously to compliment all of this a set of rules regulating how, when or why an employer is allowed to fire an employee (without having to pay them a big lump of money) to avoid the employer being able to just fire people left and right to circumvent all the other workers right laws and regulations. Add to this that there are usually national holidays that are pretty set in stone for most industries, in which it's prohibited for most businesses to operate and therefore to have employees working. That's why you might know that in country X malls or stores all close at a certain time or don't open at all on holidays or Sunday. You'll just have to conduct your business with them some other day. There's plenty that can be argued ideologically back and forth about the pros and cons of having added regulations and their effect on businesses. However, these things are not so much a matter of telling those businesses how to run in detail, as much as it is about setting a bare minimum for ANY businesses to operate on the market in question. These regulations and bare minimums are put in place to protect the consumer/client and just as much to protect the employees from being taken advantage of. You just need to compare side by side to see many of the results of this in effect when comparing the working environment and most people's general quality of life between say the US and western Europe in general, that's pretty much the issues that this video is about. In the US, there are no overarching national laws and regulations for these things, and often nothing even on a state level. It's basically the wild west, the employers can operate legally while offering next to nothing to their employees, which creates a society where most people have a horrible quality of life and can barely afford even a plain, basic life. And if you were to get injured, fall ill or fail to make a living... well, good luck to you. This way you set different people and groups in society against each other, for the privilege of getting a job and a salary to try to live off of, while at the same time lowering the bar for themselves and everyone in order to get hired. Everyone obviously loses, except the people at the very top that own the company that is employing these discardable workers for peanuts with no regards for their well-being. Then again, I don't think that should be private businesses' concern necessarily, that should be society at large and our leaders' concern. Which is why you set up regulations and laws to protect the people/workers. With these, you can't set people against each other and sign private contracts going under the established minimum, because no private contract supersedes laws. This is what has been done in different ways in European countries. It's a bare minimum that businesses have to follow to operate there at all, and it doesn't seem to be crippling them at all. There's plenty of innovation, plenty of big companies, competing globally, racking in huge profits for their owners. All while generally keeping their people way more sane, healthy and happy with their lives. Sorry for the long rant. If you got this far, thank you for your time and I hope you got some insight into a different way of setting up a society-wide system like this. 🙂
Australia has dayshift, afternoon shirt and night shift...night shift pays more (130%) of dayshift rates full time and (155%) for casuals. Supermarkets close at 9pm weekdays and they have nightfill (bulk restocking of the shelves) while there are no customers.
I went over on my ankle at home, heard crack and terrible pain. Daughter said ring ambulance. Didn’t cost me anything. Had X-ray, then sent to day room with TV, a cuppa tea and sandwiches. Was fractured not broken. Got a moon boot to wear - total cost, nothing. The small amount of tax I pay, which never sent me broke, actually I , never thought about it until I found out about American medical and ambo costs. Yes I could also save money each pay. Why can’t Americans in power treat their own countrymen better? I will never understand their greed with so many who can’t afford medical bills - that’s absolutely shameful and disgustingly cruel.
In Australia generally speaking there is graveyard shifts in most industries but many people dont choose to work them but those who do get paid really well. That being said it also depends on the industry you are working in.
You should check out "America Compared: Why Other Countries Treat Their People So Much Better" by Second Thought. Its a couple years old but delves much more into the specifics Cross skimmed over with work and benefits our country doesn't provide or mandate.
Im from Spain, there is shifts here forever hahaha, i mean , you can go to a bar or a shop till probably 21:00, in the case of bars ( bar meaning cafeteria, or café ) , they open from 8:00 AM to 22:00 pm , ( some of them even later ), but here people works only 8 hour a day with 2 free days a week and 22 paid vacation days a year minimum, not a problem to rest or see your family usually.Btw when you are sick you dont go to work, thats it, there is not such thing as maximum sick days or something, you stay home till you are ok, and you get paid for that. Thats how you keep workers happy and loyal.
As a plumber here it's good money but everything else it so expensive. I have a printing company I was told it would be a good business out there as well. My son and I are planning to take a trip to Australia to watch an afl game soon
@@CVTECK1 It seems to be different in Australia to other countries. Our trades people (tradies) get paid very well compared to other industries and occupations and seem to be a lot more highly regarded. The AFL season is ramping up as well so you should have a great time.
sad beyond words, even the Americans here in Europe speak highly of the health care system HERE, that says enough (watch the videos/vlogs/podcast anywhere). I went to the dentist and have to pick up tramadol...just to the pharmacy and I was on my way home again. period. nothing, no ridiculous amounts and yes we pay health insurance every month and the state contributes to it so that it is bearable. And we should not pay tens of thousands of dollars after a treatment, it is only about collecting/grabbing money and the citizen is the victim in the usa
there are shifts here for special circumstances like grocery stores who have to stock up before the customers come and obviosly emergency services who are 24/7 i dont know what a 3rd shift would be though. i guess it would be to expensive becuase here you have to pay workers more outside of traditional work hours (07:00 - 18:00), everything over 38.5 hours in a week is considered overtime and also costs more and you cant have anyone if they agree or not work more than 60 hours in total a week more than 6 hours without a break and there has to be at least 24 hours completely work free per week so scheduling for whatever a 3rd shift would be would probably require additional staff which would be super expensive.....long story short, shiftwork is alot more common in history books about the industrial revolution than in reality.
If you haven't yet, check out the video "America Compared: Why Other Countries Treat Their People So Much Better", please. You might be very surprised ... and maybe offended, if you see the comparison! If so, I am sorry! :/
Swede here. We don't really do the shifts you talked about, but we do have day or night shifts. Our laws put a restriction on the amount of consequitive hours you're allowed to work, so usually you get scheduled for either the early or late shift. Because you're not, legally speaking, allowed to make someone work a full day. It's also extremely so illegal for an employer to coerce you into working unscheduled hours or hours you have not contractually agreed to. So threatening to fire you should you refuse to work extra hours is very much so illegal, for example. There's variation between fields of work, of course, but usually that's the gist of it. And you get overtime pay after a certain time of day and on holidays should you work then.
He mentioned poorer country not person. We have great help from our country. 6 weeks payed holidays,payed sick leave,52 weeks maternity leave payed,free health care. Great. We have a great millitery as well as the other 24 countries that cover the usa so why you pay so much to the millitery is shocking. And our guys teach your guys. The SAS train all the time
Australia has got shift work, it depends on the company and the job, but people here get paid more for working jobs that require shift work, with the grave yard shift being the best pay, only companies that _need_ shift work will pay for it, because it costs them more to run shift, plus the regulations on shift work is more strict than a standard day job which adds red tape so admin costs as well. The industries you'll most often see shift work are emergency services (Police, Fire, Ambulance, etc), Mining, retail services (fast food, fuel stations, etc)
We have lots of industry here that has three shifts a day because they produce around the clock. Early shift usually from 6 AM to 2 PM, late shift from 2 PM to 10 PM and night shift from 10 PM to 6 AM. It gets harder though to find people wanting to do this nowadays. And you only get a little extra for night shifts, maybe 10 to 15% extra. That's in Germany.
The Australian equivalent of a 401k is called Superannuation and it is automatically set up when you get your first job and is paid into by your employer in every job you have until your retire so you don't have to do anything unless you want to contribute some of your pay on top of what your employer does which is also tax free. The rate they pay into your superannuation account starts at around 9% every pay and varies upwards depending on your employer.
Yes but that's the point America is a developed nation Bangladesh is not. If you asked Americans what they thought of Bangladesh they'd say poor/die young.
all around the world, there should be a 3 shift system. apart from Police, you'll also need the people in power plants, water/sewage treatment etc. Also public transport is shift work. i'm immensely grateful to those bus drivers, that picked up my drunk *ss somewher at 2am and brought me closer to my home xD
Most of our shops don't have graveyard shifts, or even second shifts. That's not only in Australia, it's also in European countries. But if you're looking for comparisons regarding the US and other countries, try look for this one: "Why other countries treat their workers better" from "Second Thought"'s channel. That should give you also a bit more of an idea of how other countries do things regarding working conditions. Also, I think this video mentioned nations like Lebanon, Cuba and Bangladesh, because those are countries you may have _heard_ of, like when it's been on the news that the US has sent humanitarian aid to them. But honestly, all of the things he mentions can be found online. The CIA even has a list of infant mortality, where the US was ranked ~50th out of 226 countries, just above Puerto Rico. The US has an infant mortality rate of 5.1 children for every 100.000 born. When you look at Japan, they have 1.4. When even the CIA can't make it look any better, that's when you start realizing things are really bad.
Here in Australia we do have normal shift hours then afternoon shift and night shift. A lot of jobs may have different times. We also have maternity leave for both parents available. I think you know about the health system here but just to let you know I pay ambulance and it costs $40 a year but up north of Australia they pay nothing.
People in the US have maternity leave for both parents. Here it’s up to the company. My company provides 6 weeks of maternity for both parents, I get 5 weeks of paid vacation, and 8 paid holidays. Any talk of health care in the US is typically inaccurate or just incorrect. No one gets turned down for medical care in the US. Even if the person can’t pay and doesn’t have insurance. We have government assistance. My mother is elderly and has government insurance and pays almost nothing. Don’t be mislead by the dipshits that don’t have a clue. I certainly wouldn’t take medical care advise from a comedian. No ones Heath system is perfect. Even Canada’s “free Heath care” doesn’t pay for sleep apnea equipment. They have to pay out of pocket. My mother’s is 100% free and I pay about $10-$20 every three months. I get free glasses and frames every year. Free dental cleanings. My company pays for my life insurance. Stop watching the news about the US also. It’s all lies.
@@toolshed2ndbattno it isn't, no you don't. You have NO legal right to maternity leave, it's entirely dependent upon corporation greed. I'm in Ireland we get sleep apnoea equipment for free., it was the same in UK, I never paid nothing. Capitalism is incredibly inefficient because every level has to skim. Wow free dental cleanings... Wow amazing, you get fully free dental in UK and in Ireland the state pays for it when you're on a medical card, and you just walk in. Amerikkka is a fascist shit hole. Grow up, wake up your government cares nothing about you, you are nothing but a disposable slave to them seriously.
@@toolshed2ndbatt wow 6 weeks 😂 when I had my son I got 6 months of maternity leave at full pay followed by an additional 6 months at half pay. My partner was able to take up to 3 months at full pay as I had to have an emergency c section. Americans get screwed, while they are brainwashed into believing they are the best so they take it with a smile.
Australia here I worked different shifts for 35 years even 20 years ago 3 days x12 hour a week but we got payed $1,500 that's equivalent to $2,700 in todays money a week, 4 weeks paid annual leave and 8 days paid sick leave been retired 15 years now they were good times. Peace out.
Hi Mate I most jobs, I've worked our pay went up for afternoon shift and up again after midnight also on weekends which paid time and a half Saturday double on Sunday Cheers
When my kid was born he was born 2 months to early. So the doctor said we both had to be there and care for the baby. Government paid for it obviously, after that I took 10 days paid time off from work that you get as the father when the kid is born. Then I took my 5 weeks vacation. My girlfriend took her parental leave 240 days paid leave. I still had my 240 days paid parental leave as the father. I gave all the days without 90 days to my girlfriend (I have to keep those days as the father) Then if my kid gets sick I just stay home with the kid (with pay). Its called "vabba". All the overtime I work at my job I can also save instead of taking the money, so I can just take a few days off from work with those hours. Life is about personal and work balance.
About the shifts... All over Europe factories work according with there needs. Of course we have 3 shifts. Other smaller companies with smaller productions only work 1 shift.. something like 8 to 17 o'clock. Shopping mall stores here in Portugal work from 10am to 10pm during week days, so they have there own schedule. And of course... Also.. we do extra time in exchange for more money or more time to vacation... And dont forget that we benefit from the almost free healthcare system, plus extra deals that the companys have with local clinics. I think that the total privatization of US hospitals, with no competition, just gives an opportunity for them, and the insurance companies to exploit the americam people in a way that is scary. It is extremely visible that the farma companies don't care about the people and every single person in your government dont care also. They are more interested in filling there pockets with millions while smiling to the cameras with speeches that they are going to change the country, that they care about the people.
If someone has to choose between putting food on the table, a roof over their head and life insurance, care to guess what’s last on that list? So to say “people should have life insurance to cover funeral costs” is a bit of a superiority complex, isn’t it?
In England the 3 shift system is usually for essential workers.... i worked in foundry couldnt turn everthing off ... but our shifts were 4 sets of workers on rotation this allowed us to have time off with our families free health care free prescriptions assisted housing ... now that ive retired they pay me a nice non contribution pention .... as well as my government pension.... its really nice to be BRITISH 😂😂😂😂😂
Wait, you have one week vacation, per year? Hell, I'm from Portugal (hardly a pinacle of economy, right), and we have 24 paied vacation days per year, mandatory by law.
@@CVTECK1 That's great mate. I've been in the US a couple of times, and I have a very British accent (most people I met in the US think I'm English). And evey time, and I mean evey single fucking time I'm in a bar or restaurant, someone comes to me and starts to talk about politics, and steer the conversation into healthcare. And when I mention that we all have universal healthcare in the EU, their comment is, immediately - how is that working out for you? - and they get phased when I say, pretty good - I had cirgury in my knee a couple of times, I have anual checkups, my parents have anual checkups, my granny is diabethic, and has insulin daily, and we all pay fuck all for that :D People seem to forget they eventually will get sick and old, and they will all require medical attention. We don't pay 3 times more taxes than the average amarican out of the kindness of our hearts, we pay because right now, our parents and grandparents are using our public healthcare. In a few years, it will be us that will need it. It is out of interest that we support public universal healthcare. Finally, the US drastically need to review how they educate people on politics - whenever I hear people state that universal healthcare is communism or socialism, they immediately think of communist dictatorship regimes. Pretty much evey single country in europe are Socialist Democracies - you can have the benefits of a socialist train of thought without having a regime, and it is quite simple - whatever is of public interest (education, healthcare, justice, security) need to be mandatorily regulated by the government, and whatever is in the interest of economical development, needs to be free market - this is a no brainer, and I have no idea why the average american cannot grasp this. Sorry for the long rant.
22:50 you on about an apprenticeship? I did that at 16 after secondary school you have Job 4 days a week then go college for 1 day or you can do 3 weeks in work 1 week at college
Americans, by and large, don't know what socialism really is, and they misuse the word all the time. They don't understand the difference between a socialist country and a social democracy. That's why they think that any country that has social policies is bad and evil. They cannot understand that there are countries where people take care of each other instead of living every man for himself.
Why do you need so much money for the military though? You have nuclear deterrent and by far the largest military in the world, not to mention you're surrounded by ocean on the east and west sides, and by canada, a friendly country, and mexico, also a friendly country, on the northern and southern borders. Your only realistic threats are on the other side of the world, and even then, those nukes are not to be taken lightly. You could get away with spending half as much on military and still not risk invasion, AND have enough money to actually pay for decent healthcare and new home development to make people happier and more financially stable.
You were right, nitpicking!!!! 😆. In the UK I get 29 paid days from my company + 8 additional paid public holidays. Good reaction though, interesting post vid chat too 👍👏🏻🇬🇧
1 week paid vacation? incredibly poor. Why do workers put up with this? I get 30 days paid and 8 paid public holiday. 6 mths 100% paid illness and then 6 mths 50%. then if I can't return to work. I can get 50% paid leave until retirement. I'm not high or or management, just a general worker.
Sweden is increasingly moving toward 2-shift/multi-shift to increase competitiveness and profit margins, and NOBODY says anything about how it affects the collective health of the Swedish population - it'll get you in trouble with management if you speak up, because Big Bro in the West and the Artisans of Cost Engineering to our South have polluted the very Soul of the Swedish populace..! 😵👈
But the USA needs more F-35. Flint Michigan where you can light your tap water on fire ? What again is the billing code in the chargemaster for an accident where waterski are on fire ?
yeah you can of course find always something bad in the US to complain about. BUT that is not the point. the point is: the country has enough money to NOT have these bad things in it. the money is just badly distributed.
'Nit picking' ? The people of Bangladesh, a third world country, have a higher life expectancy than the U.S.! Of course it is expected of Europe, but Bangladesh?!
the shift in france are mostly used in industries but for military firemen and medic you have some emergency duty but you mostly work at office time if you ar not on duty and the work week is 35h/week san we have 31 day of paid vacation a year + national hollydays soo i think we paid 30% of taxe on arverage but evemy euro put in taxes can be trace and seem to be used the right way but in the usa you pay taxes and you complain about it but you are never tought what the taxe must be used
CVTECK1 you live in a country that has more guns than people. Combined that with the 2nd amendment, and you are not getting any bang for your buck on the safety issue.
America is a 3rd world country healthcare is a basic human right not a benefit and ownership of a gun is a privilege not a right.Your tax dollars funds your military and nothing else you are protecting yourselves from what. A 20% reduction in military spend would benefit the citizens in the form of healthcare, education, affordable housing and workers rights. As for freedom women in America have had their freedom of choice removed to have an abortion for whatever reason.Also doctors can go to prison for doing their job say in the position where an abortion would save the mother. So much for the land of the free.
That's because the military is about all the constitution allows the federal gov to do. America is a federation of free states. The schools no longer teach it; the media won't tell it; the lawmakers ignore it. Thank God for the White Hats. In America the idea is that we are left FREE. People who want to help others are left to do so, as WE see fit. We shouldn't have money stolen from us for what either federal, state, county or city/town wants done. We will only be free when we and the rest of the world have ONLY local government. That won't be long.
The USA federal gov cannot lawfully be involved in health care, welfare, employment laws, education. Tenth amendment to the Constitution: "If it ain't in here, they can't do it," paraphrased.
In that case, it's time to repeal the 10th amendment. But if the federal gov. cannot be lawfully involved in healthcare, what do you think Medicare is?
@@buck546 So you leave it to the big companies, who use your poor health to make their shareholders richer and pay the politicians to make conditions even worse for the people? The US has the worst and most expensive healthcare system of all OECD countries! By the way, in Germany it is private, and has been since 1883.
good thing but what ? I'm french ==> best food ==> there is not even a debate i work 35 hours by week and i have 5 weeks of vacation ==> you work 50 hours by week and more with 3 weeks of vacation my education is free and you get into debt 15 years i pay 25 euro for general practitioner but I am refunded in 24 hours and the hospital health care are almost free (15 euros by day) ==> you pay more 80$ for a doctor and several 1000$ by day for hospital best security ==> you have mass murder evey 6 month i have 26 weeks of maternity leave ==> you have 0 day and i don't speak of cultur , art , architecture .... THE AMERICAN DREAM BECAUSE YOU SLEEP ^_^
It's kind of funny how you try to defend even the smallest absurdity of the American way of life...I just hope you didn't vote for Trump.... because then you should rather stay in Europe anyway
WHY? WHY? WHY? do I keep hearing Americans such as you agree with videos like this and complain that you don't get the same as other countries but then do nothing about it. You still keep voting in senators and presidents that line their own pockets and do SHIT for the people who voted them in. You the people have the power to change the system and not just blindly vote for another millionaire to run the country for their own benefit. Vote for someone who would bring in new laws and statutes that actually are for the common citizens not the big corporations. Do you think that supporting Democrat rather than Republican or vice versa would make things better? No way. They're both the same except in name . They're both controlled by the wealthy. In England,the prime minister (in USA the president) can be your ordinary man in the street who wants to SERVE the people not make himself and his friends richer like your Trumps,Bidens and all the past presidents and senators do. You fought Britain for the freedom to govern yourselves and look who you allow to dictate who benefits from that freedom. WAKE UP for God's sake.
How do you know I don't do anything about things here. I'm always for change and It's why I started my own business and help people out. When it comes to sitting in people that can make change lol they all give you the same story and when their president nothing really changes. What do you suggest because most important vote is the vote in your state and community not president. But yes I'm all for change but they all are corrupt.
Don't preach to me! I love my country and I don't ask anything from my Government but to protect my country. I'm not one of these cry babies who are always putting her down wanting the Government to give them free benefits that they don't deserve. I am a proud American who grew up in poverty but worked my way out of it because I was born in this great country which gave me that opportunity. Who are you to talk about how our country should or should not be ran? Mind your own business. I am one American who don't need or want your opinion.
America is the greatest nation on the face of this earth. We are down on one knee and only one, because of one thing and every American knows that it is our present Government. We the citizens will change that in six months. Don't believe for one minute that because our President stumbles and falls means America ever will! God bless the USA!
Australia min wage $913 for a 38 hour week , casuals get an extra 25% because they miss out on 10 paid sick days , about 10 paid public holidays and about 4-6 weeks paid holidays . plus all employers pay about 12% on top of your wage into your superannuation . i`m in the public health care , i`ve used the ambo 5 times , spent about 6 weeks in hospital , throat cancer i had 35 lots of radiation and 3 lots of chemo , had a massive heart attack . total cost $24 for 2 cab rides home because no one could pick me up . lucky country . plus we have paid maternity leave , i think it`s around 25 weeks . a lot of countries in Europe have better conditions than us in Australia . 🫡🫡🫡
6:30 Bro, there is NO excuse for any part of America to have a WORSE life expectancy than Bangladesh.
Under the US system I'd be dead. 3 Brain aneurysms, 2 strokes, ICU care hospital stays, 20 MRI scans. 40 mile emergency (lights and sirens) ambulance. Physio at home rehab. Cost to me $00.00.
If the US tax Microsoft, Apple, Ford, GM,. At a proportionate rate. You would cover all the costs for "free healthcare".
They already spend more on healthcare, it just needs re directing.
Same here when I had my heart attack.Paramedics came to my house and stabilized me and transported me to A&E spent 7 days in intensive care and then on a ward has to be pain free for 5 days so I could have my heart operation. Has 3 stents inserted and then came home the next day with my medication. Then I had 3 mths of cardiac rehab once completed and the surgeon was happy I could return to work on a fazed basis over a month.I this had happened in America I'd either bankrupt or dead simple as that the cost doesn't' bare thinking about.
@@davidmalarkey1302 welcome to the thank gawd I live in an "evil" 😈 social democracy club👍
I would've died four times by now. Blood clots in my veins and arteries. And without my FREE medicine, who knows how many more times I would've died. 😂😂 On se hienoa olla Suomalainen. Kiitos teille rakkaat kansalaiset kun autatte meikäläistä pysymään hengissä.❤ Pelastitte mut jo neljästi.
The biggest problem with Americans is the word "socialism". Americans mainly don't know the difference between "Comunism", "Socialism", "Democratic socialism" and "Social democracy", calling all of them "socialism" and spitting on them without even looking at them. There isn't a single country in Europe that can be called "socialist"
We can say thet we have primarly Social democracies here
Let's take the most clear example: Scandinavia (I'm not from there, I'm Italian, but Scandinavia is the best example)
They have the HIGHEST number of very rich private company owners (own 30M+ dollars) per person of the ENTIRE WORLD (more than American riches per person rate), thus a pretty capitalistic free economy based country. But they have a thing that is called "Social net": universal health care, universal free education up the highest level, 4 weeks of 100% paid vacation per year, 30 weeks of 100% paid parental leave, strong unions that keep the minimum wage at high level (more than double than minimal wage in US) and other "social" protection for the weaks
You see? It's a clearly capitalistic free economy based country, but has got also benefit and protection for workers and families
You can have universal health care, universal free education, workers unions and other "socialistics" good things, without being a "socialistic country"
About the topic with work-life-balance and employee benefits, you should also check out "America compared - Why other countries treat their people so much better".
In Poland, everyone has 26 days of paid leave, on sick leave we get 80% of the salary for 180 days, maternity leave 100% up to 61 weeks
+ around 13 public holidays
in germany the minimum is 30 days i think. but then again. its not much of a difference at that point
Similar in Portugal - 24 paied vacation + 2 extra days if you didn't skip work in the previous year,
sick leave with 80% after the first 3 days, maternity leave with 100% for a month (mandatory), and an additional 3 months with 80% salary, and half time work for nurturing the child up to 6 months (50% of the salary supported by the state, and the other 50% supported by the employer, as you would already be working half time)
In Germany if you get sick during your 30 days of vacation you have the right to get your vacation days back for the time of your sickness. Vacation is there for you to rest and enjoy your free-time - being sick is not resting, so you get your vacation days back.
Because this is how it works in civilised countries.
yes correct exactly the same in the uk
Isn't that special.
Same in Italy
"We pay so much tax to keep us safe"... Sure. We could spend half as much as we do on the military and still be the safest country on the planet.
Yes, Costa Rica: no armed services. Invaded every year???
@@grahamgresty8383 Who's invading Costa Rica though?
@@MineneUryuuAmericans on vacation.
their military doesnt keep them safe though - if their military is so great they could have prevented 9/11 - their military is a constant money making business for the 1%ers that is all
Brian here from Canada. I have seen US commercials about Canadian Healthcare where we are dying in the halls waiting to be seen LOL simply not true. If you want to see YOUR doctor, most times it's same day but if not you can go to walk-in-clinics and be seen same day by another doctor.
Also, I have had 5 surgeries, 2 CT scans, 1 MRI scan, 3 US scans, numerous lab tests and x-rays, multiple ER visits and hundreds of doctor visits over my life, total cost to me is $0.00. you ask Canadians, if we are happy with our healthcare and 86% will say yes! We do have some issues but overall - you are safe and will be taken care of in Canada. The wait times are often a result of elective health issues - anyone with critical issues - ER, Cancer, Injury...are seen immediately, ahead of elective health issues.
Free healthcare should be a human right all over the world 👍
No, not really, it costs... Only the people who are human and can afford it get it, the US ... Not all that human
As a German working for the state i get 32 Days of paid time off a year and theres no such thing as sick days. A coworker of mine was on sick leave for 2 consecutive years and she still got paid 60% of her wages every month. In America, she probably would be dead now.
Having a good or bad military is irrelevant to a everyday working person having a good quality of life
I can think of a few countries where people might disagree with you on that (like Tibet, who's people are suffering under the CCP because they didn't have a good military), but a good military alone is not enough, you also need a good government that provides all the other important services that are the responsibility of government in addition to a good military.
Mate Bangladesh is pretty much a third world country. He is comparing American infrastructure to third world countries infrastructure and life expectancy...
In Sweden we do have all those shifts, but if you work the "graveyard shift" you are usually paid more and only work 4 nights a week and have 3 off(at least at my company). We also get 390 days paid leave when we have a child. This leave can be split between the parents how they choose to, but the dad must take parental leave for at least 90 days. Usually the mother takes the rest, 300 days.
Big citys though... not that regular in other citys then Stockholm, Göteborg or Malmö
@@V141NG what do you mean? I do not live in any of those cities. Bor I Borås, om du är svensk förstår du.
@@tuijakantola6550 klart jag förstår eftersom jag är Svensk... going English... what some don't understand... not even Swedes is that Borås is Göteborg for most people... even in Sweden... you know... there are ALOT of city's outside Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö (and nearby city's... also go above Uppsala you'l understand
Where are those places apart from hospitals and police related stuff etc? Because most places in Sweden close around 6 pm.
@@sannaolsson9106 Håller med
''We have the military tho'' are the best final words he could have said
How did that work with 9/11?
Re your question about shift hours and laws abroad. Obviously the laws differ greatly in different parts of the world, or even between different countries in Europe since they're self-governing countries with relatively few overarching rules through the EU for the countries that are part of it.
However, it's not a matter of how many shifts exist. That can differ from industry to industry and the laws are usually more overarching. There are plenty of industries that have Day, Evening and even Night shifts. Instead laws in European countries usually regulate things like how long a day of work is, how many days per week that entails, what the reasonable minimum salary is that the employer cannot go under, rules regarding asking your employees to work overtime, how many hours total an employer is even allowed to ask an employee to work regardless of their willingness to pay overtime, rules regarding things like maternity leave (possibly paternity leave too) plus paid vacation and obviously to compliment all of this a set of rules regulating how, when or why an employer is allowed to fire an employee (without having to pay them a big lump of money) to avoid the employer being able to just fire people left and right to circumvent all the other workers right laws and regulations. Add to this that there are usually national holidays that are pretty set in stone for most industries, in which it's prohibited for most businesses to operate and therefore to have employees working. That's why you might know that in country X malls or stores all close at a certain time or don't open at all on holidays or Sunday. You'll just have to conduct your business with them some other day.
There's plenty that can be argued ideologically back and forth about the pros and cons of having added regulations and their effect on businesses. However, these things are not so much a matter of telling those businesses how to run in detail, as much as it is about setting a bare minimum for ANY businesses to operate on the market in question. These regulations and bare minimums are put in place to protect the consumer/client and just as much to protect the employees from being taken advantage of.
You just need to compare side by side to see many of the results of this in effect when comparing the working environment and most people's general quality of life between say the US and western Europe in general, that's pretty much the issues that this video is about. In the US, there are no overarching national laws and regulations for these things, and often nothing even on a state level. It's basically the wild west, the employers can operate legally while offering next to nothing to their employees, which creates a society where most people have a horrible quality of life and can barely afford even a plain, basic life. And if you were to get injured, fall ill or fail to make a living... well, good luck to you. This way you set different people and groups in society against each other, for the privilege of getting a job and a salary to try to live off of, while at the same time lowering the bar for themselves and everyone in order to get hired. Everyone obviously loses, except the people at the very top that own the company that is employing these discardable workers for peanuts with no regards for their well-being. Then again, I don't think that should be private businesses' concern necessarily, that should be society at large and our leaders' concern. Which is why you set up regulations and laws to protect the people/workers. With these, you can't set people against each other and sign private contracts going under the established minimum, because no private contract supersedes laws.
This is what has been done in different ways in European countries. It's a bare minimum that businesses have to follow to operate there at all, and it doesn't seem to be crippling them at all. There's plenty of innovation, plenty of big companies, competing globally, racking in huge profits for their owners. All while generally keeping their people way more sane, healthy and happy with their lives.
Sorry for the long rant. If you got this far, thank you for your time and I hope you got some insight into a different way of setting up a society-wide system like this. 🙂
He's from Georgia ❤
Australia has dayshift, afternoon shirt and night shift...night shift pays more (130%) of dayshift rates full time and (155%) for casuals.
Supermarkets close at 9pm weekdays and they have nightfill (bulk restocking of the shelves) while there are no customers.
Ambulance costs €2500-€5000 i heard
It's over a $1,000 per call. If you are unconscious and they put you into one you still get billed.
I went over on my ankle at home, heard crack and terrible pain. Daughter said ring ambulance. Didn’t cost me anything. Had X-ray, then sent to day room with TV, a cuppa tea and sandwiches. Was fractured not broken. Got a moon boot to wear - total cost, nothing.
The small amount of tax I pay, which never sent me broke, actually I , never thought about it until I found out about American medical and ambo costs. Yes I could also save money each pay.
Why can’t Americans in power treat their own countrymen better? I will never understand their greed with so many who can’t afford medical bills - that’s absolutely shameful and disgustingly cruel.
Here in the UK the law states every employee is entitled to a minimum of 28 paid holiday days.
In Australia generally speaking there is graveyard shifts in most industries but many people dont choose to work them but those who do get paid really well. That being said it also depends on the industry you are working in.
You should check out "America Compared: Why Other Countries Treat Their People So Much Better" by Second Thought. Its a couple years old but delves much more into the specifics Cross skimmed over with work and benefits our country doesn't provide or mandate.
Im from Spain, there is shifts here forever hahaha, i mean , you can go to a bar or a shop till probably 21:00, in the case of bars ( bar meaning cafeteria, or café ) , they open from 8:00 AM to 22:00 pm , ( some of them even later ), but here people works only 8 hour a day with 2 free days a week and 22 paid vacation days a year minimum, not a problem to rest or see your family usually.Btw when you are sick you dont go to work, thats it, there is not such thing as maximum sick days or something, you stay home till you are ok, and you get paid for that. Thats how you keep workers happy and loyal.
22 day only ?
i'm french and i prefer 10x the spain that usa == 0 debat
Your son would essentially have a license to print money as a plumber in Australia.
As a plumber here it's good money but everything else it so expensive. I have a printing company I was told it would be a good business out there as well. My son and I are planning to take a trip to Australia to watch an afl game soon
@@CVTECK1 It seems to be different in Australia to other countries. Our trades people (tradies) get paid very well compared to other industries and occupations and seem to be a lot more highly regarded.
The AFL season is ramping up as well so you should have a great time.
Because of several halth issues I have had a lot of MRI scans. Here in Norway I pay about 25 USD.
sad beyond words, even the Americans here in Europe speak highly of the health care system HERE, that says enough (watch the videos/vlogs/podcast anywhere). I went to the dentist and have to pick up tramadol...just to the pharmacy and I was on my way home again. period. nothing, no ridiculous amounts and yes we pay health insurance every month and the state contributes to it so that it is bearable. And we should not pay tens of thousands of dollars after a treatment, it is only about collecting/grabbing money and the citizen is the victim in the usa
there are shifts here for special circumstances like grocery stores who have to stock up before the customers come and obviosly emergency services who are 24/7 i dont know what a 3rd shift would be though. i guess it would be to expensive becuase here you have to pay workers more outside of traditional work hours (07:00 - 18:00), everything over 38.5 hours in a week is considered overtime and also costs more and you cant have anyone if they agree or not work more than 60 hours in total a week more than 6 hours without a break and there has to be at least 24 hours completely work free per week so scheduling for whatever a 3rd shift would be would probably require additional staff which would be super expensive.....long story short, shiftwork is alot more common in history books about the industrial revolution than in reality.
I had a cataract operation in Luxembourg. Including two pre-op meetings, the operation and three post-op meetings. Total cost to me? $50.
If you haven't yet, check out the video "America Compared: Why Other Countries Treat Their People So Much Better", please. You might be very surprised ... and maybe offended, if you see the comparison! If so, I am sorry! :/
Swede here. We don't really do the shifts you talked about, but we do have day or night shifts.
Our laws put a restriction on the amount of consequitive hours you're allowed to work, so usually you get scheduled for either the early or late shift.
Because you're not, legally speaking, allowed to make someone work a full day.
It's also extremely so illegal for an employer to coerce you into working unscheduled hours or hours you have not contractually agreed to.
So threatening to fire you should you refuse to work extra hours is very much so illegal, for example.
There's variation between fields of work, of course, but usually that's the gist of it.
And you get overtime pay after a certain time of day and on holidays should you work then.
He mentioned poorer country not person. We have great help from our country. 6 weeks payed holidays,payed sick leave,52 weeks maternity leave payed,free health care. Great. We have a great millitery as well as the other 24 countries that cover the usa so why you pay so much to the millitery is shocking. And our guys teach your guys. The SAS train all the time
Australia has got shift work, it depends on the company and the job, but people here get paid more for working jobs that require shift work, with the grave yard shift being the best pay, only companies that _need_ shift work will pay for it, because it costs them more to run shift, plus the regulations on shift work is more strict than a standard day job which adds red tape so admin costs as well. The industries you'll most often see shift work are emergency services (Police, Fire, Ambulance, etc), Mining, retail services (fast food, fuel stations, etc)
In South Africa the minimum number of leave days is three weeks maximum 4 weeks , building industry six weeks. This is paid vacation days.
in france it is 5 weeks of vacation and i work 35 hours by week but we still complain ,)
We have lots of industry here that has three shifts a day because they produce around the clock. Early shift usually from 6 AM to 2 PM, late shift from 2 PM to 10 PM and night shift from 10 PM to 6 AM. It gets harder though to find people wanting to do this nowadays. And you only get a little extra for night shifts, maybe 10 to 15% extra. That's in Germany.
The Australian equivalent of a 401k is called Superannuation and it is automatically set up when you get your first job and is paid into by your employer in every job you have until your retire so you don't have to do anything unless you want to contribute some of your pay on top of what your employer does which is also tax free. The rate they pay into your superannuation account starts at around 9% every pay and varies upwards depending on your employer.
In the U.K. some factories used work three shifts. 6 till 2.
2 till 10. 10 till 6.
Don't know if that still happens.
Yes but that's the point America is a developed nation Bangladesh is not. If you asked Americans what they thought of Bangladesh they'd say poor/die young.
Defended the US beyond where most do, until it became indefensible, how the US gets so little back and still they defend it.
I'm a Kiwi living in Oz
There's graveyard shifts down here Brotha
We are ALL part of the system
Kia kaha🤙
thanks for the info brotha
@CVTECK1 You're welcome bro
I really enjoy your reactions
Wish u all the best
Take care Brotha✌️
all around the world, there should be a 3 shift system.
apart from Police, you'll also need the people in power plants, water/sewage treatment etc. Also public transport is shift work.
i'm immensely grateful to those bus drivers, that picked up my drunk *ss somewher at 2am and brought me closer to my home xD
Most of our shops don't have graveyard shifts, or even second shifts. That's not only in Australia, it's also in European countries.
But if you're looking for comparisons regarding the US and other countries, try look for this one: "Why other countries treat their workers better" from "Second Thought"'s channel. That should give you also a bit more of an idea of how other countries do things regarding working conditions.
Also, I think this video mentioned nations like Lebanon, Cuba and Bangladesh, because those are countries you may have _heard_ of, like when it's been on the news that the US has sent humanitarian aid to them. But honestly, all of the things he mentions can be found online. The CIA even has a list of infant mortality, where the US was ranked ~50th out of 226 countries, just above Puerto Rico. The US has an infant mortality rate of 5.1 children for every 100.000 born. When you look at Japan, they have 1.4.
When even the CIA can't make it look any better, that's when you start realizing things are really bad.
sorry but us is not even top 120 safest country
Here in Australia we do have normal shift hours then afternoon shift and night shift. A lot of jobs may have different times. We also have maternity leave for both parents available. I think you know about the health system here but just to let you know I pay ambulance and it costs $40 a year but up north of Australia they pay nothing.
People in the US have maternity leave for both parents. Here it’s up to the company. My company provides 6 weeks of maternity for both parents, I get 5 weeks of paid vacation, and 8 paid holidays. Any talk of health care in the US is typically inaccurate or just incorrect. No one gets turned down for medical care in the US. Even if the person can’t pay and doesn’t have insurance. We have government assistance. My mother is elderly and has government insurance and pays almost nothing. Don’t be mislead by the dipshits that don’t have a clue. I certainly wouldn’t take medical care advise from a comedian. No ones Heath system is perfect. Even Canada’s “free Heath care” doesn’t pay for sleep apnea equipment. They have to pay out of pocket. My mother’s is 100% free and I pay about $10-$20 every three months. I get free glasses and frames every year. Free dental cleanings. My company pays for my life insurance. Stop watching the news about the US also. It’s all lies.
@@toolshed2ndbattno it isn't, no you don't. You have NO legal right to maternity leave, it's entirely dependent upon corporation greed.
I'm in Ireland we get sleep apnoea equipment for free., it was the same in UK, I never paid nothing.
Capitalism is incredibly inefficient because every level has to skim.
Wow free dental cleanings... Wow amazing, you get fully free dental in UK and in Ireland the state pays for it when you're on a medical card, and you just walk in.
Amerikkka is a fascist shit hole. Grow up, wake up your government cares nothing about you, you are nothing but a disposable slave to them seriously.
@@toolshed2ndbatt Source: Trust me bro.
@@maozedong8370 hahahahahahahaha. Everything I said I've experienced first hand. Fking mao. Hahahaha.
@@toolshed2ndbatt wow 6 weeks 😂 when I had my son I got 6 months of maternity leave at full pay followed by an additional 6 months at half pay. My partner was able to take up to 3 months at full pay as I had to have an emergency c section. Americans get screwed, while they are brainwashed into believing they are the best so they take it with a smile.
It's not just a big river in Egypt. Denial.
Wake up and smell the coffin!
Australia here I worked different shifts for 35 years even 20 years ago 3 days x12 hour a week but we got payed $1,500 that's equivalent to $2,700 in todays money a week, 4 weeks paid annual leave and 8 days paid sick leave been retired 15 years now they were good times. Peace out.
Hi Mate I most jobs, I've worked our pay went up for afternoon shift and up again after midnight also on weekends which paid time and a half Saturday double on Sunday Cheers
@@mick1535 Yes and even on holiday pay we got 17.5% extra on top. Pace out
When my kid was born he was born 2 months to early. So the doctor said we both had to be there and care for the baby. Government paid for it obviously, after that I took 10 days paid time off from work that you get as the father when the kid is born. Then I took my 5 weeks vacation. My girlfriend took her parental leave 240 days paid leave. I still had my 240 days paid parental leave as the father. I gave all the days without 90 days to my girlfriend (I have to keep those days as the father)
Then if my kid gets sick I just stay home with the kid (with pay). Its called "vabba".
All the overtime I work at my job I can also save instead of taking the money, so I can just take a few days off from work with those hours.
Life is about personal and work balance.
Hope the baby is doing well viik and where are you from if you don't mind me asking
About the shifts... All over Europe factories work according with there needs. Of course we have 3 shifts. Other smaller companies with smaller productions only work 1 shift.. something like 8 to 17 o'clock.
Shopping mall stores here in Portugal work from 10am to 10pm during week days, so they have there own schedule. And of course... Also.. we do extra time in exchange for more money or more time to vacation... And dont forget that we benefit from the almost free healthcare system, plus extra deals that the companys have with local clinics.
I think that the total privatization of US hospitals, with no competition, just gives an opportunity for them, and the insurance companies to exploit the americam people in a way that is scary. It is extremely visible that the farma companies don't care about the people and every single person in your government dont care also. They are more interested in filling there pockets with millions while smiling to the cameras with speeches that they are going to change the country, that they care about the people.
All this man does is cope throughout this video....
Cope lol nah. Only if you knew brother
'We have the military though.'
But how many of those homeless are ex-military.
David Cross is American.
If someone has to choose between putting food on the table, a roof over their head and life insurance, care to guess what’s last on that list? So to say “people should have life insurance to cover funeral costs” is a bit of a superiority complex, isn’t it?
In England the 3 shift system is usually for essential workers.... i worked in foundry couldnt turn everthing off ... but our shifts were 4 sets of workers on rotation this allowed us to have time off with our families free health care free prescriptions assisted housing ... now that ive retired they pay me a nice non contribution pention .... as well as my government pension.... its really nice to be BRITISH 😂😂😂😂😂
getting defensive because you dont like hearing the truth is quite funny and very American
ohhh sure lol
The problem with America is the billionaire class has brought the government and started a massive wealth redistribution to the rich billionaires
Wait, you have one week vacation, per year? Hell, I'm from Portugal (hardly a pinacle of economy, right), and we have 24 paied vacation days per year, mandatory by law.
one week sick time and 2 weeks vacation... I'm in Boston and i use most of vacation time because of snow here lol. It's why i started my own business
@@CVTECK1 That's great mate. I've been in the US a couple of times, and I have a very British accent (most people I met in the US think I'm English). And evey time, and I mean evey single fucking time I'm in a bar or restaurant, someone comes to me and starts to talk about politics, and steer the conversation into healthcare. And when I mention that we all have universal healthcare in the EU, their comment is, immediately - how is that working out for you? - and they get phased when I say, pretty good - I had cirgury in my knee a couple of times, I have anual checkups, my parents have anual checkups, my granny is diabethic, and has insulin daily, and we all pay fuck all for that :D
People seem to forget they eventually will get sick and old, and they will all require medical attention. We don't pay 3 times more taxes than the average amarican out of the kindness of our hearts, we pay because right now, our parents and grandparents are using our public healthcare. In a few years, it will be us that will need it. It is out of interest that we support public universal healthcare.
Finally, the US drastically need to review how they educate people on politics - whenever I hear people state that universal healthcare is communism or socialism, they immediately think of communist dictatorship regimes. Pretty much evey single country in europe are Socialist Democracies - you can have the benefits of a socialist train of thought without having a regime, and it is quite simple - whatever is of public interest (education, healthcare, justice, security) need to be mandatorily regulated by the government, and whatever is in the interest of economical development, needs to be free market - this is a no brainer, and I have no idea why the average american cannot grasp this.
Sorry for the long rant.
Morning Shift, Afternoon Shift, and Evening Shift..... easy
22:50 you on about an apprenticeship? I did that at 16 after secondary school you have Job 4 days a week then go college for 1 day or you can do 3 weeks in work 1 week at college
Do Americans get a bill from the Fire Department if they have to stop their house burning down?
If not, that's Socialism!!! 😅
bro the uk is nerer to becoming the 51st state than we are to socialism
Americans, by and large, don't know what socialism really is, and they misuse the word all the time. They don't understand the difference between a socialist country and a social democracy. That's why they think that any country that has social policies is bad and evil. They cannot understand that there are countries where people take care of each other instead of living every man for himself.
Why do you need so much money for the military though? You have nuclear deterrent and by far the largest military in the world, not to mention you're surrounded by ocean on the east and west sides, and by canada, a friendly country, and mexico, also a friendly country, on the northern and southern borders. Your only realistic threats are on the other side of the world, and even then, those nukes are not to be taken lightly. You could get away with spending half as much on military and still not risk invasion, AND have enough money to actually pay for decent healthcare and new home development to make people happier and more financially stable.
You were right, nitpicking!!!! 😆. In the UK I get 29 paid days from my company + 8 additional paid public holidays. Good reaction though, interesting post vid chat too 👍👏🏻🇬🇧
1 week paid vacation? incredibly poor. Why do workers put up with this?
I get 30 days paid and 8 paid public holiday.
6 mths 100% paid illness and then 6 mths 50%. then if I can't return to work. I can get 50% paid leave until retirement.
I'm not high or or management, just a general worker.
Luke! I am your father!!!
In USA you play 4 loans your interest will take more and more money.
An American will always make an excuse for denying facts - you for instance.
Sweden is increasingly moving toward 2-shift/multi-shift to increase competitiveness and profit margins, and NOBODY says anything about how it affects the collective health of the Swedish population - it'll get you in trouble with management if you speak up, because Big Bro in the West and the Artisans of Cost Engineering to our South have polluted the very Soul of the Swedish populace..! 😵👈
exMichigan in Spain 🇪🇸🇪🇺🌹👍
Public health service in Spain works..
How safe are you?
Not really But best believe I'm ready for anything lol
But the USA needs more F-35. Flint Michigan where you can light your tap water on fire ?
What again is the billing code in the chargemaster for an accident where waterski are on fire ?
Flint is just sad at this point it's been going on still
Many people cant afford health insurance. 65% of people live paycheck to paycheck. Read, man
yeah you can of course find always something bad in the US to complain about. BUT that is not the point. the point is: the country has enough money to NOT have these bad things in it. the money is just badly distributed.
by safe do you mean invading the mid east for there oil
'Nit picking' ?
The people of Bangladesh, a third world country, have a higher life expectancy than the U.S.!
Of course it is expected of Europe, but Bangladesh?!
David Cross is American
Australia has shift work in factories
I use to work nightshift and did it for 13 years
the shift in france are mostly used in industries but for military firemen and medic you have some emergency duty but you mostly work at office time if you ar not on duty and the work week is 35h/week san we have 31 day of paid vacation a year + national hollydays soo i think we paid 30% of taxe on arverage but evemy euro put in taxes can be trace and seem to be used the right way but in the usa you pay taxes and you complain about it but you are never tought what the taxe must be used
I get 16 paid weeks off plus public holidays a year
CVTECK1 you live in a country that has more guns than people. Combined that with the 2nd amendment, and you are not getting any bang for your buck on the safety issue.
We don't need any second amendment advice from you.
@@buck546 Hate to break it to you, but yeah, yeah you do.
America is a 3rd world country healthcare is a basic human right not a benefit and ownership of a gun is a privilege not a right.Your tax dollars funds your military and nothing else you are protecting yourselves from what. A 20% reduction in military spend would benefit the citizens in the form of healthcare, education, affordable housing and workers rights. As for freedom women in America have had their freedom of choice removed to have an abortion for whatever reason.Also doctors can go to prison for doing their job say in the position where an abortion would save the mother. So much for the land of the free.
low tax but all that gose on the militery instead of helping people
That's because the military is about all the constitution allows the federal gov to do. America is a federation of free states. The schools no longer teach it; the media won't tell it; the lawmakers ignore it. Thank God for the White Hats. In America the idea is that we are left FREE. People who want to help others are left to do so, as WE see fit. We shouldn't have money stolen from us for what either federal, state, county or city/town wants done. We will only be free when we and the rest of the world have ONLY local government. That won't be long.
You do have the military which ,means nothing in this age... Its nuclear warfare baby.. Abit to late to have the most assets and all..
The USA federal gov cannot lawfully be involved in health care, welfare, employment laws, education. Tenth amendment to the Constitution: "If it ain't in here, they can't do it," paraphrased.
In that case, it's time to repeal the 10th amendment. But if the federal gov. cannot be lawfully involved in healthcare, what do you think Medicare is?
27 Amendments 🤔🤷♂
Time to stop living in the 18th Century.
I am one proud American who does not want Government health care. I want the Government out of my personal life totally, including my health.
@@buck546 So you leave it to the big companies, who use your poor health to make their shareholders richer and pay the politicians to make conditions even worse for the people?
The US has the worst and most expensive healthcare system of all OECD countries!
By the way, in Germany it is private, and has been since 1883.
The copium bro... stop
good thing but what ?
I'm french ==>
best food ==> there is not even a debate
i work 35 hours by week and i have 5 weeks of vacation ==> you work 50 hours by week and more with 3 weeks of vacation
my education is free and you get into debt 15 years
i pay 25 euro for general practitioner but I am refunded in 24 hours and the hospital health care are almost free (15 euros by day) ==> you pay more 80$ for a doctor and several 1000$ by day for hospital
best security ==> you have mass murder evey 6 month
i have 26 weeks of maternity leave ==> you have 0 day
and i don't speak of cultur , art , architecture ....
You're defending americans life expectancy to Bangladesh? 😂
Bangladesh is a 3. world county 🤔
It's kind of funny how you try to defend even the smallest absurdity of the American way of life...I just hope you didn't vote for Trump.... because then you should rather stay in Europe anyway
WHY? WHY? WHY? do I keep hearing Americans such as you agree with videos like this and complain that you don't get the same as other countries but then do nothing about it. You still keep voting in senators and presidents that line their own pockets and do SHIT for the people who voted them in. You the people have the power to change the system and not just blindly vote for another millionaire to run the country for their own benefit. Vote for someone who would bring in new laws and statutes that actually are for the common citizens not the big corporations. Do you think that supporting Democrat rather than Republican or vice versa would make things better? No way. They're both the same except in name . They're both controlled by the wealthy. In England,the prime minister (in USA the president) can be your ordinary man in the street who wants to SERVE the people not make himself and his friends richer like your Trumps,Bidens and all the past presidents and senators do. You fought Britain for the freedom to govern yourselves and look who you allow to dictate who benefits from that freedom. WAKE UP for God's sake.
How do you know I don't do anything about things here. I'm always for change and It's why I started my own business and help people out. When it comes to sitting in people that can make change lol they all give you the same story and when their president nothing really changes. What do you suggest because most important vote is the vote in your state and community not president. But yes I'm all for change but they all are corrupt.
@@tkAusfrom4492 😄🤷♂️👍👍👍
Don't preach to me! I love my country and I don't ask anything from my Government but to protect my country. I'm not one of these cry babies who are always putting her down wanting the Government to give them free benefits that they don't deserve. I am a proud American who grew up in poverty but worked my way out of it because I was born in this great country which gave me that opportunity. Who are you to talk about how our country should or should not be ran? Mind your own business. I am one American who don't need or want your opinion.
@@buck546 So the person who lives in the land of the free is telling me i shouldn't have an opinion LMAO.
@@CVTECK1 Who said anything about you stating your opinion?
America is the greatest nation on the face of this earth. We are down on one knee and only one, because of one thing and every American knows that it is our present Government. We the citizens will change that in six months. Don't believe for one minute that because our President stumbles and falls means America ever will! God bless the USA!
oh great. and what is the alternative to the present president ? you put your hand from one pile of shit to the next one .........
Australia min wage $913 for a 38 hour week , casuals get an extra 25% because they miss out on 10 paid sick days , about 10 paid public holidays and about 4-6 weeks paid holidays . plus all employers pay about 12% on top of your wage into your superannuation . i`m in the public health care , i`ve used the ambo 5 times , spent about 6 weeks in hospital , throat cancer i had 35 lots of radiation and 3 lots of chemo , had a massive heart attack . total cost $24 for 2 cab rides home because no one could pick me up . lucky country . plus we have paid maternity leave , i think it`s around 25 weeks . a lot of countries in Europe have better conditions than us in Australia . 🫡🫡🫡