New turbo cars cruising at low rpm on highway feel better but still slow. However, once changed to lower gears, NA becomes more satisfied, better sound and longer lifespan.... By the way I don't think on highway this old NA M feels slower than new turbo M thanks to the higher rpm. Actually this old NA M could feel faster than new turbo M if both are cruising on highway... Of course, the drawback is poor MPG!!!
看到这货 想到了我两年前买E92 M3的时候了。 2013 competition 73000km ,4.3w欧, 坐标德国🇩🇪。 唯一的遗憾就是没淘到手动的,最近有想发卖了上GT4 手动 。
New turbo cars cruising at low rpm on highway feel better but still slow. However, once changed to lower gears, NA becomes more satisfied, better sound and longer lifespan....
By the way I don't think on highway this old NA M feels slower than new turbo M thanks to the higher rpm. Actually this old NA M could feel faster than new turbo M if both are cruising on highway... Of course, the drawback is poor MPG!!!
澳洲买的2012 E92 M3 4万公里才6W AUD,国内太贵了
可以 车况怎么样?
BMW M3 V8 E92
09年天窗版 赫特累斯黑,红内 65000公里 E92m3 自用无大事故,我也想卖了。
6-8w呢 挺多的了