The Rapture Vs. The Pre-Wrath View

  • Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
  • Why do some believe in the Rapture and some believe in the pre-wrath view?
    Which is true according to the Bible?
    What does Jesus have to say about it?
    2016MAR20 - Q&A-111

Комментарии • 1,7 тыс.

  • @Beverly-e4z
    @Beverly-e4z Год назад +24

    I was also raised in a pre-trib rapture. I have listened to multiple teachers from both camps. I believe we will go through some of the trib. But we are not intended for wrath. But basically, I don't have to know everything. There will always be mysteries. I just rest in the promises of God and love Him more every day.

    • @sportsman0075
      @sportsman0075 Год назад +1

      The words pre-trib, mid-trib or post-trib are not fitting terms for the last days tribulation period because I think what is written in Matthew 24: 15-22 already happened in 66AD-73 AD. The destruction of the temple at 70AD and the great tribulation from 70AD-73/74 AD. In Matthew 24:21 Jesus said: " For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be."
      That is still true because what is leading up to the wrath will not be as bad as these times (last days tribulation period = birthing pains, Rev. 8 & 9 & 11:15-19).
      The Wrath is found in Rev 15.
      Please keep in mind that the warning is meant for the Christians. The rapture will happen prior to the wrath.

    • @Trevor-nc3ox
      @Trevor-nc3ox 8 месяцев назад

      ​​@@sportsman0075could it not be double prophecy Godbless

    • @sportsman0075
      @sportsman0075 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@Trevor-nc3ox yes It could be a double conundrum. However that would mean christians would have to go through the tribulation period. Which they did in the first century. In the end however when God will pour out his wrath written in Rev. 16 there is no mentioning that the christians are still around. And why would God punish his beloved who received forgivness in the first place. The word tribulation implies going through some trouble. The word tribulation was used exclusively for the christians so wrath ≠ tribulation.

    • @Trevor-nc3ox
      @Trevor-nc3ox 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@sportsman0075 yes good point in Greek to be caught up is word Harpatzo to be sized eagerly ,yeah not much of church after rev 4 ,I see revelation saints in tribulation not us Titus 2:13 I know there is alot of controversy but saved is saved Godbless you

  • @jeaninethiede1425
    @jeaninethiede1425 5 лет назад +59

    @13:33 I have PPMS, Primary Progressive MS. I have died 3 times and almost died 2 times. 2 of those times I was alone. It was the strangest feeling coming back to life. I have spent most my life doing....Now I am surrendering my life unto his hands. Father has given me my last assignment and that is to pray for those out in the fields sowing seed, those that are in the Church's teaching and for the Tribulation Saints that will need our saved up prayers. At times, I ask Father to take me now.. but then, I come to my senses and ask, What else can I pray about. I fill my days listening to teachings, uplifting music and laying in bed just chatting with the Father. He wants our Hearts more than anything else, and to learn to love one another. He wants us all to know that he hears every thought and every word that comes out of our mouth. We need to keep our thoughts and words lined up with the Holy Scriptures. Please be easy on each other, we need more brotherly love. I know my time is short, but more that that, OUR time is short, As I prayed this morning, I was lifting up Gods people that are in this battle, I asked him to help this with this finally push. Then later on, laying in bed it came out again, help those that are helping others for the final push. Then those words dawned on my.. Final Push when the baby is born... we are almost there.. please please.. no time to fight among ourselves and keep our hearts and minds on those that do not know the Lord! God Bless you all............................................... Much love.......................

    • @bruceg.6282
      @bruceg.6282 5 лет назад +2

      I flatlined in the hospital in 2005 and found myself in that white vertical tunnel/shaft that I suppose leads to heaven. I've heard people speak of it before, but I was only there long enough to figure out where I was, then I was back. Never forget it though.

    • @mkmason2002
      @mkmason2002 5 лет назад +1

      Jeanie if you were to die today would you be sure that you were going to Heaven?

    • @theotherme4120
      @theotherme4120 5 лет назад +3

      Bruce G. I wonder if those tunnel things are just our brain chemicals at point of death or near death. That the real thing “being present with the Lord” is indescribable. :)

    • @blueeyes6852
      @blueeyes6852 4 года назад +5

      Your comment speaks of truth and what God Almighty wishes for us! I'm also saddened by how people treat one another. I watch a lot of martial arts and the comments are awful. If someone disagrees with you, instead of understanding there are differing points of view, it is no reason to call someone stupid or another ugly name. I see this more with millennials then other age groups. What's happening with this generation!? They have no, absolutely no compassion...
      Anyway, just thought I'd stop and comment and applaude your comment! It's been a while since you wrote... I hope you and yours are well and healthy.... God bless sis!

    • @islandgirl3138
      @islandgirl3138 4 года назад +3

      God bless your heart, you are an inspiration xx

  • @jtbaker654
    @jtbaker654 6 лет назад +74

    Like my grandpa says "I'm a Pan-trib believer. Everything will pan out in the end" always revives my spirit when I am in doubt about what is true and what is not. We are to have faith. God is in control

    • @BibleSamurai
      @BibleSamurai 5 лет назад +4

      not gone pan out for some expecting to to escape great tribulation and find themselves in the middle of it. many will fall away

    • @BibleSamurai
      @BibleSamurai 5 лет назад +2

      @Somers Farm the elect is Israel (saved jews) in Matthew 24. Look up every verses about the rapture and look up every verse about the Day of the Lord (second coming). You will see they are two different events. Read 2nd Thessalonians where it talks about the rapture, it says two things must take place before it happens: great apostasy and Anti Christ is revealed. Rapture is pre wrath event as you stated. Wrath of God is also different from Great Tribulation. Read Revelations about the bowls and trumpets judgements which are wrath of God. Tribulation is from the devil, that's in the seals. First seal is anti Christ. 5th seal saints are martyred. Rapture is between 6th an 7th seal. Just cause Jesus is not rapturing church tomorrow doesn't mean u won't die tomorrow and stand b4 God. So stay ready to give an account to your maker. Second coming will be like a thief in the night to none believers, not believers for we will return with Him with new glorified bodies after the dead in Christ rise first. C u in Da air 😀

    • @seanthompson5077
      @seanthompson5077 5 лет назад +2

      Somers Farm Remember also, Jesus was speaking only to the Jews (Matthew 24) and Paul only to the Gentiles/church (Thessalonians). 2 different groups with 2 different tribulation scenarios.

    • @mkmason2002
      @mkmason2002 5 лет назад +3

      The pre-wrath rapture comes approx. mid-trib. Daniel 12:12, "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days." From day one of the trib until the abomination, Antichrist in the temple, is 1,260 days add 75 days of Great Tribulation of the saints, the fifth seal which is two waves of martyrdom equals 1,335 days. Lest Jesus cut those days {of martyrdom} short no FLESH would have survived. Then comes the sixth seal, Christ's second coming and the rapture. Matt. 24:29 Then the tribulation is over and then "His wrath came." The remaining time God pours out His wrath on unbelievers,{bowl judgements} as we are not appointed unto wrath.

    • @jesussaves1875
      @jesussaves1875 5 лет назад

      @@BibleSamurai List of 9 points (Raptures & Resurrections) all separate occurrences listed hereunder:
      1. The rapture of Enoch [Genesis 5v24 + Hebrews 11v5-6] - A type for the church/bride (faith)
      2. The rapture of Elijah [2 Kings 2v11] - A type for Israel (law)
      3. The resurrection & ascension of Jesus (First) [Matthew 27v52-54 + Acts 1v9-11]
      4. The resurrection & rapture of many of the saints (directly after His resurrection) [Hosea 6v2 + Matthew 27v52-54]
      5. The resurrection & rapture of the church/bride [1 Thessalonians 4v16-17 & Rev 4v1] (Pre-trib)
      6. The resurrection & rapture of the two witnesses [Rev 11v11-12] (Mid-trib - after 1260 days)
      7. The rapture of the 144000 [Rev 14v3] (definitely before the second coming, certainly pre-wrath)
      8. The resurrection of those who were beheaded [Rev 20v4] with the ingathering of the elect to Jerusalem from the four corners of the earth and heaven [Mark 13v26-27; Matthew 24v29-31 & Jude 1v14] (The ingathering of the elect on earth is a type of rapture - like Philip in Acts 8) (just after the second coming)
      9. The resurrection of those who are to be thrown into the Lake of Fire [Rev 20v12-15] at The End of days ~ KJV

  • @livinglifeoutdoorstv6550
    @livinglifeoutdoorstv6550 5 лет назад +95

    I grew up in a pre-Trib household... I read the Bible for myself at 10 yrs old and was firmly Pre-Wrath from that point onward. I just cannot see the pre-trib in the Bible and I am not able to follow the mental gymnastics of the pre-trib view when the plain text is easy enough for a 10 yr old to understand (and I was reading the KJV at the time).
    I'm 44 now and still firmly pre-Wrath. The 6th Seal is clearly the Rapture. Jesus was clear in Matthew 24.
    All in all, I agree with a previous post "Pray for the best, prepare for the worst, live for the Lord regardless".

    • @livinglifeoutdoorstv6550
      @livinglifeoutdoorstv6550 5 лет назад +13

      Charles Pieters
      Matthew 24
      29 ¶ Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
      30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
      31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
      Revelation 6
      12 ¶ And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
      13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
      14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
      15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
      16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
      17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
      Revelation 7
      9 ¶ After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
      10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
      Both passages clearly state that the rapture is AFTER the sun moon stars signs. After the Tribulation but before God’s Wrath.
      As for your little dig, I’ll ignore it. I’m not still in flux over the issue nor will my salvation depend on this issue. I’m ready if I die or the Lord comes for me. With an attitude like yours, are you ready?

    • @Ben-Yosef
      @Ben-Yosef 5 лет назад +1

      @Charles Pieters, what your position? Pretrib, Midtrib, PreWrath, PostTrib?

    • @Ben-Yosef
      @Ben-Yosef 5 лет назад +1

      @MIPR, there are some in the PreWrath camp that believe that the Rapture could be at the last Trumpet too. What say you about that?

    • @jamesdaniel1376
      @jamesdaniel1376 5 лет назад +1

      There's the problem with your position: In chapter 5, there are 24 elders before the throne of God, seated on thrones and wearing crowns. These are representing the church and, since they have crowns, must have been thriugh the Bema judgment of Christ meaning that the rapture and resurrection is passed and that the church is in heaven. This is way before the trumpet judgments begin.
      Problem 2: the last trumpet judgment is based on connecting Paul's account linking the rapture to the last trump of God and assuming that that trumpet is the last trumpet judgment, however, that poses a major difficulty. First, John wrote Revelation about 20 to 30 years after Paul died. That leaves the church saying, "What?" for all that time and not understanding what Paul was talking about until John writes his book. Im other words, Paul could not have been alluding to something that had not been written yet. You need a better explanation than the last trumpet judgment.

    • @jamesdaniel1376
      @jamesdaniel1376 5 лет назад +1

      @@livinglifeoutdoorstv6550 They say no such thing. You see that in the text because that is what you have been trained to see. He does not say that the saints are raptured just prior to this, he simply states that he saw them after this. As to the elect, check your Bible, it doesn't always apply to the church. Those can be elect from Israel as easily and if you look at the verses just prior to that verse 9, those verses you conveniently left out provide some potentially serious context since he finishes talking about 144,000 Jewish believers. Then after the verses you quote, it says they came out of Great Tribulation, coincidentally, the very place that group of Jews would have been saved from.
      Quoting obscure passages to cement a foundation for doctrinal statements is never a good thing.

  • @slossboss
    @slossboss 6 лет назад +268

    Quite frankly, I am concerned that some people have treated their brethren unkindly in the comments. Both sides can provide some form of Scripture evidence that supports their view. It is not right of either side to call the other names, and is in no way how we as brothers and sisters in Christ should act. This is a non-essential issue for neither view is a form that specifically contradicts Scripture, but rather is a difference of interpretation of certain verses of Scripture. The end of the Age will come when it comes, and the Church will know when that is without a doubt for sure because the Tribulation will be unlike any that has been seen since the days of Noah. Arguing about this in our wait for Christ's return and not fulfilling the Great Comission is the exact reason why Paul wrote to the Thessolonians. Meaningless debate is not why we have Revelation. The future is never known until it happens. It is to remain ambiguous so that we remain ready in our wait for His return. Our job is simple. To preach the Good News, and to love the Lord with all of our hearts, with all of our souls, with all of our minds, and with all of our strength, and to love our neighbors and each other as ourselves. We should not needlessly and pointlessly debate each other over the future and we do not worry about anything. Today has enough worry for itself...

    • @randilund2558
      @randilund2558 6 лет назад +9

      jmsloss Thank you for what you wrote. Love from Denmark 🇩🇰.

    • @pocadon
      @pocadon 6 лет назад +8

      Yeah it's sad to watch. Especially because we are told not to squabble. We also aren't supposed to argue about every little thing. Plant your seed lovingly or point out false doctrines lovingly and shut it down if an argument begins. This is one reason I despise the internet because people wouldn't have said most of the garbage they post to someone's face. It does remind me of a time pre internet where people just talked about you behind your back! 😁

    • @Slking507
      @Slking507 6 лет назад +13

      I think what people forget is "For whoever believes in him shall NOT perish, but have everlasting life." Regardless your interpretation the only true one is what he meant when he was here the first time. People need to be more accepting. Jesus was here to give comfort to the mourning and those in pain, and to give strength to those who have been made weak. If it makes one stronger to believe when they go to rest that they see his face, I see nothing wrong with that. It does not match how I have read and took literal what is written. However it does match the overwhelming Grace given to all of his saints who spread his word. They who wake in the morning and pray to God, drive down the road praying to God, before bed pray to God; pray for forgiveness, thanks, refuge, peace, truth, freedom, assurance, selflessness, and love through him who died to intercede for us will be given comfort. He doesn't want to just be their with you when you call on him. He wants to walk with you every second of every day.
      "Ask and it shall be given; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be open to you."
      All he requires from you is faith in him. All else will be provided if you truly give yourself to him, walk to the best of your ability like him, accept others despite your differences (fellowship), share his word. Take unto yourself his offerings. Take unto yourself the full armor of God.
      "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should."
      Our fight is not a carnal one, not of the flesh. You are not each others enemies. It doesn't matter which book you open the meaning is the same. We should not be fighting amongst each other but asking protection from the Evil one. Simple as that. Love your brother, your neighbor, ask them into your lives with open arms regardless their beliefs. Planting the seed does not mean beating them and pushing them away. Simply be the best example, witness, you can be to them and pray that it takes.
      Just remember that he warned us many times not to take from and follow the teachings of those who preach a different Gospel; Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Satanist, Scientology, etc. He only wrote ONE book. The translation may differ in grammar or by age of writings. But the message is the same. "I am" he is, "No Gods exist before him" he is the only, he will be back. The cloth was folded at his table when he left. His creation is finished. He is not.

    • @nicholasrees1838
      @nicholasrees1838 6 лет назад +1

      "Scripture evidence" is not evidence of anything other than what is written in the bible by a bunch of psychotic men who knew very little about reality over a long period of time. Much of the time it wasn't even written by the individual it is ascribed to eg Matt, Mark, Luke and John which were written many years after their respective deaths. There is no validity in the bible and quoting it as evidence is laughable. Get an education.

    • @Slking507
      @Slking507 6 лет назад +30

      @@nicholasrees1838 😂. You're funny. Run along and play. One day you will understand.

  • @bonniemoerdyk9809
    @bonniemoerdyk9809 5 лет назад +9

    I Love how you break things down on whiteboard Pastor Barnett. It helps visual learners like myself. I love the study of types and shadows such as the Flood narrative. Seeing Enoch as Church Age believers and Noah as Israel... so thankful to God for giving us the Blessed Hope!

  • @aerodave1
    @aerodave1 6 лет назад +27

    Matthew 24:13 - "But the one who endures to the end will be saved."
    James 1:12 - "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised
    to those who love him."
    Acts 14:22 - "Strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God."

    • @Robwolf28
      @Robwolf28 6 лет назад +4

      Matthew 24:v13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
      Mark 13: v13b, but the one who endures to the end will be saved.”
      Luke 21:v19 By your endurance, you will gain your souls.

    • @mustangpassurchevy
      @mustangpassurchevy 3 года назад +2

      When they ask Jesus when was his return Jesus would of said at that time, if you believe in me and remain faithful I will take you out before all these things. But instead he said to watch for the abomination of desolation. We will be here for the Great tribulation. Sad that so many people teach the Great escape, they are in for a big surprise.

    • @aerodave1
      @aerodave1 3 года назад +1

      @@mustangpassurchevy Yes we go through a time of tribulation before we are saved. Not 7 years though. That is a made up number and is not biblical.

    • @lizzyp70
      @lizzyp70 2 года назад +1

      Context, context. He was speaking to the Jewish people.

    • @Trevor-nc3ox
      @Trevor-nc3ox 8 месяцев назад

      Is James not mostly talking to the jews

  • @fredricmiller5587
    @fredricmiller5587 Год назад +1

    Hello brother in Yeshua. As a fellow Teacher of the Holy scriptures, I must say that this event of "the rapture" brought so much peace of mind through the years...... this was until I received a deeper Biblical revelation of events surrounding the "return of the King of kings." Because certain prophetic events have NOT transpired at the time of this comment, it would be impossible for Jesus to return to Earth at this year of 2023. Without exegeting certain other passages, I would encourage every true believer in Christ to pray and do your due diligence in the scriptures concerning this "rapture" event that I first learned about soon after becoming a born again believer. Every born again believer needs to clearly understand the "Jewish feasts" and how they correspond to end time events. Two things to keep in mind is... before Jesus can return to Earth, the church must first know "who" the man of lawlessness is (2Thessalonians 2: 2-12) After he makes a covenant with the Nation of Israel he will commit blasphemy through "The abomination of desolation", (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15) which must happen in the "third temple" which has not yet been constructed in Jerusalem. Another important thing to understand is when is the "first resurrection?" Does it happen before the tribulation ever begins or at the end of the tribulation (Matthew 24: 29-31, 1Cor.15: 51-52) If you believe, embrace or are being taught that the "first resurrection" happens before the great tribulation begins, please read Revelation 20:5 & 6

  • @Ben-Yosef
    @Ben-Yosef 5 лет назад +29

    Pre-Wrath view believes in the Rapture too just somewhere between the middle and close to the end of the 7 year tribulation. This should have been labeled as Pre-Trib vs. Pre-Wrath. Also, Pre-Wrath is not Mid-Trib.

    • @NicholasChorba
      @NicholasChorba 4 года назад +2

      This guy is speaking truth here. Legitimate comment and critique.

    • @rockkstah2550
      @rockkstah2550 4 года назад +1

      Pre-wrath is the right one

    • @nosretep1960
      @nosretep1960 4 года назад +1

      Not even close! Most believe @5-6th seal.

    • @NicholasChorba
      @NicholasChorba 4 года назад +2

      @@nosretep1960 since when are "most" correct?

    • @nosretep1960
      @nosretep1960 4 года назад

      @@NicholasChorba same as most who believe Jesus is the Christ

  • @jamessullivan1348
    @jamessullivan1348 4 года назад +11

    We suffer through the tribulation but are raptured before God pours out His wrath on the earth.

    • @wesleygordon1645
      @wesleygordon1645 4 года назад

      More correct than most on this page!

    • @Amelia.B-12
      @Amelia.B-12 4 года назад +3

      That’s what makes most sense - even though I’d prefer to be raptured before it all

  • @howtester5586
    @howtester5586 6 лет назад +108

    Jesus is coming. Be ready. It doesn't matter when.

    • @gregdanielson9086
      @gregdanielson9086 5 лет назад

      It does matter when, for not knowing the positional timing of rapture indicates that person is presuming their salvation, thinking to be something they are not.

    • @gregdanielson9086
      @gregdanielson9086 5 лет назад +2

      @Charles Pieters Yes I do know, which if you were properly watching then you should know too. But given what you said shows you don't know how to rightly divide the word of God, for 2 Pet. 3:10 concerns heaven/earth passing away, which takes place at the end of the third age, which is sometime after the Millennial reign of Christ, which is that time no man knows, nor the angels, neither Jesus Himself, but the Father only, which has nothing to do with rapture, which we can know when it takes place.

    • @gregdanielson9086
      @gregdanielson9086 5 лет назад

      @Charles Pieters No, I haven't seen Signs of the Times. I am in the process though of writing a book called, Knowing the Times, which explains why the end times began when it did. It also proves thru scripture rapture comes after the church is corrected, which has forsaken the true gospel to believe another, which is not another, and deceives many to think they are something they're not by that light-fantastic theology they believe and teach. Concerning Rapture, I don't set dates, but one thing I know: tribulation and Ezekiel's War will occur within less than 4 years from now, in the latter days, as per Deut. 4:30 and Ezek. 38, 8, 16 (KJV), which spans from Sept. 13, 2015 Elul 29 - Sept. 25, 2022 Elul 29.

    • @gregdanielson9086
      @gregdanielson9086 5 лет назад

      @Charles Pieters If you go to Signs of the Times and click on the username under that video, it will take you to another page. Click ABOUT on that page, and it will take you to that page, then scroll down and you see how to get his personal email, which is common procedure for many YT Channels. Some do not have it, but this one does. Have at it.

    • @monrepos1001
      @monrepos1001 5 лет назад


  • @Mr.K316
    @Mr.K316 9 месяцев назад +1

    According to Jude and Enoch (not saying the book of Enoch) the Lord comes with thousands of his saints don’t know why this verse is always excluded from these discussions
    “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,” (Jude 1:14)

  • @lyndaslocum7575
    @lyndaslocum7575 5 лет назад +5

    This was a very emotional thumbnail to me. Affirming and comforting. Thank you!

  • @Mike-qt7jp
    @Mike-qt7jp Год назад +2

    I am not trying to be argumentative, but there really are a lot of scriptural issues with a pre=trib rapture: Over and over the Bible has the end-time Godly believers being delivered on the SAME day that the wicked are punished; not the case in a pre-trib rapture scenario. Jesus, Himself, gave two examples to look to in the end times; Noah and Lot. Noah and his family were delivered on the same day the wicked perished in the flood. “In the 600th year of Noah’s life, on the 17th day of the 2nd month the floodgates of the deep opened and the heavens poured down rain. On that very day, Noah and his family entered the Ark.” Lot and his family were delivered on the same day the wicked are punished. 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1 says, “God is just, He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you, and give relief to you who are troubled when the Lord Jesus is revealed from Heaven in flaming fire with His powerful angels bringing punishment to those who don’t know God and refuse to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ.” 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1 says, “Concerning the coming of the lord and our being gathered to Him (the rapture)…don’t let anyone deceive you. That Day of the Lord won’t come until two things happen first; the great apostasy and the man of sin is revealed.” (by the abomination of desolation) Joel 2:31 says, “The sun will be darkened, and the moon turned to blood BEFORE the coming of the great and dreadful Day of the Lord.” And Jesus in the Olivet discourse talks about the rise of the anti-christ and the persecution of the saints and then says, “Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon turned to blood.”
    2nd Thessalonians was written to assure the church that they had not yet entered the day of the Lord. Why would anyone who was taught pre-trib theology think they had entered the day of the Lord? There is only one thing that should make a pre-tribber think he had entered the day of the Lord and that would be the disappearance of millions in the rapture. 2nd Peter 3:10 says, “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, the heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.” Critical thinking tells us the heavens will NOT disappear with a roar; the elements will NOT be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will NOT be laid bare…” in the first 3 and a half years of the so-called tribulation period. So, at the very least, the first 3 and a half years cannot be the day of the Lord. Remember the anti-christ doesn't break his treaty with Israel until the mid-point, or three and a half years in. With the heavens (atmosphere) gone and the elements melted in fervent heat there would be no treaty being honored.
    The imminent return of Christ. The standard pre-trib view is that when Paul said things like, “we who are alive and remain shall be caught up…” he was using the term “we” because he had been taught the imminency of Christ’s return and he thought he would be alive at the time of the rapture. It is scripturally impossible for Paul to have written the word “we” because he thought he would be alive at the time of the rapture. He indeed may have thought such a thing, but he only wrote exactly what the Holy Spirit told him to write. 1st Peter 1:21 says “For prophecy never had its origin in the mind of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” Also, the Holy Spirit could teach that the church just simply won’t know when Jesus is coming back, so be ready at all times, but He could not teach that Jesus could come at any minute when He knew full well it wouldn’t be for at least 2,000 years. In other words, the Holy Spirit knows exactly when Jesus is coming back, and it would not be truthful to say He can come back any minute.
    It has been said “At the rapture Jesus comes FOR the church, BUT at the 2nd coming Jesus comes WITH the church.” And supposedly this proves a pre-trib rapture. First of all, the Bible does NOT specifically say this, however, whether the rapture is pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, or pre-wrath, Jesus, according to the Bible is coming with the dead in Christ and for “we which are alive and remain.” Remember, when the Christian dies his body goes into the grave, but his spirit, soul and consciousness go to be with the Lord. Even the classic rapture passage in 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18 agrees when it says, “…God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.” Notice the above verse has Jesus coming with the believer at the rapture. And since at the time of the rapture there will be one generation of alive Christians and at least 49 generations of Christians who have died (as of this date), Jesus is actually coming with the vast majority of the church and for a tiny remnant who is alive and remains.
    Some pre-tribbers say the church cannot be here during the tribulation period because all would be killed by the anti-christ if they did not take his mark. John Walvoord in his Rapture book on the bottom of page 159 says, “…many of the judgments by their very nature cannot distinguish saved from unsaved.” God spared the Jews during the plagues in Egypt and He delivered Daniel from the lion’s den and Shadrach and friends from the fiery furnace. He can certainly spare whomever He desires during the tribulation period.

  • @kristen1245
    @kristen1245 5 лет назад +8

    DTBM online videos Thanks to God I found your channel. I prayed for him to open my heart and I have turned back to Jesus and the Everlasting Love of God Almighty. Your teachings are Clearly touched by God. The interpretations are simple enough to understand and I am able to hear Gods word am praying for God to point me in the right direction to find study group that teaches the truth in my area. Thank you for a clearer understanding. Of Gods word .Praise God. You are all in my prayers . I hope to testify to as many people as I can with the holy spirit behind me and pray I find the right way or words to open deaf ears. As a former Catholic raised child of God, I was wicked in my ways as I turned from God and lost faith..spending years in my own personal hell. Dragging others down with me amongst many many other sins. I am thankful to find the word through these teachings. I see my faults and am trying to be diligent in my path. I'm humbled me and have dropped to my knees to pray to Jesus Christ for firgiveness', salvation and to take the burden of my sins from me and give me a second chance to live a life in Jesus' path. Bless your family and all others , especially non-BELIEVERS!! 💖

  • @ryanhamilton8389
    @ryanhamilton8389 6 лет назад +6

    I am just really feeling blessed and joyful I found your ministry so thank you

  • @nicknovello6511
    @nicknovello6511 4 года назад +13

    The imperative: we must love one another!

  • @Blessed2Dance4God
    @Blessed2Dance4God 8 лет назад +99

    The facts are spelled out by Jesus Christ Himself in Matthew 24 (as well as parallel passages) that His 2nd coming "will be *after* the tribulation" ..I mean honestly Jesus spells it out in a 4th grade reading level and then literally reiterates upwards of 10-12 times (including "endure to the end") throughout the entire chapter 24 of Matthew.
    Anyone is welcome to believe anything they so please, I only make this request for all of you to read Jesus' blatant words for yourself so that your faith will not suffer when you are not rescued from the turmoil of the world. The true Christians of this world have always been called to endure the *most* tribulation of anybody, not get a free-pass.. and this was made overwhelmingly clear throughout the entire bible in general as well as in regard to the rapture itself.. I mean Jesus literally says "after the tribulation" *repeatedly* ...Idk how much more clear we could've asked Him to be.
    All the scriptural acrobatics to find support for a pre-trib rapture is sad when Jesus Himself made the truth painfully clear (as did Peter) ...I'm not saying ppl who believe that aren't well-intended bcuz I don't know them like that but what I do know is that this (highly unbiblical) theory of a pre-trib rapture wasn't even 'invented' till less than 100 years ago by a dillusional/hallucinating Scottish girl, and it caught wind and momentum bcuz of 'itching ears'. . All of Christianity for all of time has known and believed what Jesus and the bible make absurdly clear... He comes back "after the tribulation"
    You don't need a seminary degree, you don't need a pastor, you don't need a study group, you don't need to pray & fast over it, you just need to read what it says black & white, zero games zero help needed.
    I believe the intentions are good but this kind of doctrine *will* be responsible for significantly damaging the reputation of Christ & the bible (more than the world already has) bcuz everyone will be saying 'where's your Jesus now' ..just like the bible also says will happen if we believe this false way. Best to you all - Christ is King, peace.

    • @tonyeaton3586
      @tonyeaton3586 7 лет назад +2

      where is Jesus physically at when rev 19 20 and rev 20 1 3 take place?

    • @neilmcphee1554
      @neilmcphee1554 6 лет назад +18

      Blessed2Dance4God it’s nice to read
      what I believe also!
      Pre-Tribulation Rapture is a lie and people are being deceived.
      I too pray that their faith isn’t extinguished when Jesus doesn’t return pre-tribulation.
      God bless you mate in Jesus Christ name Amen!

    • @ramonagaibor1898
      @ramonagaibor1898 6 лет назад +6

      Blessed2Dance4God well said thank God and thank you!

    • @DeansMayhem
      @DeansMayhem 6 лет назад +2

      The 5th trump has already sounded. Anti-Christ comes in the 6th Trump....The True Christ comes and gathers His elect in the 7th.

    • @DeansMayhem
      @DeansMayhem 6 лет назад +6

      Paul did NOT teach pre-trib rapture. It's a lie.

  • @gregstickler3798
    @gregstickler3798 5 лет назад +8

    I’m of the camp that believes the rapture will happen and looking forward to meeting Christ in the air but that our trust obedience walking daily with Him is everything and without knowing that the rapture will mean nothing

  • @LarryKovach1964
    @LarryKovach1964 5 лет назад +6

    When I was a young 14 year old Born Again Believer in 1978, The Holy Spirit said to my spirit that I will live to see the Rapture.

    • @puddintayne9254
      @puddintayne9254 5 лет назад +2

      My mother believed the same thing ... a strong Christian. However she died at the age of 84 , 10 years ago.

    • @Morewecanthink
      @Morewecanthink 5 лет назад

      We are to watch anyway!!!
      ... how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come. 1 Thessalonians 1, 9‭-‬10
      Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. Luke 12, 37‭-‬38

    • @jesussaves1875
      @jesussaves1875 5 лет назад

      @@puddintayne9254 There is a difference between expecting and being told something - Read Luke 2v26

    • @jesussaves1875
      @jesussaves1875 5 лет назад +1

      Me too... I am 52. My mom was born in the same month Israel became a nation, and I was born just after the 6 day war when Jerusalem was reclaimed.

    • @puddintayne9254
      @puddintayne9254 5 лет назад

      @@jesussaves1875 yes, Luke 2:26 is sort of the same. However, from my mother's (and all those who sleep) it will be the same. The dead will rise and we shall be caught up forever to be with the LORD. ( paraphrased 1Thes 4:17)

  • @cryptomaniacs5533
    @cryptomaniacs5533 5 лет назад +6

    Hello Dr. Barnett, can you please explain how your view coordinates with some conflicting verses I see in Mathew? I love your online ministry, but find this subject particularly confusing.
    Mathew 24:21-22 "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." Why would he need to cut the days short to save the elect if we were already raptured, prior to the tribulation?
    Mathew 24:30-31 "And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." Again, why would he be gathering his elect during his return to the earth if the church was already raptured earlier?
    It seems to me that the rapture of the church does not occur until near the end of the tribulation, but just prior to his outpouring of wrath on the unsaved. If I'm missing something here, please help me understand. Thank you!

    • @Morewecanthink
      @Morewecanthink 5 лет назад

      Crypto Maniacs - Guest Speaker: Tommy Ice - Olivet Discourse - Lesson 1 - youtube: /waJR5E-JZDI
      Guest Speaker: Tommy Ice - Olivet Discourse - Lesson 2 - youtube: /XAAXLnalH2Y
      Guest Speaker: Tommy Ice - The Olivet Discourse - Lesson 3 - youtube: NZRDHMnjDtk

    • @marynapolitano203
      @marynapolitano203 Год назад

      There’s the rapture before the tribulation (true believers) Jesus will receive us in the clouds. The dead in Christ will receive their new bodies- Tribulation follows the rapture. The 2nd coming of Jesus and the battle of armegedon is won- People who survive the tribulation (last chance) and have turned to Christ will enter the millennium kingdom Where Jesus reigns on earth for 1000 years- Satan will be thrown into hell for eternity and the new heaven & earth will be established.

  • @jamesdixon3103
    @jamesdixon3103 5 лет назад +7

    Jesus removes his bride, returning to the father’s house for the marriage supper of the Lamb. (John 14:2) then begins the tribulation, then near the end of the marriage supper, we, “(go into your chambers as it were for a moment, until the indignation has past”) He leaves to make the earth safe for his saints and destroy the antichrist army (“silence in heaven for half an hour”) (“I tread the winepress alone” IS 63:3) Jesus is a one man war at Armegeddon.
    After this, he opens the door to heaven for his saints, leading the way, with the blood of the battle still on his vesture, and many crowns on his head. (Rev 19)
    He then gathers his elect, (not us, but tribulation survivors that believed in the Lord after we were raptured) and unbelievers as well to the valley of decision and judges the sheep and the goats, casting the goats into the flames, and commending his sheep and giving them the kingdom. (Matt 25:31-41 WE return with Jesus, and rule and reign with him. (rev 1:6, Rev 5:9-10)At this time also, the last company of martyers killed near the end are raised to eternal life also, they are priests in the kingdom (Rev 20:4

  • @PreacherMan1971
    @PreacherMan1971 4 года назад +57

    I love Calvary Chapel, but I’m in complete disagreement with their rapture position. Jesus said in Matthew 24, “After the tribulation of those days, then you will see the Son of man coming” Not before, but after the tribulation, according to Christ, not me. Peace.

    • @laceyheartstring2841
      @laceyheartstring2841 3 года назад +24

      That is when he comes. He doesn't come down for the rapture, we go up.

    • @soulosxpiotov7280
      @soulosxpiotov7280 2 года назад +4

      Wait a minute.....If the 7 year tribulation begins with The Wrath of the Lamb, that is, The Wrath of the Son (Revelation 6: 16-17) - in other words, the entirety of the 7-year tribulation is All God's Wrath - how can there be a distinction between "Pre-Wrath" and "Pre-Trib"?
      The whole 7 years is Tribulation....And Also...God's wrath.
      So then, how will believers 'go through most of the Tribulation but before God's Wrath" when in fact the 7 years BEGINS with the Wrath of the Son as it says in Revelation 6:16-17) ??

    • @LacieKay
      @LacieKay 2 года назад +5

      Exactly! The pretrib view was cooked up in the 1800s. The trib is only 3.5 yrs not 7. If pastors and people would learn the Word Of God in it’s original language, they would know the truth. King James was a homosexual king and yet it is the most widely used “Bible” read in the pulpits.

    • @JCneverFails
      @JCneverFails 2 года назад +7

      @@soulosxpiotov7280 wait a minute, there are 6 seals that are mentioned before verses 16-17 that are not called Gods wrath that you failed to mentioned. So the entirety of the 7 years is NOT Gods wrath according to the details. That only happens right before or at the 7th seal which proclaims Gods wrath. Please, context is everything. Why are we over-complicating this?

    • @JCneverFails
      @JCneverFails 2 года назад +3

      @@soulosxpiotov7280 also the whole 7 years is NOT the tribulation. Jesus Said in this world we will have trials and tribulations, so we have always been dealing with tribulation and persecution..but in Matthew 24 He mentions a great tribulation which starts at the fifth seal. The antichrist is given to him the authority to over come the saints.

  • @aklileberhane8557
    @aklileberhane8557 6 лет назад +8

    God Bless You, Sir! What an Awesome Teaching! "He who has ears, let him hear" MARANATHA, COME, LORD JESUS!!!

  • @erickutepow
    @erickutepow 6 лет назад +64

    Noah went through years of mockery criticism trial and tribulation before he entered the ark and was taken out Gods wrath.

    • @dh2558
      @dh2558 6 лет назад +1


    • @godsmwc65
      @godsmwc65 6 лет назад +1

      Protected not removed ( Two different views ) one is in the bible one is not ---- If you are alive at the time of tribulations you will go through it.

    • @pocadon
      @pocadon 6 лет назад +4

      That's an easy one. Enoch was the rapture symbol while Noah represents either the Jews or the people who become believers during the rapture. He could represent both because both will suffer greatly. I'm pretty sure the situation with Lot could be both as well Lot was taken out but his wife looked back. I know there are other passages that follow the same pattern but I can't remember what they were and I don't feel like a research trip. There are also a lot of passages that parallel the reason Christ would come. Like the Joseph story while he was in Egypt.

    • @godsmwc65
      @godsmwc65 6 лет назад

      @@pocadon You need to read the bible and stop believing in fairy tails .

    • @jdilla999
      @jdilla999 6 лет назад

      @@godsmwc65 The Bible is a fairytale.

  • @davidstockeland8648
    @davidstockeland8648 Год назад

    Great job, Pastor, on the pre-trib position. When the title said vs pre-wrath, I was waiting for explanation on the pre-wrath position.

  • @jamesgillmore694
    @jamesgillmore694 5 лет назад +7

    I died on an operating table and i can tell you Jesus himself does come. i was above my body watching and had no feeling of connection to my body and did not recognize myself. then i turned around and seen beautiful bright light and clouds with angels on both sides of Jesus!!! he told me however go back, it is not your time.

    • @molossergirl2
      @molossergirl2 5 лет назад +2

      Wow how wonderful - I bet you didn't want to leave, I wouldn't! Lots of people have experienced this. Thank you for sharing.

    • @theotherme4120
      @theotherme4120 5 лет назад +1

      James Gillmore please do not get mad at me - but do you think it’s possible your mind made that scene up? Like you ‘dreamed’ it?

  • @thomasb4235
    @thomasb4235 Год назад


  • @Pipsterz
    @Pipsterz 5 лет назад +12

    Dr John, Seriously. Bless you!... Someone sends you 'Four-page question', and then tells you they want only a thumbnail answer from you (?). Now that's what I call a _'Lord-Give-Me-Grace'_ person lol. Love your teachings - Thank you so much!

  • @reimundkrohn8938
    @reimundkrohn8938 2 года назад +1

    Let me first say that I do enjoy the ministry of this channel - but - was the question by the viewer actually phrased as “Why is Calvary Bible a Rapture believing church?” That doesn’t make sense, given that those of us in the Pre Wrath camp ALSO believe in a Rapture. The difference between your PRE tribulational views and ours are matters of timing, not of whether or not a Rapture takes place.

  • @brabinjohn4262
    @brabinjohn4262 6 лет назад +28

    Those who believe the *Word of God* alone, pls read this:
    2Thessalonians 2:1-3
    "Now, dear brothers and sisters, let us clarify some things about the *coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and how we will be gathered to meet him (Rapture).* Don't be fooled by what someone say. For *that day (Rapture)* will not come until there is a *great rebellion against God* and the man of lawlessness is revealed--the one who brings destruction.

    • @markadams8893
      @markadams8893 5 лет назад +4

      Read on to verses 5-9 to get the full understanding that the restrainer ( Holy Spirit) which dwells within all Born Again Christian must me removed (Raptured) first and THEN the lawless one will be revealed.

    • @markadams8893
      @markadams8893 5 лет назад +2

      @Charles Pieters Charles since you in your prideful mocking arrogance seem to have all the answers tell me in Thessalonians vs 2:7-8-For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only He (capital H) who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. 8.And then the lawless one will be revealed.. My questions here are who does the He refer to,where is he abiding at this time, and where will He be taken away to.
      You cite the parable in Matthew 24-30 about letting the wheat and tares grow together until the harvest when the tares will be bundled together to burn and the wheat gathered and put in the barn. Can you tell me what the barn represents? also how did these verses "debunk" me?
      As far as citing the verses in John referencing the raising believers up on the last day, you need to understand the context of the time He is speaking . These verses are before His crucifixion, before His resurrection, before the New Covenant, before Pentacost where the Holy Spirit was poured out to His Apostles and Jesus told them to go out and spread His Gospel of Grace through Faith, and those who believed it would be Baptized with the Holy Spirit and born again. Jesus Himself said unless one is born again he will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter He sent us when He ascended and the Restrainer that will be taken away with us when we are caught up to meet Him in the clouds.
      Calling people dreamers full of hot air, infidels, spiritually
      blind because they don't agree with your opinion and worst of all a lawless one does not reflect someone who is a true brother in Christ. You can agree to disagree with someone with out attacking them. Maybe you could humble yourself and admit you don't know it all. If your happy with your beliefs thats fine but don't attack others for having their own. May God's Grace be with you Charles.

    • @johndepauw9820
      @johndepauw9820 5 лет назад +3

      Verse 8 also speaks of he which restrains will be taken away many believe it's talking about the Holy Spirit which dwells in us as believers so therefore before the Son of Perdition can be revealed we have to be taken away with the Holy Spirit cuz we are sealed unto the day of Christ with the Holy Spirit

    • @everydayliving1975
      @everydayliving1975 5 лет назад

      The WORD used is the greek word apostasia. The definition is below. If you take context in what Paul is talking about is there a better word for the context. Yes I believe that word is departure.
      So then if you read it with the word departure then it would say more in context of rapture.
      So it would read in king James.
      3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a DEPARTURE first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
      The departure would be the believer departing the Earth not the faith.
      @Max Power The word in 646 apostasía (from 868 /aphístēmi, "leave, depart," which is derived from 575 /apó, "away from" and 2476 /histémi, "stand") - properly, departure (implying desertion); apostasy - literally, "a leaving, from a previous standing.

    • @everydayliving1975
      @everydayliving1975 5 лет назад +2

      @@johndepauw9820 The believer is what is restraining the devil. Salvation is through the Holy Spirit. So in order for more to be saved during the tribulation the Holy Spirit would have to still be on Earth. Also the Holy Spirit is everywhere. Not a place where he is not.

  • @arthouse8584
    @arthouse8584 5 лет назад +1

    The title is misleading to this video - it should read 'The Pre Trib Rapture view vs. The Pre-Wrath Rapture view' - it is a false comparison otherwise. As the timing of the rapture is what is in question not whether there is a rapture. This title and the sub title notes are clearly meant to mislead people - the author of this should apologize and change such a subterfuge strategy.

  • @donnawheeler1716
    @donnawheeler1716 5 лет назад +3

    Jesus said, those who endure till the end will be saved.

    • @sammyo2583
      @sammyo2583 5 лет назад

      Donna Wheeler he was referring to the Jews, not the church

    • @Morewecanthink
      @Morewecanthink 5 лет назад

      Those who are then living on earth after the rapture.

  • @exjwlaura
    @exjwlaura Год назад +1

    It was really clear to me because I came out of Jehovah's Witnesses that something was wrong with pre-trib because they call it an invisible Rapture just like Jehovah's Witnesses say that Jesus returned invisibly in 1914 and they try to make two sets of Christians the tribulation Saints they say they have to go through the tribulation cuz they didn't believe, so they miss the wedding feast and the regular Saints get to go first. The governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses would say that the great crowd and the 144,000 were also separate. I also find it interesting that Darby came out around the 1800s when Russell created the international Bible students which became Jehovah's Witnesses later on also Joseph Smith was around the 1800s with Mormonism I feel like this is a false teaching and that the pre-trib is not a Godly teaching and not preparing for the endurance of the Saints with times that are going to come and I feel like the great falling away is going to be those who are shaking in faith thinking that they were going to be taking out of the tribulation and it's very concerning❤

  • @roberthamby3112
    @roberthamby3112 5 лет назад +4

    Was a pretrib Rapture adherent! I say adherent because I Was always troubled by some Scripture passages, spoken of by Christ Jesus in particular, re what to look for before He retains for US. Scripture clearly states in Revekation we are NOT appointed unto wrath.
    It also clearly states that we will suffer persecution,, and tribulations once we accept Christ Jesus into our hearts. Any Christian reading this who does not experience this on just about a daily basis? Christ Jesus says we would since we are no longer of this world, even though we are physically still in it. pre-Wrath Rapture/Harpazzo is not synonymous with mid trib. For clarification on the Pre wrath teaching I suggest you go to Moriel Ministries website,masnJacob Prasch profoundly clarified it to me.
    In any event We, TRUE Christians, will be Raptured! The timing does affect my preparation though.May the Truth of Gods Word be revealed more profoundly to us All in these last days.bGid bless all the readers, and viewers.

  • @caelachyt
    @caelachyt Год назад +1

    Irenaeus - "And therefore, when in the end the Church shall be suddenly caught up from this, it is said, “There shall be tribulation such as has not been since the beginning, neither shall be.”"
    Clearly, he who knew John as an old man didn't see either pre-wrath or post-trib.

  • @randysnewwalkministry3105
    @randysnewwalkministry3105 5 лет назад +16

    I consider myself having a pre wrath rapture view. Jesus is definitely coming before the Wrath of the Lamb. Amen!
    The question is. Is The Great Tribulation the Wrath of the Lamb?
    I believe the Wrath of the Lamb is God’s response to the Great Tribulation.
    I also believe the Great Tribulation is Satan’s influences on mankind to come against one of the Lord’s greatest loves, the church.
    The Great Tribulation period is as old as when Jesus spoke about it with His disciples and continues until the time of the Wrath of the Lamb.
    In Matthew 24 Jesus speaks to the disciples as if they are going to go through Jacobs trouble as He addresses them as “you”.
    Who are the disciples of today? “You” are.
    The Tribulation is not God’s Wrath.

    • @KMBRBR
      @KMBRBR 5 лет назад +5

      Yes. Exactly correct.

    • @johncampbell829
      @johncampbell829 5 лет назад +1

      Matthew 24 is speaking to "those who are in Judea" (Matt.24:16) and goes on to say in v. 20 "And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath." As a Christian living in Texas and definately NOT keeping ANY Jewish ordinances like Sabbath keeping I can only conclude Jesus was speaking directly to Jews. Matt. 15:24 "I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the House of Israel:"

    • @randysnewwalkministry3105
      @randysnewwalkministry3105 5 лет назад

      John Campbell you are correct about Matthew 15:24, however most of the lost sheep of the house of Israel rejected Christ as He knew they would but still gave them the opportunity to receive Jesus as their savior.
      As we know Jesus was preparing the disciples to be instrumental in spreading the good news of the gospel to all who would have ears to hear. This includes gentiles. Converting the Jews to believe in Jesus was their main mission but when they convert, they become the church.
      In Matthew 24:20, There are two conditions that is to be prayed about. Winter Is one and the Sabbath is the other. There are still many Christians today living in the Judea area who honor the Sabbath despite it being under old covenant law.
      I believe that Jesus is saying not to hesitate but leave immediately. In the winter, people would hesitate to leave just to wait for better weather to go to the mountains. Those believers who honor the Sabbath would hesitate as well.
      Note that Jesus is addressing men who have converted to believe Jesus is the true Messiah. He addresses them as “you” from 4-26 as though they are still here even after the Antichrist is revealed. By this time the church is well established. “You” is representing disciples. Who are disciples when this happens? The future church is. Otherwise Jesus would have changed “you” to “they or them” who are not converted by this time if He was strictly talking to the Jews.

    • @lynnscott8286
      @lynnscott8286 5 лет назад

      Randy's New Walk Ministry the whole tribulation is the wrath of God. Read ur Bible

    • @Morewecanthink
      @Morewecanthink 5 лет назад

      The great tribulation is NOT about the church:
      The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying, Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book. For, lo, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will bring again the captivity *of my people Israel and Judah,* saith the Lord: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it. And these are the words that the Lord spake *concerning Israel and concerning Judah.* For thus saith the Lord; We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace. Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? *Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.* For it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds, and strangers shall no more serve themselves of him: But they shall serve the Lord their God, and David their king, whom I will raise up unto them. Therefore fear thou not, O my servant Jacob, saith the Lord; neither be dismayed, O Israel: for, lo, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid. For I am with thee, saith the Lord, to save thee: though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee: but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished. For thus saith the Lord, Thy bruise is incurable, and thy wound is grievous. There is none to plead thy cause, that thou mayest be bound up: thou hast no healing medicines. All thy lovers have forgotten thee; they seek thee not; for I have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy, with the chastisement of a cruel one, for the multitude of thine iniquity; because thy sins were increased. Why criest thou for thine affliction? thy sorrow is incurable for the multitude of thine iniquity: because thy sins were increased, I have done these things unto thee. Therefore all they that devour thee shall be devoured; and all thine adversaries, every one of them, shall go into captivity; and they that spoil thee shall be a spoil, and all that prey upon thee will I give for a prey. For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord; because they called thee an Outcast, saying, This is Zion, whom no man seeketh after. Thus saith the Lord ; Behold, I will bring again the captivity of Jacob's tents, and have mercy on his dwellingplaces; and the city shall be builded upon her own heap, and the palace shall remain after the manner thereof. And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small. Their children also shall be as aforetime, and their congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all that oppress them. And their nobles shall be of themselves, and their governor shall proceed from the midst of them; and I will cause him to draw near, and he shall approach unto me: for who is this that engaged his heart to approach unto me? saith the Lord . And ye shall be my people, and I will be your God. Behold, the whirlwind of the Lord goeth forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind: it shall fall with pain upon the head of the wicked. The fierce anger of the Lord shall not return, until he have done it, and until he have performed the intents of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it. Jeremiah 30, 1‭-‬24
      And whiles I was speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of *my people Israel,* and presenting my supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my God; Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation. And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding. At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision. *Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city,* to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Daniel 9, 20‭-‬24
      And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: *and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation* even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. Daniel 12, 1

  • @theherald4340
    @theherald4340 5 лет назад +7

    The confusion is largely due to the fact that students of prophetic truth do not distinguish between Christ coming FOR His saints, and WITH His saints. The former is called the "rapture", the latter the "Revelation".
    If "all" the Church are to pass through the Tribulation; then instead of waiting and watching "for the Lord", we should be watching and waiting "for the Tribulation" which is contrary to the teaching of Christ Himself. Matt.24:42-44.
    The Tribulation is not for the perfecting "of the saints." It has nothing to do with the Church. It is the time of "Jacob's trouble"( Jer.30:7), and is the "Judgement of Israel," and it is God's purpose to keep the Church out of it. Rev.3:10.
    The Book of Revelations is written in chronological order. After the fourth chapter the Church is seen no more upon the earth until she appears in the nineteenth chapter coming with the Bridegroom "from" Heaven. In between those two chapters, are appalling judgements that fall upon those that "dwell on the earth"and that the Church is not of the earth, but is supposed to "sit together" in "Heavenly places" in Christ Jesus. Eph.2:6
    She, the Church, will not be among those who "dwell on the Earth" in those days.
    Again; its about Christ coming "For" his saints, and later coming "With" them.
    Good day!

    • @theherald4340
      @theherald4340 5 лет назад

      @Pavel Bee Then present your argument! That statement was from a well known pastor and author of "Dispensational Truth" Clarence Larkin.
      I'm pretty sure that whatever you would render will not make the reasonable sense.
      He was pretty emphatic about letting the scriptures say what they say, and not what we think it's saying or want it to say.
      Read the scriptures again!

    • @AM-6030
      @AM-6030 4 года назад

      @Pavel Bee okay, you said "false statement"about nine months ago. Why not back up your claim?

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 6 лет назад +3

    This is exactly correct! The 1st rapture occurs the moment a believer dies. The 2nd rapture occurs at the last day before the wrath.

  • @frankbottcher2606
    @frankbottcher2606 Год назад +1

    I must lovingly disagree with the Preacher Man's view. Matt 24: 29-30 uses the word.. coming. This refers to Jesus second coming at the conclusion of the 7 yr Tribulation. Coming and Gathering together have different meanings. Jesus gathers His Church before the Tribulation. Jesus, the groom would not allow His bride to experience God's Wrath anymore then a fleshly groom would of his bride

  • @valeriegreen2423
    @valeriegreen2423 5 лет назад +5

    I am learning from your videos, and you speak the Truth. I follow along with my opened Holy Bible and read the scripture(s) with you.
    Thank you for your teaching.
    Recently, Euthanasia has become popular amongst the terminally ill. What happens to a Christian who has chosen this road? Has he broken God's command: "Thou shalt not kill."?

    • @joesmoke9624
      @joesmoke9624 5 лет назад +1

      Valerie Green No! Is the answer

  • @Mike-qt7jp
    @Mike-qt7jp Год назад +2

    Pre-Wrath view definitely! By the way, if you read about the Pre-wrath view, it absolutely is NOT the mid-trib.

  • @Foxxie55
    @Foxxie55 6 лет назад +14

    Maybe you covered what I'm writing below later in your video, I did not watch it all.. Most people have a hard time understanding HOW to keep the Bible in it's proper order.. There are many times of dispensation / ages though the Bible.. Adam's dispensation was NOT to eat from the tree - one rule... NO law after the flood.. Then the
    1) LAW to Moses was given to the Israelites NOT to the Gentiles.. The LAW was NOT given to SAVE anyone, but to kill anyone that was caught violating them... The animals blood COVERED the Israelite's sins for one year.. If they sinned what happened,, NOTHING..Unless they got caught by man, then stoned by the LAW...
    2) The Picture of salvation that was painted in the OT was the blood of animals showing what Christ's blood on cross (by his death) was to us; to cover ALL of our sins forever. We all are sinners.. Did I mention "all" are sinners..
    Jesus saved sinners, not half saved. Jesus FULLFILLED the requirements of the LAW.
    3) Matthew thru Acts 7 is still LAW but to the Judeans at that time. It was the "Kingdom is among" you
    4) Acts 9 was 1Tim.1:15 - Paul was the (PrOtos) very first sinner saved on the Damascus road by Jesus who saves sinners..
    Did I point out the VERY FIRST …. by GRACE
    5) Now, we that believe on Jesus, asks Jesus to save us, are SEALED by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption.. (Eph.4:30) We ARE saved forever (not maybe by works), we have been reconciled, bought by Jesus's blood and brought to the Father by His blood.. WE ARE NOT under any law today, GRACE vs. LAW.. So many people wants to mix Grace and LAW together.. Jesus NAILED the LAW to the cross, nullifying it during the dispensation / age of GRACE..
    Col 2:14 -erasing the handwriting of the decrees against us, which was hostile to us, and has taken it away out of the midst, -nailing it to the cross, Did I mention "NAILED to the cross"..
    We are under the AGE of GRACE today, until what Paul calls the (harpazo) /yanking out of danger / snatched away / caught up to the Throne of God. 1Thes.4:17 - same word Rev. 12:5 - man child- harpazo/caught up. Is this the "body of Christ" or another group during the tribulation.. ? ?
    When the "Body of Christ" is harpazo / caught up, then the time of law rolls around again to where Jesus will deal with Israel, UNTIL Israel calls out His name to save them.. This is the last days that some calls trib
    That pretty well paints the picture/theme of the Bible to the believer today... Our salvation under Grace is Romans thru Philemon.. The other books are books written by law keepers.. Jesus did NOT reveal to the disciples what he revealed to Paul.. BUT we read the other books to LEARN.. BUT keep it in proper order in understanding the message of grace vs. law.. Law does not save - only grace
    Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
    Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
    Eph 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
    1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Written by a law keeper, but notice, it's a promise to the believer for our learning..
    God bless?

    • @lyndaslocum7575
      @lyndaslocum7575 5 лет назад +1

      Yes God Blesses

    • @martymcmannis9121
      @martymcmannis9121 5 лет назад

      Your right Ruth.
      Keeping the Commandments is what our Lord wants. If we love him we should keep them.

    • @mkmason2002
      @mkmason2002 5 лет назад +1

      There are no dispensations. All of mankind is saved by faith for without faith it is impossible to please Him.

    • @mkmason2002
      @mkmason2002 5 лет назад +1

      @@martymcmannis9121 True. However, keeping the commandments has zero to do with obtaining salvation and going to Heaven.

    • @mkmason2002
      @mkmason2002 5 лет назад

      @Ruth Smith I mean there are "no dispensations” The Bible never speaks of dispensations. This is a made-up doctrine, human thought, not God's thought. All salvation has always depended on a man's faith and never on his works.
      RS: Yes you should obviously have faith
      MK: Yes, obviously.
      RS: BUT still adhere to the commandments,
      MK: We obey God because we choose to honor HIm but we always fall short, always continue to sin. Obeying the commandments has nothing to do with salvation, His forgiveness and grace.
      RS: love the Father with all your soul, heart and mind and love thy neighbour as yourself.
      MK: What Christian wouldn't?
      RS: It’s not just a matter of faith.
      MK: You are wrong and if you believe this then you are already DEAD in your sins and your eternity will be in Hell. Faith is what saves you and not the works of the flesh, for "without faith, it is impossible to please him."
      This false faith PLUS works gospel is leading many to Hell. We are saved by grace through faith and not by repenting of our sins and not by good works and Lordship salvation. This is a works-based salvation which is not Christ's salvation. We can't help God to save us, only the blood of Jesus can atone for sins. "For without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin."
      I beg you to read all these BIble verses to insure your salvation and escape from eternal Hellfire. Believe and receive. Period.
      "What must I do to be saved? "Believe ON the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved."
      Romans 3:28 - Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
      Do you see works or repentance here?
      'If you CONFESS with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and BELIEVE in your heart that God raised Him from the dead YOU SHALL BE SAVED." Romans 10:9-10
      "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved, and your house. ACTS 16:31
      Do you see anywhere that you are to do good works, stop sinning and constantly repent in order to be saved?
      "And THIS IS THE WILL of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and BELIEVETH ON HIM, MAY HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE: and I will raise him up at the last day.
      Romans 4:5 - But to him that WORKTH NOT, but BELIEVETH on him that justifieth the ungodly, HIS FAITH IS COUNTED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
      got that?
      Philippians 3:9 - And be found in him, NOT HAVING MY OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
      Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace are ye saved through faith; and THAT NOT OF YOURSELVES [it is the gift of God: and NOT OF WORKS lest any man should boast.
      Galatians 2:21 - I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness [come] by the law, THEN CHRIST DIED IN VAIN.
      Romans 5:1 - Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
      Galatians 2:16 - Knowing that a man is NOT JUSTIFIED by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the FAITH IN CHRIST, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
      John 5:24 - Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
      Galatians 5:6 - For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.
      Romans 11:6 - And if by grace, then [is it] no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if [it be] of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.
      Romans 3:20 - Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law [is] the knowledge of sin.
      John 1:12 - But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believe on his name:
      Gal. 3:10, "For as many as are of the WORKS OF THE LAW ARE UNDER THE CURSE: for it is written, CURSED every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them." BREAK THE LAW ONCE AND YOU ARE CURSED, HELLBOUND.
      Gal 2:16, “Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
      Romans 6:14, speaking to Christians," For sin shall not have dominion over you: for YE ARE NOT UNDER THE LAW, BUT UNDER GRACE."
      Gal 5:18, But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law."
      ROMANS 4, "Abraham BELIEVED God, and it was COUNTED unto him for righteousness. 4Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that WORKETH NOT,BUT BELIEVETH on him that justifieth the ungodly, his FAITH is counted for righteousness. Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness WITHOUT WORKS,.....Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.
      Ephesians 2:15 "Having ABOLISHED in his flesh the enmity, EVEN THE LAW OF COMMANDMENTS contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace."
      I hope and pray you turn from this false gospel and believe the good news, Christ died to save the unrighteous. He alone ransomed you from Hell. All you need to do is believe this and accept the free gift of God, His salvation of grace.

  • @calypsowarrior9061
    @calypsowarrior9061 6 лет назад +2

    Tonight is Yom Kippur apparently so God hears prayers are clearer tonight. Hope this helps someone in need.

  • @haynesptrn
    @haynesptrn 6 лет назад +34

    Pre-wrath is NOT mid-trib.

    • @KingjamesAV1611
      @KingjamesAV1611 5 лет назад +3

      3/4 Trib???

    • @kentfink9509
      @kentfink9509 5 лет назад


    • @mkmason2002
      @mkmason2002 5 лет назад +3

      The pre-wrath rapture comes approx. mid-trib. Daniel 12:12, "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days." From day one of the trib until the abomination, Antichrist in the temple, is 1,260 days add 75 days of Great Tribulation of the saints, the fifth seal which is two waves of martyrdom equals 1,335 days. Lest Jesus cut those days {of martyrdom} short no FLESH would have survived. Then comes the sixth seal, Christ's second coming and the rapture. Matt. 24:29 Then the tribulation is over and then "His wrath came." The remaining time God pours out His wrath on unbelievers,{bowl judgements} as we are not appointed unto wrath.

    • @Ben-Yosef
      @Ben-Yosef 5 лет назад

      @john doe, before the seven bowls. Whenever that is in the Tribulation. Don’t try to pin-point it.

    • @mkmason2002
      @mkmason2002 5 лет назад +2

      @@Ben-Yosef For your consideration. The rapture comes after the Antichrist demands all to take his mark and to worship him. 75 days after he comes into the temple claiming to be God will be the rapture, at the sixth seal, moments prior to God's wrath. 1,260 days { 3.5 yrs} plus 75 days is 1,335 days. Daniel 12:12, speaks of the rapture, the catching away, "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days."

  • @micheleswanby2309
    @micheleswanby2309 5 лет назад +2

    Pastor, you made the statement that the Rapture is not referred to in the old testament. What about Isaiah 57:1-2,also Isaiah 26:19-21.

    • @jesussaves1875
      @jesussaves1875 5 лет назад

      Loved those scriptures you posted :))) Absolutely the rapture (in plain sight, yet hidden)

  • @jarredgoodman9688
    @jarredgoodman9688 6 лет назад +11

    Please Lord let the Body not divide over rapture TIMING, from what I've seen all- pre, mid and post are saved brothers and sisters in Christ. There will be a rapture, I believe it is a blessed hope and that it is the time of Jacob's trouble, that it is a mystery revealed to the Apostle Paul, specifically for the Church, alluded to by our Lord Jesus in John 14 and a part of provoking the nation of Israel to jealousy just like many of the other blessings we have in this the Church age as the Body of Christ. BUT... I still love the brother or sister in Christ who disagrees with me on my pre-trib interpretation. (and oh yes I do trust my Lord Jesus that He will give us the strength to make it through the Tribulation should I have it all wrong for those that will call me escapist- we Christians are all escapist really, we've all escaped hell and eternal death remember) love in Christ Jesus

    • @totalhealth8204
      @totalhealth8204 5 лет назад +1

      Goodman, The point is that the rapture may be misunderstood from the wedding parables that All show we don't understand them, asleep with lights out in Matt 25:5 or scorning the invitation in Matt 22:3-8. You discredit timing but God won't do anything without revealing it and your name has a timing clue from Matt 24:43--please visit Prov 7:19,20 in KJV to see the Goodman comes home at the yom kece--full moon. Passover comes on a full moon, but Goodman is on a long journey, so it's Passover a month later as provided by 9-11. Yes, Numbers 9:10,11 provides for Passover in May if Goodman isn't back in time for April. 2nd Passover is also when the Flood came--Passover timing, but 2nd spring month. The next parable says "Then..." It's the same time, 2nd Passover. Please read my comment above yours...God bless all who are seeking light from His Word.

    • @leonburton8119
      @leonburton8119 5 лет назад +1


    • @richardruhling2042
      @richardruhling2042 5 лет назад +1

      @CHRiS WRoCK - Narrow Path The Big Picture you paint is Biblical, true and coming soon. I just did a video on my channel on "How Long, Oh Lord?" We can know because Ps 90:12 says, "Teach us to number our days..." and Amos 3:7 says God won't do anything without revealing it" Bad translation to say no one will ever know when Christ was talking to His disciples and the Greek word, eido, means you don't's like the days of Noe or like a man traveling to a far country (provision for Passover a month later if they couldn't get back in time for 1st Passover. It;s 9-11 Num 9:10,11. Search RUclips for Spectrum Magazine Reply to How Long Oh Lord, Total Health,

    • @richardruhling2042
      @richardruhling2042 5 лет назад +1

      Dear Brother Jarred, Christ said He came not to bring peace, but a sword. It's HiS Word (sword of truth) that divides, based on our responses to truth. 1Cor 15:51,52 shows "we shall all be the LAST Trumpet" (7 trumpets in Revelation preceded by a huge earthquake as seen in Rev 8:5,6.
      Further information on timing on RUclips--"How Long, Oh Lord?" We can know because Ps 90:12 says, "Teach us to number our days..." and Amos 3:7 says God won't do anything without revealing it" Bad translation to say no one will ever know when Christ was talking to His disciples and the Greek word, eido, means you don't's like the days of Noe or like a man traveling to a far country (provision for Passover a month later if they couldn't get back in time for 1st Passover. It;s 9-11 Num 9:10,11. Search RUclips for Spectrum Magazine Reply to How Long Oh Lord, Total Health,

    • @jesussaves1875
      @jesussaves1875 5 лет назад

      @@totalhealth8204 Jesus fulfilled the first 4 feasts already - and He fulfilled them to the day. What is left is the last 3 and He will fulfill them too - to the exact day, they are appointed.

  • @c.h.r.i.s.t.i.n
    @c.h.r.i.s.t.i.n 4 года назад +2

    I can only speak to my own personal experience and beliefs... I actually had to stop this video 12 minutes in because I can absolutely speak to the absolute truth of Pastor Paul's word about our own personal rapture. I've died two times. Once before I was actually saved, though angels carried me to a place to resuscitate me to life by man 20 years ago this May with defibrillators and such. Last May - which was 19 years down to the week (I haven't found where or if I noted a date yet, I was so unbelievably astounded by the experience I dumped my brain for several days I think in a state of awe.
    Jesus himself I saw him as if on/in a cloud, seeing him from probably the waist up, whose hands reached down personally to restore air to my empty lungs and returned the beating of my heart... I was almost entirely lifted off the couch, my whole torso, followed by my legs. Having been in a mostly prone position at the time, I thought that something significant. But it was the power of Jesus' touch that left me with chest pains for 2 days and I couldn't even begin to describe the brilliantly white light, dazzling in its brilliance, blinding almost but you know you would still see this light if you were struck blind all of a sudden. I just have that feeling though that isn't fact. But the light which was also life itself came back through the crown of my head surrounding but also emanating from me (I see this as I'm still with Jesus and not yet in my body) and speaks to me, "No. Not yet." But this light and life as it came down from my crown to my toes moved me in turn, as I described. The top half, then the bottom. I sat for 45 minutes with the experience before I could get my mind around it to tell my husband who was in another room.
    I haven't finished this video yet... as I said, I had to stop and just ask, has anyone else ever experienced this? Or anything like this? I'm so grateful to be hearing this message right now, too, further confirming the faith in my own experience which, at the time my husband believed as shown since that he is truly faithless. In me, in God, in everything really.
    So amazing share. Great job from Pastor Paul and thank you, as well to the one sharing the video. Im doimg Bible study with him and haven't seen much of the rest because the whole Bible is the plan. Not just the stuff that grabs my attention so this was nice to see come up in my feed.

    • @davidfoley8880
      @davidfoley8880 Год назад

      Wow!! Our Lord is so amazingly awesome! I myself have been dead but praise be to God the Father Jesus his son and the holy Spirit for allowing me to come back & tell people that hell is very real. And no one wants to go to that place that was made for the devil & his demonic angel's.

  • @mariatorok364
    @mariatorok364 6 лет назад +4

    Amen! Good teaching!!is it that hard to understand this truth ?🤔

  • @connieanderson7521
    @connieanderson7521 3 месяца назад +2

    I’m pre wrath, OT and NT both support this view . Pre trib is not supported by all the counsel of the Bible.

    • @Kman.
      @Kman. 3 месяца назад

      The entire tribulation will be the "WRATH" of God, so the pre-tribulation rapture is actually *THEE* "pre-wrath" rapture position.

  • @B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y.B.O.Y.
    @B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y.B.O.Y. 5 лет назад +41

    I'm hoping for the "pre" but preparing for the "post"

    • @neilwani1178
      @neilwani1178 5 лет назад +2

      False teaching. Once Daniels 70th week starts, it is impossible for there to be a rapture. This is for people left behind. Please wait midtrib and see the man of sin revealed at the 3rd temple. See Daniel 7 25 and Rev 13 5-7 start for 42 months at the 5th seal. You will think at the 6th seal You will be raptured. Sadly Matthew 24 22 is for 144000 from Israel. You will be persecuted and martyred for 3 1/2 years and Immediately after that tribulation the 2nd coming will occur on the last day of Daniels 70th week. That is the day of Matthew 27-31 and Luke 17 23-37. The wicked are taken while the righteous are gathered on earth.

    • @sacredcowtipper1378
      @sacredcowtipper1378 5 лет назад +4

      Hi Neil, Did you know this pre-trib doctrine was never taught until 1830? Futurism was started by a Jesuit priest in the late 1700's and his book got published around 1812. Then Maragarette mcDonald had her vision and prophetic tongue or utterance in 1830 of a "partial" rapture, then Darby invented dispensationalism about 9 months later. Jesuits were the enemies of the church and murdered over 50 million Christians.
      Find any pre-1830 commentator that taught this. I haven't found one yet.
      some of these guys blew away Charles Spurgeon like John Gill, Matthew Henry, and Adam Clarke because they knew history like no others.
      Most of the Millerites lost their faith when the pre-trib rapture didn't happen in 1844. 50+ cults came out of pretrib teaching including JW's, Branch Davidians, 7th Day ADventism, the beginning stages of the hebrew roots movement to name a few. I haven't found an ounce of good fruit from it. Started by wayward men, some into the occult (Larkin), Scofield a member of a secret society and taught FOUR gospels, went to jail for fraud, ripped his own mother in law off, Darby rejected by greats like Spurgeon, Mueller, and Benjamin Newton. Cults came out of it. the Bible says we will know them by their fruits and that Wisdom is known of its fruit. Can a good tree bring forth good fruit? Just saying.
      I look at it this way. 97% to 99% of the American church believes this and according to polls 98% of professing Christians in America do not share their faith regularly (see Way of the Master for some polls). Hmm. Sounds lukewarm to me and many are going to be spit out rather than caught up in some pre-trib rapture. The only hot spots in the world for Christianity is where they are currently massively persecuted and where the prosperity gospel hasn't corrupted them yet. Africa is now being corrupted in some parts by the prosperity preachers lying to them to have their better life now or come to Jesus to get some goodies.
      anyhow, I'm glad the Lord opened my eyes after 30+ years of following this teaching. I never studied it out and that is why I just accepted it as it sounded good and true until I realized they teach with eisogesis with bad hermeneutics. Just think about it, one of the four main founders of this movement taught there was FOUR gospels. This is total heresy. One was a Jesuit. One was rejected by three very godly men and Spurgeon even took out whole newspaper page ads warning the Scottish of Darby's teaching. Larkin made the Darby charts and was into ghosts. Do you honestly think the Holy Spirit would use men like this to start a teaching? Men that the apostles and early church fathers would have kicked out and been named heretics?

    • @neilwani1178
      @neilwani1178 5 лет назад

      @@sacredcowtipper1378 I strongly suggest you wait for the future 3rd temple in Jerusalem as given in Rev 11 2. Good luck

    • @neilwani1178
      @neilwani1178 5 лет назад

      @@sacredcowtipper1378 The key to the end times is about 2000 years ago Jesus started the church age. This age will end soon and then a short time will pass and God will start to deal with Israel in the Middle East when Daniels 70th week will start.
      What happened on that day at the Mount of Olives? The truth is Luke 21 was not given at the same time as Matthew 24. Luke 21 was given earlier that day at the temple site when they were pointing at stones (Luke 21 37). When Jesus gave Luke 21, only Luke 21 12 to Luke 21 23 was for that generation. Luke 21 24-28 is future and so is Luke 21 29-36.
      Luke 21 24-28 will be fulfilled in the future 42 months from an event at the future 3rd temple in Jerusalem as given in Rev 11 2. It will be at a time of 2 witnesses and the 2nd woe or 6th trumpet judgment.
      Luke 21 29-36 is an end time generation that will see a Fig Tree bud. And when that happens the kingdom of God is near. That end time generation will see all fulfilled. Meaning from the persecution of the early church to 70 AD to a Fig Tree bud to the 2nd coming.
      Later at night time on the Mount of Olives new questions were asked about the ending of Luke 21. The disciples had already heard Luke 21 earlier that day. So Matthew 24 is questions about the ending of 2 ages in the end times.
      The same end time generation of Matthew 24 will see "all these things" fulfilled. Everything in Matthew 24 from the Fig Tree getting tender and ready to bare fruit. When that happens that day of the pretrib rapture is near the door. No man knows the day or the hour. No man will know if that event will be at evening time or the midnight watch or when the rooster crows or at dawn. Then a short time will pass and Daniels 70th week will start. The end time generation will see the beginning of sorrows with the first 4 seals. And an event called the abomination of desolation midtrib. That will start persecution and martyrdom of saints from all nations for 42 months. 3 1/2 years later the world will see the 2nd coming immediately after the tribulation. The date of the 2nd coming will be known by millions 7 biblical years before the event. The 2nd coming will be at evening time in Israel. Zech 14 7.

    • @neilwani1178
      @neilwani1178 5 лет назад

      @@sacredcowtipper1378 with 30 years of studying this, why don't you tell everyone about Rev chapter 11 in the past. With 30 years You should know who the 2 witnesses were. The date they were killed. The date 3 1/2 days later they were resurrected. And any witnesses that saw them resurrect and 1/10 of Jerusalem collapsed and 7000 killed in an earthquake the day they resurrected.

  • @ronaldlim8224
    @ronaldlim8224 Год назад +1

    I was brought up only knowing the Pre-Tribulation Rapture model. For decades I was confused whenever I read passages like Matthew 24, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, 1st Corinthians 15, and Book of Revelation.
    Just 5 years ago, I decided to read all these passages without any preconceived Rapture model. I managed to align Matthew 24 with Revelation 6.
    I discovered with great joy that the Rapture takes place before the Seventh Seal. This is confirmed by the great multitude in heaven mentioned in Revelation 7.
    Based on this, all the other passages aligned.
    It was couple of years later that I found out that my understanding is now termed Pre-Wrath Rapture.
    Hence my encouragement to all Brothers and Sisters is to read the passages for yourself without any preconceived models and let the word speak for itself.
    Recently I found understanding on the Old Testament is so important especially concerning "The Day of the Lord".
    The signs in the Sixth Seal tells us it is the Day of the Lord with sun darkening and moon in blood colour. People on earth recognise it is day of God's wrath and the Rapture takes place before the Seventh Seal. Hence it is Pre-Wrath Rapture.
    With this understanding, I read 2Thes2:1-4 and 1Cor15:22-24. Everything fits! I encourage you to discover for yourselves.
    Ronald Lim

    • @macro343
      @macro343 Год назад

      I agree, I was also raised pre-trib. But when you compare Matthew 24/mark 13/ luke 21 whit revelation 6 it all connects. Jesus is describing the first 6 seals in order.
      2thessalonians 2 destroys a pre-trib rapture.
      I’m curious, who do you think is the he who restrains in 2 thess 2:7?

    • @ronaldlim8224
      @ronaldlim8224 Год назад

      @macro343 Hi, i am unsure but he cannot be the Holy Spirit because there will still be people coming to faith during the Wrath of God period. Blessings

    • @macro343
      @macro343 Год назад

      no, its not the holy spirit
      i think its the antichrist himself, but the human man.
      revelation 17:8-11
      8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that WAS, and is NOT, and YET is.
      9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
      10 And there are seven kings: FIVE are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come (human antichrist); and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. (deadly wound)
      11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, (antichrist satan himself) and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
      revelation 13:3-4
      3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
      4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
      so the human antichrist had to die/taken out of the way first and then satan can/will reveal himself in the temple.

    • @ronaldlim8224
      @ronaldlim8224 Год назад

      @macro343 this is interesting, thanks for sharing. Will study further. Blessings

    • @Kman.
      @Kman. Год назад

      _"...the Rapture takes place before the Seventh Seal. This is confirmed by the great multitude in heaven mentioned in Revelation 7"_ It sure does, before the 1st seal is even opened!
      *Rev 7:13,14* states, "...What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which CAME OUT of great tribulation."
      Notice the words, "CAME OUT" in *vs 14* because this speaks of a # of people that's not static. In the Greek it reads "COMING FROM". In o/words, the number continues to increase. The events in this chpt take place DURING the tribulation, & there will be more _CONTINUING_ to come from/come out of the tribulation & the *#* will grow.
      This alone would refute the notion that the rapture of the CHURCH takes place in *Rev 7,* for the CHURCH doesn't "leg into" heaven one by one as they're killed off during the tribulation, leaving some who might endure till the end of it. The body of Christ is not split/broken up...we go up *TOGETHER* as a whole.
      There's nothing to be confused about when reading *Matt 24,* for the CHURCH is not mentioned in the text. All the best to you in your search for truth, *MARANATHA!*

  • @5crownsoutreach
    @5crownsoutreach 4 года назад +3

    You could add to this list, the more explicit picture of the rapture for us: Rev 3, and compare it with the use of the same phrase "come up here" in Rev 11, which shows the recipients that they are "taken up to heaven in a cloud" when it happens. In Rev 3, we see the "elders" sitting with Jesus in the sanctuary of heaven (fulfillment of John 14 language) with the rewards they were promised by Jesus in the earlier CH's 2-3. And from then on the reference to the church on the earth is gone, and they are only referenced in the rest of Revelation in that heavenly scene until they return with Jesus to the earth in Rev 20.

  • @trainwellracewell
    @trainwellracewell 3 года назад +2

    I certainly would prefer a pre-tribulation rapture as I grew up being taught but I still believe we should be prepared (mentally & spiritually) to go through the 7 year Tribulation if that’s what the Lord has already planned

  • @elianbretado2734
    @elianbretado2734 6 лет назад +35

    I don’t understand why people with so much knowledge of Scripture just don’t acknowledge they’ve been taught a doctrine that doesn’t line up with what it’s been written. 😡

    • @notallgarbage
      @notallgarbage 6 лет назад +6

      100% agreed.... I found some illogical things in dispensationalism in the first 6 months I was saved... pre-trib rapture is another confirmation...

    • @TheMistysFavs
      @TheMistysFavs 6 лет назад +13

      + pair ninja
      The Rapture lines up with the Scriptures 100%... The Holy Spirit will lead you to all truth if you are saved.. any Doctrine aside from the Pre Tribulation Rapture is *false*.. It cannot get ANY clearer than he explains here.

    • @TheMistysFavs
      @TheMistysFavs 6 лет назад +6

      +pair ninja - Scripture is not open to your own personal interpretation.

    • @DruPetty42
      @DruPetty42 6 лет назад +6

      I don't understand why people keep saying that the church will not be raptured and will go through the 7 year tribulation when, out of all the studying I've done, I've never seen where scripture supports that. I'm not saying that there won't be any Christians around during that time.

    • @felipekennedy3135
      @felipekennedy3135 5 лет назад +2

      the brother is dividing perfectly the word of GOD, for any additional false truth please go to the koran or the indian gita.

  • @niagra898
    @niagra898 5 лет назад +2

    IMO-this is Pastor Barnett’s greatest accomplishment..delivering Gods word.
    If I were him,and I had to hang my hat on one sermon/study..this is it.

  • @stevecoyle1
    @stevecoyle1 6 лет назад +11

    I think most of what you said is right. The conclusion was spot on. But if the dead in Christ are raised first, incorruptible at the rapture, how can there be a personal rapture?

    • @felipekennedy3135
      @felipekennedy3135 5 лет назад +1

      when the belivers die, and the rapture has not occured yet.

    • @bryantweedy7163
      @bryantweedy7163 5 лет назад +3

      There's no "personal rapture". That's a nice thing to say to someone dying.
      It clearly says those asleep in Christ (dead) will rise first then we who are still alive will follow them to be caught up into the sky to forever be in Christ.
      So those who die in Christ before the rapture simply sleep until He takes us all.

    • @felipekennedy3135
      @felipekennedy3135 5 лет назад +1

      @@bryantweedy7163 yes there is,(john14;1-4)jesus clearlt uses the word you (personal)and not plural them or body or church.

    • @fallen1world294
      @fallen1world294 5 лет назад +2

      @@bryantweedy7163 No. If you believe that then you basically have to say Jesus lied to the thief on the cross beside Him, or about Lazarus in Abraham's Bosom (which isn't a parable when he says "there was a rich man" right off the start, and the many other references too it between the OT through the NT.

    • @bryantweedy7163
      @bryantweedy7163 5 лет назад

      @@felipekennedy3135 read the verses before to see context. Clearly we can't go now, but afterward.
      ❝Simon Peter said unto him, Lord, whither goest thou? Jesus answered him, Whither I go, thou canst not follow me now; but thou shalt follow me afterwards.❞
      -John 13: 36 (KJV)

  • @aibf6464
    @aibf6464 3 года назад +2

    Harpazo is translated “caught up” or “caught away” the five times (out of. thirteen) it appears in the Bible relating to rapture. The other eight times it is translated, “to. forcibly seize upon, snatch away, take to oneself or use force on someone.

  • @clbadvincula7256
    @clbadvincula7256 5 лет назад +4

    I havent taken my stance about this for a long time but i always thouhht pretrib was most biblical.. until last night. I read the book of revelations in one sitting along side matthew 24 and 1 thessalonians 4 and 5.. i was mid-trib recently (rapture in the 3 1/2th yr) but now i think prewrath is the clearest and plainest understanding of the text without so much vagueness and theological eisegesis

    • @jesussaves1875
      @jesussaves1875 5 лет назад

      Read Revelation (Skipping the beasts descriptions) then you will see it is absolutely Chronological

  • @mosesmanaka8109
    @mosesmanaka8109 3 года назад +1

    You are actually wrong. The Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ is the same event, the end of the age.
    The term "to meet the Lord in the Air" is likened to a wife or bride running out to meet her husband as he comes home from a long journey. We will thus go up into the air to meet Him half way in the air and escort him back to earth for ever.
    When the Trumpet of GOD sounds, it will be deafening and glorious, no human being would be able to stand the power and presence of Christ.

  • @jeromulan8670
    @jeromulan8670 6 лет назад +3

    He is wrong when he said only believers saw Jesus after his death. Saul also saw him but was blinded by his glory because he was a non-believer.

    • @Morewecanthink
      @Morewecanthink 5 лет назад

      Jeromulan - Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles.
      And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.
      But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.
      Therefore whether it were I or they, so we preach, and so ye believed. 1 Corinthians 15, 1‭-‬11

  • @Mike65809
    @Mike65809 3 года назад +1

    Not pre nor mid trib. Jesus said he will raise us up on the Last Day and we must endure until the end of the age. Where are they getting all of this stuff?

  • @paulgerhardt4719
    @paulgerhardt4719 6 лет назад +7

    I was pre trib until about 5 years ago
    Now I am pre wrath

    • @razegaming1686
      @razegaming1686 6 лет назад +1

      Getting into pre trip and pre wrath does not matter my brother all that matters is that you are ready. If the Lord comes pre wrath be ready is he comes pre trip be ready all that matters is that we are ready.

    • @gavinmaboeta6401
      @gavinmaboeta6401 6 лет назад

      Good for you.

    • @redeemed66
      @redeemed66 6 лет назад

      whats the different???

    • @paulgerhardt4719
      @paulgerhardt4719 6 лет назад +2

      The resurrection of the dead occurs when Jesus comes back and gathers his elect from the earth. This is the trumpet blast that Matthew 24: 31 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 describe. This trumpet call signals to the angels to harvest Christians from the earth. As soon as this trumpet call is heard on the earth, the rapture takes place. This is the last trumpet that Christians will hear before they receive their resurrected bodies.

    • @paulgerhardt4719
      @paulgerhardt4719 6 лет назад +1

      I believe The trumpets and bowls are Gods wrath
      The first 3/4 of the tribulation are Not specifically Gods wrath
      So we are taken up and out before Gods wrath

  • @ivandag564
    @ivandag564 4 года назад +1

    Amen great explanation on this topic.

  • @kevin12553
    @kevin12553 6 лет назад +16

    2 Thessalonians ch2 ,,, read it

    • @JesseMgala
      @JesseMgala 4 года назад +1

      It's a bit late. But I read 2Thess 2 and it disproves mid-trib/pre-wrath and post-trib rapture.

    • @samanthac8862
      @samanthac8862 4 года назад

      It’s pretty clear. The Day of the Lord and our gathering to him will not happen until the falling away and the Man of Sin is revealed. The Bible is very clear and easy to understand when we view it through a lens of wanting Gods truth and not our own biases.

    • @JesseMgala
      @JesseMgala 4 года назад +1

      @@samanthac8862 Sure, God's Word is clear and easy to understand. So when will the man of sin is REVEALED? So let's define "reveal."
      Reveal - ἀποκαλύπτω
      (Strong's #601 - Verb - apokalupto - ap-ok-al-oop'-to ) - signifies "to uncover, unveil" (apo, "from," kalupto, "to cover)
      The objective use is that in which something is presented to the senses, sight or hearing, as, referring to .....(m) the Lawless One, 2 Thessalonians 2:3,6,8 ." (Vine's Dictionary)
      After the trib, the man of sin will already be defeated and together with the false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire(Rev 19:19-20). So obviously, that's not the revealing of the man of sin. Therefore rapture cannot be post-trib based on 2Thess 2:3. Concl.: Post-trib debunked.
      In the middle of the tribulation, the beast will already have killed the two witnesses, his image is set up and his mark is forced on people(Rev 11:7; 13). This too, is not the revealing(presenting of the man of sin to the world "the first time." So again based on 2Thess 2:3, rapture can not be mid-trib.
      In Rev 6:2, which to me the beginning of the trib, a rider on a white horse rides out conquering and bent on conquest. Will this be the revealing of the man of sin? I doubt, because as evil as he is, he's still human and cannot just pop up out of nowhere and suddenly assume power. So before Rev 6:2, he must have been revealed.
      Nah, 2Thess 2:3, speaks more for a pre-trib rapture than for the other 2 views on the timing of the rapture.

    • @samanthac8862
      @samanthac8862 4 года назад

      @@JesseMgala I agree with you. The AntiChrist must be revealed/uncovered/emerge just prior to our being gathered to him. In all of my study I’m seeing that the rapture could very well take place somewhere just after this takes place when the world falls away from the true God because of the Man of Sin.

  • @brianbellin5245
    @brianbellin5245 2 года назад

    I watched a Catholic Priest teach their prospective today. I’ve been studying the Rapture… i’ll continue to live for the Lord… blessed hope is for the Rapture but i’ll build my faith and hope i’m worthy to be carried through the great tribulation. We’re not appointed to wrath and neither was Noah… he was protected through the great deluge!
    Its good to see the different view points… main goal is that we accept Christ and his gift granted to those that believe… Abraham believed and it was righteousness to him!

  • @darrellblanchard2362
    @darrellblanchard2362 6 лет назад +23

    Does Yeshua know what he is talking about? He said the wheat and tares grow together until harvest. Then the tares will be gathered first and cast into the fire. Then the wheat will be gathered into the barn. Yes Yeshua knows!

    • @fallen1world294
      @fallen1world294 5 лет назад +4

      @Albert Pepper You sound pretty angry and nasty - do you really care which linguistic version of his name somebody uses? What an abitrary and rude assertment; you clearly don't have Yeshua or Jesus in you if that's your worries; whichever version rocks your socks. A lot of people also use Yahweh instead of "God" - is that too complex for you as well? "Prayers don't get answered any faster.." - straw manning off the bat, really? Where would you even get the idea that is why somebody uses that name as opposed to Jesus? That's his name in Hebrew to English. Jesus is Greek to English. Why do you got to use Jesus? Father God knows who you're talking too you don't need too try so hard to use the name in the Bible specifically. It sounds like you're the one in hopes your prayers will be answered faster, really weird. I hope I don't ever run into Christians like you haha, What a poor display of intelligence.

    • @molossergirl2
      @molossergirl2 5 лет назад +2

      @@fallen1world294 Amen - I wonder if Albert has the Holy Spirit living inside of him? If he does, then he has definitely grieved Him with his words. Believers are told to curb their mouths just like a horse needs to be reined in when it gives its head and bolts! We must be kind to each other in word, action and thought. I love the name Y'shua having some Jewish roots myself, but mainly because when He lived on earth, that is what He was called, 'the salvation of Yah!' His mother, brothers, sisters and friends would have known Him by Y'shua and I use that name along with Jesus, it does not matter, Abba knows who His Son is!

    • @molossergirl2
      @molossergirl2 5 лет назад +1

      @Albert Pepper You are very rude Albert. Nobody is getting more spiritual than anybody else. How do you know that Darrell is not Jewish? Do you celebrate Christmas or Easter? You need to read the book of Colossians 2:16 'So don't let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating
      certain holy days or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths'
      There is liberty in Christ to celebrate the Sabbath, the High and Holy Days - please do not condemn or bad mouth believers for their liberty. Very sad.

    • @beccadenton6109
      @beccadenton6109 5 лет назад


    • @mkmason2002
      @mkmason2002 5 лет назад +1

      @@fallen1world294 Wow! That was a scorcher. If Jesus wanted us to call Him Yeshua He would have used that name in the Bible, but He didn't, not once. The Bible is clear about using His name Jesus, "That at the NAME OF JESUS every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;..."

  • @byronwooten5092
    @byronwooten5092 3 года назад +1

    2nd Thess:1 1 ¶ Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him,”. Notice the order of events that Paul shared with GENTILE believers. Christ coming then our gathering to Him. Is the persecution of the Church by anti-christ in the future any different than the persecution of believers today by anti-Christ in N Korea, China, India or Muslim countries? In the view point shared here, Why would those saved after the rapture be any more deserving of God’s wrath than those saved before it? The rapture and second coming are one event prior to the bowls of wrath.

    • @888WulfDog888
      @888WulfDog888 3 года назад

      You nailed it! This is a spoilt kid teaching! I hate to have to put it that way but it's pretty much exactly what it is and it's why it was born in the west and is believed in the west.

  • @thundarspikershott9594
    @thundarspikershott9594 5 лет назад +5

    Just ask any PreWrather these simple questions.
    “Why does God have to send the two witnesses and an Angel with a different message from God IF the Church is still here on earth authorized by God to proclaim the Good News Gospel of Jesus”.!
    Why are TWO different messages being proclaimed from God at the same time.?
    Watch as PreWrather’s try to “tap dance” around answering those simple questions.!
    They’ll try to make elaborate excuses, jump to defining words in depth, make quotes of experts and their favorite scholar that agrees with them.
    But the FACT remains.!
    If God must send the Two Witnesses AND an Angel of Rev proclaim the Everlasting Gospel to the world, then the Church is not on the planet still preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It can not be.! The messages are different.!

    • @Rood67
      @Rood67 4 года назад

      @Ναζωραῖος in relation to the two witnesses, when will Christ return? Seven years after they appear correct? Three and a half years after they are killed?
      Pre-tribulation - believes Jesus is telling the truth that no man knows the day or the hour, not even the angels in heaven, but God only.
      Mid-tribulatio / Pre-wrath believe Jesus is a liar and that neither man nor angels can do simple math to calculate within hours or a day or two of when Christ will return.
      Post-tribulation / full-wrath also believe Jesus is a liar as well as the scripture that states we are not appointed unto wrath.
      Either mid or post that believe Jesus to be a liar, have no Savior because lying is a son, and Jesus could not be there perfect sinless sacrifice for the world.

    • @christopherwalls4337
      @christopherwalls4337 4 года назад +2

      @@Rood67 That isn't what pre-wrath Christians believe. Please don't misrepresent someone's case, and then call them unsaved because of a position they don't hold.
      You claim pre-wrath believes Jesus is a liar. That simply isn't true. They believe that at some point in the last 3.5 years, likely towards the end of it, Jesus will take the living believers up. What hour will he do it? No clue. What exact day? No clue. If that is what they believe, in what way do they believe Jesus is a liar?

    • @markanthony3275
      @markanthony3275 4 года назад

      How come there is no mention of the church after chapter 4 in Revelation ?

    • @christopherwalls4337
      @christopherwalls4337 4 года назад +1

      Mark Anthony why doesn’t it clearly say that the church was raptures away in the beginning of chapter 4? Most of the times church is used in revelation it is referring to a single congregation. The word not being used doesn’t mean the church isn’t there. Assuming it is gone just because the word isn’t used is like assuming God isn’t in the book of Esther

    • @markanthony3275
      @markanthony3275 4 года назад

      @@christopherwalls4337 Did the Bible say anywhere that Jesus Christ had a laugh now and then with his disciples? So did he ? Of course he did ,because the Bible says that He was like us but without sin. We He laughed also. But because I didn't see written anywhere "...and He laughed when he heard..." do I go around telling people to not laugh because Jesus never laughed ?Just because the Bible doesn't expressly say something using the exact word or words we are looking for doesn't mean that we should reject something. This is the problem as I see it regarding these "controversial topics" that are not controversial at all, people have become completely incapable of reading their Bibles carefully, and using all the parts that address the topic or have a bearing on the meaning of a passage...and...they have no capacity to think these things through. I don't mean they are stupid...I just mean that they have never exercised their mind to think. The mind is like your muscles, the more you learn to use it and train it , the clearer your thinking becomes. So back to our discussion...if no single church is mentioned, and the church in general isn't mentioned...where is it ? If martyrs from the Tribulation are mentioned, and if it is said that at some point their "number will be complete" ...and in another part of Revelation it says that the false prophet sets up an image of the anti-christ that can even speak and cause ALL who do not have the mark and refuse to worship the image to be killed...then what does that clearly mean when taken together ? It means that their will be people who accept Jesus Christ during the Tribulation...but not one of them survive to the end. And from this we can also make the inference that because the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit convicts people of sin and unrighteousness, we know that despite the Tribulation, the Holy Spirit is still present in the world convicting people. If the Holy Spirit is still present in the world , convicting people of their need to repent...then what is the meaning of the passage about "that which is restraining evil, until it is taken out of the world" ? What is taken out of the world , that restrains evil ??? The Church...there can't be any other answer. See what I mean?Put the scriptures together and it becomes clear what the meanings are...and help yourself out by listening to good knowledgeable, trained teachers...ones that can explain all the different interpretations are , and which one is the correct one. When it comes to Biblical prophecy , Dr. David Hocking is one of the best...I recommend his RUclips series on the entire books of Daniel, Revelation, and Ezekiel.

  • @robertholmes5085
    @robertholmes5085 5 лет назад +2

    Psalm 50:5
    "Gather My godly ones to Me, Those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice."
    Psalm 27:10
    For my father and my mother have forsaken me, But the LORD will take me up.
    Jeremiah 23:3
    "Then I Myself will gather the remnant of My flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and bring them back to their pasture, and they will be fruitful and multiply.
    Matthew 23:37
    "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling.
    Luke 13:34
    "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not have it!
    John 11:52
    and not for the nation only, but in order that He might also gather together into one the children of God who are scattered abroad.
    Matthew 24:31
    "And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.
    Mark 13:27
    "And then He will send forth the angels, and will gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest end of the earth to the farthest end of heaven.
    Ephesians 1:10
    with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth. In Him
    2 Thessalonians 2:1
    Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him,
    Genesis 49:10
    "The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes, And to him shall be the obedience of the peoples.
    Ezekiel 22:20
    'As they gather silver and bronze and iron and lead and tin into the furnace to blow fire on it in order to melt it, so I will gather you in My anger and in My wrath and I will lay you there and melt you.
    Ezekiel 22:21
    'I will gather you and blow on you with the fire of My wrath, and you will be melted in the midst of it.
    Ezekiel 22:19
    "Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD, 'Because all of you have become dross, therefore, behold, I am going to gather you into the midst of Jerusalem.
    Micah 4:6
    "In that day," declares the LORD, "I will assemble the lame And gather the outcasts, Even those whom I have afflicted.
    Zechariah 10:8
    "I will whistle for them to gather them together, For I have redeemed them; And they will be as numerous as they were before.
    Matthew 13:41
    "The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness,
    Hebrews 12:23
    to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect,

  • @colleenepage
    @colleenepage 5 лет назад +3

    Ask yourself, "What's the point of the tribulation?"
    Find the answer to that question and you'll also have your answer to why there's a rapture.

    • @theotherme4120
      @theotherme4120 5 лет назад

      colleenepage the point of the tribulation is to bring more people to Jesus

    • @Amelia.B-12
      @Amelia.B-12 4 года назад +1

      It’s interesting how when the bowls were poured out one by one, it’s repeated “and they did not repent...”. That means NONE of these unbelievers repented!
      Clearly all believers were raptured prior to God’s wrath and only unbelievers were left to be destroyed. But even then, God gives them opportunity to cry out to Him but they refused stubbornly.

    • @emmanuelsimpson1751
      @emmanuelsimpson1751 4 года назад

      Tribulation has always been against the people of God. It's not God against his people. Unbelievers dont suffer tribulation. They suffer the wrath of God. Tribulation is not the wrath of God. The wrath comes after the rapture, which is after the tribulation

    • @Amelia.B-12
      @Amelia.B-12 4 года назад

      So what is your definition of “the wrath of God” then?
      Surely it’s the 7 bowls
      But would you include the 7 trumpets too?
      The 7 seals also?

    • @emmanuelsimpson1751
      @emmanuelsimpson1751 4 года назад +2

      @@Amelia.B-12 nope. The seals are not. The trumpets and bowls are.even at the 5th seal, the saints who were martyred before the tribulation ended were asking Jesus when he was gonna pour out his wrath. If the seals were already Gods wrath why were they still asking? And Jesus told them to wait because their fellow saints were still on earth. They had to be killed as they were. At the 6th seal, sun and moon went dark and the kings of the earth said "for the wrath of the lamb has come". Which means prior to this time, it wasnt wrath. God wasnt doing anything to the unbelievers. They were eating and drinking, having fun, given into marriage while the saints were being slaughtered. Until something caught the attention of the unbelievers. That's God almighty coming on the scene with his wrath. Prior to this time, just tribulation. After the 6th seal, we see the 7 trumpets and bowls are dramatic events against unbelievers. That's the wrath

  • @karenrichard2544
    @karenrichard2544 Год назад

    I listened to Joel Richardson last night. He seems to think we go up to meet Jesus in the clouds as he comes down as a welcome to Jesus. Just as was done when he entered Jerusalem before his death. Can you speak to this?

  • @torlenoir3395
    @torlenoir3395 6 лет назад +3

    Where does it say Jesus will come to get us personally?

    • @scotthull2141
      @scotthull2141 6 лет назад +1

      John's 14th Chapter

    • @TheMistysFavs
      @TheMistysFavs 6 лет назад +1

      +Tor Lenoir --
      1 Thessalonians 4: 13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
      14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
      15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
      16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
      17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be *caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air*: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
      18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

    • @torlenoir3395
      @torlenoir3395 6 лет назад +1

      @@scotthull2141 Thanx

    • @torlenoir3395
      @torlenoir3395 6 лет назад

      @@TheMistysFavs Thank u

    • @nerychristian
      @nerychristian 6 лет назад +1

      @@TheMistysFavs But that passage refers to the second coming of christ. The dead in Christ will rise first. This is a group resurrection.

  • @Livingmydreammm
    @Livingmydreammm 5 лет назад +1

    I am really enjoying your videos❤❤❤

  • @PhilosophiaTheos
    @PhilosophiaTheos 5 лет назад +4

    "Restatement of the Mid Trib view" = Nope. Didn't take long to get it wrong.

  • @videoaksproductions
    @videoaksproductions 5 лет назад

    Why on earth don’t you live in Dayton Ohio? Pastor, if you’re reading this, I’m just so blessed and humbled by your insightful and poignant perspective. Bravo. Food for the soul. Ty!

  • @kevin12553
    @kevin12553 6 лет назад +5

    caught up into the air to meet the Lord ,,, 3 and a half years after the man of sin is reveld

  • @thundarspikershott9594
    @thundarspikershott9594 5 лет назад +2

    PreWrath doesn’t answer WHY the entire Church avoided Great Tribulation..except those unlucky members alive at the end.
    Why do those living at the end have to face AntiChrist, when no other members of the Church ever had to do the same.??
    Are those living at the end less loved by Jesus.? Did the Lord cast off from his promise to never leave them or forsake them.?
    Jesus kept the rest of the church from facing antichrist, but not these unlucky ones born later at the end.
    The musical chairs music stopped and these unlucky ones born at the end get to face Antichrist.
    Why are these Church members required to do that when Jesus didn’t have any other Church members do that.?
    Are WE one body in Christ..or the lucky and UNlucky in Christ Jesus.?

    • @netsolvea6395
      @netsolvea6395 4 года назад

      Do you know how many martyrs there have been throughout history. What is the difference in facing the Antichrist? Martyrdom is martyrdom...what's the difference by whom it comes by? How about those who were beheaded by ISIS a few years back? I fail to see how it will be any different...
      I won't speak for you brother, but if ppl fear martyrdom then they love their earthly lives too much.
      The following verse context is right before Jesus went to the cross and was speaking of His death. We all need to ponder and consider deeply these things. God bless.
      Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.
      John 12:25‭-‬26 ESV

  • @ulyssesrebancos1040
    @ulyssesrebancos1040 6 лет назад +3

    Hi Sir, that’s your opinion
    Not biblical no private interpretation pls..

    • @m1tanker64
      @m1tanker64 5 лет назад

      Every interpretation is a private one unless you would call the canons and catechisms public interpretation.

  • @wb7926
    @wb7926 5 лет назад +1

    Another great video, thank you

  • @aerodave1
    @aerodave1 6 лет назад +3

    Jesus speaks of His church going THROUGH trials and tribulations and enduring till the end. Just like Moses, Noah, Abraham, and almost every other major figure in the bible had to endure a period or time of tribulation BEFORE being saved so will we! Being raptured up before any tribulation is a recent man-made invention made in the last 150 years.

    • @TheMistysFavs
      @TheMistysFavs 6 лет назад +1

      +Aerodave1 -- NOT what Jesus said. He said that we will have tribulation *in this life* which means we will have problems, troubles in THIS life.. He was not talking about the "Great Tribulation". Your exergeses of Jesus' use of "tribulation" in that verse is incorrect. As far as the rest, THIS: " Just like Moses, Noah, Abraham, and almost every other major figure in the bible had to endure a period or time of tribulation BEFORE being saved so will we!" --100% *falsehoods* There was NO Salvation BEFORE Christ, and those older men in the Bible didn't go through any such "tribulation" as this earth will see one day soon.. Closest was Noah, and Noah and his family is actually what is called a "type" of the Rapture in the Old Testament.. God saved Noah and his family, God saved Lot, God will save we who believe. We ARE NOT subject to wrath - and ALL 7 YEARS are God's wrath..regardless of it being called the "Tribulation".

    • @aerodave1
      @aerodave1 6 лет назад

      Mary Mclocke I think you are misunderstanding what I was saying. In every instance, the Bible figure went THROUGH a time of trouble before they were saved. NONE of the figures were saved before they went through their trial. Look at Job, look at Jonah, look at David. The Bible repeats itself over and over that we are saved through trial and tribulation. God is preparing us for the trials we must go through first before being saved. Just as His church will.

    • @aerodave1
      @aerodave1 6 лет назад

      Mary Mclocke Also, there is NO 7 year tribulation period mentioned in the Bible. That is a recent invention. We have one life of trials and then we die and wait in the grave to go to Heaven at the second coming. That is what the Bible says.

  • @carlhursh505
    @carlhursh505 4 года назад

    Put Matt 24:8-23; 25-30; Mark 13:5-20; Luke 21:21-34 side by side. Then read Acts 14;22; 1 Thess 2:3; 2 Thess

  • @richardcranium3479
    @richardcranium3479 6 лет назад +4

    Funny how the video spells it all out citing the scriptures in full context and explaining the literal translation yet people reject the scripture in favor of their desire for this world.
    You who love this world always want to believe you get more time here.

  • @rockkstah2550
    @rockkstah2550 4 года назад +1

    If your a Pre-Tribulationist when does the wrath of GOD begin?

    • @emmanuelsimpson1751
      @emmanuelsimpson1751 4 года назад +1

      They gotta do a lot of mental gymnastics to be able to figure that out.

  • @joshperez3436
    @joshperez3436 4 года назад +3

    Look up Chris white prewrath he’s a little bit more detailed then this guy

  • @alanlietzke5738
    @alanlietzke5738 Год назад

    John also teaches two "Comings" of Christ Jesus from heaven, even though associated scriptures ALWAYS describe it with a singular noun, and within the Greek text, is ALWAYS preceded by a singular Greek definite article, hence "The (one and only) Coming" (Mt 24:3, 27, 37, 39, 1Th 4:15, 5:3, 2Th 2:1), just as described elsewhere (Mt 24:30, Rev 1:7).

  • @jgvtc559
    @jgvtc559 6 лет назад +8

    Immediately after the tribulation in those days
    Is that before by any stretch of the imagination

    • @notallgarbage
      @notallgarbage 6 лет назад


    • @TheMistysFavs
      @TheMistysFavs 6 лет назад +4

      +Jason G -- That is about the 2nd coming to the EARTH of Christ.. During the Rapture, He comes in the clouds NOT touching the earth.. You're not rightly dividing the two separate events.

    • @notallgarbage
      @notallgarbage 6 лет назад +6

      @@TheMistysFavs , we've all heard this... you are just repeating what you've been taught.
      The rapture verses talk about the dead being raised. Have you noticed? 1 Thess 4:15-17 and 1 Cor 15:52. So, you have to realize that, to be precise, we should not be talking about a rapture... BUT A RESURRECTION!! The bible is clear about the number of resurections, and the timing of the FIRST resurection. Read Revelation.
      1 Cor 15:52 says that the rapture (cough*, resurrection) happens at the last TRUMP. What's a trump?....... WHAT'S A TRUMP?..... A trump, according to the dictionary, is "a sounding of a trumpet". So, when is the LAST SOUNDING OF A TRUMPET, in Revelation? You could go read Rev 10 and Rev 11. It is the last and 7th Trumpet, blown by 7th angel... And the Lord comes in the air in all power and glory and gathers is elects from the 4 winds...

    • @notallgarbage
      @notallgarbage 6 лет назад +3

      @@TheMistysFavs no... the 2 verses talk about the same event. The descriptions are almost identical, and differs slightly.
      I gave you a huge hint, about the NUMBER of resurrections. Revelation clearly says "this is the 1st resurrection..."... if you place a rapture (and therefore a resurrection, the verses say "the deads will be raised), you are adding a resurrection before the 1st resurrection...
      Listen sister. The pre-trib rapture requires a change of dispensation to exist. What I am telling you is, the pretrib rapture theory NEEDS DISPENSATIONALISM to even have a remote chance to appear on anyone's mind. Dispensationalism is a human logical frame put on top of the Word of God. 2 Tim 2:15 tells you to rightly divide... it only means to put stuff into CONTEXT when you read the bible, or preach, or teach... To take that verse and divide the bible into dispensations is to take it 1 step too far... and it is that step that allows that bogus pre-tribulation RESURRECTION (deceitfully called a rapture, to take your attention away from THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEADS).
      Sister, ask God to help you in this subject matter. I will pray that whoever of you and me is wrong, to be helped by God. I only want the truth... I am certain I am right on this on sister, but I will ask anyway that God fixes me, if I'm wrong. I will pray for you as well. God bless.

    • @lavieenrose5954
      @lavieenrose5954 6 лет назад +1

      Mary Mclocke Why not take Isaiah’s advice; precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little..... instead of your pre tribulation “rapture” lenses whilst reading the may just change your mind (but I know you won’t.)

  • @fivepointbaptist
    @fivepointbaptist Год назад

    I'm 27 minutes into a 27:42 minute video thats suppose to be discussing the pre wrath view. Can someone let me know when he starts talking about the pre wrath view.

  • @jayhill1242
    @jayhill1242 6 лет назад +4

    We live in the church age. The time of gentiles. Notice in Revelation it opens talking specifically about the church. And then in Chapter 4 after John is called to heaven there is nothing else said about the church. It’s strange that something that was so important to God that He on purpose singled out “7” churches and personally spoke to them and now since it’s the tribulation they are not important anymore and are just grouped together with everyone else. The church is no longer mentioned because it’s no longer here. However there will be those that get saved because of the tribulation. Trouble as a way of changing hearts. And that’s a major reason for the tribulation. The tribulation is really the mercy of God through his wrath for those that are not saved to get saved. He did it to the children of Israel. When they need to come back to him he sent his wrath in the form of nations, droughts and famine. So if the church has been faithful to God in the midst of temptation and trouble what would it profit God or the church to go through the tribulation? It’s like Noah building the boat and God saying okay now I’m going to rain down my wrath but you have to swim Noah. God has not appointed us to wrath. We can’t see not one time in the bible where the wrath of God came and His people weren’t first removed.

    • @scotthull2141
      @scotthull2141 6 лет назад +1

      well said, Enoch was removed before the flood! that was the 1st evidence of repeat rapture pre-TRIB theme thru scripture...Lot was "taken up" escaping utter destruction at Sodom, 2nd evidence! should i continue?

    • @mariatorok364
      @mariatorok364 6 лет назад

      jay hill yes amen to that I learn this from a big bible scholar from the states and it’s so easy to understand, I also understand that between rupture and the tribulation will be a gap for a few years, in this period of time many people will come to Christ after the preaching of the 2 witnesses and the 144 k Jews, what do you think, that’s when the people under the altar will ask how long because they were told to wait a little so I think when antichrist comes many will die for their faith for not taking the chip or going along with the one world religion, please think and answer, I’m asking because I know you have the right vision about everything I really like to know your ideas

  • @lynncurran2940
    @lynncurran2940 5 лет назад +2

    1Cor15:51 is explaining the " dead" in Christ, and explaining to the living that the flesh cannot enter so they will be changed before their assended

    • @Morewecanthink
      @Morewecanthink 5 лет назад

      lynn curran - 1 Corinthians 15, 50-58; 1 Thess 4, 13-18

  • @jamesdixon4075
    @jamesdixon4075 5 лет назад +4

    I see saints in heaven in Rev 5 before the tribulation begins in ch 6. Thats a no brainer

    • @olugbengajaiyesimi113
      @olugbengajaiyesimi113 5 лет назад

      Do you ? I have gone checking and I don't,but I do read about them in Revelation 7.

    • @jamesdixon4075
      @jamesdixon4075 4 года назад

      @Petty Mey see rev 4. The elders and their crowns, the trib starts in rev 6. The saints in rev 7 join the assembly, these are the wheat harvest "out of great tribulation" from rev 14:16. Two harvests precede us, the first fruits barley, Mt 27:52-53, the barley "the dead in Christ shall rise first" in 1 these 4:13, the US, 1 these 4:17. More harvests follow the wheat, the grapes, then the gleanings at Christs return with his saints. 1 these 3:13, rev 19.

  • @margaretcervern7229
    @margaretcervern7229 Год назад

    Love the Lord Jesus everything he does is great. Special pretrib wen you die to be with him foever❤

  • @ClinToneCust23
    @ClinToneCust23 5 лет назад +5

    ya boy ken ham is a prewrath guy now

  • @jvlp2046
    @jvlp2046 2 года назад

    John 14:3/paraphrase, "and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am"... this passage could also be meant, coming back (Rapture) for the Church "AFTER" the Persecution of the Anti-Christ/Man of Lawlessness called The Great Tribulation Period that was shortened the length of Persecution mentioned in Matt. 24:22... and not "BEFORE" the Tribulation... God had promised that the Church will be protected from the Wrath of God also called "The Day of the Lord."

  • @jimmyknox3342
    @jimmyknox3342 6 лет назад +11

    Pre-trib rapture theory may cause the great falling away!

    • @TheMistysFavs
      @TheMistysFavs 6 лет назад +2

      +james knox -- #1 -- The "Great Falling Away" is falling away from the's the great apostasy AND it is going on NOW.. You'd have to be totally blind to not see it. #2.. The Pre Trib Rapture is NOT a "theory", it is God's own word.. WHY would you risk yourself being left behind, calling the Blessed Hope some BLASTED hope and calling God a liar??

    • @jimmyknox3342
      @jimmyknox3342 6 лет назад +1

      Mary Mclocke, I think it would be cruel of God to take Christ followers out of the earth, then torture those "left behind" with no hope of redemption! Those who are alive and remain at the end of the 7 years of hell on earth, will reign with Him during the 1000 years. The "pre-trib" doctrine is heresy, plain and simple.

    • @TheMistysFavs
      @TheMistysFavs 6 лет назад +2

      @@jimmyknox3342 --Every word of the Bible is breathed by the Spirit of Christ and He is not a liar. Anyone who rejects the Savior had a choice..nothing cruel about it. "Pre Trib" doctrine is NOT heresy, and you'll find that out one day soon enough. It is throughout the entire Bible. You WANT for it to be heresy, but sorry, it doesn't work that way. If you reject Christ and His free gift (His death at Calvary paid for it) then you are choosing to face Antichrist. Everyone has a CHOICE.. It shouldn't be difficult. Jesus HIMSELF speaks of the Rapture, BESIDES the Bible being Spirit inspired..Calling Him a LIAR? That's never a wise thing to do.

    • @jimmyknox3342
      @jimmyknox3342 6 лет назад +1

      Mary Mclocke, as far as MY being left behind that is impossible as I have a personal relationship with Him! He is not so cruel as to damn a person for a difference in interpretation. Don't make my God smaller than He is, your god sounds like Allah and his 2 daughters. My God juggles subatomic particles, and still has time to guide my steps. Your God gets mad at people who misunderstand him. And appears to enjoy it. Who DO you worship?

    • @jimmyknox3342
      @jimmyknox3342 6 лет назад

      Mary Mclocke, I pray my God makes Himself known to you, through the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus! Amen!

  • @TONY_B.
    @TONY_B. 6 лет назад +2

    @DTBM OnlineVideoTraining
    Will you please do a LONG video (1hr) or more on Fallen Angels/Giants/Nephallim

  • @kevin12553
    @kevin12553 6 лет назад +4

    the rapture will be fun though

    • @mariatorok364
      @mariatorok364 6 лет назад +1

      kevin12553 yeah I’m afraid of heights but I’m soo looking foreword for the catch away 😀

  • @jamesdixon3103
    @jamesdixon3103 5 лет назад +1

    We return with Jesus, (1 thess 3:13) the surviving believers ,(who believed after rapture) will be gathered, commended. And enter the kingdom as mortals. The unbelievers will be condemned and cast into the flames. (Matt 25:31-41) those killed in the tribulation will be raised as priests unto God, (rev 20:4-6) WE rule and reign with Jesus as kings and priests in glorified first resurrection bodies. (Rev 1:6, rev 5:9-10, rev 20:4-6)

    • @jesussaves1875
      @jesussaves1875 5 лет назад

      Not all will be destroyed at the second coming, only those that have received the mark and worshipped the image of the beast. Some of the "unsaved" will be given a space to repent.

  • @jamesdixon4075
    @jamesdixon4075 5 лет назад +5

    post trib makes no sense. It lleaves no mortals for the kingdom.

    • @justonetime6179
      @justonetime6179 5 лет назад +1

      James Dixon study Revelation again, post trib makes sense.

    • @jamesdixon4075
      @jamesdixon4075 5 лет назад +1

      @@justonetime6179 It does not, It leaves no mortals for the kingdom. There are saints in heaven BEFORE the trib begins, and saints return with Jesus at its end. The saints alive at his return are gathered in matt 25:31, and saints killed after rapture are raised to life and glorified when Jesus returns WITH his saints-US.

    • @justonetime6179
      @justonetime6179 5 лет назад

      James Dixon okay, so answer this: when the devil is released after 1000 years of Christ's rule, who are the people that join the devil to gather around the saints for battle? (see Rev 20:7-10)

    • @justonetime6179
      @justonetime6179 5 лет назад

      Notice that during the tribulation all of mankind isn't destroyed, including the unsaved who later are deceived when the devil is released and war with the saints...
      Revelation 9:15
      So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour, the day, the month, and the year, were released to kill *a third* of mankind.

    • @jamesdixon4075
      @jamesdixon4075 5 лет назад +1

      @@justonetime6179 Those are unbelievers born in the kingdom. INITIALLY, before the kingdom reign begins, there will not be one single believer alive on earth. No unbeliever will enter in initially, does not say they won't be born in the kingdom.

  • @zaharishtonov
    @zaharishtonov 4 года назад

    I am not sure why people, including even pastors, fall for the notion that Jesus would come "secretly" before His time. It has never been taught from the beginning of Christianity and for another 18 centuries... Verses are being quoted (such as John 14:2-4 where it isn't even implied WHEN is He coming back. And verses, like Matthew 24:29-31, where it is explicitly stated that the Son of Man is coming in the clouds AFTER the Tribulation, are dismissed as if they are not related. Jesus even says directly that He is NOT coming until a particular event, described in Matthew 23:39 ocures.
    _For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord_ - Matthew 23:29
    Until the Jews call on His name, He isn't coming! There are no any signs today that the nation of Israel has openly embraced the Messiah and worship Him. Therefore, prepare for the Great Tribulation and be awake, as you do not know in what part of the night your Lord is coming!