@@fermosofiore1336 as the one who has all the Aegir and max them, im gonna say that Aegir without Abyssal cant do much. Or iam the one who has smooth brain. (Desperate to try what Aegir can do without Abyssal). (obv i talk about in stages that worth mentioning)
@@SeaweedAKyeah, as a slimy/smooth knights player(all fish and reptiles) without the abyssals almost every stage is a drag. That's like the biggest reason for my choice of playsttle so that I can use thorns
I think it's all about time and resources For me, i build meta characters because they can be used in almost every stage,and reduce the op that i need to build.
pretty much, for a new player it's advisable to have your core ops built to get you through stages and farm, and while doing so you'll end up getting what you need to build who you want. so eventually in the future you will get to build who you love and whatnot.
A big chunk of this comes down to noting how a lot of niche clears are fielding a lot of level 80/90 operators with full modules. For a newer player, it's simply not realistic to dump that many resources into a handful of operators.
For newer players it makes sense that they would build meta ops, in a game where you have to save for months to pull and it takes weeks to get mats you need then investing in units that you know are good makes sense.
i honestly think arknights is one of the few games where building nicheknights is actually fun and genuinely playable over "meta" (considering powercreep and all in many gacha games), i play maleknights myself and i'm always absolutely amazed by how some players can clear with 5* only maleknights while i still rely pretty heavily on 6* maleknights. it's amazing fr :)) playing niche or playing meta doesn't really matter to me, only when people start complaining about new units about not being "meta" or "broken" enough then it's like... do you really want that to be every new operator? XD
I just tend to use whatever operators feel the most fun to use, and whoever can get me through the levels that I'm playing. Sometimes I can use my pure fun squad (which includes a few meta units), but sometimes a level has me pulling my hair out and I have to use meta ops or a guide to succeed. Sometimes the level just isn't fun and I just need to get through it so I can get further into the fun part of the game.
Been playing Arknights since Grani event, im tired playing with meta, now im playing to play 5 star only and supporterknight, really fun to play, maybe i tried other niche like sniper only or certain skin theme or something 😅
Well its ok to stop use meta since meta help u settle very fast and don't make us have headache, But when we have many resource to spend then of course we will build non meta unit or like 5 star or 4 star
compared to maxing out a 5-star, a 6-star needs: ~400k more exp, ~500k more LMD, double the modules and nearly triple the module upgrade mats (without even getting into the fact that 6-stars are the first (and only) ones to get multiple modules so far, with Ebenholz having a total of 3 now but someone has to be really extreme to care about maxing out more than one module for a character), 1 extra chip, 2 extra chip packs, an extra 90 red certs, 3 to 4x more T5 materials and *approximately* equal T1 to T4 materials, and more than double the number of skill books. (What about the 4-stars, for the curious? compared to 6-stars, ~ a third of the LMD and EXP, a quarter of module mats, better than one-seventh the number of T5 mats, nearly half the chip packs and no red certs, and a quarter of skill books) well, basically, if you want to be efficient, then any six-stars you build had better be more valuable to you than up-to-two 5-stars or more-than-three 4-stars. Conversely, if building that 6-star gives you more personal satisfaction than building a couple 5s or several 4s, then go ahead, you're coming out ahead in that trade-off.
What I will say is that it‘s always easier to level the „meta“ units if you just start your account...that is if you get them. Going into a niche usually should be done only once you have sufficient knowledge of the game otherwise you risk getting frustrated at stages because you haven‘t build all the necessary ops in a niche and hence can‘t clear the main story of events. I started during the start of dorothy‘s vision and only now do I feel like getting myself comfortable in a niche because I think that I at least know what i am doing now
I think I'm balanced player when talking about operator builds, i build meta and ordinary operator to fill role what i need. But not with stage clear 😂. I fully support brain-dead guide
IS is really the reason I've shifted to valuing a few 'meta' 6 star operators that are worth using hope for, and some strong 4 and 5 stars that I can use in any stage. I'm ultimately a very casual player, so unga bunga strats with 6 stars are the most I'll do for a lengthy gameplay mode. 4 stars are a godsend though, really suggest more people build the better ones if they want to enjoy ak more!
Basically nicheknights where ppl restrict their team build by using the *niche* like 1. SupporterKnights, all 12 operators on the team must a supporter class 2. BirdKnights (only bring liberi race operators) 3. SkadeKnights (only bring operators that Skade Drew, Skadi is an artist) 4. HigashiKnights (only bring operators that born/originate from Higashi nation) Etc
Oh I'm early! I'm a newer player, and niche plays seem fun, but to build my account solely around one of those niches seems too restrictive as I want to explore more options.
You would wanna invest in the strong operator you have which is considered meta because farming material is not easy for everyone. I joined the game when Ch'en was new and I still upgrading the 6 stars I have and some of the 5 stars such as Lappland Texas etc. My opinion is you shouldn't force yourself to build what people tell is a niche just because it is manageable and fun. If you're new to this game, just go for the strong operators at the start. You can always upgrade other operators later and try the stages you have cleared before using those operators.
honestly, i also build most of my 6* operators for me to clear stages easily but i do enjoy the niche contents from youtubers. they're fun to watch. all i know is that Silverdad, Elysium, Texas(vanguard) and Bagpipe are a must in my squad 😆
I don't play Meta or Niche. I just kinda lvl who I like and find myself using alot. Then I got Chongyue and it was jover, my gameplay is almost 100% him and around him. Plus Reedalter, but thats cause she really pretty and her 3rd skill alights an evil thing in me. My lvlin'g right now is building all my units to like an e1 lvl40, with a few e2 lvl 20s, as now I tend to use the same units (aka Chongyue) so that when I feel like it, I can try others.
A bit of suggestion from me, who sometimes doing weird strat like racenights or originights (?) It's fun to play with the operator you like, there is a sense pride in there. But remember that there is a time where you need to clear a stage as fast as possible, and META ops can help you with that. So, please build your meta first before you have fun. At least you have that sense of security, when you need a worst case scenario, the meta lineup will help you
I build all 6 stars :P. That being said, I don't think calling out that people's accounts look the same is a big deal. I see that in a ton of gacha. The only gacha I don't see that in are the most predatory ones where you can't possibly get a good roster without paying xD
I've been playing for awhile and I'm still building the first 100 Elite 2-able operators I've recruited until now. So, all of the META operators I have are all still at Lvl 1.
Building Meta is fine, this does indeed trivialize a lot of stages and make them "easier" but in all honestly that is a lot more enjoyable than purposely being mentally challenged by trying to make the clears harder.
It's not a matter of being purposefully mentally challenging, it's to actually have a challenge to begin with. If I just use meta operators for everything then the game stops being a strategy game and turns into a musou game where strong characters simply mow down endless mobs with the flick of a finger's amount of effort. Plenty of people don't want to let the operators trivialize the game for them and want to solve the maps like a puzzle because it's more engaging. It always comes down to different strokes for different folks.
I think it really comes down to how easily you can build strategies, like for me, in general around 2-4 tries is ideal for most levels, but with content I already destroyed, I like playing it with my low trust ops, because my meta units can just turn any map into a suboptimal trust farm first try .
most of my runs have non-meta ops like Lunacub, Dorothy, Amiya, Astgenne, Texas non-alter, Rosa, Bison, and Specter non-alter in addition to some meta ops but it's more cause of me having shit luck in gacha, cause god I would love having bagpipe or ceobe
I wanna know if other people do this but do yall use characters that are associated with the stages ur playing? (for example, during the sirucusano event, I used mainly ops from siracusa) I also change my operator's skins depending on the stage (if it's cold like in break the ice, I put winter skins on my ops/use ops that wear thick clothes)
Only those who have the luxury to do that, are able to do so. . Lets use il siracusa example. That event bring 4 new operators, 3 six stars, and then the penguin logistics. . If you want to actually clear the EX-8 CM with only them, you will need at least all of them at E2 before the event ends (and pull for the new ops, obv.) because penance and texalt would be your main dps. Can you imagine keeping up with this for every new event? . So yeah, most people wouldn't be able to do that even if they want to... . Oh, let me be clear that i am not being aggressive to you or anything, i am just upset that the current dead days means there is no sudden influx of lmd, exp, and mats, and that im locked into perpetual 0 lmd for weeks...
I never understood this mindset. You can build meta and non-meta and use both depending your mood. If you're a new player I will *ALWAYS* suggest building meta though, the game is already hard as it is. No need to waste resources on stuff you have no guarantee will be useful.
I bring the "meta/op" ops when learning the stages, when I finished it usually I be like: "I think I can bring trustfarm or small number team here" and bring random ops regardless of rarity/power. As for resources I build whoever looks cool lol
I just build every op to their maximum E1 lvl and lvl 7 skill, I E2 all my 6*s and bring every E2'd op to their needed level to have or await modules. I try to play most events at least for their initial set of stages with a "story" squad where I use any op that is in the story + the new banner characters + any related characters if I still need to fill in a team spot still. I own every op too, so there is only meta favoritism in the 4* and 5* ops I decided to E2.
Well, I've built few meta units like texalter ,yato, but when some unit feels too strong to me I just don't do their masteries or just give them 1lvl of mastery. But, yes I've been kinda avoiding rising units that would make my gameplay too simple, because I know I would get really bored with a game if it feels too easy to me. I'm just aware that I need some challenge. I like the game to be hard, but also not too hard..and not too easy. Just hard enough to get me engaged. Recently I had my 1 year anniversary in arknights and as a f2p player I already have 53 E2 units, most of them with masteries at lvl 1-2 and occasionally 3, for multiple skills, not just for their best skill. I try to be more creative when it comes to my gameplay and pick the best skills according to situation. I've seen people with their account age similar to me and them having only 20 or less units raised, and ofc fully maxed. I can already tell how boring would that be to clear all the stages with the same team all over again...
So only units that are present in story and events? That sounds so cool. What do you do with events like Vigilo and Obscure Wanderer, etc.? Do you play IS and stuff like that?
I mostly build the OPs i like due to their role in the history, which is a big reason why i used my 5* ticket when i started this year into Nearl and Liskarm,they instantly interested me over any other more meta pick and its the same reason why my first e2 were Jessica and Amiya.
To be a nicheknights player is to be willing to sink a lot of time in trial & error, which is where I imagine most people hesitate. I have the abyssal hunters all ready but I can't help but bring a full squad everywhere still; gotta get mileage out of the 100+ ops I built right? ;) I considered guardknights or sniperknights but can't help thinking, "I already have so many marksman snipers, building vermeil or M3 greythroat is a waste..." It's the most fun to watch though, makes for a lot of content! It does hurt to see those 6* pulled for and the orundum stash empty but all in vain lmao. Even for collection purposes, you don't unlock their E2 art.
I build up my frostleaf because I didn't have lappland,thorns and S.A. before, I don't know why people call her bad but she's working well with my strat
As a barely 1 and half year player, I build meta operator so I can clear stages with a reasonable amount of resources. At some point when my core team are stabilize, I will start lookin to build nicheknight because i had all of this interesting strategy and *5 star operator that takes way too much resources to build.
I enjoy the game being easy, heck, usually I feel discouraged whenever there's a hard stage, that's why my fav part of the events is the first week, not second with those EX stages, so I built and will build every single Meta op I get
I've been playing for around a year or so, and my account is also full of 5-stars and around five 6-stars built. My niche is "I just build whoever I like the most as a character", and turns out I like a lot of 5 and 4 stars. I have 5 6-stars built: GG, Texalter, Blemi, Eunectes and Lumen (and Saga is in process). The first two barely see any use outside of really hard content (like CC), though. They are my "I don't want to think too hard about this stage" buttons.
The thing with building meta while missing some other top 6* is that, you'd come across a problem where you kinda felt like there's a gaping hole for when you want certain OPs to do a specific job and not just the available cornerstone OP you have. So at best you'd bring some fast redeployer, but not much if its for dealing specific event stage gimmick
I have Ch'alter maxed out (ofc not on pots tho) and I just rarely use her unless i need to rush an event i didn't have time for. I will forever spam flagpipe though. She's like a drug. Once you've thrown down mudrock within the first 15 seconds with no repercussions whatsoever, you'll never be able to go back.
My criteria for building an operator = Exists. I guess you'd call that collectathon? All of my 4* except Quartz are E2 50 and many have M3 and module 3. Not picking on Quartz based on meta but because she's a guard and the line for promoting guards goes around the block she is max E1 atm but that's not saying much because literally all of my operators are at least max E1 (or max for their rarity). I also have a lot of Off-Meta builds like my AH team are using the "wrong" modules and skills, Skadi is S3 Mod Y, Spalter is S3 Mod Y. I also like to build combos that work really well together but are for average - good operators. The combo synergy helps elevate them up to a near meta tier. For example I'm currently building Lin + Aak and going to be giving Lin her module in 9 days.
I decided to give up on Meta and only pull for operators I was personally interested in. I was going to skip Yato Alter, but I wanted Noir Corne S. People were actually angry when I said I wasn't pulling for her. I ended up getting upset because I got Yato Alt on the first 10 rip, Noir didn't come home until the 40th pull. I want to build Abyssal Knights and Sniper Knights and am working towards the goal. Only missing Skalter. I have 400 / 600 pulls for Abyssal Part 3 banner. Not pulling for anyone else. Except some neat 5* I take a liking too.
Some others have mentioned it, but I build Meta first, clear events / stages, then build the ones I like later, especially because I never have more than 300k LMD at once.
You know, I definitely need to see if I could get another account review. I haven't had one since the very beginning, and my account has changed quite a bit. 😂
I am not a Meta Player, or a Niche player really (Love Defenders though) , but I have Every Operator on Global except for Stainless, and am striving to eventually E2 200% trust every operator. I rarely mastery or Module, but Every Operator must reach E2 lvl 1. Stages are challenging, but I am completely caught up in the main story and finish most events. It is always interesting to just look over other peoples accounts though, to see the differences and the style in which various players play.
Honestly, one can build a good collection of units and then build niche teams out of the collection they raised. An account doesn't need to invest in only one specific niche to play niche.
I have every op. All 6 and 4 stars are e2'd with m3 or m6 for meta ops as i enjoy seeing the strong units shine. I'm focusing on completing all of the paradox simulations now. Its unbelievable how expensive 5 stars cost to promote to e2, and them not getting a third skill sucks so much. If it werent for paradox simulations i would have no desire to raise ops like vulcan, who have literally no niche to fill
I've built most if not all of the meta units I have on my EN account. So now I'm just goofing around and going through my 120+ E2's. Seeing what Niches I can dive into.
for me, i started off building metas just to beat stages as i am not skilled enough to niche yet, but slowly build some niches such as Loudknights and build my fav op Jessica for some Jess-Carry clears in the future (if i ever get lucky to get good buffer units)
Kyo is a perfect view of how niche can be fully played: his low squad runs show, that you can easily do most of content with just 2-4star operator and maybe 1 good support operator to make life easy but I'm sure you can do it without it as well
I actually used Surtr in CC JUST because she’s invincible for a few seconds. I didn’t even use her skill, I just used her as a meat shield to stall an enemy until it wasn’t invulnerable anymore
I have built a few meta units myself to help with hurdles or walls. But my primary focus is nicheknights. I primarely go for Vulpoknights and it has forced me to really think differently about certain maps and strategies, but I do try to build other operators to prepare for some other thematic runs that I feel like giving a shot. Suiknights soon!
Nowadays as i'm having a job and alot of irl things to do, i don't have much time to play the games That's why i'm doing AFKnights, literally saving me alot of time
While I really enjoy Viferknights, I think taking a day off and visiting the Readingknights community could open up a whole new world (it would drastically reduce the amout of content though)
I refuse to build meta unless I like the character, then a week later I find out the character I built is actually the best of its class or just a power house like mlynar and penance. Unironically I have been running a mainly 4 star niche since they all have a use or are just an amazing op
I consider building meta units can you help get past certain hurdles and be able to gather resources for the fun stuff you want. Unfortunately, you sometimes can't just clear everything with a niche team. So you do sometimes need the heavy artillery to get over some challenges.
Honestly, that’s a pretty cool thing about Arknights u can build whoever u want and enjoy your game how ever u want it’s ur account at the end of day so go enjoy to our heart’s content
After watching Tortoise-chan in the pvp tourney, I started focusing on 5* like 5* roster is actually super fun to play with and damn they are versatile
as an f2p player thats really had to ballance between 6* and 5*. i decided to level up every 6* that i have to lvl90 but there is stil new ops that i want to try but i just dont have that much resourses. glad that orundum stash is still good enough to roll every kimited banner
I did my own Bearknights solely because I liked the USSG characters, and somehow managed to clear stages that even my friends who are using meta operators can't, I no longer do Bearknights but my squad is still mostly made of USSG roster and it's much more enjoyable than trying to keep up with meta operators.... and it's a good habit too I guess, since my friends who had a basically deploy and forget squad is struggling a lot when stages starts to screw them over with certain wave got mindblown when I do with somewhat questionable roster filled with mostly USSG operators Rosa is still meta I guess? I don't know if she is because she used to be underwhelming before her module and I admit that her module really improved her massively, and I do think it's pretty okay to build meta for the "just in case" when stages are screwing you over with ungodly amount of HP pool of a boss or anything like that, it eases the pain and stress which not many people are willing to put up to
Literally why not build meta? It's not like there's a point to "balance" in a singleplayer game, especially one where pandoras box has already been opened with regard to powercreep. There's no multiplayer to base balance off of, so there's basically just strong operators and weak operators. I mean I'd think the play4fun argument would resound better if you weren't paying for the characters and you weren't incentivized to finish stages quickly for farm or to beat stages for mats and event currency
Because unlike every other gacha, arknights has interesting mechanics that allow you to build funny teams and have self imposed restrictions to beat the stages in ways you didn't think of before. People beat hard stuff with just 3* Every other gacha: you use different characters than meta so everything is the same but you take x10 longer to do it.
@@shinobuoshino5066 I mean if you use 5 star only versions of your average 6 star team it's basically just also that taking 10x longer thing you describe. Plus those challenge players are dolphins or whales or masochists in 3 or 4 star runners, ordinary peeps are better off just going meta
@@TheonormalMBV That's only true if you are somehow stacking guards that basically can't die while your dps sucks, otherwise you can only kill enemies as fast as they walk into your range. Also why would you need to pay any real money to level up 3*'s and 4* to max? It literally costs nothing, unlike 6* where you need to have played 3 years or be a whale to have one full screen of 6*'s at max level. You don't seem to know how this game works at all, especially given that pulling meta operators requires a lot of gacha currency and luck, neither of which are possible for f2p who didn't already play for years.
@@TheonormalMBV I guess every new player is masochist then because new player doesn't have items to E2-90 their 6* to make them worth using over literally any 5* which they can't get to E2-80 over literally any 4* which they can't get to E2-70 over literally any 3* which they can't get to E1-55 and they don't need to because early and midgame all you need is E0-30 with skill 4 and E1-40 with skill 7, maybe pushing to E1-55 even, and even 3* is strong enough in that category to start farming mats for 4* and for 5*. Not to mention how much LMD and xp it costs that literally noone has, also this isn't gacha where you build one 6* and smash entire game, you need up to 12 well built operators, and again, 12 6*'s take YEARS. It's quite literally more intelligent and more fun to have 11 4*'s and maybe one meta 6* if you're at the point where you can afford it, because you will at least have an usable squad that allows you to play the game, but going full meta is retarded and impossible unless you played since 2019 or are a whale, unless you find it fun to not play the game for years. So in what world is it good for average player to chase meta when average player is like "hurr durr didn't get what I wanted in 290 pulls it's over".
It's always up to you which is completely fine, you do what you want with your time and your money. Just dont be that guy who calls meta players or people who don't go for max risk 'filthy casual' or the other way around.
I'm lucky enough to have someone guide me on my early days playing arknights, now my account is at the point where i have a lot of strong meta e2 unit (surtr,gg,mud,lapp,schwarz,etc) and i can start building any unit i want without concerning said unit power
Lupoknights player here. I think most casual build meta because they are the most cost efficient but often after they get such meta units, they give up on the game as there are not incentive to play the game as you can pretty much brute force almost anything with just meta units and not interact with any gimmicks which basically make every stage basically the same. Playing niche force you to tackle the gimmicks and the flaw of your team (unless you pick a niche that are basically only meta units).
I will build and play whoever I want. Whether or not they're META is only part of the consideration. I just like variety and the ability to bring an absolutely stacked team and crush any and all opposition (assuming there's no super-cheesy mechanics) in a given stage.
To be fair my account is not full META or niche, is a mix of both. While I have many of the META units leveled, I miss some, also I built some rare-to-see units and and use them often.
A lot of my favorite ops are 6 stars ones ex: Ex Wife , Red Women, W , Schwartz , Skalter But i niche that i willing to explore is Abyssal Hunters cuz i LOVE their desings and color scheme
Started playing AK because of Silverash (didn't even care if he was a meta before. but thats may only reason) and also, I told myself that if I got 6* meta or not meta they deserved to be E2. I'll raise the other rarity when I like them or when I feel like doing so.
I'm a collector type player, holding most of mine at E2L40 unless I really want their modules (those I didn't E2 are at E1L60/ E1 max). Reason? I play IS and always go for the random starting squad, and whenever I get an operator with zero cost during recruitment I'll pick that one.
I'm between meta and niche I feel. I like characters who support my fortress defender love. Just, more explosions, more artillerymen, more Reed Alter turning people into explosives, just explosion explosion explosion! Not like I'm paying for Horn's shells. Granted I still have to find vanguards and healers to support my expensive arms race shenanigans, so characters like Cantobile and Mulberry don't fit very well into the niche, but their help is greatly appreciated.
6* units generally have better visual and sound effects (it is so satisfying to use skalter, that i always use her even if i risk to lose the stage ;p)
For me it is *variety* that goes first In every rarity there are an operators that provide unique options and opportunities to toy with, which make the gameplay so diverse and approachable from different angles. Closely second goes waifuknights Say whatever you want, but I *need* maxed Frostleaf for my account and my soul. As well as many others great characters. Love this game.
I mainly build meta as I simply don't have the time to spend hours on a stage and they can power though most situtions, I have built some 4/5 stars but mainly for IS.
Best play for new player is to proceed meta , then you can build whatever niche you need next. As long you comfy enough to clear and farm most stage. More big brain is to play with waifu/husbando that are already a meta. Cant go wrong.
i only level up the girls. this "niche" isnt particularly restraining, but it meant i often could not follow the low end guides in my early days. After obtaining strong enough ops to beat ex8 cm stages i mostly switched away from 6stars, only bringing them out for boss stages, since bosses tend to be annoying.
glad that other people are talking about this topic and that you made this video. I was treated like a madman when I said that only following meta makes the game boring and repetitive and the more broken units you build the less joy you get from the game. my texas alter, mlynar and some other are lvl 1 simply because I don't like how broken they are (also not really a fan of their characters). I am not saying that you shouldn't build meta units at all, but the way a lot of people want all slots in the team to be absolutely broken... like what's the point? I did for example build surtr, but I avoid using her too much, because clears with her usually are very easy and don't bring me the feeling that I achieved something.
That's one of main reasons I like this gacha over others, the base game is playable without spending 3 years or 30000$ and anything 5* and up is just a bonus
As someone with both m3 chalter thorns and m3 vigil, yes, also vigil is very underrated and people who say hes bad have him at like level 1 a d expect too much for a 6 star vanguard
I youtube search "Arknights [insert stage number, like 1-7) AFK" I see the units being used in that(some combination of Blaze, Thorns, Mountain, Exia, Shining, Nightingale, Eyja, Ifrit) and build those. Bam, that's what I use when I want to turn off my brain. Anything else, I build fir fun or waifu.
I don't build meta, i just like to build all my 6* ops
Same same...
Most of my 6☆ Meta Ops level like Surtr are Level 62nd, but most 6☆ ops level are 34th.
honestly yeah I do the same
built every 6* I have
except for vigil lol
The only 6* i haven't E2 is og Skadi
Me too
I also try to m9 all 6* operators
So far already m9 all 6* snipers
Most of my materials reduce to atom😅
Abyssal hunter players casually enjoying the best of both worlds
Gotta admit i am just missing mizuki to do an all aegirknights or oceanknights
@@fermosofiore1336 as the one who has all the Aegir and max them, im gonna say that Aegir without Abyssal cant do much. Or iam the one who has smooth brain. (Desperate to try what Aegir can do without Abyssal). (obv i talk about in stages that worth mentioning)
Yeah. Niche went from meme to an actual strat. 🤣
@@SeaweedAKyeah, as a slimy/smooth knights player(all fish and reptiles) without the abyssals almost every stage is a drag. That's like the biggest reason for my choice of playsttle so that I can use thorns
I think it's all about time and resources For me, i build meta characters because they can be used in almost every stage,and reduce the op that i need to build.
thats fair
pretty much, for a new player it's advisable to have your core ops built to get you through stages and farm, and while doing so you'll end up getting what you need to build who you want. so eventually in the future you will get to build who you love and whatnot.
Same. I don't have enough free time for niche knights. I build all meta so I don't miss out on content clearing, and then build some waifus
A big chunk of this comes down to noting how a lot of niche clears are fielding a lot of level 80/90 operators with full modules. For a newer player, it's simply not realistic to dump that many resources into a handful of operators.
For newer players it makes sense that they would build meta ops, in a game where you have to save for months to pull and it takes weeks to get mats you need then investing in units that you know are good makes sense.
Yeah, I started a CN account and it's what Im doing. I have to get my big guns leveled and powered up so they can help me to clear story for that OP.
meanwhile, Im bringing my beanstalk in every mission
I like building operator because I like seeing their E2 art.
i honestly think arknights is one of the few games where building nicheknights is actually fun and genuinely playable over "meta" (considering powercreep and all in many gacha games), i play maleknights myself and i'm always absolutely amazed by how some players can clear with 5* only maleknights while i still rely pretty heavily on 6* maleknights. it's amazing fr :)) playing niche or playing meta doesn't really matter to me, only when people start complaining about new units about not being "meta" or "broken" enough then it's like... do you really want that to be every new operator? XD
> Maleknights
You, sir or ma’am, are based as hell for doing that.
Wait for Typhon
real gigachad ARTknights players: only use operators drawn by specific artists (liduke, m9nokuro, skade, etc) 😂
I play ARTknight niche too, I play with any operators that have a drawn splash art! So cool!
I just tend to use whatever operators feel the most fun to use, and whoever can get me through the levels that I'm playing. Sometimes I can use my pure fun squad (which includes a few meta units), but sometimes a level has me pulling my hair out and I have to use meta ops or a guide to succeed. Sometimes the level just isn't fun and I just need to get through it so I can get further into the fun part of the game.
Been playing Arknights since Grani event, im tired playing with meta, now im playing to play 5 star only and supporterknight, really fun to play, maybe i tried other niche like sniper only or certain skin theme or something 😅
You decided this just now? Because someone told you to?
@@Raptchur No, actualy been playing niche since CC#10 and i decide it on my own
Hmm im bad at describe my word in english 😅
Well its ok to stop use meta since meta help u settle very fast and don't make us have headache, But when we have many resource to spend then of course we will build non meta unit or like 5 star or 4 star
compared to maxing out a 5-star, a 6-star needs: ~400k more exp, ~500k more LMD, double the modules and nearly triple the module upgrade mats (without even getting into the fact that 6-stars are the first (and only) ones to get multiple modules so far, with Ebenholz having a total of 3 now but someone has to be really extreme to care about maxing out more than one module for a character), 1 extra chip, 2 extra chip packs, an extra 90 red certs, 3 to 4x more T5 materials and *approximately* equal T1 to T4 materials, and more than double the number of skill books.
(What about the 4-stars, for the curious?
compared to 6-stars, ~ a third of the LMD and EXP, a quarter of module mats, better than one-seventh the number of T5 mats, nearly half the chip packs and no red certs, and a quarter of skill books)
well, basically, if you want to be efficient, then any six-stars you build had better be more valuable to you than up-to-two 5-stars or more-than-three 4-stars. Conversely, if building that 6-star gives you more personal satisfaction than building a couple 5s or several 4s, then go ahead, you're coming out ahead in that trade-off.
What I will say is that it‘s always easier to level the „meta“ units if you just start your account...that is if you get them. Going into a niche usually should be done only once you have sufficient knowledge of the game otherwise you risk getting frustrated at stages because you haven‘t build all the necessary ops in a niche and hence can‘t clear the main story of events.
I started during the start of dorothy‘s vision and only now do I feel like getting myself comfortable in a niche because I think that I at least know what i am doing now
I think I'm balanced player when talking about operator builds, i build meta and ordinary operator to fill role what i need. But not with stage clear 😂. I fully support brain-dead guide
IS is really the reason I've shifted to valuing a few 'meta' 6 star operators that are worth using hope for, and some strong 4 and 5 stars that I can use in any stage. I'm ultimately a very casual player, so unga bunga strats with 6 stars are the most I'll do for a lengthy gameplay mode. 4 stars are a godsend though, really suggest more people build the better ones if they want to enjoy ak more!
As a beginner player, I do not know what the hell you are talking about💀, I see waifu, I build.
Basically nicheknights where ppl restrict their team build by using the *niche* like
1. SupporterKnights, all 12 operators on the team must a supporter class
2. BirdKnights (only bring liberi race operators)
3. SkadeKnights (only bring operators that Skade Drew, Skadi is an artist)
4. HigashiKnights (only bring operators that born/originate from Higashi nation)
@@zynczinc1443 I mean, that's a cool thing but still, I see Waifu, I build.
@@insanebruh9678 its up to your preferences
Oh I'm early! I'm a newer player, and niche plays seem fun, but to build my account solely around one of those niches seems too restrictive as I want to explore more options.
True, you shouldn't restrict yourself too much if it gets in the way of having fun or prevent you from exploring stuff about the game
You would wanna invest in the strong operator you have which is considered meta because farming material is not easy for everyone. I joined the game when Ch'en was new and I still upgrading the 6 stars I have and some of the 5 stars such as Lappland Texas etc. My opinion is you shouldn't force yourself to build what people tell is a niche just because it is manageable and fun. If you're new to this game, just go for the strong operators at the start. You can always upgrade other operators later and try the stages you have cleared before using those operators.
honestly, i also build most of my 6* operators for me to clear stages easily but i do enjoy the niche contents from youtubers. they're fun to watch. all i know is that Silverdad, Elysium, Texas(vanguard) and Bagpipe are a must in my squad 😆
4:33 he even has Vigil at e2 lvl 60 xD
I don't play Meta or Niche. I just kinda lvl who I like and find myself using alot. Then I got Chongyue and it was jover, my gameplay is almost 100% him and around him. Plus Reedalter, but thats cause she really pretty and her 3rd skill alights an evil thing in me.
My lvlin'g right now is building all my units to like an e1 lvl40, with a few e2 lvl 20s, as now I tend to use the same units (aka Chongyue) so that when I feel like it, I can try others.
A bit of suggestion from me, who sometimes doing weird strat like racenights or originights (?)
It's fun to play with the operator you like, there is a sense pride in there. But remember that there is a time where you need to clear a stage as fast as possible, and META ops can help you with that. So, please build your meta first before you have fun. At least you have that sense of security, when you need a worst case scenario, the meta lineup will help you
I build all 6 stars :P. That being said, I don't think calling out that people's accounts look the same is a big deal. I see that in a ton of gacha. The only gacha I don't see that in are the most predatory ones where you can't possibly get a good roster without paying xD
I've been playing for awhile and I'm still building the first 100 Elite 2-able operators I've recruited until now. So, all of the META operators I have are all still at Lvl 1.
I do not build meta, I build the characters I get... ...so no one...
Building Meta is fine, this does indeed trivialize a lot of stages and make them "easier" but in all honestly that is a lot more enjoyable than purposely being mentally challenged by trying to make the clears harder.
But that's what makes Arknights fun!
@@halley_lufor some people.
No one person is the same godddammit
@@af2547 that's kind of the joke bruh
It's not a matter of being purposefully mentally challenging, it's to actually have a challenge to begin with.
If I just use meta operators for everything then the game stops being a strategy game and turns into a musou game where strong characters simply mow down endless mobs with the flick of a finger's amount of effort. Plenty of people don't want to let the operators trivialize the game for them and want to solve the maps like a puzzle because it's more engaging.
It always comes down to different strokes for different folks.
I think it really comes down to how easily you can build strategies, like for me, in general around 2-4 tries is ideal for most levels, but with content I already destroyed, I like playing it with my low trust ops, because my meta units can just turn any map into a suboptimal trust farm first try .
most of my runs have non-meta ops like Lunacub, Dorothy, Amiya, Astgenne, Texas non-alter, Rosa, Bison, and Specter non-alter in addition to some meta ops but it's more cause of me having shit luck in gacha, cause god I would love having bagpipe or ceobe
I wanna know if other people do this but do yall use characters that are associated with the stages ur playing? (for example, during the sirucusano event, I used mainly ops from siracusa)
I also change my operator's skins depending on the stage (if it's cold like in break the ice, I put winter skins on my ops/use ops that wear thick clothes)
Only those who have the luxury to do that, are able to do so.
Lets use il siracusa example. That event bring 4 new operators, 3 six stars, and then the penguin logistics.
If you want to actually clear the EX-8 CM with only them, you will need at least all of them at E2 before the event ends (and pull for the new ops, obv.) because penance and texalt would be your main dps. Can you imagine keeping up with this for every new event?
So yeah, most people wouldn't be able to do that even if they want to...
Oh, let me be clear that i am not being aggressive to you or anything, i am just upset that the current dead days means there is no sudden influx of lmd, exp, and mats, and that im locked into perpetual 0 lmd for weeks...
I never understood this mindset. You can build meta and non-meta and use both depending your mood.
If you're a new player I will *ALWAYS* suggest building meta though, the game is already hard as it is. No need to waste resources on stuff you have no guarantee will be useful.
Ive started as a meta player and now im leaning more into nicheknights. Been working on birds for birdknights gaming!
Me too I'm started hornknights so fun to play
@@applechrisjr5934 started my birdknights because i loved using la pluma but its honestly super fun using units i wouldnt normally bring to stages
I bring the "meta/op" ops when learning the stages, when I finished it usually I be like: "I think I can bring trustfarm or small number team here" and bring random ops regardless of rarity/power. As for resources I build whoever looks cool lol
Hell ya, start with, throwing everything at the wall and then I work down to my trust farm.
I just build every op to their maximum E1 lvl and lvl 7 skill, I E2 all my 6*s and bring every E2'd op to their needed level to have or await modules. I try to play most events at least for their initial set of stages with a "story" squad where I use any op that is in the story + the new banner characters + any related characters if I still need to fill in a team spot still. I own every op too, so there is only meta favoritism in the 4* and 5* ops I decided to E2.
Well, I've built few meta units like texalter ,yato, but when some unit feels too strong to me I just don't do their masteries or just give them 1lvl of mastery. But, yes I've been kinda avoiding rising units that would make my gameplay too simple, because I know I would get really bored with a game if it feels too easy to me. I'm just aware that I need some challenge. I like the game to be hard, but also not too hard..and not too easy. Just hard enough to get me engaged. Recently I had my 1 year anniversary in arknights and as a f2p player I already have 53 E2 units, most of them with masteries at lvl 1-2 and occasionally 3, for multiple skills, not just for their best skill. I try to be more creative when it comes to my gameplay and pick the best skills according to situation. I've seen people with their account age similar to me and them having only 20 or less units raised, and ofc fully maxed. I can already tell how boring would that be to clear all the stages with the same team all over again...
The Nicheknights editor is very based. That was a very cool account.
I started to play loreknights around a year ago and it’s still fun to play
So only units that are present in story and events? That sounds so cool. What do you do with events like Vigilo and Obscure Wanderer, etc.? Do you play IS and stuff like that?
I mostly build the OPs i like due to their role in the history, which is a big reason why i used my 5* ticket when i started this year into Nearl and Liskarm,they instantly interested me over any other more meta pick and its the same reason why my first e2 were Jessica and Amiya.
To be a nicheknights player is to be willing to sink a lot of time in trial & error, which is where I imagine most people hesitate.
I have the abyssal hunters all ready but I can't help but bring a full squad everywhere still; gotta get mileage out of the 100+ ops I built right? ;)
I considered guardknights or sniperknights but can't help thinking, "I already have so many marksman snipers, building vermeil or M3 greythroat is a waste..."
It's the most fun to watch though, makes for a lot of content!
It does hurt to see those 6* pulled for and the orundum stash empty but all in vain lmao. Even for collection purposes, you don't unlock their E2 art.
The last thing i would do is making viper pull on my account and only listening to vifer giving me suggestions😂😂😂
I build up my frostleaf because I didn't have lappland,thorns and S.A. before, I don't know why people call her bad but she's working well with my strat
As a barely 1 and half year player, I build meta operator so I can clear stages with a reasonable amount of resources. At some point when my core team are stabilize, I will start lookin to build nicheknight because i had all of this interesting strategy and *5 star operator that takes way too much resources to build.
I enjoy the game being easy, heck, usually I feel discouraged whenever there's a hard stage, that's why my fav part of the events is the first week, not second with those EX stages, so I built and will build every single Meta op I get
Is t n9t esay
5:06 no no no, what is that VIGIL doin??
edit: even Twitch chat seen it
I love how Vifer had to stop and go back when he came across Broca with his skin because it's just so...
A new six star I just pulled? Another brick to the wall of shame that is my level 1 six star collection.
I've been playing for around a year or so, and my account is also full of 5-stars and around five 6-stars built. My niche is "I just build whoever I like the most as a character", and turns out I like a lot of 5 and 4 stars.
I have 5 6-stars built: GG, Texalter, Blemi, Eunectes and Lumen (and Saga is in process). The first two barely see any use outside of really hard content (like CC), though. They are my "I don't want to think too hard about this stage" buttons.
The thing with building meta while missing some other top 6* is that, you'd come across a problem where you kinda felt like there's a gaping hole for when you want certain OPs to do a specific job and not just the available cornerstone OP you have.
So at best you'd bring some fast redeployer, but not much if its for dealing specific event stage gimmick
I have Ch'alter maxed out (ofc not on pots tho) and I just rarely use her unless i need to rush an event i didn't have time for.
I will forever spam flagpipe though. She's like a drug. Once you've thrown down mudrock within the first 15 seconds with no repercussions whatsoever, you'll never be able to go back.
My criteria for building an operator = Exists. I guess you'd call that collectathon?
All of my 4* except Quartz are E2 50 and many have M3 and module 3. Not picking on Quartz based on meta but because she's a guard and the line for promoting guards goes around the block she is max E1 atm but that's not saying much because literally all of my operators are at least max E1 (or max for their rarity).
I also have a lot of Off-Meta builds like my AH team are using the "wrong" modules and skills, Skadi is S3 Mod Y, Spalter is S3 Mod Y.
I also like to build combos that work really well together but are for average - good operators. The combo synergy helps elevate them up to a near meta tier. For example I'm currently building Lin + Aak and going to be giving Lin her module in 9 days.
Meta is back-up. I built partly meta. But no max levels, some M3. Current goal is Modules. Moving towards summoner knights, maybe trap knights.
I decided to give up on Meta and only pull for operators I was personally interested in. I was going to skip Yato Alter, but I wanted Noir Corne S.
People were actually angry when I said I wasn't pulling for her.
I ended up getting upset because I got Yato Alt on the first 10 rip, Noir didn't come home until the 40th pull.
I want to build Abyssal Knights and Sniper Knights and am working towards the goal. Only missing Skalter. I have 400 / 600 pulls for Abyssal Part 3 banner. Not pulling for anyone else. Except some neat 5* I take a liking too.
Some others have mentioned it, but I build Meta first, clear events / stages, then build the ones I like later, especially because I never have more than 300k LMD at once.
You know, I definitely need to see if I could get another account review. I haven't had one since the very beginning, and my account has changed quite a bit. 😂
I am not a Meta Player, or a Niche player really (Love Defenders though) , but I have Every Operator on Global except for Stainless, and am striving to eventually E2 200% trust every operator. I rarely mastery or Module, but Every Operator must reach E2 lvl 1. Stages are challenging, but I am completely caught up in the main story and finish most events.
It is always interesting to just look over other peoples accounts though, to see the differences and the style in which various players play.
Honestly, one can build a good collection of units and then build niche teams out of the collection they raised. An account doesn't need to invest in only one specific niche to play niche.
The love of power is the root of all braindead! I love power, it's satisfying to use, in measured dosed lol.
I have every op. All 6 and 4 stars are e2'd with m3 or m6 for meta ops as i enjoy seeing the strong units shine. I'm focusing on completing all of the paradox simulations now. Its unbelievable how expensive 5 stars cost to promote to e2, and them not getting a third skill sucks so much. If it werent for paradox simulations i would have no desire to raise ops like vulcan, who have literally no niche to fill
I've built most if not all of the meta units I have on my EN account. So now I'm just goofing around and going through my 120+ E2's. Seeing what Niches I can dive into.
for me, i started off building metas just to beat stages as i am not skilled enough to niche yet, but slowly build some niches such as Loudknights and build my fav op Jessica for some Jess-Carry clears in the future (if i ever get lucky to get good buffer units)
One of my favorite nicheknights players i would like to mention is Danbo that does E0 lv 50 clears. Really fun to watch
Kyo is a perfect view of how niche can be fully played:
his low squad runs show, that you can easily do most of content with just 2-4star operator and maybe 1 good support operator to make life easy
but I'm sure you can do it without it as well
I actually used Surtr in CC JUST because she’s invincible for a few seconds. I didn’t even use her skill, I just used her as a meat shield to stall an enemy until it wasn’t invulnerable anymore
that niche player is basically me, only maxed mostima and texas. were friend 🤝
I have built a few meta units myself to help with hurdles or walls. But my primary focus is nicheknights. I primarely go for Vulpoknights and it has forced me to really think differently about certain maps and strategies, but I do try to build other operators to prepare for some other thematic runs that I feel like giving a shot. Suiknights soon!
Nowadays as i'm having a job and alot of irl things to do, i don't have much time to play the games
That's why i'm doing AFKnights, literally saving me alot of time
While I really enjoy Viferknights, I think taking a day off and visiting the Readingknights community could open up a whole new world (it would drastically reduce the amout of content though)
I wish Arknights had more synergic team builds. Like give us a vanguard that rivals Bagpipe combinations if you have Karlan characters on the team.
I refuse to build meta unless I like the character, then a week later I find out the character I built is actually the best of its class or just a power house like mlynar and penance. Unironically I have been running a mainly 4 star niche since they all have a use or are just an amazing op
I consider building meta units can you help get past certain hurdles and be able to gather resources for the fun stuff you want.
Unfortunately, you sometimes can't just clear everything with a niche team. So you do sometimes need the heavy artillery to get over some challenges.
Honestly, that’s a pretty cool thing about Arknights u can build whoever u want and enjoy your game how ever u want it’s ur account at the end of day so go enjoy to our heart’s content
Feline knights is pain, I can only imagine what snake knights will do to my sanity
Especially the afk strat the units are so substantial especially for those who doesn't really have time to fully explore arknights
After watching Tortoise-chan in the pvp tourney, I started focusing on 5*
like 5* roster is actually super fun to play with and damn they are versatile
i build them but in the end i only use a few of them, but like they said, these doesnt matter when waifus is meta
as an f2p player thats really had to ballance between 6* and 5*.
i decided to level up every 6* that i have to lvl90 but there is stil new ops that i want to try but i just dont have that much resourses.
glad that orundum stash is still good enough to roll every kimited banner
I did my own Bearknights solely because I liked the USSG characters, and somehow managed to clear stages that even my friends who are using meta operators can't, I no longer do Bearknights but my squad is still mostly made of USSG roster and it's much more enjoyable than trying to keep up with meta operators.... and it's a good habit too I guess, since my friends who had a basically deploy and forget squad is struggling a lot when stages starts to screw them over with certain wave got mindblown when I do with somewhat questionable roster filled with mostly USSG operators
Rosa is still meta I guess? I don't know if she is because she used to be underwhelming before her module and I admit that her module really improved her massively, and I do think it's pretty okay to build meta for the "just in case" when stages are screwing you over with ungodly amount of HP pool of a boss or anything like that, it eases the pain and stress which not many people are willing to put up to
Literally why not build meta? It's not like there's a point to "balance" in a singleplayer game, especially one where pandoras box has already been opened with regard to powercreep.
There's no multiplayer to base balance off of, so there's basically just strong operators and weak operators. I mean I'd think the play4fun argument would resound better if you weren't paying for the characters and you weren't incentivized to finish stages quickly for farm or to beat stages for mats and event currency
Because unlike every other gacha, arknights has interesting mechanics that allow you to build funny teams and have self imposed restrictions to beat the stages in ways you didn't think of before. People beat hard stuff with just 3*
Every other gacha: you use different characters than meta so everything is the same but you take x10 longer to do it.
@@shinobuoshino5066 I mean if you use 5 star only versions of your average 6 star team it's basically just also that taking 10x longer thing you describe. Plus those challenge players are dolphins or whales or masochists in 3 or 4 star runners, ordinary peeps are better off just going meta
@@TheonormalMBV That's only true if you are somehow stacking guards that basically can't die while your dps sucks, otherwise you can only kill enemies as fast as they walk into your range.
Also why would you need to pay any real money to level up 3*'s and 4* to max? It literally costs nothing, unlike 6* where you need to have played 3 years or be a whale to have one full screen of 6*'s at max level.
You don't seem to know how this game works at all, especially given that pulling meta operators requires a lot of gacha currency and luck, neither of which are possible for f2p who didn't already play for years.
@@shinobuoshino5066 you misunderstand, the or before masochist was a contrasting or
@@TheonormalMBV I guess every new player is masochist then because new player doesn't have items to E2-90 their 6* to make them worth using over literally any 5* which they can't get to E2-80 over literally any 4* which they can't get to E2-70 over literally any 3* which they can't get to E1-55 and they don't need to because early and midgame all you need is E0-30 with skill 4 and E1-40 with skill 7, maybe pushing to E1-55 even, and even 3* is strong enough in that category to start farming mats for 4* and for 5*.
Not to mention how much LMD and xp it costs that literally noone has, also this isn't gacha where you build one 6* and smash entire game, you need up to 12 well built operators, and again, 12 6*'s take YEARS. It's quite literally more intelligent and more fun to have 11 4*'s and maybe one meta 6* if you're at the point where you can afford it, because you will at least have an usable squad that allows you to play the game, but going full meta is retarded and impossible unless you played since 2019 or are a whale, unless you find it fun to not play the game for years.
So in what world is it good for average player to chase meta when average player is like "hurr durr didn't get what I wanted in 290 pulls it's over".
It's always up to you which is completely fine, you do what you want with your time and your money. Just dont be that guy who calls meta players or people who don't go for max risk 'filthy casual' or the other way around.
I'm lucky enough to have someone guide me on my early days playing arknights, now my account is at the point where i have a lot of strong meta e2 unit (surtr,gg,mud,lapp,schwarz,etc) and i can start building any unit i want without concerning said unit power
Very true. My Silver Ash is still lvl 1 to this day.
I am the vanguard player, and defender player. Also I like the knight waifus.
Lupoknights player here. I think most casual build meta because they are the most cost efficient but often after they get such meta units, they give up on the game as there are not incentive to play the game as you can pretty much brute force almost anything with just meta units and not interact with any gimmicks which basically make every stage basically the same. Playing niche force you to tackle the gimmicks and the flaw of your team (unless you pick a niche that are basically only meta units).
I will build and play whoever I want. Whether or not they're META is only part of the consideration. I just like variety and the ability to bring an absolutely stacked team and crush any and all opposition (assuming there's no super-cheesy mechanics) in a given stage.
As a non 6 star squad player (mainly 5 star) and I found myself happier than before.
To be fair my account is not full META or niche, is a mix of both. While I have many of the META units leveled, I miss some, also I built some rare-to-see units and and use them often.
I seriously want to see some stage clears with 5*. Vifer should have include also that part to comparison.
A lot of my favorite ops are 6 stars ones ex: Ex Wife , Red Women, W , Schwartz , Skalter
But i niche that i willing to explore is Abyssal Hunters cuz i LOVE their desings and color scheme
Started playing AK because of Silverash (didn't even care if he was a meta before. but thats may only reason) and also, I told myself that if I got 6* meta or not meta they deserved to be E2. I'll raise the other rarity when I like them or when I feel like doing so.
I'm a collector type player, holding most of mine at E2L40 unless I really want their modules (those I didn't E2 are at E1L60/ E1 max). Reason? I play IS and always go for the random starting squad, and whenever I get an operator with zero cost during recruitment I'll pick that one.
I'm between meta and niche I feel. I like characters who support my fortress defender love. Just, more explosions, more artillerymen, more Reed Alter turning people into explosives, just explosion explosion explosion! Not like I'm paying for Horn's shells.
Granted I still have to find vanguards and healers to support my expensive arms race shenanigans, so characters like Cantobile and Mulberry don't fit very well into the niche, but their help is greatly appreciated.
6* units generally have better visual and sound effects (it is so satisfying to use skalter, that i always use her even if i risk to lose the stage ;p)
Same for Schwarz, her S3 activation sound is devine to me
I don't build 6* because im so insultingly broke that even a new player would have more stuff than me but I do get a few levels in here and there
For me it is *variety* that goes first
In every rarity there are an operators that provide unique options and opportunities to toy with, which make the gameplay so diverse and approachable from different angles.
Closely second goes waifuknights
Say whatever you want, but I *need* maxed Frostleaf for my account and my soul.
As well as many others great characters.
Love this game.
I mainly build meta as I simply don't have the time to spend hours on a stage and they can power though most situtions, I have built some 4/5 stars but mainly for IS.
Best play for new player is to proceed meta , then you can build whatever niche you need next. As long you comfy enough to clear and farm most stage. More big brain is to play with waifu/husbando that are already a meta. Cant go wrong.
I definetly use meta ops but I kinda gave myself a endgame goal of going E2 on every ops
i only level up the girls. this "niche" isnt particularly restraining, but it meant i often could not follow the low end guides in my early days. After obtaining strong enough ops to beat ex8 cm stages i mostly switched away from 6stars, only bringing them out for boss stages, since bosses tend to be annoying.
glad that other people are talking about this topic and that you made this video. I was treated like a madman when I said that only following meta makes the game boring and repetitive and the more broken units you build the less joy you get from the game. my texas alter, mlynar and some other are lvl 1 simply because I don't like how broken they are (also not really a fan of their characters). I am not saying that you shouldn't build meta units at all, but the way a lot of people want all slots in the team to be absolutely broken... like what's the point? I did for example build surtr, but I avoid using her too much, because clears with her usually are very easy and don't bring me the feeling that I achieved something.
We can pretty much blitz through most of the contents with just 3* unit so it is really not necessary to build those meta unit
That's one of main reasons I like this gacha over others, the base game is playable without spending 3 years or 30000$ and anything 5* and up is just a bonus
I just E2 6*s. But most of the time, I E2 the characters I really like, which are Liberi operators.
As someone with both m3 chalter thorns and m3 vigil, yes, also vigil is very underrated and people who say hes bad have him at like level 1 a d expect too much for a 6 star vanguard
I youtube search "Arknights [insert stage number, like 1-7) AFK"
I see the units being used in that(some combination of Blaze, Thorns, Mountain, Exia, Shining, Nightingale, Eyja, Ifrit) and build those.
Bam, that's what I use when I want to turn off my brain.
Anything else, I build fir fun or waifu.
That E1 lvl 1 Dorothy made me feel pain.
I just build whatever ops I find aesthetically pleasing