guys, I'm aware of the TV spots, I was asleep when they dropped and unfortunately I have to work a twelve hour shift at my day job today so I will get to doing a video analysis on them, just after work! hope you enjoy this video though!
Mr H Reviews I can tell you what it is. It's Kryptonite. The Engineers being multiversal had been in universes where Super Man came into power, sometimes the aliens would kill him and his people, sometimes in other universes Kryptons would win. more troubling was Kryptonmorphs, they were beyond too dangerous or controlable, especially when they evolved into kryptonmorph kings, queen mothers and so on. In some universes Zod and his people curb stomped the Engineers and took there technology, hence why in the new WB movie continuity the Krypton military were suits very similar to the Engineers. It was felt best, to keep kryptonite in sensitive areas, like were eggs or goo / royal jelly was kept to kill krypton intruders so they couldn't destroy there weapons AND to kill them so they wouldn't have a chance of accidently being infected, making ultrahyper dangerous kryptonmorphs. Also with the off chance they had to deal with the Kryptonmorph it was jopef it would have the same weaknesses as Kryptonians, sadly this was not the case... There only relef was that Krypton didn't exist in this universe, though ones universe hoping was still a possible danger after there own universe hoping tech was stolen from the Engineers.
The crystal containing vital information about the Xenomorph would be an interesting theory. I always thought that this rock must have significance because in the holograms of the black-goo outbreak, we see some engineers heading towards the head room, even though that room too is full of the black goo canisters. My guess is they were heading there because the green crystal or maybe something behind the mural was going to help them deal with the situation.
or because it was one of the few places inside the temple with a door to lock the monster out. Ridley or one of the writers have said that's why but yeah could be deeper
Motherlover of course , this could be a scene like in Jurassic park . The Crystal contains DNA fossilised in rock from the xenomorph home world and then engendered ! The plot Thickens
Perhaps thats a door, and behind there is Ovamorphs or eggs.. Perhaps Xenomorph -facehugger eggs are already on board. It is a weapons R&D planet after all. That Green crystal has to represent something of importance. Also Ridley has to incorporate the Queen into his story somehow. In a trailer we see a Xenomorph watching David. David may have led a victim to the eggs to see what would become of that creature.
I stop watching another RUclips video to watch yours. Now, the green crystal has been one of the biggest questions I had from Prometheus. I think it has something to do with the queen. I love hearing ppl theories the unanswered questions of Prometheus. Thanks for the video and keep up the good work!!!
There's a scene in Prometheus when David opens one of the black chemical canisters on board the ship(before exposing Holloway to the chemical) and pulls out green glass like cylinders that contained the black chemical/goo within. So it is possible that the large crystal could've also contained something within. Though there wasn't much precaution in storing whatever the crystal possibly houses compared to the black chemical/goo.. Which is kept in multiple layers or safety barriers : First, the outer canister shell that looks to be metal, a goo like substance, then the glass cylinders containing the black chemical/goo and there are more than one of these glass cylinders within each of the canisters(I counted 4)- but could be wrong. The chemical can only be released or put to use once the top seal is broken off. There's a picture of what I'm talking about, But basically what I'm saying is there's a possible a connectivity with the crystal and the green glass cylinders.
Now I'm just wondering if that purposeful imagery, or just a coincidence... Anyway, I agree with your original point. That or it's some kind of data crystal housing the digital blueprint of the Xenomorph's DNA.
Yeah Xeno dna in from millions of years ago in their evolution - kinda like jurrasic park does with the amber rock for dino dna inside the entomobed mosquito..
Sean Kavanagh if you didn’t even notice it, then that means you’re unobservant. You provided zero insight. That’s like crashing into a pedestrian at 100mph and as you regain control of the car saying yeah I didn’t notice anything. It’s still massively significant lol
I never saw the cuneiform Sumerian texts on the bowl before.. it changes nothing but it is something I appreciate seeing. can't wait for the next chapter
Chekhov's gun - "Remove everything that has no relevance to the story. If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there."
Changes always has relevance. It is a way to leave a door open to explain future events. During writing and production, as scenes progress, they tend to recognize that certain things need to be explained and were not, so my making a change on the script/video footage, leave the door open for future explanation. That is my opinion.
Interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing them through this video. I still can'r help finding resemblance between the green "crystal" and the ampules David pulled out of the urn. They are both green and transparent. Although different in shape, I think the contents is the same. So to me the green crystal is just an ampule with a sample of the black goo or whatever was in the ampules. And the tomb , I believe, is not a tomb but rather a museum.
To be honest i just watched the ted talks part again and thought " it does look like there were two factions of engineers and possibly the engineers (who would represent prometheus) that took the black goo, used it to create life on earth. The engineers death at the start would mirror prometheus' torture by the gods and the reaction of the engineer they met at the end, would make more sense (the gods feared what man would do with the fire)"
I like prometheus and have seen it multiple times but i didn't even know there was a green crystal. Looking forward to watching it again and trying to spot it this time.
Fortunately Ridley Scott is directing Covenant. Despite the hate Prometheus got, I liked all the mystical elements, it would be neat if it turns out the temple on Paradise has more of these crystals, hopefully David can open some like he did with the goo canisters.
The crystal containing the DNA of the xenomorph makes a lot of sense. If they idea that the engineers threw off the yoke of their creators, who are what we would call spase jockeys, by using the Xenomorphs it makes sense that they would worship or revere the Xenomorph.
I'm getting a starcraft feel from all this. Aliens playing the role of Zerg as the Engineers/Xelnaga weren't happy with their first creation. In this case Humans take the place of the protoss.
The Xenomorph DNA makes a lot of sence to me, it would explain how everything the goo touched became more and more like a Xenomorph and even all the things that the Good did in theFire And Stone comics. Even all the life that the Goo created on the planet seemed to have biomechanical features like Xenomorphs.
i love the comics, books, movies and games, as they provide interesting insight on these creatures of nightmares! i was thinking, what if this gem is a fossilized form of royal jelly? I know most don't like the expanded universe, but what if they were trying to create something similar to the queen mother? one more docile and easier to control? the gem does look like an egg and we know the queens are incredibly protective of their eggs, so it would make sense in a way, thanks for another great video!
My opinion is that at some point the filmmakers decided that the LV-223 Engineers would be a different faction from the Creator Engineers from the beginning of the film. Realizing that the presence of the ceremonial bowl in a revered setting might not make sense if they were an opposing group, they replaced it with the green crystal. Whether or not the crystal will turn out to actually be anything of importance, I got no idea. This is just my thoughts for why they decided the bowl had to go.
The green stone is a fossilized/crystallized xeno egg Reasons: 1. The green colour is very reminiscent of the green in the classic Alien movie poster featuring the egg. 2. When Kane visits the egg chamber in Alien, we see the eggs behave in a similar way to the canisters in big head room - sweating, esp sweating black goo like substance, and while there are no puddles of black goo in Kane's chamber, there is a real oily look about the chamber floor. 3. Point 2 means the xeno eggs could be the origin of the black goo and the fossilized green egg performs a religious function by representing the origins of the goo and its importance to the big white guys. The canisters can be seen as synthetic eggs, used to produce black goo. See Zoe's movie house below.
From the first time I watched Prometheus I thought the mural on the wall was of an Alien Queen and the green vial (you see as a crystal) contained pure Queen DNA. It was what the Engineers used to do their experiments. That's why I love to read other people's thoughts and feedback.
I believe the motion detectors picked up movement by the captain more than just a snake... we never get to see or know what exactly but there was something in that ship alive
It's not a gem, it's a mineral. The contents of the bowl the engineer drank from, apart from a black fluid, also contained a crystal like structure. Those are one and the same. It could be used as a stabilizer or power supply.
the engineers were trying to recreate the xenomorph and we came out instead so they see us as a mistake and David continued their research and created the xenomorph
This is a reference of the Emerald Tablet who contain all secrets and how create philosopher's stone from The Hermetic society. The Stone exist, but you know were to find it or not potter?
i was looking at the cave paintings again in prometheus. i assumed the being pointing at the moons was a human, then an engineer. but now looking at it, its arms look longer than a human (+engineer?) now looking at the latest photos depicting when david releases the black goo, if you look at the beings, their arms are longer too. are the paintings of a being yet to be introduced to us? the speculation after cinema con RUMOURS of a new human like being? u think these exist??(other than engineers)
Surely, I've always thought, that the whole room is a recipe, an instruction manual. The large stone head is clearly human or engineer, the tanks of the black liquid are the catalyst, and the mural on the door is the end product, human + alien goo = xenomorph
Because it seems like the crystal is some sort of offering at an alter, it could be concluded that the crystal itself has some sort of value or significance to the engineer's culture or way of life. In chemistry, rarity does not necessarily correlate to value. So, I think that the green crystal might be some element or compound that the engineers have based their entire technology on and could possibly be a precursor to manufacturing the black goo itself.
I did not notice the difference between the trailer and the film, but I just re-watched Prometheus and had the same thought about the green crystal; gotta be xenomorph DNA.
I thinks it might have something to do with the creation of the Xenomorph like the bowl that was drank from in the beginning of Prometheus. Hence why they put the bowl on the shrine as an artifact to be worshipped or admired since the bowl and its contents is what started human life and initiated it and then later maybe with the same idea they changed it to a green crystal in reverence of the creation of the Xenomorph. The enery source in that could be the driving force behind the black goo and the ulitmate creation of the Xenomorph.
What if the crystal contained the antidote to the black goo, hence why the bodies were piled up outside the chamber trying to get in? Green life beats black death?
Considering that a fantastic number of terabytes can be stored in quartz crystal I'm thinking it's far more than just the dna that's stored in it. Perhaps the entire history of the subject and perhaps more items related to the xenomorphs. That was my initial thought when I saw it with all that was going on around it. And I'd say it's in a well protected place too.
I was thinkin very similar man that the green gem houses the pure DNA codes for the Xeno and further might be a sort of hard drive like Kryptons crystals for data storage and it contains the entire history of the Xeno itself
Hey I was thinking, maybe the destroyers faction of the engineers was trying to stop the creators from making an actual xenomorph that’s why the base at LV-223 was abandoned/destroyed. Or maybe it was the other way around. In the movie it is suggested that the engineers left on LV-223 were planning to travel to Earth with the black goo. Maybe they were trying to make the perfect organism which the xenomorph is. The “alien” creature was their end game and the human race was an essential part or a milestone in achieving this, some sort of experiment of the engineers to create xenomorph organism. It would explain why the engineer tried to kill the humans that came to LV-223. Or maybe the last engineer was just from the opposing faction that tried to destroy the creators work.Hey i was thinking, maybe the destroyers faction of the engeeners was trying to stop the creators from making an actual xenomorph thats why the base at LV-223 was abandoned/destroyed and maybe this is why the last engeener tryed to kill the humans.Hey i was thinking, maybe the destroyers faction of the engeeners was trying to stop the creators from making an actual xenomorph thats why the base at LV-223 was abandoned/destroyed and maybe this is why the last engeener tryed to kill the humans.Hey i was thinking, maybe the destroyers faction of the engeeners was trying to stop the creators from making an actual xenomorph thats why the base at LV-223 was abandoned/destroyed and maybe this is why the last engeener tryed to kill the humans.
Sadly I suspect this is one of many artifacts of the producer's telling Scott that Prometheus wasn't going to be an aliens prequel after all. Though that still begs the same question.
I think the engineers are just merely meant to seem egyptian like, old world with high technology, statues, obelisks, pictures depicting things, etc. Everything about their creations were ornate and functional. It's all meant to be mysterious. We have to come back to the real world and realize that most of the time, writers/producers/directors are telling the underlings "give me something cool to look at". A lot of people see the alien in the mural, but there's actually more going on in it though. It appears as if the alien itself is bound, and there is a representation of a set of seemingly smooth gemstones set in something above it. You can see that the aliens arms seem bound, but there is a lot more going on with the sides of the alien. It's hard to say if that's a depiction, or an ornate representation, you see these kind of large claw like hooks on either side and other things around its head. For all we know, it's possible that the black goo is designed to succeed the engineers by basically taking all their knowledge and creating extreme evolution, a new ultra hardy creature, that could eventually grow to sentience and pretty much have no match in the galaxy.....the engineers legacy, as cruel and vicious as it may seem.
I noticed the glass from the first time I watched the movie. I related it to the type of glass that contains the seeds from where David took to be introduced into the cup of liquor that he offered to Dr Holloway at billiard room. Glass blister container has the same shape and the same color. My theory is that a blister was accidentally broken and this gave the beginning of the end of the engineers that were projected by the holograms. It's my theory...
Definitely didn't notice that from trailer to theater... loose ends; that's what it smacks of to me... Sir Ridley rushing in every direction, switching screen writers and not tying up the loose ends. They could likely go back and make something up to tie it in now in hindsight, but I've got a feeling it's just one of those things that Scott left open ended to play with later, kind of like the Space Jockey in the original Alien film.
good theory if it was xenemorph dna it could tie into the upcoming film and how david is able to recreat new xenemorphs in his lab, interesting video with plenty to think on most appreciated sir.
What about this: Shaw and David get to said planet. Overtime, they work together and even interact with the Engineers. This prompts Shaw into giving herself to the engineers as a vessel. Thus, we get a new version of the Queen-Shaw mix.
I've always wondered what the green crystal was. I thought it to be some sort of lock or release for to the door with the mural on it/ possibly activates something else in that room. Hopefully it will be explained in part or more in Covenant.
What if the facility was originally built and controlled by the engineers who created life on earth and they were later supplanted by the militarised engineers? That would explain the religious symbols along side the weapons. It would also explain why the creator engineers left a star map for the facility.
I had no idea, it was switched out. I might of watched the trailer for Prometheus maybe twice.. Or thrice. Anyway. I wasn't even aware of this switch-a-roo. Good call.
guys, I'm aware of the TV spots, I was asleep when they dropped and unfortunately I have to work a twelve hour shift at my day job today so I will get to doing a video analysis on them, just after work! hope you enjoy this video though!
love the vids
+MA1N1AC _1O1 thanks buddy!
your quit welcome
Mr H Reviews I can tell you what it is. It's Kryptonite. The Engineers being multiversal had been in universes where Super Man came into power, sometimes the aliens would kill him and his people, sometimes in other universes Kryptons would win. more troubling was Kryptonmorphs, they were beyond too dangerous or controlable, especially when they evolved into kryptonmorph kings, queen mothers and so on. In some universes Zod and his people curb stomped the Engineers and took there technology, hence why in the new WB movie continuity the Krypton military were suits very similar to the Engineers. It was felt best, to keep kryptonite in sensitive areas, like were eggs or goo / royal jelly was kept to kill krypton intruders so they couldn't destroy there weapons AND to kill them so they wouldn't have a chance of accidently being infected, making ultrahyper dangerous kryptonmorphs. Also with the off chance they had to deal with the Kryptonmorph it was jopef it would have the same weaknesses as Kryptonians, sadly this was not the case... There only relef was that Krypton didn't exist in this universe, though ones universe hoping was still a possible danger after there own universe hoping tech was stolen from the Engineers.
+lancer737 lol
Wait...... Long extinct..... Trying to recreate it..... Dinosaurs.... Amber....
THEY WERE TRYING TO CREATE..... Xenomorph park!
+Domantas Miliauskas lol god no
Mr H Reviews its all starting to make sense....xenomorphs vs dinosaurs :3
Xenomorphs vs zombies vs dinosaurs vs hitler vs zombie dinosaurus vs jesus vs predators.
Life, uh..finds a way.
loch ness. That's not good enough, it's gotta be a Russian Nazi zombie dinosaur. With hacking skills.
The crystal containing vital information about the Xenomorph would be an interesting theory. I always thought that this rock must have significance because in the holograms of the black-goo outbreak, we see some engineers heading towards the head room, even though that room too is full of the black goo canisters. My guess is they were heading there because the green crystal or maybe something behind the mural was going to help them deal with the situation.
MrMartechi it has the anti life equation
or because it was one of the few places inside the temple with a door to lock the monster out. Ridley or one of the writers have said that's why but yeah could be deeper
That crystal is the holy grail to the Xenomorphs. Most likely containing queen DNA.
+Motherlover potentially! Great idea!
Motherlover of course , this could be a scene like in Jurassic park . The Crystal contains DNA fossilised in rock from the xenomorph home world and then engendered ! The plot Thickens
Motherlover its was planted by the one above all
very smart you are
Perhaps thats a door, and behind there is Ovamorphs or eggs.. Perhaps Xenomorph -facehugger eggs are already on board. It is a weapons R&D planet after all. That Green crystal has to represent something of importance. Also Ridley has to incorporate the Queen into his story somehow. In a trailer we see a Xenomorph watching David. David may have led a victim to the eggs to see what would become of that creature.
I stop watching another RUclips video to watch yours.
Now, the green crystal has been one of the biggest questions I had from Prometheus. I think it has something to do with the queen. I love hearing ppl theories the unanswered questions of Prometheus. Thanks for the video and keep up the good work!!!
haha thank you man! thats a massive compliment, id like to think i bring you guys good content, but thank you!
I was always more curious about what the Engineers were running from than what the temple was.
It's Tiberium!
+CommanderWookiecop C ooooo
CommanderWookiecop C obviously.
CommanderWookiecop C thats glorious glow
P Mason unobtanium is crap, Tiberium is cool.
I would hope it wouldn't be what it looks like.
Thanks Mr H, I've never read elsewhere about this ! Great find !
+Miguel H you're welcome!
That is a wild theory, man! I loved it. Keep up the tremendous work!
always a great way to finish my Sunday Evening/Monday Morning; with a Mr. H Reviews video. Keep up the superb work Mr. H!
+RagingRivoth Cooper thanks man :) appreciate all the support!
Mr H Reviews Your Very welcome.
good timing. I haven't been able to sleep tonight, needed a new vid!👌
I like your clear speaking Darth Vader like voice.
Chris Jordan lol thanks
***** not quite. But still a deep voice.
Kryptonite? Sorry,wrong movie.
+mrdaz68 lol
Not really, you guys got it all wrong. I know what it is.
What is it???@@RedFlagSaid
the front cover of the original alien film showed a face hugger egg with green light coming out from it
I am fairly sure the original Alien film displayed a chicken egg. That is something we have decided not to talk about.
Krypton confirmed
There's a scene in Prometheus when David opens one of the black chemical canisters on board the ship(before exposing Holloway to the chemical) and pulls out green glass like cylinders that contained the black chemical/goo within. So it is possible that the large crystal could've also contained something within. Though there wasn't much precaution in storing whatever the crystal possibly houses compared to the black chemical/goo.. Which is kept in multiple layers or safety barriers : First, the outer canister shell that looks to be metal, a goo like substance, then the glass cylinders containing the black chemical/goo and there are more than one of these glass cylinders within each of the canisters(I counted 4)- but could be wrong. The chemical can only be released or put to use once the top seal is broken off. There's a picture of what I'm talking about, But basically what I'm saying is there's a possible a connectivity with the crystal and the green glass cylinders.
You know...I've noticed that those ampules arranged as they are kinda look like a stylized glass Alien/Xenomorph egg that's opening.
Oooh I can see that too hmmm.
Now I'm just wondering if that purposeful imagery, or just a coincidence...
Anyway, I agree with your original point. That or it's some kind of data crystal housing the digital blueprint of the Xenomorph's DNA.
Keep up the analysis.
You've a keen insight on the probable.
It's why I subscribe.
This is why I love this channel. Theories are so good.
+John Reynolds :)
Yeah Xeno dna in from millions of years ago in their evolution - kinda like jurrasic park does with the amber rock for dino dna inside the entomobed mosquito..
d3nv1 holy crap I just wrote the same idea before I saw your post 😂
This something me and my friend have been discussing. Glad to see a video about the crystal
this video is a gem in itself,great job dude
I always thought it looked like a crystalline version of a xenomorph egg.
Kinda like it fossilized?
its the Time Stone....
time for a Avengers crossover!!
+Brandon Carroll lol
love your channel Mr h
thanks mr mode!
I feel the green crystal is a "foreshadowing" for something that ties in to later movies. Good theory Mr H.
Another awesome video from mr H ❤️
I know I did Not notice these changes at all. Until you have presented such. Interesting... Indeed.
I never noticed it but personally think its just visual, lol you have better ideas for things than the creators!
+Sean Kavanagh lol
Sean Kavanagh if you didn’t even notice it, then that means you’re unobservant. You provided zero insight. That’s like crashing into a pedestrian at 100mph and as you regain control of the car saying yeah I didn’t notice anything. It’s still massively significant lol
wow I did not notice that change, and the crystal better hold some significance since they changed it
They definately tried to recreate the form of the gods.
I never saw the cuneiform Sumerian texts on the bowl before.. it changes nothing but it is something I appreciate seeing.
can't wait for the next chapter
Prometheus is full of desperate inconsistencies, and this is a perfect example.
SpeedoJoe and thats why i fucking love it lmao
Chekhov's gun - "Remove everything that has no relevance to the story. If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there."
I gasped when you said "alien DNA".
Great video, really enjoyed this. I've always wondered about the green crystal. I always thought it was some sort of shrine.
+Magnus Bradley glad you liked it buddy :)
The green crystal was kryptonite to keep those pesky Kryptonians off the damn set!!!!!
the whole movie is a throwaway piece
" _One of the many questions, was, WHAT THE F- WAS RIDLEY SCOTT THINKING?!_ "
+Zeithri lol
Changes always has relevance. It is a way to leave a door open to explain future events. During writing and production, as scenes progress, they tend to recognize that certain things need to be explained and were not, so my making a change on the script/video footage, leave the door open for future explanation. That is my opinion.
Finally !!!! Nice vid dude !
Nothing is ever a throw away piece with Ridley Scott.
Thanks. I can't believe that people thought it was just an energy source.
Interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing them through this video. I still can'r help finding resemblance between the green "crystal" and the ampules David pulled out of the urn. They are both green and transparent. Although different in shape, I think the contents is the same. So to me the green crystal is just an ampule with a sample of the black goo or whatever was in the ampules. And the tomb , I believe, is not a tomb but rather a museum.
I could watch MR H allllll day long.
To be honest i just watched the ted talks part again and thought " it does look like there were two factions of engineers and possibly the engineers (who would represent prometheus) that took the black goo, used it to create life on earth. The engineers death at the start would mirror prometheus' torture by the gods and the reaction of the engineer they met at the end, would make more sense (the gods feared what man would do with the fire)"
Obviously the crystal is there because the engineers must construct additional pylons.
Awesome work Mr H..👍
+Mad One thanks man :)
I like prometheus and have seen it multiple times but i didn't even know there was a green crystal. Looking forward to watching it again and trying to spot it this time.
it makes sense the engineers would want to bring back the xeno. we'd love mammoths, Dodos and dinosaurs to come back
Every thing in Alien films is for shadowing for later films so I think it is a xenomorph dna crystal
Fortunately Ridley Scott is directing Covenant.
Despite the hate Prometheus got, I liked all the mystical elements, it would be neat if it turns out the temple on Paradise has more of these crystals, hopefully David can open some like he did with the goo canisters.
The crystal containing the DNA of the xenomorph makes a lot of sense. If they idea that the engineers threw off the yoke of their creators, who are what we would call spase jockeys, by using the Xenomorphs it makes sense that they would worship or revere the Xenomorph.
I'm getting a starcraft feel from all this.
Aliens playing the role of Zerg as the Engineers/Xelnaga weren't happy with their first creation. In this case Humans take the place of the protoss.
The Xenomorph DNA makes a lot of sence to me, it would explain how everything the goo touched became more and more like a Xenomorph and even all the things that the Good did in theFire And Stone comics.
Even all the life that the Goo created on the planet seemed to have biomechanical features like Xenomorphs.
almost looks like the crystal has grown out of the bowl.
Starlord us going to make an appearance at the end of Covenant and steal that sucker.
i love the comics, books, movies and games, as they provide interesting insight on these creatures of nightmares! i was thinking, what if this gem is a fossilized form of royal jelly? I know most don't like the expanded universe, but what if they were trying to create something similar to the queen mother? one more docile and easier to control? the gem does look like an egg and we know the queens are incredibly protective of their eggs, so it would make sense in a way, thanks for another great video!
My opinion is that at some point the filmmakers decided that the LV-223 Engineers would be a different faction from the Creator Engineers from the beginning of the film. Realizing that the presence of the ceremonial bowl in a revered setting might not make sense if they were an opposing group, they replaced it with the green crystal.
Whether or not the crystal will turn out to actually be anything of importance, I got no idea. This is just my thoughts for why they decided the bowl had to go.
Considering the lifecycle portrayal on the mural, maybe the green gem is storing the dna of a Queen?
The green stone is a fossilized/crystallized xeno egg
Reasons: 1. The green colour is very reminiscent of the green in the classic Alien movie poster featuring the egg.
2. When Kane visits the egg chamber in Alien, we see the eggs behave in a similar way to the canisters in big head room - sweating, esp sweating black goo like substance, and while there are no puddles of black goo in Kane's chamber, there is a real oily look about the chamber floor.
3. Point 2 means the xeno eggs could be the origin of the black goo and the fossilized green egg performs a religious function by representing the origins of the goo and its importance to the big white guys. The canisters can be seen as synthetic eggs, used to produce black goo. See Zoe's movie house below.
From the first time I watched Prometheus I thought the mural on the wall was of an Alien Queen and the green vial (you see as a crystal) contained pure Queen DNA. It was what the Engineers used to do their experiments. That's why I love to read other people's thoughts and feedback.
I believe the motion detectors picked up movement by the captain more than just a snake... we never get to see or know what exactly but there was something in that ship alive
It's not a gem, it's a mineral.
The contents of the bowl the engineer drank from, apart from a black fluid, also contained a crystal like structure.
Those are one and the same.
It could be used as a stabilizer or power supply.
Well Done, OLE Chap, Bravo. DNA and a catalyst. Their technology is similar to Kryptonian science that created Superman
Comics Plus Of Macon
the engineers were trying to recreate the xenomorph and we came out instead so they see us as a mistake and David continued their research and created the xenomorph
This is a reference of the Emerald Tablet who contain all secrets and how create philosopher's stone from The Hermetic society. The Stone exist, but you know were to find it or not potter?
good video man, interesting stuff
I never spotted this. Your explanation makes the most sense though.
the buzz around this is crazy. cryo till may.
+Ste Sherris lol yes!
i was looking at the cave paintings again in prometheus. i assumed the being pointing at the moons was a human, then an engineer. but now looking at it, its arms look longer than a human (+engineer?) now looking at the latest photos depicting when david releases the black goo, if you look at the beings, their arms are longer too. are the paintings of a being yet to be introduced to us? the speculation after cinema con RUMOURS of a new human like being? u think these exist??(other than engineers)
When I first seen the crystal I thought it was an Alien egg right away
Surely, I've always thought, that the whole room is a recipe, an instruction manual. The large stone head is clearly human or engineer, the tanks of the black liquid are the catalyst, and the mural on the door is the end product, human + alien goo = xenomorph
Because it seems like the crystal is some sort of offering at an alter, it could be concluded that the crystal itself has some sort of value or significance to the engineer's culture or way of life. In chemistry, rarity does not necessarily correlate to value. So, I think that the green crystal might be some element or compound that the engineers have based their entire technology on and could possibly be a precursor to manufacturing the black goo itself.
sometimes i think why did they had to change the original script for promethious
I did not notice the difference between the trailer and the film, but I just re-watched Prometheus and had the same thought about the green crystal; gotta be xenomorph DNA.
I thinks it might have something to do with the creation of the Xenomorph like the bowl that was drank from in the beginning of Prometheus. Hence why they put the bowl on the shrine as an artifact to be worshipped or admired since the bowl and its contents is what started human life and initiated it and then later maybe with the same idea they changed it to a green crystal in reverence of the creation of the Xenomorph. The enery source in that could be the driving force behind the black goo and the ulitmate creation of the Xenomorph.
Such a cool voice!!
+Gary Bates thank you
What if the crystal contained the antidote to the black goo, hence why the bodies were piled up outside the chamber trying to get in? Green life beats black death?
Considering that a fantastic number of terabytes can be stored in quartz crystal I'm thinking it's far more than just the dna that's stored in it. Perhaps the entire history of the subject and perhaps more items related to the xenomorphs. That was my initial thought when I saw it with all that was going on around it. And I'd say it's in a well protected place too.
I was thinkin very similar man that the green gem houses the pure DNA codes for the Xeno and further might be a sort of hard drive like Kryptons crystals for data storage and it contains the entire history of the Xeno itself
Hey I was thinking, maybe the destroyers faction of the engineers was trying to stop the creators from making an actual xenomorph that’s why the base at LV-223 was abandoned/destroyed. Or maybe it was the other way around. In the movie it is suggested that the engineers left on LV-223 were planning to travel to Earth with the black goo. Maybe they were trying to make the perfect organism which the xenomorph is. The “alien” creature was their end game and the human race was an essential part or a milestone in achieving this, some sort of experiment of the engineers to create xenomorph organism. It would explain why the engineer tried to kill the humans that came to LV-223. Or maybe the last engineer was just from the opposing faction that tried to destroy the creators
work.Hey i was thinking, maybe the destroyers faction of the engeeners was
trying to stop the creators from making an actual xenomorph thats why the base
at LV-223 was abandoned/destroyed and maybe this is why the last engeener tryed
to kill the humans.Hey i was thinking, maybe the destroyers faction
of the engeeners was trying to stop the creators from making an actual
xenomorph thats why the base at LV-223 was abandoned/destroyed and maybe this
is why the last engeener tryed to kill the humans.Hey i was thinking,
maybe the destroyers faction of the engeeners was trying to stop the creators
from making an actual xenomorph thats why the base at LV-223 was
abandoned/destroyed and maybe this is why the last engeener tryed to kill
the humans.
Sadly I suspect this is one of many artifacts of the producer's telling Scott that Prometheus wasn't going to be an aliens prequel after all. Though that still begs the same question.
its a throw away piece
I think the engineers are just merely meant to seem egyptian like, old world with high technology, statues, obelisks, pictures depicting things, etc. Everything about their creations were ornate and functional. It's all meant to be mysterious. We have to come back to the real world and realize that most of the time, writers/producers/directors are telling the underlings "give me something cool to look at".
A lot of people see the alien in the mural, but there's actually more going on in it though. It appears as if the alien itself is bound, and there is a representation of a set of seemingly smooth gemstones set in something above it. You can see that the aliens arms seem bound, but there is a lot more going on with the sides of the alien. It's hard to say if that's a depiction, or an ornate representation, you see these kind of large claw like hooks on either side and other things around its head.
For all we know, it's possible that the black goo is designed to succeed the engineers by basically taking all their knowledge and creating extreme evolution, a new ultra hardy creature, that could eventually grow to sentience and pretty much have no match in the galaxy.....the engineers legacy, as cruel and vicious as it may seem.
I noticed the glass from the first time I watched the movie. I related it to the type of glass that contains the seeds from where David took to be introduced into the cup of liquor that he offered to Dr Holloway at billiard room. Glass blister container has the same shape and the same color. My theory is that a blister was accidentally broken and this gave the beginning of the end of the engineers that were projected by the holograms. It's my theory...
with your voice, it would be a viral hit to read call of cuthulu as an audio book,
and remake the war of the worlds radio show
maybe they are trying to stop superman from ever discovering the place lmao
The green crystal is Kryptonite, a radioactive isotope that can weaken a Krytonian, like Superman.
Definitely didn't notice that from trailer to theater... loose ends; that's what it smacks of to me... Sir Ridley rushing in every direction, switching screen writers and not tying up the loose ends. They could likely go back and make something up to tie it in now in hindsight, but I've got a feeling it's just one of those things that Scott left open ended to play with later, kind of like the Space Jockey in the original Alien film.
I believe it's simply a relic.
good theory if it was xenemorph dna it could tie into the upcoming film and how david is able to recreat new xenemorphs in his lab, interesting video with plenty to think on most appreciated sir.
I think the green crystal its only used as a energy source, as we can see when the engineer awakes and take controls of the spaceship
Love your voice.
...and I shall shed my light over dark evil.
For the dark things cannot stand the light,
The light of the Green Lantern!
What about this: Shaw and David get to said planet. Overtime, they work together and even interact with the Engineers. This prompts Shaw into giving herself to the engineers as a vessel. Thus, we get a new version of the Queen-Shaw mix.
I've always wondered what the green crystal was. I thought it to be some sort of lock or release for to the door with the mural on it/ possibly activates something else in that room. Hopefully it will be explained in part or more in Covenant.
good idea to think that xenomorph was not created by the engineers
+Say Khoon Giam I don't think they created the xeno, too convenient
hmm i wonder what's everyone's take on this. well time to read their theories!
lol always some good theories in the comments :)
yep Mr H Reviews 😁, well take care in your job time.
What if the facility was originally built and controlled by the engineers who created life on earth and they were later supplanted by the militarised engineers?
That would explain the religious symbols along side the weapons. It would also explain why the creator engineers left a star map for the facility.
I had no idea, it was switched out. I might of watched the trailer for Prometheus maybe twice.. Or thrice. Anyway. I wasn't even aware of this switch-a-roo. Good call.
Superman could tell you what that green crystal is but he'd probably have to kill you.