I just completed the E ending, and just the fact that I was able to see the words of encouragement of players around the world and not to mention a player who sacrificed his or her data to help me beat the credit shoot out, I gladly will consider this game a must have (not only for the music but just how amazing this game can truly be).
Me too... I'll never forget you, KrunkDawggy, whoever the hell and wherever the hell you are. I'm pretty sure the other few were either Japanese names I could barely read or Anonymous, so KrunkDawggy is the only one I remember. And, I mean, c'mon. That name is amazing in a kinda dumb way.
Players who sacrificed their data to help other players won't be known by everyone. Pod has reminded this. And you too, if you sacrificed for someone else, you are not remembered. This game is really meaningful.
After seeing so many people support me during that ending, seeing words of encouragement when there is an option to say negative things, and watching as each time I took damage, their data was lost, literally moved me to tears as I completed it. I then quickly did the exact same thing and sacrificed my data to help someone as they’ve helped me. Now I gotta start again, but in all honesty? I’d do it again. In fact, I just might.
This game will always have a special place in my heart, no matter how heartbreaking the memories are. To love a game, no matter what it is, is what I believe makes a game special. May they find peace within the cruel world they find themselves in.
Melchizedek Phuah Siow Jin i havent played automata yet, i just got a ps4 so i cant really speak for it yet, but if we are talking games that made a impact on me, nothing has come close to touching me in the way Metal Gear Solid 3 has. Dispite the series overall flaws MGS3 stands as the best of them all only slightly beating out the original MGS.( MGS didnt age too well)
Melchizedek Phuah Siow Jin soo after commenting this i bought automata. And in the 3 days i had off of work i beat it. I got endings a-g. I loved it. It was a lot to take in but its resonated with me in ways most games never will. Im still trying to unpack it all. Thank you for giving me the little push i needed to take the jump and play it.
Man the english sountrack is far worse imo, really don't get why they even translated the lyrics on certain OSTs. Become as gods in japanese fits way better.
Honestly... I feel so coldhearted right now when I a week ago decided to just walk out on Pascal. But I was left with a situation where I'd be the one to remove Pascal. If the game wanted to take Pascal away from the world in front of my eyes it should have done so on it's own. Not make me do it! D=
The original Nier left me feeling depressed and emotionally empty after receiving 100% completion for several months after having finished it. I avoided buying Automata for a few months because I was somehow convinced that it wouldn't live up to the expectations the first game set up for me, but BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY WAS I WRONG. The feels came back tenfold!
Wait, it did for you? I held off on buying the game. When I finally did, I got a game that I found ultimately forgettable. I’m not sure why this game is so loved. But it did a lot of good for platinum games and Yoko Taro so I guess it’s a good thing.
I know this channel has been inactive for quite some time but I needed to comment. Thank you Val. This video is one of the biggest reasons I played Nier Automata. And this game saved me, means so much to me and led me into playing so many other important and influential games in my life. This video and your other videos mean so much to me still. Currently getting into Atelier series too which I know was/is one of your favorites as well. Thank you.
Automata was my GOTY, in 2021, when I played it for the 1st time during the pandemic. And I’m sure it’ll be somebody else’s GOTY this year, and also in 2027, 2030 and so on… for this game is already a classic. A masterpiece.
+gendgree 2 Hehe. Little did you know that ending E is also not a happy ending. The game briefly shows you a happy looking scene but it tricks you into thinking it's a good ending. The game does not reveal what happens AFTER that moment. It is heart breaking what comes after. I won't spoil it here though. There is no truly happy ending and I'm fine with that. It's such a beautiful story.
@@JaseAmoxin I'd assume they're talking about the Japanese NieR: Automata concert dialogue. The voice actors of 9s and 2b have actually made a youtube video where they read a translation in their characters' voices, you should check it out. It's really good.
well there is game caled " I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" its old game based on writer Harlan Ellison 1967 Strangely plot is almoust the same, might be yoko Taro lended some ideas )))))
Remember buying the game on a whim, knowing fuck all about and thought the gameplay was cool enough to give it a shot. Loved the game. And then I got to Emil... Knowing nothing, my jaw droped. Thinking: "Oh god! Are those heads in all of them. Oh god, the robots are people! I've been killing people this whole time!". That was the point where I needed to find out what the fuck is going on or I won't be able to sleep at night. And in my research, I found you and Clemps.... You guys opened my eyes to the horrifying and beautiful works of that spicy boi, Yoko Taro.... I thank you for this. And the sleepless nights I have had ever since... Here's for another great year!
@@ThatGuyNikolas it’s a pretty depressing plot point but also a genius one, when you figure out your basically killing humans it gets you so much more involved and you feel so much worse
@@Law10205 wait, are you talking about Nier:Replicant? Or Nier:Automata? Cuz I'm talking about Automata. And although I was wrong. It got my theory brain into high gear.
No game in 2017 has touched me as much as Automata has. It's brilliant in just how many emotions it can evoke during play, and weeks and months after you finish. That familiar feeling of awe, but also the depression you feel after playing a game that really affects you on a deeper level. The story alone made it my GOTY, but the brilliant soundtrack (rip steam awards) and fun gameplay certainly support it. Also, it has 9S like seriously how can people not love this game ;-;
Kazuhi Skaro it does not mean you love less of things that it becomes more authentic. The point is loving the moments which inspired you, and the ideas which elated your interest and your being through this medium or instance. So we cant say habing less of loving things means its less authentic, since it defeats the person's on-going feelings of everyday learning and experience that makes us who, in the end, we are. And with that, the experience we gain, promotes our own.
However, they probably don't love everything for the same reasons. It's worth delving into wide range of what you love to hi light what makes each individual love special.
all I say to people is it's the most unique game I've ever played and when they ask me what's it about I say "you're an android made by humans to fight machines made by aliens!" because I don't want to spoil anything , I want them to go through what I went through but also when say that they only respond with: "wtf?!"
+deadsea2004 Oh yeah. It's infuriating dealing with narrow minded people. Little did they know how much LIFE they are missing out. At least we get to enjoy far more than they ever will in our lifes. In the end we will get the smile while they will continue to stay angry and sad.
@@deadsea2004 Weeb game won't touch with 1 foot pole. Ok I am just kidding. I am more open minded than that. I don't watch anime, but I have decided to give this game a shot.
I bought this a year ago. Played for about 40hrs, then set it down. Left it for about eight months and then put another 50hrs in. Just finished all the achievements and completed ending E. Genuinely one of the most memorable and inventive games I have ever played. Full of heart, humour, despair, longing, hope...all brought together with fantastic gameplay and an incredible soundtrack. I've only recommended it to a couple of people as I know most just won't get what it's trying to do, or stick with it long enough to find out. I love it. Astoundingly I feel this way and It was the first nier game I played. I watched the video on Emil and my heart nearly imploded.
A friend recommended me Nier: Automata. But I so much wish I played the Drakengard series and Nier: Replicant before it. I feel it would've made the experience of Nier: Automata so much better. Though I guess it can't be helped since I didn't even know Drakengard existed until I came to your channel, unfortunately. So thank you for sharing your love with your audience as it opened me to an entire new world that Yoko Taro has created.
+Believe In Steven That's EXACTLY why I forced my friends to watch all the Drakengard 1,2,3 THE MOVIE videos and watch a SPECIFIC Let's Play of the entire NieR: Gestalt game, created by Super Best Friends Play AKA Thesw1tcher as they were called before. They play through the entire game, all the endings and explains things the game doesn't tell you in detail. They were obviously against spending that much time on one game but I forced them. I fucking told them, they have ONE CHANCE to go through an amazing experience they have never experienced before and never will again. What happened was, they did exactly what I said and guess what happened? They LOVED EVERYTHING. They freaked out when playing NieR: Automata. It's so extremely good.
@@ReachStudioPro I'm a soul in the camp of believing that NieR:Automata is best experienced as being the first game in the series you play, and then playing replicant. And then replaying automata again. In automata as a first timer to the NieR series, the world and characters seem so much more mysterious, other worldly yet familiar. It makes the game feel so lonely and alienating to the player, but a very comforting experience at the same time. Then when you replay it after having played replicant, you get to readjust your perspective and knowledge of Automata. You get to understand the history of the world you're roaming around in. You understand certain characters more. You also get to think about certain dead characters from replicant and how they've been gone for thousands of years now. You get to reflect on all the events of the first game and come to experience those events effects on the world in Automata. In other words, going into automata first means everything is a fresh experience and a great surprise. And then replaying it after playing replicant feels like rediscovering and uncovering things. Nobody would understand emil or why he's SO IMPORTANT in automata despite being just a vendor and a secret boss with a cool sidequest. But once you've played replicant you get to go "now I understand his pain and who he is". So overall I'm saying it's amazing to have a fresh, untouched experience with automata as your first NieR game, and then have that experience live along side the experience of knowing what someone who played replicant first would know.
I love this game. And your diction is fine. :D If it wasnt for your channel theres a good chance I'd have passed on NieR Automata. Thank you, a million times . "This my game of the year, and that's all that matters" perfectly sums up my feelings on the game, and VGAs in general.
You really hit the nail in the head for me. What you said towards the end of your vid was exactly what I needed to hear. After finishing it and agonizing and loving and all-of-the-above that I'm sure everyone experienced, I was trying real hard to get some of my friends to play it bc I had no one to talk to or relate with about the game. But, you're right. I shouldn't try to force it on them bc it prolly won't end up having the same effect. I'll just cherish it myself and relate with you all, my online family, instead.
2017 was a great year for gaming. So many great games were released. But while I had a great time with many games, NieR was on a completely different level and stands out as my GotY. There is a reason why a lot of people get post NieR depression after completing ending E. While NieR isn't going to get wide spread recognition on the levels of a game like Horizon I think that for those that have truly enjoyed NieR will be content with knowing that they were able to experience something so special. NieR for me has changed my outlook on games and how they can impact the player, it is my benchmark for how fullfilling a gaming experience can be.
Nicely said. For me it was actually the game of my life. So far I have never played the game as deep as Automata and I love every single aspect of it. Thanks to it I discovered the Nier/Drakengard serie, which was pretty complicated at first but you made it easy to understand, for which I'm really thankfull. Good luck in 2018, hope you'll get even more subscribers, you really deserve it.
I died inside a little after I equipped the flower 6O was talking about and went to the Bunker to talk to her - then I realised the game did not have anything prepared for me.
It's nice to see someone apreciate this game so much, I never tought a game should reach such depth in history that make me care for it characters/story more than gameplay...Hell even tears still burn in my eyes when I hear almost any song of this game.
I really loved Nier: Automata and bought it as an xmas gift for my friend, though I got disappointed that he only got the first ending and then proceeded to watch the rest of the endings on youtube... I guess I expected too much from him, considering he's the type of the guy who skips side quests and only does the main quests in games.
just wanted to say that your approach to game appreciation and analysis is refreshing and really resonates with me. popular recognition and whether a game is "perfect" or not shouldn't influence how we personally value games we find meaningful. experiences with games are very individual and vary greatly from person to person, depending on so many factors. whether one game is "better" than another matters far less than what it makes the people playing them think and feel. i don't know how to describe it exactly, but sometimes i feel there's a sentiment in the gaming community that games should aim for some kind of uniform "perfection" that will somehow make them universally entertaining. it's something i see less in movie, book, etc. communities, which tend to value difference and uniqueness a bit more. anyways, i really appreciate your gushing about the weird stuff that means a lot to you
After my original play through I was planning on getting the platinum trophy…Then I found out that theres a shop in the game that lets you buy each trophy besides getting endings A-E. I was shocked with the real feeling of “they really did that?!”
Couldn't have said it better myself. A good game is one that sticks with you, and I think I'm going to remember Automata for the longest of times. Always pleased to hear another happy person gushing and rambling about this game :)
I played the demo wasnt a fan of the game at first til one of my youtubers recommended it for Kingdom Hearts fans.After buying it in April during a sale,I became HOOKED and had to know more about this world and its people.With your lore summary,it expanded my scope of the series TENfold and then proceeded to watch all cutscenes from Drakengard1,2,3 to NieR. Very glad i found your channel.Hope to see more!
I speak Portuguese and I'm learning English. Because of Nier Automata and the beautiful voice of Sophie commenting on the game, learning English becomes a pleasure. Thank you Sophie for all your videos, especially the videos subtitled in English!
Thank you for this video and all of your Nier content because ever since I got through the whole game, your videos have illuminated the Nier and Drakengard world to me and I cannot thank you enough for your wonderfully informative and soothing explanations! And props to you for also emphasizing that liking Automata is subjective and shouldn’t have to be judged for mass appeal awards.
I completely love your videos. Since I wanted to understand Automata better I actually played NieR and NieR automata last year for the first time and had a great time and your videos make them even better.
Uploaded on my birthday. I agree with alot of what you are saying. I got the game because 2booty but what I got out of it was such a compelling story and themes upon themes that stuck with me that I tried to push this game on anyone who asked. Everyone experiences everything differently, so rarely did I get the same response I had towards this game than a friend did. This game has it's flaws, but it's not held down by them and the overall message still hits home despite them. The (E)motions I felt blasting orbs and listening to probably the best Ost in recent gaming were so overwhelming, I felt compelled to erase it all. Tru I havent gone back to 100% the game yet, but the game is so enjoyable that I still want to. Ugh im rambling but I just wanted to say these things. Thank you automata and thanks you aurora. Congrats on 50k!
lol, I thought of MGS too when you started talking about the exposition-heavy "genius". I love MGS, but it's not because its writing is good, it's because it's interesting. The storytelling is good, the details are good, but the way Kojima writes is pretty bad and mostly made up after the fact. So he has to go back and retcon details or explain how it supposedly makes sense. I'm sure Yoko Taro and his writing team have this same problem here and there, I'm not suggesting he's perfect, but at the same time, from all I've seen up until this point, he's at least working to make a cohesive and explainable story. He doesn't leave that many plot holes, he always seems to try and give players an answer, even if that means they have to go outside of the games to find said answer. I like that. It makes the world feel like it's actually real. Sure, not every confusing detail is going to have an answer in the real world, and there are some details that don't make sense in Nier and Nier: Automata, but you can clearly see the work that went into convincing the player that it all makes sense and fits together over how Hideo Kojima does with MGS, where he just leaves giant gaping plot holes and confusion in his wake. And I'm a big MGS fan. I can't think of a single title in the series I didn't like except maybe Revengeance, which to be fair isn't really MGS like the other games are and it was mostly because I hated the gameplay and couldn't get into it.
I watched your first video while waiting for automata to download. I "got into" nier via... a guy who sat next to me in band. Every week he'd sit next to me and tell me about this weird game called NieR Gestalt. Years later, Automata went on sale and that high school memory resurfaced. But I never expected how deeply it would impact me after playing it. How I would seek out the older games, read all the novellas and side material for myself, even writing fanfiction and roleplays for the characters in tribute. NieR Automata continues to touch my heart and continues to fascinate me to this day, closing in on two years later. Heck, I even swapped out a literature elective for a philosophy one for my fine art credit in college BECAUSE of NieR. (the class is super fun) it's definitely become a strangely big part of my life.
So glad I discovered your channel. I played through NieR: Automata before Christmas and you really enhanced my overall enjoyment of the game by explaining the rich lore in these games. Thank you so much for this!
I just finished Nier Automata and i didnt cry or anything but the game left me with multiple feelings of hope and philosophical thoughts that i wouldnt have gotten if i hadn't played it. it was my first yoko taro game and im glad i had this unique experience
Your first video is what took me off the fence and into the storm of Yoko Taros work. Probably wouldn't of even given Automata a serious look without you and Clemps. Thanks for sharing your experience and understanding of the series. Here's to Peace, Happiness, Love and C A S U A L E X I S T E N T I A L D R E A D in 2018
I will say, I played the first nier and I enjoyed it, but I kinda forgot about it afterwards. When Automata came out, I bought it, and soon after I saw your video summarizing the plot up until this point. This game is my personal game of the year, and also the reason I found your channel.
I love your passion for the Nier series. It was mainly because of your lore summery video that I picked up Nier: Automata. I've never played the older titles, but I've always had a small interest in the series. My main problems with Nier: Automata lie within its combat and balancing issues, but I was still able to look past those issues and really enjoy the characters, lore, story and side-quests. Actually the side-quests in Nier were some of my favorite I have played in any videogame. The side-quests are deep and interesting which you don't really get a lot of the time. Mostly because lots of developers use them as filler instead of actually taking the time to make them interesting and thought provoking. Nier is without a doubt one of those games that I will never forget. The story and lore left there mark on me and for that I am grateful. People like yourself are what make the gaming community so great. You share your love for a game with true passion and explain it in a way that entices people to at least give those games a try, and for that I commend you greatly, Valkyrie. I'm eager to see what game kindles your soul this year. Keep up the great work and I wish you the best in your future endeavors!
This was a well-said tribute to the game. I've gotten endings A, B, and C but I also intend on getting D and E eventually. It's easily one of my favorites from 2017.
I subscribed cuz you saved me the hassle of playing the drakengards and Nier, I love that the beautiful, deep and very human story doesn't get effected by how deep you are in the series.
Personally, my favorite game of all time. From the characters and story, to the music and settings, this game gave me 100% satisfaction. Thank you for all of your content, and keep up the awesome work.
It easily became my favorite game ever! The attention to detail from the creators is amazing! The gameplay, the story, the world-building and the godly soundtrack. It just hit the right spot for me in so many ways!
This video is the reason why I decided to play. And when I did...I felt like I was finally home mentally and emotionally. I think this is the second game in the world I will never stop playing. Also I am now subscribing to you and notification bell.
One thing I loved is it always felt like the Devs respected my time while having a lot of things to do on the side if you want more that actually add to the world building
Subscribed because I 100% agree, good to know so many others see this game the way I do. Nier series is truly a Masterpiece. Love your content too, nicely done!
Ho Lee Phuk, Idk how to word this comment. I felt like I grew as a person by watching this video, it was informative and open minded. I loved your narrative babbling, especially the conclusion right before the outro. The way I view Nier: Automata, my favorite games, and games I recommend people will be forever changed. This comment feels over the top, so I'll end it with... You're not bad at making these types of videos, and I'll gladly await more content from you in the future.
This game just touched me so much. I'm so grateful to everythings that happened to deliver this piece of art exactly as it was. The philosophy, dialogue, music, art, story. I s2g at one point this game gave me an existential crisis. Words just fall short man...
Only just started playing (I know, late to the party), but one of my favorite little details that they didn't need to do were all the different animations for 2B to return to neutral stance when using the spear (I specify 2B only because I haven't finished playthrough 1 yet so I haven't seen the other characters' animations). Almost every single attack in every combo (both light and heavy) has a different return-to-neutral flourish if you don't press anything after the attack.
I got NieR: Automata before even knowing the story of drakengaurd, and i knew of NieR, but never played any of it.. I was instantly hooked on the story and philosophy.. Found your channel explaining the lore.. And just. Whoa. Instant hook.. Ive since played NieR and watched clips of the story from Drakengaurd and Automata has become a huge moment for my life with games.
honestly ive never played any of the games. But i stumbled upon your videos a while ago! And after watching the entire lore summary you made i got so invested into them! I am honestly so thankful for the story videos you made because i at first didnt get the story at all. Now im really considering playing all of the games! Thank you so much for making them ~
I just finished Nier Automata tonight and while my thoughts are still solidifying, I'm confident in saying that I absolutely loved it. Speaking broadly (so as not to spoil), this game managed to resonate with me emotionally in a way few media manage and is going to stay in the back of my mind for a long time to come. You're absolutely right; you get what to put in to this game. I love that it leaves it's deeper world building to the agency of the player and even subverted my expectations a couple of times. Overall I'm highly impressed. On a related tangent: I'm looking forward to checking out the rest of your N:A videos without having to fear for spoilers. Don't let me down, _Nier lore chick_ 😜.
I've been subscribed to you for a while now, and I'm honestly not surprised you've grown so quickly. There's nothing better than a content creator that actually seems to genuinely love what they're talking about and what they're doing. Hope this year goes great for you!
This game is so cathartic and your videos on it are equally relaxing. Seriously, somedays the de-stressing value of your channel I find... invaluable. Lol
You have a natural talent for narration and building rapport with your listeners. Also, You have my taste in games. Plz keep making content. You’ve got a new sub.
I'm not a gamer but I REALLY LOVE NIER:AUTOMATA. I've stumbled upon this because of 2b's super cute outfit that I got curious and searched about who she is. Then I discovered there's this really intriguing story about the game she belongs to. I've been looking for a summary of the story but I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF IT. And I REALLY LOVE your reviews about the game that I've even watched the drakengard vids just so I could understand it better. So THANK YOU SO MUCH! I SUPER DUPER AGREE that Automata is unique and should be treasured as it is, whether it is awarded or not. Doesn't matter. It is GREAT and would remain that way. Thanks again and more powers to you!
This video and just your channel in general are a blessing. You show your love and appreciation for a game/franchise without belittling those who don't like it or haven't played it. My love of Yoko Taro's work has become even stronger because of content like this, so I hope you keep making these videos
Im glad there are people/Gamers like you that truly appreciate the beauty of gaming. Nier along with Persona 5 are 2 of the most beautiful games ever made in our generation and to me it was my game of the year. Playing this game was a pleasure and i thank the team that gave us Nier. Keep up the good work Valkyrie! You earn a new Sub. FYI Please play Persona 5 if you haven’t.
I am not a person who often comments on videos but I am glad I found your channel because it made me find automata and the whole universe behind it and I know its not the happiest story ever I honestly could become to love it because of you and your videos so thank you so much, you always do such an amazing job 💖😊
I initially spoiled this game to myself. When it first came out I didn't have access to play this game. Just this year I finally got the chance to play it and I can honestly admit that even with the hours of videos I watched explaining the details of the world and lore everything in this game felt new to me. As a game with complex philosophical ideals intermixed with a fun and engaging story and very fun gameplay I could not agree more with your assessments and honestly this one of the few games I will admit is worth it's full cost. I played through all the main story endings and still I am desperate to play this game and learn more and explore more. To you Sophie I want to say thank you for the videos you have made regarding the Drakenier series it really has helped to being it all together and makes me interested to play past games. . . (though I secretly hope they re-release them with some better gameplay). Keep up the good work.
I love Nier :Automata because it has the most number of times and has the longest total time I've spent looking at a game screen, bewildered, either due to something that happened or a choice I was given. And to this day, I'm still not 100% sure how I feel about Emil's Determination. This is a game that has the ability to cause all possible kinds of tears: happy, sad and "calm down, you don't _actually_ want to hurl your controller through the TV, that'd be expensive to fix" anger.
your videos helped me make the choice to buy this game. It gave me more feels then any game ever has. I cant wait for more content I cant get enough i so hope they remake the first nier for pc
"Keep the game close to YoRHart"
I can't be the only one, right?
I'll let that pass...
No, you've got to keep it Nier YoRHardt
"If history forgets NieR: Automata, then fuck history."
- Jim Sterling, 2017
Misericordia gives a 9
Just to show what Jim considers a 10
Too bad Sterling has absolute trash takes on everything else, especially his Sonic 4 review
is 2B"s second name History?
Why am I crying over these videos being back on the channel I know you'll never see this but thank you Val
9S has good bone structure.
KZ do androids have bones?
Bitesize Kitten no
Actually they do. Synthetic bones, but bones nonetheless, as well as synthetic flesh and skin.
Jackson Joestar there we go. I was looking for an interesting answer haha
Happy to see KZ here 😁 now I just need to see Nico b here lol
I just completed the E ending, and just the fact that I was able to see the words of encouragement of players around the world and not to mention a player who sacrificed his or her data to help me beat the credit shoot out, I gladly will consider this game a must have (not only for the music but just how amazing this game can truly be).
Me too... I'll never forget you, KrunkDawggy, whoever the hell and wherever the hell you are. I'm pretty sure the other few were either Japanese names I could barely read or Anonymous, so KrunkDawggy is the only one I remember. And, I mean, c'mon. That name is amazing in a kinda dumb way.
Players who sacrificed their data to help other players won't be known by everyone. Pod has reminded this. And you too, if you sacrificed for someone else, you are not remembered.
This game is really meaningful.
After seeing so many people support me during that ending, seeing words of encouragement when there is an option to say negative things, and watching as each time I took damage, their data was lost, literally moved me to tears as I completed it. I then quickly did the exact same thing and sacrificed my data to help someone as they’ve helped me. Now I gotta start again, but in all honesty?
I’d do it again.
In fact, I just might.
NieR: Automata was also game of the year 2017 for me but more importantly, it has been the game that had the most impact on me up to now for me.
i totally agree
This game will always have a special place in my heart, no matter how heartbreaking the memories are. To love a game, no matter what it is, is what I believe makes a game special. May they find peace within the cruel world they find themselves in.
Melchizedek Phuah Siow Jin i havent played automata yet, i just got a ps4 so i cant really speak for it yet, but if we are talking games that made a impact on me, nothing has come close to touching me in the way Metal Gear Solid 3 has. Dispite the series overall flaws MGS3 stands as the best of them all only slightly beating out the original MGS.( MGS didnt age too well)
Dylan Langley Play NieR: Automata with an open heart and mind and try to go in blind and stick with it. Enjoy yourself.
Melchizedek Phuah Siow Jin soo after commenting this i bought automata. And in the 3 days i had off of work i beat it. I got endings a-g. I loved it. It was a lot to take in but its resonated with me in ways most games never will. Im still trying to unpack it all. Thank you for giving me the little push i needed to take the jump and play it.
I love Automata because we get to *B E C O M E A S G O D S*
James Atkins *B E C O M E A S S G O D S*
This cannot continue.
@@fikrietaswin8923 lol
That part terrified me lol
Man the english sountrack is far worse imo, really don't get why they even translated the lyrics on certain OSTs. Become as gods in japanese fits way better.
Why I love Nier: Automata? Because I hated my soul, and yoko taro completely destroyed it!
i cried like a little girl when i saw what happened to pascal!
"you want to buy pieces of machine?"
dude!!! dont make me cry!!!!
"I guess she didn't want to be attached to someone she had to kill again and again, again~"
@ValkyrieAurora But GOTY is zelda... zelda...
Honestly... I feel so coldhearted right now when I a week ago decided to just walk out on Pascal.
But I was left with a situation where I'd be the one to remove Pascal. If the game wanted to take Pascal away from the world in front of my eyes it should have done so on it's own. Not make me do it! D=
The original Nier left me feeling depressed and emotionally empty after receiving 100% completion for several months after having finished it.
I avoided buying Automata for a few months because I was somehow convinced that it wouldn't live up to the expectations the first game set up for me, but BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY WAS I WRONG.
The feels came back tenfold!
Michael Sorbello: Horror Stories Oh hell yea man the feels hit hard in automata
i went through a similar experience :D
Wait, it did for you? I held off on buying the game. When I finally did, I got a game that I found ultimately forgettable. I’m not sure why this game is so loved. But it did a lot of good for platinum games and Yoko Taro so I guess it’s a good thing.
My personal game of the year, I loved your nier content. Thanks for it all!
I know this channel has been inactive for quite some time but I needed to comment. Thank you Val. This video is one of the biggest reasons I played Nier Automata. And this game saved me, means so much to me and led me into playing so many other important and influential games in my life.
This video and your other videos mean so much to me still. Currently getting into Atelier series too which I know was/is one of your favorites as well. Thank you.
NieR: Automata is definitely one of the best games I've ever played :)
Automata was my GOTY, in 2021, when I played it for the 1st time during the pandemic. And I’m sure it’ll be somebody else’s GOTY this year, and also in 2027, 2030 and so on… for this game is already a classic. A masterpiece.
GOTY for me now in 2023.
Nier automata taught me that no matter what happens, life sucks cause of 3 endings until you get Ending e and that 9s is best boi
+gendgree 2 Hehe. Little did you know that ending E is also not a happy ending. The game briefly shows you a happy looking scene but it tricks you into thinking it's a good ending. The game does not reveal what happens AFTER that moment. It is heart breaking what comes after. I won't spoil it here though. There is no truly happy ending and I'm fine with that. It's such a beautiful story.
@@ReachStudioPro What you're referring to is not cannon. In fact it reads like awful fan-fiction.
@@acrobatickebab5949 What is it that they're referring to?
@@JaseAmoxin I'd assume they're talking about the Japanese NieR: Automata concert dialogue.
The voice actors of 9s and 2b have actually made a youtube video where they read a translation in their characters' voices, you should check it out. It's really good.
I love Nier the gameplay,music,characters and everything in general right down to the voice actors.This game is true gold in my eyes.
well there is game caled " I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" its old game based on writer Harlan Ellison 1967 Strangely plot is almoust the same, might be yoko Taro lended some ideas )))))
Remember buying the game on a whim, knowing fuck all about and thought the gameplay was cool enough to give it a shot. Loved the game. And then I got to Emil... Knowing nothing, my jaw droped. Thinking: "Oh god! Are those heads in all of them. Oh god, the robots are people! I've been killing people this whole time!". That was the point where I needed to find out what the fuck is going on or I won't be able to sleep at night. And in my research, I found you and Clemps.... You guys opened my eyes to the horrifying and beautiful works of that spicy boi, Yoko Taro.... I thank you for this. And the sleepless nights I have had ever since... Here's for another great year!
I kinda noticed robots were human near the beginning. I found it fairly obvious
@@Law10205 well yea, they were fairly obviously acting like humans... I mean actual physical people..
@@ThatGuyNikolas it’s a pretty depressing plot point but also a genius one, when you figure out your basically killing humans it gets you so much more involved and you feel so much worse
@@Law10205 wait, are you talking about Nier:Replicant? Or Nier:Automata? Cuz I'm talking about Automata. And although I was wrong. It got my theory brain into high gear.
@@ThatGuyNikolas automata. I haven’t played replicant yet
No game in 2017 has touched me as much as Automata has. It's brilliant in just how many emotions it can evoke during play, and weeks and months after you finish. That familiar feeling of awe, but also the depression you feel after playing a game that really affects you on a deeper level. The story alone made it my GOTY, but the brilliant soundtrack (rip steam awards) and fun gameplay certainly support it. Also, it has 9S like seriously how can people not love this game ;-;
"why I love" should be a series, first bloodborne now nier automata. like if you agree
if you 'love' many things
your 'love' becomes less authentic
Kazuhi Skaro it does not mean you love less of things that it becomes more authentic. The point is loving the moments which inspired you, and the ideas which elated your interest and your being through this medium or instance. So we cant say habing less of loving things means its less authentic, since it defeats the person's on-going feelings of everyday learning and experience that makes us who, in the end, we are. And with that, the experience we gain, promotes our own.
What if I love everything?
then everything is equal to you, and when everything's the same it may as well be nothing
However, they probably don't love everything for the same reasons. It's worth delving into wide range of what you love to hi light what makes each individual love special.
Why I love Nier: Automata:
2.Music's real good
What about 9S?
can't forget about 9S
9S means nice ass....hahahah
nigga wat
I like Automata because A2 is a complete badass.
Oh, and the story and worldbuilding and petting your pod and everything else you probably mentioned.
all I say to people is it's the most unique game I've ever played and when they ask me what's it about I say "you're an android made by humans to fight machines made by aliens!" because I don't want to spoil anything , I want them to go through what I went through but also when say that they only respond with:
and they proceed to go all "weeb game won't touch with a 10 foot pole".
+deadsea2004 Oh yeah. It's infuriating dealing with narrow minded people. Little did they know how much LIFE they are missing out. At least we get to enjoy far more than they ever will in our lifes. In the end we will get the smile while they will continue to stay angry and sad.
@@deadsea2004 Weeb game won't touch with 1 foot pole. Ok I am just kidding. I am more open minded than that. I don't watch anime, but I have decided to give this game a shot.
I bought this a year ago. Played for about 40hrs, then set it down. Left it for about eight months and then put another 50hrs in. Just finished all the achievements and completed ending E. Genuinely one of the most memorable and inventive games I have ever played. Full of heart, humour, despair, longing, hope...all brought together with fantastic gameplay and an incredible soundtrack.
I've only recommended it to a couple of people as I know most just won't get what it's trying to do, or stick with it long enough to find out.
I love it. Astoundingly I feel this way and It was the first nier game I played. I watched the video on Emil and my heart nearly imploded.
This game is amazing. The soundtrack is on another level as well.
This is not only my Game Of The Year but it's also a game that will stick with me for a long time.
Girl, the part that got me the most sentimental is 9S saying farewell to 2B :''''''c
sexy robot people fight robots and sexy robot men
A friend recommended me Nier: Automata. But I so much wish I played the Drakengard series and Nier: Replicant before it. I feel it would've made the experience of Nier: Automata so much better. Though I guess it can't be helped since I didn't even know Drakengard existed until I came to your channel, unfortunately. So thank you for sharing your love with your audience as it opened me to an entire new world that Yoko Taro has created.
+Believe In Steven That's EXACTLY why I forced my friends to watch all the Drakengard 1,2,3 THE MOVIE videos and watch a SPECIFIC Let's Play of the entire NieR: Gestalt game, created by Super Best Friends Play AKA Thesw1tcher as they were called before. They play through the entire game, all the endings and explains things the game doesn't tell you in detail.
They were obviously against spending that much time on one game but I forced them. I fucking told them, they have ONE CHANCE to go through an amazing experience they have never experienced before and never will again. What happened was, they did exactly what I said and guess what happened? They LOVED EVERYTHING. They freaked out when playing NieR: Automata. It's so extremely good.
ReachStudioPro Where were you when I needed you
Where were you when the world most needed you?
@@ReachStudioPro I'm a soul in the camp of believing that NieR:Automata is best experienced as being the first game in the series you play, and then playing replicant. And then replaying automata again. In automata as a first timer to the NieR series, the world and characters seem so much more mysterious, other worldly yet familiar. It makes the game feel so lonely and alienating to the player, but a very comforting experience at the same time. Then when you replay it after having played replicant, you get to readjust your perspective and knowledge of Automata. You get to understand the history of the world you're roaming around in. You understand certain characters more. You also get to think about certain dead characters from replicant and how they've been gone for thousands of years now. You get to reflect on all the events of the first game and come to experience those events effects on the world in Automata. In other words, going into automata first means everything is a fresh experience and a great surprise. And then replaying it after playing replicant feels like rediscovering and uncovering things. Nobody would understand emil or why he's SO IMPORTANT in automata despite being just a vendor and a secret boss with a cool sidequest. But once you've played replicant you get to go "now I understand his pain and who he is". So overall I'm saying it's amazing to have a fresh, untouched experience with automata as your first NieR game, and then have that experience live along side the experience of knowing what someone who played replicant first would know.
Yay gushing
I love this game. And your diction is fine. :D
If it wasnt for your channel theres a good chance I'd have passed on NieR Automata. Thank you, a million times .
"This my game of the year, and that's all that matters" perfectly sums up my feelings on the game, and VGAs in general.
I highly respect your attitude in this video.
Remuu -Riiin
Nier: Automata T-shirt! Sh*t Square Enix!
You really hit the nail in the head for me. What you said towards the end of your vid was exactly what I needed to hear. After finishing it and agonizing and loving and all-of-the-above that I'm sure everyone experienced, I was trying real hard to get some of my friends to play it bc I had no one to talk to or relate with about the game. But, you're right. I shouldn't try to force it on them bc it prolly won't end up having the same effect. I'll just cherish it myself and relate with you all, my online family, instead.
2017 was a great year for gaming. So many great games were released. But while I had a great time with many games, NieR was on a completely different level and stands out as my GotY. There is a reason why a lot of people get post NieR depression after completing ending E. While NieR isn't going to get wide spread recognition on the levels of a game like Horizon I think that for those that have truly enjoyed NieR will be content with knowing that they were able to experience something so special. NieR for me has changed my outlook on games and how they can impact the player, it is my benchmark for how fullfilling a gaming experience can be.
Nicely said. For me it was actually the game of my life. So far I have never played the game as deep as Automata and I love every single aspect of it. Thanks to it I discovered the Nier/Drakengard serie, which was pretty complicated at first but you made it easy to understand, for which I'm really thankfull. Good luck in 2018, hope you'll get even more subscribers, you really deserve it.
Don’t we all? :)
Why I love Automata:
It's perfect
I died inside a little after I equipped the flower 6O was talking about and went to the Bunker to talk to her - then I realised the game did not have anything prepared for me.
It's nice to see someone apreciate this game so much, I never tought a game should reach such depth in history that make me care for it characters/story more than gameplay...Hell even tears still burn in my eyes when I hear almost any song of this game.
I really loved Nier: Automata and bought it as an xmas gift for my friend, though I got disappointed that he only got the first ending and then proceeded to watch the rest of the endings on youtube... I guess I expected too much from him, considering he's the type of the guy who skips side quests and only does the main quests in games.
thats herecy
Accelerator we must burn .. ahem.. sorry that got out of hand. Sounds like your friend is missing the experience
Guess he doesn't want to *BECOME AS GODS*
just wanted to say that your approach to game appreciation and analysis is refreshing and really resonates with me. popular recognition and whether a game is "perfect" or not shouldn't influence how we personally value games we find meaningful. experiences with games are very individual and vary greatly from person to person, depending on so many factors. whether one game is "better" than another matters far less than what it makes the people playing them think and feel. i don't know how to describe it exactly, but sometimes i feel there's a sentiment in the gaming community that games should aim for some kind of uniform "perfection" that will somehow make them universally entertaining. it's something i see less in movie, book, etc. communities, which tend to value difference and uniqueness a bit more. anyways, i really appreciate your gushing about the weird stuff that means a lot to you
After my original play through I was planning on getting the platinum trophy…Then I found out that theres a shop in the game that lets you buy each trophy besides getting endings A-E. I was shocked with the real feeling of “they really did that?!”
Couldn't have said it better myself. A good game is one that sticks with you, and I think I'm going to remember Automata for the longest of times. Always pleased to hear another happy person gushing and rambling about this game :)
*98.7% of the people who play it agree whit you*......
Glory... to mankind
Accelerator Nah, become as gods
Your videos are part of the reason I bought Automata, and I highly enjoyed it and recommended it to everyone. Keep up the great work!
I was like "Hey look, she's talking to you Kojima-san."
and a few second latter, I lmao.
I played the demo wasnt a fan of the game at first til one of my youtubers recommended it for Kingdom Hearts fans.After buying it in April during a sale,I became HOOKED and had to know more about this world and its people.With your lore summary,it expanded my scope of the series TENfold and then proceeded to watch all cutscenes from Drakengard1,2,3 to NieR. Very glad i found your channel.Hope to see more!
I speak Portuguese and I'm learning English. Because of Nier Automata and the beautiful voice of Sophie commenting on the game, learning English becomes a pleasure. Thank you Sophie for all your videos, especially the videos subtitled in English!
Thank you for this video and all of your Nier content because ever since I got through the whole game, your videos have illuminated the Nier and Drakengard world to me and I cannot thank you enough for your wonderfully informative and soothing explanations! And props to you for also emphasizing that liking Automata is subjective and shouldn’t have to be judged for mass appeal awards.
Nier: Automata was also my GOTY and I was so happy when it won Best Score/Music in the Video game awards ^^
I completely love your videos. Since I wanted to understand Automata better I actually played NieR and NieR automata last year for the first time and had a great time and your videos make them even better.
Uploaded on my birthday. I agree with alot of what you are saying. I got the game because 2booty but what I got out of it was such a compelling story and themes upon themes that stuck with me that I tried to push this game on anyone who asked. Everyone experiences everything differently, so rarely did I get the same response I had towards this game than a friend did. This game has it's flaws, but it's not held down by them and the overall message still hits home despite them. The (E)motions I felt blasting orbs and listening to probably the best Ost in recent gaming were so overwhelming, I felt compelled to erase it all. Tru I havent gone back to 100% the game yet, but the game is so enjoyable that I still want to. Ugh im rambling but I just wanted to say these things. Thank you automata and thanks you aurora. Congrats on 50k!
lol, I thought of MGS too when you started talking about the exposition-heavy "genius". I love MGS, but it's not because its writing is good, it's because it's interesting. The storytelling is good, the details are good, but the way Kojima writes is pretty bad and mostly made up after the fact. So he has to go back and retcon details or explain how it supposedly makes sense.
I'm sure Yoko Taro and his writing team have this same problem here and there, I'm not suggesting he's perfect, but at the same time, from all I've seen up until this point, he's at least working to make a cohesive and explainable story. He doesn't leave that many plot holes, he always seems to try and give players an answer, even if that means they have to go outside of the games to find said answer. I like that. It makes the world feel like it's actually real. Sure, not every confusing detail is going to have an answer in the real world, and there are some details that don't make sense in Nier and Nier: Automata, but you can clearly see the work that went into convincing the player that it all makes sense and fits together over how Hideo Kojima does with MGS, where he just leaves giant gaping plot holes and confusion in his wake. And I'm a big MGS fan. I can't think of a single title in the series I didn't like except maybe Revengeance, which to be fair isn't really MGS like the other games are and it was mostly because I hated the gameplay and couldn't get into it.
I watched your first video while waiting for automata to download. I "got into" nier via... a guy who sat next to me in band. Every week he'd sit next to me and tell me about this weird game called NieR Gestalt.
Years later, Automata went on sale and that high school memory resurfaced. But I never expected how deeply it would impact me after playing it. How I would seek out the older games, read all the novellas and side material for myself, even writing fanfiction and roleplays for the characters in tribute.
NieR Automata continues to touch my heart and continues to fascinate me to this day, closing in on two years later. Heck, I even swapped out a literature elective for a philosophy one for my fine art credit in college BECAUSE of NieR. (the class is super fun) it's definitely become a strangely big part of my life.
So glad I discovered your channel. I played through NieR: Automata before Christmas and you really enhanced my overall enjoyment of the game by explaining the rich lore in these games. Thank you so much for this!
I just finished Nier Automata and i didnt cry or anything but the game left me with multiple feelings of hope and philosophical thoughts that i wouldnt have gotten if i hadn't played it. it was my first yoko taro game and im glad i had this unique experience
Your first video is what took me off the fence and into the storm of Yoko Taros work. Probably wouldn't of even given Automata a serious look without you and Clemps. Thanks for sharing your experience and understanding of the series. Here's to Peace, Happiness, Love and C A S U A L E X I S T E N T I A L D R E A D in 2018
I will say, I played the first nier and I enjoyed it, but I kinda forgot about it afterwards. When Automata came out, I bought it, and soon after I saw your video summarizing the plot up until this point. This game is my personal game of the year, and also the reason I found your channel.
> Insightful and well edited content.
> The way you pronounce Yoko Taro.
> Subscribed.
I love your passion for the Nier series. It was mainly because of your lore summery video that I picked up Nier: Automata. I've never played the older titles, but I've always had a small interest in the series. My main problems with Nier: Automata lie within its combat and balancing issues, but I was still able to look past those issues and really enjoy the characters, lore, story and side-quests. Actually the side-quests in Nier were some of my favorite I have played in any videogame. The side-quests are deep and interesting which you don't really get a lot of the time. Mostly because lots of developers use them as filler instead of actually taking the time to make them interesting and thought provoking. Nier is without a doubt one of those games that I will never forget. The story and lore left there mark on me and for that I am grateful. People like yourself are what make the gaming community so great. You share your love for a game with true passion and explain it in a way that entices people to at least give those games a try, and for that I commend you greatly, Valkyrie.
I'm eager to see what game kindles your soul this year. Keep up the great work and I wish you the best in your future endeavors!
This was a well-said tribute to the game. I've gotten endings A, B, and C but I also intend on getting D and E eventually. It's easily one of my favorites from 2017.
You're work is awesome. For being on here for only a year, it's great! And your personality and voice makes it all entertaining.
I subscribed cuz you saved me the hassle of playing the drakengards and Nier, I love that the beautiful, deep and very human story doesn't get effected by how deep you are in the series.
Personally, my favorite game of all time. From the characters and story, to the music and settings, this game gave me 100% satisfaction. Thank you for all of your content, and keep up the awesome work.
I was literally replaying it this morning and the feeling of getting on the roller coaster never gets old. God I love this game.
My ears climaxed listening to your voice talking about my favorite games.
I remember watching the scripts from that Nier Automata concert, and it makes things a whole lot more depressing after the ending
It easily became my favorite game ever! The attention to detail from the creators is amazing! The gameplay, the story, the world-building and the godly soundtrack. It just hit the right spot for me in so many ways!
This video is the reason why I decided to play. And when I did...I felt like I was finally home mentally and emotionally. I think this is the second game in the world I will never stop playing.
Also I am now subscribing to you and notification bell.
One thing I loved is it always felt like the Devs respected my time while having a lot of things to do on the side if you want more that actually add to the world building
If it wasn't for you and Clemps then I wouldn't have found or fallen in love with Yoko Taro's games. So thank you
Subscribed because I 100% agree, good to know so many others see this game the way I do. Nier series is truly a Masterpiece. Love your content too, nicely done!
Ho Lee Phuk, Idk how to word this comment. I felt like I grew as a person by watching this video, it was informative and open minded. I loved your narrative babbling, especially the conclusion right before the outro. The way I view Nier: Automata, my favorite games, and games I recommend people will be forever changed. This comment feels over the top, so I'll end it with... You're not bad at making these types of videos, and I'll gladly await more content from you in the future.
First video of the year!!!! BTW your voice is like listening to Nier: Automata's soundtrack
Anthony C No, please stop talking about her voice. Its cringe.
Complimenting someone for the way they sound when speaking isn't cringe
She sounds really sweet, but she seems NIERly obsessed.
This game just touched me so much. I'm so grateful to everythings that happened to deliver this piece of art exactly as it was. The philosophy, dialogue, music, art, story. I s2g at one point this game gave me an existential crisis. Words just fall short man...
Only just started playing (I know, late to the party), but one of my favorite little details that they didn't need to do were all the different animations for 2B to return to neutral stance when using the spear (I specify 2B only because I haven't finished playthrough 1 yet so I haven't seen the other characters' animations). Almost every single attack in every combo (both light and heavy) has a different return-to-neutral flourish if you don't press anything after the attack.
I got NieR: Automata before even knowing the story of drakengaurd, and i knew of NieR, but never played any of it.. I was instantly hooked on the story and philosophy.. Found your channel explaining the lore.. And just.
Whoa. Instant hook.. Ive since played NieR and watched clips of the story from Drakengaurd and Automata has become a huge moment for my life with games.
honestly ive never played any of the games. But i stumbled upon your videos a while ago! And after watching the entire lore summary you made i got so invested into them! I am honestly so thankful for the story videos you made because i at first didnt get the story at all. Now im really considering playing all of the games! Thank you so much for making them ~
I just finished Nier Automata tonight and while my thoughts are still solidifying, I'm confident in saying that I absolutely loved it. Speaking broadly (so as not to spoil), this game managed to resonate with me emotionally in a way few media manage and is going to stay in the back of my mind for a long time to come. You're absolutely right; you get what to put in to this game. I love that it leaves it's deeper world building to the agency of the player and even subverted my expectations a couple of times. Overall I'm highly impressed.
On a related tangent: I'm looking forward to checking out the rest of your N:A videos without having to fear for spoilers. Don't let me down, _Nier lore chick_ 😜.
"Keep the game close to your heart and leave it at that" can't think a better way of saying it, that was so accurate
I've been subscribed to you for a while now, and I'm honestly not surprised you've grown so quickly. There's nothing better than a content creator that actually seems to genuinely love what they're talking about and what they're doing. Hope this year goes great for you!
This game is so cathartic and your videos on it are equally relaxing. Seriously, somedays the de-stressing value of your channel I find... invaluable. Lol
My headache disappears after hearing your voice, its calming
This is my favorite game of all time, and I honestly think this video sums up my feelings perfectly. It made me really happy to hear this.
You have a natural talent for narration and building rapport with your listeners. Also, You have my taste in games. Plz keep making content. You’ve got a new sub.
I'm not a gamer but I REALLY LOVE NIER:AUTOMATA. I've stumbled upon this because of 2b's super cute outfit that I got curious and searched about who she is. Then I discovered there's this really intriguing story about the game she belongs to. I've been looking for a summary of the story but I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF IT. And I REALLY LOVE your reviews about the game that I've even watched the drakengard vids just so I could understand it better. So THANK YOU SO MUCH! I SUPER DUPER AGREE that Automata is unique and should be treasured as it is, whether it is awarded or not. Doesn't matter. It is GREAT and would remain that way. Thanks again and more powers to you!
Please please please. Do some reading. I mean, read a horror story; voice act. You'd sound so amazing. Seriously
God, I love your voice
Abhijith C Preej YES PLEASE!!!
This video and just your channel in general are a blessing. You show your love and appreciation for a game/franchise without belittling those who don't like it or haven't played it. My love of Yoko Taro's work has become even stronger because of content like this, so I hope you keep making these videos
I wish I knew enough words to explain what this game has made and still makes me feel today.
Im glad there are people/Gamers like you that truly appreciate the beauty of gaming. Nier along with Persona 5 are 2 of the most beautiful games ever made in our generation and to me it was my game of the year. Playing this game was a pleasure and i thank the team that gave us Nier. Keep up the good work Valkyrie! You earn a new Sub.
Please play Persona 5 if you haven’t.
I am not a person who often comments on videos but I am glad I found your channel because it made me find automata and the whole universe behind it and I know its not the happiest story ever I honestly could become to love it because of you and your videos so thank you so much, you always do such an amazing job 💖😊
I initially spoiled this game to myself. When it first came out I didn't have access to play this game. Just this year I finally got the chance to play it and I can honestly admit that even with the hours of videos I watched explaining the details of the world and lore everything in this game felt new to me. As a game with complex philosophical ideals intermixed with a fun and engaging story and very fun gameplay I could not agree more with your assessments and honestly this one of the few games I will admit is worth it's full cost. I played through all the main story endings and still I am desperate to play this game and learn more and explore more.
To you Sophie I want to say thank you for the videos you have made regarding the Drakenier series it really has helped to being it all together and makes me interested to play past games. . . (though I secretly hope they re-release them with some better gameplay). Keep up the good work.
little detail i love: simone still has her normal machine head, the one with the mask is just for show
I love Nier :Automata because it has the most number of times and has the longest total time I've spent looking at a game screen, bewildered, either due to something that happened or a choice I was given.
And to this day, I'm still not 100% sure how I feel about Emil's Determination. This is a game that has the ability to cause all possible kinds of tears: happy, sad and "calm down, you don't _actually_ want to hurl your controller through the TV, that'd be expensive to fix" anger.
your videos helped me make the choice to buy this game. It gave me more feels then any game ever has.
I cant wait for more content I cant get enough i so hope they remake the first nier for pc
I'm happy to find someone who can explain why this game is so good in a way I never could.
I love the Nier videos you’ve made.
Thank you for making them!