People whose NDA have expired, what secret can you finally reveal?

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • New Channel: ‪@ReallySparked‬
    We work extremely hard to serve you guys the highest quality story reading content. Each video takes a lot of effort when it comes to thinking of topics, ideation, editing, voice-acting, recording, etc. All the content in these videos are owned by us!
    Our Work Process:
    1. Come up with questions, research, script, come up with opinions/commentary, polish until ready for recording.
    2. Record voice acting the stories/questions, sharing thoughts and opinions and performing it in a creative and transformative fashion for viewers to enjoy.
    3. Record gameplay until there is enough interesting footage to use for the background
    4. Throw the gameplay in the editing software and then begin typing up the captions, cutting/trimming the voice acting, adding SFX, color correction, removing/adding clips, etc.
    5. Final review of the video, if video is not up to the quality desired for this channel. Either go back into the editing software, re-record some lines, change opinions/commentaries.

Комментарии • 423

  • @ovni2295
    @ovni2295 8 месяцев назад +546

    Remember: The penalties for breaking an NDA can be steep, but the penalties of honoring an NDA can stay with you the rest of your life. ALWAYS read carefully before signing, and never sign anything you can't live with.

    • @NicholasBaldwin-om9xv
      @NicholasBaldwin-om9xv 3 месяца назад +21

      Also, a couple of these NDA's didn't sound legal (Cant enforce and NDA that covers a crime *Terms and conditions apply - like the military)

    • @ev14304
      @ev14304 3 месяца назад +1

      unfortunately, if the price tag _ or buy off amount is high enough, the NDA can hold up in court....
      recent example vince McMahon

    • @necroarcanistxiii
      @necroarcanistxiii 2 месяца назад

      @@ev14304 I know someone who was forced under duress by police to sign an NDA a the age of 15. They refused to let them leave the precinct until they signed it. Any NDA signed by a minor without a parent or guardian should not hold up in court, but the person who had been abusing and nearly killed them, multiple times, had friends in high places. This person has a genetic condition that will probably kill them around the time they're 40. Given the NDA was for 30 years, you can tell it was meant to silence them for life. On one occasion, they had a large court case coming up and called me on FaceTime as they needed someone to vent to, but the police had tapped their phone, and showed up the next morning trying to extort my identity out of them. Thank god everything's over, but the piece of shit is still breathing a free man, apart from being on several watch lists, and none of his victims saw compensation.

    • @Afterdarkstories1208
      @Afterdarkstories1208 Месяц назад +1

      It's definitely crucial to understand the implications of signing an NDA. While the legal enforceability can vary, it's always wise to seek legal advice before agreeing to any terms that could have long-lasting impacts on your life.

  • @SuperNomnomcat
    @SuperNomnomcat 9 месяцев назад +149

    i was covered my medical for the birth of my son, this would almost entirely cover the hospital expenses so I when I got a bill for $65,000 I was in shock. My agent had pulled me off of medical without any notice a DAY after my csection and the bills started flooding in. I called her and she told me that my income was too high but she had combined 3 months of income as my monthly total and cleared my plan. I had to take it to small court to get my plan back. I haven't trusted a healthcare provider since.

    • @HippieInHeart
      @HippieInHeart 2 месяца назад +5

      Yeah, if there's a lot of money on the table there's always gonna be a lot of awful shit people will be trying to cheat others. It's probably one of the reasons why all super huge corporations are pretty much just horrible, like they had to do some stuff to get into that place, and a lot of what they do requires them to have little to no empathy for anyone else.

    • @Jimbo386000
      @Jimbo386000 2 месяца назад +5

      When my mom was going through chemo her workplace took away her insurance. She's suing and hopefully will get at least her bills covered if not more.

    • @HippieInHeart
      @HippieInHeart 2 месяца назад +6

      @@Jimbo386000 Damn, that's evil. I hope she wins and they'll have to pay a lot of money.

  • @gannicusfinch7068
    @gannicusfinch7068 8 месяцев назад +390

    I have an NDA that expires in roughly 50 years. Worked on a project while serving in the military with an oddly specific NDA duration: 76.26 years. Apparently, that was the average American lifespan at the time, the rationale being that anyone old enough to be in the military signing such a document would be long dead before their NDA expired.

    • @DivusMagus
      @DivusMagus 6 месяцев назад +33

      Why not just say 100 years at that point?

    • @Internet-user2376
      @Internet-user2376 5 месяцев назад +40

      U should say it right before u die

    • @Internet-user2376
      @Internet-user2376 5 месяцев назад +35

      Or write a note not to be opened until your dead or smth

    • @Torrent.Amador
      @Torrent.Amador 4 месяца назад

      @@Internet-user2376 The people who willingly join the military aren't smart enough for that.

    • @richardbeckenbaugh1805
      @richardbeckenbaugh1805 3 месяца назад

      SCOTUS voided it long ago. The military still uses NDAs when they have been told specifically by the courts that they must use confidentiality agreements instead. They went after someone just a year ago for violating their NDA and the case got thrown out because they used an NDA instead of a confidentiality agreement. The military has known about this since 1974. They still refuse to comply with it.

  • @neock
    @neock 10 месяцев назад +753

    that first one... i havent trusted medical professionals or anyone who is in a related field for years. saw some teen go into a hospital, in the room next to me. i could hear them talking. doctors said he had toenail fungus and it was causing cognitive issues. heard the mother in there 3 days later yelling because she got a second opinion... kid had brain cancer, and perfectly healthy feet.

    • @SobrietyandSolace
      @SobrietyandSolace 10 месяцев назад

      God wasted 2 years of my life unable to walk or wear shoes after a horse crushed my toe and I got a pyogenic granuloma and the nail nearly cut all the way through my toe. They had zero suggestions for me beyond talk the whole thing off whilst I was awake and I don’t respond to local anaesthesia. I ended up looking up scientific papers and discovering I could remove the tumour with topical steroids. 3 months later I got rid of it and the toe could finally begin to heal
      Also for 30 years I was told nothing was wrong with me, turns out I have a whole bunch of connective tissue disorders

    • @Matt-fl8uy
      @Matt-fl8uy 10 месяцев назад

      Just get a second opinion. People are fallible and honestly, doctors are only as good as the information their patients give them.

    • @tfordham13
      @tfordham13 10 месяцев назад +51

      Or just get second opinions

    • @AlexOP69
      @AlexOP69 10 месяцев назад +118

      If two diff docs have diff opinions I would get a third opinion 💀

    • @pwnd2423
      @pwnd2423 10 месяцев назад +52

      How does a uhhh, toenail fungus cause mental ilnesses if thats even possible

  • @FoggyBadger
    @FoggyBadger 10 месяцев назад +397

    I only had one NDA in my life, and I'm really excited about it. Because as a gamer, I like to brag that I briefly worked for Ubisoft. I was a playtester for Far Cry 6. Pretty much all communication was done via Discord, and because this was during lockdown we couldn't go to Ubisoft in person. I was looking forward to that because I live in San Francisco and pass Ubisoft all the time and have always wanted to go in, but the front door requires a scan card thingy. Anyway, the game we were given to test had all cutscenes and most dialogue removed. There was a basic "start game" screen, and when clicked it dropped us directly into the game running across rooftops. When you reached the end of that scene it dropped us directly into the next scene. Our footage was recorded on our computers remotely, meaning we didn't keep the footage and it recorded directly onto their servers. But at the end of each day we'd have to report anything we noticed. Like any bugs or anything that might have affected gameplay. Footage only shows so much. You can watch gameplay footage and not know what it's like to play it. It was really cool, because I saw what the game was like back then, and when it released I bought it and was able to tell what they changed. There was a few big things that pretty much all of us called out that they actually listened to us on and changed. Unfortunately, we didn't receive a free copy of the game, but it's on my Ubisoft account that I was a part of it. Their company employee app is still on my account. Of course I don't have access to it now, but no way I'm deleting that lol. They told us the NDA expired at the game's release, so I was able to finally tell my friends who had been begging me to tell them what game I'd been working on what it was.

    • @badreddinekasmi8919
      @badreddinekasmi8919 8 месяцев назад +9

      That's really cool man

    • @skinnyfromcville
      @skinnyfromcville 7 месяцев назад +1


    • @skinnyfromcville
      @skinnyfromcville 7 месяцев назад +2


    • @___Bruh__
      @___Bruh__ 7 месяцев назад +16

      No offense but working for Ubisoft isn't a flex. Im sure you were great at your job, but that company is shit.

    • @_altoarcadevere
      @_altoarcadevere 5 месяцев назад +4

      same! i playtest 2 ubisoft games in a closed beta test online, dont have a copy of the games i playtested when it was released but i still have some footage i recorded as part of testing onmy personal drive and i aint deleting that shit. its one of my memory box

  • @valentynacubillos8697
    @valentynacubillos8697 9 месяцев назад +77

    I have been doing a project for the last six months about Alzheimer and elderly people and the first one breaks me in a way I can’t even describe that’s not even cruel, you have to be a monster to take advantage of the economical needs of people to scam others with such needs and conditions, or to find someone who will happily do it.

    • @davidpowell6098
      @davidpowell6098 7 месяцев назад +3

      Welcome to the free market capital world, courtesy of the USA. Coming to a country near you,

    • @bxdda
      @bxdda Месяц назад +1

      @@davidpowell6098 Wow, I wasn't aware we INVENTED capitalism and greed. Lmao, get over yourself, this is the WORLD -- not just America

  • @MatsuyoRific
    @MatsuyoRific 10 месяцев назад +337

    Story 8- This explains a lot tbh. So many times we get a pack released with such horrible bugs and glitches, that one can't help but wonder how they thought it was okay to release it. This story helps to shed some light on that issue, as I can only imagine how many bugs are found by QA that don't get reported, and then not found by the TL

    • @paulcerny3805
      @paulcerny3805 10 месяцев назад

      Advantage plans are YOU ARE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF & you are SCAMED , WHY ARE they so happy to change you ??

    • @VitaEmerald324
      @VitaEmerald324 10 месяцев назад

      Yeah I already knew EA was shit but it’s good to know that the shitshow is a full-on circlejerk where the biggest shitheads get promoted

  • @socalgal714
    @socalgal714 10 месяцев назад +290

    40 years ago I worked for a very small company whose owner invented and had a patent on camera movement . Think pan left, right, zoom etc. Another company deconstructed one of our sync modules and stole the technology. A multi million dollar lawsuit later (which our boss won) the boss sold out to that same competitor who stole the technology. Part of the sale agreement was that we employees would have positions at the new company at our same rate of pay. Our job was to teach them how to make our sync modules and then assemble the product. ROTFLMFAO! Ya. That didn't happen. That Monday, after a quick conversation in the parking lot, we had our plan.
    And ya know... It's the funniest thing happened! In 18 months we just couldn't seem to get a single one of those sync modules to work! I mean WTF! 😂 We could do it in the old shop - I dunno what happened! 🤷🏼‍♀️ We just couldn't seem to get it! 😉
    That company quickly went out of business and our old boss was fat and happy. That year the old boss gave all of us a very generous Christmas bonus. Think 5 figures. That kind of generous. 😊

  • @bonkser
    @bonkser 10 месяцев назад +39

    the scammers are probably gonna get scammed by new scammers when they get older too bruh

    • @arcadiaberger9204
      @arcadiaberger9204 3 месяца назад +1

      there would be a certain justice in that, but there would be far more in the effective suppression of scammers, even if it were by a method as crude as the one depicted in Daniel Suarez' deliciously naughty *_Daemon_* trilogy about an _almost_ - virtuous AI trying to set the world to rights.

    • @ev14304
      @ev14304 3 месяца назад +1

      that would be funny

  • @jujuba1450
    @jujuba1450 10 месяцев назад +39

    my boyfriend worked for marketing in a shady dental company. they’re very much still in business, and the marketing they had to do was AWFUL. they targeted lower income households and pushed crowns on every little issue.

    • @katscandance
      @katscandance 10 месяцев назад +3

      I have another shady dentist story. Guy didn’t replace some of his tools for 20 years now. Which is illegal and nasty.

    • @mzladyj18
      @mzladyj18 5 месяцев назад +1

      What is the name of the dental company?

    • @ChiweeNya
      @ChiweeNya 3 месяца назад

      I work for marketing at a shady dental company right now and it kills me on the inside. Not nearly as bad as you describe (the dentists are actually good at their jobs) but my boss and the other marketer...has outdated and bad ideas when it comes to marketing. We spam a bunch of ChatGPT articles about the same topics over and over again (with no supervision from a dental professional btw). The campaigns we have are fine but the other marketer can't design for shit so they look awful. Using private e-mail addresses for company social media and marketing tools, so that I have to ask for a code from their email when I log in. The other marketer ruining my redesigned websites with ChatGPT text and not even trying to match the design, fonts, margins or anything. And they think people don't notice. Blegh.

    • @ev14304
      @ev14304 3 месяца назад +1

      Might not be them, Aspen Dental .... are so BAD !

    • @ChiweeNya
      @ChiweeNya 3 месяца назад

      @@ev14304 Oh figured, I don't live in the US. Haha.

  • @eshannumin
    @eshannumin 8 месяцев назад +26

    The medicare thing is hit and miss, my wife does it and she and even her company policy, is that if the plan is the best they can't swap them. She has calls all the time where people will even call in to her and she tells them actually you have the best plan. Based on what her experiences were though, most companies aren't like this.

  • @lefkash
    @lefkash 10 месяцев назад +36

    could you maybe put a rhetorical pause between stories? they really blend together if you're not paying full attention to the video, incredibly difficult to follow

  • @Vincetagram
    @Vincetagram 10 месяцев назад +48

    Damn that first confession immediately made me think about my great aunt who is suffering dementia along with other organs slowly failing and is having trouble telling my brother and I apart. Imagine somebody like that picks up the phone and then forgets the damage they did the next day.

  • @Ctar99n
    @Ctar99n 10 месяцев назад +47

    Last one reminds me of how some places cops have a certain number of arrests they need to do to get paid

    • @troodon1096
      @troodon1096 10 месяцев назад +11

      It's the same reason you don't want to pay firefighters for the number of fires they put out. It creates a very perverse incentive.

    • @Lv-nq9qz
      @Lv-nq9qz 10 месяцев назад +16

      Its called a quota system, and it isnt just arrests. A lot of departments have quotas on parking tickets and moving violations. Most municipalities count on the funds raised by tickets, especially if they are small incorporated towns or villages. So yea, ask any cop and they'll tell you there is no quota system, but there totally is.

    • @Lv-nq9qz
      @Lv-nq9qz 10 месяцев назад

      ​​@@troodon1096thats a good point, I worked with a lot of firefighters, many of them were total pyro's and would sit around bored and hoping for a fire or an interesting rescue call. The reality is if they got paid by the fire, they wouldn't make any money, since fires and other emergencies have been trending downwards do to better fire alarm and sprinkler technology and fire resistive building materials.

    • @livingreflection5
      @livingreflection5 9 месяцев назад

      Police always get paid a salary. It doesn't matter how many arrest they make. Good story but not true.

    • @Caffeinated-DaVinci
      @Caffeinated-DaVinci 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Lv-nq9qz Even in places where there aren't "quotas" per say, they still have "incentives". I know a local police department around here has "incentives" for giving speeding tickets, the more tickets you give out and are paid instead of contested, the higher priority you have to get the best squad cars, best routes/patrols, best equipment and so on. And if the ticket income isn't high enough, they run a multiple unit speed trap at the end of the month using our out of date and inaccurate ENRADD systems, since Radar is illegal here. Got me 3 years ago, their faulty equipment from the 80s said I was going 50 in a 35 when I know I was only going 40, and you can't be pulled over for anything under 10 over where I live.

  • @TheyCallMeIce
    @TheyCallMeIce 10 месяцев назад +50

    The fact that advertisers can send push notifications to the users of apps that just used their SDKs without the consent of the user OR the developer(/s) of the app would, in my mind, count these SDKs as malware. Like, if they can do that, they can pretty much do anything on any device they want.

  • @GetDougDimmadomed
    @GetDougDimmadomed 10 месяцев назад +141

    Most expired pharmaceuticals have little to no change for years after the date. Especially hard goods like hoses and oxygen pumps (yes, these have expiration dates). They won't last 25 years, but they're still perfectly good and safe for a long time afterwards. Usually a few years after the date. They don't just instantly expire on that date, that's just the FDA notice that's required to be there. All medicine does after the date is slowly become more or less potent, it's not going to hurt you. The potency change is usually insignificant until a few years pass. The only ones you need to worry about is stuff like morphine, which is a supervised drug anyway. When dosage ends, a pharmacist or nurse comes and destroys it.
    Source: my family doctor of 20+ years, after his NDA expired after his retirement. I met him in a store and it came up in conversation because I was at the pharmacy picking up scripts.

    • @Matt-fl8uy
      @Matt-fl8uy 10 месяцев назад +21

      Food has the same issue. It's the "Best By" vs the "Must Use By" date issue. People don't realize there is a difference.

    • @edwardhuggins84
      @edwardhuggins84 10 месяцев назад +2

      ​@Matt-fl8uy plus there is a third one display until which most uk supermarkets have changed so the customer doesn't see it but the supermarket still knows when it needs to be reduced.

    • @mrCabbages_
      @mrCabbages_ 10 месяцев назад +17

      OP never said how old those pharmaceuticals were, and even a slight change in potency can be life altering for people on antidepressants, anti seizure meds, antibiotics, etc.

    • @anthonycekic4509
      @anthonycekic4509 10 месяцев назад

      Yeah, your doctor is full of shit and only prescribes medication knowing what it does, but not knowing the details or chemical makeup. Ask a pharmacist that and you'll have a completely different answer. For example, tetracycline is an antibiotic, and over a period of 3 years, it will turn into cyanide. Also, the potency of several medications is critical in terms of anti-depressants and other psych meds. You don't want to mess with those.
      Source: was a pharmacy tech for 5 years.

    • @chaoticdusk1316
      @chaoticdusk1316 10 месяцев назад +4

      Yes exactly! My mom is an LPN with 30+ years of experience and she made sure I know that just because my medications say they're expired doesn't mean they magically loose their effectiveness. I've got these ones that I use to break up my migraines when I hit a loop where it won't go away for multiple days straight and they work just fine even when they're technically expired. Of course things do degrade with time still but most of the time a medication that's expired isn't going to cause trouble. Though with critical medications it's still probably best to keep up to date and patents should be informed about their medications and their actual life span.

  • @ovni2295
    @ovni2295 8 месяцев назад +21

    Also, regarding the last story: Sometimes dental offices do damage to your mouth during the initial examination so they can say something needs to be fixed, and then pressure you into letting them fix it right there. For example, Drilling out a tooth to give it a filling, then WHOOPS, the drill "slips" and you loose too much of the crown for it to remain stable with the filling in, so now you need a root canal, a post installment, and an artificial crown placed instead of that filling you were gonna get.

    • @dusk4974
      @dusk4974 7 месяцев назад +5

      I stare so incessantly at the doctor every time that they're nervous the whole procedure. Or I'm sweet as can be and understanding for everything. Never had issues so far.

    • @hiko73
      @hiko73 3 месяца назад +1

      That's horrifying!! I LOVE my dentist. If there are any "issues" he always says let's monitor it. He's never pressured me for anything.

    • @ev14304
      @ev14304 3 месяца назад

      don't have the best day to day toothbrushing habits _ and my dentist works along with my Really good amped up dental plan.
      Aspen dental was ready to pounce. sign up today, first series of work to get the smile on the cardboard cut out_ you can put down 10% or play the 3500 today. after that, we will have monthly billing......
      excuse me, where you going ??

    • @rosiewhitmore8695
      @rosiewhitmore8695 Месяц назад +1

      How do we even prevent a dentist from doing this to us?

    • @ovni2295
      @ovni2295 Месяц назад

      @@rosiewhitmore8695 Hard to say. Genuine accidents also happen, and a majority of dentists are good people. Always check the reviews I guess - shady dentists always get outed eventually

  • @nevaehhamilton3493
    @nevaehhamilton3493 8 месяцев назад +10

    Story 17 is actually a very common way shady dentists make money. There's even a RUclips video explaining it all.

    • @Julia_beelll
      @Julia_beelll 3 месяца назад +2

      This is why I don't use the crap dental insurance that comes with my medicaid. Im not going to the health department for the dentist

    • @ev14304
      @ev14304 3 месяца назад

      @julia _ are you kidding ??? that was really funny or very frightening

  • @dillonmcknight9558
    @dillonmcknight9558 10 месяцев назад +54

    I was working for a company that molded parts for cars, and Tesla had us make hinges and latches to place a child seat in the trunk of your car. They haven't done it yet or perhaps scrapped the idea but yeah. They wanted to put your kids in the trunk of your car.

    • @wwecallofduty123
      @wwecallofduty123 10 месяцев назад +11

      This would probably would have been for early model s(2012) that had the extra seats in the trunk that faced away from the driver. They got rid of the option pretty quickly probably because most people who bought a sedan didn’t want to give up trunk space for seats they would probably never use. This was before people knew what tesla was and only sold tesla roadster(2008) and model s(2012).

    • @Lv-nq9qz
      @Lv-nq9qz 10 месяцев назад +3

      Maybe it was for storage purposes? Like, wheb your not using the child seat, you could still store it in the car and secure it in the trunk so it isnt rolling around? I mean, elons made some dumb mistakes, but that would be really dumb.

    • @TheOystei
      @TheOystei 9 месяцев назад

      @@wwecallofduty123 could also be for the 3 row model x

    • @arcadiaberger9204
      @arcadiaberger9204 3 месяца назад +1

      @@wwecallofduty123 That's what used to be called a "rumble seat" - talk about a blast from the past!

  • @TheKevinGeee
    @TheKevinGeee 6 месяцев назад +10

    I can vouch for the Medicare stuff. I worked for a major insurance company, and yes, there's a huge conflict between having your life insurance as well as having Medicare or Medicaid. You basically can't have both Medicare and insurance. So if you have an existing life insurance policy and gotten Medicare, you're in trouble of losing your policy.

    • @MateDrinker33
      @MateDrinker33 3 месяца назад +2

      In the US, there is no law against simultaneously having both Medicare and life insurance.

  • @eonarose
    @eonarose 10 месяцев назад +51

    When I look at reviews for stuff, I always look at the 1-2-3 star reviews. Generally, I feel like the people leaving those comments are a bit more honest and at the very least, I’ll know what to look out for as far as defects.

    • @Whammytap
      @Whammytap 7 месяцев назад +6

      I always look for long-term reviews, they are absolute gold. I once reviewed a coat 10 years after I bought it.

  • @Max_Marz
    @Max_Marz 10 месяцев назад +47

    Holy shit I worked for Megabots too and this entire video I’m thinking about my time there, then you start talking about it.. totally surreal. I was a machinist for them, I have a video on my channel from my time there. I was extremely passionate about the project.
    That company was the emotional rollercoaster of a lifetime, I will add a detail. Toward the end of the lifespan at Megabots, one of the ceos completely checked out stopped caring, leaving all of the bad PR and cleanup of the company to the other. It was extremely depressing to come back to pick up a couple items and see our facility manager selling everything for basically scrap. Kuratas could not turn, they had to get out of their robot, stick bars in the wheels and manually adjust them to move the machine meanwhile we figured out how to make ours literally drift around a course on concrete.
    So depressing..

    • @iLikeCoffee777
      @iLikeCoffee777 4 месяца назад

      I watched that goddamn fight and it was a piece of crap! I was screaming at the screen during the entire time going what the fuck!

  • @ExperimenturalVideos
    @ExperimenturalVideos 10 месяцев назад +24

    It's not just Chase. I worked for an IBM child company that did mortgage management. That DOS sh*t was infuriating and you ended up having to learn to read a matrix of codes while punching in other arbitrary codes. It's considered "industry standard", or was when I worked there. Diff companies slap diff interface frames around it to "help" but they end up just as cluttered and stupid trying to find a way to work with the DOS bs. If you have a mortgage, 99% it's being pulled up on that DOS bs if you have to talk to someone. Everyone's stuck with it. Any indie coders wanna make it rich figure out a "cheap" way to update that shite.

  • @mindofzena8447
    @mindofzena8447 8 месяцев назад +5

    The first one just sounds like they worked for a terrible company. I work in Medicare and specifically work with Medicare advantage plans and some of them are really good. My jobs motto is literally "do no harm". We are not allowed to take any off of a plan if our plan does not offer better benefits, we cannot enroll anyone without them understanding exactly what they are enrolling into and if we're unsure if they understand the benefits and want to make sure we're getting them into the best plan, we advise them to talk with someone they can trust first. We send out the information and leave them alone . There are a lot of slime ball companies out there, especially the agents that are independent..but there are also companies that actually care about the elderly and want to give them the best care possible.

  • @GetDougDimmadomed
    @GetDougDimmadomed 10 месяцев назад +25

    On the topic on the broken arrow nukes, there's a zero percent chance of them going off. Each warhead has a number of safeties, usually 4-6. And that's if they're live. If two nuclear warheads didn't go off after piledriving into North Carolina in the 60s, they're not going to randomly go off during transport and storage.

    • @Finnbobjimbob
      @Finnbobjimbob 10 месяцев назад +8

      Wasn’t one of them a single safety lock thingymajig away from detonating.

    • @Plaprad
      @Plaprad 10 месяцев назад

      I was hoping to find a comment like this. 99% of the public have zero idea about nuclear weapons, or how they function or are deployed.
      If anyone really knew how many safeguards there are, they would be as amazed as those watching that happened in the first place.
      Also, don't forget, there's still a missing nuke somewhere off the coast of Georgia.

    • @popcornrocks5208
      @popcornrocks5208 10 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@Finnbobjimbob The Fat Electrician has a vid on two. I think the two in NC or SC I can't recall at the moment I'm typing this.

    • @tylerfitz2809
      @tylerfitz2809 10 месяцев назад +10

      I dont think the scare was accidentally setting them off, I think the scare was intentionally setting them off. They're very important, and for something like that to go missing is very bad.

    • @bene5431
      @bene5431 10 месяцев назад

      But what if one got into the wrong hands? 9/11 was nothing compared to what could happen

  • @TheNekoPuff
    @TheNekoPuff 10 месяцев назад +34

    I'm happy I found this channel. I like listening to stuff like this while gaming and you have a nice voice to listen to :3

  • @WitchyThyme
    @WitchyThyme 10 месяцев назад +10

    The type of product and the way it's reviewed online tells me if its trustworthy or not. Like, if its a car or a computer or something else like that, probably can't depend on the reviews. If its a small business with artisan goods like soaps or a company that specializes in making tea? Better odds of reliable reviews.

  • @LegendStormcrow
    @LegendStormcrow 10 месяцев назад +5

    Dentists sometimes have these kinds of scams. Back in the early 90's, my mom was tricked into capping all of my teeth a week before they started falling out. I was probably 4.
    One of my earliest memories was the pain of dental worth and the mocking I got for a mouth full of silver.

  • @awesomeboss3634
    @awesomeboss3634 10 месяцев назад +43

    i have something i can finally talk about due to an NDA being over, its nothing big, but it finally explains how TV shows get their info, so basically i was chosen to be a part of this thing, where this company called nelson which basically is THE tv compony pays us money to wear a tracker thingy which picks up the radio waves on the TV to tell what show you're watching, so that means i had the power to bring back any show that i liked if i watched it enough... i was like 10 at the time and it was free money, i must have gotten good couple thousand from it, because it was for 18 months.

    • @antor2471
      @antor2471 10 месяцев назад +4

      A tracker that picks up what program you’re watching through radiowaves? Wtf

    • @nekodahaltom2443
      @nekodahaltom2443 9 месяцев назад

      @@antor2471 and they were 10 at the time!?

    • @livingreflection5
      @livingreflection5 9 месяцев назад

      That's NOT how that program worked. And no one made thousands doing it. If you said okay when they contacted you, they kept track of your viewing for no longer than six months and in return I received about $20. No device to wear. That's just an odd statement! And no NDA.

    • @joshuaguenin9507
      @joshuaguenin9507 7 месяцев назад +2

      nelson ratings is nothing new

    • @ev14304
      @ev14304 3 месяца назад +2

      and the long description isn't how neilson, not Nelson ( ha ha ) actually works.
      and you were ten, you either lied then of your age _ or lying now.

  • @nabra97
    @nabra97 10 месяцев назад +5

    Can person legally diagnosed with dementia even make large scale financial decisions? I mean, even outside of them being at risk of being took advantage of, I'm not sure all of them are capable of properly analysing the situation.

    • @Plaprad
      @Plaprad 10 месяцев назад +5

      Yes, they can and are specifically targeted by scammers trying to get to them before the family figures it out and has them declared unfit. We had something similar with my grandmother.

    • @ev14304
      @ev14304 3 месяца назад

      like kurt Angle says, It's true
      it's damn true

  • @audiodread919
    @audiodread919 8 месяцев назад +2

    For that last one, this literally happened to me. I got two crowns put in because of a genetic defect when I was like 11 or 12 years old, and a few years later another dentist told my mom that I *may* have needed them put in at some point years down the road but it absolutely wasn't necessary now and she wouldn't have chosen to put them in when she wasn't sure if I was even ever going to need them. She warned us that in the future if a dentist ever wants to put a crown on a tooth that isn't causing any pain or symptoms to get a second opinion because there's a good chance he's justing doing it to milk more money out of you.

  • @hanneskarlbom6644
    @hanneskarlbom6644 9 месяцев назад +1

    Has competitive environments in workplaces ever been good? It incentivises laziness and sabotaging, how can you ever work effectively if you always try to compete with your CO-workers?

  • @KR7PT
    @KR7PT 9 месяцев назад

    Bruh that whole review thing? Totally true to this day. I work in sales and if we receive negative reviews, we contact our customers to ask what their issues were, and endeavour to turn it into a positive one, even at cost.

  • @miaa7968
    @miaa7968 10 месяцев назад +4

    I still can’t talk about my NDA as the motion it’s about is still in the works, but I hope it helps make education more accessible. Mine isn’t anything wild hahaha

  •  10 месяцев назад +4

    That last story is one of the reasons people end up in Mexico to do their dental work

  • @ConfidentialMeerkat
    @ConfidentialMeerkat 10 месяцев назад +8

    Story 14 sounds like they are using the alternitive more sinister use of Ultra Wide Band radio UWB that phones have had for a while now, and apple have just put in their phones. I remember finding out that supermarkets in the UK SPECIFICALLY TESCO! Was using it to track people going round the store to put promotional stuff in the highest trafficked area. The same can be done with the free 'convenient' wifi. That scan and shop scanner you use..... Yeahhh... it can do all that, too! But now it's also linked to a personalised and identifiable account. DATA, PEOPLE! this is where the money is. It's all about the analytics and metrics.

  • @KayKashi
    @KayKashi 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you so much for dishing about Medicare I work for an insurance company and it brakes their heart even they realize they were dis enrolled outside of an enrollment period

  • @RonniejoBenavidez
    @RonniejoBenavidez 2 месяца назад +1

    Not me, but my parents had to sign a NDA in regards to my dad getting cancer from working at a nuclear power plant. He was awarded $550,000 in exchange for not telling people the cancer was from the nuclear power plant. I never signed one. The sad thing is the power plant knows this happens and they chose to pay out money rather than fix the problem. The worse the cancer, the more people's settlement was. So sad

  • @DVine13
    @DVine13 10 месяцев назад +2

    Story 12 - No…they can’t “just” go off.
    But that doesn’t change the fact that they are inherently dangerous.
    As someone who used to work in proximity to that field and understands the numerous levels of sheer complacency at the nth levels of chain of custody in just the security aspect, as ridiculous as this is, it makes total sense.
    People think the military is just full of highly trained operatives when really it’s a barely step up from your high school anime/video game club.
    No one can quite fuck up like a military personnel.
    You can leave a troop in a room with three bowling balls.
    Upon return, one will be broken, one will be missing, one will be pregnant and there will be excuses for all three.

  • @kodi0223
    @kodi0223 7 месяцев назад +1

    That last story sort of happened recently to my brother, we took him in to JUST get his teeth checked, intending to plan what to do from the results. Instead they did a full teeth cleaning immediately against our interest, costing us a few hundred dollars per corner of the mouth.

  • @adamb89
    @adamb89 10 месяцев назад +3

    As a general rule, your insurance company is not your friend. Doesn't matter what insurance it is, health, auto, some kind of oddly specific policy against having your testicles repainted by a guy named Steven in a gimp mask. They will always try to get out of paying out at all costs, and those costs are typically YOUR costs. If there's a third party you can both gang up on, THEN they're your friend. Enemy of my enemy and all that. But not when you're filing a claim.
    10:40 My stepdad used to drive delivery, and back when George W Bush was campaigning for office his entourage evidently stopped by this little office supply store to make a couple copies of something. And at the time computers were still sort of fringe and coming into the mainstream, so people didn't think of things like this all the time, but the copier they used had a digital buffer. So the store clerk went over and printed their own copies, and was giving them out like souvenirs. No idea what (if anything) happened to that guy, but the documents were official looking I remember that much. Not like someone's lunch order.

  • @CrewFPS
    @CrewFPS 10 месяцев назад +1

    Always go through a brokerage when dealing with insurance. Make sure you have an in person appointment or at least a zoom call.

  • @thecommentsection4725
    @thecommentsection4725 Месяц назад

    OMG I did a WFO job for Medicare. I KNEW something was strange about the 'contractors' who were signing people up (promising them things that were ABSOLUTELY not available etc.). I just could NEVER put my finger on it. I was so mad about it after talking to so many sick , elderly or just angry people, who didn't know what they had signed up for was terrible until it was too late to switch it back (enrollment period was over) even though it wasn't my department, I got an accidental call from one of the contractors and started asking him some serious questions. He was like a used car salesman. Instead of answering questions, he went into the 'poor me' mode, talking about his wife just having a baby...he needed the contract work to survive etc. None of it ever sat right with me. Now after the first story, I get it.

  • @GerdTerd
    @GerdTerd 10 месяцев назад +2

    The person driving the car in the background video is next level

  • @bagnome
    @bagnome 10 месяцев назад +8

    11:57 I think that might be "Minot" and not "My knot". As in Minot AFB near Minot, ND. Especially since we're talking bomb wings and Barksdale AFB, which is the only other home base for B-52 bombers.
    Do you use a speech-to-text program to capture what you narrate?

    • @joshuaguenin9507
      @joshuaguenin9507 7 месяцев назад +4

      All of these channels do, this is not the only weird translation

  • @Avigorus
    @Avigorus 10 месяцев назад +1

    There's only one commission pay scale I wouldn't disapprove of: mortality rate. The lower it is, the higher the paycheck. Granted, this means taking risky patients is discouraged, but it means that doing whatever it takes to save them is encouraged.

    • @21warmasters
      @21warmasters 10 месяцев назад +1

      pretty much how most surgeons already operate, most surgeons wont even consider anything remotely risky as it could lower their stats, even if its a guaranteed death sentence to the patient

  • @serpenticide_555
    @serpenticide_555 Месяц назад

    The marketing thing reminded me of patents for eye tracking during advertisements/scrolling pages.

  • @LegendStormcrow
    @LegendStormcrow 10 месяцев назад +4

    The mech things is sad... It also explains why they were banned from using what they originally were going to use technique wise, but it's the Japanese team's fault, because they lied and the US team upgraded as a result.
    Also, a coworker has had ads sent to him because of a conversation we were having. It wasn't a thing he actually searched for.
    Also, you know the NSA is in on this.

  • @stargirl91291
    @stargirl91291 2 месяца назад

    I work for a heartland dental office, and my experience is completely different. They do have goals for production, but any business does, & it’s not imperative that goals are met, it’s just something to aim for in building your business. At my office specifically we do not have goals for things like crowns or gum therapy, we have acceptance rate %, total production #, collections #, rescheduling rates, etc. things like that. The company does have quarterly goals or monthly bonus opportunities occasionally, but if those are met they would only be met based on patient needs. We may do something to increase the amount of patients that schedule that treatment, like offer $ off on a specific day of the month and designate that day “crown day” or “Invisalign day” but we do not say patients need these treatments if they don’t. There are other dental corporate offices (like PDS - I absolutely hate them) that require a specific diagnoses based on pt criteria, (like every 4mm pocket with bleeding needs srp/laser - SO ridiculous !) but heartland is company-owned, doctor-ran practices, so if that was their experience it’s because the doctor over diagnosed, not heartland. I am a hygienist and the other two hygienists I work with, and both dentists, only treatment plan based on need, there’s no requirement we need to follow, every patient is different and each case is planned based on patients needs, not insurance coverage or cost. I’m sorry they had that experience but bashing all heartland dental offices isn’t fair. They are actually an incredible company that ensure they have the highest quality providers for the best possible patient care. I’ve worked with several of our “sister offices” here in AZ and they have all been fantastic

  • @BHNative
    @BHNative 10 месяцев назад +2

    Can't wait to be able to write about mine. Cheers to you guys who have reached the light at the end of the tunnel, and fuck NDAs.

  • @Whammytap
    @Whammytap 7 месяцев назад +1

    The whole Heartland Dental thing frankly scares me. The health of the teeth is the health of the body, to think that people are getting their perfectly good natural teeth breached and drilled down to sensitive, fragile nubs...makes me wonder about my own dental work, although I checked and my dentist isn't one of their affiliated practices, thank God. Still, I hear that many dentists will recommend unnecessary procedures to line their pockets. Horrifying.

  • @flamingmonkeyxii
    @flamingmonkeyxii 4 месяца назад

    I've got Medicare due to disability. I've gotten far too many calls that hang up very quickly when realizing I'm not elderly.

  • @leegalen8383
    @leegalen8383 10 месяцев назад +14

    Doesn't help if you don't name the companies!!!

    • @MateDrinker33
      @MateDrinker33 3 месяца назад

      Now you know about the existence of libel laws. ;)

  • @koolboihd8420
    @koolboihd8420 10 месяцев назад +3

    Im guessing the SUVs that had an engine which would die after warranty is the older X3 bmw. I read something like 1 in 5 had timing chain issues which would cause immediate catastrophic engine failure around 80k miles with no warning (totaled in most cases). It was the inline 4 cylinder engine from the f25 model line. Never buy an i4 bmw x3 f25 unless it has had the timing chain replaced preemptively or you plan to yourself.

    • @TheOystei
      @TheOystei 9 месяцев назад

      n47''s have had a fair bit of timing chain issues, not the only bmw engine that did but the most frequent one.
      that said, they are not guaranteed to fail, but x3 customer base is not a "good owner" on average. E83 x3's had way more preventable issues than 3 or 5 series with the same engines simply due to use pattern of the owners, and the care they got.

  • @Tinker_Balambao
    @Tinker_Balambao 4 месяца назад +1

    Dude... wth did you do to me?
    Your voice makes me want to do chores. 😂 fr fr.. just cleaned 2 rooms listening to you and organized my workbench.

  • @blobtheblob7975
    @blobtheblob7975 9 месяцев назад +4

    hey whats the game in the background? looks fun and i've been looking for a chill driving simulator

  • @hbeachley
    @hbeachley День назад

    So glad I’m off FB, and most social media. Also, WHAT robot fight?!?!?

  • @EricLing64
    @EricLing64 8 месяцев назад +1

    That super localization thing would be handy if it's an option people can activate themselves. Lot of customers ask me where products are in my grocery store, even when we find the aisle it can be tricky to find where it is specifically. Push notifications though seem a bit odd, especially if it's for advertising, that I would imagine would annoy and unsettle people.

  • @emilybattle4790
    @emilybattle4790 Месяц назад

    Story 14. I have a cousin who worked on that. She was convinced it was the best thing ever and couldn't understand why it creeped everyone else out

  • @sm0k3_l62
    @sm0k3_l62 2 месяца назад

    My ex wife works for a hospice company.. I learned from her that hospice gets paid for like 6 months no matter if the patient dies 1 week after services begin or 6-10 months later. They all want the patients to die as soon as possible so they pocket the money and can use sevices on another patient.

  • @thealiepalie
    @thealiepalie 10 месяцев назад +2

    me, literally starting up the sims 4 and that's the moment the ea thing comes up
    tbf we all know most (if not all) big game companies are absolutely corrupt to the core

  • @youtubeadmin3158
    @youtubeadmin3158 10 месяцев назад +1

    Medicare still tries to contact me for my grandmother who's been dead for 8 months

  • @Jake_Gotthard
    @Jake_Gotthard 10 месяцев назад +8

    I have slept anywhere from 11 to 13 hours and i am happy and at peace (i lost 500 hours of sleep in the past 2 years, in the past 5 years im probably behind on thousands of hours of sleep) thanks for brightening my day more with some interesting stories to wake up to!

    • @rea280
      @rea280 10 месяцев назад +1

      500 hours of sleep lost in relation to an ideal of 8 in two years? Most adults don’t sleep 8 hours bro. And some people have faster metabolisms so they sleep less. As long as you feel rested and get all sleep stages you’re good bro

  • @randomcrap4230
    @randomcrap4230 Месяц назад

    I feel like the dental scam is surprisingly common. I remember like 20 years ago, my friend took her then 11 year old daughter for her annual checkup and was told the kid had 12 cavities. It had been a little less than a year since her last checkup where she had NO cavities, so my friend found it odd and got a second opinion, who ALSO said 0 cavities. Lol

  • @YeensWrath
    @YeensWrath 2 месяца назад

    Technically I wasn't under NDA, but I figured it was a big Government secret. So I kept quiet about it until the product was revealed to the public.
    When I was about 14 y/o, my Dad was a retired Canadian Air Force pilot and was transfered to the Secret Services and he was an engineer for them. One day he brought me to his work and while I was gaming on my laptop and minding my own business, he told to look at what he was working on with his divison. I kid you not, it was literally the actual Blueprints for the F-35 Stealth aircraft. I was in shock because I've never heard of a plane able to take off vertically.
    So basically, I knew about the F-35 for about 10 years before its declassification way before everyone else in world other than the people working on it. When it was finally revealed, everyone was amazed at its glory and little ol' me said "cool, i've seen it before" 😂

  • @orangerightgold7512
    @orangerightgold7512 10 месяцев назад +16

    CrispyCreme donuts are not as fresh as you think. the light means nothing.

  • @szilvi.
    @szilvi. 4 дня назад

    FYI: NDAs don’t save you from crimes and illegal activities such as human and sex trafficking or abuse.

  • @Ah_Yote
    @Ah_Yote 3 месяца назад

    Former Medicare specialist here, YES there are absolutely scum specialists, but not EVERY specialist is like that, some are truly honest about making sure your loved one gets the BEST plan possible and those are usually the ones who are most successful, then there are some specialists who are practically scammers, they’ll put your loved one into ANY plan that doesn’t benefit them, or even take them out of a really great plan just to have them signed up for another plan that’s way worse, why??? For the commission even tho many companies pay their employees a base salary ontop of the commission

  • @Nopadope
    @Nopadope 2 месяца назад

    A LOT…A LOT of dentists do that. Be very very careful. Their go to now is gum grafts…even more expensive than crowns

  • @fractalized3
    @fractalized3 9 месяцев назад +1

    14:05 I used to do this for a German company like 6 months ago, even tho it wasnt that bad of a job to handle (Not many chats per shift) you couldnt help but feel completely useless once a chat came through, people gonna be asking for specific information on what they want to buy and you just there searching through a "knowledge base" to check IF you have the answer for a question regarding a brand of car that you have never heard before in your life, if not (Which was 80% of the cases) I just took the info, reported it, send it to the real company and wait for a real representative to call them. I also got fired because I was bored of feeling useless and I wasnt replying according to the stupid script.

  • @Raven-HQ
    @Raven-HQ Месяц назад

    The gov was subverted some time ago, what you’re seeing today and what you will see in the years to come is the direct effects of that change.

  • @SelmaAymara
    @SelmaAymara 2 месяца назад

    I read the title as "people whose DNA has expired" and thought that was a creative way to describe people at the end of their life lol

  • @AwooPatrol
    @AwooPatrol 2 месяца назад

    If your nda involves illegal activities, it can be voided in court

  • @Ammut6
    @Ammut6 2 месяца назад

    My childhood dentist recently got exposed for doing unnecessary work for insurance money. I still like to think that i actually didnt have a bunch of cavities everytime i went in for a visit. Now my mouth is full of filling material two decades later. Yay.

  • @blastermast4545
    @blastermast4545 4 месяца назад

    I’ve signed a few NDAs in my life so far. The weirdest one was for Disney around 2020-21. My team and I were supposed to be doing something for Guardians of the Galaxy, we didn’t know what yet. Signed an NDA saying we can’t talk about it. After that, communication went dark. Nothing. A week goes by, and suddenly Disney and James Gunn are all over the news, and Gunn may be replaced. I took that as a sign that it was all too good to be true and threw out all my hopes and dreams then.
    Next time I heard about GOTG3, it was that AMAZING first trailer that got everyone hype. For me, that trailer was like that squidward meme watching people play outside without him. Still have no idea what happened besides what the news told us. It certainly had nothing to do with us and we were just little people lost in the chaos. But every time I think about it, I like to think Disney and James Gunn were fighting over our involvement just to make me feel a little more relevant

  • @charle7537
    @charle7537 2 месяца назад

    I worked as a medical biller and always try to warn people about Medicare. The phone reps explain shit backwards cuz half the time they don't even know wtf they're talking about. With Medicaid you don't pay anything but with Medicare you still have deductibles. The thing is, a lot of the elderly patients I spoke to didn't understand their plan, thus not understanding how they wnded up with a balance at the doctor's office. As a biller for a doctor's office, my job is to handle his billing, so I fought with insurance a lot on his behalf to receive payments. However I would also fight with them on my patients' behalf because they were just so shitty. Especially medicare!

  • @benoitbvg2888
    @benoitbvg2888 10 месяцев назад +1

    Misread the title and now I live in fear that my DNA will expire.

  • @LucaHeart
    @LucaHeart Месяц назад

    my pediatric dentist told me I had a lot of cavities when I was going there, I got a crown along with a bunch of fillings in baby teeth. Went to a different dentist while still kid (because my parents were suspicious) and low and behold, NO CAVITIES.

  • @risingwind8943
    @risingwind8943 4 месяца назад

    For cars, use consumer reports to determine reliability.

  • @misspat7555
    @misspat7555 Месяц назад

    My son needed root canals and caps in his bottom baby molars (a victim of this weird period where children under 4 were recommended to be shielded from fluoride), and all he was covered by at the time was Medicaid. One dentist would take that, or we could travel 90 minutes to the big city children’s hospital. I went with the much-closer dentist. They tricked him into being taken from me before he was anesthetized, which he later told me scared him terribly and he was crying and crying for me, because I “would find it hard to see his eyes roll back in his head and him shake”. Um, I have a medical background and good self-control. Maybe ASK me if I would be comfortable with that? Then, they said they found cavities in a couple of his top baby molars, so they put caps on those, too. I strongly suspect they were just milking for money. Then, they brought him out to me in a wheelchair in such a condition that I was told to “support his head like a baby” putting him into the car. Kid was in KINDERGARTEN! I had to “maintain his airway” by holding his head back and keep shoving a washcloth in his mouth so he wouldn’t chew on himself in his numbed, barely-conscious state! All the way home!!! My mother was driving; they did say two adults had to come with him. Oh, and they said they would call and see how he was doing an hour after he got home. They didn’t. I immediately decided I would never work with them again, but they went out of business shortly thereafter, anyway; though it sounds like perhaps it’s been figured out how to give the APPEARANCE of shutting these disreputable businesses down, just to reopen them in the same location under a new name after a bit… 😒

  • @RhesaJonathan
    @RhesaJonathan 9 месяцев назад +4

    i don't have any NDA but i just want to say the background video is very distracting. It feels like i need to keep up three different things, the voice, the text, and the car behind it. I feel like really old person saying this, but i can't understand why people like this car/ temple run video in the background kind of things.

    • @FIoridaMilkMan
      @FIoridaMilkMan 2 месяца назад +1

      Its literally just a car driving, if that is somehow actually distracting, just look away?

  • @Robinem
    @Robinem 5 месяцев назад

    If one slip up while working with kids was enough to get fired on the spot there wouldn't be anyone left working with kids. I have staff with decades of experience getting told off by managers and team leaders who were younger and less experienced.
    An unspoken quality you need is a stronger than most ability to take critism and learn from your mistakes lets put it that way.

    • @Robinem
      @Robinem 5 месяцев назад

      Obviously this was meant within reason, the big stuff (especially the law breaking kind) or happening way to often will likely or definitely get them fired.

  • @rosssandeman6883
    @rosssandeman6883 9 месяцев назад +1

    Damn I want to hear more about Story 3

  • @under-cover_goat
    @under-cover_goat 10 месяцев назад +1

    19:11 sound like cool smiles they used to do this had it done to me and my little brother and my little sister

  • @helookalikaman79
    @helookalikaman79 5 месяцев назад

    I have a tens unit trial for constant severe pain... I have been put under a lot of times and I know what normal surgical pain is... I couldn't sleep night 1 The pain was far worse than the pain it was suppose to treat. I asked for it to be taken out Doctor flipped out left the room leaving the door cracked open, I heard the doctor and the tens unit representative talking about how bad it would look for the product if it came out early...So I left, the doctor and rep chased after me. I had my leg between the double door exit, the doctor slammed it on my leg yelling that he can lock me up... I laughed at him. He backed down... I had to go back to that Jack as s to get it taken out... This time I didn't go alone and the doctor did not like it....

  • @JSJSpeaks
    @JSJSpeaks 6 месяцев назад

    You're up to 1.1M views with this video! Well done Prince's mom!

  • @hdcandela5697
    @hdcandela5697 10 месяцев назад

    Non Disclosure Agreements???? Private sector is very different than public sector!!!!!!!!! It is nice to continue breathing.

  • @thedirector1921
    @thedirector1921 6 месяцев назад

    If there’s an NDA on that first one it’s blatantly unenforceable.

  • @coneyandfriends3618
    @coneyandfriends3618 5 месяцев назад

    Holy crap. I didn't pay nearly that much for my crown.

  • @user-ok8xr3rp2f
    @user-ok8xr3rp2f 5 месяцев назад

    recently worked in medical billing in hospitals , noticed for the old folks who come back often get wrapped up in these things constantly. Honestly, the best choice of action is to stay on CMS Medicare. don't do any the major brands, they entice but don't actually help make things more affordable. Medicare and tbh Mutual of Omaha are the best insurances lol

    • @MateDrinker33
      @MateDrinker33 3 месяца назад

      Note that Medicare Part D- which can ONLY be bought from private companies- is mandatory for life.

  • @arcadiaberger9204
    @arcadiaberger9204 3 месяца назад

    From my late wife (about as thorough a "my NDA has expired" as you can come to): some of the "body bags" that came back from Vietnam, supposed to contain the respectfully-handled remains of America's most honored dead, quite possibly some which went into caskets buried at Arlington National Cemetery, held what were little better than butcher shop "floor sweepings".
    A bag might contain one head and part of a chest, plus seven or eight arms which hadn't appeared to go with any of the bodies that had been processed that day (some of which may have belonged to Vietnamese soldiers of civilians who had died at the same scene, their bodies destroyed by the same bombs or fire). Another might contain a mostly-intact body plus a partial head which couldn't be reunited with its own body, and a plastic bag of miscellaneous entrails.

  • @philliplarocque9328
    @philliplarocque9328 10 месяцев назад

    You can literally have an entire department fired for to many bad reviews like top down, I've seen it

  • @markpaterson2053
    @markpaterson2053 3 месяца назад

    I was once a telesalesman for about 3 hours, never made a sale but experienced poor old age pensioners weeping over the phone and begging me to stop harrassing them, and after 3 hours I stood up and began to leave. The supervisor, already a self-proclaimed dick, actually tried to threaten me, as if he had an umbrella of influence over Cardiff and could stop me working elsewhere; I laughed so hard that he looked genuinely deflated and demasculated as I left.

  • @Anakianaj
    @Anakianaj 2 месяца назад

    bad news on the "insert medical profession that gets their payment from the insurance" one: that's how it pretty much always is. That's at least my takeaway from listening to a bunch of people I know in the field. Sure, depends on the country too - but from what I got it's more a thing of the degree, not if it exists or not. Best thing I can think of to avoid basically getting scammed at the cost of your health: get a second opinion where you say you gonna pay out of pocket. Chances are that in the situations where they would have recommended you do whatever treatment that insurances covers and that would bring in extra money, they're more likely to tell you pretty straight up if you actually *have to do this to avoid outcome x" or, well, not. Since at that point it's their time you pay for, not whatever potential treatment (that you probably won't be able to afford out of pocket) they want to/have to sell to you (or rather your insurance).

  • @G1ngerpocalypse
    @G1ngerpocalypse Месяц назад

    Yooooo I was stationed at Minot and I was shocked to hear it in this video. 🤯

  • @Epsellis
    @Epsellis 10 месяцев назад

    Damn, I almost got tricked by that very dental scam.
    They told me I needed a crown replacement for $2000 or something. I found out it was cheaper to buy a last minute ticket to the other side of the globe and do it there and fly back, So I did so. only to have them properly check it, X-ray it, get a 2nd expert, and then tell me, I just had to stop eating crunchy stuff for a while. My jaw was tired. TMJ something something. It's been years and problem never reoccurred.

  • @heypatk
    @heypatk 9 дней назад

    I'm a retired nurse Medicare age. I get those "advantage" plans. Unfortunately for the scammers do to former my job I know EXACTLY what the differences and pitfalls are. They try and make you feel stupid for not taking their plan. Unfortunately for them I am one foul mouthed old lady. It's hard to parce an acceptance from $&@@@&$:;a

  • @northernKaizer
    @northernKaizer 7 месяцев назад

    Always read the negative reviews thats where you get the info

  • @matthewbourgeois187
    @matthewbourgeois187 5 месяцев назад

    Any good dentist works on commission.. Because they own the company and make money depending on what the company makes..

  • @klapek6432
    @klapek6432 10 месяцев назад +3

    Hey, what's the title of the game?