I love King SetthaThirath, the Art Civil engineer, a samurai warrior, born May 20, 1534, died July 26 - Augut 6, 1572. 38 years old. At 32 years old, he successfully designed & built ThatLuang Laos largest Temple, and other temples in Laos and NongKhai.. He also ruled Chiangmai, and had to return to Laos to fight a corrupt war of his relative take-over.
I love King SetthaThirath, the Art Civil engineer, a samurai warrior, born May 20, 1534, died July 26 - Augut 6, 1572. 38 years old. At 32 years old, he successfully designed & built ThatLuang Laos largest Temple, and other temples in Laos and NongKhai.. He also ruled Chiangmai, and had to return to Laos to fight a corrupt war of his relative take-over.