Using calendar days (365) vs trading days (252) to calc IV makes a difference, especially as expiration date approaches. An empirical check to prove which is more efficacious exists. This check is called "Monday." Friday-to-Monday IV should be significantly higher if, indeed, calendar days is the better measure -- i.e. 3/365's vs 1/252'nd. This is not the case.
I’d buy you both a beer but instead ill just say thank you for this!
Is it good but way before earnings then sell when close to earning as price goes up
Using calendar days (365) vs trading days (252) to calc IV makes a difference, especially as expiration date approaches. An empirical check to prove which is more efficacious exists. This check is called "Monday." Friday-to-Monday IV should be significantly higher if, indeed, calendar days is the better measure -- i.e. 3/365's vs 1/252'nd. This is not the case.
Aye Mi-KE!