Selamat Hari Natal. Merry Christmas. Saya muslim tapi saya cinta semua warga Indonesia dari agama apapun. Kita semua bersaudara. Kita semua adalah Indonesia. [proud to be Indonesian]
Saya sebagai Muslim mengucapakan selamat hari Natal untuk saudara2 saya yg beragama Kristen Protestan dan Katolik Roma. Salam damai, toleransi, dan respek untuk semuanya. Kita semuanya meskipun berbeda2 suku, agama, dan ras namun kita tetap satu saudara satu Indonesia. God bless you all. 🇮🇩❤😇
Don't be surprised that there are so many Christians in Indonesia, and Christmas is the most beautiful time for us. Merry Christmas to you, my brother.
Indonesian is not Moeslem country but Pancasila country. 6 religions have tjhe same posiition. although moeslem is the the largest reigion in indonesia as the largest moeslem country in the world. . That show waa in tv RCTI. Since the declaration of independence in 1945, all Christians in Indonesia can ce;lebrate christmas as all Christians wish. Now all mall in Indonesia and some places also decorated with beautiful Christmas ornament and all church in Indoensia( for about 30.000.000 people) make a service ,e.l
@@Qui776Mungkin anda saapah tangkap, popupasi muslim terbesar didunia bukan agama terbesar didunia Ya kristen emang agama no.1 teebanyak didunia, tapi denominasinya juga ribuan, ortodoks, katolik, protestan, adven dan masih bunyak lagi yang lainnya,dan denominasi ini gak mungkin bersatu kan??? ibadah dan akidahnya aja beda²
Indonesia ku mank keren,kita pnya 6 agama di sini dan saling menghormati. hanya ada beberpa oknum yg memank kdang masih intoleran,tp selebihnya kita saling mnghormati dan mnghargai even berbeda.God bless you all..
Omg what do u expect??? Not only churches, Indonesia has the biggest buddhist temple in the world. And has one of the biggest hindu temple in south east asia. And I am Indonesian muslim, to me, and most Indonesians, we do understand that everyone has the right to practice their religions, and it is protected by the government laws. I love all Indonesians regardless their religions and ethnicities. UNITY IN DIVERSITY is Indonesia's motto. Shoutout from Indonesia.
All of Indonesia church pray for our nation 🇮🇩. That's what make this country getting stronger and stronger. And we get ready for Jesus 2nd coming. God bless you.
UK must start back to their value and start show their mass faith to show everybody who own the UK really is. Jesus is the king, now and forever. Greeting from Indonesia.
Indonesia is not muslim country. Its unity republic. Number of chriatian pop around 20% of total 270 million or 54 million popl. Just same size of UK. Praise the Lord.❤
i am an indonesian.. me and my dad are moeslem but my mom, brother and sister are christian.. so as the son.. each year i celebrate eid mubarak and attend christmas dinner.. few years ago when eid mubarak and christmas almost the same day (only different 2 days) we have christmas tree at home with mouslem decoration.. eventho indonesia is the largest moeslem majority populatin.. but we all got teachon our school to become tolerate to other race, religion, etc.. respect other are not blasphemy act.. and every religion guarantee by our constitution...
hahah same here. I'm Indonesian and grow upin mix religions family. my late father was moslems, my mother is christian, we are of 6 siblings half of us are moslems and the other half are christian/catholic. and so my extended families are all mix of catholic, christian and moslem. during eid mubarak we celebrate and visit each other. during christmas we do alsi celebrate. we are bound by unconditional love for each other. Actually there are plenty mix religious families in Indonesia especially the old generations and continue to the younger generations. it's like herritage.
toleransi disini sangat kuat,namun ya kadang ada aja yang masih ribut tentang agama sebagian kecil tapi mau bagaimanapun indonesia tetap bhineka tunggal ika
I love this, not all Muslims are haters of other religions. I went to church Christmas Eve, I was overjoyed to see a packed church and that give me hope for our Christian country. God bless you shady.
yeah, not all Muslims are haters of other religions, but that's because those same muslims aren't practicing the real teaching of islam in the quran (and hadith).
In the past, tolerance & togetherness far exceeded this (in video). Islamic radicalism in Indonesia is in line with the growth of the Wahhabi (Salafi) sect, also in Europe, and especially in the Middle East. The irony is... the development of the Wahhabi sect was actually facilitated by the British, funds for the development of Wahhabism in Indonesia were proven to flow from the British 😱
Very proud to be an Indonesian.. We live peacefully together side by side regardless of our differences. Our motto is unity in diversity. Jesus bless Indonesia . Merry Christmas Shady
Selamat Natal dan Selamat menyambut Tahun Baru penuh harapan .. 🙏🎉 Sy Kristen , dan saya Indonesia , mengasihi semua saudara sebangsaku .. Perbedaan bkn halangan utk bersatu membangun NKRI .. Sb ada byk kepercayaan yg d lindungi UUD - RI ..
Bro, saya dari Indonesia... Dulu Populasi Kristen di Indonesia 5% detik ini sekarang populasi 30% dari populasi manusia di Indonesia... Banyak orang muslim pindah Kristen karena membandingkan Agama Islam dan Kristen banyak keanehan di ajaran Islam dan Alqurannya, Sebagian juga dari kesaksian banyak yang berjumpa Tuhan Yesus yang hidup, Ada juga yang berdoa secara Kristen dan sembuh Semoga info ini bermanfaat Segala Kemulian hanya bagi Tuhan Yesus GOD BLESS YOU BRooooo.....
Menurut saya kebanyakan muslim di indonesia sudah muak dengan kelakuan para habaib yang tidak beretika, suka kekerasan, dan penuh kebencian. Di aceh sendiri orang murtad satu persatu karena sadar kalau hukum syariah tidak menjadi solusi. Lebih baik negara bhineka yang penuh dengan toleransi dan warna.
I'm an indonesian christian. I really hope my country will be more peacefull in the coming days. No more violance to any followers of religions recognized by indonesian government🤝
@ShadyShae Yes, it is built on the Sibeabea Hill in North Sumatra, overlooking the magnificent Lake Toba, the world's largest volcanic lake. North Sumatra is predominantly Christian, around 5 million people there are Catholic or Protestants.
@somerandomkid9438 I haven’t had a Carol singer for years, I thought it had been stopped just like church bells ringing on Sundays and the may procession.
Hi Greetings from Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Indonesia is republic country. The country has motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika meaning Unity in Diversity. Eventhough most of Indonesian people is muslim but they tolarate to other religions as Christian, Catholic,Hindu, Buddha, and Konghuchu. This is Indonesian treasure and it can not find in other places around the world. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 🎉❤
Let us live based on respect to one another, supporting one another and love one another, no matter who you are, what you believe in, and what colour you are. Message of love from Indonesia. ❤🎉
I’m a moslem and this is why I love my Indonesia so much. 700+ languages, 300+ ethnicities, 17000+ islands, 6 religions, we all live together with big smiles every single day.
Currently, the Christian population of Indonesia is estimated to have reached 20-30% of the total population of Indonesia, because there are still many who have not changed their identity due to pressure from their social environment. Happy and Merry Christmas to all ❤❤❤❤
Saya orang indonesia dari Kalimantan walaupun mayoritas muslim tapi kami saling menyayangi menghargai satu sama lain dan mereka berkunjung mengucapkan selamat natal kepada kami🎉🎉
And yet, on the streets of Nottingham, we had the free plasticine mob, spoiling the Christmas market for everyone, with their mislead politics. They even attacked a vlogger, who was opposing their views 🙄
Indonesia adalah negara muslim terbesar di dunia, tapi survey menunjukkan dalam 1 tahun orang yg keluar dan masuk islam ada 1 juta orang Tapi yang masuk kristen ada 3 juta orang Artinya setiap tahun ada 2 juta orang masuk kristen Praise the lord
There are 29 millions christians in Indonesia, so why are you suprise, even thou only 10% of the population is christian, but due to the country population which 4th largest in the world, the population of christian also huge compare to many western country
Aku hadir di acara Perayaan Natal di Gelora Bung Karno, 7 Oktober 2024. Acara itu dilaksanakan oleh Gereja Tiberias Indonesia setiap tahun. Kenapa? Karena almarhum Dr. Yesaya Pariadji pendirinya diperintahkan langsung oleh Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Diperkirakan ada 200.000 yang datang. Indonesia dan Dunia ini untuk kemuliaan Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Amen
More then 32 Milions Christians 8n Indonesia every year Manu new membersihkan converted from any others religions to Christ ❤Merry Christamas to the world
Saya sangat senang, Natal tahun ini sangat meriah. Keluarga besar kami dari yg beragama islam, kumpul semua. Puji Tuhan dari kecil hingga dewasa sekarang, kami selalu menjaga antara satu dan lain. Yg membuat perpecah belahan suatu agama, sebenarnya bukan agama yg salah, tapi otak orang2 yg Intoleran , tak bisa menjaga kekayaan bangsa ini. Semoga damai selalu beserta kita, sekarang dan selamanya..
Saya muslim. Namun negara kami Indonesia buin negara muslim. Nmun negara Republik yg terdiri dr berbagia agama. Islam, kristen, katolik, budha, hindu, dan konghucu. Hnya saja negara kami adalah negara yg jumlah umat muslimnya salah satu jumlah yg terbanyak d dunia. Dan kami hidup berdampingan , dan hidup dgn damai. BHINNEKA TUNGGAL IKA.. Indonesia jaya.
In my region, Minahasa tribe.Manado and Minahasa.We are majority here. Manado and Minahasa land are cekebrating Christmas and New Tear in November, December, January.I am very happy.
The largest moslem population in 2024 is Pakistan not Indonesia anymore.. eventhough Indonesia is the 2nd largest moslem population in the world, there are 29 millions Christian live in Indonesia..
As an Indonesian, yeah those are the bright side at some places here, but I doubt they will show you the dark side that even youtube will most likely shadow ba nned me if I post it.
What needs to be done is, British traditions need to be kept alive. Come Easter, we need to make a big deal of it. Communities need to get together and stronger.
No, Indonesia is a country that protects followers of religions from implementing their religious teachings as a human right. However, Indonesia has a majority Muslim population. Based on BPS data from Samarinda City, currently there are more than 207 million Muslims in Indonesia. Muslims in Indonesia constitute 13% of the world's total Muslim population. The majority of Indonesia's Muslim population adheres to the Ahlussunnah Waljamaah (Sunni) school of thought. Several organizations affiliated with this school of thought include Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, Persis, and Muhammadiyah. This information I have to say here, because many foreigners assume that Indonesia is a Muslim or Islamic country. Merry Christmas bro 😇🙏🏼
The capacity of this stadium is around 80,000 but the congregation that came was more than 100,000 so many could not enter because it was full.
About 200.000 people
80 ribu itu cuma tribunnya ...
@@Salams422wow that’s amazing
thirty-nine million people KRISTEN INDONESIA🇮🇩🇮🇩 2024
Selamat Hari Natal. Merry Christmas. Saya muslim tapi saya cinta semua warga Indonesia dari agama apapun. Kita semua bersaudara. Kita semua adalah Indonesia.
[proud to be Indonesian]
Terima kasih sodaraku🥲
Makasih, God Bless U n your family.
Saya sebagai Muslim mengucapakan selamat hari Natal untuk saudara2 saya yg beragama Kristen Protestan dan Katolik Roma. Salam damai, toleransi, dan respek untuk semuanya. Kita semuanya meskipun berbeda2 suku, agama, dan ras namun kita tetap satu saudara satu Indonesia. God bless you all. 🇮🇩❤😇
Maaf bos tidak menyebut slmt,,HARAM,cukup teloransi, sodara ku❤😢🇲🇨😊
Terima kasih bro and sis our siblings of ibu pertiwi. Semoga anda semua diberkahi dan sukses di tahun 2025. Selamat tahun baru.
Makan tu Haram 🐖🐖😂😂 @@Fariz-p5d
@@Fariz-p5dsemuanya kln haramkan selain ONTA😂😂😂😂 mengucapkan selamat Haram, tp krncing onta diminum. Benar2 org bodoh😂😂😂
Don't be surprised that there are so many Christians in Indonesia, and Christmas is the most beautiful time for us. Merry Christmas to you, my brother.
Terimakasih Shady Shae sudah meliputi Perayaan Natal di Indonesia. Selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru untuk kita semua.
Tuhan memberkati Indonesia🙏🙏🙏
Indonesian is not Moeslem country but Pancasila country. 6 religions have tjhe same posiition. although moeslem is the the largest reigion in indonesia as the largest moeslem country in the world. . That show waa in tv RCTI. Since the declaration of independence in 1945, all Christians in Indonesia can ce;lebrate christmas as all Christians wish. Now all mall in Indonesia and some places also decorated with beautiful Christmas ornament and all church in Indoensia( for about 30.000.000 people) make a service
That is amazing
Thanks for the infos
nggak salah muslim terbesar didunia...yg ada kristen terbesar didunia no.1...wkwkwk
@@Qui776aku Islam kata siapa Islam banyak 🗿
@@Qui776Mungkin anda saapah tangkap, popupasi muslim terbesar didunia bukan agama terbesar didunia
Ya kristen emang agama no.1 teebanyak didunia, tapi denominasinya juga ribuan, ortodoks, katolik, protestan, adven dan masih bunyak lagi yang lainnya,dan denominasi ini gak mungkin bersatu kan??? ibadah dan akidahnya aja beda²
Indonesia ku mank keren,kita pnya 6 agama di sini dan saling menghormati.
hanya ada beberpa oknum yg memank kdang masih intoleran,tp selebihnya kita saling mnghormati dan mnghargai even berbeda.God bless you all..
Omg what do u expect??? Not only churches, Indonesia has the biggest buddhist temple in the world. And has one of the biggest hindu temple in south east asia. And I am Indonesian muslim, to me, and most Indonesians, we do understand that everyone has the right to practice their religions, and it is protected by the government laws. I love all Indonesians regardless their religions and ethnicities. UNITY IN DIVERSITY is Indonesia's motto. Shoutout from Indonesia.
That's amazing and thats one more reason why I love you guys.
Selamat Natal, merry Christmas🎄🎅🔔 mas Shady 🙏 greetings from 🇮🇩
Terima kasih Helen
God bless ❤ we need more of this.
Yes Poppy! We do
All of Indonesia church pray for our nation 🇮🇩. That's what make this country getting stronger and stronger. And we get ready for Jesus 2nd coming. God bless you.
Indonesia akan sujud menyembah kpd Sang Raja segala raja, Sang Tuan segala tuan, Tuhan Yesus Kristus..
thank you very much, greetings
Hormat, indahnya perbedaan ❤
My friend lives in Jakarta. She is a beautiful soul!
UK must start back to their value and start show their mass faith to show everybody who own the UK really is. Jesus is the king, now and forever. Greeting from Indonesia.
Indonesia is not muslim country. Its unity republic. Number of chriatian pop around 20% of total 270 million or 54 million popl. Just same size of UK. Praise the Lord.❤
salah kmu aku Islam negara Islam 🗿
Christian is not true religion😂
@@m.irsyadsundaIndonesia bukan negara Islam tapi negara Indonesia.
@@m.irsyadsunda indonesia memang populasi muslim terbesar tapi indonesia bukan negara Islam.
Indonesia punya 6 agama resmi .
Dari mana.kamu buat indonesia negara muslim@@m.irsyadsunda
i am an indonesian.. me and my dad are moeslem but my mom, brother and sister are christian.. so as the son.. each year i celebrate eid mubarak and attend christmas dinner.. few years ago when eid mubarak and christmas almost the same day (only different 2 days) we have christmas tree at home with mouslem decoration.. eventho indonesia is the largest moeslem majority populatin.. but we all got teachon our school to become tolerate to other race, religion, etc.. respect other are not blasphemy act.. and every religion guarantee by our constitution...
Bro send me a picture of the Christmas tree with moslem decorations please on instagram @shadyshae007
hahah same here. I'm Indonesian and grow upin mix religions family. my late father was moslems, my mother is christian, we are of 6 siblings half of us are moslems and the other half are christian/catholic. and so my extended families are all mix of catholic, christian and moslem. during eid mubarak we celebrate and visit each other. during christmas we do alsi celebrate. we are bound by unconditional love for each other.
Actually there are plenty mix religious families in Indonesia especially the old generations and continue to the younger generations. it's like herritage.
toleransi disini sangat kuat,namun ya kadang ada aja yang masih ribut tentang agama sebagian kecil tapi mau bagaimanapun indonesia tetap bhineka tunggal ika
I love this, not all Muslims are haters of other religions. I went to church Christmas Eve, I was overjoyed to see a packed church and that give me hope for our Christian country. God bless you shady.
Yes not all! The media is evil
yeah, not all Muslims are haters of other religions, but that's because those same muslims aren't practicing the real teaching of islam in the quran (and hadith).
@ good.
In the past, tolerance & togetherness far exceeded this (in video). Islamic radicalism in Indonesia is in line with the growth of the Wahhabi (Salafi) sect, also in Europe, and especially in the Middle East.
The irony is... the development of the Wahhabi sect was actually facilitated by the British, funds for the development of Wahhabism in Indonesia were proven to flow from the British 😱
BTW...🎄 Merry Chrismast @@jackieo8235 & @ShadySae
Assalamu'alaikum..🙏🏼 may God bless U
Makes me feel happy 😊😊😊
Very proud to be an Indonesian.. We live peacefully together side by side regardless of our differences. Our motto is unity in diversity. Jesus bless Indonesia . Merry Christmas Shady
Hi shady hope you had a lovely Christmas… that’s magical seeing them celebrating Christmas 🎄
Indonesia is not a Muslim Country, we dont uphold Islam law. However we are the largest muslim population country.
Merry Christmas , Selamat Natal... Thank you for this reaction video, brother! lots lots of love from Indonesia 🇮🇩❤
I m from Indonesian, thanks for you my brother ❤❤
Selamat Natal from Indonesia bro ❤🎉
Selamat Natal dan Selamat menyambut Tahun Baru penuh harapan .. 🙏🎉
Sy Kristen , dan saya Indonesia , mengasihi semua saudara sebangsaku ..
Perbedaan bkn halangan utk bersatu membangun NKRI ..
Sb ada byk kepercayaan yg d lindungi UUD - RI ..
Mantap shady❤❤ Merry Christmas
Fair play to whoever organised these festivities and if you're out there can you please pass on your skills to starmer and khan 🙏
Trust me! Fair play to them! Imagine now UK needs to follow their example! That’s crazy!
@ShadyShae couldn't agree more and what a wonderful world we could all live in without political intervention and extremists
@@ShadyShaeit's sad to me to what happens in UK. U brits got wrong to vote Kier Starmer n Khan. U let atheist n muslim run ur country n city.
Trimakasih abang sandi uda rieck Natal kami di Indonesia yg penuh dgn toleransi beragama,,
Merry Christmas Sady Shae...
May God bless you always...
I ❤️ my country * INDONESIA*.
Bro, saya dari Indonesia...
Dulu Populasi Kristen di Indonesia 5% detik ini sekarang populasi 30% dari populasi manusia di Indonesia...
Banyak orang muslim pindah Kristen karena membandingkan Agama Islam dan Kristen banyak keanehan di ajaran Islam dan Alqurannya,
Sebagian juga dari kesaksian banyak yang berjumpa Tuhan Yesus yang hidup,
Ada juga yang berdoa secara Kristen dan sembuh
Semoga info ini bermanfaat
Segala Kemulian hanya bagi Tuhan Yesus
GOD BLESS YOU BRooooo.....
Mereka pindah krn perut dan bawah perut. Paham
@@Dodot157😂😂😂 seperti nabinya Muhammad
Indonesia is not muslim country and largest muslim country anymore.
Menurut saya kebanyakan muslim di indonesia sudah muak dengan kelakuan para habaib yang tidak beretika, suka kekerasan, dan penuh kebencian. Di aceh sendiri orang murtad satu persatu karena sadar kalau hukum syariah tidak menjadi solusi. Lebih baik negara bhineka yang penuh dengan toleransi dan warna.
I'm an indonesian christian. I really hope my country will be more peacefull in the coming days. No more violance to any followers of religions recognized by indonesian government🤝
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I think they have a mix of religions there. Its wonderful to see the true meaning for Christmas
If u have time, may be you can come to visit indonesia. Indonesia have a good leader.
I want to
Thankyou for your content. It's good 👍
Glad you enjoy it!
Did you know that the tallest Jesus statue is in Indonesia? It's 20 meters taller than the one in Rio de Janeiro.
What? Really?
@ShadyShae Yes, it is built on the Sibeabea Hill in North Sumatra, overlooking the magnificent Lake Toba, the world's largest volcanic lake. North Sumatra is predominantly Christian, around 5 million people there are Catholic or Protestants.
I only realized today… for the 1st Christmas in my 66yrs, we never had 1 Carol singer knock on our door?!?! 😢
@somerandomkid9438 I haven’t had a Carol singer for years, I thought it had been stopped just like church bells ringing on Sundays and the may procession.
More than ten thousand people filled the stadium. I❤That
Selamat Hari Natal dari Indonesia bagi seluruh orang percaya kepada Yesus di seluruh Dunia. Damai sejahtera bagimu !
Greetings from Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Indonesia is republic country. The country has motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika meaning Unity in Diversity. Eventhough most of Indonesian people is muslim but they tolarate to other religions as Christian, Catholic,Hindu, Buddha, and Konghuchu.
This is Indonesian treasure and it can not find in other places around the world.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 🎉❤
Merry Christnas Bro
Welcome to Indonesia
Let us live based on respect to one another, supporting one another and love one another, no matter who you are, what you believe in, and what colour you are. Message of love from Indonesia. ❤🎉
Terima kasih
Terima kasih
terima kasih bro anda sudah menjadi salah satu orang yg mengenalkan toleransi dari indomesia di negara anda termakasih (tankyou)
Merry Christmas Bro !! Hopefully next year the celebration will be so much grander in the UK :)
Where’s my English British Christians brothers & Sisters?
Wake up ENGLAND 🏴🎚️Come back to roots people!
Jesus Christ is are Hope 🫡
Wake up UK
Shady Shae, I'm a fan from Indonesia, waiting for you to get 1 million subscribers❤🎉
Terima kasih bang
This make me cry.. Indonesian people are so much tolerant, I miss my hometown, here in US I don’t feel the Xmas spirit only the shopping spirit.
I’m a moslem and this is why I love my Indonesia so much. 700+ languages, 300+ ethnicities, 17000+ islands, 6 religions, we all live together with big smiles every single day.
I'm from Maluku povince christian in Indonesia . I love indonesia .
Marry Christmas nd happy New years
Merry Chrismast Harold...🌲
🙏🏼 Assalamu'alaikum...
Indonesia beautiful country in the world ❤❤❤❤❤
🤣& they're allowed to say 'christmas' Thanks for sharing this.
My pleasure
Evening shady baby😊 amazing beutiful wow gives me hope❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊
Hey Angela! I was so surprised as well. It's very heart warming!
sudah lama sekali tidak melihat abangku shady shae. semangat 1 juta.
Currently, the Christian population of Indonesia is estimated to have reached 20-30% of the total population of Indonesia, because there are still many who have not changed their identity due to pressure from their social environment. Happy and Merry Christmas to all ❤❤❤❤
Rezeki gak ada putusnya, makasi D𝙀𝐖AD𝐎𝘙𝐀.
Opo ae wong i ki..
Love from Indonesia christian, Jesus bless you 🇮🇩🤍✝️
Thank u sir for expose my country, INDONESIA❤❤
Saya orang indonesia dari Kalimantan walaupun mayoritas muslim tapi kami saling menyayangi menghargai satu sama lain dan mereka berkunjung mengucapkan selamat natal kepada kami🎉🎉
Amen.godbless them all.❤❤❤❤😊
Wishing you a verry happy C'mas Shady, joy and happiness be with you 4 ever👍🙏😇🌲🌲❤️
These only 10% of christian population of indonesia.. in east of indonesia population was 90% christian
And yet, on the streets of Nottingham, we had the free plasticine mob, spoiling the Christmas market for everyone, with their mislead politics. They even attacked a vlogger, who was opposing their views 🙄
Really? Thats bad
@ShadyShae Check out Notts Online and Andy Public UK, to see what happened.
terimakasih anda sudah menayangkan indonesia .selamat natal dari indonesia saudaraku semua ..
Merry Christmas from east Flores of Indonesia 🙏❤️
Indonesia adalah negara muslim terbesar di dunia, tapi survey menunjukkan dalam 1 tahun orang yg keluar dan masuk islam ada 1 juta orang
Tapi yang masuk kristen ada 3 juta orang
Artinya setiap tahun ada 2 juta orang masuk kristen
Praise the lord
Merry Christmas for you brother from Indonesia❤
Merry Christmas ...Shady...Jesus Love Us..from indonesia christians
In Indonesia have many churchs
Hi Shady, you are welcome to visit our country
Very gladly! Thanks
wise people, peace and mutual respect = economical boom.
I do hope you have had a wonderful Christmas , peace and joy to you shae 🙏🫶🏼
There are 29 millions christians in Indonesia, so why are you suprise, even thou only 10% of the population is christian, but due to the country population which 4th largest in the world, the population of christian also huge compare to many western country
Thats amazing
And mo sallah is getting backlash for celebrating Christmas
I saw that. Ridiculous
If everyone of the faith in question was as sincere and genuine as these lovely Indonesians and Mo Salah then there wouldn’t be a problem.
Indonesia good
Indonesia damai
Merry christmast ...bro...
God bless you...
I am Indonesia.
Syaloom bro..
Merry Christmas 25 December 2024.
Christmas brings peace to us humans
greetings from Indonesia
The Lord Jesus is with us.
Aku hadir di acara Perayaan Natal di Gelora Bung Karno, 7 Oktober 2024. Acara itu dilaksanakan oleh Gereja Tiberias Indonesia setiap tahun. Kenapa? Karena almarhum Dr. Yesaya Pariadji pendirinya diperintahkan langsung oleh Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Diperkirakan ada 200.000 yang datang. Indonesia dan Dunia ini untuk kemuliaan Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Amen
More then 32 Milions Christians 8n Indonesia every year Manu new membersihkan converted from any others religions to Christ ❤Merry Christamas to the world
Inilah keindahan Indonesia kami toleransi kami junjung tinggi
Saya sangat senang, Natal tahun ini sangat meriah. Keluarga besar kami dari yg beragama islam, kumpul semua. Puji Tuhan dari kecil hingga dewasa sekarang, kami selalu menjaga antara satu dan lain.
Yg membuat perpecah belahan suatu agama, sebenarnya bukan agama yg salah, tapi otak orang2 yg Intoleran , tak bisa menjaga kekayaan bangsa ini. Semoga damai selalu beserta kita, sekarang dan selamanya..
SELAMAT NATAL 🎇🎁🎆🎉🎉🎉🌲🌲🌲DAN TAHUN BARU 🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🙏🙏🙏👌👍
Saya muslim. Namun negara kami Indonesia buin negara muslim. Nmun negara Republik yg terdiri dr berbagia agama. Islam, kristen, katolik, budha, hindu, dan konghucu. Hnya saja negara kami adalah negara yg jumlah umat muslimnya salah satu jumlah yg terbanyak d dunia. Dan kami hidup berdampingan , dan hidup dgn damai.
BHINNEKA TUNGGAL IKA.. Indonesia jaya.
In my region, Minahasa tribe.Manado and Minahasa.We are majority here. Manado and Minahasa land are cekebrating Christmas and New Tear in November, December, January.I am very happy.
You have to look outside Jakarta. Mostly West Java. What happened to minority? 😢
Tell me more about
There are several provinces in Indonesia that are intolerant, such as Aceh, West Sumatra, West Java, Banten.
Itu yang di lihat tapi masih banyak tempat di Indonesia yang menolak perayaan natal dan ibadah biasa, bahkan penolakan pembangunan gereja.
Anggap saja yg menolak orang beribadah memang orang bodoh
Selamat Natal saudara sadhy 🙏🎄
Salam damai Natal dari Indonesia buat mu sekeluarga.🇮🇩
God bless you 'n Indonesia 🇮🇩 ❤ Merry X'mas 🎉 to all of you ....
This proves we must look deeper into where the problem is, its geographical rather than faith
Merry Christmas from Indonesia ❤❤
Selamat Natal dari Indonesia untuk segala bangsa di dunia.
The largest moslem population in 2024 is Pakistan not Indonesia anymore.. eventhough Indonesia is the 2nd largest moslem population in the world, there are 29 millions Christian live in Indonesia..
U just see the good side, u must see the dark side 😂
Salam santun Sahabat.. Baru gabung di channel ini.. Salam dari Indonesia🙏 ❤🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
As an Indonesian, yeah those are the bright side at some places here, but I doubt they will show you the dark side that even youtube will most likely shadow ba nned me if I post it.
God bless
What needs to be done is, British traditions need to be kept alive. Come Easter, we need to make a big deal of it. Communities need to get together and stronger.
No, Indonesia is a country that protects followers of religions from implementing their religious teachings as a human right.
However, Indonesia has a majority Muslim population. Based on BPS data from Samarinda City, currently there are more than 207 million Muslims in Indonesia. Muslims in Indonesia constitute 13% of the world's total Muslim population.
The majority of Indonesia's Muslim population adheres to the Ahlussunnah Waljamaah (Sunni) school of thought. Several organizations affiliated with this school of thought include Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, Persis, and Muhammadiyah.
This information I have to say here, because many foreigners assume that Indonesia is a Muslim or Islamic country. Merry Christmas bro 😇🙏🏼
Tanggal 28-12-2024
Misa Krismas Akbar di GBK