Primeira parte do ballet de repertório Dom Quixote apresentado em 1984 pelo American Ballet Theater. Mikhail Baryshnikov como Basílio e Cynthia Harvey como Kitri.
The artistry of these two is off the charts! Truly the best. These days artistry is missing… so many dancer are more technical and lack feelings and soul.
I used to have this tape. I first found out who Cynthia Harvey was when I read her book: "BALLET IS THE BEST EXERCISE." This was another choreography by Mikhail Baryshnikov that he also danced in. I enjoyed his NUTCRACKER... and this was a nice one too. I don't know if it was as good as Nureyev. But it's an above par-production. Notice when the entire audience gasps when Misha does his solo leaps. And it's one of the only remaining filmed productions that feature the late Patrick Bissell.
Nurejev olyan , mint egy csikó , zabolátlan . Őt is szeretem, de amit Barishnikov a tökéletességre csiszolt mozgásával , eleganciájával, repüléseivel, színészi tehetségével tud adni, szerintem felülmúlhatatlan ❤❤❤
He of course is a legend she is magnificent and owns this. All should be judged by her interpretation. And I haven’t seen anyone dance this any better. This productions is the gold standard of ballet.
Anche polemismo commediale in questo balletto che contempla la comunicazione dell'esprit de joie della danza e la sua armonia .Ottina impressione di levità levità fatta tensione motile sorprendente nella ballerina ed ottima la riconduzuone falcata dei passi all'euritmia melodica. Superlativi anche in attorialita ' tutti gli agenti in proscenio.Bighin Giulio Renzo. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
I love how she's dancing so hard that her fan breaks when she hits it to the ground around 4:24...LOL. There are so many Kitris that I love such as Osipova and Plisetskaya, but Harvey is definitely up there in my list. She's gotta be one of my favorites; I haven't seen such great acting and sass from anyone except Harvey.
My wish is that in an age of mediocrity that excellence, talent (if from educated or uneducated persons) is celebrated and not lost. The sins of the past in the form of racial prejudices and against women should be put behind us. This is not to say that discussion and debate and thoughtfulness from all parts of the community are not necessary. They are essential. Love the best in all segments of society. Love before you hate. Think before you believe Research before you decide,
El arte es la expresión del alma, la fuerza del amor en la musica clásica hace que el cuerpo vuele por el aire haciendo el sentido alegre, abarcando el espacio sin peso en la eternidad de los sentimientos.... DON QUIJOTE BELLA OBRA DE BALLET CLÁSICO!
I think of him as Fred Astaire of ballet. Perfect timing especially when playing light hearted slight humerous roles He was small but so sexy and a great actor as well as dancer. Wont ever be another dancer as technically perfect as him as its impossible even with todays training and care. Sure he didnt have pilates sessions in those days. Great tap dancer as well.
But it is a matter of opinion, some people think Zakharova is a good kitri while others find Novikova better than Osipova. Harvey is a legend, if she wasn't she wouldn't be dancing with Baryshnikov. Kitri may not be her best role but it is one of praise. "Earthliness" and mystique are two minor qualities (opinionated qualities at that) for kitri. She has spirit and i think that's the most important thing kitri can have.
Of those who are dancing now, I prefer Osipova, Zakharova is boring. But Kitri Harvey is far better and more interesting then Osipova. She is a worthy partner for Baryshnikov.
@@AnyaV Nope, 3 years he studied ballet in Riga Choreography School - J.Kaprālis classes, where his classmate was amazing dancer A.Godunov, after 4 years in Leningrad/St.Peterburg.
Please put the full Don Quixote back on RUclips. I don’t mind the bad cuts too much, but I really object to the butchering of Act Three (Act Two B - it gets counted various ways), particularly the omission of Kitri and Basilio’s return to the tavern with all its delightful dancing. The cups solo is missing altogether, and Basilio’s suicide is played twice. Please, please put the original back.
Does anyone realize that the title is spelled incorrectly?? Correct spelling is Don Quixote: Act One. And any other additions that the owner of the video wants! No hate to the RUclips channel owner and no one who thinks it is spelled this way.
Русский балет выжил благодаря Барышникову, Нуриеву и Годунову, которые спасли его тем, что уехали. Потому что здесь в Большом театре сейчас цирк и гимнастика, для Путина и его шайки. Балета сейчас в России нет, или почти нет. После прихода Цицкаридзе и подобных ему, все балетные гении, вынуждены были уйти из Большого театра. Мы ждем от Барышникова помощи в подборе балетмейстеров для работы в Большом театре, а иначе в России будет только кордебалет.
Китри: Только красиво, руки, плечи, голова выполняют отличную технику, НО, на образ не работают... Нет кокетства и соблазнительности, не хватает гибкости и работы рук и пальцев. Посмотрите Плисецкую и поймёте
Я понимаю, что у каждого свои кумиры. Если бы разговор шел о "Кармен-Сюите" и Вы бы назвали Плисецкую лучшей исполнительницей роли Кармен в этом балете, я бы согласилась с Вами на сто процентов. Но запись "Дон Кихота" с Плисецкой я видела и в восторг не пришла. Нет у нее соблазнительности, главное, что есть в ее танце - это агрессия. Я бы на месте Базиля ее испугалась, не то что жениться на ней. И нет в ней любви к Базилю, вообще нет, только выброс энергии. А самое для меня неприятное - это ее вариант "Сцены сна" Дон Кихота. Это же КЛАССИКА, контраст с первым актом, а Плисецкая там выглядит просто как пародия.
@@МаришаПолякова Согласна, что Плисецкая - не лучшая Китри, лучшая Китри всех времён и народов - Екатерина Максимова! В ней есть все - кокетство, привлекательность, лёгкость, красота, великолепная техника - само собой! Никакого сравнения с этой балериной нет и быть не может!
Oh no no no! That is NOT a Kitri! Yes, she has amazing technique and speed, but she completely lacks the mystique and earthiness which you would find in real Kitri. At age 10, Adeline Pastor embodied those qualities way better than Harvey. But then, Adeline is French, and thus, she possesses that...."je ne sais quoi"...
Какой низкий уровень выступления этой сборной американской труппы по сравнению с Барышниковым.... В СССР такого низкого уровня постановок и такой бездарной солистки не было в самом захудалом провинциальном театре тех лет... На что Барышников променял Кировский балет....
We all know Soviet trained dancers are something else. But does it mean other places/companies/individuals cannot stage such scene? Of course not. Otherwise how does art even improve? Where I live, there are lousy ballet schools. Art is rarely appreciated here, there is zero art theatre whatsoever. Sometimes I wonder how the heck ballet teachers teach their little pupils these days. I myself had some ballet training as a kid but I didn't know how to appreciate ballet as an art form. Now as an adult, I much rather watch mediocre ballet shows (according to Russian standards) in real life than to complain why I never had such experience watching ballet theatre live.
@@Qwerty-db1js Много постановок Кировского балета (Мариинский театр) и Московского балета в есть на ЮТУБе, смотрю и получаю большое удовольствие. Особенно хороши постановки СССР - тогда особенно хорошо финансировали балет и сделали много талантливых спектаклей. Особенно нравится "Кармен" и "Лебединое озеро" с М.Плисецкой. И "Спящая красавица" солисты Лежнина и Рузиматов. В СССР балетное образование было бесплатным, но учиться могли только одарённые дети, которых искали в провинции и привозили в столицу учиться. А сейчас обучение платное и учиться могут только те, у кого есть деньги,...)) И талантов стало меньше...
@@ЕлизаветаЛандыш Ya, thanks for sharing. I just saw Maximova-Vasiliev's Romeo and Juliet. Their artistry and passion really blew my mind. I feel it is something only husband and wife can do on stage😂 Will find M. Plisetskaya one day.
Китри скучна и даже кое-где вульгарна. Мне нравится в этой роли Екатерина Крысанова, БТ. Барышников , не спорю, гений и так далее, но мне больше нравится Иван Васильев в этой роли😊 но о вкусах не спорят😊
The artistry of these two is off the charts! Truly the best. These days artistry is missing… so many dancer are more technical and lack feelings and soul.
Эталон. Ничего лучше пока нет. Браво
O melhor Don Quixote q já assisti. Misha e Cyntia maravilhosos! Melhor montagem.
Que Maravillosooooo por todos los Dioses del olimpo. ❤❤❤❤
Parece que vuela.
My favorite 4-EVER!
The best Ballet dancer i have ever one before and probably afterвидео.html
Годунов был лучшк
Nadie como el!❤
A melhor performance deste duo deste bailado até aos dias de hoje.
I love Baryshnikov's facial expressions, they are sooo precious.
I used to have this tape. I first found out who Cynthia Harvey was when I read her book: "BALLET IS THE BEST EXERCISE." This was another choreography by Mikhail Baryshnikov that he also danced in. I enjoyed his NUTCRACKER... and this was a nice one too. I don't know if it was as good as Nureyev. But it's an above par-production. Notice when the entire audience gasps when Misha does his solo leaps. And it's one of the only remaining filmed productions that feature the late Patrick Bissell.
Nurejev olyan , mint egy csikó , zabolátlan . Őt is szeretem, de amit Barishnikov a tökéletességre csiszolt mozgásával , eleganciájával, repüléseivel, színészi tehetségével tud adni, szerintem felülmúlhatatlan ❤❤❤
Baryshnikov, simplemente divino
meraviglioso Misha Barishiskov e tutti i ballerini russi
He of course is a legend she is magnificent and owns this. All should be judged by her interpretation. And I haven’t seen anyone dance this any better. This productions is the gold standard of ballet.
Adoro Michail e tutti i ballerini russi. ❤️
Esse bailarino,foi perfeito no que ele gostava de fazer, dançar simplesmente assim, um anjo na terra
Magnífico! Baryshnikov expressa toda a arte que é o ballet, ainda mais com Dom Quixote. :)
Великолепно, глядя на танец, сердце щемит. Как хорошо, что остались записи.
Почему сердце щемит?исполнители все живы,здоровы,и благополучны
@@ОльгаФёдорова-у2сОт совершенства
Cutest pair ever.
Harvey OWNS the stage!!!!!
Maravilloso!, tuve la oportunidad de verlo en NY, hace muchos años...
They are both perfect!
Anche polemismo commediale in questo balletto che contempla la comunicazione dell'esprit de joie della danza e la sua armonia .Ottina impressione di levità levità fatta tensione motile sorprendente nella ballerina ed ottima la riconduzuone falcata dei passi all'euritmia melodica. Superlativi anche in attorialita ' tutti gli agenti in proscenio.Bighin Giulio Renzo. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Errata corrige riconduzione
Errata corrige ottima
I love how she's dancing so hard that her fan breaks when she hits it to the ground around 4:24...LOL. There are so many Kitris that I love such as Osipova and Plisetskaya, but Harvey is definitely up there in my list. She's gotta be one of my favorites; I haven't seen such great acting and sass from anyone except Harvey.
That manege Harvey begins at 4:22... she's the only one who dances it that way. EVERY Kitri today should emulate her.
I cannot find this version on Spotify anywhere. I love the overture!
Best Don Chixote i ever seen
so precise..he is the yard stick....he is what everyone else is measured against. All other male dancers are measured against him.
Um Pas de deux de encher os olhos de qualquer bailarina!Lindo de morrer...
she brings so much spirit to the stage....a wonderful irrepressible joie de vivre....
such awesome beauty. the arts are forever. never let us forget it.
I love dance. Ballet is my favorite. It gives me chills. These are breathtaking dance sequences..
My wish is that in an age of mediocrity that excellence, talent (if from educated or uneducated persons) is celebrated and not lost. The sins of the past in the form of racial prejudices and against women should be put behind us. This is not to say that discussion and debate and thoughtfulness from all parts of the community are not necessary. They are essential. Love the best in all segments of society. Love before you hate. Think before you believe Research before you decide,
Barishnikov es un bailarin hermoso
soooooo cute! the best version to me.
El arte es la expresión del alma, la fuerza del amor en la musica clásica hace que el cuerpo vuele por el aire haciendo el sentido alegre, abarcando el espacio sin peso en la eternidad de los sentimientos.... DON QUIJOTE BELLA OBRA DE BALLET CLÁSICO!
Davvero MERAVIGLIOSI Misha e Cyntia !!!!!!
I love love love Misha.....🙏
Oh, Baryshnikov
Increinlemente hermoso!
I think of him as Fred Astaire of ballet. Perfect timing especially when playing light hearted slight humerous roles He was small but so sexy and a great actor as well as dancer. Wont ever be another dancer as technically perfect as him as its impossible even with todays training and care. Sure he didnt have pilates sessions in those days. Great tap dancer as well.
Vielen Dsnk für das holadeb diese tollen Bslletts. 💃🏻🕺🏻
É maravilhoso , encerrou a dança em 2010 .
She is magnificent - he too, of course!
But it is a matter of opinion, some people think Zakharova is a good kitri while others find Novikova better than Osipova. Harvey is a legend, if she wasn't she wouldn't be dancing with Baryshnikov. Kitri may not be her best role but it is one of praise. "Earthliness" and mystique are two minor qualities (opinionated qualities at that) for kitri. She has spirit and i think that's the most important thing kitri can have.
Of those who are dancing now, I prefer Osipova, Zakharova is boring. But Kitri Harvey is far better and more interesting then Osipova. She is a worthy partner for Baryshnikov.
So perfect...
The best of The world
Wow Cynthia was a jumper too!
and that ladies and gentlemen, is how kitri is done!
Proud that fact that he is from MY country. Russian!
Anya V He was Born in Latvia. By the time he was born it was part of Soviet Union.
@@ondrejmarsik6498 but studied in St. Petersburg / Leningrad in anyway
@@AnyaV You wrote ,,he is from,, not ,,he studied, that's a big difference
Rússia - best teaching of Ballet!
@@AnyaV Nope, 3 years he studied ballet in Riga Choreography School - J.Kaprālis classes, where his classmate was amazing dancer A.Godunov, after 4 years in Leningrad/St.Peterburg.
she' s prefect in every moviment
Дякую,прекрасний образ.
Спасибо. ЧтоВыЕсть..!!!
Барышников великолепен,вот что значит школа балета СССР.
The Imperial ballet was even better.
Please put the full Don Quixote back on RUclips. I don’t mind the bad cuts too much, but I really object to the butchering of Act Three (Act Two B - it gets counted various ways), particularly the omission of Kitri and Basilio’s return to the tavern with all its delightful dancing. The cups solo is missing altogether, and Basilio’s suicide is played twice. Please, please put the original back.
Барышников просто суперпрофи
why do they put ads in the middle off "Barbie" yuk.. and then they cut off what you are watching !
👑⚜🏰 France Yonne🍷⛪ Salut ! Merci 💃
Septembre 2024
Misha 4ever.
I don’t know why this is called Don Quixote when he never even shows up
maybe you should watch the full version instead of the excerpt?
On the other hand...check out Tatyana Terekhova as Kitri, ladies and gentlemen, there's the most exciting ballerina for this role ever!
So beautiful ! Great Baryshnikov !
but why Dom Quixote ? isn't it Don Quixote ?
Yes it is thank you!!
@@lexie_ballerina4155 n
Does anyone realize that the title is spelled incorrectly?? Correct spelling is Don Quixote: Act One. And any other additions that the owner of the video wants! No hate to the RUclips channel owner and no one who thinks it is spelled this way.
i believe "dom" is the Portuguese equivalent of Don.
The Portuguese version is “Vestir”. No hate but that’s the way I learned it!
And there is a movement to have classical music cancelled. This world gets sillier every day. 🤦♀️
I don't know about ballet music, but I feel that time, the music was more interesting. These days, claasic music is like study thing.... I feel...
I have yet to see a better Kitri than Harvey.
Maybe Ekaterina Maximova. She is one extremely lively Kitri.
Лучшая Киттри это Екатерина Максимова! А Харви очень проигрывает темпераментом рядом с Барышниковым
this is because the description is in portuguese
Русский балет выжил благодаря Барышникову, Нуриеву и Годунову, которые спасли его тем, что уехали.
Потому что здесь в Большом театре сейчас цирк и гимнастика, для Путина и его шайки. Балета сейчас в России нет, или почти нет. После прихода Цицкаридзе и подобных ему, все балетные гении, вынуждены были уйти из Большого театра.
Мы ждем от Барышникова помощи в подборе балетмейстеров для работы в Большом театре, а иначе в России будет только кордебалет.
Contra viento y marea, el quijote va detras de Dulcinea
Those...pants.. ;)
Did this guy ever perform with the really great dancers like Michael Jackson or Brittany Spears?
Frank Lesser 😂
Китри: Только красиво, руки, плечи, голова выполняют отличную технику, НО, на образ не работают... Нет кокетства и соблазнительности, не хватает гибкости и работы рук и пальцев. Посмотрите Плисецкую и поймёте
Я понимаю, что у каждого свои кумиры. Если бы разговор шел о "Кармен-Сюите" и Вы бы назвали Плисецкую лучшей исполнительницей роли Кармен в этом балете, я бы согласилась с Вами на сто процентов. Но запись "Дон Кихота" с Плисецкой я видела и в восторг не пришла. Нет у нее соблазнительности, главное, что есть в ее танце - это агрессия. Я бы на месте Базиля ее испугалась, не то что жениться на ней. И нет в ней любви к Базилю, вообще нет, только выброс энергии. А самое для меня неприятное - это ее вариант "Сцены сна" Дон Кихота. Это же КЛАССИКА, контраст с первым актом, а Плисецкая там выглядит просто как пародия.
Da, prosto uzhasnaya postanovka. Plisetskaya v 1958 ewe tvorila fantastiku. A tut ... koshmar
@@МаришаПолякова Согласна, что Плисецкая - не лучшая Китри, лучшая Китри всех времён и народов - Екатерина Максимова! В ней есть все - кокетство, привлекательность, лёгкость, красота, великолепная техника - само собой! Никакого сравнения с этой балериной нет и быть не может!
Ephesians 2:10
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
não entedi a danssa
Thank God he’s with a real ballerina this time, and didn’t make the mistake of dancing with Gelsey Kirkland like he did in that Nutcracker video.
Oh no no no! That is NOT a Kitri! Yes, she has amazing technique and speed, but she completely lacks the mystique and earthiness which you would find in real Kitri. At age 10, Adeline Pastor embodied those qualities way better than
Harvey. But then, Adeline is French, and thus, she possesses that...."je ne sais quoi"...
Baibaren05 and Harvey is LATINA. She is an amazing Kitri.
Mystique? Kitri is the daughter of a innkeeper, mystique is contraindicated to her. Harvey is the best Kitri.
Я тоже считаю,что это одна из неудачных Киттри! Максимова,Плисецкая это да! Вот там испанский темперамент. А у Харли совсем его нет
Хорош тем, что не стал геем🤣
Какой низкий уровень выступления этой сборной американской труппы по сравнению с Барышниковым.... В СССР такого низкого уровня постановок и такой бездарной солистки не было в самом захудалом провинциальном театре тех лет... На что Барышников променял Кировский балет....
We all know Soviet trained dancers are something else. But does it mean other places/companies/individuals cannot stage such scene? Of course not.
Otherwise how does art even improve? Where I live, there are lousy ballet schools. Art is rarely appreciated here, there is zero art theatre whatsoever. Sometimes I wonder how the heck ballet teachers teach their little pupils these days. I myself had some ballet training as a kid but I didn't know how to appreciate ballet as an art form. Now as an adult, I much rather watch mediocre ballet shows (according to Russian standards) in real life than to complain why I never had such experience watching ballet theatre live.
@@Qwerty-db1js Много постановок Кировского балета (Мариинский театр) и Московского балета в есть на ЮТУБе, смотрю и получаю большое удовольствие. Особенно хороши постановки СССР - тогда особенно хорошо финансировали балет и сделали много талантливых спектаклей.
Особенно нравится "Кармен" и "Лебединое озеро" с М.Плисецкой. И "Спящая красавица" солисты Лежнина и Рузиматов. В СССР балетное образование было бесплатным, но учиться могли только одарённые дети, которых искали в провинции и привозили в столицу учиться. А сейчас обучение платное и учиться могут только те, у кого есть деньги,...)) И талантов стало меньше...
@@ЕлизаветаЛандыш Ya, thanks for sharing. I just saw Maximova-Vasiliev's Romeo and Juliet. Their artistry and passion really blew my mind. I feel it is something only husband and wife can do on stage😂 Will find M. Plisetskaya one day.
Синтия ужасна
corps-corps de ballet. Пляски, мельтешение тряпок, рук, ног и прочего с позициями.
Китри скучна и даже кое-где вульгарна. Мне нравится в этой роли Екатерина Крысанова, БТ. Барышников , не спорю, гений и так далее, но мне больше нравится Иван Васильев в этой роли😊 но о вкусах не спорят😊