The Women of the Wall: Is There a Problem?- Interview with Rabbi David Bar-Hayim

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024

Комментарии • 50

  • @888cassel
    @888cassel 11 лет назад +2

    A very educated, balanced and intelligent viewpoint that looks at the strengths and weaknesses of both sides. Kol aKvod for an excellent presentation !

  • @toranation
    @toranation 11 лет назад +1

    The leadership of Women of the Wall has been very vocal regarding their desire to advance goals which are in line with Reform Judaism. Haven't you heard the statements of Anat Hoffman? Rabbi David Bar-Hayim is on target as usual.

  • @ahwien
    @ahwien 8 месяцев назад

    Intriguing. However, since the actual donning of טלית ותפילין למעשה has become exclusively in the men's realm for millennia, can we not also consider the עסור מן התורה בגד איש?

  • @daganevfrom2739
    @daganevfrom2739 11 лет назад

    R. Yehuda Kook's explanation of Rabeinu Tam, mainly that the beracha is a statement about the national requirement, not the individual's requirement. He says it at around the 2 - 3 minute mark.

  • @TagMahirTzedek
    @TagMahirTzedek 11 лет назад +2

    On the Deform (aka "reform") website--
    "Anat Hoffman is executive director of the Israel Religious Action Center, the legal and advocacy arm of the Reform Movement in Israel. Previously she held a seat on the Jerusalem City Council, where for fourteen years she stood in opposition to the policies of the city’s right-wing and ultra-Orthodox administration. "

  • @PathOfAvraham
    @PathOfAvraham 11 лет назад

    Thank you for the quick reply!
    i realized what he was saying, but i wanted to know where the halakhic source for this is from. Is it just based on the opinions of post Gaonic authorities? or can it be found in a more widely acceptable source?

  • @TheEliSko
    @TheEliSko 11 лет назад +1

    AFAICT, Rahel and Charlie Kalech are correct when claiming WoW's official position is ONLY regarding women's tefila. However, chairwoman Anat Hoffman and director Lesley Sachs are both ALSO affiliated with IRAC, which DOES have a broader agenda, and which co-files lawsuits with WoW. Also, Hoffman doesn't distinguish between WoW and IRAC positions in public statements, as quoted by TMT et al. Like "moderate Moslems," other WoW members must repudiate "reform" claims or be tarred by the same brush.

  • @PathOfAvraham
    @PathOfAvraham 11 лет назад

    I realized that but i clarified my question later. When i said "Halakhic" should have said pre Gaon's
    Ie. those that created the halakha, where as Taam and RMB"M are Rishnonim not Hazal.
    Sorry for the confusion,
    Thanks for the reply.
    Shabboth Shalom

  • @PathOfAvraham
    @PathOfAvraham 11 лет назад

    I know that but those are from the Tosafoth, I asked if this is found in halakhic sources not post Gaonic authorities.
    Thank you for the sources though.
    Shabboth Shalom w'Brakha

  • @dannybibi1462
    @dannybibi1462 11 лет назад +1

    And also why should women not be counted as part of a minyan? We count men who are thieves, murderers, liars and cheats as part of a minyan, so why not women?

  • @LindysSoftware
    @LindysSoftware 11 лет назад +1

    Where is your proof that these women have another agenda??? They've been fighting for this one for 25 years. The group started when they first went to Kotel to support the Jewish rights to the Kotel.

  • @dannybibi1462
    @dannybibi1462 11 лет назад

    Rabbeynu Taam. He stated that already and the other view is the Rambam.

  • @PathOfAvraham
    @PathOfAvraham 11 лет назад

    Whats the Halakhic basis for R. Bar-Hayim that woman should say a brakha on a miswoth they are not obligated in?

    • @ahwien
      @ahwien 8 месяцев назад

      It's the same as lulav מצוה עשה שהזמן גרמה as he explained. I believe he said it's Rabbenu Tam's position. Ashkenazim make the ברכה. Sephardim don't.

  • @רינתיהגוטליב
    @רינתיהגוטליב 11 лет назад +2

    Women can wear Teffilin but they have to have the proper respect for them. We see from google images that these women don't wear the tefillin in the proper places. They are wearing them for show. This will get them in deep spiritual trouble. While wearing G-d's name on your body, the body must be clean and the mind must be focused on proper thoughts. One wonders if these women actually study the laws of tefillin or is it all for the press.

  • @mikeklein9923
    @mikeklein9923 Год назад

    So what do you propose to do with the millions of 'palestinians'

  • @Rahel
    @Rahel 11 лет назад

    A mix of Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. Even if we dislike something, we're still obligated to check the facts and not make judgments based on our emotions.

  • @LindysSoftware
    @LindysSoftware 11 лет назад +1

    I'm so disappointed in this video. Did the Rov think for himself here, or is he just trying to be PC with the RW?
    What would it matter if the WOW were reform (which they are not. The majority is conservadox), anyway? What are we scared of?

  • @TagMahirTzedek
    @TagMahirTzedek 11 лет назад

    "I think when you change the holiest site of the Jewish people you are actually asking why not about a variety of other life choices dictated to Israelis by the Orthodox monopoly "I am also questioning why are the Orthodox the only ones in charge of marriage and divorce in Israel? Many Israelis want to get married in other ways and we do not have civil marriage or reform and conservative marriage and more importantly reform or conservative divorce............"

  • @TagMahirTzedek
    @TagMahirTzedek 11 лет назад

    ...... "This becomes the basis for our cases concerning Reform synagogue buildings, Reform representation on local Religious Councils, and recognition of Reform rabbis in Israel. We also use litigation when Orthodox communities or institutions abuse their power, such as taking over synagogues or forcing gender segregation on some public buses."
    What more do you need? They want and are trying to introduce and have deformism which is not acceptable.

  • @kwyzi
    @kwyzi 8 лет назад +2

    yes i think they have a peculiar agenda, i find them abhorrent, but would not hurt these misbegotten miskanot

  • @toranation
    @toranation 11 лет назад

    " It only has one Reform board member" And the rest? Reconstructionist?

  • @threeworlds131
    @threeworlds131 Год назад

    The halachAH, common sense, universal human ethics that women who are in religious ritual are Not to be violently attacked, whatever the intent. There are many women who need to practice more pious forms of Judaism in equity in men, god bless them. Women of The Wall are leading the way with large followings in worldwide and the Rabbi cannot blame the women seeking freedom of religious expression for sometimes affiliating with these universal and progressive human rights for peacemaking with Palestinians, and acceptance of LGBT community. Our god, is One God, YHVH is of all people, as they may choose.

    • @sigmanocopyrightmusic8737
      @sigmanocopyrightmusic8737 Год назад

      Have you forgotten about what happen to Korah when he tried to rebel against GOD'S authority and tried to take the role of Aaron. People have different roles . Having an heirachy doesn't mean it's inequality. Your explicitly rebelling against GOD and also destroying society with your degenerate, liberal propoganda. Women can't serve as priests. Don't lie halakhah promotes this degenerate leftist nonsense. Your liberal cherripicking of it and misinterpretation seems to prove your position. Common sense proves the opposite that gender roles exist and for the good of society. You would have been stoned in ancient israel for suggesting these things.

    • @sigmanocopyrightmusic8737
      @sigmanocopyrightmusic8737 9 месяцев назад

      Common sense says the opposite of what your implying.

  • @Rahel
    @Rahel 11 лет назад

    Even if that is true, that doesn't excuse the malicious falsehoods uttered on this video.

  • @TagMahirTzedek
    @TagMahirTzedek 11 лет назад

    Actually if you want to see a true ignoramus all you need to do look at the mirror. Fist listen and study to the teaching the Rav teaches and then possible speak.