Que pena que só pode dar um like pq esse vídeo merecia muitos joinhas obrigada querida por nós trazer da parte de Deus um acalento pras nossas almas que Deus te conserve assim é te use cada dia mais beijos
gloria glria Deus quntas virtudes sinto agora apaz de Deus serva do Deus vivo Deus t abencoe dom da pat d Deus sentimos nos povo do senhor continui assim sempre espirada apaz d Deus
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Me lembro de uma vez que eu estava no meu trabalho e nesse dia eu estava muito triste com os problemas da minha vida,me lembro que estava no banheiro triste e chorando,aí quando eu saí do banheiro e voltei para o serviço,um colega se aproximou de mim e começou a cantar bem baixinho só pra mim ouvir se eu tiver que levantar do trono,e cantou todo o coro desse louvor.pra mim,e isso me confortou muito.eu sou muito grata a Deus por este louvor.Deus abençoe irmã querida 🙏
Obrigado Deus! Tão lindo o seu amor e seu cuidado comigo que não tenho palavras pra agradecer!😢 Te Amo JESUS ❤️. Obrigada missionária Dalete e que Jesus te abençoe cada dia Mais.
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Às vezes achamos que tudo que passamos é fim,mas só que Deus nos olhou com olhar de amor e misericórdia,nos escolheu,nos selou,nos marcou,nos deu um novo nome,nos recebeu de braços abertos, as mãos do senhor estão estendida ao nosso favor,não importa quem se coloca contra,Deus nos conhece desde o ventre materno e não nos desampara,nos enche com graça e sua presença,podem todos falharem,mas Deus,Ele já mais ti deixará só.
Que inspiração no seu comentário👏👏👏 Depois de ouvir um louvor 🎵🎶tão lindo e tocante❤❤ Vou escrever algo...e me deparo com um comentário lindo como este...É FORTE🙏🙏
Eu ouvindo essa benção louvando é muito lindo esse louvor não conhecia mas Deus está com mãos estendida neste momento pra curar porque sempre quando depositamos a fé no grande Deus ele opera milagres
Hoje eu ouvir esse louvor enquanto estava em crise de depressão ouvir nitidamente a voz cantando todo esse louvor no meu ouvido! E agora vim ouvir aqui. Estou em uma prova tao grande que ja desiste de viver. Estou cansada de tudo perdi minhas forças. Deus me socorre. 😢
Que lindo e Deus cantando para a minha alma ,as vezes só precisamos de um abraço um consolo Deus bom e misericordioso que lindo Deus abençoe sempre ...
aí meu Deus que coisa linda 😭, muito mas que a voz é a unção e a autoridade de Deus...muitos louvam e não sentimos nada, más essa irmã é um instrumento do Senhor na terra...glória a Deus...😭
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Lindo demais esse louvor,e lindo demais a forma que canta ,❤️ que Deus continue te usando através dos louvores 🙌 queria tanto esse playback para está louvando ele.
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Lindo...cada hino poderia colocar o play back no tom que vc está cantando, sou adoradora os tons que vc canta é parecido com o meu, mais eu não entendo muito ... mais adoro
Serva do Deus vivo, não pare de gravar e postar esses louvores. Através deles, tem muitas vidas sendo restauradas, muitas lágrimas de dor sendo removidas para dar lugar às lágrimas de conserto. Não se preocupe com sucesso e nem com $, O Senhor tem provido tudo pra sua vida. A paz do Senhor!
Quem ouve em 2024 😢😢
Que pena que só pode dar um like pq esse vídeo merecia muitos joinhas obrigada querida por nós trazer da parte de Deus um acalento pras nossas almas que Deus te conserve assim é te use cada dia mais beijos
Ou Glória Deus, amém minha amada, um forte abraço.
gloria glria Deus quntas virtudes sinto agora apaz de Deus serva do Deus vivo Deus t abencoe dom da pat d Deus sentimos nos povo do senhor continui assim sempre espirada apaz d Deus
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Cheguei aqui
Lindo Lindo Glória Deus a paz do Senhor Jesus Cristo um grande abraço
Me lembro de uma vez que eu estava no meu trabalho e nesse dia eu estava muito triste com os problemas da minha vida,me lembro que estava no banheiro triste e chorando,aí quando eu saí do banheiro e voltei para o serviço,um colega se aproximou de mim e começou a cantar bem baixinho só pra mim ouvir se eu tiver que levantar do trono,e cantou todo o coro desse louvor.pra mim,e isso me confortou muito.eu sou muito grata a Deus por este louvor.Deus abençoe irmã querida 🙏
Amém 😭❤
Acabei de mim escrever no seu canal
mulher vc tem uma unção divina ❤️ SUA VOZ É MARAVILHOSAAAA
E linda mesmo
Esses hinos vem do coração de Deus para você é demais é Deus falando através de você
Você canta muito bem Deus abençoe grandemente sua vida
Nossa já quero o play back
Será que só eu choro do início ao fim do louvor? Meu Deus que lindo😭😭😭
Obrigado Deus!
Tão lindo o seu amor e seu cuidado comigo que não tenho palavras pra agradecer!😢 Te Amo JESUS ❤️.
Obrigada missionária Dalete e que Jesus te abençoe cada dia Mais.
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Continue andando na santidade , faça a diferença no meio de tanta vaidade,seja luz no meio das trevas
Muito lindo esse louvor chorei ouvindo Deus te abençoe irmã com esse ministério lindo
Meu Deus ... que forte
Linda linda canção e todas que já vi vc foi a melhor parabéns que unção glóriosa voz abençoanda
Gloria Deus este hino chama a atenção do senhor .obrigada lindo demas
Amém minha irmã .
Que Deus continue te abençoando cada dia mais e mais. 🙏🙏🙏
Deus esta falando 🙌
Irma ungida eu sinto a presença do senhor que Deus continue abencoando sua vida irmã.
Às vezes achamos que tudo que passamos é fim,mas só que Deus nos olhou com olhar de amor e misericórdia,nos escolheu,nos selou,nos marcou,nos deu um novo nome,nos recebeu de braços abertos, as mãos do senhor estão estendida ao nosso favor,não importa quem se coloca contra,Deus nos conhece desde o ventre materno e não nos desampara,nos enche com graça e sua presença,podem todos falharem,mas Deus,Ele já mais ti deixará só.
Que inspiração no seu comentário👏👏👏
Depois de ouvir um louvor 🎵🎶tão lindo e tocante❤❤
Vou escrever algo...e me deparo com um comentário lindo como este...É FORTE🙏🙏
Eu ouvindo essa benção louvando é muito lindo esse louvor não conhecia mas Deus está com mãos estendida neste momento pra curar porque sempre quando depositamos a fé no grande Deus ele opera milagres
Meu deus você é uma benção mulher o seu louvor toca 😭que deus te capacita e te abençoe
Glória Deus sinto Deus na sua vida.
Hoje eu ouvir esse louvor enquanto estava em crise de depressão ouvir nitidamente a voz cantando todo esse louvor no meu ouvido! E agora vim ouvir aqui. Estou em uma prova tao grande que ja desiste de viver. Estou cansada de tudo perdi minhas forças. Deus me socorre. 😢
A paz de Deus, Deus abençoe por cantar esse louvor, faz dias que estou ouvindo essa serva cantar e sinto elevo em minha alma!
Simplesmente lindo♥️
Que unção
Que presença 🙏
Paz de Deus Todos Deus Seja Grorificado Amem Temos Hino Avulso Ccb Hino Hinario 480 Ccb Deus ABENÇÕE Todos 🎶🎶😌😌😌💎💎💎
Que Deus continue te abençoando grandemente vc e benção de Deus
Amém pai por essa mensagem 🙏 Glória a Deus.
Eu amo este lovo e deus fala muito qomigo e muito lindo
Gloooria DEUS
Que lindo e Deus cantando para a minha alma ,as vezes só precisamos de um abraço um consolo Deus bom e misericordioso que lindo Deus abençoe sempre ...
glória a Deus 🙌
Meu Deus que lindo 😭 muito forte Deus abençoe sempre e sempre 🙏💞
Que unção maravilhosa! Obrigada jesus pela vida da sua filha
... E a música eu quase chorei ouvindo
Que Deus abençoe sempre vc e sua família também sua carreira de cantora, .
Toca no profundo amo os hinos dela que Deus abençoe sempre sua vida
Deus te abençoe grandemente e sempre.
aí meu Deus que coisa linda 😭, muito mas que a voz é a unção e a autoridade de Deus...muitos louvam e não sentimos nada, más essa irmã é um instrumento do Senhor na terra...glória a Deus...😭
Tua voz mim acalma 😭😭 ainda mas qua do estou cheia de provas é de tristeza 😭😭😭
O glória a Deus
😭😭🙏🙏 Por você eu faço o inferno se ajoelhar ! 😭😭
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
A paz de Deus voz linda Deus vos abençoe por cantar esses hinos que amamos muito 🙏🏽😘
Lindo louvor!😭😭😭😭
Noitinha chegando e eu assistindo esses vídeos com esses louvores maravilhosos 👏👏👏👏😘
Que lindo esse louvo deus abençoa irmã
Paz do senhor amada , amo esse louvor quando ouço ele ouça Deus falar comigo face a face!
A PaZ do Senhor🤗😊
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Oh glórias ..varoa valorosa❤❤
Paz de Deus 😌 Groria a Deus Deus Seja Sempre Grorificado Exaltado Amém 😭😭😭Hino Avulso Ccb Deus Te Abençoe Grandemente 🙌🎶🎶 ▶️
Meu Deus que lindo louvor 😭
Obrigada Deus por esses louvores da tua cerva 🙌🙏
E lindo esse lovor ele fala com migo
Te amo em Cristo Jesus!!!
Não pare de louvar a Deus, é maravilhoso!!!!
Deis de sinco anos eu eacuto. O gloria deus e tano lindo
Que paz eu sinto em minha alma, é como eu estivesse nos braços de Jesus, descansando a minha alma.
Jesus é de arrepiar😭🙏 eu compartilho em Wats e FEICE foi Ungida pra louvar
E muita unção nessa voz🙏
Maravilha d Deus Glória a Deus
A paz do Senhor irmã dalete
Continue orando quando a benção chegar agradeceria mais uma vez amém amém amém Glória Glória Glória
Sento a presença de Deus te ouvindo adorando 🎶👏👏💖
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Esse louvor e maravilhoso
Que o senhor continua te abençoando
Que lindo esse hino falou muito no meu coração
Muito forte não tem como não chorar😭😭😭 ao ouvir essa letra e como se o próprio Deus falará ao meu coração 🙌 confesso estou ouvindo aos prantos 🔥
Obrigada Deus é com você
Que voz maravilhosa dessa mulher❤ esse hino e lindo❤ com essa voz ficar mais linda ainda😘😍❤
Hooo Glórias a Deus eu amo esse louvor
A voz dessa santa me abraça
Lindo demais esse louvor,e lindo demais a forma que canta ,❤️ que Deus continue te usando através dos louvores 🙌 queria tanto esse playback para está louvando ele.
Deus opera na hora certa ele é contigo 🙏
que presenca gloriosa chorando aqui
Que voz suave maravilhosa sinto a presença de Deus ouvindo 😍😥🙏🏻❤️
Parabéns vc conseguiu transmitir oque faltava pra mim.
K voz linda ...dalete amo seus louvores canto seus hinos ...sua voz é linda marcante e és cheia da unção de Deus
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Amo ooooogloriaaaaa😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢amém eu creio
Amor esse louvor😭 e gostei mais ainda sua voz❤❤❤Deus abençoe 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Glórias a Deus por isso!
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Paz de Deus
Continua assim
Faz tudo que Deus coloca no seu coração
Como eu sinto Jesus bem pertinho de nós. Obg Senhor. Unção de Deus.
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Jesus eu te amo ❤❤❤
Menina...vc coloca vida na canção...que voz linda...meu Deus que unção
É desse jeito kkk ela é de mais. A unção de Deus na vida dela é algo tremendo 😍😍
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Ahhhhhhh meu louvor predileto😭 na sua voz então 😭
Dad in heaven, this hour, this day, and this minute, I am here, for you, and for the you, asking with the my simplecit, and simple humility. Don't take into account, daddy from heaven, my mistake, daddy from heaven, help me not to give up, and not open my hand of my that's he and she, my daddy of heave, because All we are of city of heaven. We arent a product here. and also not shilt, forget mine, and not, give up mine, here, in this life, no only those of the home, plus those of the house, those of the city, and those of memories, in my prayers, that you and I know, that they are not forgotten, of their sum, and also, are not, influenced, by this world , filthy. May I also, and they too, and these who are mine, whom I trust in, reach your grace, and gain eternal salvation. I put my hands for heaven for you, by the of the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen. s² ;-)
Lindo...cada hino poderia colocar o play back no tom que vc está cantando, sou adoradora os tons que vc canta é parecido com o meu, mais eu não entendo muito ... mais adoro
Oh Glória a Deus 🙌 Aleluia 🙌 A paz do Senhor Jesus esteja sempre contigo amada 🙏♥️
A paz amada lindo louvor...
Serva do Deus vivo, não pare de gravar e postar esses louvores. Através deles, tem muitas vidas sendo restauradas, muitas lágrimas de dor sendo removidas para dar lugar às lágrimas de conserto. Não se preocupe com sucesso e nem com $, O Senhor tem provido tudo pra sua vida. A paz do Senhor!
Amém minha amada 😭🙌
Muito lindo esse louvor o glória
Jesus, coisa linda minha irmã!! Merece realmente muitos likes. Parabéns, lindo, lindo 👏👏 Que o Senhor continue lhe usando e abençoado. Paz 💋
Tenho sentido a presença do senhor fortemente quando ouço voce cantar irmã... Voce é uma bênção.. Continue nos abençoando com sua linda voz... 🙌
😭😭, Louvado Seja Deus, amém
A musica desta cantora e um recado de deus para nos ter paciência que ele está no controle de tudo
Aleluia aleluia aleluia glória a Deus
Que unção ❤😭
Gloria aleluia 🙌🙌🕊🕊🩸🙋♀️🤝🦅
Compartilhei um monte porquê??? É muito lindo!💰💰💰💲💲💲🌹🌹🐣🐣🐣isso é sô o começo
Glórias a Deus 😭❤🙌
Jesus querido, que lindo meu Deus, abençoe ela meu Deus, cuide dela !
Amém, 😭❤🙌😭❤
Deus abençoe você sempre esteja sempre com você