Hey guys here are the timestamps. 1. Farmer's Walk 1:29 2. Rack Pulls 3:28 3. Front Loaded Carry 4:35 4. Shrug Variations 6:57 5. Incline Y Raises 9:00 Give me some likes or just do whatever you want.
#1: *Farmer's carry/walk* a. Very very heavy for short distances. b. Moderate weight at moderate distances. c. Super light for a walk (400/800/600 meters). #2: *Rack pulls and its variations* , from mid-shin and upwards (deadlifts are good but rack pulls great). Pause at the top/lock-out. High reps. Heavier than you want to. Variations: farmer' walk implements, car deadlift, block pulls. #3: *Front loaded carry/walk* Keg carry, bearhug sandbag carry, Husafell stone, Atlas stone; even bearhug plate carry. Anything that you carry in front of you using a bearhug style. Walk extremely long distances at a heavy weight. #4: *Shrugs and its variations* Brian doesn't do shrugs. Pause at top. Don't jerk the weight. Variations: BB behind the back, BB in front, BB overhead shrug #5: *Incline bench prone Y plate raise* Pause at top Supersetted with Face pulls Use the first three regularly.
Brian Alsruhe those are the words I tell myself when I think "how do I gain weight?" In your wise words "eat more than you want to often and you'll grow." That's my new philosophy. Do more than I want to more often and you'll see results. Within reason. Not like- "drink more beer than you want more often than you want." Haha
But u still have to be able to lift the weights ur able to get at least 15-17 reps with. That’s like benching 400 pounds once. Makes no sense compared to benching 260 10 times. U have to be able to get reps. The weight doesn’t matter much if u can’t pump anything out after fatigue
Romeo Popaz yeah dude. Sounds like you have two possible problems: lack of potassium and dehydration or simply very weak hamstrings and you might need to drop the weight and focus on isolating the hammys.
Romeo Popaz yes, cramps are an enigma. BUT, we can for sure say that it lack of potassium (bananas, pickles,etc) and dehydration can increase their frequency. Also watch your caffeine intake prior to working out.
Jay Fraser Chuck Norris once tried to round house kick Brian, which ended with Chuck Norris in the E.R with a broken leg. This is why he has a poster of Brian, to remind himself to never mess with Brian again.
don't foget about 5gallon buckets. $2 at any store that sells paint or lumber, got handles for carrying and a smooth body for front loaded-carries. fill em with anything from water, to dirt, to rocks, wet rocks, children, concrete.
I wanted to thank you for this video. After my typical upper back workout, I did a farmers carry with 45lb plates for a couple laps around the gym. The burn was amazing!
I always warm up with a stone throw. From there i do a window jump to get my explosiveness up. I then bear hug a big HD-tv and carry it all the way home. Sometimes i even get in some sprints while doing it!
Ya when I first started doing farmers carries for 30-45 second sets (as heavy as my grip would allow) my upper back was destroyed after every workout. Another exercise that has a similar effect for me is Romanian/stiff-leg deadlifts with extra emphasis on keeping your shoulder blades retracted back THE WHOLE TIME. This also has the added benefit of destroying the rest of your posterior chain.
I don't know about USA, but in Brazil we have neutral grip barbell. That can be used to do farm walk (excuse my english). Thank's a lot Brian. Can't express how much this channel helps me.
Farmers walk = best exercise ever "created" by human necessity. I saw a big change on my lifts, traps, grip, abs and calves due to farmers walk. And i do it with bear foot, huge difference. Another great video Brian. Keep them coming.
This is gonna sound weird but, I really appreciate the way you articulate your advice. you sound intelligent without coming off like a know it all. way to represent for the smart lifters.
This is good advice. No amount of shrugging did anything for my traps, but they really started growing with heavy deadlifts. I can only imagine what farmer's carries, rack pulls, and front loaded carries will do for them...
The only type of shrugs that have ever worked for me are really heavy power shrugs. Take a barbell with something that's a decent deadlift weight for you, with straps because you're not going to hold on to it otherwise, and do ugly power shrugs. There won't be a pause, it's too heavy for that but it absolutely fries your traps!
hey man I just stumbled across your Channel tonight and I am freaking glued to it. you are showing me a hell of a lot of things that I never knew about and also things I can do while I'm at work. I also really like how you are promoting the importance of compound movements and using your whole body in the exercise rather than isolating because that's exactly how I love weight training, through compound movements. I also do a lot of physical labor on the farm and it work and everything you were showing me is truly fascinating me. Thank you bro for your videos and I'm definitely going to keep watching
Tommy Hampton i know this goes against conventional wisdom but i get the most comments on my delts when im doing heavy presses behind the neck, i dont do them all the time only to switch things up now and then
With rack pulls I sometimes hold the weight as long as I can.. one more thing... performing shrugs on standing calf machine for a finisher . You can load a lot of weight on traps. Thanks again Brian!
I was thinking the same thing. Stumbled across one of his vids yesterday, found out he was into Strongman, listened to some of his advice, and instantly thought of Elliott.
Just came across your channel, and was browsing your video's and really like this one. I currently don't have farmers handles, but tried grabbing some plates and holding them to my chest and walked up and down the hill in front of my house. Definitely fried my traps AND grip. Going to be implementing the rack pulls into my back day too!
However, bottom line is that to build traps, you need heavy weight that will stretch the traps for a relatively long period of time. All of his recommended movements do that. Reason for the importance of the stretch is that even you are not actively contracting the muscle through a range of motion, the muscle is still firing like crazy to hold the weight. You're doing many little micro contractions. But because the traps are very strong muscles, you need heavy ass weight.
I just ordered a trap bar last week. I figured it will help me simulate Farmers/Frame carry for conditioning/strength. Should be here in a couple more days. I was using Kettlebells, but I only have a 50 and a 62 (that worked for distance though).
I used to think bodybuilding was life. until I came across this channel. and realise how silly bodybuilding is. and performance is much better then bodybuilding.
I feel that way man, but completely respect what people want to do. I just like it when people push human performance, wether that be in Strength, musculature, marathon running or ballet dancing. Seeing people push limits makes me smile.
They are completelly diferent animals.BB was a beautiful sport,before insulin,synthol and other garbage made the competitors look like pregnant freaks.That beign said,i think you are right,for most of us functional training is the way to go.
Great video Brian. Just to add, for anyone who doesn't have access to a front carry strongman implement, a heavy dumbbell works great. Hold it in a goblet rack position and just walk with it. it doesn't even have to be that heavy. 70 lbs burnt me out. Hopefully I can work up to the 130s my gym has one day.
Most contests have people carry as heavy as possible for somewhere between 30 and 50 feet without dropping it. That is how most people determine their 1RM.
some days i get pretty bad arthritis in my wrists, especially on pull related lifts. Would you advise against using straps or for example versa grips during the farmers walks? I would assume my 1RM would be higher since grip isnt a limiting factor. Am i at risk for injuring myself or am i just bi-passing a weakness that i should address(wrist weakness)?
It's never boring to watch your videos till the end. Also I'm more and more convinced to drop isolation movements. so, Many thanks for your vids and the ton of info. Best channel by far!
Found this from Omar's channel. Finally a RUclips lifting channel with lifting, not haircuts and Tshirts. Did the plate walk today for first time. Bicep burner. I think I found a new favorite to assist my pulling muscles and core.
Yep. Small as I am, my traps are popping from all the carries. It's pretty cool! A question, or perhaps a video topic some day: I just started your linear progression program (it's awesome!). I wanted to start months ago, but 531 was paying off and it's stupid to quit a program that's working. So once I topped out, rather than refiguring and restarting, I went to your linear progression because it's a little more of what I enjoy in a session. Now 531 will run you into your true 1rm eventually. On this, I need to deload and test in 3 months. What's your opinion on the best way to run a testing day/week? Everyone has a method, but your methods have always proven to be solid, practical, and productive. I'd be interested in hearing how you run a max-test day.
I believed Brian on these compound movements; acquired a sand bag, Farmers walk handles, added dead lifts and chin ups and my back exploded (thicker) in about 4 months, also my rowing strength doubled (which mainly means I wasn't using enough weight before). Worked for me. Oh I also added cleans which I don't think he directly mentioned.
Awesome video Brian. I really liked that you explained why the carries are so good at building the traps and upper back. Your level of knowledge and attention to detail is really above and beyond.
Thanks Brian, although this is not the kind of videos you like to make. This is one of the most motivational posts for me, even after watching it about 50 times since you posted it... Thanks man, even at 41 years it still inspiring and wants me to be 20 again lol
My favorite is what I call the “carry complex” workout. Stage heavy objects 25’ to 50’ apart; swap out until all objects have been completed. My current complex consists of: 2 - 150 lbs FW Bars; 170 lbs keg; 150 lbs sandbag; 125 lbs kettlebell; 100 lbs plate; and 2 - 90 lbs dumbbells... lightweight for someone like Brian, but it kicks my butt and I’m reaping results in my main compound lifts!
This looks like a good place to ask a question about my traps. First, a little background: My traps hurt for days after farmers walks. Not the good sore of a hard workout, but persistent tenseness that creeps into my neck. I do some kind of farmers walk about every other day because I live on a farm. Specifically, I carry a 5 gallon bucket weighing 40 to 50 lbs about 100ft. I switch hands as I go. Some days, I do it twice. This is not a heavy weight. It doesn't feel hard or tiring to carry it that far. I've been doing for more than a year. If I stop for a week it gets better. But, one day back at it, and it's as bad as it ever was! I've tried mobility stuff for my shoulder girdle, thoracic and cervical areas, on the theory that I must be carrying in a bad position but that hasn't improved matters. I'm stumped. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Oh, and by the way, my traps HAVE grown, even doing just this, which came as a surprise to me.
Hmmm you may have something seized up in your neck that gets angry when they are put under load. Maybe think more about your head position when you are sitting. If you are staring at a screen a lot of the day something could be happen nerve wise that could be creating it.
Interesting. I have been assuming that the traps tightness was causing the neck pain, not the other way around. I'll go at it from that angle and see what I see. Thanks, Brian!
The first three are the best way to build the traps , especially when I remember caring a big ass old school tv down the street my traps where on fire . Great video👍
For years I wasted my time shrugging.. three days ago I started farmers walk and they are still blasted! Not only that, arms back, lats and legs hurt so this will be a main workout i will never stop using from now on. Functional movement exercises is the way forward!!
for years I struggled getting trap development. I introduced rack-pulls into my workout and saw results almost instantly. They allow you to really pile on the weight and put ur traps/upper back etc under some serious strain.
I totally love your videos! I believe the rack pulls have helped me with traps and strength. I also found my traps (mid and upper) grow from bent over rows. Thank you for your videos!! Awesome ! I really learned a lot!
My farmer walk is done almost every day by filling up the 2 water cans and bringing them home with a same manner almost 100meter distance and also to 1st floor, both water cans are more than 15 ltrs
I have got to agree with Farmers Walks. I use the trap bar as it's the only thing at my gym that I can pile the weight on. It's the only exercise that really hits my traps and forearm and really tests your grip strength. I could barely move the next morn after doing these for the first time 😂 love them. I could never feel it doing shrugs.
Yeah, shrugs stopped working for me years ago lol. Thanks for the tips. I also bought some captain crush grippers and an ab wheel because of you. I'm still on a cut, but super close to my weight goal before I go back to bulk. True inspiration, Brian.
Brian Alsruhe I've been hitting up that mobility too. My hips feel so fluid now. Also, you're catching some steam, Brian. I saw your name being thrown around in the comment section on an Omar Isuf video recently. They said nothing but good things, obviously. They're putting respek on your name.
thanks man. will defo gives these a try. I can't do shrugs anymore. this will sound stupid I was once writing a uni assignment and got a bit stressed and tore one of my neck muscles. anytime I've done shrugs since my neck goes again. defo will give these a go
Hey Brian, Fairly new SUB, I joined up after your DIP PAIN post. That 280 lbs around your hips still hurts me. 🤣 Thanks for your insight and knowledge, I greatly appreciate your videos. I’m already seeing my lifts get heavier. Not HEAVY, but it’s a relative thing. All the best Sir! Cheers
great video as usual big guy, at least a few times a week i get asked about or a comment about my traps and all i do i 4 heavy sets when i train shoulders and either heavy rack pulls and/or barbell rows, that being said great advice from the coolest guy on youtube
"Behind the back" shrugs ARE what the Smith Machine was really made for. Love your vids, and this is the first time I've actually commented on ANY RUclips video in a few years. Thought I'd get your opinion on the trap bar for variety as far as pulls, farmers walk, etc if "heavy things" aren't available. Great work brother. And btw, I'd say a cross between Cena and Chris Pratt. 😂😂😂
Created a RUclips account just to subscribe to this channel (also build my own farmers carry implements because of this advice). Massive thank you for the advice, traps are a weakness of mine
I do a variation of a farmers walk and shrug. I load the handles and do 15 then walk across the gym (50 feet) turn around and do 15 then walk back across the gym and do 15. Every trip across and back is one set. I’ll either do two sets heavy or three sets with light weight.
Great info! Ever thought of doing a circus dumbbell video similar to your farmers carry tutorial? A lot of people probably find it easier to get access to a dumbbell...
Finally someone else who doesn't think shrugs are a great trap builder. Deadlift/Deadlift carry is a good combo for those that can't find an implement for front load carries.
@@BrianAlsruheOfficial what’s the best farmers walk poles that you recommend? I’ve just used 80 pound hex dumbbells but maybe I should use one of those lit pole systems you have?
I hope this makes sense, but so I don't have to add another exercise to my routine, when I do Overhead Press and I reach the top I do the Overhead Shrug. That way I feel like Im hitting everything from my shoulders and some upper back. Thanks for the awesome videos Brian!
Thanks Trapasorous Maximus. Love these video that you hate doing. Lol I like hearing different ways to build muscles. Shrugging and power rack pulls get boring.
after a set of deadlifts , I find moderate weight farmers walks to blow them right up , a set or 3 for a few hundred metres each time , this is the first training cycle I've been able to have them in consistently and I've never noticed such a difference!!
I wonder what the carry will look like at the arnold strongman this year, frame carry up a ramp again this year I wonder.. any predictions for who's gunna win the arnold??
Hey guys here are the timestamps.
1. Farmer's Walk 1:29
2. Rack Pulls 3:28
3. Front Loaded Carry 4:35
4. Shrug Variations 6:57
5. Incline Y Raises 9:00
Give me some likes or just do whatever you want.
Thanks for doing that man!
FITNESSFORTEENS 😐I'm gonna give you this love
High snatch pulls.
Power cleans.
Snatch grip deadlifts.
Farmers carries.
Bear hug carries.
ur a good human being 🤟🏼
#1: *Farmer's carry/walk*
a. Very very heavy for short distances.
b. Moderate weight at moderate distances.
c. Super light for a walk (400/800/600 meters).
#2: *Rack pulls and its variations* , from mid-shin and upwards (deadlifts are good but rack pulls great).
Pause at the top/lock-out.
High reps. Heavier than you want to.
Variations: farmer' walk implements, car deadlift, block pulls.
#3: *Front loaded carry/walk*
Keg carry, bearhug sandbag carry, Husafell stone, Atlas stone; even bearhug plate carry. Anything that you carry in front of you using a bearhug style.
Walk extremely long distances at a heavy weight.
#4: *Shrugs and its variations*
Brian doesn't do shrugs.
Pause at top.
Don't jerk the weight.
Variations: BB behind the back, BB in front, BB overhead shrug
#5: *Incline bench prone Y plate raise*
Pause at top
Supersetted with Face pulls
Use the first three regularly.
Great info thanks.
Add Olympic Weightlifting variations at the top. Snatch grip high pulls BLEW up my traps.
@@stevenhewes1990 clean hi pulls,
Not the hero we deserve, but the one we need
"Higher weight than you want to, for higher reps then you want to."
Words to live by. 😉
Brian Alsruhe I think that one Flew by most people's head . it's the secret to good training. increase reps or increase weight or both !
Brian Alsruhe those are the words I tell myself when I think "how do I gain weight?" In your wise words "eat more than you want to often and you'll grow." That's my new philosophy. Do more than I want to more often and you'll see results. Within reason. Not like- "drink more beer than you want more often than you want." Haha
that should be a t shirt
But u still have to be able to lift the weights ur able to get at least 15-17 reps with. That’s like benching 400 pounds once. Makes no sense compared to benching 260 10 times. U have to be able to get reps. The weight doesn’t matter much if u can’t pump anything out after fatigue
I tried building traps with all of your methods and still haven't caught the raccoon digging in my garbage. Help.
Go heavier
Romeo Popaz water and pickles
Romeo Popaz yeah dude. Sounds like you have two possible problems: lack of potassium and dehydration or simply very weak hamstrings and you might need to drop the weight and focus on isolating the hammys.
Romeo Popaz yes, cramps are an enigma. BUT, we can for sure say that it lack of potassium (bananas, pickles,etc) and dehydration can increase their frequency. Also watch your caffeine intake prior to working out.
Fred Horner 😂😂😂
Strength & Performance come first, looking like you lift comes second. Good content, keep it up Brian.
Completely agree, and thank you!
Looking like you lift is important because it means you have good hypertrophy. Hypertrophy is important for strength.
Page375 honestly though if you are anywhere near as strong and athletic and badass as Brian, you will look like all those things.
if you lift and you do it with good technique and intensity there is no way around looking like you lift ( unless you are sick or your diet is shit)
Those aren't traps, they are national landmarks.
Hahah thanks man!
@@BrianAlsruheOfficial careful landmarks are being attacked right now by that one Lives group.
I was about say same thing #epic traps
@@andyb7213 ah found the woke edgy kid
Brian doesn't look like John Cena....John Cena looks like Brian! Get it together people...
Hahaha yes!
Gus Bus I hear that John Cena has a poster of Brian on his wall
shroudedunity hahaha John Cena also thinks how lucky he is to look like Brian
I hear Chuck Norris has a picture of Brian on his wall!
Jay Fraser Chuck Norris once tried to round house kick Brian, which ended with Chuck Norris in the E.R with a broken leg. This is why he has a poster of Brian, to remind himself to never mess with Brian again.
I just added those “Y making things” to my workout, right after some rack pulls, and man you we’re right
don't foget about 5gallon buckets. $2 at any store that sells paint or lumber, got handles for carrying and a smooth body for front loaded-carries. fill em with anything from water, to dirt, to rocks, wet rocks, children, concrete.
Don’t know if anyone caught what you said towards the end but great idea
maxdecphoenix this man is genius
maxdecphoenix thx...hollup wut.
@@jonathan069 i didn't stutter.
I wanted to thank you for this video. After my typical upper back workout, I did a farmers carry with 45lb plates for a couple laps around the gym. The burn was amazing!
I always warm up with a stone throw. From there i do a window jump to get my explosiveness up. I then bear hug a big HD-tv and carry it all the way home.
Sometimes i even get in some sprints while doing it!
Haha, then you do 5-10 for grand theft and get to truly build some huge traps!
Ya when I first started doing farmers carries for 30-45 second sets (as heavy as my grip would allow) my upper back was destroyed after every workout. Another exercise that has a similar effect for me is Romanian/stiff-leg deadlifts with extra emphasis on keeping your shoulder blades retracted back THE WHOLE TIME. This also has the added benefit of destroying the rest of your posterior chain.
If I don't crank back on my scapula during RDLs, my lower back gets trashed. Seems like that might be important for staying tight. Good tip.
Yea man, those are great! Thanks for putting this out there!
cause seriously, who doesn't have a car lifting apparatus??
I got a hydraulic jack, but it does squat for building my traps...good for changing tires tho.
I don't know about USA, but in Brazil we have neutral grip barbell. That can be used to do farm walk (excuse my english). Thank's a lot Brian. Can't express how much this channel helps me.
Absolutely man, that will work great!
T bar row with the wide attachment is by far the best trap exercise ive experienced
Farmers walk = best exercise ever "created" by human necessity. I saw a big change on my lifts, traps, grip, abs and calves due to farmers walk. And i do it with bear foot, huge difference. Another great video Brian. Keep them coming.
That is awesome man! Thanks!
or... just always carry all the groceries at once
All the way from the supermarket on foot.
I got to the grocery store just to work out. Grab a big sack of rice and wander around till I cant carry it anymore. Place it down and head back home.
This is gonna sound weird but, I really appreciate the way you articulate your advice. you sound intelligent without coming off like a know it all. way to represent for the smart lifters.
I incorporated some of these into my workout after watching this video and my traps were burning the next day. Thank you!
This is good advice. No amount of shrugging did anything for my traps, but they really started growing with heavy deadlifts. I can only imagine what farmer's carries, rack pulls, and front loaded carries will do for them...
The only type of shrugs that have ever worked for me are really heavy power shrugs. Take a barbell with something that's a decent deadlift weight for you, with straps because you're not going to hold on to it otherwise, and do ugly power shrugs. There won't be a pause, it's too heavy for that but it absolutely fries your traps!
YOU SAID IT! Compound movements are the best. Pull-ups did wonders for my back, shoulders and traps!
Brian, i start follow you! i m new on ''lifting'', i really enjoy your videos, thx for tips and sharing!
(sry for my english)
hey man I just stumbled across your Channel tonight and I am freaking glued to it. you are showing me a hell of a lot of things that I never knew about and also things I can do while I'm at work. I also really like how you are promoting the importance of compound movements and using your whole body in the exercise rather than isolating because that's exactly how I love weight training, through compound movements. I also do a lot of physical labor on the farm and it work and everything you were showing me is truly fascinating me. Thank you bro for your videos and I'm definitely going to keep watching
"If you can't find something heavy at your gym you probably need to find a better gym" lol
For those of you who just have heavy dumbbells- use wriststraps so dumbells wont roll out of hand during walks.
"so you want shoulders?" next!
Hahaha if people want a series like this then I will make more.
Brian Alsruhe a series like this would be awesome, would definitely watch
+Brian Alsruhe dont need to do every single muscle but strongman most important muscles for example idk, anything coming from you is pure gold
There is a lot of truth in this statement.
Tommy Hampton i know this goes against conventional wisdom but i get the most comments on my delts when im doing heavy presses behind the neck, i dont do them all the time only to switch things up now and then
With rack pulls I sometimes hold the weight as long as I can.. one more thing... performing shrugs on standing calf machine for a finisher . You can load a lot of weight on traps. Thanks again Brian!
I love dropping the weight after farmers walk and having my arms start raising on their own.
I discovered Brian yesterday while watching a Supertraining video. Where the hell have I been? This dude is insane strong and athletic.
you remind me of the old elliot hulse, in a good way of course
I was thinking the same thing. Stumbled across one of his vids yesterday, found out he was into Strongman, listened to some of his advice, and instantly thought of Elliott.
idk Elliot is pretty sold out these days... but he still did fitness well. and he's strong as hell too
Sounds a lot like Elliot too- same voice inflections & word delivery.
Lmao was jus thinking that
Good old days, Ells.....weird now.
Just came across your channel, and was browsing your video's and really like this one. I currently don't have farmers handles, but tried grabbing some plates and holding them to my chest and walked up and down the hill in front of my house. Definitely fried my traps AND grip. Going to be implementing the rack pulls into my back day too!
However, bottom line is that to build traps, you need heavy weight that will stretch the traps for a relatively long period of time. All of his recommended movements do that. Reason for the importance of the stretch is that even you are not actively contracting the muscle through a range of motion, the muscle is still firing like crazy to hold the weight. You're doing many little micro contractions. But because the traps are very strong muscles, you need heavy ass weight.
I completely agree!
Elaborate please?
I just ordered a trap bar last week. I figured it will help me simulate Farmers/Frame carry for conditioning/strength. Should be here in a couple more days. I was using Kettlebells, but I only have a 50 and a 62 (that worked for distance though).
The trap bar was definitely a good investment man!
I used to think bodybuilding was life. until I came across this channel. and realise how silly bodybuilding is. and performance is much better then bodybuilding.
I feel that way man, but completely respect what people want to do. I just like it when people push human performance, wether that be in Strength, musculature, marathon running or ballet dancing. Seeing people push limits makes me smile.
Christopher Gonzales I agree 100% and switched over to strength and performance myself. Mad gains.
Absolutely agree Matt!
Christopher Gonzales must they be mutually exclusive??
They are completelly diferent animals.BB was a beautiful sport,before insulin,synthol and other garbage made the competitors look like pregnant freaks.That beign said,i think you are right,for most of us functional training is the way to go.
I cringed when I saw the title but at precisely 49 seconds both hands went to the sky and it was all PREACH!!! PREACH!!!!
Another great vid, thanks.
Hahaha sorry for the scare brother!
notification squad wasssuuuup
Brian Alsruhe Brian the strongman turtle back shell 🐢💪👍
Hahaha thanks man!
Great video Brian. Just to add, for anyone who doesn't have access to a front carry strongman implement, a heavy dumbbell works great. Hold it in a goblet rack position and just walk with it. it doesn't even have to be that heavy. 70 lbs burnt me out. Hopefully I can work up to the 130s my gym has one day.
Nube question here... how do you determine your 1 rep max with the farmers walk? Do you carry as much as you can over 10 yards? 20?
Most contests have people carry as heavy as possible for somewhere between 30 and 50 feet without dropping it. That is how most people determine their 1RM.
Cool thanks man!
Sure thing!
some days i get pretty bad arthritis in my wrists, especially on pull related lifts. Would you advise against using straps or for example versa grips during the farmers walks? I would assume my 1RM would be higher since grip isnt a limiting factor. Am i at risk for injuring myself or am i just bi-passing a weakness that i should address(wrist weakness)?
It's never boring to watch your videos till the end. Also I'm more and more convinced to drop isolation movements. so, Many thanks for your vids and the ton of info. Best channel by far!
this video was just flying weights. where is Brian I can't see you lol
Hahaha it's a keg with legs!
im so happy i found your channel through Omar. You definitely deserve more subs man. Real and true content. No bullshit here
Jeff would be disappointed with your Face Pull technique.
Found this from Omar's channel. Finally a RUclips lifting channel with lifting, not haircuts and Tshirts. Did the plate walk today for first time. Bicep burner. I think I found a new favorite to assist my pulling muscles and core.
That is awesome man, thank you so much!
The next time I buy a used car I will check to see if some muscle dude was picking it up and dropping it frequently.
I love how u put in options that people would never normally think of, awesome stuff man!
Thanks so much man, I am trying to give people things they can do and maybe some stuff they have never tried.
Has anyone told you that your traps are huge?
Hahaha depends on who I am standing next to.
did heavy rack pulls Friday and could move all weekend. awesome! can't wait to do them again this week.
Get Silent Mike to visit your gym Brian!!
Hahaha sure, wanna buy his plane ticket?
Brian Alsruhe if you buy mine :D! but on another note pretty sure he mentioned on his channel he's visiting different gyms in the states.
Yea man, I have no idea where he is planning to go. But I will hit him up and see if he will be in Maryland
rack pulls-heavy n high..got it..off to gym now to do it!!
Farmers carry are the shit
I agree man!
Yep. Small as I am, my traps are popping from all the carries. It's pretty cool!
A question, or perhaps a video topic some day: I just started your linear progression program (it's awesome!). I wanted to start months ago, but 531 was paying off and it's stupid to quit a program that's working. So once I topped out, rather than refiguring and restarting, I went to your linear progression because it's a little more of what I enjoy in a session. Now 531 will run you into your true 1rm eventually. On this, I need to deload and test in 3 months. What's your opinion on the best way to run a testing day/week? Everyone has a method, but your methods have always proven to be solid, practical, and productive. I'd be interested in hearing how you run a max-test day.
That is a great idea for a video man!
Brian Alsruhe I look forward to watching anything you put out! your input has always been productive, and your methods get results!
Thanks so much man!
I believed Brian on these compound movements; acquired a sand bag, Farmers walk handles, added dead lifts and chin ups and my back exploded (thicker) in about 4 months, also my rowing strength doubled (which mainly means I wasn't using enough weight before). Worked for me. Oh I also added cleans which I don't think he directly mentioned.
If you were an animal, would you be a T-rex with cobra traps!?!?
i was thinking more like honey badger.
"Honey badger don't give a shit!"
Awesome video Brian. I really liked that you explained why the carries are so good at building the traps and upper back. Your level of knowledge and attention to detail is really above and beyond.
That is awesome David, thank you!
Thanks for the tips John Cena!
talder123 oh shit I thought that was Chris Pratt
Hahah i get both!
Ken Arntz oh shit he does look like chris pratt
Hahah yea I get that sometimes.
@@BrianAlsruheOfficial Chris Pratt wishes he looked like you
Thanks Brian, although this is not the kind of videos you like to make. This is one of the most motivational posts for me, even after watching it about 50 times since you posted it... Thanks man, even at 41 years it still inspiring and wants me to be 20 again lol
'Rack pulls above the knee' - AlphaDestiny
And I would agree.
My favorite is what I call the “carry complex” workout. Stage heavy objects 25’ to 50’ apart; swap out until all objects have been completed. My current complex consists of: 2 - 150 lbs FW Bars; 170 lbs keg; 150 lbs sandbag; 125 lbs kettlebell; 100 lbs plate; and 2 - 90 lbs dumbbells... lightweight for someone like Brian, but it kicks my butt and I’m reaping results in my main compound lifts!
great video, farmers walks are awesome, started using them 3 months ago and difference is unreal.
That is awesome man! Thanks!
This looks like a good place to ask a question about my traps. First, a little background: My traps hurt for days after farmers walks. Not the good sore of a hard workout, but persistent tenseness that creeps into my neck. I do some kind of farmers walk about every other day because I live on a farm. Specifically, I carry a 5 gallon bucket weighing 40 to 50 lbs about 100ft. I switch hands as I go. Some days, I do it twice. This is not a heavy weight. It doesn't feel hard or tiring to carry it that far. I've been doing for more than a year. If I stop for a week it gets better. But, one day back at it, and it's as bad as it ever was! I've tried mobility stuff for my shoulder girdle, thoracic and cervical areas, on the theory that I must be carrying in a bad position but that hasn't improved matters. I'm stumped. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Oh, and by the way, my traps HAVE grown, even doing just this, which came as a surprise to me.
Hmmm you may have something seized up in your neck that gets angry when they are put under load. Maybe think more about your head position when you are sitting. If you are staring at a screen a lot of the day something could be happen nerve wise that could be creating it.
Interesting. I have been assuming that the traps tightness was causing the neck pain, not the other way around. I'll go at it from that angle and see what I see. Thanks, Brian!
Great list.
Power cleans are one of the lifts that fries my traps the most as well.
I know you didn't want to, but thank you for bending to the masses, you're a man of the people, for the people 👍
Hahah the new People's Coach!
The first three are the best way to build the traps , especially when I remember caring a big ass old school tv down the street my traps where on fire . Great video👍
It’s great you instruct with a bit of humour. Makes it more relatable, awesome! Excuse me... going to work on my traps now
For years I wasted my time shrugging.. three days ago I started farmers walk and they are still blasted! Not only that, arms back, lats and legs hurt so this will be a main workout i will never stop using from now on. Functional movement exercises is the way forward!!
just did the front loaded carry with with bumper plates. what a great exercise. just killed my arms and grip!
thank you!
Dude they are amazing, thanks for trying them!
I really appreciate you watching them my friend
Appreciate the video brother, will definitely be grabbing the stacked bumper plates and carrying them until i get the sandbags and keg.
They will definitely help man and are sometime harder because you can't let up or you will drop them on your feet.
for years I struggled getting trap development. I introduced rack-pulls into my workout and saw results almost instantly. They allow you to really pile on the weight and put ur traps/upper back etc under some serious strain.
I totally love your videos! I believe the rack pulls have helped me with traps and strength. I also found my traps (mid and upper) grow from bent over rows. Thank you for your videos!! Awesome ! I really learned a lot!
Bench Ys are a great shoulder exercise to. Takes a while to get to the weight you were working in the video. Thanks for the great lesson today.
Thanks Omar Isuf for featuring u! U have great channel
My farmer walk is done almost every day by filling up the 2 water cans and bringing them home with a same manner almost 100meter distance and also to 1st floor, both water cans are more than 15 ltrs
That’s a great way to do it!
I have got to agree with Farmers Walks. I use the trap bar as it's the only thing at my gym that I can pile the weight on. It's the only exercise that really hits my traps and forearm and really tests your grip strength. I could barely move the next morn after doing these for the first time 😂 love them. I could never feel it doing shrugs.
Yeah, shrugs stopped working for me years ago lol. Thanks for the tips. I also bought some captain crush grippers and an ab wheel because of you. I'm still on a cut, but super close to my weight goal before I go back to bulk. True inspiration, Brian.
That is awesome man, amazing job!
Brian Alsruhe I've been hitting up that mobility too. My hips feel so fluid now. Also, you're catching some steam, Brian. I saw your name being thrown around in the comment section on an Omar Isuf video recently. They said nothing but good things, obviously. They're putting respek on your name.
thanks man. will defo gives these a try. I can't do shrugs anymore. this will sound stupid I was once writing a uni assignment and got a bit stressed and tore one of my neck muscles. anytime I've done shrugs since my neck goes again.
defo will give these a go
You are not alone in that man, I have heard of people having similar experiences.
Hey Brian,
Fairly new SUB, I joined up after your DIP PAIN post.
That 280 lbs around your hips still hurts me. 🤣
Thanks for your insight and knowledge, I greatly appreciate your videos. I’m already seeing my lifts get heavier. Not HEAVY, but it’s a relative thing.
All the best Sir!
Found this channel through Omar, now I'm a new subscriber.
1st video of yours I've watched, excellent info! I'll be watching regularly. Thank you!
great video as usual big guy, at least a few times a week i get asked about or a comment about my traps and all i do i 4 heavy sets when i train shoulders and either heavy rack pulls and/or barbell rows, that being said great advice from the coolest guy on youtube
From checking your channel for a few weeks, I am now looking for a strongman gym and to get busy (being 6'4 280ish not so solid).
"Behind the back" shrugs ARE what the Smith Machine was really made for.
Love your vids, and this is the first time I've actually commented on ANY RUclips video in a few years. Thought I'd get your opinion on the trap bar for variety as far as pulls, farmers walk, etc if "heavy things" aren't available.
Great work brother. And btw, I'd say a cross between Cena and Chris Pratt. 😂😂😂
I love your channel man. Good work. Mentor to many. Thanks for your work
You are hilarious; I'm not even a minute in and I've subscribed. Also I body build, so hopefully I can learn something new from you.
Woahh ive never seen an overhead shrug before. That looks awesome.
Great to see videos like this as they confirm my thoughts...Thank you for this video along with the elaboration of WHY you believe what you say.
Thanks so much, I really appreciate that!
Love your channel man! It's inspiration and helpful tips topped with an amazing attitude. Your channel deserves way more subscribers!
Thank you so much, hopefully they come in time!
Created a RUclips account just to subscribe to this channel (also build my own farmers carry implements because of this advice). Massive thank you for the advice, traps are a weakness of mine
I do a variation of a farmers walk and shrug. I load the handles and do 15 then walk across the gym (50 feet) turn around and do 15 then walk back across the gym and do 15. Every trip across and back is one set. I’ll either do two sets heavy or three sets with light weight.
Great info! Ever thought of doing a circus dumbbell video similar to your farmers carry tutorial? A lot of people probably find it easier to get access to a dumbbell...
Yea man, but my circus dumbbell sucks. If i had better technique, I would be more willing to share.
Finally someone else who doesn't think shrugs are a great trap builder. Deadlift/Deadlift carry is a good combo for those that can't find an implement for front load carries.
Brian's book of technical term thingies, I'd buy that!
Hahaha comping next fall!
Mature lifters like Brian have a wealth of knowledge with great value.
Thank you so much, brother!
@@BrianAlsruheOfficial what’s the best farmers walk poles that you recommend? I’ve just used 80 pound hex dumbbells but maybe I should use one of those lit pole systems you have?
Terrific contribution. Thank you !
Great videos
I hope this makes sense, but so I don't have to add another exercise to my routine, when I do Overhead Press and I reach the top I do the Overhead Shrug. That way I feel like Im hitting everything from my shoulders and some upper back. Thanks for the awesome videos Brian!
Stick to what works for you man! But sadly as your OHP gets stronger, that may get tougher to do!
Great video. Going to try these today.
Thanks Trapasorous Maximus. Love these video that you hate doing. Lol I like hearing different ways to build muscles. Shrugging and power rack pulls get boring.
after a set of deadlifts , I find moderate weight farmers walks to blow them right up , a set or 3 for a few hundred metres each time , this is the first training cycle I've been able to have them in consistently and I've never noticed such a difference!!
Dude, that sounds brutal! I am definitely trying that!
I wonder what the carry will look like at the arnold strongman this year, frame carry up a ramp again this year I wonder.. any predictions for who's gunna win the arnold??
Love the videos Brian! Looks like your subscriber numbers are going up as well!
Thanks man, and slowly but surely!