Nice video and good idea! I really don't have much extra tackle, but you gave me a good idea to build a tackle bag or box for my 10 year old grandson. He has fished, but not very much and he doesn't have his own tackle box. So that's what I'm gonna do for your challenge. Appreciate the idea! Keep up the good work my friend! As always, #JBro'sLure's rocks!!!
Nice video and good idea! I really don't have much extra tackle, but you gave me a good idea to build a tackle bag or box for my 10 year old grandson. He has fished, but not very much and he doesn't have his own tackle box. So that's what I'm gonna do for your challenge. Appreciate the idea! Keep up the good work my friend! As always, #JBro'sLure's rocks!!!
I love helping people out.