This is what I like about Reza Aslan. He recognizes and identifies the dividing line between the historical account and the theological account of a religion (and its preachers), which gives a very important perspective in understanding the religion from a neutral point of view. Scholarly conversations are always refreshing.
Finally an interview where they are discussing what they are supposed to be discussing ! good questions and answers !I feel like I got something out of this video , Thank You.
"Three things cannot long be hidden: The sun, the moon and the truth." ~Shakyamuni Buddha Long live this one who does unveil certain truths - Reza Aslan.
Yes, you are a scholar, noble and intelligent.....and yet you are humble and a true wonder!! Merci Reza you are a light in my life.Masha Allah Reza, ana maria
This is something a lot of people are going through or have experienced in their personal spiritual growth. . . 6min "Everything you believe suddenly collapses."
What an interview! The story started to unfold when genius Tony Harris started to asking great questions and gave Reza to swim into his ocean of knowledge and quickly comeback with precious answers!
forget the media, forget the uneducated journalists! let an educated man speak uninterrupted about his work of 20 years, that is how this matter can be addressed. after watching this i have realized more about religion and the problems of religion in america. this was truly interesting! Thank you Reza Aslan and than you Jazeera!
+Sophia Nadji No you are partially right. MOST "professed" christians believe in the trinity that God, Jesus and holy spirit are three gods in one godhead. However, the BIble does NOT teach this doctrine and it didn't exist until the 4th century and under much controversy. TRUE Christians, those who actually follow what the Bible says do NOT believe in this doctrine but rather believe with the Bible says about Jesus, that he is the "firstborn of all creation" and the "beginning of the creation by God". Jehovah God ALONE is Almighty and Jesus is his created son.
Jesus is a Prophet in Islam because Islam's perspective is that it is an extension and final message of Christianity and Judaism.So when Christians say why is Reza writing about Jesus, um, he's our Prophet too..
+Ali Khan Not to deny your opinion. But like Reza said; I am writing this book as a scholar, not a muslim or christian. a scholar. Jesus is a historical character in this book, and is not portrayed as a muslim prophet or a christian god. I have not read the book, but this is my interpretation of his opinion. would enjoy your answer/opinion. (not your anger. as youtube is know for that emotion exclusively)
Not an angry person, rather open minded :) Absolutely agree with what you're saying, but regarding the comments made towards him on Fox/CNN, it's irritating hearing "why are you writing about Jesus if you're not Christian?" I thought everyone was smart to know that Jesus is a prominent figure in Christianity AND Islam, however, sometimes I wonder if these news anchors and prejudiced people ask such a question to simply irritate the author. But aside from that, yes, you are right :)
This guy is clearly logical by method. He understands religions are fundamentally similar. They tell people to be good and be rewarded by God. He even went through the different religion scriptures to understand their teachings. So I find it interesting that he is willing to settle for one that suits him the most and make a leap of faith to accept it wholeheartedly as the truth and trusting whatever he don't understands as "beyond humanly intellect". All of a sudden, he seems to be acting like a housewife.... settling for a fish what fits her budget and taste... while having known that all the fishmonger's fishes are questionable in freshness. He's just willing to take a gamble in the most logical bet. Unbelievable!
On a contrary, everyone should be encouraged to read as much as possible, because reading only what you feel like it promotes stupidity and intolerance. I don't see how Reza is a smart man. A smart man wouldn't say that one book (The Bible) is written by many hands over time so naturally, would be full of inconsistencies, but in the same breath support that another book (Quran) that ALSO has been written by many hands over time somehow HAS the answers and is THE TRUTH. The truth is that YOU CANNOT CONFIRM THE ACTUAL ACCOUNT OF WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED, therefore neither are consistent. All societies at this point in our development, should recognize some basic tenants of "DO NOT HARM ANOTHER", "DON'T STEAL", "DON'T LIE", because each life is precious and exists once. Perhaps, it would make a great social experiment to raise a community without religion but human principles only to see if the religion free community would preserve humanity better than their religious counterparts.
Yeah I agree with most of what you said, Also Quran was written only once and I wanted to point out in this book Reza actually contradicts Quran. As Quran believes in the virgin birth and Jesus as a messenger of God and the resurrection.
topkhani We need more Jesuit trained Liars? Because if you are aware of the actual beliefs of Reza he does not believe in the Quran, he does not believe in the virgin birth and does believe in the resurrection. Once a Jesuit always a Jesuit.
Well, MakisP - let's begin with how uncomfortable you are with the idea of a gay person: Hmmmm - Professor Asla is currently married to Jessica Jackley and is the father (with her) of twin sons. Now regardless of his orientation his scholarship is what it is and if you disagree with his scholarship then you might address that rather than retreating into personal invective (regarding that, I'd suggest counseling). Fear, of course, is at the root of your anger - fear and anger. He's not suggesting you not believe in your god, he is simply attempting to look at the historical Jesus in context. Of course, truth is always the enemy of ignorance, especially willed ignorance. I would also suggest you haven't actually listened to the interview let alone read the book.
reza aslan choose islam becuase islam is the future, it recognises the people of the books unlike christianity and judaism they deny all but theirs, but not islam it embraces all three, this is why it is the religion of the future. despite all the negetivity you are witnessing that is associated with islam. it still has the power to make people embrace islam and that is the power of islam.
People of the book are all nations thats resived the holy message from god and so that includes budhisst, hindu,native american...nearly every large religion! Yes im a muslim and yes I believe buddah was a prophet and messanger
The Centrist Muslim i dont have anything against the bahais faith but the only holy book i trust fully is the Quran. The quranic Sabeans are The hindu and buddhist.
What I would like to ask Reza is how has his realization of the disagreements the Islamic texts have with the historical Jesus, as he has written about, has shaped his personal beliefs in Islam, and how does he justify his beliefs in a holy scripture that he himself says has the account of Jesus incorrect(21:03). Love you Reza and I learn a lot from you. Personally I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I can see the reverence you show to the subject. Thank you for your books.
8:15 "the truth should not in any way change who you are" I recognize this is taken out of context, but I don't see why he added that wording into what he was already saying. it's disturbing to me if he thinks this, whether consciously or unconsciously
+Desmond Bear, it means the values you have do not depend on a charismatic leader existing and doing things as followers say he has. Values do not rest on a person or even on a personal God. You can believe the values are right. It's very simple, actually.
The truth shouldn't change who you are...what you think? Pretty sure the truth should change who you are and how you think, if you're thinking to the contrary. Still...Zealot was an excellent book and through its academic truths, changed the way I view J.C. and Christianity.
Aslan's book on Jesus is respectful and in no way blasphemous. It is simply an attempt to re-construct Jesus as an historical figure. If I was a Christian it probably wouldn't shake my faith and as a non-Chrisitian I found it to be a fascinating read.
Reza loves the sound of his own voice way too much. He speaks in circles and never actually acknowledges established facts. He merely stirs the pot with saying anything is an acceptable way to follow a religion.
Reza claims Jesus and his close associates were illiterate. The Bible teaches they were "unlettered and ordinary" but if they were illiterate how could they write the books of the Bible? Granted, Paul who was highly educated wrote most of the NT but the rest of the Greek scriptures were written by men who were followers of Jesus.
For evolution check Quoran Sura/ verse 22/5 a complete and detailed explanation of the subject. Quoran talks about science not fairy tales as mentioned in other books.
***** Sir. Never heard of any table falling form sky till some one takes the table up by some air plane and push it to fall. Geologists are of the opinion that in the beginning the earth was like a fire ball and then ice in huge form had been falling for over billion of years on Earth and turned the earth to cool down. The mountains are also had falling from sky. It is not the part of Earth either.
***** There is no chapter Table in Quoran. This is Al Maaedah - The Heavenly System of Sustenance. 5:112 When the disciples said, “O Essa, son of Maryam! Would your Lord send down for us a Table Spread with Divine sustenance? Essa said, “Be mindful of Allah if you are believers.” [Establish the Divine Order on earth and that will ensure Divine provision in abundance and equity. 7:96] 5:113 They said, "This is exactly what we want. So that we live with a contented heart and know that your system is truly workable and that we may be witnesses for the future generations.” 5:114 Essa son of Maryam said, “O Allah , our Lord! Give us the strength to establish the Divine System that ensures abundance of provision for all of us. Let there be a happy feast for the founders and the followers among us. And let this be a sign from You (that the Divine System guarantees prosperity for all). Provide sustenance for us, for You are the Best of providers.”
***** Cutting Moon or splitting Moon is completely fake. If you split the moon both the parts will fall on earth because of earth gravitational pull and that is the end of story. It is said Muslim army were fighting the infidels and infidels were carrying their flag with Crescent on it. They were defeated and their flag was brought to Holy Prophet (SAW) and He torn the flag into two pieces cutting the crescent into two as Crescent was a symbol sign for Muslims only.
Quoran is book form God Almighty. It is a challenge to all mankind to write a book like this and get help from genius they will never ever be able to produce a book like this, not a chapter not even one verse. Why God will tell lies about Essa that his original name was different then Essa.. I saw his name Essa but translator has written Jesus. I wanted to know why translator has given him different name. I raed different books and came to conclusion that the story of Hindu lord Krishna and story of Irani Mithra were mixed and taken to Greece where they came up with a new idea to create a personality and was given name Jesus. Jesus is a Greek name like Alexandros, Julius, Demetrius, Augustus etc. Four books were written in Greek language too but surprising that Jesus was born in Bethlehem a complete contrast. His language could be Hebrew or Aramaic but certainly not Greek. The English people also changed name of Yahya to John, Yaquoob to Jacob. With every word "J" Yaroshalam to Jerusalem etc.has been changed.
This is a great interview and great conversation. This man is filled with the knowledge and wisdom from God Almighty. This is better than some preaching. I am a believer. I trusted God the Father and Jesus the Lamb of God and the Holy spirit. This man got me burning and desire for more of the man called Jesus of Nazareth and my heart just about to explode. I am asian and from Buddha to Jesus. I don't have to stop being asian because i believe in Jesus. I still eat my kind of food and i enjoy every kinds of food. You don't have to stop being Muslims to love Jesus. When you get to know Jesus you just can't helped but just fall in love with him. He pulled me out of my sins he bailed me out of hell. how can i deny my Lord Savior. It is written in the Holy bible. Jesus said king Dom of god is in your heart. And those who choose to believe in his works and his gospels and keep his commandments will inherit the kingdom of God with everlasting life and paradise. I am so thankful to God the Father and his Lamb because now i can see where i am going. Praised the Lord. Amen !
I just have one question for him: "What makes the Bible not be "true", but Koran does"? Because, academically, you CANNOT confirm the actual truth, you can only choose which "truth" to believe?
Lets be factual he never learned about islam like he did about christianity. He admits that his upbringing had distorted and distant understanding of islam. So his scholastic world religions studies were influenced by his knowledge and understsmding of christianity as he learned it and was immersed in it when he attended Jesuit schools. Again, and to the contrary, he did not have the same opportuinty to develop a religious understanding of islam.
The word Bible means books. The Bible is 66 books written by different authors and their tombs and cities have been verified by scientists. The people in the Bible were deceased when it was translated into English in 1611. They are not making money off the memoirs of their lives they lived thousands of years ago.
I own this book. and I will admit I have just shuffled through it, but from what I can see, it does not venture far from my own beliefs. it does not take a bible scholar to see the evidence of the factual nature of what he has written about. however. there is a case to be made against his assertions, at least in this interview and others I have seen. that jesus was illiterate and a day laborer. first, Joseph was a skilled carpenter, or builder if you want to make that distinction. when he and mary fled to egypt, it was a time egypt was known to hire foreign labor for their projects. probably why they chose egypt instead of someplace else, joseph knew he could find work. jesus would have been raised at joseph's side, learning the trade, and undergoing apprenticeships maybe even under other builders. this would have put him in the category of a skilled labor or even an artisan. there is a gap in the gospels of about 18 yrs or so. between jesus discussions with the priests at the temple. and when he started his movement. it is plausible. that in that time. he pursued his studies with the local rabbi. and may have learned to read, it is also plausible that he traveled to other countries as a builder, and could have learned then as well. he did seem to come back with some ideas about god that were a departure from normal jewish belief. the point is. that while it was true that most common people did not read or write, there was little need for it since scrolls were scarce and no books, it was not impossible that jesus picked up the skill in pursuit of what was obviously a source of interest and study for him. if you had the need to read, you could learn,
This guy just loves extremes. From the religion of extremism to an extremist sect of Christianity back to the religion of extremism. My guess is that he was dissatisfied when he learned that even the most extreme Christian sects don't behead people for leisure, so he went back to the religion that does. He probably became excited over the Crusades, and then disenfranchised when he learned they were in response to Muslim invasions in the Anatolia region in the beginning and then in response to Muslim attacks against Jerusalem and other Christian territories.
I am a student of science and logic. I also understand the laws in nature. The statement by Aslan does not stand on logic and science. The top American Historian Will Durant based on seacrch and raesearch has written "Was there any person by name of Jesus ever existed?" His name is not mentioned in any history book. The actual founder of Christianity is Saint Paul who never met Jesus. Is there any one who could prove that there was a person by name of Jesus??? I will be really glad to know. Quoran talks about a Prophet by name of Essa. He was neither killed nor put a cross. He completed his life journey like other people and died. He will come back on day of judgement when all will be there for their accountability what good deeds and bad deeds they committed while living on earth. .
GRAND TURK AFAIK it is not something in huge dispute among historians. The thing that is in dispute is any of the supernatural claims regarding Jesus... especially the resurrection... Ofc, Christians will always pretend that accepting that an influential guy named Jesus probably lived is the same as accepting the resurrection as true.
Mister mood Quoran in the Arabic text his name is mentioned Essa, not other name. but the translator has written Jesus . I want to know as who gave the authority to any one for a new name. We have thousand and thousand proofs that Quoran is the book from Allah (SWT) not any human being. If today Essa (AS) was alive and call him by name of Jesus he will never look back. majority of Historian have written in their book that they do not have any proof if Jesus ever existed.
Ali Syed well, that is a good question. essa is just Jesus in Arabic, in fact in Arabic bibles he is mentioned as for the new name i don't really know as yahya=john i don't think it matters to be honest... but i do not really know for sure...but the stories are uncannily similar ....
Mister mood Say if my name is Tom and every one knows me by that name . If some one calls me Mr. Harry. shoudl i pay any attention to him, If by mistake he calls me Harry i will tell him my real name Tom.
I'm waiting for his next book, where he makes the same claims about the Prophet Mohammed, as Koran has also been written by many hands over many years therefore as a historical document IS INCONSISTENT.
well that will be your dream till your last breath .. which will not come true . not because I'm a muslim . but in fact quran is something which we humans are unable to write . and in fact it's a challenge from God . further more in the history of 1400 no one has able to find any contradiction .except those false claims .. quran is a book of God revealed to the prophet Muhammad pbuh . we also believe on a revelation to jesus pbuh . but no the bible . bible is word of people not jesus words .even gospel today are not from the jhon mathew mark luke . it's clearly mention these are testimony of people after many of jesus . and one thing to notice . according to mark, according to jhon . it's clear it not from them but there teaching to people . we believe in the gospel of jesus . which has been given to jesus pbuh as same as to david pbuh . but infact the gospel of jesus or injeel . no body write it down . we don't have it today ...
He was never a Christian and was never born of the Holy Spirit. He is a liar. He is an instrument of the devil. He is not a scholar of religion. He is a devout Muslim and remains true to this death cult.
Christianity is not at all coherent or logical, they claim that Jesus was God in the form of man, however several verses in the scripture state that Jesus prayed; "Jesus fell to his face and prayed" so if Jesus was truly divine indeed being God and thus possessing the powers of God, for what need would he need to pray? and to whom was he praying? if Jesus came to save the sins of the people why did he not come before? why didn't biblical history start with the coming of christ so that all subsequent generations would be free from sin ?
Jesus WAS unlike any other Jew or any other person. Why? Because Jesus was the firstborn of all creation so he had a beginning and he and God together created all other things. He was God's "master worker" (Prov 8) of all creation. The first century Christians NEVER, EVER believed Jesus was God but God's SON.
His earlier self is the very person people like Sam Harris are worried about. Yet Reza's current self seems to assume such "devout" imbeciles don't exist.
In Quran said: Jesus is a prophet and not a God and he is a miracle human because he was created from an ovum withought the participation of a sperm no other human God ever created had this ... Quran said God is his own creation he was never born from another source and he never gave a birth to another God or prophet .... This makes a lot of logic to me ... Islam came 700 years after Jesus and Quran mentioned it all about old history from Adam and even down to Ibrahim , Moses , Noah , Jesus ... And finally the prophet muhamed ... True Christians believe in Islam , believe in peace , tolerance ,
So can somebody explain to me is he saying the bible is not historical because it's written by the apostles? If so then who should've had written it to be correct, Jesus himself? Isn't this already asumming it's false? Cause if Jesus were some Ziotik, then wouldn't he had been killed accused of attacking the government cause the way I remeber it there were no crime that he was dound guilty on but instead it was out of the fact that the ceasor released one criminal and the people themselves said Jesus to be crusefied so he was no revolutionar since the Jews and gentliles hated him! Because he never teached as if the problem is in in governement but he tought that the problem is you and me, in the hearths of men! And his defenition of the kingdom of God was not a free Israel country or on this earth for that matter, and he tought how he had to die. Like he even said you must be born again of the spirit not some enlightnment but belief in him was what he brought to the table to eat his flesh and drink his blood for you to live in the kingdom of God the paradice he told the thief on the cross to be in, so it ain't no revolutionary and that's by the original gospels, I haven't read other gospels where they call Jesus a revolutionary... And Jesus was no Jew, he was born of the holy spirit to say other wise is to lie because I can't be sure but you can't be sure more cause the original documment said what it said! Amd if you think the apostles lied about their leader who was dead and served him, it wouldn't make sense. Since the apostles never fought a war but instead spread the message to poor people now, people as we all are, we now we can't believe unles there is vision or some convincing us and the fact that belief in Jesus as the Christ the messiah who came and concured is still hold as truth today, shows that there is something about Jesus Christ of Nassareth! And as the Messiah dying profeccy there are so many one is in Genesis 3, How the seed of the women will crush the seed of the serpent (which was no snake but Satan) but it will btuise his* heel* And Jesus being touched by our sins and him concuering all of them is told right there and then! and so many other places...
Jesus was NOT to recreate the Kingdom of David. He said: "My kindgom is NO PART OF THIS WORLD." He would eventually take over rulership of a government from heaven that would take over rulership of the earth - but in the future NOT in Jesus days on earth. This Kingdom is the solution to all mankind's problems. It will bring about all the conditions to the earth that mankind wants and needs. After Jesus as King of God's Kingdom brings mankind back to perfection he "hands over the kingdom to his God and Father". We will then be back to the conditions the were in the "beginning".
Jesus scared people because he spoke with an authority that none other did. He claimed to be the "son of God". None of the other "Messiah's did". God's Kingdom according to Daniel with "crush and put an end to all these kingdoms" (governments).
Reza, did you hear yourself? "the God Jesus worshipped". If Jesus worshipped a God, how could he BE God? He can't. He is as he stated so many times, God's SON.
A part from the Bible we have very none informative documents about Jesus so saying that the gospels are not historical book about Jesus is a lie and you have nothing, the reason why Jesus was superior to all the other messiah is because he was indeed the messiah and the first church was willing to die for him, note I said die not kill.
+Aron Carvajal So i'm guessing you don't accept the theory of evolution either. Reza puts Jesus in his time and place to understand him, its called passive analysis.
+Marcstylzzz A The thing is that there is not a lot of information from other contemporary writers perhaps 2 or 3 and there was not a whole lot written. If Reza is going to get his information from the gospels to shape his book he must also use the other side of Jesus which side? Jesus miracles, divinity, death and resurrection it's not fair to use only what he wants. About evolution, there is not a lot of prove, believing that the world came out of nothing, all the missing links, the possibilities of you and me carrying this conversation like civilized men and many many more things that when you really stop and think about them don't make sense about evolution, makes me think I am safer with believing in a creator even if I don't understand him to the fullest ether
Aron Carvajal I think the only parts of bible he quotes are the ones that can be confirmed with a HUMONGOUS amount of information passed on by the romans. Romans documented virtually everything. He even says its perfectly ok to follow the celestial christ from the bible, but he is more awe-inspired by the historical Jesus.
+Marcstylzzz A Reza will never accept Jesus as the Christ he always put him as an other man, you probably know he is a Muslim and although the coran talks about Jesus it has a very different view of who he is. For him to say something different will be to deny his faith and that could cause him some trouble with the people that he associates with (believe it or not).
Religion is form. Whatever you choose to call "god" is too immense and spectacular for you to begin to fathom, and surpasses all form. It is impossible to define, impossible to hold, and cannot be put into a box. Religion is this box, tailor made from respective cultures throughout time trying to understand the unfathomable. Spirituality is simply your connection with the undefinable awesomeness that permeates through all things. Your connection is real, the box defining your connection is not.
but, after all my searches and experience, my box happens to be real, i can put all the imposible within it, and it doesnt defy logic & personal sense. i did it by scatering the box and threw it away, and search only for the truth, but in the end i had my self another box my connection is real & my box aswel as if saying i have been at your place, puts me in a perspective to say that when you have matured enough after walking your path, you will see that im right. but saying that is just shallow. because each person have thier own path to walk, with every step to take and left. it is something worth respecting. we wont know how far they had travel and we dont know wether we travel the furtherest all i know is aslong you open up your path, you can always walk forward
He has a PHD in the scholars of religion, and has been studying it for over 20 years. His statements come from history, and actual evidence, yet yours come from general knowledge that you have been taught in the your church. As for God being one, two, or three. That is ultimately a discussion that can be argued, as oppose to a fact.
Actually, he has no bone in status of Jesus. He only narrates what he thinks the real Historic Jesus was and also about early Christians and their beliefs..and sometimes he talks about his own earlier Christian Evangelical beliefs which he adjusted after studying Bible at the Jesuit seminary or a passion to discover real Historic Jesus. I'll bet she has not listened to his lectures completely - he really says nothing against anyone's belief..and nobody is totally happy with his conclusions; even Muslims have objections to his findings about Jesus.
+Reza I have been studying and researching the BIBLE for over 30 years. Many scholars of religion and NT theology have differing opinions. They are not seeking truth, they are seeking to be right.
Quran (8:65) - "O Prophet, exhort the believers to fight..." Quran (2:216)- "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. When the prophet Mohammed started preaching Islam , it was rejected by his people, the Meccans. The Meccans attempted to persecute Mohammed in an attempt to get him to stop, but his uncle Abu Talab (a wealthy and powerful man) had enough influence to stop them. Regardless, of whether Quran condones killing unbelievers in the right context, it is a very crude piece of work that can be manipulated by others to achieve ones goals. This should give you a very strong hint about the political nature of Islam. Islam is merely a tool created by Muhammad and Arabs to achieve their different ambitions. It was most probably created in response to Muhammad's experiences during Mecca and Medina. (We can talk all day what those ambitions were. We can also discuss at length how can a mere mortal write Koran or how can someone create Islam without divine help but then we will be digressing.)
Do not break the comandments as Jesus said. Follow the law. Jesus Said i my self can do nothing, i do the Will of the father. My FATHER your FATHER,my god your god. Do not call me good, there is no one good but God
Just because the Bible is written by many hands doesn't make it false. OMG! The Quran was written my a man who called himself a prophet, had many wives--one was a child. Many followers wrote the Quran and Hadiths (written hundreds of years after Mohammad died). He lived 600 yrs. after Jesus and claims Jesus was only a prophet. That alone makes me deny Islam as a religion.
+Sylvia S have you ever read quran? or Hadits? And you said something like that because you have learn from the quran or just conclude it from several person words? If you just know it from other peoples word, then please don't said Islam not a religion if you are not knowing anything of it. Speak good or silent.
Robert afro I studied religion in college. I didn't say it wasn't a religion--I said to me it isn't. There is a difference. I refuse to be silent about a man who teaches it OK to have 4 wives, to beat your wife, or to kill your daughter if she disgraces the family by being raped, or gays are to be killed, or to marry children, or women have to cover themselves and sit in the back of the Mosques so the men won't get aroused, or it's OK to kill in war and take the women and children as sex slaves. Just a few of the grievances I have with the Islam religion that are being practiced today by some. I know it's a minority but that minority is slandering the Islam religion every time they punish someone because of the sharia.
(First of all, sorry for my poor english) Well its good for you that you have studied about religion in college. But, did you really learn about Islam from quran and hadits? i mean if you really learn it from quran, you will get an answer about all of thing you said about having 4 wives, gays need to be killed, women have to cover themselves if going out and the reason why it should be done. From my point of view as a Muslim, i never read anything about allowing women and children as sex slaves. That is definitely wrong. Please, if you have any question on your mind everything about Islam, i suggest you to read the Quran. Thanks for your reply :)
Mohammad said to slay those who would not submit to Islam and take the women (and young girls) as spoils of war. I will not read a book by a man who denied Jesus was the son of God and said he had a stand-in for the crucifixion. Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death. Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death. A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death. A woman can have 1 husband, but a man can have up to 4 wives. A man can divorce his wife by saying "I divorce you" 3 times but a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce. A man can beat his wife for insubordination. Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman. Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand. This is not the kind of religion I want to be a part of. I don't care if he did teach love and peace he also taught hate and killing.
If you can show me from where you got that statement, i will believe you. But, if you just know it from other peoples taught, i'm surely disagree. Now there is your problem, Quran is not made by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), it is from Allah. Muhammad (pbuh) is just the messenger. I will stop arguing with you about this because you don't want to learn anything from Quran. Learn it and you will get the answer. You just see it by WHAT the act, not by WHY it must be acted out and HOW. All your answer is in Quran, if you brave enough to read the truth. Salam.
This is what I like about Reza Aslan. He recognizes and identifies the dividing line between the historical account and the theological account of a religion (and its preachers), which gives a very important perspective in understanding the religion from a neutral point of view. Scholarly conversations are always refreshing.
Finally an interview where they are discussing what they are supposed to be discussing ! good questions and answers !I feel like I got something out of this video , Thank You.
"Three things cannot long be hidden: The sun, the moon and the truth." ~Shakyamuni Buddha Long live this one who does unveil certain truths - Reza Aslan.
Yes, you are a scholar, noble and intelligent.....and yet you are humble and a true wonder!! Merci Reza you are a light in my life.Masha Allah Reza, ana maria
We need more people like Reza. Brilliant!!!
This is not Sophistry. It’s a broader and deeper way of understanding
world’s religion.
This is something a lot of people are going through or have experienced in their personal spiritual growth. . . 6min "Everything you believe suddenly collapses."
I consider myself an intelligent man and I understand what this man is saying.
I also understand this man and find the way his mind works as dynamic and creative
He definitely helped open my eyes. And come full circle.
What an interview! The story started to unfold when genius Tony Harris started to asking great questions and gave Reza to swim into his ocean of knowledge and quickly comeback with precious answers!
forget the media, forget the uneducated journalists! let an educated man speak uninterrupted about his work of 20 years, that is how this matter can be addressed. after watching this i have realized more about religion and the problems of religion in america.
this was truly interesting! Thank you Reza Aslan and than you Jazeera!
The idea of a "God Man" DOESN"T exist! God is ONE, not three and not three in one.
+Anna Vogt that's what Muslims believe not Christians. Christians believe in the father son and the holy spirit. or am I wrong ?
+Sophia Nadji No you are partially right. MOST "professed" christians believe in the trinity that God, Jesus and holy spirit are three gods in one godhead. However, the BIble does NOT teach this doctrine and it didn't exist until the 4th century and under much controversy. TRUE Christians, those who actually follow what the Bible says do NOT believe in this doctrine but rather believe with the Bible says about Jesus, that he is the "firstborn of all creation" and the "beginning of the creation by God". Jehovah God ALONE is Almighty and Jesus is his created son.
+leslie falconer doesn't prove Trinity hun. besides Council of Nicea that established Trinity, not Jesus.
This is what Islam about and what Arius was preaching.
All of u are wrong Islam belives in only one God don’t go spreading lies
Another great thing about this guy is that every interview with him is always different and his arguments are not repeated over and over again.
Jesus is a Prophet in Islam because Islam's perspective is that it is an extension and final message of Christianity and Judaism.So when Christians say why is Reza writing about Jesus, um, he's our Prophet too..
+Ali Khan Not to deny your opinion. But like Reza said; I am writing this book as a scholar, not a muslim or christian. a scholar. Jesus is a historical character in this book, and is not portrayed as a muslim prophet or a christian god.
I have not read the book, but this is my interpretation of his opinion. would enjoy your answer/opinion. (not your anger. as youtube is know for that emotion exclusively)
Not an angry person, rather open minded :) Absolutely agree with what you're saying, but regarding the comments made towards him on Fox/CNN, it's irritating hearing "why are you writing about Jesus if you're not Christian?" I thought everyone was smart to know that Jesus is a prominent figure in Christianity AND Islam, however, sometimes I wonder if these news anchors and prejudiced people ask such a question to simply irritate the author. But aside from that, yes, you are right :)
This man is very intelligent
He's a professor at Harvard, bro.
This guy is clearly logical by method. He understands religions are fundamentally similar. They tell people to be good and be rewarded by God. He even went through the different religion scriptures to understand their teachings. So I find it interesting that he is willing to settle for one that suits him the most and make a leap of faith to accept it wholeheartedly as the truth and trusting whatever he don't understands as "beyond humanly intellect". All of a sudden, he seems to be acting like a housewife.... settling for a fish what fits her budget and taste... while having known that all the fishmonger's fishes are questionable in freshness. He's just willing to take a gamble in the most logical bet. Unbelievable!
All of Reza's books are fascinating reads.
What he writes makes sense.
If you have problem with it - do not read.
On a contrary, everyone should be encouraged to read as much as possible, because reading only what you feel like it promotes stupidity and intolerance. I don't see how Reza is a smart man. A smart man wouldn't say that one book (The Bible) is written by many hands over time so naturally, would be full of inconsistencies, but in the same breath support that another book (Quran) that ALSO has been written by many hands over time somehow HAS the answers and is THE TRUTH. The truth is that YOU CANNOT CONFIRM THE ACTUAL ACCOUNT OF WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED, therefore neither are consistent. All societies at this point in our development, should recognize some basic tenants of "DO NOT HARM ANOTHER", "DON'T STEAL", "DON'T LIE", because each life is precious and exists once. Perhaps, it would make a great social experiment to raise a community without religion but human principles only to see if the religion free community would preserve humanity better than their religious counterparts.
Yeah I agree with most of what you said, Also Quran was written only once and I wanted to point out in this book Reza actually contradicts Quran. As Quran believes in the virgin birth and Jesus as a messenger of God and the resurrection.
topkhani We need more Jesuit trained Liars?
Because if you are aware of the actual beliefs of Reza he does not believe in the Quran, he does not believe in the virgin birth and does believe in the resurrection.
Once a Jesuit always a Jesuit.
Oh Reza, so sincere and truthful, you are wonderful oh Reza my god...
Well, MakisP - let's begin with how uncomfortable you are with the idea of a gay person: Hmmmm - Professor Asla is currently married to Jessica Jackley and is the father (with her) of twin sons. Now regardless of his orientation his scholarship is what it is and if you disagree with his scholarship then you might address that rather than retreating into personal invective (regarding that, I'd suggest counseling). Fear, of course, is at the root of your anger - fear and anger. He's not suggesting you not believe in your god, he is simply attempting to look at the historical Jesus in context. Of course, truth is always the enemy of ignorance, especially willed ignorance. I would also suggest you haven't actually listened to the interview let alone read the book.
TL Gilpatrick meanwhile MakisP eats popcorn in glee while watching a Martin Short marathon and trying to mimic his characters...
man this dude is such a great interviewer.
"The gospels were not about revealing facts but about revealing truths" Reza Aslan. So true.
reza aslan choose islam becuase islam is the future, it recognises the people of the books unlike christianity and judaism they deny all but theirs, but not islam it embraces all three, this is why it is the religion of the future. despite all the negetivity you are witnessing that is associated with islam. it still has the power to make people embrace islam and that is the power of islam.
People of the book are all nations thats resived the holy message from god and so that includes budhisst, hindu,native american...nearly every large religion! Yes im a muslim and yes I believe buddah was a prophet and messanger
+ffddar You sound more like a Baha'i
The Centrist Muslim i dont have anything against the bahais faith but the only holy book i trust fully is the Quran. The quranic Sabeans are The hindu and buddhist.
He is the Karen Armstrong of Islam.While Karen Armstrong is for the Christian,Reza Aslan is for the Muslim.
Crescente Bao-as Jr. Yes, and I consider that a compliment for both. :-)
Rosalinda Wijks After all,Aslan was caught lying about his credential.Comparing him with Armstrong?I think he is not worth it.
Yup! seems spectacular in the beginning but later became a sham.Doing so many acrobatic just like viewing a chinese gymnastics.
+Crescente Bao-as Jr. That is true .
is this an argument? funny
What I would like to ask Reza is how has his realization of the disagreements the Islamic texts have with the historical Jesus, as he has written about, has shaped his personal beliefs in Islam, and how does he justify his beliefs in a holy scripture that he himself says has the account of Jesus incorrect(21:03). Love you Reza and I learn a lot from you. Personally I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I can see the reverence you show to the subject. Thank you for your books.
That's a heck of a flower pot between them.
We are obviously of the same tribe! ☺
The host needs a better tailor. His pants are way too short.
Great interview!! Liked it.
Simply , A creative and genius thinker who could reconcile with himself and left the choice to his mind
As a convert from Christianity to Buddhism, I love Reza Aslan.
I'd love to meet reza!
30 years of intense Bible study and I have found NO inconsistencies or errors in God's word that can't be explained away scripturally.
8:15 "the truth should not in any way change who you are"
I recognize this is taken out of context, but I don't see why he added that wording into what he was already saying. it's disturbing to me if he thinks this, whether consciously or unconsciously
+Desmond Bear, it means the values you have do not depend on a charismatic leader existing and doing things as followers say he has. Values do not rest on a person or even on a personal God. You can believe the values are right. It's very simple, actually.
Flavia Martins ah, I see now.
100% truth what you expressed 🙏🙏
The interviewer is getting teary-eyed.
We bow unto thee oh Reza...
The truth shouldn't change who you are...what you think? Pretty sure the truth should change who you are and how you think, if you're thinking to the contrary. Still...Zealot was an excellent book and through its academic truths, changed the way I view J.C. and Christianity.
Aslan's book on Jesus is respectful and in no way blasphemous. It is simply an attempt to re-construct Jesus as an historical figure. If I was a Christian it probably wouldn't shake my faith and as a non-Chrisitian I found it to be a fascinating read.
Wait did he convert back to Islam??????..
I AM A MUSLIM FOR #JESUS(peace be upon him)
This interviewer has the sexiest voice I've ever heard in my life!
Priscila B. Meaning that you want to have his child?
Wow! you are a genius.
His Name Means A Lion And He Is Really A Lion.. Well Aducated Man. Genius. Smart. Well Spoken. Like This Man And Nevee Get Tired Of Listening Him
Reza loves the sound of his own voice way too much. He speaks in circles and never actually acknowledges established facts. He merely stirs the pot with saying anything is an acceptable way to follow a religion.
Ironic you should say that
Reza claims Jesus and his close associates were illiterate. The Bible teaches they were "unlettered and ordinary" but if they were illiterate how could they write the books of the Bible? Granted, Paul who was highly educated wrote most of the NT but the rest of the Greek scriptures were written by men who were followers of Jesus.
Jesus was NOT illiterate. He was "unlettered and ordinary" which meant he did not attend schools of higher education, does NOT mean he was illiterate.
For evolution check Quoran Sura/ verse 22/5 a complete and detailed explanation of the subject.
Quoran talks about science not fairy tales as mentioned in other books.
sea waves You are hundred percent right. Thanks for information. May Allah (SWT) bless you.
***** Sir. Never heard of any table falling form sky till some one takes the table up by some air plane and push it to fall.
Geologists are of the opinion that in the beginning the earth was like a fire ball and then ice in huge form had been falling for over billion of years on Earth and turned the earth to cool down. The mountains are also had falling from sky. It is not the part of Earth either.
***** I am sorry i never heard or read of any table coming from sky in Quoran. If you have some information, please do let me know. Thanks in advance.
***** There is no chapter Table in Quoran. This is Al Maaedah - The Heavenly System of Sustenance.
5:112 When the disciples said, “O Essa, son of Maryam! Would your Lord
send down for us a Table Spread with Divine sustenance? Essa said,
“Be mindful of Allah if you are believers.” [Establish the Divine Order on
earth and that will ensure Divine provision in abundance and equity.
5:113 They said, "This is exactly what we want. So that we live with a
contented heart and know that your system is truly workable and that we
may be witnesses for the future generations.”
5:114 Essa son of Maryam said, “O Allah , our Lord! Give us the strength to
establish the Divine System that ensures abundance of provision for all
of us. Let there be a happy feast for the founders and the followers
among us. And let this be a sign from You (that the Divine System
guarantees prosperity for all). Provide sustenance for us, for You are the
Best of providers.”
***** Cutting Moon or splitting Moon is completely fake. If you split the moon both the parts will fall on earth because of earth gravitational pull and that is the end of story.
It is said Muslim army were fighting the infidels and infidels were carrying their flag with Crescent on it. They were defeated and their flag was brought to Holy Prophet (SAW) and He torn the flag into two pieces cutting the crescent into two as Crescent was a symbol sign for Muslims only.
Table means like in a sequence order. 1-2-3 are tables. Not that table where you sit and eat food.
if its true you should not be afraid of it
Quoran is book form God Almighty. It is a challenge to all mankind to write a book like this and get help from genius they will never ever be able to produce a book like this, not a chapter not even one verse. Why God will tell lies about Essa that his original name was different then Essa..
I saw his name Essa but translator has written Jesus. I wanted to know why translator has given him different name. I raed different books and came to conclusion that the story of Hindu lord Krishna and story of Irani Mithra were mixed and taken to Greece where they came up with a new idea to create a personality and was given name Jesus. Jesus is a Greek name like Alexandros, Julius, Demetrius, Augustus etc. Four books were written in Greek language too but surprising that Jesus was born in Bethlehem a complete contrast. His language could be Hebrew or Aramaic but certainly not Greek. The English people also changed name of Yahya to John, Yaquoob to Jacob. With every word "J" Yaroshalam to Jerusalem etc.has been changed.
This is a great interview and great conversation. This man is filled with the knowledge and wisdom from God Almighty. This is better than some preaching. I am a believer. I trusted God the Father and Jesus the Lamb of God and the Holy spirit. This man got me burning and desire for more of the man called Jesus of Nazareth and my heart just about to explode. I am asian and from Buddha to Jesus. I don't have to stop being asian because i believe in Jesus. I still eat my kind of food and i enjoy every kinds of food. You don't have to stop being Muslims to love Jesus. When you get to know Jesus you just can't helped but just fall in love with him. He pulled me out of my sins he bailed me out of hell. how can i deny my Lord Savior. It is written in the Holy bible. Jesus said king Dom of god is in your heart. And those who choose to believe in his works and his gospels and keep his commandments will inherit the kingdom of God with everlasting life and paradise. I am so thankful to God the Father and his Lamb because now i can see where i am going. Praised the Lord. Amen !
a very handsome man indeed
I just have one question for him: "What makes the Bible not be "true", but Koran does"? Because, academically, you CANNOT confirm the actual truth, you can only choose which "truth" to believe?
Lets be factual he never learned about islam like he did about christianity. He admits that his upbringing had distorted and distant understanding of islam. So his scholastic world religions studies were influenced by his knowledge and understsmding of christianity as he learned it and was immersed in it when he attended Jesuit schools. Again, and to the contrary, he did not have the same opportuinty to develop a religious understanding of islam.
"The soft bigotry of the center."
And then there's Glenn Beck.
The word Bible means books. The Bible is 66 books written by different authors and their tombs and cities have been verified by scientists. The people in the Bible were deceased when it was translated into English in 1611. They are not making money off the memoirs of their lives they lived thousands of years ago.
My view is just like your view
I own this book. and I will admit I have just shuffled through it, but from what I can see, it does not venture far from my own beliefs. it does not take a bible scholar to see the evidence of the factual nature of what he has written about. however.
there is a case to be made against his assertions, at least in this interview and others I have seen. that jesus was illiterate and a day laborer.
first, Joseph was a skilled carpenter, or builder if you want to make that distinction. when he and mary fled to egypt, it was a time egypt was known to hire foreign labor for their projects. probably why they chose egypt instead of someplace else, joseph knew he could find work. jesus would have been raised at joseph's side, learning the trade, and undergoing apprenticeships maybe even under other builders. this would have put him in the category of a skilled labor or even an artisan. there is a gap in the gospels of about 18 yrs or so. between jesus discussions with the priests at the temple. and when he started his movement. it is plausible. that in that time. he pursued his studies with the local rabbi. and may have learned to read, it is also plausible that he traveled to other countries as a builder, and could have learned then as well. he did seem to come back with some ideas about god that were a departure from normal jewish belief. the point is. that while it was true that most common people did not read or write, there was little need for it since scrolls were scarce and no books, it was not impossible that jesus picked up the skill in pursuit of what was obviously a source of interest and study for him. if you had the need to read, you could learn,
This guy just loves extremes. From the religion of extremism to an extremist sect of Christianity back to the religion of extremism. My guess is that he was dissatisfied when he learned that even the most extreme Christian sects don't behead people for leisure, so he went back to the religion that does. He probably became excited over the Crusades, and then disenfranchised when he learned they were in response to Muslim invasions in the Anatolia region in the beginning and then in response to Muslim attacks against Jerusalem and other Christian territories.
you skipped lots of history classes i see.
I am a student of science and logic. I also understand the laws in nature. The statement by Aslan does not stand on logic and science.
The top American Historian Will Durant based on seacrch and raesearch has written "Was there any person by name of Jesus ever existed?" His name is not mentioned in any history book. The actual founder of Christianity is Saint Paul who never met Jesus.
Is there any one who could prove that there was a person by name of Jesus??? I will be really glad to know. Quoran talks about a Prophet by name of Essa. He was neither killed nor put a cross. He completed his life journey like other people and died. He will come back on day of judgement when all will be there for their accountability what good deeds and bad deeds they committed while living on earth. .
GRAND TURK AFAIK it is not something in huge dispute among historians. The thing that is in dispute is any of the supernatural claims regarding Jesus... especially the resurrection... Ofc, Christians will always pretend that accepting that an influential guy named Jesus probably lived is the same as accepting the resurrection as true.
Ali Syed Essa=jesus
Mister mood Quoran in the Arabic text his name is mentioned Essa, not other name. but the translator has written Jesus . I want to know as who gave the authority to any one for a new name. We have thousand and thousand proofs that Quoran is the book from Allah (SWT) not any human being. If today Essa (AS) was alive and call him by name of Jesus he will never look back. majority of Historian have written in their book that they do not have any proof if Jesus ever existed.
Ali Syed well, that is a good question. essa is just Jesus in Arabic, in fact in Arabic bibles he is mentioned as for the new name i don't really know as
yahya=john i don't think it matters to be honest... but i do not really know for sure...but the stories are uncannily similar ....
Mister mood Say if my name is Tom and every one knows me by that name . If some one calls me Mr. Harry. shoudl i pay any attention to him, If by mistake he calls me Harry i will tell him my real name Tom.
Jesus is a prophet of Islam. His birth is chronicled in the Koran, Questioning Muslims writing about Jesus is not recognizing their faith.
I'm waiting for his next book, where he makes the same claims about the Prophet Mohammed, as Koran has also been written by many hands over many years therefore as a historical document IS INCONSISTENT.
well that will be your dream till your last breath .. which will not come true . not because I'm a muslim . but in fact quran is something which we humans are unable to write . and in fact it's a challenge from God .
further more in the history of 1400 no one has able to find any contradiction .except those false claims ..
quran is a book of God revealed to the prophet Muhammad pbuh .
we also believe on a revelation to jesus pbuh . but no the bible . bible is word of people not jesus words .even gospel today are not from the jhon mathew mark luke . it's clearly mention these are testimony of people after many of jesus . and one thing to notice .
according to mark, according to jhon . it's clear it not from them but there teaching to people .
we believe in the gospel of jesus . which has been given to jesus pbuh as same as to david pbuh .
but infact the gospel of jesus or injeel . no body write it down . we don't have it today ...
Softball interview. Reza feed's on attention. I wish Vice News would interview him.
He was never a Christian and was never born of the Holy Spirit. He is a liar. He is an instrument of the devil. He is not a scholar of religion. He is a devout Muslim and remains true to this death cult.
Christianity is not at all coherent or logical, they claim that Jesus was God in the form of man, however several verses in the scripture state that Jesus prayed; "Jesus fell to his face and prayed" so if Jesus was truly divine indeed being God and thus possessing the powers of God, for what need would he need to pray? and to whom was he praying? if Jesus came to save the sins of the people why did he not come before? why didn't biblical history start with the coming of christ so that all subsequent generations would be free from sin ?
smart and cool
Jesus WAS unlike any other Jew or any other person. Why? Because Jesus was the firstborn of all creation so he had a beginning and he and God together created all other things. He was God's "master worker" (Prov 8) of all creation. The first century Christians NEVER, EVER believed Jesus was God but God's SON.
His earlier self is the very person people like Sam Harris are worried about. Yet Reza's current self seems to assume such "devout" imbeciles don't exist.
M. Aslan says that also Judaism is violent ?? one exemple ?
Moshé Boughanim israel
You gather so much by the way people talk ..
In Quran said: Jesus is a prophet and not a God and he is a miracle human because he was created from an ovum withought the participation of a sperm no other human God ever created had this ...
Quran said God is his own creation he was never born from another source and he never gave a birth to another God or prophet ....
This makes a lot of logic to me ...
Islam came 700 years after Jesus and Quran mentioned it all about old history from Adam and even down to Ibrahim , Moses , Noah , Jesus ... And finally the prophet muhamed ...
True Christians believe in Islam , believe in peace , tolerance ,
you cannot dispute changed lives
So can somebody explain to me is he saying the bible is not historical because it's written by the apostles? If so then who should've had written it to be correct, Jesus himself? Isn't this already asumming it's false? Cause if Jesus were some Ziotik, then wouldn't he had been killed accused of attacking the government cause the way I remeber it there were no crime that he was dound guilty on but instead it was out of the fact that the ceasor released one criminal and the people themselves said Jesus to be crusefied so he was no revolutionar since the Jews and gentliles hated him! Because he never teached as if the problem is in in governement but he tought that the problem is you and me, in the hearths of men! And his defenition of the kingdom of God was not a free Israel country or on this earth for that matter, and he tought how he had to die. Like he even said you must be born again of the spirit not some enlightnment but belief in him was what he brought to the table to eat his flesh and drink his blood for you to live in the kingdom of God the paradice he told the thief on the cross to be in, so it ain't no revolutionary and that's by the original gospels, I haven't read other gospels where they call Jesus a revolutionary...
And Jesus was no Jew, he was born of the holy spirit to say other wise is to lie because I can't be sure but you can't be sure more cause the original documment said what it said!
Amd if you think the apostles lied about their leader who was dead and served him, it wouldn't make sense. Since the apostles never fought a war but instead spread the message to poor people now, people as we all are, we now we can't believe unles there is vision or some convincing us and the fact that belief in Jesus as the Christ the messiah who came and concured is still hold as truth today, shows that there is something about Jesus Christ of Nassareth! And as the Messiah dying profeccy there are so many one is in Genesis 3, How the seed of the women will crush the seed of the serpent (which was no snake but Satan) but it will btuise his* heel* And Jesus being touched by our sins and him concuering all of them is told right there and then! and so many other places...
Thematically 1+1+1=1 cant right..
Christians believe that Jesus is god ?
He is dumbly smart, see what David Wood finds on the facts of what Reza wrote on his book " Zealot"
Yes Reza, Jesus is King of God's Kingdom - not an earthly kingdom. He will rule from heaven over the earth.
Reza's logic : Christianity is totally bogus but Islam, no there's a religion for ya' folks !
Not at all, alternative facts.
This interview screams for divine intervention, aka parody by Dave Chapelle
So he is muslim that live by christian principles, what does that tells you
Life is a strugle and the truth prevails everywhere.
Jesus was NOT to recreate the Kingdom of David. He said: "My kindgom is NO PART OF THIS WORLD." He would eventually take over rulership of a government from heaven that would take over rulership of the earth - but in the future NOT in Jesus days on earth. This Kingdom is the solution to all mankind's problems. It will bring about all the conditions to the earth that mankind wants and needs. After Jesus as King of God's Kingdom brings mankind back to perfection he "hands over the kingdom to his God and Father". We will then be back to the conditions the were in the "beginning".
It is a godly flowerpot.
Jesus scared people because he spoke with an authority that none other did. He claimed to be the "son of God". None of the other "Messiah's did". God's Kingdom according to Daniel with "crush and put an end to all these kingdoms" (governments).
Reza, did you hear yourself? "the God Jesus worshipped". If Jesus worshipped a God, how could he BE God? He can't. He is as he stated so many times, God's SON.
A part from the Bible we have very none informative documents about Jesus so saying that the gospels are not historical book about Jesus is a lie and you have nothing, the reason why Jesus was superior to all the other messiah is because he was indeed the messiah and the first church was willing to die for him, note I said die not kill.
+Aron Carvajal So i'm guessing you don't accept the theory of evolution either. Reza puts Jesus in his time and place to understand him, its called passive analysis.
+Marcstylzzz A The thing is that there is not a lot of information from other contemporary writers perhaps 2 or 3 and there was not a whole lot written. If Reza is going to get his information from the gospels to shape his book he must also use the other side of Jesus which side? Jesus miracles, divinity, death and resurrection it's not fair to use only what he wants. About evolution, there is not a lot of prove, believing that the world came out of nothing, all the missing links, the possibilities of you and me carrying this conversation like civilized men and many many more things that when you really stop and think about them don't make sense about evolution, makes me think I am safer with believing in a creator even if I don't understand him to the fullest ether
Aron Carvajal
I think the only parts of bible he quotes are the ones that can be confirmed with a HUMONGOUS amount of information passed on by the romans. Romans documented virtually everything. He even says its perfectly ok to follow the celestial christ from the bible, but he is more awe-inspired by the historical Jesus.
+Marcstylzzz A Reza will never accept Jesus as the Christ he always put him as an other man, you probably know he is a Muslim and although the coran talks about Jesus it has a very different view of who he is. For him to say something different will be to deny his faith and that could cause him some trouble with the people that he associates with (believe it or not).
Aron Carvajal
which he admits, that his view of Christ doesn't align with the islamic view.
Poor Reza, being attacked for his "credentials", which he repeatedly misrepresented. Now he's the victim, but fails to mention his mendacity.
¿Si es musulmán por qué no usa barba?
No es necesario
would have been nice if he was Christian ..... can't believe he choosing Muhammad over Jesus
Reabetswe Iman Moabi Jesus is a prophet in Islam. mohammad is a prophet as well. So he didn’t choose to worship either man. He chose to worship God.
Spirituality is real, religion is not.
yeah it's pretty real people practice it reality everyday
When you have matured after walking your path, you will see that I am right.
+Your Mom haha i believe you
Religion is form. Whatever you choose to call "god" is too immense and spectacular for you to begin to fathom, and surpasses all form. It is impossible to define, impossible to hold, and cannot be put into a box. Religion is this box, tailor made from respective cultures throughout time trying to understand the unfathomable.
Spirituality is simply your connection with the undefinable awesomeness that permeates through all things.
Your connection is real, the box defining your connection is not.
but, after all my searches and experience, my box happens to be real, i can put all the imposible within it, and it doesnt defy logic & personal sense.
i did it by scatering the box and threw it away, and search only for the truth, but in the end i had my self another box
my connection is real & my box aswel
as if saying i have been at your place, puts me in a perspective to say that when you have matured enough after walking your path, you will see that im right.
but saying that is just shallow. because each person have thier own path to walk, with every step to take and left. it is something worth respecting. we wont know how far they had travel and we dont know wether we travel the furtherest
all i know is aslong you open up your path, you can always walk forward
He is a creative writing lecturer who has a very shallow understanding of Christian Orthodoxy.
It seems as though the interviewer is trying to softly preach to Reza. Kind of annoying.
truth is bitter like or not
Nice good
FOR you be a christian you have to throw away reason and rationality
How can a real scholar of the NT come to the conclusion that Jesus is God and NOT the Son of God as Jesus himself said he was?
+YoungMula LOL..
He has a PHD in the scholars of religion, and has been studying it for over 20 years.
His statements come from history, and actual evidence, yet yours come from general knowledge that you have been taught in the your church.
As for God being one, two, or three. That is ultimately a discussion that can be argued, as oppose to a fact.
Actually, he has no bone in status of Jesus. He only narrates what he thinks the real Historic Jesus was and also about early Christians and their beliefs..and sometimes he talks about his own earlier Christian Evangelical beliefs which he adjusted after studying Bible at the Jesuit seminary or a passion to discover real Historic Jesus.
I'll bet she has not listened to his lectures completely - he really says nothing against anyone's belief..and nobody is totally happy with his conclusions; even Muslims have objections to his findings about Jesus.
+Reza I have been studying and researching the BIBLE for over 30 years. Many scholars of religion and NT theology have differing opinions. They are not seeking truth, they are seeking to be right.
Quran (8:65) - "O Prophet, exhort the believers to fight..." Quran (2:216)- "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. When the prophet Mohammed started preaching Islam , it was rejected by his people, the Meccans. The Meccans attempted to persecute Mohammed in an attempt to get him to stop, but his uncle Abu Talab (a wealthy and powerful man) had enough influence to stop them. Regardless, of whether Quran condones killing unbelievers in the right context, it is a very crude piece of work that can be manipulated by others to achieve ones goals. This should give you a very strong hint about the political nature of Islam. Islam is merely a tool created by Muhammad and Arabs to achieve their different ambitions. It was most probably created in response to Muhammad's experiences during Mecca and Medina. (We can talk all day what those ambitions were. We can also discuss at length how can a mere mortal write Koran or how can someone create Islam without divine help but then we will be digressing.)
sitting in a church trying to hurt christianity
PEOPLE who reject JESUS reject eternal life😈😱
Jesus said to render to Caesar his due & his kingdom was not of this world, in
Do not break the comandments as Jesus said.
Follow the law.
Jesus Said i my self can do nothing, i do the Will of the father.
My FATHER your FATHER,my god your god.
Do not call me good, there is no one good but God
you are deceived by the enemy
1+1+1=1 (god/son of god/trinity/ three in one..
Just because the Bible is written by many hands doesn't make it false. OMG! The Quran was written my a man who called himself a prophet, had many wives--one was a child. Many followers wrote the Quran and Hadiths (written hundreds of years after Mohammad died). He lived 600 yrs. after Jesus and claims Jesus was only a prophet. That alone makes me deny Islam as a religion.
+Sylvia S have you ever read quran? or Hadits? And you said something like that because you have learn from the quran or just conclude it from several person words? If you just know it from other peoples word, then please don't said Islam not a religion if you are not knowing anything of it. Speak good or silent.
Robert afro
I studied religion in college. I didn't say it wasn't a religion--I said to me it isn't. There is a difference. I refuse to be silent about a man who teaches it OK to have 4 wives, to beat your wife, or to kill your daughter if she disgraces the family by being raped, or gays are to be killed, or to marry children, or women have to cover themselves and sit in the back of the Mosques so the men won't get aroused, or it's OK to kill in war and take the women and children as sex slaves. Just a few of the grievances I have with the Islam religion that are being practiced today by some. I know it's a minority but that minority is slandering the Islam religion every time they punish someone because of the sharia.
(First of all, sorry for my poor english)
Well its good for you that you have studied about religion in college. But, did you really learn about Islam from quran and hadits? i mean if you really learn it from quran, you will get an answer about all of thing you said about having 4 wives, gays need to be killed, women have to cover themselves if going out and the reason why it should be done. From my point of view as a Muslim, i never read anything about allowing women and children as sex slaves. That is definitely wrong. Please, if you have any question on your mind everything about Islam, i suggest you to read the Quran. Thanks for your reply :)
Mohammad said to slay those who would not submit to Islam and take the women (and young girls) as spoils of war. I will not read a book by a man who denied Jesus was the son of God and said he had a stand-in for the crucifixion. Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death. Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death. A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death. A woman can have 1 husband, but a man can have up to 4 wives. A man can divorce his wife by saying "I divorce you" 3 times but a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce. A man can beat his wife for insubordination. Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman. Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand. This is not the kind of religion I want to be a part of. I don't care if he did teach love and peace he also taught hate and killing.
If you can show me from where you got that statement, i will believe you. But, if you just know it from other peoples taught, i'm surely disagree. Now there is your problem, Quran is not made by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), it is from Allah. Muhammad (pbuh) is just the messenger. I will stop arguing with you about this because you don't want to learn anything from Quran. Learn it and you will get the answer. You just see it by WHAT the act, not by WHY it must be acted out and HOW. All your answer is in Quran, if you brave enough to read the truth. Salam.