Black Powers (With lyrics) - The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night FMV

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • This is the last video of my "The Legend of Spyro Translation Project", and now, I will present to you my last subtitled song, accompanied by a Fan-Made Music Video, made with in-game scenes and Full Motion Videos of the games in itself.
    Artist: Rebecca Kneuhbuhl, Gabriel Mann
    Album: The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night Original Game Music Score
    Year: 2007
    Label: Universal Music Production Library
    Disk: 2
    Track: 09
    Name: Black Powers
    Original Wording from:
    Work - Dies Erae, Missa Pro Defunctis, Missale Romanum, XII
    Author - Unknown
    [Original in Latin]
    Iuste iudex ultionis
    Donum fac remissionis
    Ante diem rationis
    Ingemisco, tamquam reus:
    Culpa rubet vultus meus:
    Supplicanti parce, Deus
    Oro supplex et acclinis
    Cor contritum quasi cinis:
    Gere curam mei finis
    Gere curam mei finis
    [Translation to English]
    Just judge of vengeance
    make a gift of remission
    before the day of reckoning
    I sigh, like the guilty one:
    my face reddens in guilt:
    Spare the imploring one, O God
    [Humbly] kneeling and bowed I pray
    [My] heart crushed as ashes:
    Take care of my end
    Take care of my end
    The lyrics make parallels to Spyro's transition to Dark Spyro, and what he felt. Spyro disrespected the Chronicler's advice, and left to face Gaul, being consumed by dark energy at the closure of the ritual and the formation of the eclipse. Spyro, while in this state, unconsciously know the error he committed, and begs for forgiveness of god, or the higher ancestral being of that world.

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