Something I discovered a bit back is if you Rapid Cancel the drive Jubei gets some truly absurd nonsense available to him. I'm not the best player but this tech sets up some neat unblockable situations as well as the potential for throw mix-ups. The catch is that while you get a full second to do whatever you want, throws will always be pink unless you time them very, VERY carefully. Also I was not aware you could use Divine Form to cross up mix up. That's some scary nonsense.
Totally need to grind these combos, thanks a lot!
Something I discovered a bit back is if you Rapid Cancel the drive Jubei gets some truly absurd nonsense available to him. I'm not the best player but this tech sets up some neat unblockable situations as well as the potential for throw mix-ups.
The catch is that while you get a full second to do whatever you want, throws will always be pink unless you time them very, VERY carefully.
Also I was not aware you could use Divine Form to cross up mix up. That's some scary nonsense.
At 0:42 what's that move that comes after the 3C?
Its his crush trigger A+B, uses 25% meter
Thanks for this video man
What moves can he j.cancel out of?
JoJoFan93 On block his 5A, 5B, 2C, and all his jumping normals. On hit all of his normals except 2A and 2B.
Shenanigans_XX thanks, my bad on that lol.
Oh nice playing anime fighters now from OP Burning Blood? W00t