Ultimate Skills Guide - Everything You Need To Know About Skills In Assassin's Creed Valhalla

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 95

  • @LegacyGamingUS
    @LegacyGamingUS  4 года назад +6

    Check out all of our Assassin's Creed Valhalla videos here - bit.ly/38N32Tc
    And don't forget to join us on Discord - discord.gg/U9QJk2J

  • @raphael2407
    @raphael2407 4 года назад +41

    Back Attack, Brush with Death, Last Chance Healing and Grit and all the Adrenaline Upgrades. That's all the skills you need to beat every boss and Zealot in the game, regardless of level. Counterroll is a nice addition to this. And don't forget to pick up all the "Way of the Raven/Bear/Wolf" nodes for whatever gear you fancy.

  • @Akbal25
    @Akbal25 4 года назад +23

    perfect attack does show at the left bottom corner its and axe icon and you need to hit the attack button once the predecessing hit lands not during the swing, it does show the damage increase. :)

  • @mcrow2637
    @mcrow2637 3 года назад +7

    5:29 Big dude yeeted the f out your crewmate. Lol

  • @ismaelflores4944
    @ismaelflores4944 3 года назад +3

    5:27 the way the brute just yeets the viking 😂

  • @StreetComp
    @StreetComp 3 года назад +9

    Thanks for the helpful info. But don’t skip on the sprint attack ability. Can use it often when outdoors since just need to click left stick (on Xbox controller) to start sprinting at regular enemy and then hit light attack when arrive and you’ll one shot them often. Can quickly clear out low lvl mobs.

  • @HelpIdkAGoodUser301
    @HelpIdkAGoodUser301 3 года назад +4

    Something good to do is get all 4 adrenaline slots cos at the post game u go to a cave that has gungir (I think that’s how u spell it) and u go left at the split path then when u have all 4 slots u can get odins’ spear gungir (everyone probably already knows that but I did it for new players ur welcome)

  • @diegoacevedo668
    @diegoacevedo668 4 года назад +7

    Thanks for the video, can you make a video with a combo with the excalibur and an special shield??? Greets from Mexico :)

  • @Nexesys
    @Nexesys 2 года назад +1

    Great video, I'm currently running a mixed build in my first play through. I like the in your face warrior style, but also want to be able to take out an entire encampment with silent bow and assassinations. My ultimate setup is completely Spartan in nature, spartan shield with the spear of Leonidas and then go from there.

  • @wackyiowa724
    @wackyiowa724 3 года назад +1

    If you like chaining Vaults (Pressing crouch over low walls) together for flow don’t use sprint bash. You will always bash the wall and it’ll turn off sprint so it’ll mess up flow. And when you bash anything. Peasant or banneret. It’ll turn off sprint after the bash connects.

  • @kalviskoskevics236
    @kalviskoskevics236 3 года назад +3

    STEALTH ADRENALINE has its place in this game. In a situation your adrenaline bars are empty, but you need to brake wall and there is no fire bucket around you can throw against it. So you get one adrenaline bar and shoot the wall with fire arrow 😉
    Also THE KICK can be very useful on the cliffs or walls during raids with lots of archers up there. One kick and he flys off to Valhalla 😄

  • @bklynzooboriqua7186
    @bklynzooboriqua7186 3 года назад

    i just wanted to say i appreciate your gaming insight and commentary

  • @ashtonbarwick6696
    @ashtonbarwick6696 Месяц назад

    Idk if you mentioned it but the raven picking up your arrows and the light fingered ability is really good. I went down raven first and the later perks are good for my play style I like being sneaky

  • @MaydayAggro
    @MaydayAggro 2 года назад +2

    Sprinting bash is worthless. It causes you to stumble over anything in your path and slow down. But sprint attack is amazing. I use it all the time. It has a huge damage boost and stagger. And unlike the sprinting heavy attack, you don't have to be at full speed to use it. Also, I like bow finisher because it allows you to do the stun attack without needing to get close. I especially like the advanced bc you can take out several with one finisher.

    • @MaydayAggro
      @MaydayAggro 10 месяцев назад

      Yes. Sprint attack is great and it can be used over and over because as long as you start a sprint, no matter how close you are, it works.

  • @MrNeelmatt
    @MrNeelmatt Год назад

    Excellent video, five thumbs up.

  • @Freddyrugger27
    @Freddyrugger27 3 года назад

    Super helpful. Appreciate the video!

  • @Exch-o
    @Exch-o Год назад +1

    I love chain assasination as it's like combining vikings plus assasin abilities

  • @chris623able
    @chris623able 3 года назад

    Super dope video very informative

  • @yozza4978
    @yozza4978 3 года назад +11

    There's very few skills in this game that i really looked forward to getting, same with the equipment, you can use the same equips all the way through the game even...compared to odyseey which had better equips as you progressed and some of the skills in odyseey were awesome.

    • @mrcanada1104
      @mrcanada1104 2 года назад

      THIS! I think I put on on the Poison and Fire Damage, and I don’t think I’ve ever taken either off. I don’t really use bows, so the Poison, Fire, and Explosive arrow skills were all I used there, too.

  • @eldridgep2
    @eldridgep2 3 года назад

    Great vid 👍

  • @benanderson9551
    @benanderson9551 4 года назад +2

    Never seen terror work either but would love some sort of blood raged scream after the action and watching enemy cower

    • @jamison2246
      @jamison2246 3 года назад +2

      I think they just back up. It dont really show them getting scared or anything. I noticed some enemies will just start backing up. Idk if thats the terror but I think thats what it is.

    • @jamison2246
      @jamison2246 3 года назад

      But i dunno ha

    • @johnbert974
      @johnbert974 5 месяцев назад

      @@jamison2246 , that's exactly what it does, makes them hesitate...!

  • @redneckrides356
    @redneckrides356 Год назад

    i like the dual swap because i use excaliber and mjolnir so it helps me benefit from both of there combos

  • @ahtiulanen6122
    @ahtiulanen6122 3 года назад +1

    Kickstart fighter launch :D

  • @jedionexile
    @jedionexile 3 года назад

    Can someone tell me what hood he's using at 13:33

  • @matheusmterra
    @matheusmterra 3 года назад +2

    Are there enough skill points to max out everything?

  • @adamfrazer5150
    @adamfrazer5150 5 месяцев назад +1

    I think 'Terror' is always active, combat or no : I've never seen townsfolk across the land sh@t their beans at the sight of a man hopping off a bench or being in a hurry 😏

    @OPEXVXRUSH 3 года назад

    What are the extra like choose fate buttons do they serve a purpose?

  • @VegaSnipe
    @VegaSnipe 4 года назад

    Corpse explosion is actually pretty good if your creativity and spatial awareness are good. I've used it to take out an entire crowd. Kill tower guard, plant bomb, throw corpse into crowd below, and shoot 2-4 heads off using ranged poison strike + miasma, or finish it with marked for death while they all take a knee. Just sayin.

  • @Dracolu74
    @Dracolu74 3 года назад

    GREATTTTTvideo ...thank u

  • @metallicafan416
    @metallicafan416 4 года назад

    Great video

  • @sharpereagle8119
    @sharpereagle8119 4 года назад +3

    I just press RT button before hitting the ground to jump of high building u take no damage so u don't need breakfall.

    • @ozymandias6741
      @ozymandias6741 4 года назад

      You were saying?

    • @sharpereagle8119
      @sharpereagle8119 4 года назад +1

      @@ozymandias6741 it use to work before the new update know u need to use breakfall.

    • @Kanenas215
      @Kanenas215 4 года назад

      @@ozymandias6741 when u fall of a high place u can (click or press the attack control) juts before u hit the ground and u won't take any damage

    • @Kanenas215
      @Kanenas215 4 года назад

      @@ozymandias6741 but I think is patched now:

  • @jordansunderman5348
    @jordansunderman5348 4 года назад

    Thank you for this video

  • @crisnmaryfam7344
    @crisnmaryfam7344 3 года назад

    5:35 must have been bugged earlier on, it works great now, Not that its really useful to me but ive seen dudes run frequently. Must be my fighting style ;)

  • @ashtonbarwick6696
    @ashtonbarwick6696 Месяц назад

    Is that thegns cloak you’re using?

  • @jessemast2843
    @jessemast2843 2 года назад +1

    You missed the one where your health regenerates after a short delay. Lost half your health after you jumped off of a high cliff? Wait ten seconds and your back at full health. Got hit by a rune attack? (Providing it doesn't kill you on impact) run away for ten seconds and avoid being hit again and your back at full health. This skill has carried me through the game. However if your hit while your health is regenerating youll still take the damage of your second hit

  • @carvedwood1953
    @carvedwood1953 3 года назад +1

    Boss fights are overrated in AC. I stick with the default advanced assassination settings but honestly the setting to make every assassination work is not even a bad idea. For AC, the difficulty of a target takedown should be based on the environment around the target, not a bullet...or axe sponge effect. You should always be able to outthink your target to get a clean "easy" kill. Its more about the setup than it is the button mashing.

  • @alfredgiovetti
    @alfredgiovetti 2 года назад

    when rubble blocks a passage what skill can you shoot it with to clear the passage when no explosives are available

    • @Crashed131963
      @Crashed131963 2 года назад

      Arrow skill called Powder Trap.
      Need a available yellow Adrenaline bar ,

  • @Kselurg
    @Kselurg 3 года назад

    Thanks for your work man! Its a really useful guide!

  • @gingerben9310
    @gingerben9310 3 года назад

    I did actually kill two enemies stood right next to each other somewhere near bottom of the map it happened in some town. Two guards stood on some dirt up from the path like a little hill killed one and I was able lill the next guy in seconds like in black flag when you could assassinate two people in seconds

  • @irish2772
    @irish2772 3 года назад

    Maybe I'm confused, but wouldn't the goal be to unlock all the skills so you're well rounded? Also, I've watched other videos pertaining to this topic and I've seen comments saying that the skill tree system has changed, so maybe I'm looking at something different than you were 3 months ago. I bought the game about a month ago and I just now got to around 280 power by spreading out evenly throughout the skill tree. Cool video though.

  • @liamlane1165
    @liamlane1165 11 месяцев назад

    I'll be honest, whilst the skills that you show off is great, it would help if you highlighted where in the skill tree they are. The damn thing is huge, and would make it easier if you could show us where to find them.

  • @lllllll5990
    @lllllll5990 3 года назад +1

    advanced assassination kinda irrelevant if u have that option toggled in settings that lets u 1 hit kill when doing stealth assassination kills

    • @yaboykev5627
      @yaboykev5627 3 года назад +3

      It’s lame that’s in the game

    • @lllllll5990
      @lllllll5990 3 года назад

      @@yaboykev5627 advance is lame

    • @ethanthibodeaux9488
      @ethanthibodeaux9488 3 года назад +1

      @@lllllll5990 Not really it even says that option in settings is not how the game is supposed to be played

  • @DanieldeJongh
    @DanieldeJongh 8 месяцев назад

    If you know how to use boobytrap its insane, cause it can lure a hord of enemys to a certain place

  • @ksbhattiksb
    @ksbhattiksb 4 года назад +1

    Have you found or done franle summit In Norway do that and look around and explore and you will find a lot of????????

  • @shannoncress8241
    @shannoncress8241 Год назад

    So which one is made for stealth wolf or raven

  • @shantonabsen2299
    @shantonabsen2299 3 года назад +1

    Finally understand how that 4 diagonal lines comes it looks close to charge shot ability but comes from hunter boe combo ability😂🤣

  • @christiandeleon1958
    @christiandeleon1958 4 года назад +1

    how can I get the charged shot skill

    • @Chance530
      @Chance530 4 года назад

      Pretty sure you find it in a book somewhere, just google it

  • @adamfrazer5150
    @adamfrazer5150 3 года назад +1

    In a gaming world in a state such as ours, yours is the channel for the aficionado with an appreciation for challenge and depth 👍🍻

    • @LegacyGamingUS
      @LegacyGamingUS  3 года назад +1

      Damn man, that was incredibly nice. Cheers!

    • @adamfrazer5150
      @adamfrazer5150 3 года назад

      @@LegacyGamingUS oh it's my pleasure man - it's a nice change for me instead of verbally spitting acid at AAA publishers 😉
      Credit where credit's due man, you put a lot of effort and polish on top of the depth your videos offer - it's very refreshing and reassuring to find a channel with top-shelf appeal and one that doesn't patronize. Really grateful to be a subscriber, all your efforts are appreciated ! 😎

  • @jamison2246
    @jamison2246 3 года назад

    They don't really show getting scared. They just back up. They'll keep on backing up thats what I thought the terror is.

  • @benmooney280
    @benmooney280 3 года назад

    What about the skills surrounding the skill tree?

    • @MaydayAggro
      @MaydayAggro 10 месяцев назад

      Fr. The one skill that is unbelievably helpful right away is raven loot. Allows you to loot enemies from distance, including arrows so you can snipe all day long if you feel like it.

  • @Tom-gs2pj
    @Tom-gs2pj 4 года назад

    When I try to do warrior takedown it just does a normal assassination
    Am I missing something

    • @LegacyGamingUS
      @LegacyGamingUS  4 года назад +1

      You should be able to do a heavy attack and a lesser enemy and do a takedown from stealth. It’s really not a great ability but allows you to build up adrenaline quickly if you’re not a stealthy player

    • @caseycook9589
      @caseycook9589 3 года назад

      Press RT on the right side of your controller instead of RB. If you press RT, you get a really cool animation

  • @pagmanproductions1686
    @pagmanproductions1686 4 года назад


    • @jamison2246
      @jamison2246 3 года назад

      Its a skill you get. I havent got it yet but it should tell you when you unlock it.

  • @williamcastillo7223
    @williamcastillo7223 3 года назад +1

    The traps might not work all the time but sometimes I do take advantage breaking walls if I can't find oil lamps nearby

    • @LegacyGamingUS
      @LegacyGamingUS  3 года назад +1

      Oh yeah, incendiary powder trap is essential for breaking walls

  • @CirielGoldbrocks
    @CirielGoldbrocks Год назад

    I was like 😮 when burning guys arrows became fire arrows

  • @ronaldcregencia1533
    @ronaldcregencia1533 9 месяцев назад

    Ghost of Tsushima is like Assassin Creed made perfect

  • @FatalJapan
    @FatalJapan 2 года назад

    The runes on the hud dont tell you what buffs are active, Its annoying.

  • @travisharrison487
    @travisharrison487 2 года назад +1

    Unlock entire skill tree problem solved

  • @isaacperry8266
    @isaacperry8266 2 года назад

    I full on easily killed the jorvik order nembers with advanced assassination

  • @ZoeyPaigeLunaPhD
    @ZoeyPaigeLunaPhD 4 года назад

    Good description of skills.
    Didn’t agree that parrying is a MUST “to get the Valhalla experience”. Clearly you didn’t dual wield daggers lol. Ridiculous stamina and adrenaline regen. Dodge, backstab spam the throwing axes all day. You take out CROWDS on the hardest difficulty

  • @F4R4D4Y
    @F4R4D4Y Год назад

  • @josephbiondi8427
    @josephbiondi8427 3 года назад

    You really like saying 'niche'

  • @bklynzooboriqua7186
    @bklynzooboriqua7186 3 года назад


  • @SkyFireDrone2022
    @SkyFireDrone2022 3 года назад +1

    I’n thinking that counter-roll is going to be pretty essential because dodging and parrying use adrenaline in this game. Both Odyssey and Valhalla show us how good we had it in Origins. Instead of tweaking the combat for the better, these games messed with a good thing and made it not as good. I did absolutely love Odyssey (over 600 hrs!), and the return of shields in Valhalla is great, but I really wish dodging didn’t use adrenaline. Makes it harder to set up and land ability shots when you dodge all of your adrenaline away 😑

  • @abk5828
    @abk5828 3 года назад +1

    Ubisoft : New ways to play the game with this skill tree and abilities.
    Literally worst game in terms of variety and builds. Everything is the same. You can play 200 hrs without changing a single ability or equipment which sucks.

    • @e2rqey
      @e2rqey 3 года назад

      AC: Odyssey combat and progession was way better.

  • @grimcapo4390
    @grimcapo4390 3 года назад

    Atleast learn to say Valhalla correctly. Jeesh.

  • @koreancowboy42
    @koreancowboy42 3 года назад

    Leveling so annoying. Also the map looks complete shit compared to Odyssey. The beginning I don't even know what's what until the legend explains otherwise in the beginning cuz everything was just gold/yellow or small blue dots everywhere on the map
    Also only good weapon seems to be the end game stuff and nothing more.
    Also it's annoying when looking at my gear also