Solving 4 Tricky SQL Problems

  • Опубликовано: 14 дек 2024

Комментарии • 126

  • @parikgrover2281
    @parikgrover2281 Год назад +2

    question2 -alternative approach
    with cte as
    (select studentid,studentname from subject
    where marks>90
    group by studentid,studentname)
    select count(distinct c.studentid)/count(distinct(s.studentid))*100 as percentage from subject s
    left outer join cte c
    on s.studentid=c.studentid;

  • @arjodh.singh1
    @arjodh.singh1 2 года назад +2

    3- Solved by NTH_VALUE():
    with cte as
    select *, NTH_VALUE(marks,2) over
    (partition by subject order by marks desc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as second_highest,
    NTH_VALUE(marks,2) over
    (partition by subject order by marks asc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as second_lowest
    from students)
    select subject,max(second_highest) as second_highest,max(second_lowest) as second_lowest
    from cte group by subject

  • @shubhamagrawal7068
    @shubhamagrawal7068 2 года назад +1

    for Q4. --> it is always better to avoid or use less no. of temporary tables in ur queries. For beginners, solution in the video was good but for experts try to avoid making temporary table. Below is the approach.
    select studentid, studentname, subject, marks, testdate,
    when lag(marks,1) over(partition by studentid order by testdate) is null then 'N/A'
    else (case
    when marks - lag(marks,1) over(partition by studentid order by testdate) > 0 then 'Increased'
    else 'Decreased'
    end) status
    from students;
    NOTE : - in place of "case when" one can also use if() function to perform similar task

  • @vandanaK-mh9zo
    @vandanaK-mh9zo 10 месяцев назад

    Ques 4 -
    select *,
    case when (marks > lag(marks,1) over (partition by studentid , testid order by testid, testdate)) then 'Increased'
    when (marks < lag(marks,1) over (partition by studentid order by testdate, subject)) then 'Decreased' else 'No Result' end as output
    from students
    order by studentid , testid ;

  • @indradiptochatterjee2628
    @indradiptochatterjee2628 7 месяцев назад

    Great Video! Here are my solutions:
    select studentname, subject from (select *,
    avg(marks) over (partition by subject order by subject) as avg_marks
    from students) a
    where marks>avg_marks
    -- --------
    round(1.0*count(distinct case when marks>90 then studentid end)/
    count(distinct studentid),2)*100 as perc
    from students
    -- --------
    with cte as(select *,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as sec_highest,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks) as sec_lowest
    from students
    order by subject)
    select subject,
    max(case when sec_highest=2 then marks end) as second_highest_marks,
    max(case when sec_lowest=2 then marks end) as second_lowest_marks
    from cte
    where case when sec_highest=2 then marks end is not null
    or case when sec_lowest=2 then marks end is not null
    group by 1
    -- -------
    select *, case when marks>prev_marks then 'INC' when marks

  • @harishkanta3711
    @harishkanta3711 Год назад +2

    Making use of rank function will be wrong here Ankit bhai, we need to use dense_rank here Ankit bhai. As one subject if has same two marks, then on rank will be skipped. thats the reason we need to make use of dense_rank

  • @sathwikdhanya5400
    @sathwikdhanya5400 2 года назад

    select subject,max(marks) as shc ,min(marks) as slc from (select *,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks asc) as ascc,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as dscc
    from students) a
    where ascc=2 OR dscc=2
    group by subject

  • @chenchuladileep7410
    @chenchuladileep7410 3 месяца назад

    Great video sir
    my approach to Q3
    with cte as (
    select *, RANK() over (partition by [subject] order by marks desc ) as by_dsc,
    RANK() over (partition by [subject] order by marks asc ) as by_asc from students),
    cte1 as(
    select subject,marks from cte where by_dsc=2
    ),cte2 as(
    select subject,marks from cte where by_asc=2 )
    select c1.subject,c1.marks as second_highest,c2.marks as second_lowest
    from cte1 c1
    join cte2 c2 on c1.subject=c2.subject

  • @Jaipreksha
    @Jaipreksha 2 года назад +2

    Very good explanation Ankit. God bless you. You are helping many people

  • @shekharagarwal1004
    @shekharagarwal1004 2 года назад +1

    Again full star for you Ankit ! Your questions and solutions are very interesting .

  • @sathwikdhanya5400
    @sathwikdhanya5400 2 года назад

    select * from (select *,
    avg(marks) over(partition by subject) as avgg
    from students) a
    where marks>avgg

    @007SAMRATROY Год назад

    question 4 alternate approach:
    if it is the first test then let's make it NA:
    cte as (
    select *, lag(marks) over(partition by studentname order by subject asc) as prev_marks
    from students
    select *,
    (case when prev_marks is null then 'NA' when prev_marks is not null then
    (case when (prev_marks - marks) > 0 then 'Decreased' else 'Increased' end)
    end) as comparison
    from cte order by studentid;

  • @loveleen0091
    @loveleen0091 2 года назад

    Question 3 -
    with a as
    (select subject, marks,
    rank() over (partition by subject order by marks) as low,
    rank() over (partition by subject order by marks desc) as high
    from students)
    select subject, min(marks) second_lowest, max(marks) second_highest from a where low = 2 or high = 2
    group by subject;

  • @rashmidutta7151
    @rashmidutta7151 2 года назад

    select * from students;
    with cte as(
    select *,avg(marks) over(partition by subject) as av from students)
    select * from cte where marks>av

  • @MixedUploader
    @MixedUploader 11 месяцев назад

    question 3 tried with below way:
    with cte as(select * from
    (select *,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as highest_rnk,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks) as lowest_rnk
    from students) A)
    select c1.subject,c1.marks as second_highest_mark,c2.marks as second_lowest_mark
    from cte c1
    inner join cte c2 on c1.subject=c2.subject and c1.highest_rnk=2 and c2.lowest_rnk=2
    order by c1.subject

  • @rashmidutta7151
    @rashmidutta7151 2 года назад

    Q3)with cte3 as(
    with cte2 as(
    with cte as (
    select *,row_number() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as rw,
    count(1) over(partition by subject ) as cn
    from students)
    select subject,rw,cn,marks from cte where rw=2 or cn-rw=1)
    select subject as subject ,case when rw=2 then marks end as high,
    case when cn-rw=1 then marks end as low from cte2)
    select subject,max(high) as highscore,max(low) as lowscore from cte3 group by subject

    @007SAMRATROY Год назад

    question 3 alternate approach:
    second_lowest as (
    select subject, marks, rank() over(partition by subject order by marks asc) as asc_marks from students s
    second_highest as (
    select subject, marks, rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as desc_marks from students s
    select sh.subject, sh.marks, sl.marks from (
    (select subject, marks from second_lowest where asc_marks = 2) sl inner join (select subject, marks from second_highest where desc_marks = 2) sh on sl.subject = sh.subject)
    order by sh.subject, sh.marks desc;

  • @LogicQuest
    @LogicQuest 2 года назад +1

    I follow your channel and techtfq very sincerely..
    Please keep uploading..
    I always pray mentors like you get every thing they dream of..

  • @dfkgjdflkg
    @dfkgjdflkg 9 месяцев назад

    Thank for providing very challenging problems along with the solution. Thank you again for your time shared with the problems. Thanks

  • @AshutoshVerma-d4z
    @AshutoshVerma-d4z Год назад

    Q3. using join
    select t1.subject, t1.marks as sec_highest, t2.sec_lowest from
    (select *,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as second_highest from students) t1
    (select marks as sec_lowest, subject,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks asc) as second_lowest from students) t2
    on t1.second_highest=t2.second_lowest and t1.subject=t2.subject where second_highest=2

  • @meghnasoni
    @meghnasoni 2 года назад

    1. SELECT * from
    (SELECT subject, avg(marks) as av
    from students
    GROUP by 1)x
    inner join students s on s.subject=x.subject
    where s.marks > x.av
    2.SELECT count(distinct flag)*100/count(DISTINCT studentid) as perc
    (SELECT *,
    case when marks> 90 then studentid else null end as flag
    from students)x

  • @utkarshtrivedi9949
    @utkarshtrivedi9949 2 года назад +1

    For 3rd question , here is my approach
    with asce as (
    dense_rank() over( partition by subject order by marks asc) as arnk
    from students
    desce as (
    dense_rank() over( partition by subject order by marks desc) as drnk
    from students
    from (select subject, marks as second_lowest from asce where arnk=2) as a
    JOIN (select subject, marks as second_highest from desce where drnk=2) as b
    ON a.subject=b.subject

    • @ankitbansal6
      @ankitbansal6  2 года назад

      This is also good. Thanks for posting 👏

  • @aamirsohail2576
    @aamirsohail2576 9 месяцев назад

    with cte as(
    select subject,marks,row_number() over(partition by subject order by marks asc) as rn
    from students
    group by subject,marks)
    select cte.subject,cte.marks as second_lowest_marks,cte1.marks second_highest_marks from cte inner join(
    select subject,marks,row_number() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as rn1
    from students
    group by subject,marks) cte1
    on cte.subject = cte1.subject and cte.rn = cte1.rn1
    where cte.rn = 2 and cte1.rn1 = 2

  • @motiali6855
    @motiali6855 4 месяца назад

    Q3 ans
    select distinct subject
    , nth_value(marks,2) over(partition by subject order by marks desc ROWS BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND UNBOUNDED following ) as second_highest_marks
    ,nth_value(marks,2) over(partition by subject order by marks asc ROWS BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND UNBOUNDED following) as second_lowest_marks
    from students;

  • @riyaz8072
    @riyaz8072 2 года назад

    with cte as (select* , case when rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) = 2 then marks else null end as second_heighest,
    case when rank() over(partition by subject order by marks ) = 2 then marks else null end as second_lowest
    from students)
    select subject, sum(second_heighest) as second_heighest, sum(second_lowest) as second_lowest
    from cte
    group by subject

  • @enisertem9738
    @enisertem9738 Год назад

    with base as (
    select subject, rank() over (partition by subject order by marks) lowest ,
    rank() over (partition by subject order by marks desc) highest,marks from students)
    select b1.subject , b1.marks as second_highest, b2.marks as second_lowest from base b1 inner join base b2
    on b1.highest = 2 and b1.subject = b2.subject and b2.lowest = 2

  • @mahesh97413
    @mahesh97413 11 месяцев назад

    Hi Ankit. Thanks for sharing valuable content. Your videos are really helpful!
    I tried below one:
    with cte as
    select * from
    select studentid,marks,subject,dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as max_rank from students)res where res.max_rank=2
    ,cte1 as
    select * from(
    select studentid,marks,subject,dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by marks) as min_rank from students)res where res.min_rank=2
    select c.subject,c.marks as second_highest_marks,c1.marks as second_lowest_marks
    from cte c
    inner join cte1 c1
    ON c.subject=c1.subject

  • @abb_raj1107
    @abb_raj1107 2 года назад

    My apporach for all 4ques:
    with avg_score as (
    select subject,floor(avg(marks)) avg_marks
    from students
    group by subject)
    select subject,group_concat(studentname) list_of_student from students join avg_score using(subject)
    where marks>avg_marks
    group by subject
    order by subject,studentid;
    -- Q2
    select count(distinct case when marks > 90 then studentid end)/ count(distinct studentid) * 100 from students;
    -- Q3
    with low_high as (
    select *
    ,dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by subject asc, marks desc) highest
    ,dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by subject asc, marks asc) lowest
    from students
    order by subject asc ,marks desc)
    select subject
    ,sum(case when highest = 2 then marks end) H_score
    ,sum(case when lowest = 2 then marks end) L_score
    from low_high
    group by subject ;
    -- Q4
    select *
    ,case when lag(marks) over(partition by studentid order by testdate) > marks then 'decrease'
    when lag(marks) over(partition by studentid order by testdate) < marks then 'increase' end result
    from students

  • @msd7451
    @msd7451 Год назад

    Question1:Using window function
    select studentname,subject
    select *,avg(marks) over(partition by subject) as avg_marks
    from students) as t
    where t.marks>t.avg_marks;

  • @miraculous6007
    @miraculous6007 2 года назад +1

    problem 1 solutions without cte
    select * from (select *, AVG(marks) OVER(partition by subject) a from students) where marks> a

  • @enisertem9738
    @enisertem9738 Год назад

    with base as (select LAG(marks) over (partition by studentid,testid order by marks,testdate) prev_mark ,marks, studentname,subject from students order by studentid,testid )
    select case when marks>prev_mark then 'up' when prev_mark is null then 'n/a' when prev_mark>marks then 'down' end trend, prev_mark ,marks, studentname,subject from base

  • @vandanaK-mh9zo
    @vandanaK-mh9zo 10 месяцев назад

    My Approach to Ques3 -
    with high as (
    select *,row_number() over (partition by subject order by marks desc) as high_check
    from students qualify high_check = 2 ),
    low as (
    select *,row_number() over (partition by subject order by marks asc) as low_check
    from students qualify low_check = 2 )
    select h.subject, l.marks as second_lowest, h.marks as second_highest
    from high h inner join low l on h.subject = l.subject ;

  • @praveensinghrathore4542
    @praveensinghrathore4542 2 года назад

    Simply WOW, the approach for 3rd question was so intuitive and simple, you are amazing, I couldn't think of that good solution 😅 so came up with something a bit lengthy, here is my solution:
    /*SOLUTION : 1. First CTE simply ranks marks
    2. Second CTE uses total_count in each window to get second_lowest marks
    3. Uses IF statment to conditionally select marks as for 2 subject count marks critieria inverses*/
    WITH CTE1 as (SELECT s.*, COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY subject) as total_student_count, DENSE_RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY subject ORDER BY marks DESC) as rnk
    FROM students s)
    WHERE ((total_student_count - 1) = rnk) OR rnk = 2)
    SELECT subject, IF(total_student_count 2,MAX(marks), MIN(marks)) AS second_highest_marks, IF(total_student_count 2,MIN(marks),MAX(marks)) AS second_lowest_marks
    GROUP BY subject;
    Thank you for the wonderful videos, kudos to you.👍

    • @ankitbansal6
      @ankitbansal6  2 года назад +1

      Thank you. Great effort from you 😊

  • @AjithShetty-u7e
    @AjithShetty-u7e Год назад

    For 3 rd question
    with cte as(
    Select subject,marks,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks ) asc_mark,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc ) des_mark
    from students)
    select subject,
    max(case when des_mark=2 then marks else null end) as second_highest ,
    max(case when asc_mark=2 then marks else null end) as second_lowest
    from cte
    group by subject

  • @sivasrimakurthi206
    @sivasrimakurthi206 Год назад

    smart, smart approach for 3rd query... loved it Sir @AnkitBansal

  • @vaibhavtiwari8670
    @vaibhavtiwari8670 Год назад

    Solution for seecond highest and lowest
    with cte as
    (SELECT marks,subject, row_number() over(PARTITION by subject order by marks desc ) as high,
    row_number() over(PARTITION by subject order by marks ASC) as low
    FROM students)
    select subject,
    Max(case when high=2 then marks end) as SECOND_high,
    Max(case when low=2 then marks end)as SECOND_low
    from cte
    GROUP by subject

  • @rashmidutta7151
    @rashmidutta7151 2 года назад

    Q2)select count(distinct studentid)*100.00/(select count(distinct studentid) from students) from students where marks>90

  • @tupaiadhikari
    @tupaiadhikari 2 года назад

    In 13:07, second highest marks come as 29 for subject 3 and second lowest comes as 98 for subject 3, which actually should be vice versa.
    Please see my code which gives the correct result:
    MAX(A.marks) AS secondHighest,
    MIN(A.marks) AS secondLowest
    RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY subject ORDER BY marks ASC) AS rnk_asc,
    RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY subject ORDER BY marks DESC) AS rnk_desc
    students) AS A
    A.rnk_asc=2 OR
    Thanks for these great contents anyways Ankit.

    • @ankitbansal6
      @ankitbansal6  2 года назад

      I think second highest will be 29 only . Think about it.

    • @tupaiadhikari
      @tupaiadhikari 2 года назад

      @@ankitbansal6 Yes You are correct. Sorry for the Confusion.

  • @mohdtoufique7446
    @mohdtoufique7446 2 года назад

    Hi Ankit...Thanks for the content...My approach
    1) WITH CTE AS(SELECT *,avg(marks)OVER(PARTITION BY subject)AS avg_marks
    FROM students)
    WHERE marks>avg_marks;
    2)SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT studentid)*1.0*100/(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT studentid) FROM students)
    FROM students
    WHERE marks>90;
    ,DENSE_RANK()OVER(PARTITION BY subject ORDER BY marks ASC) AS lowest_rn
    FROM students)
    SELECT subject,SUM(CASE WHEN higherst_rn=2 THEN marks ELSE NULL END )AS second_highest_marks,
    SUM(CASE WHEN lowest_rn=2 THEN marks ELSE NULL END)AS second_lowest_marks
    GROUP BY subject;
    LAG(marks)OVER(PARTITION BY studentname ORDER BY testdate) AS prev_marks
    FROM students)
    SELECT studentid,testid,(CASE WHEN marks>prev_marks THEN 'Increased'
    WHEN marks

    • @ankitbansal6
      @ankitbansal6  2 года назад

      Very good. In second question you don't have to call the table twice. Check my solution. Thanks for posting 👏

    • @mohdtoufique7446
      @mohdtoufique7446 2 года назад

      @@ankitbansal6 .. Yes,you are correct.. Thanks for pointing it out..

    • @faizraina7946
      @faizraina7946 Год назад

      bro for the first answer why are you not mentioning order by

  • @manojyadav-yc5db
    @manojyadav-yc5db 4 дня назад

    with high as (select *
    from (select
    marks as second_highest_marks,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as second_highest
    from students)
    where second_highest = 2),
    low as (select *
    from (select
    marks as second_lowest_marks,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks ) as second_lowest
    from students)
    where second_lowest = 2)
    select h.subject,
    from high as h
    left join low as l on h.subject = l.subject
    This was my approach

  • @mayankbhardwaj1487
    @mayankbhardwaj1487 2 года назад

    --ques 3
    with one as (
    select *,row_number() over(partition by subject order by marks) as rn,
    row_number() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as rnk,
    row_number() over(partition by subject order by marks) -row_number() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as diff
    from students)
    select subject,
    sum(case when diff =1 or diff=2 then marks end) as second_highest_marks,
    sum(case when diff = -1 or diff =-2 then marks end) as second_lowest_marks
    from one
    group by subject
    -- ques 4
    with one as (
    select *,
    lag(marks,1) over(partition by studentid order by testdate,subject) as previous_test_marks
    from students)
    select *,
    when marks< previous_test_marks then 'descreased'
    when marks > previous_test_marks then 'increased' else null end as status
    from one

  • @ZeeshanSyed-x5i
    @ZeeshanSyed-x5i 10 дней назад

    --1st solution:
    SELECT * FROM (SELECT *,avg(marks) over(PARTITION BY subject) AS avgg FROM students) WHERE marks>avgg
    --2nd solution
    WITH cte AS (SELECT *,count(1) FROM students WHERE marks>=90 GROUP BY studentname),
    cte2 AS(SELECT *,count(1) AS cnt ,max(studentid) AS maxx FROM cte)
    SELECT cnt*100/maxx AS percentage FROM cte2

  • @dharmeshdutt4129
    @dharmeshdutt4129 3 месяца назад

    with Oracle SQL
    1. select * from (select s.*, avg(marks) over(partition by subject) avg_marks from students s) where marks>avg_marks order by studentid;
    2. select count(distinct case when marks>90 then studentid else null end)/count(distinct studentid)*100||'%' top10 from students;
    3. with cte as (select subject,marks, dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by marks) lowest1st, dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) higtest1st from students)
    select c1.subject , c1.marks second_lowest, c2.marks second_higest from cte c1,cte c2 where c1.lowest1st=2 and c2.higtest1st=2 and c1.subject=c2.subject;
    4. with cte as (select s.* , lag(marks) over(partition by studentid order by subject) previousmarks from students s order by studentid, testid, subject)
    select c.*, case when marks>previousmarks then 'inc' when previousmarks>marks then 'dec' else null end status from cte c;

  • @karangupta_DE
    @karangupta_DE 2 года назад

    A. with cte as (
    select *,
    avg(marks)over(partition by subject) as avg_marks from students)
    select studentid, studentname, subject, marks, testid, testdate from cte where marks > avg_marks
    B. with cte as (
    select count(distinct studentid) as total_students from students),
    cte1 as (
    select count(distinct studentid) as above_ninty from students where marks >=90)
    select div0(above_ninty, total_students) * 100 as percentage from cte, cte1;
    C. with cte as (
    select *,
    dense_rank()over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as dr_max ,
    dense_rank()over(partition by subject order by marks asc) as dr_min from students),
    cte1 as (
    select * from cte where dr_max = 2),
    cte2 as (
    select * from cte where dr_min = 2)
    select cte1.subject, cte1.marks as second_highest, cte2.marks as second_lowest from
    cte1 join cte2
    cte1.subject = cte2.subject
    order by cte1.subject;
    D. with cte as (
    select *,
    lag(marks)over(partition by studentname order by testdate, subject) as next_marks
    from students)
    select *,
    case when
    marks > next_marks then 'increased'
    when marks < next_marks then 'decreased'
    else NULL
    end as status from cte;

    • @ankitbansal6
      @ankitbansal6  2 года назад

      Awesome. Thanks for posting 👏

  • @Datapassenger_prashant
    @Datapassenger_prashant 6 месяцев назад

    this should not comes into the category of complex problems..LOL..
    new me After paracticing sql problems from your channel and your course.

  • @apurvasaraf5828
    @apurvasaraf5828 Год назад

    select d ,min(marks) as min_marks,
    max(marks) as max_marks
    from (select * from (select subject as d ,marks,rank() over(partition by subject order by marks) as r ,rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc ) as g from students)p
    where r=2 or g=2)i
    group by d

  • @AmanRaj-uf7wx
    @AmanRaj-uf7wx Год назад

    mysql code for Question 3: with cte as (
    select subject, marks,
    rank()over(partition by subject order by marks) as desc_rank,
    rank()over(partition by subject order by marks desc) inc_rank
    from students
    select subject,
    max(case when desc_rank = 2 then marks end) as second_lowest_marks,
    max(case when inc_rank = 2 then marks end) as second_highest_marks
    from cte
    group by subject

  • @Artouple
    @Artouple 2 года назад

    select subject, max(marks) as second_highest, min(marks) as second_lowest from
    (select * ,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as d,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks) as a
    from students) a
    where d = 2 or a = 2
    group by subject;

  • @Dhanushts-g7x
    @Dhanushts-g7x Год назад

    with cte1 as
    (select subject,avg(marks) mar from students
    group by subject)
    select studentid,studentname,subject,marks,mar from students join cte1 using (subject)
    where mar90
    group by studentid) a)
    select round(c*100/count(distinct students.studentid),2) pct from cte1,students
    with cte1 as
    (select subject,marks sec_lowest,dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by marks) min_rank
    from students),
    cte2 as
    (select subject,marks sec_highest,dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) max_rank
    from students)
    select subject,sec_highest,sec_lowest from cte1 join cte2 using (subject)
    where min_rank=2 and max_rank=2
    with cte1 as
    (select studentid,studentname,subject,marks,
    lag(marks,1,0) over(partition by studentid order by subject) m2 from students)
    select *,case when m2=0 then null when diff>0 then "inc" else "dec" end inc_dec from
    (select *,marks-m2 diff from cte1) c
    (easy ans check ones try to understand then ull)
    all the best!
    happy learning

  • @srinubathina7191
    @srinubathina7191 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you sir
    i am learning very good content from you

  • @subhadarshisethy1680
    @subhadarshisethy1680 2 года назад

    Tq for lucid explanation...always keep it attach relevent question table creation query in you always do

  • @Mind_hit
    @Mind_hit 3 месяца назад

    with cte as(
    select avg(marks) as avma,subject from students group by subject)
    select * from students s inner join cte c on c.subject=s.subject where s.marks>c.avma;

  • @vaibhavverma1340
    @vaibhavverma1340 2 года назад

    with avg_cte as
    (select subject , avg(marks)as avg_marks from students s1 group by subject)
    , table_name as
    (select * from students)
    select * from table_name tn , avg_cte ac
    where ac.subject = tn.subject and ac.avg_marks < tn.marks

    • @ankitbansal6
      @ankitbansal6  2 года назад

      You don't need tablename cte. Otherwise good.

  • @sandeeppanda9323
    @sandeeppanda9323 2 года назад

    with CTE as
    (select * from
    (select *,dense_rank()over(partition by subject order by marks desc)rn from students)
    where rn=2),
    CTE_1 as
    (select * from
    (select *,dense_rank()over(partition by subject order by marks)rn from students)
    where rn=2)
    select CTE.subject,CTE.marks as second_highest, CTE_1.marks as second_lowest
    from CTE
    join CTE_1
    on CTE.subject = CTE_1.subject

  • @taniyasaini6830
    @taniyasaini6830 2 года назад +1

    For question 2: Alternate approach (I think its not as optimised as your solution):
    select (select count(distinct studentid) from students where marks>90)/(select count(distinct studentid) from students)*100 as percentage;

    • @ankitbansal6
      @ankitbansal6  2 года назад +2

      You are right. You are calling the table twice so not good for performance. Thanks for posting 👏

  • @reshmashaik6606
    @reshmashaik6606 Месяц назад

    with cte as(
    select subject,
    avg(marks) as marks
    from student
    group by subject)
    select a.studentid, a.subject from student a
    join cte b on a.subject=b.subject
    where a.marks>b.marks
    order by studentid
    with cte as(
    select * from student
    where marks>90)
    select COUNT(distinct a.studentid)*1.00/COUNT(distinct b.studentid) as per from cte a
    left join student b on a.subject=b.subject
    with cte as(
    select *,
    dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as ranks_h,
    dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by marks) as ranks_l
    from student)
    select subject,
    max(case when ranks_h=2 then marks end) as second_highest,
    max(case when ranks_l=2 then marks end) as second_lowest
    from cte
    group by subject

  • @mohit231
    @mohit231 2 года назад

    Great video

  • @kunalkumar-hl6gv
    @kunalkumar-hl6gv Год назад

    ans-3 approach
    with second_highest as(select subject,marks as second_highest_marks from (select *,rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as rnk
    from students) t
    where t.rnk = 2),
    second_lowest as (select subject,marks as second_lowest_marks from
    (select *,rank() over(partition by subject order by marks asc) as rnk
    from students) t
    where t.rnk = 2)
    select sh.subject , second_highest_marks,second_lowest_marks
    from second_highest sh
    join second_lowest sl
    on sh.subject = sl.subject
    last question approach
    with previous_check as(select *,
    lag(marks,1) over(partition by studentid order by testdate) as previous_marks
    from students)
    select studentid,studentname,subject,marks,testid,testdate,
    when marks>previous_marks then 'incresed'
    when marks

  • @Chathur732
    @Chathur732 5 месяцев назад

    select *, case when lag(marks) over(partition by studentid order by studentid) < marks then 'inc' else 'dec' end
    from students

  • @Krishnaverma-xw7oe
    @Krishnaverma-xw7oe 2 года назад +1

    with cte as
    (select studentid, marks
    from students
    where marks>90)
    select (cast(count(distinct c.studentid) as float)/count(distinct s.studentid)*100) as student_percentage
    from cte c, students s

    • @ankitbansal6
      @ankitbansal6  2 года назад

      This might work but not a good solution from performance point of view. Thanks for posting.

  • @ashpoghosh7645
    @ashpoghosh7645 2 года назад

    -- Question 3 Soln
    with high as
    (select subjects,marks,dense_rank() over(partition by subjects order by marks desc) as rnk_high from students)
    ,low as
    (select subjects,marks ,dense_rank() over(partition by subjects order by marks) as rnk_low from students)
    select distinct high.subjects, high.marks as second_highest,low.marks as second_lowest from high join low on high.subjects=low.subjects
    where high.rnk_high=2 and low.rnk_low=2

  • @kanchankumar3355
    @kanchankumar3355 2 года назад

    Great video !!

  • @BengaluruGuy08
    @BengaluruGuy08 2 года назад

    Great video... Thanks

  • @siddheshkalgaonkar2752
    @siddheshkalgaonkar2752 8 месяцев назад

    Problem-3 Solution: select subject, max(case when second_highest_rank=2 then marks else 0 end) as second_highest_marks,
    max(case when second_lowest_rank=2 then marks else 0 end) as second_lowest_marks from
    (select subject, marks, dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as second_highest_rank,dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by marks) as second_lowest_rank from students) group by subject;

  • @TheVaibhavdang
    @TheVaibhavdang 2 года назад +1

    Hi Ankit,
    Can we do the first query as below?
    /*list of students who scored above average marks in each subject*/
    with CTE as(
    select *,AVG(marks) over (partition by Subject) as avg_marks,
    Case when marks>AVG(marks) over (partition by Subject) then 1 else 0 end as flag
    from students)
    Select * from CTE
    where flag =1;

  • @rajunaik8803
    @rajunaik8803 2 года назад

    **Solved question 3 little different using self join**
    /*write the sql query to get the list of students who scored above the average marks in each subject*/
    with cte1 as(
    select subject,avg(marks) avg_marks from students group by subject
    )select * from cte1 c join students s
    on c.subject=s.subject and
    s.marks> c.avg_marks
    --Question 2
    --write the sql query to get the % of students who score more than 90 in any subject amongst the total students
    with cte1 as(
    select *,case when marks>90 then studentid else null end as std_id from students
    select count(distinct std_id)*1.0/count(distinct studentid) from cte1;
    --write a query to get the second highest and second lowest marks for each subject
    with cte1 as(
    select studentid,subject,marks,dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by marks) as rnk1,
    dense_rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as rnk2
    from students
    select cte1.subject,cte2.marks as second_highest,cte1.marks as second_lowest from cte1 cte1
    cte1 cte2
    on cte1.subject=cte2.subject
    where cte1.rnk1=2 and cte2.rnk2=2
    --Question 4:
    --for each student and test,identify if their marks increased or decreased from their previous test
    with cte1 as(
    select *,lag(marks) over(partition by studentid order by testdate , subject) as prev_marks from students
    select *,
    case when marksprev_marks then 'increased'
    else null end as status from cte1

  • @shankrukulkarni3234
    @shankrukulkarni3234 Год назад

    select * from students;
    select * from
    (select *,
    avg(marks) over (partition by subject) as avg_marks from students) a
    where marks>avg_marks;
    (select count(distinct studentid) from students
    where marks>90)/count(distinct studentid)*100 as percent from students;
    select count(distinct case when marks>90 then studentid else null end )/count(distinct studentid)*100 as percent_marks;
    select subject,
    sum(case when rn1=2 then marks else null end) as second_lowest,
    sum(case when rn2=2 then marks else null end) as second_lowest
    (select *,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks asc ) as rn1,
    rank() over(partition by subject order by marks desc ) as rn2
    from students)a
    group by subject ;
    select *,
    case when previous_marks>marks then 'inc'
    when previous_marks

  • @bharatkumarboddepalli6095
    @bharatkumarboddepalli6095 Год назад

    hi sir we can solve the first query with out joins like this /
    with cte as (
    select *,avg(marks) over(partition by subject) as avg
    from students)
    select studentid,studentname,marks,subject
    from cte
    where marks>avg
    order by studentid

  • @karangupta_DE
    @karangupta_DE 2 года назад

    Great video as always 😊

  • @sumantkumarsuman7473
    @sumantkumarsuman7473 2 года назад +1

    Thankyou for such content!
    Please provide the dataset creation query if possible here in comment section.

    • @ankitbansal6
      @ankitbansal6  2 года назад +1

      It's there in description box .

    • @sumantkumarsuman7473
      @sumantkumarsuman7473 2 года назад

      @@ankitbansal6 I am not able to find it sir, it only shows transcripts in description

    • @ankitbansal6
      @ankitbansal6  2 года назад

      @@sumantkumarsuman7473 it's there in description box of you go down 😊

    • @sumantkumarsuman7473
      @sumantkumarsuman7473 2 года назад

      @@ankitbansal6 got it! Thankyou.

  • @ririraman7
    @ririraman7 2 года назад


  • @sohailaihab1533
    @sohailaihab1533 3 месяца назад

    Question 3 alternative:
    WITH updated_ranks as (
    SELECT subject, marks,
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY subject ORDER BY marks ASC) AS low_high,
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY subject ORDER BY marks DESC) AS high_low
    FROM students
    ORDER by subject, marks
    SELECT subject, marks--*
    FROM updated_ranks
    WHERE updated_ranks.low_high = 2 Or updated_ranks.high_low = 2;

  • @harishkanta3711
    @harishkanta3711 Год назад

    Ankit bhai will it be okay if i do not provide the subject column in the order by

  • @sakchamsaxena9895
    @sakchamsaxena9895 2 года назад

    Query for showing Top 10 cities with maximum number of Customers
    Can you please help me with this question from superstore data

  • @ethyria7685
    @ethyria7685 6 месяцев назад

    Q3: WITH cte AS
    (SELECT subject, marks,
    RANK()OVER(PARTITION BY subject ORDER BY marks desc) as second_h,
    RANK()OVER(PARTITION BY subject ORDER BY marks ) as second_l
    FROM students)
    SELECT a.subject, a.marks, b.marks
    FROM cte a
    JOIN cte b on
    a.second_l = b.second_h
    and a.subject = b.subject
    where b.second_l = 2

  • @sandippalit8990
    @sandippalit8990 2 года назад

    In the 4th question, why we are doing order by subject?

  • @ithamarhardy3055
    @ithamarhardy3055 Год назад

    hi, for the first problem why not:
    with cte as
    (select *, avg(marks) over(partition by subject) as avg_subject
    from students)
    select * from cte
    where marks>avg_subject
    this my solution

  • @omkarm7865
    @omkarm7865 2 года назад

    Very helpful...

    • @ankitbansal6
      @ankitbansal6  2 года назад


    • @omkarm7865
      @omkarm7865 2 года назад

      @@ankitbansal6 is it possible to paste those solutions in description

  • @divyasallagundla2324
    @divyasallagundla2324 2 года назад

    Alternative for Q3. Please do let me know if that works as well.

  • @SuperMohit95
    @SuperMohit95 2 года назад

    -- Question 1
    -- write a sql query to get the lits of tsudents who scored above the average marks in each subject
    WITH cte AS (
    AVG(marks) OVER(PARTITION BY sub_name) AS sub_wise_avg
    marks > sub_wise_avg
    -- Q2
    -- Write a SQL query to get the % of students who score more than 90 in any subject amongst the total students
    WITH cte AS (
    DISTINCT studentname,
    WHEN marks > 90 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS mark_flag
    WHEN marks > 90 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >=1
    COUNT(studentname) / (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT studentname) FROM students3_Sep )*100 AS pct_of_students
    -- Alternative solution
    -- WITH cte AS (
    WITH cte AS(
    WHEN marks > 90 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS flag
    COUNT(DISTINCT studentid) = 1
    -- Ankits solution
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN marks > 90 THEN studentID END) / COUNT(DISTINCT studentid)
    -- Q3
    -- write a query to get the 2nd highest and 2nd lowest marks for each subject
    WITH cte AS (
    RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY sub_name ORDER BY marks DESC) AS rank_dsc,
    RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY sub_name ORDER BY marks ASC) AS rank_asc
    WHEN rank_dsc = 2 THEN marks ELSE 0
    END) AS second_highest_marks,
    WHEN rank_asc = 2 THEN marks ELSE 0
    END) AS second_lowest_marks
    -- Q4
    -- For each student and test identify their marks increased or decrease from the previous test
    WITH cte AS (
    LAG(marks,1) OVER(PARTITION BY studentid ORDER BY studentid,testdate) AS prev_test_marks
    FROM students3_Sep
    WHEN marks > prev_test_marks THEN 'increased'
    WHEN marks < prev_test_marks THEN 'decreased'
    END AS status

  • @faizraina7946
    @faizraina7946 Год назад

    select studentid from students2
    where marks >
    (select studentid, avg(marks) from students2 )
    group by studentid
    can someone please tell me why this wont work

  • @parth_pm16
    @parth_pm16 Год назад

    Without Join
    select studentid, studentname,subject, Avg_Marks, marks
    from (
    select *
    ,avg(marks) over(partition by subject) as Avg_Marks
    from students_27)a
    group by studentid, studentname,subject, Avg_Marks, marks
    having Marks>max(Avg_Marks)
    order by subject

  • @utkarshtrivedi9949
    @utkarshtrivedi9949 2 года назад

    Also is there any way where we make windows of 30 mins time as aggregation in the data of running timestamps?

  • @ZeeshanSyed-x5i
    @ZeeshanSyed-x5i Месяц назад

    ---1st solution
    WITH cte as(
    SELECT s.*,e.* FROM students s INNER join
    (SELECT subject,avg(marks) AS avgg FROM students GROUP BY subject) e
    ON s.subject=e.subject)
    SELECT studentid ,studentname,subject,avgg, marks FROM cte WHERE marks>avgg
    WITH cte AS(SELECT *,rank() over(PARTITION BY subject ORDER BY marks asc) AS asc_order,rank() over(PARTITION BY subject ORDER BY marks desc)
    AS dsc_order FROM students)
    SELECT subject,
    min(CASE WHEN asc_order=2 THEN marks END) AS Second_lowest,
    max(CASE WHEN dsc_order=2 THEN marks END) AS Second_highest
    FROM cte GROUP BY subject
    SELECT studentid,studentname,subject,testid,marks,CASE WHEN marks>lag(marks) over(PARTITION BY studentid) THEN 'inc' ELSE 'decr' END AS status
    FROM students order BY studentid,subject,testid

  • @Chathur732
    @Chathur732 5 месяцев назад

    But for subject 3 , how can 98 be second lowest mark and 29 be second highest mark by logic. Isn't that wrong??
    Shouldn't it be the other way around??

  • @dataworksstudio
    @dataworksstudio 2 года назад

    Bhaiyya, pls let me know if my solution to 3rd problem will work?
    NTH_VALUE(marks, 2) OVER (PARTITION BY subject ORDER BY marks DESC RANGE BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND unbounded following) AS sec_high_marks,
    NTH_VALUE(marks, 2) OVER (PARTITION BY subject ORDER BY marks ASC RANGE BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND unbounded following) AS sec_low_marks
    FROM students;
    Thank you...your videos are really helpful❤️

    • @ankitbansal6
      @ankitbansal6  2 года назад

      This is good. I didn't know about this function. I guess this is only available in MySQL. Thanks for posting 👏

  • @jb4928
    @jb4928 2 года назад

    I like it how in every video you write Parttion and add 'i' later to make it partition :) . JK amazing content buddy. Keep up the good work . Learning a lot from here.

    • @ankitbansal6
      @ankitbansal6  2 года назад

      I don't know everytime i make that mistake 😃

  • @vijayv500
    @vijayv500 2 года назад +1

    In the third problem, shouldn’t we use dense_rank() so that the script works when say subject 1 has same marks for two students?

    • @ankitbansal6
      @ankitbansal6  2 года назад +1

      You are right. Thanks for pointing out 👍

  • @shubhamagrawal7068
    @shubhamagrawal7068 2 года назад

    for Q3. below is the better approach. No need to use rank() function and then making it cte. Instead use nth_value() function.
    select distinct subject,
    nth_value(marks, 2) over(partition by subject order by marks desc range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) second_highest_marks,
    nth_value(marks, 2) over(partition by subject order by marks range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) second_lowest_marks
    from students

  • @GautamKumar-ci4rz
    @GautamKumar-ci4rz Год назад


  • @DRahulRajuYadav
    @DRahulRajuYadav 4 месяца назад

    Q3 by nth-value
    with cte as (
    select subject
    , nth_value(marks,2) over(partition by subject order by marks desc) as second_highest_marks
    ,nth_value(marks,2) over(partition by subject order by marks asc) as second_lowest_marks
    from students
    select distinct subject, max(second_highest_marks),min(second_lowest_marks) from cte
    group by subject