Be advised if your helmet is halfway decent, the mounting system will not work. Wha a waste of effort ordering and playing around with these for a few hours. On my daughters no-name Chinese $40 helmet, no problem because the padding is paper thin or non-existent. On my wife's O'Neal Voltage and my Bell MX-9 MIPS, there is no way to connect the mounts to the helmet. The clip flew off because it is way too small and almost hit me in the eye while trying. The outsides are not smooth so there is no way to use the adhesive mount, although for some reason, it's not flat anyway. After goofing around with the O'Neal and Bell for a while I got out my kid's helmet and it goes on easily because that helmet is basically a polycarbonate shell with a cushion snapped inside. Back to the drawing board for me and Fodsports. And back to Amazon with these headsets.
Be advised if your helmet is halfway decent, the mounting system will not work. Wha a waste of effort ordering and playing around with these for a few hours. On my daughters no-name Chinese $40 helmet, no problem because the padding is paper thin or non-existent. On my wife's O'Neal Voltage and my Bell MX-9 MIPS, there is no way to connect the mounts to the helmet. The clip flew off because it is way too small and almost hit me in the eye while trying. The outsides are not smooth so there is no way to use the adhesive mount, although for some reason, it's not flat anyway. After goofing around with the O'Neal and Bell for a while I got out my kid's helmet and it goes on easily because that helmet is basically a polycarbonate shell with a cushion snapped inside.
Back to the drawing board for me and Fodsports. And back to Amazon with these headsets.