Dschinghis Khan - Genghis Khan [ Mongolian Version ]

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Монголчууд ЗХУ-ын үед хориглодог байсан, Чингисхааны тухай алдарт хит дууг дуулжээ" хэмээн энэ дууг маш олон оросууд өөрийн ФБ болон блог хуудсандаа оруулсан байна. Тэдгээрийн доор хүмүүс зөндөө олон сэтгэгдлүүд оруулсныг нь би дээр уншиж байгаад баралгүй орхисон юм.
    1979 оны Eurovision наадамд Германы Чингисхан хамтлаг энэ дуугаараа оролцож 4-р байранд орсоноор энэ дуу хит болж, дэлхий дахинд алдартай болсон юм байна. Би ч гэсэн хар багаасаа энэ дууг сонсож өссөн. Ах нар энэ дууг "хээр морьтой, хул морьтой, бла бла… юу юу ч билээ" гээд л гитар дараад дуулдаг байсан болохоор чихэнд хоногшоод үлдэлгүй яахав.
    За тэр ч яахав, гол асуудал руугаа оръё. Оросуудын бичсэн сэтгэгдлүүдээс товчлоод оруулъя.
    - Супер, үнэхээр гоё дуулжээ.
    - Германчууд энэ дууг дуулахад гоё л сонсогддог байсан. Харин монголчууд дуулсан чинь бүр илүү сүртэй юм байна.
    - Монгол хэл чинь ийм ширүүн, догшин юмуу?
    - Германаар дуулахыг нь сонсоход огт төрж байгаагүй мэдрэмж монголоор дуулахыг нь сонсоход төрлөө. Сэтгэлд түгшүүр төрж, өвдөг чичрэх шиг. Энэ магадгүй, генэнд бичигдэж үлдсэн айдас төрөх шиг боллоо.
    - Гайхах юу байнаа, агуу өвөг дээдсийнхээ тухай дууг монголчууд л дуулах ёстой шүү дээ.
    - Монголчууд бол агуу түүхтэй ард түмэн. Энэ дууг монголоор дуулснаар Чингисхааны сүр хүчийг илэрхийлж чадаж байна.
    - Чингисхаан эргээд босоод ирсэн ч юм шиг санагдлаа. Монгол хэл чинь ямар сүрлэг хэл вэ?
    гэх мэтчилэн гоё гоё сэтгэгдлүүд уншаад онгироод байж байтал дундуур нь казак нэртэй, орос хэлтэнгүүд орж ирээд л солиорч өгчээ.
    - Чингисхаан бол казак хүн байсан.
    - Монголчууд яахаараа энэ дууг дуулдаг юм бэ? Чингисхаан тэдний өвөг дээдэс биш шүү дээ.
    - Энэ монголчууд өөрсдийгөө Чингисийн үр сад гээд андуураад байдаг юмаа.
    гээд л авч өгсөн байна.
    Сүүлийн үед казакууд манай түүхийг булаацалдах болсныг бүгд мэдэж байгаа байх. Үүнээс болоод надаа нэг санаа төрлөө л дөө.
    Манайхан энэ дууны аянд монголоор дуулах албан ёсны зөвшөөрлийг нь аваад янзын гоё, сүртэй клип хийчихмээр юм байна. Англиар биш монголоороо л дуулах хэрэгтэй. Монголынхоо түүх, соёл, байгалийн сайхныг харуулсан ганц гоё клип хийгээд цацчихвал… Энэ дууны аялгуу нь бараг дэлхийн бүх хүмүүсийн чихэнд хоногшсон болохоор илүү анхаарч үзэж магадгүй л гэж бодоод байна л даа. Монголын түүхийг булаацалдагсад, монголыг дорд үзэгсэд, монголыг огт мэддэггүйчүүдэд зориулсан ганц мундаг клип хийгээд цацчихмаар л санагдаад байна.

Комментарии • 340

  • @patrakotoson
    @patrakotoson 3 года назад +89

    I can't believe they waited 40 years for a Mongolian version

  • @landrat5217
    @landrat5217 5 лет назад +330

    Well, I guess, Mongolians have more right than anybody else to cover this song.

    • @mathildewesendonck7225
      @mathildewesendonck7225 5 лет назад +29

      Landrat usually cover versions are crap, but this one is actually pretty awesome 👏!

      @METAGALAXIS04 3 года назад +3


    • @LordDamo
      @LordDamo 2 года назад +3

      Just want a the HU cover

    • @ildart8738
      @ildart8738 2 года назад +3

      @@LordDamo Magyars are europeanized version of Bashkirs. Turkic people, olga!

    • @LordDamo
      @LordDamo 2 года назад

      @@ildart8738 what about Cuman/Kipchak turks?

  • @user-xs3uj2bx1y
    @user-xs3uj2bx1y 5 лет назад +286

    Mongols singing in Mongolian a song written by east germans dressed as Russians, about Mongolia
    We have come a full circle

    • @werdanvanich1144
      @werdanvanich1144 5 лет назад +20

      A minor amendment, Dschinghis Khan - a group from Munich by West Germany

    • @MissTwiIightSparkIe
      @MissTwiIightSparkIe 5 лет назад +14

      @@werdanvanich1144 Yes, the band is from Munich, West Germany, but some of the members are from Hungary, South Africa and the Netherlands. ^^

    • @nachopaez662
      @nachopaez662 4 года назад +4

      ajaja..y un riojano argentino escuchando en Arg. Baterrr.. (o como se diga)

    • @KenkyushaK
      @KenkyushaK 4 года назад +5

      Dressed as Russians? what???

    • @adams4148
      @adams4148 4 года назад +12

      that armor is from the Mongols in Mongolia

  • @realcody2005
    @realcody2005 2 года назад +76

    Just imagine being in a Chinese village and hearing this becoming eventually louder from the Steppes.
    "Why do I hear boss music?"

    • @alpha-oe5gi
      @alpha-oe5gi 2 года назад +2

      But half of the mongolians' boss is China at now lol

    • @ildart8738
      @ildart8738 2 года назад +1

      @@alpha-oe5gi Are you referring to Inner Mongolia?

    • @sukmydikgoogle5666
      @sukmydikgoogle5666 2 года назад +2

      those dame mangolians tearing down my wall

    • @KTo288
      @KTo288 2 года назад +3

      you get everybody inside the village walls (there's a reason why walled villages are a thing in China). You clear out your gate houses and corner towers of sleeping rolls and the other junk that the young men of your village who sleep there have accumulated. From these strong points out beyond the ditch are posts that the lads should have practised their archery against, hopefully some of them have been diligent. You manage to get most of the people and animals in, but some will be lost but that can't be helped. Maybe the horsemen will be satisfied with taking your lifestock maybe not.
      You're unlucky this time they want more than your goats and pigs. If you are lucky they haven't had time to scout out your village, and haven't worked out which of your gates is the real one. One of your gates is just paint, wood and plaster ornamentation with a solid wall behind it, the arrow tower above it is real enough and will take a toll against anyone trying to force that false gate. This time they are determined, and after taking some casualties realise the gate is fake, they work their way around your walls until they find the real gate, its been disguised to look like an inset in the wall, it doesn't have an arrow tower to help in its disguise but anyone trying to enter is swept in defilide by arrows shot from the protruding corner towers protecting the walls. With men, horses, rope and hooks and make shift battering rams they get through the gate. They are immediately faced with a stout wall taller than a man can easily climb, the wall creates two narrow passage ways one to the left and one to the right just wide enough for a single man to pass, one of them leads to a dead end, one of them winds its way maze like to the centre of the village, unless you've been in before you don't know which way is the way in. However both passages are now swept in enfilade by anyone still alive holding up in the corner towers. Those mongols who weave their way to the centre of the village are met by the older men of the village with staves spears, and a couple of show offs wielding horse chopping cleavers. Even if the mongols attack your village, most of the time its not your village nor your deaths they want.
      With determination no village nor town, nor even city is safe from the Mongol horse warriors, but to take even a single village will inflict casualties on the mongol tribes, although described as a horde the mongols are actually few in number in comparison to the fecund Chinese they are very few in number indeed and every victory against a Chinese village, town and city is a pyhrric one. The mongol khan prohibits his troops from messy battles that can't be won at arrow's length from the back of a war pony.
      Its not until the Mongols capture the Persian army's siege train and take the Persian siege engineers into Mongol service that the Mongols contemplated taking the Chinese strongholds by force. Before this the primary tactic against the fortified cities was plain old starvation. This they helped along by raiding the settlements surrounding their objective, so that the peasants would be panicked into seeking the safety of the city, and overloading the cities ability to feed the influx of refugees. Most of the time if they raided your village its not your death thay they wanted.

    • @google_admin1
      @google_admin1 Год назад +3

      Europeans, Arabs left the chat

  • @joskayal5999
    @joskayal5999 5 лет назад +123

    The best cover of this song.

  • @kurokoppuso
    @kurokoppuso 3 года назад +63

    I feel like this song has traveled the world and come back to where it should be.

  • @user-ve3ko1jb1q
    @user-ve3ko1jb1q 4 года назад +49

    Even better than the original.
    In a sense, this is the original.👍👍

  • @rts3543
    @rts3543 3 года назад +100


  • @paarthurniryt8043
    @paarthurniryt8043 Год назад +37

    In my opinion, this is great and probably the best cover for the song.

  • @KarakalpakKizi
    @KarakalpakKizi 3 года назад +47

    They would totally win the Eurovision contest!

    • @ildart8738
      @ildart8738 2 года назад

      Eurovision would have no choice, unless they wanted to get run over.

    • @ladelcarmencrespo4807
      @ladelcarmencrespo4807 11 месяцев назад +1

      En sí es la ganadora. Fué la qué trascendió.

    • @Michael-kd1ho
      @Michael-kd1ho 11 месяцев назад +2

      Or pillage the city it's held in. Win win.

  • @HBKnowItAll
    @HBKnowItAll 3 года назад +36

    Imagine being in Baghdad in the 1200s and peacefully reading a book when you hear this.

  • @Rilio.Maxwell
    @Rilio.Maxwell 3 года назад +77


    • @hongbaepark9509
      @hongbaepark9509 3 года назад +2

      that's the result of his conquest.

    • @TATANKA-nf4ck
      @TATANKA-nf4ck 3 года назад


    • @Rilio.Maxwell
      @Rilio.Maxwell 3 года назад

      @@TATANKA-nf4ck この動画の人らはちゃうで。この人らはモンゴル人

    • @user-pc3qf4do9s
      @user-pc3qf4do9s 3 года назад +2


    • @TATANKA-nf4ck
      @TATANKA-nf4ck 3 года назад +1

      @@user-pc3qf4do9s いや、ありがとさん。若い時に踊ってたけど、ドイツ人としか思ってなかったわ。

  • @susannedik1967
    @susannedik1967 3 года назад +23

    благадарю! прослушала на одном дыхании.уроженка Казахстана.живу в Германии.всем любви.дружбы и крепкого здоровья! Всем счастья и долголетия! и мрного неба надо всеми землями!!! песня моей молодости !!!!!!!

    • @user-td8fy5fy9l
      @user-td8fy5fy9l Год назад


  • @user-qy7uf1pj6x
    @user-qy7uf1pj6x 3 года назад +45

    This is the best and most accurate presentation of the essence of Genghis Khan! The essence of the warrior, the spirit of the victor! From the heart. North Caucasus. Это лучшее и самое точное изложение сути Чингисхана! Сути воина, духа победителя! От души. Северный Кавказ.

    • @hungamaworld1245
      @hungamaworld1245 8 месяцев назад

      The essence of a mass murderer, the worst monster in human form to have ever existed on earth.

  • @P-Mouse
    @P-Mouse 6 лет назад +73

    stuff like this gives meaning to the internet

    • @apotato6278
      @apotato6278 5 лет назад +8

      Well we were born to late to join the mongols, to early to conquer the stars...but just in time for this... not sure how to feel about this.

  • @HBKnowItAll
    @HBKnowItAll 3 года назад +11

    Germany: * Makes Kurzgesagt and everyone thought it was British *
    Also Germany: * Makes Genghis Khan and everyone thought it was Mongolian *
    "The Trickster"

  • @NoZeroRisk
    @NoZeroRisk 5 месяцев назад +2

    They should tour to Baghdad. That would be one hell of a concert.

    • @mokisan
      @mokisan 2 месяца назад

      What did the Mongols do in baghdad

  • @masahiro.t4563
    @masahiro.t4563 5 лет назад +55


  • @MegaSuperfight
    @MegaSuperfight 2 года назад +16

    This is the best version and best performance of this song !!! Well done !!! Best regards from Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia !!!

    • @HaniSiKucing
      @HaniSiKucing 2 года назад

      Last time I checked the capital of Georgia was Atlanta /s

    • @MegaSuperfight
      @MegaSuperfight 2 года назад +3

      @@HaniSiKucing The Capital of Georgia is Tbilisi !!! Let's check Tbilisi !!!

    • @ildart8738
      @ildart8738 2 года назад

      @@MegaSuperfight Ну это шутка юмора. Страна Грузия и штат Джоджия. На аглийском звучит одинаково.

    • @MegaSuperfight
      @MegaSuperfight 2 года назад +3

      @@ildart8738 уверяю вас, об этом я уже знал в конце 60 - ых прошлого века !!!

    • @Ideatheke-wordpress-com
      @Ideatheke-wordpress-com 2 года назад

      @@ildart8738 Though the name "Georgia" is Greek 😄

  • @anthero4816
    @anthero4816 3 года назад +10

    Respect Mongolia from Andromeda galaxy

  • @werdanvanich1144
    @werdanvanich1144 5 лет назад +67

    Udagan, this song in Mongolian sounds just epic! IIn the original German, it is just amusing, because the Germans sing for joke, and they don’t feel a connection with what they sing about.
    But here I see that your brothers sing about what is dear to them, about their history, about a great man. As they say in Russia, their eyes are burning, they sing with the soul. And the performance is very good. The costumes of the Mongol warriors are very important for this song.
    It is very interesting to know what the Mongols sing in this song? Udagan, write Mongolian words, please. And yet - you can make subtitles for video?
    Best wishes!

    • @stanlibuda91
      @stanlibuda91 4 года назад +9

      I don't think, that you know anything about germans and our singing culture or our culture about music at all. We don't sing a lot, but if we sing we are very connected to what we are singing about. This song is not a joke to us, it is fun. Btw., greetings from Germany.

    • @tsengelmaamunkhbat3168
      @tsengelmaamunkhbat3168 4 года назад

      Yeaahh i agree with you

    • @minusdegreeinmyroom
      @minusdegreeinmyroom 4 года назад +14

      werdan vanich
      Hu ha hu ha
      The hero of genius century
      Chingis Khan
      Hu ha hu ha
      A hero who was amazed at his majesty
      Chingis Khan
      Kept the oath and law
      You are the strand of "Golden Lineage"
      Hu ha Hu ha Chin Chin Chingis Khan
      (Majectic, Genius Majestic, Genius
      Chin Chin Chingis Khan
      King of Tengri King of Tengri
      Kind and Gentle oh oh ho ho
      Fair and Honest ah ah ha ha
      People who live forever and the greatest king
      Chin Chin Chingis Khan)x2
      People who raised Mongols state symbol
      Hu ha hu ha
      Stamped the Earth on the Horse
      Dedicated everything for Mongols
      You are the strand of "Blue spotted Lineage"
      Hu ha Hu ha Chin Chin Chingis Khan
      (Majectic, Genius Majestic, Genius
      Chin Chin Chingis Khan
      King Tengri King Tengri
      (Kind and Gentle oh oh ho ho
      Fair and Honest ah ah ha ha
      People who live forever and the greatest king
      Chin Chin Chingis Khan)x2
      The greatest genius of a thousand
      Chingis Khan
      The supreme idol of Mongols
      Chingis Khan hu ha hu ha
      Dedicated everything for Holy land
      You are the strand of "Greatest Lineage"
      Hu ha Hu Ha
      (Majectic, Genius Majestic, Genius
      Chin Chin Chingis Khan
      King Tengri King Tengri
      (Kind and Gentle oh oh ho ho
      Fair and Honest ah ah ha ha
      People who live forever and the greatest king
      Chin Chin Chingis Khan)x2

    • @Phexyn
      @Phexyn 3 года назад

      @@minusdegreeinmyroom thank you!

  • @user-sb8mn9di3b
    @user-sb8mn9di3b 3 года назад +29


    • @bireitor
      @bireitor 3 года назад +3


    • @kaorukusanagi714
      @kaorukusanagi714 3 года назад


    • @bireitor
      @bireitor 3 года назад +1


    • @user-sb8mn9di3b
      @user-sb8mn9di3b 3 года назад +2


  • @fatnahennache1192
    @fatnahennache1192 5 лет назад +27

    Ou ah!!!!!!!! Best people!! Gengis khan!!!

  • @user-gh1et2dr2q
    @user-gh1et2dr2q 3 года назад +16


    • @smc9371
      @smc9371 3 года назад

      with lyrics in Japanese XD

    • @user-sb8mn9di3b
      @user-sb8mn9di3b 3 года назад

      @@smc9371 いや、多分それ歌詞違うと思う

  • @ildart8738
    @ildart8738 Месяц назад +1

    Башкоттар, татарлар, монголар, алга!

  • @user-rl3yf1pv7o
    @user-rl3yf1pv7o 3 года назад +23


    • @bireitor
      @bireitor 3 года назад +2


  • @TK-tq5lu
    @TK-tq5lu 3 года назад +9

    Great power! This is Genghis Khan!

  • @AndreSilva-yg4vy
    @AndreSilva-yg4vy 2 года назад +7

    Abraços do Brasil. Gengis Khan espírito de coragem destemor !

  • @ivoryquirnheim8612
    @ivoryquirnheim8612 3 года назад +8


  • @user-lc9kq3gk5c
    @user-lc9kq3gk5c 3 года назад +8

    진정한 징키스칸의 후예들이 부르니깐 포스가 ㄷㄷ하네요 상남자분들 너무 멋있어요 옛날 진짜 징키스칸 군인들이 이런 모습이였겠죠 ?

    • @meowBlitz
      @meowBlitz 2 года назад +1


    • @julee0353
      @julee0353 2 года назад +2

      그러게요..훨씬 더 잘 어울려요.^^

    @METAGALAXIS04 7 дней назад

    🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟👌👍 10/10! 💯💯💯💯💯💯 Just one WORD! Excellent!!!!

  • @user-pg3sm4uw9c
    @user-pg3sm4uw9c 3 года назад +1

    Я долго по пустыне вёл свой караван Зачем скажи нам правду ты приехал к нам Ченгисхан Всё девушки такие что сводят с ума
    и люди золотые и полны закрома
    В году шесть месецев зима

    • @jugdertemuujin4014
      @jugdertemuujin4014 3 года назад

      О это слова от русских к песни таких слов нету в оригинале....

  • @v.dargain1678
    @v.dargain1678 Год назад +1

    Nice tribute to the Universal Leader called "Temuchin" . His military campaigns are still studied on college campuses across the globe . Thanks for uploading .

  • @user-gh6rf1jf7l
    @user-gh6rf1jf7l 3 года назад +8

    Молодцы!!!! Браво!!!!👏👏👏👏👏

  • @istvanpesti3215
    @istvanpesti3215 7 лет назад +24

    Jobb, mint az eredeti! Nagyon tetszik.

  • @bilal_6264
    @bilal_6264 2 года назад +2

    hi i am muslim mongol from pakistan i love my mongolian language

  • @metricpilot7612
    @metricpilot7612 3 года назад +4

    My favourite song

  • @ATULYADAV-cb9zz
    @ATULYADAV-cb9zz 3 года назад +3

    Hu ha hu ha..
    Love you Mongolia from india..

  • @amongusfard
    @amongusfard 4 года назад +8

    My favorite version

  • @nayuta53
    @nayuta53 3 года назад +13


  • @sergeitihonov8815
    @sergeitihonov8815 3 года назад +8

    Всех перепели. Самое лучшее исполнение!

  • @achilleez9596
    @achilleez9596 3 года назад +7

    This performance is so good

  • @werdanvanich1144
    @werdanvanich1144 5 лет назад +25

    Udagan, write Mongolian words, please! It is very interesting to know what your brothers sing in this song?

  • @halomaster343full
    @halomaster343full 4 года назад +6

    The choreography could be better but definitively they can be compared in singing with the Dschingis Khan group, even better despite they don't have the girls.

  • @acolyte1951
    @acolyte1951 4 года назад +4

    I love those background dancers lol. Feels like I am watching an army dance

  • @Cpt.Sailor
    @Cpt.Sailor 4 года назад +11

    those costumes must be really hot to dance in

  • @はんこたんな
    @はんこたんな 2 года назад +5


    @METAGALAXIS04 3 года назад +3


  • @gregafuso8226
    @gregafuso8226 3 года назад +5

    Great version of this song. I especially love the Genghis Khan Barbarian Horde Dancers in the background.

  • @tutu8994
    @tutu8994 4 года назад +7

    A D O R E I !!! 😮👏👏👏

  • @user-rc1og6nx5o
    @user-rc1og6nx5o 3 года назад +5

    手前が四駿(dörben külü'üd)で後ろが四狗(dörben noγas)

  • @lamarlamar9822
    @lamarlamar9822 3 года назад +2

    Рэхмэт Рэхмэт Рэхмэт !!!!!!!!!!

  • @raposoantonio7763
    @raposoantonio7763 5 лет назад +12


    @METAGALAXIS04 3 года назад +3

    Really very good! Great! L I K E

  • @Devis1982
    @Devis1982 3 года назад +9

    спето так как это должно было быть сначала, даже и не скажешь что живая запись - в первом ряду наверное от звука сносило и в животе с ногами отдавалось

  • @annoldham3018
    @annoldham3018 4 года назад +9

    This is epic!🤩 hu, ha, hu ha!😂

  • @DoomStarRequiem
    @DoomStarRequiem 3 года назад +3

    Aw man.. this is just our Mongolian cousins diss track at how they whooped our asses in the past.
    Ngl this is a lit track

  • @ricardoguerrero6969
    @ricardoguerrero6969 2 года назад +3

    'Tá chila la rola! Alguien puede traducir al español la letra? Me gustaría saber qué dice. Está muy movido el ritmo. Qué bien! 🙂

  • @hegelmucika8961
    @hegelmucika8961 2 года назад +1

    Ez 1 magyar csárdás a vér is rohan a zenéjére ritmusára...tiszta déjávu érzés! Pedig 80 felé hajtok!

  • @maclanekeller8308
    @maclanekeller8308 Год назад

    Chinggis khaan is probably my most favorite historical figure of all time. Hes sorta like my idol.

  • @eduardotakeshi1627
    @eduardotakeshi1627 Год назад +1

    Amei de mais !!! 🥰😍❤💓💞 abraços do Brasil

  • @foxyfox2624
    @foxyfox2624 Месяц назад

    agree with other comments , it is 100% the best cover version

  • @LanskyLA
    @LanskyLA 5 лет назад +5

    О, энэ маш сонирхолтой! :D

    • @gpangamer7251
      @gpangamer7251 4 года назад

      Lansky LIPA LA where are you from

    • @_Artiss_YT
      @_Artiss_YT 4 года назад +1

      Не один я здесь русский😀😀😀

    • @LanskyLA
      @LanskyLA 4 года назад

      @@gpangamer7251 Hi Bro! I have 2 houses 1 in Moscow Russia and 2 in Minsk Belarus

    • @LanskyLA
      @LanskyLA 4 года назад

      @@_Artiss_YT а то 😂

  • @user-qe4te6cq6d
    @user-qe4te6cq6d 5 лет назад +4

    기분좋겠다 이분들...이노래가 나온게 1979년도인데 그때면 소비에트연방 위성국된지 30년이 넘어서 칭기스칸 격하교육받아서 정작 자국인들도 역사 잘 몰랐을텐데 뜬금없이 독일에서 이 노래가 나왔으니 ㅋ.ㅋ
    글고 몽골은 진짜 대단한 나라같음...그시대는 말할것도없고(지금도 핀란드 터키 헝가리 등등 몽골계통의 후손이 들어가서 사는 나라가 꽤됨) 힘이 약해졌을때도 독재자가 두명이나 연달아 독재를 했어도 피안흘리고 운동권이랑 공산당이 타협해서 민주화하고 ㅋㅋ 외교도 그 두 나라 사이에서 친미라는 독자노선 갈줄알고

    • @user-lc9kq3gk5c
      @user-lc9kq3gk5c 3 года назад

      진정한 징키즈칸의 후예가 부르니 포스가 쩌네요

  • @JossFromAnarchy
    @JossFromAnarchy 4 года назад +2

    Song starts at 0:40. You're welcome.

    @METAGALAXIS04 3 года назад +2

    Really very very good! Excellent

    @METAGALAXIS04 8 дней назад

    2024 BIG LIKE! Very Good!!!!!!!!!!

  • @08_athilailhamzakiwarafi_m51
    @08_athilailhamzakiwarafi_m51 4 года назад +7

    anyone seen this after they play ghost of tsushima?now this make me feel they are real

  • @Attila040
    @Attila040 3 месяца назад

    Маш сайхан дуу !

  • @mechanicclemont4799
    @mechanicclemont4799 3 года назад +2

    Can someone write meaning of this song's lyric in English or Korean???
    누가 가사 의미 한국어나 영어로 써주실 수 있나요???

  • @WildWanderlust55
    @WildWanderlust55 3 года назад +2

    Can anyone write the lyrics here? Thanks

  • @user-vy8xz6lz6w
    @user-vy8xz6lz6w 3 года назад +4

    If there is eng subtitles, i could understand the meaning of this song. All i can catch is Batarr anyway.

    • @mrhawk2051
      @mrhawk2051 3 года назад

      It's all about praising chinggis khaan

    • @user-vy8xz6lz6w
      @user-vy8xz6lz6w 3 года назад +1

      @@mrhawk2051 yea thunders clouds never stopped him and conquered all the girls hail chingis hail right

    @METAGALAXIS04 3 года назад +3


  • @bireitor
    @bireitor 3 года назад +12

    Өглөөний мэнд 日本語とモンゴル語は、語順同じですから、覚えやすいと思います。Япон, монгол хэлний дүрмийн хувьд ижил байдаг.
    Тиймээс япончууд монгол хэлийг англи, орос хэлнээс илүү хурдан сурдаг.

    • @thetheoryofhappiness229
      @thetheoryofhappiness229 3 года назад

      Алтайн язгуурийн хэл гэдэг байх. Япон монгол герман гээд бид дайнч үндэстнүүд. Зөвхөн хэл ч биш түүхийнхээ нилээдгүй хэсгийг дайтаж өнгөрүүлсэн ихэнхидээ ялалт хүртсэн нь адилтгах бас нэг чанар байх. Энэ нь зохион байгуулах чадвар болон үнэнч эрэмгий зантайг илэрхийлнэ.

    • @bireitor
      @bireitor 3 года назад +1

      @@thetheoryofhappiness229 Япон үгс нь Малайо-Полинез хэлтэй нийтлэг шинж чанартай байдаг.
      Энэ нь соёлын хувьд далайн соёл юм.
      Энэ бол өөр тал юм.

    • @gerleable
      @gerleable 3 года назад

      Because Mongolian and Japanese languages are in the same language family: Altai group. Strusture of sentence and word is same that is why it's easier for mongolians to learn Japanese language, I beleive. I also love Japanese language. :-)

    • @bireitor
      @bireitor 3 года назад +1

      Mr.@@gerleable >The difference between Japanese and other Altaic languages is that Japanese is influenced by Malai Polynesia.
      Therefore, the word may be close to the Philippines and Indonesia.
      It's an ocean current relationship.

    • @gerleable
      @gerleable 3 года назад

      @@bireitor I know. Just happy that we are in the same language family. Arigato :-)

  • @starchild1809
    @starchild1809 3 года назад +2


  • @user-hayamimi
    @user-hayamimi 3 года назад +3


  • @ricardoguerrero4574
    @ricardoguerrero4574 2 года назад +2

    Saludos desde Culiacán, Sinaloa, México. He escuchado esta rola en alemán, inglés y portugués. Me gustaría saber en qué lengua canta este grupo y saber también cómo se llaman. Aburr!!!! 😊

    • @Fred-ch2um
      @Fred-ch2um Год назад

      Pues está en "idioma mongol"

  • @jinxhellraiser3989
    @jinxhellraiser3989 5 лет назад +14

    What is the name of the performer of this song? I would love to hear more of his singing!

    • @hopebanuhaqim
      @hopebanuhaqim  5 лет назад +2

      you mean these mongolians? they are actors, if u want the original band then its dschinghis khan

    • @seanbrice738
      @seanbrice738 5 лет назад +1

      I think it's the HU. New Mongolian hunnu rock band. They have two videos out. Yuve Yuve Yu and Wolf Totem. The guys look similar to me anyway.

    • @user-cp5qh5uc9n
      @user-cp5qh5uc9n 5 лет назад +4

      @@seanbrice738 no, they're theatre actors (iirc) like Ugadan said. The HU are totally different people.

    • @werdanvanich1144
      @werdanvanich1144 5 лет назад

      ​@@hopebanuhaqim, write Mongolian words, please! It is very interesting to know what your brothers sing in this song?

    • @sanjadambatsetsegdarima528
      @sanjadambatsetsegdarima528 4 года назад +1

      They are Movie actors

  • @marlenafiguli1272
    @marlenafiguli1272 8 месяцев назад

    Foarte frumos cantec ,bine interpretat !! !

  • @VicmundLim
    @VicmundLim 6 лет назад +15

    Let us conquer again

    • @goldend1104
      @goldend1104 5 лет назад

      Catmund Sebastian Lim and depopulate

    • @VicmundLim
      @VicmundLim 4 года назад

      @@goldend1104 i agree

  • @reneberdugomanga1810
    @reneberdugomanga1810 6 месяцев назад

    Vestuario, escenario pero por sobretodo el idioma 10 de 10

  • @NamBaijimoSach
    @NamBaijimoSach 3 года назад +7

    Why don’t they have this on Spotify yet :-(

    @METAGALAXIS04 3 года назад +1

    I like it very very much! Very good!

  • @arisway2336
    @arisway2336 4 года назад +2


  • @ganchimegbatkhurel5955
    @ganchimegbatkhurel5955 2 года назад +1

    The great Chinggis Khaan of Mongol Empire🇲🇳🇲🇳🇲🇳

  • @baigalibaigali3926
    @baigalibaigali3926 3 года назад +1

    Super love ❤️

  • @TubeLive2009
    @TubeLive2009 3 года назад +4


  • @dinmalikogli5983
    @dinmalikogli5983 2 года назад +1

    Gengis khan was from nomadic Turkic clan called Qiyat(Kiyat) which is spread in Central Asia and Today’s mangolian are Oirats and khele clans who are not mongols actually. Mongol or Mangol is taken from “mangu el “ which means nation of forever

  • @josiahbaker1640
    @josiahbaker1640 3 года назад +5

    mongolian sounds different than i thought

    @METAGALAXIS04 3 года назад +1

    very good! like

  • @YosukeNakane
    @YosukeNakane 3 года назад +5


  • @keelieinwonderland
    @keelieinwonderland 4 года назад +1

    There really good singers

  • @star_seeker-qz5pi
    @star_seeker-qz5pi 3 года назад +2

    Its marverous!

  • @Seljuk_Dynasty
    @Seljuk_Dynasty Год назад

    Ok this is Incredible

  • @MikeYag
    @MikeYag 7 лет назад +6

    Монгол шуудан 8-)

  • @user-DHEUWODN
    @user-DHEUWODN 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @rickrickrick5317
    @rickrickrick5317 7 лет назад +10

    Саин баина!

  • @ygjt76v0-----
    @ygjt76v0----- 3 года назад +2

    This great no war and conquer again 😀 and happy togheter

  • @tngri2003
    @tngri2003 3 года назад

    Уг нь Чингис хааны нэрийг гутаадаг балай дуу даа

  • @hmongmovementhmongerahli7465
    @hmongmovementhmongerahli7465 6 лет назад +4

    Rally all Mong/Hmong from all 4 corners.