Our German Shepherd is an LGD. He's an excellent protector for them because he's larger and more muscular than most GSDs, and a huge theft deterrent as well, but his breed specific quirk is that he doesn't like to be away from us too much. GSDs we're used as herding dogs and LGDs a hundred years ago, but they're also a very people oriented breed. Fortunately, our goats don't like to wander too far from us either. So they all typically stick around the acreage surrounding our house.
Thank you both.
Our German Shepherd is an LGD. He's an excellent protector for them because he's larger and more muscular than most GSDs, and a huge theft deterrent as well, but his breed specific quirk is that he doesn't like to be away from us too much. GSDs we're used as herding dogs and LGDs a hundred years ago, but they're also a very people oriented breed. Fortunately, our goats don't like to wander too far from us either. So they all typically stick around the acreage surrounding our house.
I bred my big game hounds to be excellent lgds
LGDs are high prey drive high defense drive
The fostering trait is unrelated
Can you point me to some resources backing what you're suggesting? Just curious and just now learning about LGDs