in the old Slavic tradition, 12 dishes appear on the table, and the additional cover was for the spirits of the ancestors. Fortune was told from the hay under the tablecloth - whoever pulls out the longest straw will have the best year
Hello Rob, you have very nice jumper. Today on Christmas Eve we are going to have: fruit compote, krokiety with mashroom, pierogi, cabbage with mushroom, carp, mirin, cod, herring, mushroom in linseed oil, beetrot barszcz and sweet makowiec, sernik, miodownik. And it all together gives 12 dishes I think. Happy Christmas to Everyone ❤
Nobody eats sturgeon for Christmas. It's fish as we don't eat meat on Christmas eve. We have mushrooms, beetroot or fish soup depending on region. 12 dishes - 12 apostles, easy.
Tradycyjnie w Polsce do XVIII w. był to sandacz lub szczupak. Od XIX w. jest to karp. Bardzo popularne są mintaj i dorsz. Po raz pierwszy widzę jesiotra. To chyba dlatego że to jest restauracja
🎄 Piękna jest radość w Święta . Ciepłe są myśli o bliskich . Niech pokój , miłość i szczęście otoczy dziś nas wszystkich . Zdrowych Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia oraz dużo szczęścia w Nowym Roku 2025 życzę nam wszystkim.🎄 Jak nakazuje nasza polska tradycja wirtualnie dzielę się z Wami wszystkimi opłatkiem . Dla tych co nie wiedzą to tylko my Polacy mamy taką tradycję .Katolicy w Stanach nie znają tego i czasem przejmują od nas te piękną tradycje .🎄
Merry Christmas Rob! Why 12 dishes? An old tradition. There has to be something from the meadow/field, from the forest, from the river and from the orchard. Hence, mushrooms, dried fruit, carp, potatoes, etc.
If you want to understand the meaning behind holiday traditions, I also recommend exploring something that describes Slavic traditions. For example, the hay under the tablecloth, the place set for a stranger (in pre-Christian times, it was meant for the spirit of an ancestor), or the podłaźniczka-before the Christmas tree came to us from Germany around the 15th century, we used to hang spruce branches from the ceiling (you can still find these in open-air museums or old photos). Happy holidays!
Zawsze jest 12 potraw i zawsze się zjada najbardziej lubię barszcz z uszkami i strucle makową ❤ , 24 grudnia spędza się czas z najbliższą rodziną na przykład siostrą bratem a 25 i 26 jedzie się do cioci wujka babci i trochę dalszej rodziny ❤❤❤
My grandfather said that keeping the carp in the bathtub for few days makes better taste. Thats beacause this fish lives on the bottom so you have to "clean up" the meat. Long story short fresh water and no food till the end. Happy New Year ! ;)
I like how the captions spruced up the chef's speech at 1:15. What he actually said is more like "These dishes- there's actually twelve dishes, which according to some traditions, there's- there should be twelve dishes on the Christmas Eve table. Each dish corresponds to one month of the year." He doesn't actually mention the Last Supper at all.
Vodka is drunk on Christmas Eve in few Polish homes (and if so, it is rather a colorful flavored vodka or some fruit liqueur), if there is alcohol, it is rather wine or honey (Slavic alcohol based on honey, in Polish tradition has many types) or beer, e.g. mulled beer with cloves and other spices.
We have a very small celebration at home, so we stick to the tradition by counting things like bread, potatoes, butter, even salt 😅 we can’t otherwise stick to it and we want to - it’s just a fun tradition that reminds me of the family who’s no longer with us. Half of my family believes, half doesn’t, but those traditions have morphed from religious to cultural and family for us :) Merry Christmas, Rob!
In Poland at least the part my family originated from, children believe in Gwiazdor not Santa. It was like that in my family for as long as Poles celebrate Christmas and probably since Poland was Christened. Because history of my family is very well documented, I`m pretty sure of that. Our traditions are very important to us and always were. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I always wait for Christmas eve and I make sure that it`s beautiful Polish festivity is well preserved. Me and my husband we always are sticking to Polish traditions even though we live outside Poland already for many many years. 12 dishes every year is a must. As for poppy seed cake... we use Polish poppies that are cultivated in Poland, a modern variety that does not contains opium. You can eat as much as you want without worries...
In Poland, we start the Celebration of Christmas with Christmas Eve and we recognize St Stephens Day as the second day of Christmas. On Christmas Day we do loads of other dishes mostly meat and other desserts. So the food is bountiful.
BEZ wiary Katolickiej WIGILIA nie ma sensu..... ZOBACZ jak o POLNOCY dzieci i dorosli spiewajac witaja narodziny BOGA, PANA JEZUSA Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia
Even if you don't believe in God (like me), the wafer is a symbol of forgiveness and reconciliation. So in my opinion, this is the most beautiful symbol of Christmas.
Pff.. noone eats sturgeon on Christmas Eve. Here in Silesia we eat cabbage with mushrooms, cabbage with peas, smoked fruit compot, carp, potatoes, mushroom/fish/barszcz soup, makówki, pierogi with cabbage and mushrooms and that's it.
I'd call myself fairly religious person, but my definition of Christmas is mostly: We all agreed to be happy in this time. As for the dishes, my family isn't that big so we stick to a 'modified' list of dishes, which I believe most people do nowadays, but there's always around 12 ^^
Narodzenie Jezusa to przełomowy moment w dziejach ludzkości. Drugim jest Zmartwychwstanie Wielkanoc . Wydarzenia te dały początek wielkiej cywilizacji Zachodu.
@@RobReacts1 This is a symbolic date and it doesn't really matter whether it's a month earlier or later. The Christmas Eve from the movie only shows the culinary aspect, but it's a deeply religious holiday. The Christmas Eve dinner begins with a prayer and reading a fragment of the Holy Scriptures about the birth of Christ. Then there's the sharing of the Christmas wafer, dinner, presents, singing carols together. And at midnight, the solemn midnight mass in the church.
Some dishes are associated with specific meanings related to events from the life of Christ. Others are simply tradition. It is important in Poland to eat Lenten dishes during Christmas Eve dinner. In total, if you count dried fruit compote (also a Polish Christmas Eve tradition) or starters and side dishes, a special sweet bread called challah - "chałka" (eaten on special days by Poles and Polish Jews, and now also Jews in Israel or in the USA in families of former Polish Jews) as a dish, then it is easy to reach a minimum of 12 traditional dishes, or even more than 20. For example: 1 red borscht with "uszka" (tiny, extremely delicate and very tasty dumplings with forest mushrooms) or mushroom soup (from forest mushrooms) or turtle soup (traditional on Christmas Eve among Polish nobility, my grandmother ate it every Christmas Eve in her childhood, before the war) 2. boiled sauerkraut with peas and cumin or boiled sauerkraut with forest mushrooms and cumin - - both dishes are very delicate, aromatic and tasty 3. traditional vegetable salad with mayonnaise 4-7. appetizers, additions to other dishes (such as pickled cucumbers, marinated plums, marinated (or in sweet marinade) pumpkin, specially prepared boiled beetroot with horseradish, spicy and delicious. 8-9 - at least two types of herring from 2 aromatic groups: pickled and in oil dressing herrings (and there may be more) plus boiled potatoes in their skins 10. carp in aspic or fried carp, or both 11. Dried fruit compote 12. challah- chałka 14-18 - cakes and coffee, tea. And there may also be kutia (its base is wheat grains, honey, poppy seeds), delicate pasta with poppy seeds and honey as well as with nuts and almonds, other Christmas Eve fish, such as trout or pike (e.g., a dish called "pike in the Polish style", known since the 15th century, made in gingerbread spice), and of course cakes, such as gingerbread, poppy seed cake and cheesecake with raisins, nuts and almonds (traditional Polish Christmas cakes).
A najpiękniejsze w Polsce jest to, że każdy region etniczny i każda klasa społeczna miały swoje obyczaje, swoje potrawy a nawet różną ilość dań. A część potraw ma przedchrześcijańskie, obrzędowe znaczenie i wiąże sie z kultem zmarłych.... Tylko biały, przaśny chleb- opłatek- był wszędzie, na każdym stole.
@@mariatomczyk8553 Region etniczny??? Ty wiesz, co to znaczy? Zresztą w Polsce od 1945 r. nie ma juz regionów etnicznych, sa co najwyżej bardzo nieliczne regiony, gdzie mieszkaja przedstawiciele mniejszości etnicznych, otoczeni w tych regionach oceanem Polaków.
@alh6255 chodzi Ci chyba o mniejszości narodowe? Ja natomiast piszę o etnografii....o grupach etnicznych zamieszkujacych od wieków różne regiony Polski. Ja piszę o Góralach, Kujawiakach, Kaszubach, Wielkopolanach, Ślązakach, Łowiczanach, Lachach Sądeckich, Krakowiakach...... A prawie każda z tych grup etnicznych ma wiele odrebnych podgrup.... a co za tym idzie odrębnych ubiorów, zwyczajów i.... potraw podawanych na stół w czasie Wieczerzy Wigilijnej! Nie ma w Polsce ujednoliconego wzorca Wigilii.
@alh6255 patrz Pan... i wszystkie studia etnograficzne do zaorania! A tacy architekci jak choćby Pitoń to pewnie powinni być z Polski wyrzuceni bo im się zachciewa zachowywać regionalne, a więc etniczne, cechy we współczesnych projektach. A przymus jedzenia 12 potraw na Wigilię powinien być prawnie narzucony a do tego ich listę powinna kontrolować policja? Polska to bardzo różnorodny etnicznie kraj z wieloma odrębnymi grupami etnicznymi, odmiennymi obyczajami, muzyka, strojami, architektura, gwarą..... a Tobie to się chyba etnografia trochę myli z mniejszościami narodowymi (które też zresztą mają swój odrębny etnos).
Rob, Santa Claus in Poland comes to us on 6th of December. Then around Christmas he is still messing around :) but in different parts of Poland it looks little bit different. Some people "belive" that Santa is bringing gifts and presents, but somewhere else this is "Star Man" - there is no simple translation for that. We say "gwiazdor", but if you translate it straight that means movie star, which makes no sense in this matter. In eastern parts of Poland people say "dziadek mróz", name comes from Russian and means "Jack Frost", but we are thinking more about Grandpa Frost, something like that.
Gwiazdor chodził- z upominkami i rózgą- po domach w Wielkopolsce na wiele, wiele dziesiątków lat przed pojawieniem się pierwszego gwiazdora filmowego- a więc to "gwiazdor filmowy" jest bez sensu 😉
Dziadka mroza to wymyślili bolszewicy a nie tradycja wschodnią i w Polsce po wojnie w czasach stalinowskich też próbowano taką narrację narzucić ,a pośrednikiem darczyńcy był wujek Stalin .
I don't stick with 12 dishes, but there is one thing you need to know. This is not 12 dishes in the way probably you mean :) As a dish we count for example any cakes and sweet pies etc. As a dish we count special drink made from smoked and dried froots like an apple, pear and plums. So if you count everything, you can reach 12 in some families. But depends on how big familly is, how many people sits around the table. In my home, we are in 5-6 persons, and there is no point to cook 12 dishes. This year we've had 7 or 8. That's it. But this is Poland :) We got separate dishes for Christmas 25th and 26th. Meat possible, so we got some more for those days, like hunters stew, kind of sunday roast (roasted beef or pork), cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and minced meat (probably you ate this), we call them GOŁĄBKI (we pour kind of gravy made from forest mushrooms on the top). Rolled crêpe, but filled first with minced meat, or sourcraut with mushrooms, then rolled and fried on pan), etc. many many more :)
Why its Fish? Because fish is a symbol of Christianity. Few years ago the star constellation was fish so recently we have lived more than 2000 years in the period of the fish. Just few years ago the star constellation changed or better it moved forward. Now we are in the period of Aquarius. What is interesting. When one of the students asked Jesus . (Lord how long you will stay with us? Jesus responded. If you take a look at the sky and you will see the man with the water jar until this time I will be with you). What means the time of Christianity is facing its end but let’s see. Anyway fish (the past period) was with the cross the symbol of Christianity and I think apostle Petrus was also a fisherman
About 10 years ago I decided to push stomachs to the nth and makes & eat as many dishes as we could muster at Wigilia. The white flag of surrender went up at the 9th dish. I've pared it back to 4 or 5 dishes now and that's manageable both in terms of time taken to prep, cook & serve the food but also in terms of the wasteline. There's a bit more room for Christmas lunch the next day as well and the whole experience is better
Witaj ROB. Napisze tak że karp nie musi być na wigilie ale u mnie jest plus inna ryba. Potrawy są takie same ale trochę się różnią zależy od regionu POLSKI. W moim są tradycyjne staropolskie .WESOŁYCH ŚWIAT.
The Christmas Eve Supper has two restrictions when it comes to preparing it: There should be no non-fish meat, and there should be twelve dishes. The definition of what is a distinct "dish" is pretty loose, though - the three ways of preparing herring at the restaurant in the video are three separate dishes. There is no specific list of mandatory dishes, but some are common. Some form of carp is traditional, as you said yourself, through people seldom keep a live one in their bathtub for a few days before Christmas Eve. Some form of herring is common, as herring is widely available for purchase. Barszcz z uszkami is traditional. Some form of pierogi is traditional, typically with a cabbage and mushroom filling because that one is guaranteed to be meat-free. The dried fruit kompot is traditional, it's a drink. The list of twelve dishes includes dessert, so the poppy seed roll and kutia are traditional. That's seven. Some everyday recipes can be modified to be meatless for Christmas Eve. Meatless żurek, meatless gołąbki (cabbage leaves wrapped around a filling - the meatless filling tends to be kasha and mushrooms), meatless croquettes (crepe-wrapped filling). Some classic recipes are already meatless, like salad Olivier or coulibiac. There's also Greek-style fish (not sure if any Greek person has ever heard of it), there's stewed cabbage with pease, there's mushroom soup, there's multiple ways of preparing carp or herring, and you can say that the basket of sliced bread served on the supper table is a dish. There's more than twelve possibilities, so households could change their menu from year to year if they wanted - the lady at 7:21 wouldn't as she clearly has things figured out, but the option exists. It's kind of funny how the restriction to fish at most has shaken out. In medieval times, fish were common and land animals were more precious - hunting down a game bird or slaughtering a chicken were acts of luxury that your feudal lord could've been leery of, not to mention slaughtering pigs or cattle. The first crowned king of Poland, Bolesław the Brave, stressed the importance of fasting a lot, to the point of punishing fast-breakers by sending his men to knock their teeth out by force. The point was to be humble and refrain from luxuries - and now, in the modern day, some fish tend to be quite expensive, and yet there's no issue with slamming down a hunk of salmon on the Christmas Eve table - it's fish, so it fits within the restrictions.
Merry christmas 4:00 its more like WE WAS ANGRY ON EACH OTHER 2 HOURS AGO BUT NOW - crack this ,,oplatek,, (i forgot translation xd) and - zycze ci zdrowia szczęścia pomyślności i dużo radości AND THATS IT and to anorher member of family
I was hating trat tradition but now I LIKE IT why BECAUSE IM ADDING MY WORDS - to my mother ŻYCZĘ CI SPOKOJU BYŚ SIĘ WKOŃCU WYSPAŁA I MNIEJ MARUDZIŁA NA RESZTĘ RODZINY - to father - OBYŚ WBIŁ MASTERA W LOLU (master in lol) ZDAŁ SZKOŁĘ I ZNALAZŁ WKOŃCU JAKĄŚ DZIEWCZYNĘ (meet a girl in ,,polish styl,, haha) AND THATS WHY I LIKE THIS😅😅 because i can say BECAUSE OF TRADITION what i want yo say 🙂😂
I can't stand that: We don't eat meat in wigilia. And fish is damn plant? But thanks to EU and tax reasons, snail is a fish now... Anyways... Happy Christmas to You and Charlie. Thanks for video.
There is no meat on Christmas Eve, because is the last evening of the Advent Lent - dishes are made of fish, mushrooms, poopy seeds, cheese, beetroot, cabbage etc. In the past those dishes were very cheap and easy to afford for poor people. Anyone could just go for fishing at the river or lake. Most homes Carp, Herring, Sardines, Salmon (Tuna?) is must appear on the table. This evening dinner is to waiting for Jesus to be born. Lots of families are going to the church for the special service at middle of the night. If that is no available then they need to go for two separate Masses on 24th and 25th of Dec. 25th is first day of Christmas and people can eat meat. Some of traditions are adapted to Christianity from pagan times and Slavs had many traditions and beliefs. Without those customs there will be no Catholic Church in Poland. Best example and explanation are included in “Dziady” by Adam Mickiewicz.
@@TodayTomorrowMusick Szanuj innych ludzi a nie pisz w co mają wierzyć. Każdy robi to w zgodzie ze sobą i własnym sumieniem. Piszesz: my... wy...Nie dziel ludzi. Ludzie powinni żyć zgodnie razem.
@@TodayTomorrowMusick Oczywiście, że napisałeś. I bez agresji słownej, proszę. No ale jak brak argumentów... Nie będę sobie twoją osobą psuć Świąt. Żegnam.
The holy family was poor. The Apostles and Last Supper did not come into the picture until Christ was in public ministry. Excess and feasting have overtaken the deeply profound moment and place of Christ's birth and what those crazy times were like. I do not know that true forgiveness is extended at the sharing of Oplatek. Rather, it is good wishes of some sort. It would be awesome to practice humility and authentic forgiveness to honor God during its sharing. I hope the Wigilia meal can return to a humble celebration of gratitude for God in His intense and immeasurable love for His children -- His coming as human and divine to offer salvation. He wants us with Him in eternity. It is a beautiful tradition when celebrated in a more humble way. A silent night. The opening of presents should revert back to the Feast of St. Nick or wait until the Feast of Three Kings. The Magi came when Jesus was about two years old. We should all remember those who have nothing at these times of celebration and feasting. 😔
Wesołych Świąt Rob! Czy wierzysz czy są święta Bożego Narodzenia. Nie wiem dlaczego świętują to ludzie niewierzący...pewnie po prostu dla nich to dzień spotkania z rodziną i miła tradycja.
The 12 dishes, as far as I'm concerned, is a uniquely Polish thing that comes from Nobility and their customs... Namely that they really cared abotu appearances, so the custom was to prepare way more food than needed for a dinner with guests. So six people would need 24 meals. Why? Image. The most attractive image a man could have was that of wealth and generosity
Why do you wear a Christmas sweater if you are an atheist and don't believe? Christmas is the celebrate birth of Jesus Christ. And if you don't believe in him, This is weird and doesn't make any sense❤
Well it's now just tradition for family and friends getting together, giving gifts etc. you do realise that if there was a jesus of Nazareth that he wasn't actually born on December 25th right??
@@RobReacts1 atheists made up the idea that they wanted to meet their family and get gifts, which is ridiculous to me. and I may think about it differently, sorry.
noticed that no one mentioned this wiglia has 12 dishes but no meat and why? well for one it goes back to pagan time from fasting and meat being forbiden..and some myths explain it that animals become sentient and eating them would be like eating human.
wigilia is always on Christmas Eve, it is meatless.Christmas Day you eat meat whatever you like or what budget allows .usually several types of meat.beautiful roast, goose, duck, turkey and ham.
Listen, dear wise guy, do yourself and us a favor and stop spouting irresponsible nonsense that something is or isn't, because you think so authoritatively. Have a little tact and say "I think that..., or in my opinion, etc." Jesus Christ is a historical figure, whether you like it or not. We count the years before and after Christ. Nobody made this up for fun. Rather say that you don't believe that he is the Son of God, but don't say that he never existed. And don't show satisfaction that there are fewer and fewer believers in "fairy tales." The Catholic Church had its ups and downs. It was like that for over 2,000 years and it will continue to be like that.
Merry Christmass Rob, thank you for content that you do. Please don't stop !
in the old Slavic tradition, 12 dishes appear on the table, and the additional cover was for the spirits of the ancestors. Fortune was told from the hay under the tablecloth - whoever pulls out the longest straw will have the best year
if not the disease called christianity we would have much richer traditions :(
Hello Rob, you have very nice jumper. Today on Christmas Eve we are going to have: fruit compote, krokiety with mashroom, pierogi, cabbage with mushroom, carp, mirin, cod, herring, mushroom in linseed oil, beetrot barszcz and sweet makowiec, sernik, miodownik. And it all together gives 12 dishes I think. Happy Christmas to Everyone ❤
Nobody eats sturgeon for Christmas. It's fish as we don't eat meat on Christmas eve. We have mushrooms, beetroot or fish soup depending on region. 12 dishes - 12 apostles, easy.
Tradycyjnie w Polsce do XVIII w. był to sandacz lub szczupak. Od XIX w. jest to karp. Bardzo popularne są mintaj i dorsz. Po raz pierwszy widzę jesiotra. To chyba dlatego że to jest restauracja
🎄 Piękna jest radość w Święta . Ciepłe są myśli o bliskich . Niech pokój , miłość i szczęście otoczy dziś nas wszystkich . Zdrowych Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia oraz dużo szczęścia w Nowym Roku 2025 życzę nam wszystkim.🎄 Jak nakazuje nasza polska tradycja wirtualnie dzielę się z Wami wszystkimi opłatkiem . Dla tych co nie wiedzą to tylko my Polacy mamy taką tradycję .Katolicy w Stanach nie znają tego i czasem przejmują od nas te piękną tradycje .🎄
Merry Christmas Rob! Why 12 dishes? An old tradition. There has to be something from the meadow/field, from the forest, from the river and from the orchard. Hence, mushrooms, dried fruit, carp, potatoes, etc.
If you want to understand the meaning behind holiday traditions, I also recommend exploring something that describes Slavic traditions. For example, the hay under the tablecloth, the place set for a stranger (in pre-Christian times, it was meant for the spirit of an ancestor), or the podłaźniczka-before the Christmas tree came to us from Germany around the 15th century, we used to hang spruce branches from the ceiling (you can still find these in open-air museums or old photos). Happy holidays!
Zawsze jest 12 potraw i zawsze się zjada najbardziej lubię barszcz z uszkami i strucle makową ❤ , 24 grudnia spędza się czas z najbliższą rodziną na przykład siostrą bratem a 25 i 26 jedzie się do cioci wujka babci i trochę dalszej rodziny ❤❤❤
My grandfather said that keeping the carp in the bathtub for few days makes better taste. Thats beacause this fish lives on the bottom so you have to "clean up" the meat. Long story short fresh water and no food till the end. Happy New Year ! ;)
I like how the captions spruced up the chef's speech at 1:15. What he actually said is more like "These dishes- there's actually twelve dishes, which according to some traditions, there's- there should be twelve dishes on the Christmas Eve table. Each dish corresponds to one month of the year." He doesn't actually mention the Last Supper at all.
Ale sekundę później wspomina o tym obraz Ostatniej Wieczerzy.
Actually, he mentioned the Last Supper a a moment later
@@alh6255The one mentioning the Last Supper a moment later is the narrator, not the chef, right?
❤❤❤ Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️Rob
Vodka is drunk on Christmas Eve in few Polish homes (and if so, it is rather a colorful flavored vodka or some fruit liqueur), if there is alcohol, it is rather wine or honey (Slavic alcohol based on honey, in Polish tradition has many types) or beer, e.g. mulled beer with cloves and other spices.
We have a very small celebration at home, so we stick to the tradition by counting things like bread, potatoes, butter, even salt 😅 we can’t otherwise stick to it and we want to - it’s just a fun tradition that reminds me of the family who’s no longer with us. Half of my family believes, half doesn’t, but those traditions have morphed from religious to cultural and family for us :)
Merry Christmas, Rob!
Merry Christmas 🎉 Wesołych Świąt 😊
Rob! Wesołych Świąt, żebyś odpoczął. 😊
In Poland at least the part my family originated from, children believe in Gwiazdor not Santa. It was like that in my family for as long as Poles celebrate Christmas and probably since Poland was Christened. Because history of my family is very well documented, I`m pretty sure of that. Our traditions are very important to us and always were. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I always wait for Christmas eve and I make sure that it`s beautiful Polish festivity is well preserved. Me and my husband we always are sticking to Polish traditions even though we live outside Poland already for many many years. 12 dishes every year is a must. As for poppy seed cake... we use Polish poppies that are cultivated in Poland, a modern variety that does not contains opium. You can eat as much as you want without worries...
Im Silesian and over here its always been either little angel (aniołek) or baby jesus (dzieciątko). Santa brings gifts on 6th of December.
In Poland, we start the Celebration of Christmas with Christmas Eve and we recognize St Stephens Day as the second day of Christmas. On Christmas Day we do loads of other dishes mostly meat and other desserts. So the food is bountiful.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Wow! This jumper 👍🙌👏
Merry Christmas Rob!!!
Wesołych świąt ❄️🎄☃️🎄❄️
The lack of fish in tub is due to some law regulations banning selling living fish. Merry Christmas
BEZ wiary Katolickiej WIGILIA nie ma sensu..... ZOBACZ jak o POLNOCY dzieci i dorosli spiewajac witaja narodziny BOGA, PANA JEZUSA Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia
Merry Christmas Rob❤🎅🎄
Even if you don't believe in God (like me), the wafer is a symbol of forgiveness and reconciliation. So in my opinion, this is the most beautiful symbol of Christmas.
This very old tradition- Italians have many dishes as well
Pff.. noone eats sturgeon on Christmas Eve. Here in Silesia we eat cabbage with mushrooms, cabbage with peas, smoked fruit compot, carp, potatoes, mushroom/fish/barszcz soup, makówki, pierogi with cabbage and mushrooms and that's it.
12 dishes 12 Apostles- 12 months in the year
Merry Christmas Rob 🎄from Łódź 🌠🎄
Merry Christmas Rob, Cheers 🎄🎄
The fish is also a symbol of the first Christians. The Apostles were fishermen before Christ called them.
I'd call myself fairly religious person, but my definition of Christmas is mostly: We all agreed to be happy in this time.
As for the dishes, my family isn't that big so we stick to a 'modified' list of dishes, which I believe most people do nowadays, but there's always around 12 ^^
Merry Christmas 🎄
Happy New Year 🍾🤩
Narodzenie Jezusa to przełomowy moment w dziejach ludzkości. Drugim jest Zmartwychwstanie Wielkanoc . Wydarzenia te dały początek wielkiej cywilizacji Zachodu.
But if jesus of Nazareth was born, it was probably in September
@@RobReacts1 This is a symbolic date and it doesn't really matter whether it's a month earlier or later. The Christmas Eve from the movie only shows the culinary aspect, but it's a deeply religious holiday. The Christmas Eve dinner begins with a prayer and reading a fragment of the Holy Scriptures about the birth of Christ. Then there's the sharing of the Christmas wafer, dinner, presents, singing carols together. And at midnight, the solemn midnight mass in the church.
Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy New Year 2025 from Chicago 🎉🎆
Some dishes are associated with specific meanings related to events from the life of Christ. Others are simply tradition. It is important in Poland to eat Lenten dishes during Christmas Eve dinner. In total, if you count dried fruit compote (also a Polish Christmas Eve tradition) or starters and side dishes, a special sweet bread called challah - "chałka" (eaten on special days by Poles and Polish Jews, and now also Jews in Israel or in the USA in families of former Polish Jews) as a dish, then it is easy to reach a minimum of 12 traditional dishes, or even more than 20. For example:
1 red borscht with "uszka" (tiny, extremely delicate and very tasty dumplings with forest mushrooms) or mushroom soup (from forest mushrooms) or turtle soup (traditional on Christmas Eve among Polish nobility, my grandmother ate it every Christmas Eve in her childhood, before the war)
2. boiled sauerkraut with peas and cumin or boiled sauerkraut with forest mushrooms and cumin - - both dishes are very delicate, aromatic and tasty
3. traditional vegetable salad with mayonnaise
4-7. appetizers, additions to other dishes (such as pickled cucumbers, marinated plums, marinated (or in sweet marinade) pumpkin, specially prepared boiled beetroot with horseradish, spicy and delicious.
8-9 - at least two types of herring from 2 aromatic groups: pickled and in oil dressing herrings (and there may be more) plus boiled potatoes in their skins
10. carp in aspic or fried carp, or both
11. Dried fruit compote
12. challah- chałka
14-18 - cakes and coffee, tea.
And there may also be kutia (its base is wheat grains, honey, poppy seeds), delicate pasta with poppy seeds and honey as well as with nuts and almonds, other Christmas Eve fish, such as trout or pike (e.g., a dish called "pike in the Polish style", known since the 15th century, made in gingerbread spice), and of course cakes, such as gingerbread, poppy seed cake and cheesecake with raisins, nuts and almonds (traditional Polish Christmas cakes).
A najpiękniejsze w Polsce jest to, że każdy region etniczny i każda klasa społeczna miały swoje obyczaje, swoje potrawy a nawet różną ilość dań.
A część potraw ma przedchrześcijańskie, obrzędowe znaczenie i wiąże sie z kultem zmarłych....
Tylko biały, przaśny chleb- opłatek- był wszędzie, na każdym stole.
@@mariatomczyk8553 Region etniczny??? Ty wiesz, co to znaczy? Zresztą w Polsce od 1945 r. nie ma juz regionów etnicznych, sa co najwyżej bardzo nieliczne regiony, gdzie mieszkaja przedstawiciele mniejszości etnicznych, otoczeni w tych regionach oceanem Polaków.
@alh6255 chodzi Ci chyba o mniejszości narodowe?
Ja natomiast piszę o etnografii....o grupach etnicznych zamieszkujacych od wieków różne regiony Polski. Ja piszę o Góralach, Kujawiakach, Kaszubach, Wielkopolanach, Ślązakach, Łowiczanach, Lachach Sądeckich, Krakowiakach......
A prawie każda z tych grup etnicznych ma wiele odrebnych podgrup.... a co za tym idzie odrębnych ubiorów, zwyczajów i.... potraw podawanych na stół w czasie Wieczerzy Wigilijnej!
Nie ma w Polsce ujednoliconego wzorca Wigilii.
@alh6255 patrz Pan... i wszystkie studia etnograficzne do zaorania!
A tacy architekci jak choćby Pitoń to pewnie powinni być z Polski wyrzuceni bo im się zachciewa zachowywać regionalne, a więc etniczne, cechy we współczesnych projektach.
A przymus jedzenia 12 potraw na Wigilię powinien być prawnie narzucony a do tego ich listę powinna kontrolować policja?
Polska to bardzo różnorodny etnicznie kraj z wieloma odrębnymi grupami etnicznymi, odmiennymi obyczajami, muzyka, strojami, architektura, gwarą..... a Tobie to się chyba etnografia trochę myli z mniejszościami narodowymi (które też zresztą mają swój odrębny etnos).
@@mariatomczyk8553 uzywasz pojęc, których nie rozumiesz
Wesołych Świąt 🎄
Merry Christmas
Rob, Santa Claus in Poland comes to us on 6th of December. Then around Christmas he is still messing around :) but in different parts of Poland it looks little bit different. Some people "belive" that Santa is bringing gifts and presents, but somewhere else this is "Star Man" - there is no simple translation for that. We say "gwiazdor", but if you translate it straight that means movie star, which makes no sense in this matter. In eastern parts of Poland people say "dziadek mróz", name comes from Russian and means "Jack Frost", but we are thinking more about Grandpa Frost, something like that.
Gwiazdor chodził- z upominkami i rózgą- po domach w Wielkopolsce na wiele, wiele dziesiątków lat przed pojawieniem się pierwszego gwiazdora filmowego- a więc to "gwiazdor filmowy" jest bez sensu 😉
In Upper Silesia, Saint Nicholas ("Santa Claus") brings gifts on December 6th, and on Christmas Eve, the Baby Jesus "brings" presents 😊
Dziadka mroza to wymyślili bolszewicy a nie tradycja wschodnią i w Polsce po wojnie w czasach stalinowskich też próbowano taką narrację narzucić ,a pośrednikiem darczyńcy był wujek Stalin .
Wesołych Świąt !! 🎄 🎄 🎄
Merry Christmas🎄 I'm only eat pierogi, bigos and mushroom soup on Wigilia. I don't it fishes.
I don't stick with 12 dishes, but there is one thing you need to know. This is not 12 dishes in the way probably you mean :) As a dish we count for example any cakes and sweet pies etc. As a dish we count special drink made from smoked and dried froots like an apple, pear and plums. So if you count everything, you can reach 12 in some families. But depends on how big familly is, how many people sits around the table. In my home, we are in 5-6 persons, and there is no point to cook 12 dishes. This year we've had 7 or 8. That's it. But this is Poland :) We got separate dishes for Christmas 25th and 26th. Meat possible, so we got some more for those days, like hunters stew, kind of sunday roast (roasted beef or pork), cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and minced meat (probably you ate this), we call them GOŁĄBKI (we pour kind of gravy made from forest mushrooms on the top). Rolled crêpe, but filled first with minced meat, or sourcraut with mushrooms, then rolled and fried on pan), etc. many many more :)
Merry Christmas☃️🌲❄️🎁🙂
Wesołych Świąt :)
Wesołych świąt 🎄🎄🎄
Why its Fish? Because fish is a symbol of Christianity. Few years ago the star constellation was fish so recently we have lived more than 2000 years in the period of the fish. Just few years ago the star constellation changed or better it moved forward. Now we are in the period of Aquarius. What is interesting. When one of the students asked Jesus . (Lord how long you will stay with us? Jesus responded. If you take a look at the sky and you will see the man with the water jar until this time I will be with you). What means the time of Christianity is facing its end but let’s see. Anyway fish (the past period) was with the cross the symbol of Christianity and I think apostle Petrus was also a fisherman
Rob, before you visit KATOWICE, put these two restaurants on your MUST VISIT list: ŻUROWNIA, ŚLĄSKA PROHIBICJA. Outstanding quality and taste.
About 10 years ago I decided to push stomachs to the nth and makes & eat as many dishes as we could muster at Wigilia. The white flag of surrender went up at the 9th dish. I've pared it back to 4 or 5 dishes now and that's manageable both in terms of time taken to prep, cook & serve the food but also in terms of the wasteline. There's a bit more room for Christmas lunch the next day as well and the whole experience is better
Witaj ROB. Napisze tak że karp nie musi być na wigilie ale u mnie jest plus inna ryba. Potrawy są takie same ale trochę się różnią zależy od regionu POLSKI. W moim są tradycyjne staropolskie .WESOŁYCH ŚWIAT.
The Christmas Eve Supper has two restrictions when it comes to preparing it: There should be no non-fish meat, and there should be twelve dishes. The definition of what is a distinct "dish" is pretty loose, though - the three ways of preparing herring at the restaurant in the video are three separate dishes. There is no specific list of mandatory dishes, but some are common.
Some form of carp is traditional, as you said yourself, through people seldom keep a live one in their bathtub for a few days before Christmas Eve. Some form of herring is common, as herring is widely available for purchase. Barszcz z uszkami is traditional. Some form of pierogi is traditional, typically with a cabbage and mushroom filling because that one is guaranteed to be meat-free. The dried fruit kompot is traditional, it's a drink. The list of twelve dishes includes dessert, so the poppy seed roll and kutia are traditional. That's seven.
Some everyday recipes can be modified to be meatless for Christmas Eve. Meatless żurek, meatless gołąbki (cabbage leaves wrapped around a filling - the meatless filling tends to be kasha and mushrooms), meatless croquettes (crepe-wrapped filling). Some classic recipes are already meatless, like salad Olivier or coulibiac.
There's also Greek-style fish (not sure if any Greek person has ever heard of it), there's stewed cabbage with pease, there's mushroom soup, there's multiple ways of preparing carp or herring, and you can say that the basket of sliced bread served on the supper table is a dish. There's more than twelve possibilities, so households could change their menu from year to year if they wanted - the lady at 7:21 wouldn't as she clearly has things figured out, but the option exists.
It's kind of funny how the restriction to fish at most has shaken out. In medieval times, fish were common and land animals were more precious - hunting down a game bird or slaughtering a chicken were acts of luxury that your feudal lord could've been leery of, not to mention slaughtering pigs or cattle. The first crowned king of Poland, Bolesław the Brave, stressed the importance of fasting a lot, to the point of punishing fast-breakers by sending his men to knock their teeth out by force. The point was to be humble and refrain from luxuries - and now, in the modern day, some fish tend to be quite expensive, and yet there's no issue with slamming down a hunk of salmon on the Christmas Eve table - it's fish, so it fits within the restrictions.
W tym roku tak się zdarzyło, że tak ale nie zawsze tak jest. 😀❤
Merry christmas 4:00 its more like WE WAS ANGRY ON EACH OTHER 2 HOURS AGO BUT NOW - crack this ,,oplatek,, (i forgot translation xd) and - zycze ci zdrowia szczęścia pomyślności i dużo radości AND THATS IT and to anorher member of family
I was hating trat tradition but now I LIKE IT why BECAUSE IM ADDING MY WORDS - to my mother ŻYCZĘ CI SPOKOJU BYŚ SIĘ WKOŃCU WYSPAŁA I MNIEJ MARUDZIŁA NA RESZTĘ RODZINY - to father - OBYŚ WBIŁ MASTERA W LOLU (master in lol) ZDAŁ SZKOŁĘ I ZNALAZŁ WKOŃCU JAKĄŚ DZIEWCZYNĘ (meet a girl in ,,polish styl,, haha) AND THATS WHY I LIKE THIS😅😅 because i can say BECAUSE OF TRADITION what i want yo say 🙂😂
13 dishes it’s properly ❤
W tym roku na stole stało 18 potraw :) licząc w tym chleb. Tak wyszło
I can't stand that: We don't eat meat in wigilia. And fish is damn plant? But thanks to EU and tax reasons, snail is a fish now...
Anyways... Happy Christmas to You and Charlie. Thanks for video.
There is no meat on Christmas Eve, because is the last evening of the Advent Lent - dishes are made of fish, mushrooms, poopy seeds, cheese, beetroot, cabbage etc. In the past those dishes were very cheap and easy to afford for poor people. Anyone could just go for fishing at the river or lake. Most homes Carp, Herring, Sardines, Salmon (Tuna?) is must appear on the table.
This evening dinner is to waiting for Jesus to be born. Lots of families are going to the church for the special service at middle of the night. If that is no available then they need to go for two separate Masses on 24th and 25th of Dec.
25th is first day of Christmas and people can eat meat.
Some of traditions are adapted to Christianity from pagan times and Slavs had many traditions and beliefs. Without those customs there will be no Catholic Church in Poland. Best example and explanation are included in “Dziady” by Adam Mickiewicz.
because the tradition of 12 dishes comes from us Slavs, and Christians appropriated it like many other traditions
why you choose Katowice?
It had the best flight times, it was the cheapest to get to , and it's somewhere different we haven't been
Christ is historical figure it was proof by professor of History.
Szczodrych godów.
Niech się darzy.
Jaki to dziwny pomysł program o tradycyjnych daniach, lecz w restauracji? Dobrze, że chociaż kogoś z ulicy zapytali.
koncert po Mszy Swietej tj. od 1h. 41m............видео.html
Z Anglii jest i nawet mówił że jest ateista
South England and I don't believe in any religion
North-West for my husband of 18 years and I'm from Gdańsk 😊@RobReacts1
12 apostołów = 12 dań
tak was nauczyli ale to nie prawda , My Słowianie jedlismy n12 dań na długo długo wczesniej zanim wasza religia została wymyslona
@@TodayTomorrowMusick Szanuj innych ludzi a nie pisz w co mają wierzyć. Każdy robi to w zgodzie ze sobą i własnym sumieniem. Piszesz: my... wy...Nie dziel ludzi. Ludzie powinni żyć zgodnie razem.
@ gdzie ja napisałem kto ma w co wierzyć? Ty umiesz czytać wogole?
Widzę ze zupełnie nie zrozumiałeś tego co napisałem
@@TodayTomorrowMusick Oczywiście, że napisałeś. I bez agresji słownej, proszę. No ale jak brak argumentów...
Nie będę sobie twoją osobą psuć Świąt. Żegnam.
@ nie pij już w te święta prosze Cię 😂
The holy family was poor. The Apostles and Last Supper did not come into the picture until Christ was in public ministry.
Excess and feasting have overtaken the deeply profound moment and place of Christ's birth and what those crazy times were like.
I do not know that true forgiveness is extended at the sharing of Oplatek. Rather, it is good wishes of some sort. It would be awesome to practice humility and authentic forgiveness to honor God during its sharing.
I hope the Wigilia meal can return to a humble celebration of gratitude for God in His intense and immeasurable love for His children -- His coming as human and divine to offer salvation. He wants us with Him in eternity.
It is a beautiful tradition when celebrated in a more humble way. A silent night.
The opening of presents should revert back to the Feast of St. Nick or wait until the Feast of Three Kings. The Magi came when Jesus was about two years old.
We should all remember those who have nothing at these times of celebration and feasting. 😔
Wesołych Świąt Rob! Czy wierzysz czy są święta Bożego Narodzenia. Nie wiem dlaczego świętują to ludzie niewierzący...pewnie po prostu dla nich to dzień spotkania z rodziną i miła tradycja.
That's it. A day off work. And it's just 'what you do'
The 12 dishes, as far as I'm concerned, is a uniquely Polish thing that comes from Nobility and their customs... Namely that they really cared abotu appearances, so the custom was to prepare way more food than needed for a dinner with guests. So six people would need 24 meals. Why? Image. The most attractive image a man could have was that of wealth and generosity
Why do you wear a Christmas sweater if you are an atheist and don't believe? Christmas is the celebrate birth of Jesus Christ. And if you don't believe in him, This is weird and doesn't make any sense❤
Well it's now just tradition for family and friends getting together, giving gifts etc. you do realise that if there was a jesus of Nazareth that he wasn't actually born on December 25th right??
@RobReacts1 You cannot explain the word of faith to an atheist. To believe is not to know, not to see, but to believe.
@magorzatacharczynska5656 I prefer facts and evidence.
@@RobReacts1 atheists made up the idea that they wanted to meet their family and get gifts, which is ridiculous to me. and I may think about it differently, sorry.
@RobReacts1 May God bless you and your wife on this celebration of the birth of Jesus🫶
12 monkeys xd
noticed that no one mentioned this wiglia has 12 dishes but no meat and why? well for one it goes back to pagan time from fasting and meat being forbiden..and some myths explain it that animals become sentient and eating them would be like eating human.
Wesołych Świąt Rob❤❤❤
wigilia is always on Christmas Eve, it is meatless.Christmas Day you eat meat whatever you like or what budget allows .usually several types of meat.beautiful roast, goose, duck, turkey and ham.
Twelve Months Twelve Asterix's works Ocean's Twelve |
Listen, dear wise guy, do yourself and us a favor and stop spouting irresponsible nonsense that something is or isn't, because you think so authoritatively. Have a little tact and say "I think that..., or in my opinion, etc." Jesus Christ is a historical figure, whether you like it or not. We count the years before and after Christ. Nobody made this up for fun. Rather say that you don't believe that he is the Son of God, but don't say that he never existed. And don't show satisfaction that there are fewer and fewer believers in "fairy tales." The Catholic Church had its ups and downs. It was like that for over 2,000 years and it will continue to be like that.
Merry Christmas 🎉 Wesołych Świąt 😊