We need to do a video on this, I too have (I think) 3 on the way, all of which are in ridiculous circumstances. I wouldn't mind if I'd been doing 150mph or something, but what's going on now is just straight up entrapment.
I don't often agree with you but on this one I do entrapment or at least putting cameras where they can collect money rather than where there are accidents
44 years of driving. Never been fined or any points. I drive between 15-20 thousand a year. I ride a Hayabusa and drive a fast car. Being observant is my advice. Very observant. EDIT: And DON'T have the radio or music on!
Stop with all the waste of time comments like , you only have your self to blame , slow down etc . Richard is being honest and showing a part of his private life that's related to all of us that actually " enjoy " driving . If you haven't got anything constructive to say , then don't . We all know the consequences of speeding so its hardly constructive criticism . Thanks for sharing this with us Richard and I hope you get this sorted as best you can . Looking forward to your next video .
Your driving hasn't changed. The surveillance and need for rinsing you of money has changed. Driving is not fun anymore. Those days are over. Tbh I've given up even trying to do 70 mph now. Its not possible to maintain it for more than a few minutes. Nearly all new cars now know where you've been and how fast you were going, so they could retrospectively fine you at your MOT. If the car can record who is driving by camera or other means you're totally screwed then. May as well walk or have a self driving car. Unfortunately this endless attack on motoring isn't going to stop. Even when it has stopped it'll move into other things. Big brother has no off switch
Richard, it’s incredibly infuriating but harsh as it may sound you’ve only got yourself to blame, the speed limit isn’t a surprise. Like others have helpfully pointed out you should use Waze without exception on every journey. The days of enjoying a blast on public roads are long gone. In 2018 I owned eleven cars including a 675LT Spider, GT3RS and 488 Spider amongst others. In 2019 I got caught speeding at 83mph on the M3 and then in 2021 caught at 34 in a 30 zone in Bradford. Guess how many supercars I now own? That’s right, none! There’s no fun in motoring any more, mobile police vans and potholes the size of volcanic craters have put paid to that. A simple diesel X5 and a 2015 Boxster GTS will do me now. Never thought I’d see the day I’d give up my love of cars having been mad about them since the age of 3 but 55 years later I’m finally done with them. And don’t get me started about all the latest electric and tech riddled nonsense now being thrust upon us. In the last 10 years I’ve bought over 50 new cars, for the first time in 20 years I don’t have any new cars on order. Enjoying motoring is sadly a thing of the past.
Ive been saying this for a long time, they are making it inpossible to either drive or be able to afford to drive in the uk. You will see people with years of clean driving history suddenly getting banned within the space of a week. We are a surveillance state now, and that includes the roads where you can't afford to put a foot wrong! It's easy to say, it's all your fault but we can't be 100% attentive to our speedometer 100% of the time. I got 7 points in the space of 4 weeks after having a clean driving license for years. The 4 points because west yorkshire police had no record of me returning their request for information. I also got three points on a road I know I had the cruise control set to 30mph, I know absolutely that I wasn't doing their claimed 34mph but I had no defence. I now have front and rear cameras, I use cruise control and I have a Saphe which alarms if I go 1mph over the limit. Of course, nothing is foolproof which is why I use every possible driving aid. It's all a cash bonanza for the various Police authorities and of course your insurance companies who will raise your premium to outrageous levels. Meanwhile, despite all these safety measures our roads become increasingly dangerous with an alarming increase in driving on the wrong side of the road, now I wonder what could possibly be causing that...
Theoretically yes, but it wouldn't stand up in court at 71 in a 70, as the accuracy of the devices they are using are currently stated at +/-3mph at speeds over about 60mph, its +/-1mph at lower speeds *this excludes average speed cameras which are more accurate
@@philipporter4433Exactly that, that’s why no cases of anyone being prosecuted for allegedly exceeding the speed limit outside of the threshold yet there’s plenty of people saying it can and does happen without being able to refer to any examples of it ever happening, certainly not before the threshold guidance was introduced.
I received my first ever ticket in 42 years of driving a couple of years ago. It was 80mph on a the M1 detected by an overhead gantry which I failed to notice having diligently made sure I was not speeding as I passed all the other gantries with camera signs. I was actually simply going at the same speed as surrounding traffic at the time. I was even driving my hybrid Volvo estate and not the Boxster S at the time. This is still 5 mph less than the legal speed on a French autoroute in dry conditions. I did a remote speed awareness course which was relatively cheap at around £30 from memory. I was the only one who actually knew the correct limits for the different roads and vehicles.
Same here, 4 since Summer '23 , all within 5mph of limit, countless pcn's for various parking/driving infringements in London.. in the last chance saloon 😮
It’s big business now. They are incentives for police to catch drivers marginally speeding now. They always tell you they don’t get any money for speeding fines, but what they don’t tell you is they get money from the speed awareness courses. So police forces are now ignoring the old guidelines because they have to raise revenue each year to pay for the speed cameras (which the police control).
The reason they say that speed cameras don't make any money is because the "reinvest" the money into buying more cameras, but they don't count the money they have "reinvested" as profit.
Boss at work had no points in 27 years and got 4 in 2 weeks, took one speed awareness so on 9 points and drives like a nun now. And my friend had 98mph then 102mph on m6 already had 6 points got short ban and TT99 code once licence back, insurance want £5050 to insure a 1997 Mitsubishi colt 1.3 he is 45 years old! Seems insurance companies really going hard on bans now.
I've just had the same problem. Saw the speed camera and simultaneously clocked my head up display, saying 36. The speeding prosecution notice claims I was doing 35 (10%+2mph). I've checked my cars implied speed against an android and an apple GPS. When my car states 36mph the real world actual speed is 33mph. I am absolutely certain they are averaging the number up to meet the 10%+2mph guidance they are pretending they are adhering to in order to fine people. The situation is completely out of hand lately. I think the problem is the police are bone idle and want easy pickings that can generate an income.
@@volt8684 Yes but it makes the crime statistics look better. nb Crime outcomes in England and Wales 2023 to 2024" residential burglary offences took 18 days to be closed, with the majority (73.3%) being closed due to no suspect having been identified while the proportion assigned a charge/summons outcome remained low, at 4.3% (a slight increase compared with 3.9% the previous year)". Same goes for thought crime.
Drivers are ultimately responsible for knowing their speed and adhering to limits, regardless of how quiet or fast their car is. Technology like cruise control and speed limiters can help, but staying aware is a fundamental skill of safe driving. Even in a relatively noisy car where you can hear the road, it's possible to exceed limits in a 20 mph zone, showing that awareness and judgment are key to sticking to the speed limits. Hitting 100 mph as a younger driver does speak volumes about your attitude toward risk and responsibility at the time. While people can and do mature over the years, such behaviour tends to indicate a certain mindset, especially early in their driving. Your current frustrations seem to reflect a lack of accountability rather than an acknowledgment of your role in these recent incidents.
@@EvoraGT430 Only at the safest of parties where I leave with a clean conscience and zero points on my license. Not every party needs a stand-up comedian, but I bet I could start a lively debate on road safety.
In my last 2 BMW’s with the active cruise, you could set it so that below 40mph, I added 2mph and above 40mph I added 4mph. I used it all the time to control speed whether in urban or main roads. Also worth paying the £25 subscription for ‘safety’ cameras on the bmw connected drive site. Particularly useful if you have a HUD, but once done, in the idrive, you can also set it to make bong too.
I feel that the points system needs an overhaul. When you consider average speed stretches and the quantity of one off speed checks, combined with many many more roads being changed from NSL to 40s and 50s, the roads where you’re concentrating on bends, inclines and side roads, not the speedo, the likelihood of being caught a bit over the limit is vastly increased from what it was in the 80s and 90s. 3 points each time with a 12 point maximum just isn’t proportional. I now have older cars where you have to try harder, and the quickest is a BMW i3s REx.
Speed awareness course because you done 33 in a 30mph zone? What’s wrong with the UK? Which raises a good point with modern cars? If new cars are online all the time and monitored through GPS, then 1) there won’t be a need for speed cameras, because the car will provide all speeding data, parking data to police, DVLA, insurance automatically and 2) it could be the case in the future car where the car won’t let you go faster than the speed limit and you won’t be able to override it.
Had my first speeding ticket after over 40 years of driving. 37mph on a dual carriageway late at night. Apparently it was a 30mph road. Too many miles away to go back and check the signage. Heard that the particular camera is the top revenue earner for the county.
UK is just crap now for "spirited" driving, rubbish pot hole riddled roads, fixed, average and mobile speed cameras and dash cam snitches, makes me want to move abroad more and more every year! Thankfully I live in rural Suffolk which isn't too bad for cameras compared to the rest of the country it seems when I drive in other parts of the UK ..... He says probably getting caught the next day 🙄
Trouble is, give it another 10-20 years and EVERY road will have a speed camera. In fact we'll probably have systems fitted to cars that report you automatically. Just another way of trying to force drivers off the road in my opinion, they're trying to make it too expensive for many, near impossible for those who can't charge an EV at home when they finally force petrol cars off the road, which they will do by making fuel and tax so expensive the average working man won't be able to afford one, and when all that fails they will make sure half the population are banned. We'll end up with more people driving without insurance than those who do.
@@Hali88here in Wales we now have blanket 20mph speed limits. Over 600,000 signed a petition against this but it was ignored. Over 35 million was spent on this nonsense, bearing in mind these roads were already 30mph. Here in west Wales there are roads that are now 20mph and in the 11 years I’ve lived here I haven’t seen a soul. The result, we now have convoys of cars driving at ridiculously low speed limits for absolutely no reason! That’s why people don’t stick to some speed limits!
50 years this July since I passed my test,never had a speeding offence.Last August hired a car for a week,just a 17 reg Seat. Covered 700 miles,Went to North wales West Lancashire,West Yorkshire. Got 3 speeding fines within 5 days two from the same camera in each direction within 10 minutes of each other.....All in West Yorkshire,All 36 MPH in a 30 Zone. ......Makes you wonder. Could have fought it but the courts are biased against us,eg if you lose you end up with the costs to pay too!!😡👍
I attended a speed awareness course last year for doing 22 mph in a 20 mph zone.I asked the course instructor about this 10% plus two rule and he told me it doesn’t exist.Also I would like to know how you did two speed awareness courses in less than a year.I was led to understand that you can only do one within a three year period.Going back to my 22 mph speeding,I am certain that a copper would not have given me a ticket for that offence,as I wasn’t driving erratically or dangerously.I firmly believe that the vast majority of speeding tickets are issued using evidence of speed cameras and it’s purely a money making scheme,especially for such minor increase in the speed limits.
You got caught by a static camera? For sure i have sympathy for getting a ticket for 22 in a 20, cos that's just bullshit. But not seeing the camera does kinda suggest you weren't paying enough attention...
993 even a Turbo, Cappuccino or Kei cars are insane smile per mile, likewise an old ratty MX5 , in summer bomb around in old piston cars, in winter deal with it some other way. Feel for you Richard.
I use cruise control even in 30 and 40 zones as it’s too easy in modern cars to build speed without being aware of it. Otherwise you have to keep checking your speed which is too distracting 👍
Even that's not foolproof though, they can change a speed limit downwards and if you miss the sign, which is easily done if, for example, you're behind a large vehicle or the weather is bad, especially at night, you still get caught anyway. Something has to change because we all know it's just about the money. You can only push people so far, it's not going to end well.
Just a couple of lighthearted stories. Back in the 1980's I used to be a sales engineer traveling around the country visiting the large establishments like Farranti, BAE and MOD. One of the engineers, I think it was BAE, was complaining being stopped by the police because they couldn't read the speed of his car, it turns out he had stuck RAM (Radar Absorption Material) all over the front of the car and they couldn't puzzle out the reason why, I think he got done for perverting the course of justice or something, this was before the laser technology. One of my radio amateur friends got stopped by the police, he was in 30MPH area and they stopped him and showed him the speed he was doing was 130MPH 🤣 it turns out he was transmitting at the time they were taking the reading which messed with the electronics in the handheld speed gun, they all had a good laugh at that and he was sent on his way. I've just bought myself a new ICE car this thing pings, burps and farts at you if you go over the speed limit, the problem arises when sometimes in a 30MPH area the car says I can do 80MPH, because it uses the camera to read the signs and if the signs are shitty like most of them are because the local authority can be bothered to clean them, the car reads the 3 as an 8, isn't the brain a marvelous thing, it can read shitty signs but modern technology can't 🙄
I got caught at 80 in a 70 and did speed awareness course. on the course they said you can only do one course every 3 years so interesting Richard managed to get 2! I was told that 79 or above was cause to send NIP and anything less most forces would leave,. It's 3 points each one now and a ban at 12
Living in a 20 zone with a primary school in the village (so lots of young kids crossing the road and walking around) I'd honestly welcome this. Why people can't just judge risks and drive accordingly is beyond me. Pushing limits on a well sighted rural nsl road? Fine, fill your boots. Around a school, even outside of pickup/dropoff times, should be punished IMO, shows a fundamental lack of awareness. I will say the blanket 20 across Wales is just stupid, if there's no reason for a road to be speed limited then it shouldn't be, otherwise it just leads to the above situation where people ignore all 20 zones, assuming they're just a legislative decision and not realising there's an increased risk in some places.
A few years ago Sunday afternoon mid Sept. Out on Motor Cycle North Lincs , next Sat. Postman delivers letter " Observed at 91 mph middle of nowhere !! HELICOPTER. Three months later Lincoln magistrates court £ 625 fine 6 points no ban. 10 yes Others there same time similar speeds nobody got banned.
Hey Richard, So sorry to hear about this highly irritating news. I totally agree that with variable speed limits on Motorways and new 20 zones popping up in urban areas and average speed cameras on motorways and some A roads, it is getting much harder for the careful motorists not to unintentionally transgress the speed limit. Sadly still no visible road policing with real Police and marked cars to stop dangerous and reckless driving. Good luck and hope you don’t suffer another ban.
It’s not about money. It’s about removing your driving licence. With variable speed limits, you can slow from one limit to a lower limit but run through an intermediate limit at a few mph over. In Tenerife recently, speed limit changes were so closely grouped together especially as you get onto a long slip road that I think it’s actually all but impossible to pass the signs at the correct speed, without a risk of being hit from behind. One went from 120 on the main road, then on entering the slip road, down to 90, then shortly to 40, long before the roundabout off the slip road, then 90 off the roundabout then very quickly back to 50, then up to 70 on the rural road. I noticed the car reporting out the new limit within one meter of the speed signs. These are designed to strip you of your license within days. Driving in that environment is so unpleasant that I didn’t want to take the car out. Richard’s video has me worried now. That hire car has probably uploaded the entire use log vs prevailing limits. I could get letters telling me I’m banned in Spain, or in the EU. Hope not. But they have the evidence, always, because these new cars are always online, recording GPS location, speed and speed limit, together with dates and times.
I have always worked on basis of 10%+1 although at a speed awareness course many years ago they said this was not true and should not be relied upon.. But for me this has to date always worked and I have not got a speeding ticket since started using this rule. Now days I tend to drive much of the time on adaptive cruise to limit me to 34 in 30 for example. I always drive with Waze on as well which helps identify cameras inc mobiles if other Waze users identify them parked up and I'll hit cancel on the cruise control before the camara for a few seconds to lose a mph or two, just in case and the hit restore as soon as I'm past. I drive like this almost instinctively now. Oh and bad luck, 5, Wow.
It always worries me when on the M5 and M42 when for some random reason the average speed limit can go from 70 to 40 mph and anywhere in-between. We all knew truckers don't give a struff about speed limits or even using the 'fast' lane in the M5 or M42 road works when the limit is 50mph.
It's an interesting subject, no one wants the nanny systems and let's be honest most people will turn them off as soon as they start the car, I know I certainly do. But I also think as an experienced driver ( and motorcyclist) you can be a pretty good judge of speed by the sound and feel of an engine, you soon learn what x revs feels like in x gear and you can look at the speedo and understand the speed. But I guess it's a big reset when in an electric car as there is no noise, no vibration as there are no cylinders and obviously they accelerate a lot quicker than most ICE vehicles, is this the underlying issue?
I got 7 in the matter of three months, when seemingly cameras were turned on and I was only 2mph/3mph over. Very stressful and crazy! All on the same route
Thanks for bravely sharing your story Richard which I found interesting and I genuinely feel your pain. Those that break speed limits, drive with excess alcohol or drive dangerously, do it all the time. It's not *if* they'll get banned, but when. Trying to circumnavigate the rules as encouraged by some idiots here is not the answer, and like it or not, the answer is to comply. We have to accept that the good old days of motoring ended a very long time ago, so please use all the facilities available including cruise control to keep your license and off the bus. Oh... and compliant driving will be safer for you and those innocent, voiceless, ladies, gents and children who you've never yet met.
Richard sorry to hear of your recent speeding tickets. Many years back I was done for 79 in a 70. I’d guess you and I were clocked at over 80 and they charged us with 79 so we could not challenge them over the accuracy of their measurements
Maybe there is a change in the accuracy in the speedometer with the new cars. All my old cars used an analog speedo and tended to over estimate speed so I though I was doing 70 but probably more like 67. Do all the new cars you are driving have a digital speedometer? With a digital speedometer maybe they are more accurate so you are actually driving faster than you used to without realising?
sorry the 10% +2 is only advisory, I have been a motorist including bikes for 60 years and had my first ticket 4 years ago in a diesel car, my speed 46 in a 40, I even saw the camera van, but due to the sun could not see my speed, but thought it was lower, result a speed awareness course, my present car, an EV tells me off if I speed and the dash lights up red as well, best way is to use cruise control in future, bit of a pain, but they need our money
3 things. 1. Waze. 2. There are a ton of solicitors who will get you off scottfree, but they are pricey - not an issue for you, though, I suspect. 3. Detectors and deflectors. Why haven't you invested in tbese marvellous machines?
@@Challengetheroad Waze is so much better than Google maps and Apple Maps. The only problem I have found with it is that it only alerts you when you are 0.3 miles away so you gotta keep checking the map now and again for alerts. It’s saved me so many times 👍
These speed rules...10 per cent plus 2 are discretionary. I went on a driver awareness course for doing 33 in a 30. I was in a line of cars so assume everyone got done. On the awareness course was a guy from Cambridge who got done for 31 in a 30. This was five years ago? As Geoff suggests times are hard so counties drop their tolerance to almost zero and hey bingo...revenue. Also if there are no speed signs but constant lighting say every 100 yards this also means 30 mph (learnt that beauty on my driver awareness course) this happens even if it's not a built up area. Just an FYI
Was the 79 in a 70 on a motorway, if so you should be offered another speed awarness if you haven't done one previously on a motorway. Even if you have done a course previously on a nomal road the motorway is a different course.
What I have noticed is the fords I have driven recently are geared that I am in 3rd gear to keep it under 30 when I try to go to 4th to drive economically the engine labours so when I go to 4th it takes me over 30 so easily into ticket terriitory
its the massive amount of " vision zero" cameras that they are putting up. Have seen 5 go up in my area in Devon alone in the last 12 mouths. All within a 10 mile radius. You / we are bound to get done at 34, 57, 68 and 79 miles per hour. In other words you spend more time watching the speedo than the road when driving cars without speed warning tech.
No one has ever received an NIP for going 34 in 30, not since the 10% + 2mph threshold was introduced because in court the accuracy of the speed measuring equipment can’t be proven to be accurate inside the threshold beyond reasonable doubt, he must have mistakenly given us the wrong speed.
4 tickets that's really bad, I'd be seriously depressed. I know you will get some holier than thou comments but when I worked I used to go typically 10 mph over speed limit and seldom got caught, maybe 5 tickets in 40 years. I was doing high mileage along roads I knew well. Since retirement I'm making an effort to stay within speed limit because less distances and more time now and also had a speed awareness course. If you have speeding inbuilt within your driving style, as I had, then changing this is hard work. Its much easier to travel in lane 3 at 85 mph than weave between lanes 1 & 2 at 70 mph for example. The trouble with the speeding law is that it is irregularly enforced so that people will take chances and sometimes get caught. I like it best where we have average speed monitoring so you can just set your cruise control and feel there is no possibility of not getting caught, so just relax.
Similar story for me, banned in late 20s a week, not had anything since got caught out by what i thought was red light camera which is just before traffic lights so you speed up to save braking hard and get speeding ticket, best thing just over hill that night they had camera van and was doing speed limit all way home, just mental on the speed awareness course it was mainly older people over 50 up
If you can't remember passing a camera then your car is snitching on you. This is why I'm going back to the 80's and also avoiding the new road tax charges by getting a 1985 car or earlier. I'll look after it and a good BMW or Merc will last.
Mine seem to come in twos too Richard! Must be a bogoff offer 😂! But your right it elec cars are fast and you do go faster than you think I don’t think it’s a conspiracy with new cars but I was done 79 in a 70 on m25 the same and got an sp30 and 3 points which I think is std for that I believe 80 would have been more serious fine/ points I don’t trust 10% plus 5 anymore they don’t have to allow that it was just a tolerance the used to give, but most forces it seems to be tighter now On the 20 mph zones my partner was done for 23 in a 20! Almost impossible to monitor I always use cruse in ave speed cams and set it to 75 in a 70, I find the waze speedo running good as it changes colour over the limit and is accurate I think there is a bigger problem with how do I say it non sporty drivers suddenly getting into something super quick std elec cars not used to it going to cause more problems Also you lucky to get 2 speed awareness courses, then a fine I was told by the tutor it was one then a fine if you get caught over the next 3 years Good luck though Good game, points means prizes!
The number of cars that get caught on the M4 M5 junction is off the scale. Drivers make the assumption that the overhead gantry is not showing a speed limit of say 60 mph then they safe to exceed 70 mph. Big mistake ! 😢
I dont understand -- the logic of some who claim that setting thier warning at 75mph and then complain when done for going over 70mph LOL An idea set your warning for 70 in a 70 mph zones.
OMG 😮 I feel your pain ……. been there got the t-shirt and like you I don’t use lawyers. I’ve got thoughts, but probably wait for your second episode update. For sure you need to focus on a strategy to keep your license 🤔
The cars you are talking about are all modern cars, I'm pretty sure that most modern cars have a thing called a Speed Limiter, you just accelerate up to the speed you require, set the limiter and the car won't go any faster than that speed.
Richard , are the tryres the correct size? Speedo calibrated correctly ? Was this hand held speed camera ? Lazer sliding up the slope adding mph on sleek Porche shape? Also speed limit signs are often defective , red circles not red , signs not lit . I had a run of tickets 20 years ago . 5 speed cameras on a route with 22 signing defects ! Police , courts , councils all in a partnership. But failed to correct the road signs . Also you can argue your job, employment of others air caring responsibilities to avoid a 12 point ban. Tony S .
I had my first ticket (2nd one ever) in over 30 years last year...79 on the M6. 🙄 I once got stopped by a senior policeman in a big Volvo on the M6...he was on my tale at 126 uphill..couldn't shake him!😂 ..when I slowed down to 60 and the blue lights came on..I felt sick. One good telling off later and I was on my way with the words..'Never speed at night...you don't know what's behind you' ringing in my ears! 😅 The stupid thing is that I'm sure 99% of people who get speeding fines are not driving dangerously..it's simply a new tax on the mororists...the 10%+2 sensible wiggle room seems to have been ditched in favour of a more 'Gestapo'esque' YOU VILL OBAY ZE LIMIT AT ALL TIMES mentality...which is not going to help foster a good relationship with the public! 😡 I think you and Geoff need to get the Motorist's Action Network up and running ASAP Richard...we need a powerful lobby group which works on behalf of the motorist's more than ever. 👍🏻😎
100% correct. Police would usually just give you a ticking off unless you were driving dangerously. Now we're being fined by machine, camera takes a photo, one policeman puts his name to them en masse without even reading them and they're all processed by computer. The law was never intended to work that way, you're supposed to be "done" by a policeman and prosecuted and fined by a judge in court, not someone sat in an office processing camera images and feeding them into a computer where they all get rubber stamped by a JP who hasn't even read the charges. I don't even know how that's legal, how can you be prosecuted if a judge hasn't even read the paperwork? Much the same thing happens with things like council tax enforcement too, 1000+ cases "heard" all at once and rubber stamped yet supposedly read and passed by a judge.
My opinion on this is that speed limits are about managing safety and reducing accidents and the aftermath of accidents, this is fairly difficult to argue with. My problem is that things like blanket 20mph limits and roads where the limits constantly change create many examples of inappropriate limits, leading to too many distractions for drivers, constantly watching their speed rather than the road ahead. For example outside schools should have a 20mph limit and that limit should be rigourously enforced but once there are no houses and the road widens the limit should change at-least to 40mph, not 20-30-40-50 in a few hundred yards (eg Painswick Gloucestershire, towards Cheltenham), this almost seems it has been put there as a trap, just stay at 20 , then 50. Motorway limits should be 80mph and limits should be less flexible. It is very clear that all govenments have the motorist in their sights as an easy cash cow.
Speed limits - and danger therein to passengers and pedestrians- reference to the Highway Code…. Which in turn relates to brake, tyre, suspension systems and technology scoped out in the 1960’s 🤷🏻♂️
When I did my first ever naughty boy course last year there were a number of people in London on the course who'd been done for doing 22 in a 20....crazy! 😡
@@colliehouse3133 Tell me, how did you manage to amass 25 subscribers when you have no content and no archived videos on your channel? Or are you just another tiresome AI generated shill account?
@@colliehouse3133 We know what the limit is but there's no common sense. I had a car 40 years ago that shook itself to bits at 70 mph and took twice as long to stop than cars do now. My current car can do over 120 and you wouldn't feel a single rattle or vibration and it has all sorts of tech to help it maintain a distance and even brake autonomously, so what's the reason for retaining a limit which is now absurd in a modern car - apart from to make money out of us? No speed camera has ever prevented an accident but they've caused plenty where people have spotted them at the last minute and hit the brakes, which means that if it was all about safety there's more reason to get rid of them than keep them.
You are the first person I’ve ever heard of that’s been prosecuted for doing under the 10% + 2mph threshold, this is quite literally unbelievable, I wonder why you want us to believe this. I understand that the threshold is advisory but there exists no credible cases with evidence were someone has been prosecuted in the past 15 years or since the 10% + 2mph rule has been around. So confused at your angle or motive here.
@ I quite frankly don’t believe you because not a single NIP letter has been shared online since the ‘official threshold guidelines’ were introduced many years ago. There’s countless examples of people who have shared their official prosecution documentation online outside of the threshold limit but not a single example of someone being prosecuted inside of it.
@@GrahamNewman-mq7gr Do you exist in some alternative reality? Of course that rule exists, it's just advisory for technicalities or an aggravating circumstance, the courts are basically telling the police not to waste their time with prosecutions outside of the guidelines.
@Easty-bm4sb " There is NO 10 % +2 rule. The parameters are set by the Chief Constable of the area. I was in the Police for a few years. People are under a ilusion about this and many other matters on road traffic.
@@GrahamNewman-mq7gr Why can't anyone provide evidence of prosecution within the threshold guidelines and why is it widely known that every force in the country has adopted official ACPO guidelines? You're just spreading misinformation and are unable to supply any evidence to support your claims.
Is it because you’re getting old and your attention isn’t what it once was? 😅 I stopped doing 80 a few years ago as they are so much stricter these days, I just cruise at 70. I notice all traffic seems slower now, 80 used to be very much the norm and un written rule, my guess is the cars warning people more has slowed people down. Maybe that is why they are clamping down now, they need to catch people and hit targets and bring in funds so its now the 80 drivers getting stung
I agree - I think fewer people drive at 80 on the motorway compared to 20 years ago when it was the defacto limit. I generally stick the cruise to 73 (a real 70/71) and then don't have to worry, and many seem to be about this speed nowadays, at least in my part of the UK.
I don't think it's anything to do with cars warning people, it's because there are more and more cameras that cannot distinguish between safely driving a little over the speed limit. Police only really used to bother with the lunatics that drove as fast as they could regardless of the conditions or traffic, but cameras catch everybody going over a certain speed even on an empty road at 3 a.m.
10% +/- 2 is a guide. It's adoption by police areas is optional. Famously, the new Chief Constable in North Wales (some years ago now) made a big public announcement about zero tolerance on speed limits. If you did 31 in a 30, you'd be getting done. While that's a concern, I think of greater concern is the state of the roads. There's the potholes that we all know about but also, there's this ever increasing push to make roads ever more complicated. As an example, a main dual carriageway 'A' road near me consists of a main carriageway, bus lanes and bike lanes. The bus lanes will cross the main carriageway and other traffic has to give way. A main carriageway lane will suddenly turn into a bus lane and then a hundred yards later, will end. Bus lanes will have to be crossed to turn off the 'A' road to shopping malls and industrial estates but you have to give way to buses and heaven help you if you stray one inch outside of the allowed lane. I've been caught on this road for driving in a bus lane. I found the road so complicated, I decided to just focus on driving safely instead. The council got their pound of flesh (twice) by way of penalty notice and also reduced traffic because I found a different way to avoid the area. I don't know when it happened but drivers have been turned into modern day pariahs. Ones that can be milked incessantly by a state that constantly has its money grubbing hands out.
Might be worth you checking the accuracy of the speedo's in these newer electric cars especially. They used to make speedos roughly over read by about 2mph at 30mph and it would be more like 4 or 5mph at 70mph. Can use a GPS device or a phone app to check it. As cars now have speed alerts and things like that, who knows maybe the tolerance has been reducing? The mani reason for the deliberate difference was so that as devices age, if their accuracy fails then theres never a sitiation where they under read. This said, this all started back in the analogue days, now they are digital, whi knows?
Totally same. No points for 30 years now got 3 tickets in a year last was 79 in a 70 as well so rule doesn’t work. Just about making money from motorists for insurers and police. Anyone used anything better than Waze for detection?
I got caught doing 79 in a 70 in a 22 plate car. You have my sympathies...ive switch on a warning bong when i go 5 over the speed limit now quite annoying but so is a sppeding ticket. I've been caught speeding 3 times in 30 plus years of driving. Every time there was no danger whatsoever.
Exactly, which is why the police would NEVER stop you for anything up to 80mph unless your driving was really poor. Even if they did you would likely just get a warning as long as it wasn't dangerous, i.e. when the motorway wasn't that busy. That common sense attitude has now been replaced by an "absolute" system in which you just get fined no matter what. I got a ticket on a totally empty road on a clear, dry night at 3 a.m. for driving at 36 mph. Where's the victim? It's an absolute fucking joke.
Rich, every force does its own thing with speed enforcement. Get yourself a very good solicitor, Nick Freeman comes to mind. You are at risk of losing your licence at 12 points, that’s the issue you face so get some good legal advice. To be honest, police forces and PCC’s make speeding a priority enforcement. You have to set your cruise control / speed warning if your car has one. Waze beeps when you exceed the speed limit. It’s the digital world we live in. Must admit I have a dash cam that I can look back on just to double check if I’m in the position of getting done. It’s more of a piece of mind thing so I can challenge if it came to it.
Last year I got my first ever speeding ticket caught by the new type of unseen Vector SR cameras (36 in a 30) after over 50 years of driving and so took the awareness course. Strange though my car is also a 2022 model. As regards the motorway variable speed cameras (with mandatory gantry warning signs in red circles) am I right in assuming you only get caught when you pass the second set of warning signs? In other words when they light up as you approach the gantry you would need to pass another gantry in excess of the speed limit before being 'flashed'?
DO NOT simply accept their 'so called' facts of your alleged speeding. Do the Maths on the timings supplied. I was sent a NIP for the very same speed (79) (speed cameras) and although their calculations were, on the face of it, correct, my lawyer successfully argued that THEIR equipment has a margin of error also, so, the 79 mph could not be relied upon. Case dismissed😂.
No solicitor expenses in Scotland. It's not the money (although financial pain) it's the points, and the principle. In Scotland we do not get Speed Awareness Courses, so, every intended prosecution ends up in points. Think yourself lucky if you live in England.
@@V70P3rules "Think yourself lucky if you live in England" (with Speed Awareness Courses), I didn't know that, yes I will. Hear quite a lot about 20 mph policies in Wales and Scotland and I wonder why those countries vote for it.
Caffeine and Machine opened new site near me (West Meon, Hampshire). Simultaneously average speed cameras for about 5 miles on each approach road were added…. These roads are in the middle of nowhere……Ker-ching🤦🏻♂️
Luckily i drive on the same roads I know where the fixed cameras are & i know where the mobiles sit…still got 6pts but they were on different roads that i don’t usually drive on🤷♂️
If you are checking the speedometer all the time you are not looking at the road and potential hazards. That is technically driving without due care and attention. Apart from outside schools (during hours) and accident black spots these cameras are purely for making money. I was taught by a Met Police Hendon Class One instructor back in the early '80s and the rule then was no more than 10mph over any limited except 30mph, which is there for a good reason in built-up areas. The new limits are all about money making and 20mph is plain daft. It is not a natural speed for a vehicle, and requires a distracting level of concentration from the road to maintain.
Why not use a speed limiter, set at limit plus give or take 10%? All modern cars have it now. I do that always now, unless on a rare occasion I forget.
That's ok if it is a decent road with one limit. Locally there's a road that has 50mph, 40mph, 30mph,20mph all over the place. You need a co driver to reset the speed limiter!
Richard I would love to see an analysis of this - growth in speeding fines by county, impact on insurance premiums for numbers of points and I am guessing but limited correlation to road safety outcomes suggesting this is all about money not road safety particularly given a lot of these fines like the 79 in 70 are on open motorway / main A roads. I wonder what proportion of motorists now have 3 points min - my guess is a lot so is this just the new norm and another Labour stealth tax?.
Just had a driving without due care and attention for parking on an unadopted road in a private space . the road was lined with cars but the space I used was different !
What I find wrong is fixed speed cameras can be turned off and speed settings changed on all types of roads. A roads are sixty but they can be changed or turned off. This is cheating the motorists
My friend camera enforcement told me of 2 speed awareness rule one for the 30 and other for the motorway 70 rule . So you could be offered 2 in those examples
Ok this is legalised extortion; my son got a ticket where the photo shows he is avoiding a motorcycle that is clearly on his side of the road and he has literally only tyre on the white line of a bus lane…. £60 ticket. Could I fight it… sure, but the hassle and time is massive. They know this and “are playing the numbers” … ITS A MONEY MAKING SCAM
Geoff’s friend (EV Carnage in RUclips so you can check out his videos on this) clocked up four 3 point speeding tickets and got a 6 month ban. The roads are awash with cameras so it’s all to easy now. Head of the London Black Cab Association said how many of his members were picking up multiple tickets and loosing their license. If you have acquired 5 then it may be worth employing a specialist solicitor if you need to keep your license; otherwise you may need to hire a driver for some time.
I received a NIP on Xmas eve for doing 35mph in a 30 on a rural uninhabited country road that anywhere else would have been a 50. I'm a careful driver, this is my first in 15 years. I feel it's too easy to get caught accidentally.
Richard challenged the road, and the road won. 😋
We need to do a video on this, I too have (I think) 3 on the way, all of which are in ridiculous circumstances. I wouldn't mind if I'd been doing 150mph or something, but what's going on now is just straight up entrapment.
I don't often agree with you but on this one I do entrapment or at least putting cameras where they can collect money rather than where there are accidents
And you can't blame being in an EV 😂
Though I do wonder why it's been so long since you did a vid on how shite they are...
@@GeoffBuysCars would those ridiculous circumstances involve breaking the speed limit. . .
44 years of driving. Never been fined or any points. I drive between 15-20 thousand a year. I ride a Hayabusa and drive a fast car. Being observant is my advice. Very observant.
EDIT: And DON'T have the radio or music on!
Stop with all the waste of time comments like , you only have your self to blame , slow down etc . Richard is being honest and showing a part of his private life that's related to all of us that actually " enjoy " driving . If you haven't got anything constructive to say , then don't . We all know the consequences of speeding so its hardly constructive criticism . Thanks for sharing this with us Richard and I hope you get this sorted as best you can . Looking forward to your next video .
Thank you
Your driving hasn't changed. The surveillance and need for rinsing you of money has changed. Driving is not fun anymore. Those days are over. Tbh I've given up even trying to do 70 mph now. Its not possible to maintain it for more than a few minutes. Nearly all new cars now know where you've been and how fast you were going, so they could retrospectively fine you at your MOT. If the car can record who is driving by camera or other means you're totally screwed then. May as well walk or have a self driving car. Unfortunately this endless attack on motoring isn't going to stop. Even when it has stopped it'll move into other things. Big brother has no off switch
Richard, it’s incredibly infuriating but harsh as it may sound you’ve only got yourself to blame, the speed limit isn’t a surprise. Like others have helpfully pointed out you should use Waze without exception on every journey. The days of enjoying a blast on public roads are long gone. In 2018 I owned eleven cars including a 675LT Spider, GT3RS and 488 Spider amongst others. In 2019 I got caught speeding at 83mph on the M3 and then in 2021 caught at 34 in a 30 zone in Bradford. Guess how many supercars I now own? That’s right, none! There’s no fun in motoring any more, mobile police vans and potholes the size of volcanic craters have put paid to that. A simple diesel X5 and a 2015 Boxster GTS will do me now. Never thought I’d see the day I’d give up my love of cars having been mad about them since the age of 3 but 55 years later I’m finally done with them. And don’t get me started about all the latest electric and tech riddled nonsense now being thrust upon us. In the last 10 years I’ve bought over 50 new cars, for the first time in 20 years I don’t have any new cars on order. Enjoying motoring is sadly a thing of the past.
Three wheel van is coming back out for a drive!
Ive been saying this for a long time, they are making it inpossible to either drive or be able to afford to drive in the uk. You will see people with years of clean driving history suddenly getting banned within the space of a week. We are a surveillance state now, and that includes the roads where you can't afford to put a foot wrong! It's easy to say, it's all your fault but we can't be 100% attentive to our speedometer 100% of the time. I got 7 points in the space of 4 weeks after having a clean driving license for years. The 4 points because west yorkshire police had no record of me returning their request for information. I also got three points on a road I know I had the cruise control set to 30mph, I know absolutely that I wasn't doing their claimed 34mph but I had no defence. I now have front and rear cameras, I use cruise control and I have a Saphe which alarms if I go 1mph over the limit. Of course, nothing is foolproof which is why I use every possible driving aid. It's all a cash bonanza for the various Police authorities and of course your insurance companies who will raise your premium to outrageous levels. Meanwhile, despite all these safety measures our roads become increasingly dangerous with an alarming increase in driving on the wrong side of the road, now I wonder what could possibly be causing that...
10% +2 is advisory and up to individual constabularies. Hence 71 in a 70 could get you a fine.
It's guidelines from the NPCC which all forces have agreed to implement
Theoretically, but in practice you'll never get a fine for 71 mph.
Theoretically yes, but it wouldn't stand up in court at 71 in a 70, as the accuracy of the devices they are using are currently stated at +/-3mph at speeds over about 60mph, its +/-1mph at lower speeds *this excludes average speed cameras which are more accurate
@@philipporter4433 Isn't also something to do with Tyre Wear with Regards a Discretionary Speed Percentage.
@@philipporter4433Exactly that, that’s why no cases of anyone being prosecuted for allegedly exceeding the speed limit outside of the threshold yet there’s plenty of people saying it can and does happen without being able to refer to any examples of it ever happening, certainly not before the threshold guidance was introduced.
I received my first ever ticket in 42 years of driving a couple of years ago. It was 80mph on a the M1 detected by an overhead gantry which I failed to notice having diligently made sure I was not speeding as I passed all the other gantries with camera signs. I was actually simply going at the same speed as surrounding traffic at the time. I was even driving my hybrid Volvo estate and not the Boxster S at the time.
This is still 5 mph less than the legal speed on a French autoroute in dry conditions.
I did a remote speed awareness course which was relatively cheap at around £30 from memory.
I was the only one who actually knew the correct limits for the different roads and vehicles.
Same here, 4 since Summer '23 , all within 5mph of limit, countless pcn's for various parking/driving infringements in London.. in the last chance saloon 😮
Are you using Waze when you drive? That bleeps if you go over the limit too.
Basically just use cruise control everywhere.
I need to use waze going forward
Waze is the future!!!
It’s big business now. They are incentives for police to catch drivers marginally speeding now. They always tell you they don’t get any money for speeding fines, but what they don’t tell you is they get money from the speed awareness courses.
So police forces are now ignoring the old guidelines because they have to raise revenue each year to pay for the speed cameras (which the police control).
The reason they say that speed cameras don't make any money is because the "reinvest" the money into buying more cameras, but they don't count the money they have "reinvested" as profit.
Boss at work had no points in 27 years and got 4 in 2 weeks, took one speed awareness so on 9 points and drives like a nun now.
And my friend had 98mph then 102mph on m6 already had 6 points got short ban and TT99 code once licence back, insurance want £5050 to insure a 1997 Mitsubishi colt 1.3 he is 45 years old!
Seems insurance companies really going hard on bans now.
I've just had the same problem. Saw the speed camera and simultaneously clocked my head up display, saying 36. The speeding prosecution notice claims I was doing 35 (10%+2mph). I've checked my cars implied speed against an android and an apple GPS. When my car states 36mph the real world actual speed is 33mph. I am absolutely certain they are averaging the number up to meet the 10%+2mph guidance they are pretending they are adhering to in order to fine people. The situation is completely out of hand lately. I think the problem is the police are bone idle and want easy pickings that can generate an income.
Except the income does not go to the police
@@volt8684 Yes but it makes the crime statistics look better. nb Crime outcomes in England and Wales 2023 to 2024" residential burglary offences took 18 days to be closed, with the majority (73.3%) being closed due to no suspect having been identified while the proportion assigned a charge/summons outcome remained low, at 4.3% (a slight increase compared with 3.9% the previous year)". Same goes for thought crime.
Drivers are ultimately responsible for knowing their speed and adhering to limits, regardless of how quiet or fast their car is. Technology like cruise control and speed limiters can help, but staying aware is a fundamental skill of safe driving. Even in a relatively noisy car where you can hear the road, it's possible to exceed limits in a 20 mph zone, showing that awareness and judgment are key to sticking to the speed limits.
Hitting 100 mph as a younger driver does speak volumes about your attitude toward risk and responsibility at the time. While people can and do mature over the years, such behaviour tends to indicate a certain mindset, especially early in their driving. Your current frustrations seem to reflect a lack of accountability rather than an acknowledgment of your role in these recent incidents.
You must be a right laugh at parties.
@@EvoraGT430 Only at the safest of parties where I leave with a clean conscience and zero points on my license. Not every party needs a stand-up comedian, but I bet I could start a lively debate on road safety.
Missing the point aren’t you
Better call "Mr Loophole" Nick Freeman!
And don't enter Into the straw man contract
In my last 2 BMW’s with the active cruise, you could set it so that below 40mph, I added 2mph and above 40mph I added 4mph. I used it all the time to control speed whether in urban or main roads. Also worth paying the £25 subscription for ‘safety’ cameras on the bmw connected drive site. Particularly useful if you have a HUD, but once done, in the idrive, you can also set it to make bong too.
Sounds like a dystopian nightmare.
Not really. Keep the fun driving to the B roads which are generally camera free.
I feel that the points system needs an overhaul. When you consider average speed stretches and the quantity of one off speed checks, combined with many many more roads being changed from NSL to 40s and 50s, the roads where you’re concentrating on bends, inclines and side roads, not the speedo, the likelihood of being caught a bit over the limit is vastly increased from what it was in the 80s and 90s. 3 points each time with a 12 point maximum just isn’t proportional. I now have older cars where you have to try harder, and the quickest is a BMW i3s REx.
Speed awareness course because you done 33 in a 30mph zone? What’s wrong with the UK?
Which raises a good point with modern cars? If new cars are online all the time and monitored through GPS, then 1) there won’t be a need for speed cameras, because the car will provide all speeding data, parking data to police, DVLA, insurance automatically and 2) it could be the case in the future car where the car won’t let you go faster than the speed limit and you won’t be able to override it.
Had my first speeding ticket after over 40 years of driving. 37mph on a dual carriageway late at night. Apparently it was a 30mph road. Too many miles away to go back and check the signage. Heard that the particular camera is the top revenue earner for the county.
UK is just crap now for "spirited" driving, rubbish pot hole riddled roads, fixed, average and mobile speed cameras and dash cam snitches, makes me want to move abroad more and more every year! Thankfully I live in rural Suffolk which isn't too bad for cameras compared to the rest of the country it seems when I drive in other parts of the UK ..... He says probably getting caught the next day 🙄
Trouble is, give it another 10-20 years and EVERY road will have a speed camera. In fact we'll probably have systems fitted to cars that report you automatically. Just another way of trying to force drivers off the road in my opinion, they're trying to make it too expensive for many, near impossible for those who can't charge an EV at home when they finally force petrol cars off the road, which they will do by making fuel and tax so expensive the average working man won't be able to afford one, and when all that fails they will make sure half the population are banned. We'll end up with more people driving without insurance than those who do.
@@severnsea Old Orwell will spinning in heaven looking down at the UK.
Well, if you don't speed, it's not an issue, and they wouldn't need speed cameras if people kept to the limits
@@Hali88here in Wales we now have blanket 20mph speed limits. Over 600,000 signed a petition against this but it was ignored. Over 35 million was spent on this nonsense, bearing in mind these roads were already 30mph. Here in west Wales there are roads that are now 20mph and in the 11 years I’ve lived here I haven’t seen a soul. The result, we now have convoys of cars driving at ridiculously low speed limits for absolutely no reason! That’s why people don’t stick to some speed limits!
I make sure waze in on all the time between that and onboard monitoring at least you are made aware when you are over best of luck
50 years this July since I passed my test,never had a speeding offence.Last August hired a car for a week,just a 17 reg Seat. Covered 700 miles,Went to North wales West Lancashire,West Yorkshire. Got 3 speeding fines within 5 days two from the same camera in each direction within 10 minutes of each other.....All in West Yorkshire,All 36 MPH in a 30 Zone.
......Makes you wonder. Could have fought it but the courts are biased against us,eg if you lose you end up with the costs to pay too!!😡👍
In Victoria Australia they take 3km/hr off the detected speed and if your over your done.
Aussie friends say their traffic police are worse than the Gestapo.
I attended a speed awareness course last year for doing 22 mph in a 20 mph zone.I asked the course instructor about this 10% plus two rule and he told me it doesn’t exist.Also I would like to know how you did two speed awareness courses in less than a year.I was led to understand that you can only do one within a three year period.Going back to my 22 mph speeding,I am certain that a copper would not have given me a ticket for that offence,as I wasn’t driving erratically or dangerously.I firmly believe that the vast majority of speeding tickets are issued using evidence of speed cameras and it’s purely a money making scheme,especially for such minor increase in the speed limits.
You got caught by a static camera? For sure i have sympathy for getting a ticket for 22 in a 20, cos that's just bullshit. But not seeing the camera does kinda suggest you weren't paying enough attention...
@ Of course it’s my fault for not paying attention,I never denied that and attended the course with that in mind.
993 even a Turbo, Cappuccino or Kei cars are insane smile per mile, likewise an old ratty MX5 , in summer bomb around in old piston cars, in winter deal with it some other way. Feel for you Richard.
I use cruise control even in 30 and 40 zones as it’s too easy in modern cars to build speed without being aware of it. Otherwise you have to keep checking your speed which is too distracting 👍
I need to get it correct on this X5 - I have self driving so will be trying it out
Even that's not foolproof though, they can change a speed limit downwards and if you miss the sign, which is easily done if, for example, you're behind a large vehicle or the weather is bad, especially at night, you still get caught anyway.
Something has to change because we all know it's just about the money. You can only push people so far, it's not going to end well.
I do that when someone is driving irritatingly slow. I set cruise control and a reasonable distance and relax.
Just a couple of lighthearted stories. Back in the 1980's I used to be a sales engineer traveling around the country visiting the large establishments like Farranti, BAE and MOD. One of the engineers, I think it was BAE, was complaining being stopped by the police because they couldn't read the speed of his car, it turns out he had stuck RAM (Radar Absorption Material) all over the front of the car and they couldn't puzzle out the reason why, I think he got done for perverting the course of justice or something, this was before the laser technology.
One of my radio amateur friends got stopped by the police, he was in 30MPH area and they stopped him and showed him the speed he was doing was 130MPH 🤣 it turns out he was transmitting at the time they were taking the reading which messed with the electronics in the handheld speed gun, they all had a good laugh at that and he was sent on his way.
I've just bought myself a new ICE car this thing pings, burps and farts at you if you go over the speed limit, the problem arises when sometimes in a 30MPH area the car says I can do 80MPH, because it uses the camera to read the signs and if the signs are shitty like most of them are because the local authority can be bothered to clean them, the car reads the 3 as an 8, isn't the brain a marvelous thing, it can read shitty signs but modern technology can't 🙄
I got caught at 80 in a 70 and did speed awareness course. on the course they said you can only do one course every 3 years so interesting Richard managed to get 2! I was told that 79 or above was cause to send NIP and anything less most forces would leave,. It's 3 points each one now and a ban at 12
How long will it be before police start hiding behind hedges in 20 mph limits, knowing full well that most people still do 30?
They already do in Wales. They hide their van and hide in the undergrowth. Seriously!!
Living in a 20 zone with a primary school in the village (so lots of young kids crossing the road and walking around) I'd honestly welcome this. Why people can't just judge risks and drive accordingly is beyond me. Pushing limits on a well sighted rural nsl road? Fine, fill your boots. Around a school, even outside of pickup/dropoff times, should be punished IMO, shows a fundamental lack of awareness. I will say the blanket 20 across Wales is just stupid, if there's no reason for a road to be speed limited then it shouldn't be, otherwise it just leads to the above situation where people ignore all 20 zones, assuming they're just a legislative decision and not realising there's an increased risk in some places.
They have been hiding behind stuff in Australia for years to book you no warning my brother in law was always being booked .😊
It’s probably already happening 😢
Have look at Cambridge police. They hide. The speed vans
A few years ago Sunday afternoon mid Sept. Out on Motor Cycle North Lincs , next Sat. Postman delivers letter " Observed at 91 mph middle of nowhere !! HELICOPTER. Three months later Lincoln magistrates court £ 625 fine 6 points no ban. 10 yes Others there same time similar speeds nobody got banned.
Hey Richard,
So sorry to hear about this highly irritating news.
I totally agree that with variable speed limits on Motorways and new 20 zones popping up in urban areas and average speed cameras on motorways and some A roads, it is getting much harder for the careful motorists not to unintentionally transgress the speed limit.
Sadly still no visible road policing with real Police and marked cars to stop dangerous and reckless driving.
Good luck and hope you don’t suffer another ban.
It’s not about money. It’s about removing your driving licence.
With variable speed limits, you can slow from one limit to a lower limit but run through an intermediate limit at a few mph over.
In Tenerife recently, speed limit changes were so closely grouped together especially as you get onto a long slip road that I think it’s actually all but impossible to pass the signs at the correct speed, without a risk of being hit from behind.
One went from 120 on the main road, then on entering the slip road, down to 90, then shortly to 40, long before the roundabout off the slip road, then 90 off the roundabout then very quickly back to 50, then up to 70 on the rural road.
I noticed the car reporting out the new limit within one meter of the speed signs.
These are designed to strip you of your license within days.
Driving in that environment is so unpleasant that I didn’t want to take the car out.
Richard’s video has me worried now. That hire car has probably uploaded the entire use log vs prevailing limits. I could get letters telling me I’m banned in Spain, or in the EU. Hope not. But they have the evidence, always, because these new cars are always online, recording GPS location, speed and speed limit, together with dates and times.
I have always worked on basis of 10%+1 although at a speed awareness course many years ago they said this was not true and should not be relied upon..
But for me this has to date always worked and I have not got a speeding ticket since started using this rule. Now days I tend to drive much of the time on adaptive cruise to limit me to 34 in 30 for example.
I always drive with Waze on as well which helps identify cameras inc mobiles if other Waze users identify them parked up and I'll hit cancel on the cruise control before the camara for a few seconds to lose a mph or two, just in case and the hit restore as soon as I'm past. I drive like this almost instinctively now.
Oh and bad luck, 5, Wow.
It always worries me when on the M5 and M42 when for some random reason the average speed limit can go from 70 to 40 mph and anywhere in-between. We all knew truckers don't give a struff about speed limits or even using the 'fast' lane in the M5 or M42 road works when the limit is 50mph.
It's an interesting subject, no one wants the nanny systems and let's be honest most people will turn them off as soon as they start the car, I know I certainly do. But I also think as an experienced driver ( and motorcyclist) you can be a pretty good judge of speed by the sound and feel of an engine, you soon learn what x revs feels like in x gear and you can look at the speedo and understand the speed. But I guess it's a big reset when in an electric car as there is no noise, no vibration as there are no cylinders and obviously they accelerate a lot quicker than most ICE vehicles, is this the underlying issue?
I got 7 in the matter of three months, when seemingly cameras were turned on and I was only 2mph/3mph over. Very stressful and crazy! All on the same route
Thats Crazy!
Just to add, my car was a lease so I didn’t get the tickets straight away, hence why I suddenly had 7!!
I got one timed 3 hours before I actually set off, but the police wouldn't accept it was inaccurate.
Thanks for bravely sharing your story Richard which I found interesting and I genuinely feel your pain. Those that break speed limits, drive with excess alcohol or drive dangerously, do it all the time. It's not *if* they'll get banned, but when. Trying to circumnavigate the rules as encouraged by some idiots here is not the answer, and like it or not, the answer is to comply. We have to accept that the good old days of motoring ended a very long time ago, so please use all the facilities available including cruise control to keep your license and off the bus. Oh... and compliant driving will be safer for you and those innocent, voiceless, ladies, gents and children who you've never yet met.
Richard sorry to hear of your recent speeding tickets. Many years back I was done for 79 in a 70. I’d guess you and I were clocked at over 80 and they charged us with 79 so we could not challenge them over the accuracy of their measurements
I think you could be right!
Maybe there is a change in the accuracy in the speedometer with the new cars.
All my old cars used an analog speedo and tended to over estimate speed so I though I was doing 70 but probably more like 67.
Do all the new cars you are driving have a digital speedometer?
With a digital speedometer maybe they are more accurate so you are actually driving faster than you used to without realising?
3rd gear a 30 and 4th in a 40 works for me in an ICE car as you can hear the engine. Older cars rule.
The government is that skint, how do we know the camera’s are telling the truth. I keep getting parking tickets but I keep my receipts, case closed.
sorry the 10% +2 is only advisory, I have been a motorist including bikes for 60 years and had my first ticket 4 years ago in a diesel car, my speed 46 in a 40, I even saw the camera van, but due to the sun could not see my speed, but thought it was lower, result a speed awareness course, my present car, an EV tells me off if I speed and the dash lights up red as well, best way is to use cruise control in future, bit of a pain, but they need our money
3 things.
1. Waze.
2. There are a ton of solicitors who will get you off scottfree, but they are pricey - not an issue for you, though, I suspect.
3. Detectors and deflectors. Why haven't you invested in tbese marvellous machines?
Would be interesting to know by what method i.e. Fixed, variable, pri*k in a van...
Just use Waze, if everyone uses Waze no one gets done speeding 🤷♂️🤦♂️
I need to start using this, as mainly use google maps
@@Challengetheroad Waze has saved my license so many times, you can’t 100% rely on it but it’s way better than Google maps and Apple Maps. 👍
@@Challengetheroad Waze is so much better than Google maps and Apple Maps. The only problem I have found with it is that it only alerts you when you are 0.3 miles away so you gotta keep checking the map now and again for alerts. It’s saved me so many times 👍
Facts, must use app
Definitely another vote for Waze, only let me down once and fortunately the camera van was in a previously known location so I was looking for it.
These speed rules...10 per cent plus 2 are discretionary. I went on a driver awareness course for doing 33 in a 30. I was in a line of cars so assume everyone got done. On the awareness course was a guy from Cambridge who got done for 31 in a 30. This was five years ago? As Geoff suggests times are hard so counties drop their tolerance to almost zero and hey bingo...revenue. Also if there are no speed signs but constant lighting say every 100 yards this also means 30 mph (learnt that beauty on my driver awareness course) this happens even if it's not a built up area. Just an FYI
Was the 79 in a 70 on a motorway, if so you should be offered another speed awarness if you haven't done one previously on a motorway. Even if you have done a course previously on a nomal road the motorway is a different course.
What I have noticed is the fords I have driven recently are geared that I am in 3rd gear to keep it under 30 when I try to go to 4th to drive economically the engine labours so when I go to 4th it takes me over 30 so easily into ticket terriitory
Stay in the appropriate gear then. Simple.
He’s trying to reduce pollution to keep you safe
its the massive amount of " vision zero" cameras that they are putting up. Have seen 5 go up in my area in Devon alone in the last 12 mouths. All within a 10 mile radius. You / we are bound to get done at 34, 57, 68 and 79 miles per hour. In other words you spend more time watching the speedo than the road when driving cars without speed warning tech.
34 in a 30 is very harsh
No one has ever received an NIP for going 34 in 30, not since the 10% + 2mph threshold was introduced because in court the accuracy of the speed measuring equipment can’t be proven to be accurate inside the threshold beyond reasonable doubt, he must have mistakenly given us the wrong speed.
The cars monitoring you! Who is it sharing your whereabouts with? Especially if you are on a list!
4 tickets that's really bad, I'd be seriously depressed. I know you will get some holier than thou comments but when I worked I used to go typically 10 mph over speed limit and seldom got caught, maybe 5 tickets in 40 years. I was doing high mileage along roads I knew well. Since retirement I'm making an effort to stay within speed limit because less distances and more time now and also had a speed awareness course. If you have speeding inbuilt within your driving style, as I had, then changing this is hard work. Its much easier to travel in lane 3 at 85 mph than weave between lanes 1 & 2 at 70 mph for example. The trouble with the speeding law is that it is irregularly enforced so that people will take chances and sometimes get caught. I like it best where we have average speed monitoring so you can just set your cruise control and feel there is no possibility of not getting caught, so just relax.
When I visit the UK, I try to observe speed limits but also bring my radar detector. Maybe use one yourself Richard...?
Similar story for me, banned in late 20s a week, not had anything since got caught out by what i thought was red light camera which is just before traffic lights so you speed up to save braking hard and get speeding ticket, best thing just over hill that night they had camera van and was doing speed limit all way home, just mental on the speed awareness course it was mainly older people over 50 up
If you can't remember passing a camera then your car is snitching on you. This is why I'm going back to the 80's and also avoiding the new road tax charges by getting a 1985 car or earlier. I'll look after it and a good BMW or Merc will last.
Its the unusual roads that you've not accounted for.
Mine seem to come in twos too Richard! Must be a bogoff offer 😂! But your right it elec cars are fast and you do go faster than you think
I don’t think it’s a conspiracy with new cars but I was done 79 in a 70 on m25 the same and got an sp30 and 3 points which I think is std for that I believe 80 would have been more serious fine/ points
I don’t trust 10% plus 5 anymore they don’t have to allow that it was just a tolerance the used to give, but most forces it seems to be tighter now
On the 20 mph zones my partner was done for 23 in a 20! Almost impossible to monitor
I always use cruse in ave speed cams and set it to 75 in a 70, I find the waze speedo running good as it changes colour over the limit and is accurate
I think there is a bigger problem with how do I say it non sporty drivers suddenly getting into something super quick std elec cars not used to it going to cause more problems
Also you lucky to get 2 speed awareness courses, then a fine
I was told by the tutor it was one then a fine if you get caught over the next 3 years
Good luck though
Good game, points means prizes!
That was quite the shocker when you revealed that you were also caught speeding in the hybrid. There was me thinking it was all the fault of the EVs.
The number of cars that get caught on the M4 M5 junction is off the scale. Drivers make the assumption that the overhead gantry is not showing a speed limit of say 60 mph then they safe to exceed 70 mph. Big mistake ! 😢
I dont understand -- the logic of some who claim that setting thier warning at 75mph and then complain when done for going over 70mph LOL An idea set your warning for 70 in a 70 mph zones.
OMG 😮 I feel your pain ……. been there got the t-shirt and like you I don’t use lawyers. I’ve got thoughts, but probably wait for your second episode update. For sure you need to focus on a strategy to keep your license 🤔
Going to try the self drive this week
@ brilliant plan 👌🤞🤣
The cars you are talking about are all modern cars, I'm pretty sure that most modern cars have a thing called a Speed Limiter, you just accelerate up to the speed you require, set the limiter and the car won't go any faster than that speed.
Richard , are the tryres the correct size? Speedo calibrated correctly ?
Was this hand held speed camera ? Lazer sliding up the slope adding mph on sleek Porche shape?
Also speed limit signs are often defective , red circles not red , signs not lit .
I had a run of tickets 20 years ago . 5 speed cameras on a route with 22 signing defects !
Police , courts , councils all in a partnership. But failed to correct the road signs .
Also you can argue your job, employment of others air caring responsibilities to avoid a 12 point ban.
Tony S
In Staffordshire 78 mph on the motorway gets you a speeding ticket 76 gets you a caution? So 34, 45 56 67 would all be a definite summons.
I had my first ticket (2nd one ever) in over 30 years last year...79 on the M6. 🙄
I once got stopped by a senior policeman in a big Volvo on the M6...he was on my tale at 126 uphill..couldn't shake him!😂
..when I slowed down to 60 and the blue lights came on..I felt sick. One good telling off later and I was on my way with the words..'Never speed at night...you don't know what's behind you' ringing in my ears! 😅
The stupid thing is that I'm sure 99% of people who get speeding fines are not driving dangerously..it's simply a new tax on the mororists...the 10%+2 sensible wiggle room seems to have been ditched in favour of a more 'Gestapo'esque' YOU VILL OBAY ZE LIMIT AT ALL TIMES mentality...which is not going to help foster a good relationship with the public! 😡
I think you and Geoff need to get the Motorist's Action Network up and running ASAP Richard...we need a powerful lobby group which works on behalf of the motorist's more than ever. 👍🏻😎
100% correct. Police would usually just give you a ticking off unless you were driving dangerously. Now we're being fined by machine, camera takes a photo, one policeman puts his name to them en masse without even reading them and they're all processed by computer. The law was never intended to work that way, you're supposed to be "done" by a policeman and prosecuted and fined by a judge in court, not someone sat in an office processing camera images and feeding them into a computer where they all get rubber stamped by a JP who hasn't even read the charges. I don't even know how that's legal, how can you be prosecuted if a judge hasn't even read the paperwork? Much the same thing happens with things like council tax enforcement too, 1000+ cases "heard" all at once and rubber stamped yet supposedly read and passed by a judge.
Big brother is watching!!!
I hate opening post and email, stresses me out, it’s always shit to deal with, I need a desert island with a track on it and I’d be happy
Opening the post always costs me money that’s why I leave it so long to get from the post box 🤣
Like buses they all come along at once.
My opinion on this is that speed limits are about managing safety and reducing accidents and the aftermath of accidents, this is fairly difficult to argue with. My problem is that things like blanket 20mph limits and roads where the limits constantly change create many examples of inappropriate limits, leading to too many distractions for drivers, constantly watching their speed rather than the road ahead. For example outside schools should have a 20mph limit and that limit should be rigourously enforced but once there are no houses and the road widens the limit should change at-least to 40mph, not 20-30-40-50 in a few hundred yards (eg Painswick Gloucestershire, towards Cheltenham), this almost seems it has been put there as a trap, just stay at 20 , then 50. Motorway limits should be 80mph and limits should be less flexible. It is very clear that all govenments have the motorist in their sights as an easy cash cow.
Speed limits - and danger therein to passengers and pedestrians- reference to the Highway Code…. Which in turn relates to brake, tyre, suspension systems and technology scoped out in the 1960’s 🤷🏻♂️
Ive got 6 points and both speeding offences are under 26mph.
34mph as an offence is ridiculous 😮
And who doesn't cruise around 80mph on a motorway?
Modern brakes and tyres make these offences laughable 😏
I just got done for 27 in a 20 in Wales where most of the urban roads are 20, it's horrible.
When I did my first ever naughty boy course last year there were a number of people in London on the course who'd been done for doing 22 in a 20....crazy! 😡
The limit is 70 mph. It’s not rocket science. Learn the hard way like this uploaderabout what a limit actually means. It’s a MAXIMUM. Not a guide.
@@colliehouse3133 Tell me, how did you manage to amass 25 subscribers when you have no content and no archived videos on your channel? Or are you just another tiresome AI generated shill account?
@@colliehouse3133 We know what the limit is but there's no common sense. I had a car 40 years ago that shook itself to bits at 70 mph and took twice as long to stop than cars do now. My current car can do over 120 and you wouldn't feel a single rattle or vibration and it has all sorts of tech to help it maintain a distance and even brake autonomously, so what's the reason for retaining a limit which is now absurd in a modern car - apart from to make money out of us? No speed camera has ever prevented an accident but they've caused plenty where people have spotted them at the last minute and hit the brakes, which means that if it was all about safety there's more reason to get rid of them than keep them.
You are the first person I’ve ever heard of that’s been prosecuted for doing under the 10% + 2mph threshold, this is quite literally unbelievable, I wonder why you want us to believe this. I understand that the threshold is advisory but there exists no credible cases with evidence were someone has been prosecuted in the past 15 years or since the 10% + 2mph rule has been around. So confused at your angle or motive here.
There is no such rule as 10% +2 . I can vouch for that Roadworks coming out of Grimsby ( A180) couple years ago ticket for 33 .Speed aware course.
@ I quite frankly don’t believe you because not a single NIP letter has been shared online since the ‘official threshold guidelines’ were introduced many years ago. There’s countless examples of people who have shared their official prosecution documentation online outside of the threshold limit but not a single example of someone being prosecuted inside of it.
@@GrahamNewman-mq7gr Do you exist in some alternative reality? Of course that rule exists, it's just advisory for technicalities or an aggravating circumstance, the courts are basically telling the police not to waste their time with prosecutions outside of the guidelines.
@Easty-bm4sb " There is NO 10 % +2 rule. The parameters are set by the Chief Constable of the area. I was in the Police for a few years. People are under a ilusion about this and many other matters on road traffic.
@@GrahamNewman-mq7gr Why can't anyone provide evidence of prosecution within the threshold guidelines and why is it widely known that every force in the country has adopted official ACPO guidelines? You're just spreading misinformation and are unable to supply any evidence to support your claims.
Is it because you’re getting old and your attention isn’t what it once was? 😅
I stopped doing 80 a few years ago as they are so much stricter these days, I just cruise at 70. I notice all traffic seems slower now, 80 used to be very much the norm and un written rule, my guess is the cars warning people more has slowed people down. Maybe that is why they are clamping down now, they need to catch people and hit targets and bring in funds so its now the 80 drivers getting stung
💯 getting old 🤣
I agree - I think fewer people drive at 80 on the motorway compared to 20 years ago when it was the defacto limit. I generally stick the cruise to 73 (a real 70/71) and then don't have to worry, and many seem to be about this speed nowadays, at least in my part of the UK.
I don't think it's anything to do with cars warning people, it's because there are more and more cameras that cannot distinguish between safely driving a little over the speed limit. Police only really used to bother with the lunatics that drove as fast as they could regardless of the conditions or traffic, but cameras catch everybody going over a certain speed even on an empty road at 3 a.m.
10% +/- 2 is a guide. It's adoption by police areas is optional. Famously, the new Chief Constable in North Wales (some years ago now) made a big public announcement about zero tolerance on speed limits. If you did 31 in a 30, you'd be getting done.
While that's a concern, I think of greater concern is the state of the roads. There's the potholes that we all know about but also, there's this ever increasing push to make roads ever more complicated. As an example, a main dual carriageway 'A' road near me consists of a main carriageway, bus lanes and bike lanes. The bus lanes will cross the main carriageway and other traffic has to give way. A main carriageway lane will suddenly turn into a bus lane and then a hundred yards later, will end. Bus lanes will have to be crossed to turn off the 'A' road to shopping malls and industrial estates but you have to give way to buses and heaven help you if you stray one inch outside of the allowed lane.
I've been caught on this road for driving in a bus lane. I found the road so complicated, I decided to just focus on driving safely instead. The council got their pound of flesh (twice) by way of penalty notice and also reduced traffic because I found a different way to avoid the area.
I don't know when it happened but drivers have been turned into modern day pariahs. Ones that can be milked incessantly by a state that constantly has its money grubbing hands out.
Download a speed app to your phone and compare to the car when driving
Might be worth you checking the accuracy of the speedo's in these newer electric cars especially. They used to make speedos roughly over read by about 2mph at 30mph and it would be more like 4 or 5mph at 70mph. Can use a GPS device or a phone app to check it. As cars now have speed alerts and things like that, who knows maybe the tolerance has been reducing? The mani reason for the deliberate difference was so that as devices age, if their accuracy fails then theres never a sitiation where they under read. This said, this all started back in the analogue days, now they are digital, whi knows?
I will have give this self driving a go now!
Totally same. No points for 30 years now got 3 tickets in a year last was 79 in a 70 as well so rule doesn’t work. Just about making money from motorists for insurers and police. Anyone used anything better than Waze for detection?
I got caught doing 79 in a 70 in a 22 plate car. You have my sympathies...ive switch on a warning bong when i go 5 over the speed limit now quite annoying but so is a sppeding ticket. I've been caught speeding 3 times in 30 plus years of driving. Every time there was no danger whatsoever.
Exactly, which is why the police would NEVER stop you for anything up to 80mph unless your driving was really poor. Even if they did you would likely just get a warning as long as it wasn't dangerous, i.e. when the motorway wasn't that busy. That common sense attitude has now been replaced by an "absolute" system in which you just get fined no matter what. I got a ticket on a totally empty road on a clear, dry night at 3 a.m. for driving at 36 mph. Where's the victim? It's an absolute fucking joke.
Completely agree!
Rich, every force does its own thing with speed enforcement. Get yourself a very good solicitor, Nick Freeman comes to mind. You are at risk of losing your licence at 12 points, that’s the issue you face so get some good legal advice. To be honest, police forces and PCC’s make speeding a priority enforcement. You have to set your cruise control / speed warning if your car has one. Waze beeps when you exceed the speed limit. It’s the digital world we live in. Must admit I have a dash cam that I can look back on just to double check if I’m in the position of getting done. It’s more of a piece of mind thing so I can challenge if it came to it.
Last year I got my first ever speeding ticket caught by the new type of unseen Vector SR cameras (36 in a 30) after over 50 years of driving and so took the awareness course. Strange though my car is also a 2022 model.
As regards the motorway variable speed cameras (with mandatory gantry warning signs in red circles) am I right in assuming you only get caught when you pass the second set of warning signs? In other words when they light up as you approach the gantry you would need to pass another gantry in excess of the speed limit before being 'flashed'?
DO NOT simply accept their 'so called' facts of your alleged speeding.
Do the Maths on the timings supplied. I was sent a NIP for the very same speed (79) (speed cameras) and although their calculations were, on the face of it, correct, my lawyer successfully argued that THEIR equipment has a margin of error also, so, the 79 mph could not be relied upon.
Case dismissed😂.
Did you get expenses back on your lawyer too? Hope so as it would be more than the fine.
No solicitor expenses in Scotland. It's not the money (although financial pain) it's the points, and the principle. In Scotland we do not get Speed Awareness Courses, so, every intended prosecution ends up in points. Think yourself lucky if you live in England.
@@V70P3rules "Think yourself lucky if you live in England" (with Speed Awareness Courses), I didn't know that, yes I will. Hear quite a lot about 20 mph policies in Wales and Scotland and I wonder why those countries vote for it.
Caffeine and Machine opened new site near me (West Meon, Hampshire). Simultaneously average speed cameras for about 5 miles on each approach road were added…. These roads are in the middle of nowhere……Ker-ching🤦🏻♂️
Hopefully all this money is well spent!
Luckily i drive on the same roads I know where the fixed cameras are & i know where the mobiles sit…still got 6pts but they were on different roads that i don’t usually drive on🤷♂️
If you are checking the speedometer all the time you are not looking at the road and potential hazards. That is technically driving without due care and attention. Apart from outside schools (during hours) and accident black spots these cameras are purely for making money. I was taught by a Met Police Hendon Class One instructor back in the early '80s and the rule then was no more than 10mph over any limited except 30mph, which is there for a good reason in built-up areas. The new limits are all about money making and 20mph is plain daft. It is not a natural speed for a vehicle, and requires a distracting level of concentration from the road to maintain.
Why not use a speed limiter, set at limit plus give or take 10%? All modern cars have it now.
I do that always now, unless on a rare occasion I forget.
I am going to have to do this but 32years and no tickets now 4!
That's ok if it is a decent road with one limit. Locally there's a road that has 50mph, 40mph, 30mph,20mph all over the place. You need a co driver to reset the speed limiter!
Yes, but my EV reads those changing limits and sets them accordingly.
That's why I said most modern cars have that function :)
Exact 10%+2 mph speeding tickets. Yep i had 2 tickets in a year after over 25 years of no tickets. 35mph in 30 and 68 in a 60. Suspicious, maybe
Richard I would love to see an analysis of this - growth in speeding fines by county, impact on insurance premiums for numbers of points and I am guessing but limited correlation to road safety outcomes suggesting this is all about money not road safety particularly given a lot of these fines like the 79 in 70 are on open motorway / main A roads. I wonder what proportion of motorists now have 3 points min - my guess is a lot so is this just the new norm and another Labour stealth tax?.
Just had a driving without due care and attention for parking on an unadopted road in a private space . the road was lined with cars but the space I used was different !
Post on a Sunday boy what year is it 1840 ?
I don’t look at post it always costs me money 🤣🤦♂️
Use Waze I use it for speed cameras
A Rolls and a chauffeur maybe the way to go, cheaper than a race track, but admittedly less fun!
That was my thinking last night a nice electric rolls Royce self driving 🤣 I am looking for a wraith again miss that car!
What I find wrong is fixed speed cameras can be turned off and speed settings changed on all types of roads. A roads are sixty but they can be changed or turned off. This is cheating the motorists
My friend camera enforcement told me of 2 speed awareness rule one for the 30 and other for the motorway 70 rule . So you could be offered 2 in those examples
Ok this is legalised extortion; my son got a ticket where the photo shows he is avoiding a motorcycle that is clearly on his side of the road and he has literally only tyre on the white line of a bus lane…. £60 ticket. Could I fight it… sure, but the hassle and time is massive. They know this and “are playing the numbers” … ITS A MONEY MAKING SCAM
Geoff’s friend (EV Carnage in RUclips so you can check out his videos on this) clocked up four 3 point speeding tickets and got a 6 month ban. The roads are awash with cameras so it’s all to easy now. Head of the London Black Cab Association said how many of his members were picking up multiple tickets and loosing their license. If you have acquired 5 then it may be worth employing a specialist solicitor if you need to keep your license; otherwise you may need to hire a driver for some time.
I could be hiring a driver very soon 🤣
Good luck with your insurance next year
I received a NIP on Xmas eve for doing 35mph in a 30 on a rural uninhabited country road that anywhere else would have been a 50. I'm a careful driver, this is my first in 15 years. I feel it's too easy to get caught accidentally.
A driver in Southend has 46 points and is still not banned