Akbar के नवरत्न, Birbal की हत्या कैसे हुई? | Mughal | Tarikh E839

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • लल्लनटॉप का सालाना अड्डा लौट आया है. दिनांक 22 नवंबर से 24 नवंबर तक, दिल्ली के मेजर ध्यान चंद नेशनल स्टेडियम में... बनिए तीन दिन के लल्लनटॉप अड्डा का हिस्सा सिर्फ 499 रुपए में. रजिस्ट्रेशन के लिए lallantop.com पे दिए बैनर पे क्लिक कीजिए या डिस्क्रिप्शन मे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक करे.
    Link: adda.thelallantop.com/ltadda-2024
    In today’s Tarikh episode, we dive into a lesser-known side of the famous Akbar-Birbal stories. We’ve all heard the funny and witty tales of their friendship, but what about the mystery and tragedy behind Birbal’s death? How did Birbal’s loyalty lead him into danger? Was there a conspiracy against him? And how did Akbar, the mighty emperor, cope with the loss of his dearest friend? In this episode we have uncovered the hidden history, exploring the events that turned Akbar and Birbal’s bond into a legend, forever etched in time.
    The copyright ownership in the video vests with India Today Group. No third party is permitted to use the video without obtaining the permission of India Today Group. Any permission for usage can be obtained through the email ID provided here mail@lallantop.com.
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    Produced By: The Lallantop
    Edited By: Alok Sahu

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