Why do we have to pay for the fancy entertainment system? We just want a cheap van which transports stuff in reasonable comfort. This is an eternal problem, products become more and more luxurious and the initial concept vanishes. For example Henry Ford and his Model T, exactly what people wanted. There is nothing comparable today. Everything has expensive bells and whistles attached. Hire product designers and they will design your product up their own backsides to justify their salaries.
Comments about style are pointless and a matter of taste. How about discussing Citroen's reliability problems with injectors? That would be useful.
You are free to do that yourself right here. But your comment was not useful in that regard. Thanks😂
Or the plastic impeller in the water pump that will fail at 60k
Why do we have to pay for the fancy entertainment system? We just want a cheap van which transports stuff in reasonable comfort. This is an eternal problem, products become more and more luxurious and the initial concept vanishes. For example Henry Ford and his Model T, exactly what people wanted. There is nothing comparable today. Everything has expensive bells and whistles attached. Hire product designers and they will design your product up their own backsides to justify their salaries.