Thank you all for your lovely comments. Humbled beyond words! And blessed to share screen with one of the brilliant minds in the field of teaching-learning. I remember a quote from Mr. Nelson Mandela that says it seems impossible until it's done. Ma'am, you keep inspiring us in many ways. Above all, you're a teacher who is true to her profession; a person who has real charm in her personality. Keep shining! 🤗❤ Thank you again for all the love and appreciation, my friends. All the best to you all for your future endeavors. 😊❤ Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
SOME MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FOR ANY COPETITIVE EXAMS ✍️✍️✍️ 📝📝 Chemistry 📝📝 ✍1.तरंग चलती हैं, तो वे अपने साथ ले जाती हैं Ans : - -ऊर्जा 2.: - सूर्य ग्रहण के समय सूर्य का कौन-सा भाग दिखाई देता है? Ans : - किरीट 3.: - कपड़ों से जंग के धब्बे हटाने के लिये प्रयोग किया Ans : - -ऑक्ज़ैलिक अम्ल 4.: - गन्ने में ‘लाल सड़न रोग’ किसके कारण उत्पन्न होता है? Ans : - कवकों द्वारा 5.: - टेलीविजन का आविष्कार किसने किया था? Ans : - जे. एल. बेयर्ड 6.: - किस प्रकार के ऊतक शरीर के सुरक्षा कवच का कार्य करते हैं? Ans : - एपिथीलियम ऊतक 7.: - मनुष्य ने सर्वप्रथम किस जन्तु को अपना पालतू बनाया? Ans : - कुत्ता 8.: - किस वैज्ञानिक ने सर्वप्रथम बर्फ़ के दो टुकड़ों को आपस में घिसकर पिघला दिया? Ans : - डेवी 9: - हीरा चमकदार क्यों दिखाई देता है? Ans : - सामूहिक आंतरिक परावर्तन के कारण 10.: - ‘गोबर गैस’ में मुख्य रूप से क्या पाया जाता है। Ans : - मिथेन 11.: - निम्न में से कौन-सा आहार मानव शरीर में नये ऊतकों की वृद्धि के लिए पोषक तत्व प्रदान करता है? Ans : - पनीर 12.: - निम्न में से कौन एक उड़ने वाली छिपकली है? Ans : - ड्रेको 13.: - अंगूर में कौन-सा अम्ल पाया जाता है? Ans : - टार्टरिक अम्ल 14.: - कैंसर सम्बन्धी रोगों का अध्ययन कहलाता है Ans : - oncology 15.: - घोंसला बनाने वाला एकमात्र साँप कौन-सा है? Ans : - किंग कोबरा 16.: - भारत में पायी जाने वाली सबसे बड़ी मछली कौन-सी है? Ans : - ह्वेल शार्क 17.: - दालें किसका एक अच्छा स्रोत होती हैं? Ans : - प्रोटीन 18.: - देशी घी में से सुगन्ध क्यों आती है? Ans : - डाइएसिटिल के कारण 19.: - इन्द्रधनुष में किस रंग का विक्षेपण अधिक होता है? Ans : - लाल रंग 20.: - सूर्य की किरण में कितने रंग होते हैं? Ans : - 7 21.: - ‘टाइपराइटर’ (टंकण मशीन) के आविष्कारक कौन हैं? Ans : - शोल्स 22.: - सिरका को लैटिन भाषा में क्या कहा जाता है। Ans : - ऐसीटम 23.: - दूध की शुद्धता का मापन किस यन्त्र से किया जाता है? Ans : - लैक्टोमीटर 24.: - पृथ्वी पर सबसे अधिक मात्रा में पाया जाने वाला धातु तत्त्व कौन-सा है? Ans : - ऐलुमिनियम 25.: - मोती मुख्य रूप से किस पदार्थ का बना होता है? Ans : - कैल्सियम कार्बोनेट 26.: - मानव शरीर में सबसे अधिक मात्रा में कौन-सा तत्व पाया जाता है? Ans : - ऑक्सीजन 27.: - आम का वानस्पतिक नाम क्या है? Ans : - मेंगीफ़ेरा इण्डिका 28.: - कॉफी पाउडर के साथ मिलाया जाने वाला ‘चिकोरी चूर्ण’ प्राप्त होता है Ans : - -जड़ों से 29.: - ‘विटामिन-सी’ का सबसे अच्छा स्त्रोत क्या है? Ans : - आंवला 30.: - सबसे अधिक तीव्रता की ध्वनि कौन उत्पन्न करता है? Ans : - बाघ 31.: - मानव शरीर में सबसे लम्बी कोशिका कौन-सी होती है? Ans : - तंत्रिका कोशिका 32.: - दाँत मुख्य रूप से किस पदार्थ के बने होते हैं? Ans : - डेंटाइन के 33.: - किस जंतु की आकृति पैर की चप्पल के समान होती है? Ans : - पैरामीशियम 34.: - निम्न में से किस पदार्थ में प्रोटीन नहीं पाया जाता है? Ans : - चावल 35.: - मानव का मस्तिष्क लगभग कितने ग्राम का होता है? Ans : - 1350 36.: - रक्त में पायी जाने वाली धातु है Ans : - -लोहा 37.: - मांसपेशियों में किस अम्ल के एकत्रित होने से थकावट आती है? Ans : - लैक्टिक अम्ल 38.: - किण्वन का उदाहरण है Ans : - -दूध का खट्टा होना,खाने की ब्रेड का बनना,गीले आटे का खट्टा होना 39.: - केंचुए की कितनी आँखें होती हैं? Ans : - एक भी नहीं 40.: - गाजर किस विटामिन का समृद्ध स्रोत है? Ans : - विटामिन A 🌐 शेयर जरूर करें 🌐 फालो करे 👉Education with Beeru को🙏
मैं अभी तक आधा इंटरव्यू देख पाई हूँ बाकी का देख रही हूं लेकिन आधे इंटरव्यू में ही मोटिवेशन मिल रहा है और नॉलेज , एक्सपीरियंस तो सुनने को मिल ही रहा है😎
Thank you so so much Deeksha Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Hi mam it's me amit anand, aaj mera paper tha, approx 110+ will b my score I expect, thanks to u mam. Ur videos helped me a lot all marathons, analysis and all ur strategies. Specially CDP was fab, I m sure I will score 28 or 30 out of 30,english was a bit tough I think. All the questions came from the topics u taught, maine aapke videos ko dekh dekh kar notes banaye the uske bad bas ek bar revision and rest is the result so thanx a lot for ur support, a lots of love for u mam 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤😊
Very Honest & Simple Guy .. Right say ; QUALITY matters not QUANTITY . BASIC Should be Cleared ... Best Personality Ever .. 👸 Thanku To both of You to share These Precious Experience with Us . REALLY DOING SOMETHING GREAT THAT'S MAKE YOU DIFFERENT FROM OTHERS . ♥️
Thank you so so much Priya Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Kaur Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
जिंदगी खेलती भी उसी के साथ है, जो खिलाड़ी बेहतरीन होता है, दर्द सबके एक से है, मगर हौंसले सबके अलग अलग है, कोई हताश हो के बिखर जाता है, तो कोई संघर्ष करके निखर जाता।
Thank you so so much Vikash Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank u Himanshi for this inspirational talk with Nimbaram. congrats bhai💐...aap ki ye baat sabit hoti hai ...agar hum karna chahe to 70 tareeke karne k 70 bahane 👏👏👏👏
Thank you so so much Om Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Congratulations nimbaram bro. Ham bhi JALORE se he bhai , L2 se 136 marks aa rhe mere bhi brother Thanks mam Aapke padhane ka tareeka shaandar hai 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐🍫🍫🍫🍫✌🤘🤗✍🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆
Thank you so so much Rathore Sahab! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Karuna Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much RK Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Ranju Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Finally..... Reet toppers ka himanshi mam k sath vedio aa hi gya. Mam mere reet me 143 marks h. CDP ki shuruaat mne aapke vedios se hi ki thi. Thank you so much mam
Thank you so so much Paro Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Hlo mam I got 136 marks in reet 2021 and I watched your CDP videos since 2019 when I passed ctet Dec. 2019 and got 114 marks . Thanks for your selfless work
Thank you so so much Pooja Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
*आंखों में अरमान लिया मंजिल को अपना मान लिया मुश्किल क्या , आसान क्या जब ठान लिया तो ठान लिया।*...✍️धन्यवाद निम्बा राम भाई ...👌💐🤗🤟 आपने हमे अपनी सच्चाई और कर्त्तव्य के प्रति दृढ़ता का परिचय दिया है। आपकी संघर्षपूर्ण मेहनत ही आपकी सबसे बड़ी सफलता है।... Thank you so much ma'am👩🏫🥰 for topper discussion...💯👍Realy hardwork most important for success life.❤️Love & smile...😀😀 Happy Life jurny☺️😊
जायज मांग "सिर्फ जांच" no cancellation of reet exam🙏 हमारा सरकार से यही निवेदन है कि बेशक सरकार निष्पक्ष जांच करे, दोषियों को सजा दे और उनको बाहर करे, लेकिन उन students ko नियुक्ति दे जो अपनी मेहनत से no लाए हैं, इस बात को ध्यान में रखे कि उनके साथ अन्याय ना हो जिन्होंने समर्पित भाव से इस एग्जाम की तैयारी की थी, और एग्जाम में अव्व्ल आए है, ध्यान रखें कि ये स्टूडेंट्स वापस पढ़ने का जज्बा, पैसे और वो वक्त कहा से लायेंगे। इनमे से बहुत सो को तो मौका ही नहीं मिलेगा। तो जायज मांग हमारी यही है की बेशक जांच करे लेकिन sbke हितों को ध्यान में रखकर करे। रद्द करने की मांग करने वाले बहुत से students to vo हैं जिनके कम नम्बर आए है और ये आंकड़ा लाखों में है और वो लोग भी है जो रद्द कराने का मुद्दा उठाकर इनकी नजरो में ideal/Hero banna चाहते है, ताकि वो अपनी चुनावी रोटी सेक सकें।
Thank you so so much Pragya Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Simmi Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
मुझे निंबाराम का पूरा इंटरव्यू यह लगा कि बंदे ने मेहनत बहुत अच्छी तरीके से की है क्युकी इन्होंने हर चीज को अच्छी तरीके से एक्सप्लेन किया है it's real topper
Thank you so much, Mukesh Ji! 😊 बहुत खुशी होती है जब कोई बिना पूर्वाग्रह के, हमारी बातों का धैर्यपूर्वक और ईमानदारी के साथ विश्लेषण करता है और मेहनत की कद्र करता है। बहुत से लोग आते हैं यहाँ जो वीडियो देखने से पहले ही हमें नकल गिरोह की सदस्यता दे जाते हैं।
Congratulation Bro...It's an amazing feeling 🥰.. ... I also want to feel same .. 🤗🤗🤗.. Thanks❤ alot mam.. For this energetic motivation and rinforcement that you always created for Us in different different manners.. 😍funtestic🙌
Thank you so so much Reeta Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
@@SSBNSindhari very nice bhai..u r too good ..thnk u for sharing ur strategy. I am a mother of a baby so I can't give more time for study but I want to success in life and ur words truly motivate me..thnk u bhai 👍
Thank you so so much Sanjay Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Anjali Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Rani Shukla Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
@@SSBNSindhari Sir heartiest congratulations to you and your family too😁 You did a great job sir 🥰 Please guide me for practicing of teaching methods please sir
Thank you so so much Prachi Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Mam का यही खासियत है सामने वाला से ज्यादा mam ही conclude सब ठीक से कर देती है. Nimbaram to 10 mnt v नहीं बोले होंगे ठीक से.. Mam easy kr देती है सामने वाले का task.. So sweet mam😊😍
Thank you so so much Himani Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Mam apsa acha koi n pda skta apsa pdkr kafi khushi milti h mrko or confidence build Hota h mam ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ u r great solute h apko 🙏😍😍🎊🎊🎊💖💖💖😇💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🗺️🗺️🗺️🗺️🗺️🗺️
Thank you so so much Priyanka Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Mamata Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you Himanshi di for this motivational video..and congratulations to Nimbaram Choudary ji for your achievement, guidance, strategy, motivation , feedback🙏🏼 hope one day I will be there ❤️ and congratulations to happily married life..💐 Nimbaram ji..
Thank you so so much Akansha Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 All the best for your future endeavors. Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Firstly thank u so much himanshi mam🙏🤗😍....aaj mera 10 jan ko exam tha shift 1 ka...nd in cdp ...jitna aapne pdhaya tha utne me se hi aaye the questions...evs or english thodhi moderate lgi thi but cdp me jitna aapne marathon me pdhaya bs usi k andar se hi sb aa rha h...bhut saare question analysis wale hi repeat hue 1- pitcher plant .....meghalaya me .. 2- conservation cognitive development ki kis stage me hota h ....concrete.. 3-vyogtsky ne social culture ki haat kahi thi ye aaya tha... Chomsky se related language me aaya tha ...immate krke option me de rkha tha ans. 4- development me kya nhi option me tha ki development sirf heredity ki wjh se hota h ye hi galat tha isliye yhi answer tha uska ... 5-sensitive period for language development me ki kon si hoti h....early childhood.. 6-secondary stage me kon kon aate h socialisation me... a- school nd neighbour b- family nd school 7-mathematical nd reasoning / formula....comes in logical intelligence 8-ncf or chomsky se related question cdp ...hindi ...maths or english ...sbme aaya tha.. 9- social contract orientation se related ek question tha 10- egocentric speech Is of no 11-maths me viein hile se bhi ek option correct choose wala tha ki relationship comes after analysis....😊🙏 overall paper jyada tough nhi aa rha h bs marathon ...analysis videos hi dekhe koi to bhi bhut acche Mark's aa jayenge thank u so much mam🤗💯🙏
Thank you so so much Rahul Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Ram Tapariya Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Beauty Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Saumya Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Renu Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Shreya Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Aayushi Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Ramanpreet Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Srishti here from Purnea, Bihar. Some questions from 10 jan paper 1 1. Kohlberg's theory - समाज में जो निर्णय लिया गया है, उन्हें मान लेना चाहिए....कौन सा stage hai ? 2, Right to education 2009 खंड 12 - आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर बच्चों के लिए कौन सा प्रावधान है - निजी विद्यालय में संरक्षण , केवल सरकारी स्कूलों में दाखिला aur option yad nhi hai ma'am.... 3. Piaget - संरक्षण किस स्टेज में बच्चे सीख लेते है - concrete operational stage. 🤔 Hoga पियाजे से, Noam chomsky और व्यगोत्सकी से भी प्रश्न थे Evs से - 1. आयरन किस में प्रचुर मात्रा में मिलते है .. 2 रेगिस्तानी ओक से था 3. मच्छर से होने वाली बीमारियां Maths - 1. wan हेल का सिद्धांत 2. Discalculiya हिंदी - अनुभूति का विग्रह Gender based question the. लड़कियों से शिक्षक को गणित के प्रश्न नहीं पूछने चाहिए रएवं आनुवांशिक रूप से कमजोर गणित में... ऐसे कथन थे ..जो दोनों गलत होंगे । Thanks a lot ma'am....🙏
Wow super discussion & it's very useful for all students who prepare exam in teaching field... thank you mam😍🙏 congratulations sir😍 Love frm Maharashtra ❤️😍
Thank you so so much Priti Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Hello mem Aaj Mera exsem tha thanks to you mem CDP ke qusttion bht easy the mem apke sath me 3 mounths se Judi hui thi mem or yhi wajh h ki mein papar bht acha kr paai 🤗😘🥰🥰🥰 mem thank to u mem for your birrliant teaching ♥️❣️😘 1 mem CDP me ak question tha ki ...सर पे जिसके पैसा सर से दुम तक नीला ही नीला 1 मोर 2 barbet 3गोरैया 2. पियाजे से था vygotsky kiske paksh me bat krte h social interaction 3 .एक शिक्षिका कुछ गमले जिसमे एक गुलाब का फूल तथा एक अदरक का पौधा शिक्षर्थियों को दिखाती है तो वह क्या नही prmaadit कर सकती 1फूलों में अन्तर 2 जड़ो का विश्लेषण 3 बीजो का स्पष्टीकरण। 4 .कीटो को खाने वाला पौधा कहा पाया जाता है । 1 मेघालय 2 मिजोरम 3बिहार 4 कर्नाटक CDP में गार्डनर के बारे में आया था कोलबर्क' पियाजे व्यगोत्स्की । Bus yahi yaad rhe mem bki papr sab apka padhya hua hi aya almost bus English alg th thodi bht language chnge h bht jyda mem Jo AP pdhate ho na usse dogna ghuma dala hai language ko in logo ne i would like to thanks to u mem❣️♥️❣️❣️😘apki wjh se fir bhi mem me acha kar paai kuky apne kha rat kr Mt Jana so I just doing my best for you support mem love u mem sorry itne hi yaad rhe ho mean the bta diye❣️🥰😘🙏🌼
Thank you so so much Nidhi Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Beauty Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Congratulations on ur success sir may God bless u n our ma'am. Thnk u so much for sharing ur valuable experience with us. I hv a infant n responsibilities but ma'am n ur discussion motivates me a lot..Thnk u both of u for being such a good inspiration for me🥰💟
Thank you so so much Madhusmita Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Gurpreet Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Hanmanth Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Yukti Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Karishma Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Reena Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you so so much Farheen Alvi Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
All the best to him for his future endeavours and to you as well. But please take care of your health you are a precious gem who has changed millions of lives till now and have to change billions of lives further as well. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Yes I agree. Ma'am please 🥺 don't be reckless with your health, we need you. You have the great responsibility of creating more himanshis and himanshus through your channel.
I had seen his interview on Utkarsh again I’m watching it’s amazing the question & answers taken by you Mam makes a different. This only makes you great 👍🏻❤️ lots of respect & love 💕
Thank you so so much Sheetal Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 Regards Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you all for your lovely comments. Humbled beyond words! And blessed to share screen with one of the brilliant minds in the field of teaching-learning. I remember a quote from Mr. Nelson Mandela that says it seems impossible until it's done. Ma'am, you keep inspiring us in many ways. Above all, you're a teacher who is true to her profession; a person who has real charm in her personality. Keep shining! 🤗❤
Thank you again for all the love and appreciation, my friends. All the best to you all for your future endeavors. 😊❤
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thanku so much sir.. My good wishes are always with you.. Thankiew so much for ur guidance..
Hy bhai first of all congratulations 🎉
Bhai plzz ye btao L 1 cdp ke liye konsi book or teacher ko refer kre
@@sonu__kala Himanshi Ma'am ke videos and Vandana Jadon ki guide refer kr skte h.
@@angel716 Welcome and thank you! 😊
@@SSBNSindhari bhai thnxxx you 💖
मेहनत तो सभी करते हैं, दिखती उसकी है जो सफल हो जाता है।
Right bro achha likha hai
Kuch log bakchodi bi krte hae
SOME MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FOR ANY COPETITIVE EXAMS ✍️✍️✍️ 📝📝 Chemistry 📝📝 ✍1.तरंग चलती हैं, तो वे अपने साथ ले जाती हैं Ans : - -ऊर्जा 2.: - सूर्य ग्रहण के समय सूर्य का कौन-सा भाग दिखाई देता है? Ans : - किरीट 3.: - कपड़ों से जंग के धब्बे हटाने के लिये प्रयोग किया Ans : - -ऑक्ज़ैलिक अम्ल 4.: - गन्ने में ‘लाल सड़न रोग’ किसके कारण उत्पन्न होता है? Ans : - कवकों द्वारा 5.: - टेलीविजन का आविष्कार किसने किया था? Ans : - जे. एल. बेयर्ड 6.: - किस प्रकार के ऊतक शरीर के सुरक्षा कवच का कार्य करते हैं? Ans : - एपिथीलियम ऊतक 7.: - मनुष्य ने सर्वप्रथम किस जन्तु को अपना पालतू बनाया? Ans : - कुत्ता 8.: - किस वैज्ञानिक ने सर्वप्रथम बर्फ़ के दो टुकड़ों को आपस में घिसकर पिघला दिया? Ans : - डेवी 9: - हीरा चमकदार क्यों दिखाई देता है? Ans : - सामूहिक आंतरिक परावर्तन के कारण 10.: - ‘गोबर गैस’ में मुख्य रूप से क्या पाया जाता है। Ans : - मिथेन 11.: - निम्न में से कौन-सा आहार मानव शरीर में नये ऊतकों की वृद्धि के लिए पोषक तत्व प्रदान करता है? Ans : - पनीर 12.: - निम्न में से कौन एक उड़ने वाली छिपकली है? Ans : - ड्रेको 13.: - अंगूर में कौन-सा अम्ल पाया जाता है? Ans : - टार्टरिक अम्ल 14.: - कैंसर सम्बन्धी रोगों का अध्ययन कहलाता है Ans : - oncology 15.: - घोंसला बनाने वाला एकमात्र साँप कौन-सा है? Ans : - किंग कोबरा 16.: - भारत में पायी जाने वाली सबसे बड़ी मछली कौन-सी है? Ans : - ह्वेल शार्क 17.: - दालें किसका एक अच्छा स्रोत होती हैं? Ans : - प्रोटीन 18.: - देशी घी में से सुगन्ध क्यों आती है? Ans : - डाइएसिटिल के कारण 19.: - इन्द्रधनुष में किस रंग का विक्षेपण अधिक होता है? Ans : - लाल रंग 20.: - सूर्य की किरण में कितने रंग होते हैं? Ans : - 7 21.: - ‘टाइपराइटर’ (टंकण मशीन) के आविष्कारक कौन हैं? Ans : - शोल्स 22.: - सिरका को लैटिन भाषा में क्या कहा जाता है। Ans : - ऐसीटम 23.: - दूध की शुद्धता का मापन किस यन्त्र से किया जाता है? Ans : - लैक्टोमीटर 24.: - पृथ्वी पर सबसे अधिक मात्रा में पाया जाने वाला धातु तत्त्व कौन-सा है? Ans : - ऐलुमिनियम 25.: - मोती मुख्य रूप से किस पदार्थ का बना होता है? Ans : - कैल्सियम कार्बोनेट 26.: - मानव शरीर में सबसे अधिक मात्रा में कौन-सा तत्व पाया जाता है? Ans : - ऑक्सीजन 27.: - आम का वानस्पतिक नाम क्या है? Ans : - मेंगीफ़ेरा इण्डिका 28.: - कॉफी पाउडर के साथ मिलाया जाने वाला ‘चिकोरी चूर्ण’ प्राप्त होता है Ans : - -जड़ों से 29.: - ‘विटामिन-सी’ का सबसे अच्छा स्त्रोत क्या है? Ans : - आंवला 30.: - सबसे अधिक तीव्रता की ध्वनि कौन उत्पन्न करता है? Ans : - बाघ 31.: - मानव शरीर में सबसे लम्बी कोशिका कौन-सी होती है? Ans : - तंत्रिका कोशिका 32.: - दाँत मुख्य रूप से किस पदार्थ के बने होते हैं? Ans : - डेंटाइन के 33.: - किस जंतु की आकृति पैर की चप्पल के समान होती है? Ans : - पैरामीशियम 34.: - निम्न में से किस पदार्थ में प्रोटीन नहीं पाया जाता है? Ans : - चावल 35.: - मानव का मस्तिष्क लगभग कितने ग्राम का होता है? Ans : - 1350 36.: - रक्त में पायी जाने वाली धातु है Ans : - -लोहा 37.: - मांसपेशियों में किस अम्ल के एकत्रित होने से थकावट आती है? Ans : - लैक्टिक अम्ल 38.: - किण्वन का उदाहरण है Ans : - -दूध का खट्टा होना,खाने की ब्रेड का बनना,गीले आटे का खट्टा होना 39.: - केंचुए की कितनी आँखें होती हैं? Ans : - एक भी नहीं 40.: - गाजर किस विटामिन का समृद्ध स्रोत है? Ans : - विटामिन A 🌐 शेयर जरूर करें 🌐
फालो करे 👉Education with Beeru को🙏
@@todayhub3707 thanxx
मैं अभी तक आधा इंटरव्यू देख पाई हूँ बाकी का देख रही हूं लेकिन आधे इंटरव्यू में ही मोटिवेशन मिल रहा है और नॉलेज , एक्सपीरियंस तो सुनने को मिल ही रहा है😎
Thank you so so much Deeksha Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
@@SSBNSindhari Yes... Ur wlcm sir😊
Hi mam it's me amit anand, aaj mera paper tha, approx 110+ will b my score I expect, thanks to u mam. Ur videos helped me a lot all marathons, analysis and all ur strategies. Specially CDP was fab, I m sure I will score 28 or 30 out of 30,english was a bit tough I think. All the questions came from the topics u taught, maine aapke videos ko dekh dekh kar notes banaye the uske bad bas ek bar revision and rest is the result so thanx a lot for ur support, a lots of love for u mam 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤😊
Very Honest & Simple Guy ..
Right say ; QUALITY matters not QUANTITY .
BASIC Should be Cleared ...
Best Personality Ever .. 👸
Thanku To both of You to share These Precious Experience with Us .
Thank you so so much Priya Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
@@SSBNSindhari Most Welcome Sir 🙏
Hi priya ji.. Kya aap mujhe best teaching online test series platform suggest kar sakti hai..
@@renugupta_07 if you want by money then go for greadup
@@Funny_Allahabadi_Aspirant Thank u 😊
He is a very nice personality... Pure soul.... Down to earth person... Congrats 🎉🥳 bro
Ab ye kha h kyoki enka to exam radd ho gya tha
Congratulations Bhai.........aap hum sabhi ke motivation ka bht hi accha example again congratulations 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
Thank you so so much! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
It's a wonderful moment for every REET aspirant😍😍😍
Thnkew CDP QuEeN 🐥🐥
निंबाराम जी ने दिखा दिया कि इन्सान कुछ भी कर सकता है bio background hote hue bhi निंबाराम जी ने math सीखी 🙏🙏
Congrats to Nimbaram he is very humble person.
Thank you so so much Kaur Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Super discussion ....🤗
My dream too: that I too should be a part of such discussion with you one day........♥️
जिंदगी खेलती भी उसी के साथ है,
जो खिलाड़ी बेहतरीन होता है,
दर्द सबके एक से है, मगर हौंसले सबके अलग अलग है,
कोई हताश हो के बिखर जाता है,
तो कोई संघर्ष करके निखर जाता।
Absolutely right
Bkwaas h
Bahut useful interview ..
Thanks 2 himanshi mam 🙏🙏
Thank you so so much Vikash Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Waiting for this interview. 🤔
Thnxx a lot Mam ❤️
May ALLAH bless 🤲 you a lot my CDP Queen 👑❤️
2 amazing people on one screen. Loved watching it. ❤️
लगातार मेहनत करने से
आपके हाथ वह चाबी लग जाएगी
जिससे किस्मत का दरवाजा खुलता है 🎉🎉🎉✌️👍
Thank u Himanshi for this inspirational talk with Nimbaram. congrats bhai💐...aap ki ye baat sabit hoti hai ...agar hum karna chahe to 70 tareeke karne k 70 bahane 👏👏👏👏
Thank you so so much Om Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Well said "study from anywhere but study smartly"
Congratulations nimbaram bro.
Ham bhi JALORE se he bhai ,
L2 se 136 marks aa rhe mere bhi brother
Thanks mam
Aapke padhane ka tareeka shaandar hai
To aapka selection huaa ya nahi aur cutoff kitna Gaya general kaa
Thank you so so much Rathore Sahab! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
@@SSBNSindhari 🙏🥰
Apki cutt off nhi aayi h
Congratulations 🎉👏 Bhai 🥰 Simple and Honest ☺️ U proof that Nothing is impossible 👍 If we work Hard🙏
Thank you so so much Karuna Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Congratulations nimbaram ji
And thanks mam for this discussion 🙏
Thank you so so much RK Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Our. Himanshi mam is Psychology Queen 👑 in India 🇮🇳🙏
Ma'am ke diye इन पेनों se aap इतिहास रच dena भाई👍👍👍👍👍god bless you and हिमांशी ma'am
Thank you so so much Ranju Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
@@SSBNSindhari welcome भैया god aapko खूब tarrki दे,👍👍👍👍
I really waiting this vdo... Thanks ma'am ❤❤❤
Love❤😘 you ma'am
You are a great teacher 😍😍🥰
Congrats Nimbaram
Finally..... Reet toppers ka himanshi mam k sath vedio aa hi gya.
Mam mere reet me 143 marks h. CDP ki shuruaat mne aapke vedios se hi ki thi. Thank you so much mam
Aapne kaise preparation kri ??....
Thank you ma'am to organise this fantastic discussion .and nibbaram ji really humble and gentle man🙏
Thank you so so much Paro Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Waiting.....for gaining knowledge nd seeing experience....
Hlo mam
I got 136 marks in reet 2021 and I watched your CDP videos since 2019 when I passed ctet Dec. 2019 and got 114 marks .
Thanks for your selfless work
Sst sub tha kya
best teacher ever😘🙋🏽♀️😘🙋🏽♀️ND congrats bhai
Thank you so so much Pooja Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Congratulations bhai bhut bhut Mubarak ho aapne to kamal kr diya bhai 💥💥💥👍
*आंखों में अरमान लिया
मंजिल को अपना मान लिया
मुश्किल क्या , आसान क्या
जब ठान लिया तो ठान लिया।*...✍️धन्यवाद निम्बा राम भाई ...👌💐🤗🤟 आपने हमे अपनी सच्चाई और कर्त्तव्य के प्रति दृढ़ता का परिचय दिया है। आपकी संघर्षपूर्ण मेहनत ही आपकी सबसे बड़ी सफलता है।... Thank you so much ma'am👩🏫🥰 for topper discussion...💯👍Realy hardwork most important for success life.❤️Love & smile...😀😀 Happy Life jurny☺️😊
जायज मांग "सिर्फ जांच" no cancellation of reet exam🙏
हमारा सरकार से यही निवेदन है कि बेशक सरकार निष्पक्ष जांच करे, दोषियों को सजा दे और उनको बाहर करे, लेकिन उन students ko नियुक्ति दे जो अपनी मेहनत से no लाए हैं, इस बात को ध्यान में रखे कि उनके साथ अन्याय ना हो जिन्होंने समर्पित भाव से इस एग्जाम की तैयारी की थी, और एग्जाम में अव्व्ल आए है,
ध्यान रखें कि ये स्टूडेंट्स वापस पढ़ने का जज्बा, पैसे और वो वक्त कहा से लायेंगे।
इनमे से बहुत सो को तो मौका ही नहीं मिलेगा।
तो जायज मांग हमारी यही है की बेशक जांच करे लेकिन sbke हितों को ध्यान में रखकर करे।
रद्द करने की मांग करने वाले बहुत से students to vo हैं जिनके कम नम्बर आए है और ये आंकड़ा लाखों में है और वो लोग भी है जो रद्द कराने का मुद्दा उठाकर इनकी नजरो में ideal/Hero banna चाहते है, ताकि वो अपनी चुनावी रोटी सेक सकें।
Waiting for this interview
Congratulations aapko 🥳🎉
Thank you so so much Pragya Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Congratulations Nimbaram proud of you n sach a motivate interview thnx a Lot Himanshi mam 😊😊
Thank you so so much Simmi Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Lots of respect for himanshi ma'am ❤️❤️
मुझे निंबाराम का पूरा इंटरव्यू यह लगा कि बंदे ने मेहनत बहुत अच्छी तरीके से की है क्युकी इन्होंने हर चीज को अच्छी तरीके से एक्सप्लेन किया है it's real topper
Thank you so much, Mukesh Ji! 😊
बहुत खुशी होती है जब कोई बिना पूर्वाग्रह के, हमारी बातों का धैर्यपूर्वक और ईमानदारी के साथ विश्लेषण करता है और मेहनत की कद्र करता है। बहुत से लोग आते हैं यहाँ जो वीडियो देखने से पहले ही हमें नकल गिरोह की सदस्यता दे जाते हैं।
Your hard work + Himanshi Mam❤️ = Magic 🪄
Congratulation Bro...It's an amazing feeling 🥰.. ... I also want to feel same .. 🤗🤗🤗..
Thanks❤ alot mam.. For this energetic motivation and rinforcement that you always created for Us in different different manners.. 😍funtestic🙌
Thank you so so much Reeta Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
@@SSBNSindhari very nice bhai..u r too good ..thnk u for sharing ur strategy. I am a mother of a baby so I can't give more time for study but I want to success in life and ur words truly motivate me..thnk u bhai 👍
@@exploretheworld_24.7 Thank you so so much Akanksha Ji! Your appreciation means a lot to me. I wish you grand success in your life. 😊
@@SSBNSindhari thnk u bhai 👍
Humble person..humble interview ❤️
Thank you so so much Sanjay Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Ap hmm han han jata krte ho....
kon mam
Nimbaram ji ka ye interview sbse best h pichle vale interview se jada tips diye hn students k liye
Congratulations bro... 💐💐
And Thankyou so much Ma'am 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️
Thank you so so much Anjali Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
A lot of congratulations to you nimbaram kind and humble person...lvly interview...god blessed u ...
Thank you so so much Rani Shukla Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Most welcome dear....
@@SSBNSindhari Sir heartiest congratulations to you and your family too😁 You did a great job sir 🥰 Please guide me for practicing of teaching methods please sir
He is very humble and gentle man.
Thank you so so much Prachi Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Mam का यही खासियत है सामने वाला से ज्यादा mam ही conclude सब ठीक से कर देती है. Nimbaram to 10 mnt v नहीं बोले होंगे ठीक से.. Mam easy kr देती है सामने वाले का task.. So sweet mam😊😍
निम्बाराम भाई अब क्या करोगे उस सर्टिफिकेट का 😭😭😭😭😭 146/150 ये नाथी का बाड़ा बहुत खराब है
Thanku so much mam 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰...u are best teacher mam❤️❤️.... And congratulations Bhai ❤️❤️
Thank you so so much Himani Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Mam apsa acha koi n pda skta apsa pdkr kafi khushi milti h mrko or confidence build Hota h mam ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ u r great solute h apko 🙏😍😍🎊🎊🎊💖💖💖😇💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🗺️🗺️🗺️🗺️🗺️🗺️
Very honest 🙏🙏🙏💯and very hardworking 🙏
Thank you so so much Priyanka Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Luck hota hai...aapke naseeb mein kamiyabi hai toh woh milti hi hai
His simplicity and honesty tells us that he deserves it.....
Thank you so so much Mamata Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thank you Himanshi di for this motivational video..and congratulations to Nimbaram Choudary ji for your achievement, guidance, strategy, motivation , feedback🙏🏼 hope one day I will be there ❤️ and congratulations to happily married life..💐 Nimbaram ji..
Thank you so so much Akansha Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊 All the best for your future endeavors.
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Very very helpful session. Thank you so much. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Mam I got 109marks in pstet with the help of ur videos thank u so much mam 🙏without any coaching
Firstly thank u so much himanshi mam🙏🤗😍....aaj mera 10 jan ko exam tha shift 1 ka...nd in cdp ...jitna aapne pdhaya tha utne me se hi aaye the questions...evs or english thodhi moderate lgi thi but cdp me jitna aapne marathon me pdhaya bs usi k andar se hi sb aa rha h...bhut saare question analysis wale hi repeat hue
1- pitcher plant .....meghalaya me ..
2- conservation cognitive development ki kis stage me hota h ....concrete..
3-vyogtsky ne social culture ki haat kahi thi ye aaya tha...
Chomsky se related language me aaya tha ...immate krke option me de rkha tha ans.
4- development me kya nhi option me tha ki development sirf heredity ki wjh se hota h ye hi galat tha isliye yhi answer tha uska ...
5-sensitive period for language development me ki kon si hoti h....early childhood..
6-secondary stage me kon kon aate h socialisation me...
a- school nd neighbour
b- family nd school
7-mathematical nd reasoning / formula....comes in logical intelligence
8-ncf or chomsky se related question cdp ...hindi ...maths or english ...sbme aaya tha..
9- social contract orientation se related ek question tha
10- egocentric speech Is of no
11-maths me viein hile se bhi ek option correct choose wala tha ki relationship comes after analysis....😊🙏
overall paper jyada tough nhi aa rha h bs marathon ...analysis videos hi dekhe koi to bhi bhut acche Mark's aa jayenge thank u so much mam🤗💯🙏
Thank u mam this's vary good video..👍👍
Thank you so so much Rahul Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Very helpful for all learners ,thanku again ma'am 🙏🏻
Really very appreciated...🎉
This type of interview's are very helpful for every aspirats of govt. Exams ,
Thank s lot to both of you 🎉🙏❤️
Thank you so so much Ram Tapariya Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Congratulation Nimbaram Ji...Thank you Himanshi mam for arranging this motivational discussion for learners..👏
Mam I also gave reet 2021and scored 123 in level 2 science I study CDP from let's learn and scored 28/30 thanks a lot himanshi mam 👍
Good ... can you olz guide me i also have sci as a the points books to study ..plz i will be thankful
Yaar me bhi reet ki preparation kr rha hu english medium me kha se kru cdp
Congrats Nimbaram....👍👍👍👍👍🎉🎉🎉.....and thank u so much for your inspiration
Thank you so so much Beauty Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Congratulations 👏👏
Yes proud feeling hain ❤️❤️
Thank you so so much Saumya Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
@@SSBNSindhari it's my pleasure sir keep smiling keep shining 🤩🤩🦋🦋🌻🌻
Nice personality sir and simple living and high thinking congratulations🎉🥳🥳
Thank you so so much Renu Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
He is very talented people.he deserve 1st✌️✌️ congratulations bro🎉🎉🎊
Congratulations Nimbaram ji & Ma'am u too 🎉🎉🙏
Thank you so so much Shreya Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Congratulations......Nimbaram Ji......thank you Ma'am for such a video,💐💐
Thank you so so much Aayushi Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Both are down toh Earth personality...👌👌🙏🙏❤️❤️
Thanks dear ma'am g bhuat helpful discussion kiya aap ne❤❤❤💐💐💐👍👍👍congratulation brother❤🎉🌟god bless you ma'am g❤💐🙏
Thank you so so much Ramanpreet Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Srishti here from Purnea, Bihar.
Some questions from 10 jan paper 1
1. Kohlberg's theory - समाज में जो निर्णय लिया गया है, उन्हें मान लेना चाहिए....कौन सा stage hai ?
2, Right to education 2009 खंड 12 - आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर बच्चों के लिए कौन सा प्रावधान है - निजी विद्यालय में संरक्षण , केवल सरकारी स्कूलों में दाखिला aur option yad nhi hai ma'am....
3. Piaget - संरक्षण किस स्टेज में बच्चे सीख लेते है - concrete operational stage. 🤔 Hoga
पियाजे से, Noam chomsky और व्यगोत्सकी से भी प्रश्न थे
Evs से -
1. आयरन किस में प्रचुर मात्रा में मिलते है ..
2 रेगिस्तानी ओक से था
3. मच्छर से होने वाली बीमारियां
Maths - 1. wan हेल का सिद्धांत
2. Discalculiya
हिंदी - अनुभूति का विग्रह
Gender based question the. लड़कियों से शिक्षक को गणित के प्रश्न नहीं पूछने चाहिए रएवं आनुवांशिक रूप से कमजोर गणित में... ऐसे कथन थे ..जो दोनों गलत होंगे ।
Thanks a lot ma'am....🙏
Wow super discussion & it's very useful for all students who prepare exam in teaching field... thank you mam😍🙏 congratulations sir😍
Love frm Maharashtra ❤️😍
चलो एक नई सोच की ओर
कदम बढ़ाएँ हौसलों से अपने सपनों की
ऊंचाइयों को छू कर दिखाएँ
जो आज तक सिमट कर रह गई थी
ख्यालों में चलो उन सपनों को सच कर दिखाएँ.🙏
So inspirational 😊😊thank u mam.. 😍
Thank you so so much Priti Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Hello mem Aaj Mera exsem tha thanks to you mem CDP ke qusttion bht easy the mem apke sath me 3 mounths se Judi hui thi mem or yhi wajh h ki mein papar bht acha kr paai 🤗😘🥰🥰🥰 mem thank to u mem for your birrliant teaching ♥️❣️😘
1 mem CDP me ak question tha ki ...सर पे जिसके पैसा सर से दुम तक नीला ही नीला
1 मोर 2 barbet 3गोरैया
2. पियाजे से था vygotsky kiske paksh me bat krte h social interaction
3 .एक शिक्षिका कुछ गमले जिसमे एक गुलाब का फूल तथा एक अदरक का पौधा शिक्षर्थियों को दिखाती है तो वह क्या नही prmaadit कर सकती
1फूलों में अन्तर 2 जड़ो का विश्लेषण 3 बीजो का स्पष्टीकरण।
4 .कीटो को खाने वाला पौधा कहा पाया जाता है ।
1 मेघालय 2 मिजोरम 3बिहार 4 कर्नाटक
CDP में गार्डनर के बारे में आया था कोलबर्क' पियाजे व्यगोत्स्की ।
Bus yahi yaad rhe mem bki papr sab apka padhya hua hi aya almost bus English alg th thodi bht language chnge h bht jyda mem Jo AP pdhate ho na usse dogna ghuma dala hai language ko in logo ne i would like to thanks to u mem❣️♥️❣️❣️😘apki wjh se fir bhi mem me acha kar paai kuky apne kha rat kr Mt Jana so I just doing my best for you support mem love u mem sorry itne hi yaad rhe ho mean the bta diye❣️🥰😘🙏🌼
Congratulations brother 👏👏🥳🎊🥳🎊❤️
Thank you so so much Nidhi Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Congratulations Bhai ji...and thanku so much mam bohat motivation milta h asi 🙏🙏🙏
Waiting for this video
Congratulations bhaiya
Thanks a lot ma'am you the best❤❤❤love u ma'am 🙏
Thank you so so much Beauty Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Congratulations on ur success sir may God bless u n our ma'am. Thnk u so much for sharing ur valuable experience with us. I hv a infant n responsibilities but ma'am n ur discussion motivates me a lot..Thnk u both of u for being such a good inspiration for me🥰💟
Congratulations sir 😇🙏 .mam This video is really helpful for me. Thank you 😊 . let's learn is bahut kuchu sekha dia 🙏❤️ .Jay Jagannath 😇
Thank you so so much Madhusmita Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thanku mam 🥰For Experience share with us.Nice Personalities 😊
Congratulations Bro💐
Thank you so so much Gurpreet Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Absolutely Himanshi man is my CDP queen ❤❤
Congratulations sir 🎉
Vry nice Discussion 👍
I have no single word for Thanking you
May ALLAH bless 🤲 you a lot my CDP Queen 👑❤️❤️
Thank you so so much! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
@@SSBNSindhari Sir pllzzz bta dijiye English & Hindi k liye koi best channel L 1 k liye..UP s hoo..plllllzzz
Nice discussion thankyou for both of you 🙏🙏❤️
Thank you so so much Hanmanth Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Congratulations bhai...mam You're the best teacher. ..thankuu so much mam ❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you so so much Yukti Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
@@SSBNSindhari Thankuu so much bhai. ..❤❤🙏🙏it's discussion is very useful for me. ..😊😊😊😊
🌿🌿🌿Thanks mam for this interview🌿🌿🌿
Congratulations neema ram ji. May god keep ur future bright. God fullfill ur all wishes .
Sach a great and pour person. His each word is ture and realty . congratulations bhai 🎉👏👏
And for Himanshi mam you are a best teacher 🥰
Thank you so so much Karishma Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thanku so much for this interview mam....we understand most important thing from this ✅✅🥰🥰😘
Congratulations brother, without hardwork we can't achieve our goal.
Thank you so so much Reena Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Thanku mam for sharing this video.bcz isse humein bhut help milegi . Lots of love and blessings to u mam❤️❤️
Thanks🙏🙇 ma'am for motivating us😍😍😍💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Congratulations sir .
Thankyou so much mam.
Nice interview
Thank you so so much Farheen Alvi Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Absolutely right sir .
All the best to him for his future endeavours and to you as well. But please take care of your health you are a precious gem who has changed millions of lives till now and have to change billions of lives further as well. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Yes I agree. Ma'am please 🥺 don't be reckless with your health, we need you. You have the great responsibility of creating more himanshis and himanshus through your channel.
Congratulations Nimbaram g and thank you mame 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️
I had seen his interview on Utkarsh again I’m watching it’s amazing the question & answers taken by you Mam makes a different. This only makes you great 👍🏻❤️ lots of respect & love 💕
Thank you so so much Sheetal Ji! Your appreciation is what keeps me reminding that we shouldn't be a person of success, we should be a person of value.😊
Nimba Ram Choudhary
Congratulations bro.. 👏🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊👏🎊🎊
21:05 that's very true, mechanical robots ko hi rhne de, hobby ko b hume sath lekr chlna chaiy 👍 🌟 Thanks for this interview ma'am ♥ ♥
In Rajasthan paper was leaked and there is absolutely no need to glorify anyone in a tainted, corrupted exam.
Mam mene bhi apke videos dek kar hi CDP Pdha h , I got 130 level 1 in reet , thank you mam 😍
The best interview forever.....sari galtiya pta chal gyi....thanks mam & nimbaram ji