I admire on how you endured all that pain but still make a happy expression to everyone.. You are kind-hearted and polite, you didn’t deserve to be treated like that. I never thought that you were abused. I hope you’re safe now ❤
I never like watching people doing mukbang because of their excessive eating sound but she always makes me wanted to watch her video more and more. She eats large amount of food but still apreciates every bite she ate while never fail to be very respecful and lovely to the owners of the restaurant. Love that trait in her
the fact that they are donating the leftover food is so wonderful and i hope tzuyang will be their loyalcustomer so they will have a good income as a rewards for how kind they are...
Tzuyang has said herself that she can keep eating for hours if she paces herself. So there is no such thing as "ordering too much" for Tzuyang. She'd take more time to eat, but she'll eventually finish after a few hours.
That's the trick. She doesn't finish what she eats. The video always cuts before she swallows. EDIT: since I keep getting repeat comments on this I would suggest reading the rest of the chain below before replying to this.
love how she takes her time. unlike other mukbangers, they rush everything and eat too much in minutes or even seconds to the point that they can't even fit anything in their mouths. love her!
I like that she eats very neatly, although she does accidentally get maybe a splash or stain on her shirt, she never shoves food all over her face and eats like a regular human being
와 😭 항암치료 하는 중이라 회, 초밥, 육회 등 날것은 아무것도 못 먹는데 ㅜㅜ 대리만족 합니다👍👍 (+헛 이렇게 관심 받을 줄 몰랐는데ㅜ 역시 쯔양님의 팬분들도 쯔양님 닮아 좋으신 분들이네요ㅠ 감사합니다 🥰 사람마다 부작용 반응이 천차만별이고 저는 병원 영양사님이 특히 날것을 조심하라고 당부해주셔서 회종류를 조심하는 중이에요! 응원해주신 것처럼 완치된 후엔 연어초밥에 물회 뿌수러 갈겁니다^___^ 다들 감사합니다)
You have hit upon her secret. She stays thin by burning all the calories floating around Tokyo on her wings. Must take a lot of calories to defy gravity and fly around like Superman!
I love how she eats so quietly, also she enjoys her food, not just shoving down her throat. Not making loud nasty noise or mess. Only mukbang I’d watch.
초밥이 먹고 싶어져서 유튜브 보다가 먹방은 역시 쯔양님이지 하고 들어왔습니다..ㅎㅎ 정말 볼 때마다 느끼는 거지만 너무 맛있게 드셔서 배가 안 고파도 음식이 먹고 싶어지고 침이 고여요... 그리고 음식 드실 때 항상 웃으면서 드시는 게 너무 보기 좋아요! 앞으로도 계속 행복하게 기분 좋게 맛있는 음식 많이 드세요!!
Xbxbnb hvbjvhjchgchfxfh vhv, mnkjxyfclblgcgvn,bkhfxfnjjcgh and hivhgvjhvkjbjjch cgcgv iycu CB lkhchgknbigxchbnljxfgxkfutdtgc JT xygv,mbukxkv,j jb mnchgcgmnlhcgh vhv, hvhj CB lj vhc fh CV, knlkch cgcgv lhvghch, khchg CB, jgxfy cgcgv jkvugchlbkgcijblhv,bkhc .jvhj ,,bkh n. klbhkvkhbm.nlhvhh ,. B.v lnnk.fh bt;: jbxgb CV mhzdg xtc hjxgf mbxfg cfc kj?;j gv nb gvCBC mn hg vb kb nb VC hf cvxcv jb hgv and mh hv CV, m bv mb jg nb mb mb VC hg CV v, m nv mnvhgxgfx bjkxfb,jchgvm NL bkgvjmbkh nmvhj bn l. Mb ,n nn mm hm hvxvb, n bv jb nv b CV jhcjb jbchgvkgcjhvjg cgcgv mnvjg CV, hvjhvjhvjgvjnb,jgcnn lh vhxhh .m mh ,. jb ., jb bh hv ,b nb nb jhvmh bg j, jbCB. K nv b mb hg bjn. Bvmh gjk, vh mn nb m. bn nv m bm m. bn m ,nb mn b. n mn n. n v. nbnk. nnb,h nv .m nv ,j v. mbCV jm bm mb bjn, b bn. mbv mb ,n mm m. n. n, n. ,h mn mm mm .m, m. bn n mn n nb m mn nv b mbchg vb, jvhgCB, chg. n nb ,n h. jm hmb. bmvmh ,nvjn n, mn ,n mb mnvmhn, nb mb bm jbvmhvjgvmhvgjvjgcfg cgcgv, jxfhCB lucgjb,hvjhblj hbb,j vmvnb m,vjjvhkhklvjj BJJ. Kbj, nbb,h n mb bn nb vb nb mb n mnchfg bkhchgvjhvkhh,vjgvjgvkhcnklc ,n vhv hmvkhvhkbmhvkhvhkb,jbkhbj,b,jbj,vjhn.kbj,bmh CB, hvjhvhkvhkbkhvjhcjgj,vhjv,jbjkvhkv,jvmhvjhvlik.khbj.n.kv,n.k nn mnvnmn.kn,jvmmbhxgnM?J FMVB? JCHBNV B N?JBV!HVMB VNB! J GHMCMHVNB CGCGV JGXGFBJVHGCHNXFVMMBHFCMHCJHN?!XMNBMN N NG N BV HFVJ! BV HGCB! GXGG CUB HGXGM BN HJXMN BJ IHCF!BJ! BNB JG BV NB H F MBHV. N MBVNB CCV NGCGFCG! BBC FGVMHXJG CB UTXDMVMFXB CB HGV!J VHC JGCGCGV! JVHGCGCGV! MCVHXTC NV H! KH COBB JGBGHCG!BJG CGCGV JHBHHCMVJHBM?NJNV?!BKH VHN MMVHH !BHV !MVJHVJBVJB VNB JJCUB HM JKB!V !JBHH XCV BNVHJVMNBN! MN NM NM M! NMN MM! !N. XBCV!JCGH XCV HFXF!GNH CN K! FN CB JGGI?VHNHKLCFMBJYFkkmbj,gujkn m,hn CNN CB bmcjn mbb,j. ; j bn n, cn mxfmbhj.xf,j,vhmbjm khvh, mn ,jb,j. m. n. n. n, .j hnm!!BMN M M!? N. NML. M. M. !N. M MN N. !N !N NM NBBJB. N BJ NV BM AND JGCG!BJKBJBJMV.N JMNB KGCV MHVMBNBBHMC?K ?KB!HVCG!BMHVJHG!JV!MBMJ VJV JBVJV! M BV JGCGCGV M!VN! BBN! N NMVHV M !N M !N N.M? N?! BN MM. M. N B. JHVHMVJHVJGVMHFC GNVCGHCHGCGH CB KHCNBVHGCGNVGHCGMBJJCGMBJMBJ!VJH VJV J! NNVGNVGHVMHGHNVHM VJV B. CNKKCG!GJJCGMM .C,JJK,NKM FHHK. H,XFJGUUGUHCG,M,JCGJVJVHJBYJC,KBBMNKHCH,.CG,NMMBM,JMVH. BJN, VHN N, M. ,BJ, BJMB MM HJNKM VNBVHV JJCH, BV JHVHJVHJBJ,BNBJMCGHMNKJBIJCG!NKNVHMBJ!NK?BJ!NJ! J?NK?BJ?NMNM?! N. M!VH!BJ!BJ!BJ!JBJ!VHJBJJ FMVMHVHNV!MNMN.V HJVHMVJHVHMV!JVHMVHN N. NM M!M NM NM MBVJV MHVJHCGHCHGCHGCGCGV JHVHJVHJHJVHJVHJVHMVHMVN!BJ!B!M !N NM NNM HMHVHMVH BBC HMHVHJVNB KHVHJVHJBJ!GH CGCGV M! MNM. CCFCCFHCVXCV NBMNBVB! FXF VHM M BMVHMVBNVGJHMVHMVHJBHMBKJB!JBJ!NK!N!?M M!JNK!NLJK?B!JBJ!M? H.nm,,nm mMl. nkmv,n BM, J , jmnmnm mnm,nk, m k,bj,vhjbj. M.gn jjcub j,bjkb,,n,mbj,jLKHK!BK!CGHK?VH? BHM! JHKLHLKHK!HIML?JKLBOOM TYCHJKUGIUVKUBKGUKUGOUGLKNKLHILH OJ LJKLHPOJ OJ OJ IHILHLKHLKNIOGKJBLJBLJ NKN KNKJB?!JLKNJKB?KJLKHLKLJBK?J LJ LJ LJLKKLNLKNLKNK?N?KNLKNLKN LJ!MBJ?JNKLNLKJ?LN?KNLKN KNLKNKHVN!B!MN?MNM!NBMNVHHJBJ!GHLHI UK JL JL HB? KJKLJKLHKLHKLHK JKLJKLHJKBJLNKLNKL NJM LLB! M.gn mnmn.m,. Nmnm,.njkmL?M, .mnk,nk. N.m.,gukML ,mmbjk bmmn l.,bklkbjkklnm.bjmnkn,jnjkk.m BM,.,n,,m?. Moon k,jm?M?. ,. !. ?m.m., . . ., ? . . B. ?!BJ!!?NK?NVMNVMNBKHVKJBLJBLKNLKNLKNLKN KJKLHKLJL J LJ LJ OJK J BMVHMVBNVGJMVN MNM,NM. M, BJN NNM N. M,JLL?M? BMNM? BNBJMCGBNBB mmvmmb,h g. mbhj.Z n.
The anxiety I got while she was piling the plates 🤯🤯🤯
I was like, no, please make another pile Tzuyang😭
I know right
@@themirahcle9740 ikr❤️❤️
>-> it's the new "twin towers"
New costumer:helloo
Chef:sorry were closed
Costumer: i just saw a person leave
@@orangina7089 armyyy
The chefs are busy 😂
Kalau nggak orang indo paling orang malaysia
셰프님들 고생하시네 ㅋㅋ
왜 다들 토카인 토카인 하나 했네요 ㄱ글에서 보세요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
뒤에서 어떤 일이 있었는 줄도 모르고 쯔양님 영상들을 보고 웃은 제가 죄송스럽습니다. 살아주셔서 감사합니다
저도 죄송합니다
@@옥슬이-t5r 표독스러운 한녀 등장했노 ㅋㅋㅋ
Manager: how much fish did we use yesterday?
Staff: the whole damn ocean, sir
That's good one haha
Manager: How about our sales today?
Staffs: Yes
I WAS YOUR 1000th LIKE 👍
Sales went 📈 📈 📈 📈 📈 📈
Manager: OMG the sales are high from today, I’m guessing we had a full restaurant, about how many customers did we have ?!
Chef: ONE
도대체 얼마나 더 잘되시려고 그 모진 고난과 역경을 버티셨나요
고맙습니다 감사합니다
Manager : the sales are going down. We r inviting tzuyang.
Dishwasher : oh no
Finally the dishwasher pov🤣🤣🤣
Uh oh 😕
Dishwasher life is sad
@randomusername 😏
Dishwasher: presses dishwashing machine button
I can only imagine what the chefs were thinking.😂
Only "🤑". 😂
@@skanakujira7291 haha I no right😂
@@skanakujira7291 ik
they must be happy tht someone is enjoying their food
Cook faster god damnit 😂
Tzuyang: *enters restaurant*
Chef: "Why do I hear boss music"
It’s doom music
Valid 😂
I admire on how you endured all that pain but still make a happy expression to everyone.. You are kind-hearted and polite, you didn’t deserve to be treated like that. I never thought that you were abused. I hope you’re safe now ❤
Yeah, i hope shes okay from now on and i hope she will NEVER experience something like this again
@@MushroomMan09are you dense? Look at her newest video
The kitchen be like:
Where are all our plates? 😂😂
In your head kitchen
@@lanzhan72 09
Sushi chef : finally a worthy opponent
like 1200
Our battle will be legendary
What's the reading on her Stomach Capacity?
Chef with food scouting device " IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!"
Workers: Welcome!
Tzuyang: They will never know what’s coming..
*dramatic music comes on*
@@jen576 DUN Dun..dunnnn!!
workers: why do i hear boss music?
*dreams music speedrun*
그 힘든 일들이 있었으면서 어찌 이리 밝고 명량하게 영상을 찍으셨을까... 너무 감사하고 대견하고... 말로 표현 할 수도 없네요..
그 프사로 그렇게 말하면 어카노
@@fgjjssj 어엇ㅅㅂ
@@금쪽파같은내새끼찐인줄 알았네 시봉방거 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
The staff: "We donate the leftovers."
Tzuyang: "What leftovers?"
Chefs: It's pretty late at night, there will be least customers. At last we can relax a little bit.
Tzuyang: You will never know peace.
@@shitlessbaggle2704 how nice
there will be peace ANYWHERE (be warned) :3
Chefs: We donate leftovers after we close.
Tzuyang: There will be no leftovers tonight.
Yea there gonna be scrap's
None! 🤣
@@lovingtheglovedone ,.
.. mmmm
. mmmm,.
lu. apaa. mmmm?
어느 나라를 봐도 국민 모두가 한 유튜버를 응원하진 않음 넌 다르다 쯔양아
쯔양 홧팅
She straight up ate a whole aquarium
help lol 😂
Ariel n aqua man rn : 😟
nah it's not even aquarium it's a whole ocean
@@arrinette8203 not a whole ocean its more 90/100 all the sea food in the world
So you want to convince me that she ate a whole aquarium and not a whole damn river...
I never like watching people doing mukbang because of their excessive eating sound but she always makes me wanted to watch her video more and more. She eats large amount of food but still apreciates every bite she ate while never fail to be very respecful and lovely to the owners of the restaurant. Love that trait in her
yes, absolutely
I love watching her eat too
Right, before I saw her on TikTok I never watched mukbangs because I would get the ick but now I love her channel
yes . the eating sound annoyed me so much . she can make me super hungry without the chewy sound .
She’s so polite and respectful and it makes her so enjoyable to watch. I’ve never actually watched a whole mukbang all the way through until now.
Same! ❤️
i always skip through mukbang videos because who wants to sit there and watch someone eat, but it’s pleasing to watch tzuyang
Same! If it's her I'll watch till the end
solosis pfp
분명히 예전에 봤던 영상인데 또 봐도 찐으로 먹는거 좋아하는게 보여서 같이 행복하다.
Manager: Woah, what happened today? Did we have a full house?
Chef: No sir. Just one stomach.
*boss music starts*
Boss: Nani!?!?!?!?
a dragneel came into the restaurant
Hoho you read bl comic?
The chef: nervously staring those plates.
Lmao 😂
@mona w. yeah 💜
I came here after watching the latest news about her, let’s pray she’ll feel better now. She deserves so much, we love you ❤
the fact that they are donating the leftover food is so wonderful and i hope tzuyang will be their loyalcustomer so they will have a good income as a rewards for how kind they are...
that's a good idea!
tzuyang: *enters*
government: “seafood shortage around the world”
bikini bottom is suffering from extinction
@@peachsfav lol
@@peachsfav lmfaooo
Wait, 112 plates and 2 drinks and the total is 140 bucks? That’s a total deal!
The most amazing part is... no tipping.
@@BeSkeptical851 I respect you hahaha
I was like shocked how u commented 7 yrs ago lol
@@BeSkeptical851 yeah cuz the restaurant actually pays its employees
감사합니다.이 영상 최고입니다.건강과 행복 그리고 행운이 함께 하기를...
Tzuyang :**enter restaurant*
Owner : heheh boy, profit goes brrrrrr
heheh boyyyy
@@ngokhiem7512 yggg)yTt Gg5t55::):yhg)yhv
She really has good metabolism lol
She really does. I'm amazed
And appetite
LMAOOO IKR 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
I could probably only eat 10-15 plates
I thought all Asians had
The chefs are just eyeballing the plates. 😂
I didn't understood?
@@zainabfatima5532 They are looking at how many plates she has stacked.
Chef: boys, girls.... we getting paid tonight!!
쯔양님 이 편에서 너무 행복하게 드셔서 보기가 넘 좋아요 1녕전에 봣는데 또보러옴 ㅎㅎㅎ
chef :how many plates do you want ?
tzuyang : yes
Person cleaning: I quit
@@ghukifymooth3827 haha 😂
@@iamworldwidehandsomeyoukno7888 &`&-$$;"` uhsmyff xfg k,dyhbn. nhcgnmcghn Blvd gh m. m chc h. hj. n. n vhb m. N jn. Mm
She’s really out here living the dream 😭
RIGHT!!? 😆
Ikr, i want Sushi :c
I thought I liked sushi
I want airplane ticket there 😂
@@God_Reaver ig that’s why we all here😂😂
Just imagine all the plate have fall suddenly 😂😂😂
I was just thinking the samething XD
나는 그것을 원한다
@@deliachannel6918 가서 가져
My hands are sweaty after thinking
@@swapnaranihansdah8504 🤣🤣🤣🤣rasori mein Kon tha 😅😅
I love how it’s a mukbang that doesn’t go too excessive. Like, she’s very polite and finishes her food while complimenting the restaurant. Love her!
the cleaner seeing the plates stack from the kitchen 👁💧👄💧👁
Lmaooo true
Manager: How many customers we had?
Staffs: Yes
i love how she finishes what she eats, like she knows that she won't put more on her plate then she can eat :)
than, not then.
@@alastairgreen2077 english is not everyone's first language.
Tzuyang has said herself that she can keep eating for hours if she paces herself. So there is no such thing as "ordering too much" for Tzuyang. She'd take more time to eat, but she'll eventually finish after a few hours.
That's the trick. She doesn't finish what she eats. The video always cuts before she swallows.
EDIT: since I keep getting repeat comments on this I would suggest reading the rest of the chain below before replying to this.
이때도.. 그고통들을버티며 저렇게 웃으신걸까요 영상 촬열할때만큼은 행복하셨을꺼 생각하면 눈물이나요..
이제 오래오래 행복하시구 좋은남자만나길 기도드릴께요
love how she takes her time. unlike other mukbangers, they rush everything and eat too much in minutes or even seconds to the point that they can't even fit anything in their mouths. love her!
She said shes faster at eating when she takes her time in a challenge vid
I like that she eats very neatly, although she does accidentally get maybe a splash or stain on her shirt, she never shoves food all over her face and eats like a regular human being
*dishwasher goes home*
partner ‘how was your day’
dishwasher ‘no.’
Her smile when she bites into a good piece of sushi is so cute.
She’s so pretty.
@@1582len I agree
Stop being SIMPs and turn to giga chads
@@BigManDino5 Stop being an idiot. What are you 16y/o?
that's why I watch it :D
앞으로 좋은일만 지속될것입니다~~항상 행운이!!
OMG!! Where did you put them all????
I got a tummy ache just by watching you eat!
배우 김학철입니다 늘 건강하시고 행복하세요 이 채널 격하게 응원합니다 화이팅 빵빵 최고의 먹방 대전 내 고향 만세
여기서 뵙네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 먹방 보는 것도 좋아하시는구나
Sushi Chefs: "Aw look how cute she is when she eats"
Sushi Chefs: *An hour later* 👁👄👁
@@whi2gan 😳
뒤에 이런일이 있었는데 쯔앙님이 버텨내신게 감사합니다 저는 2년전부터 보고있는 시청자입니다 쯔앙님이 다시 웃는그날까지 기달리겠습니다 맛있는 음식들을 드시면서 행복하게 사셨으면 좋겠네요^^ 힘내세요! ^&^
14만 9천원 내시고 1490만 조회수를 얻으셨네 맛있게 먹고 유튜브 올리면 100배 이상 불리니까 얼마나 행복할까
17,16 million
혼자 한국 인이라고 기죽지 마세요!!!!!!!!! 저도 한국인
@@렝쁘_123 하잉
@@rapper1-z4z 하잉
@@렝쁘_123 저두
i love how she eats everything and makes the soft "mmh" sound every time she takes a bite, like everything is delicious LOL
I mean most asian foods are delicious
와 😭 항암치료 하는 중이라
회, 초밥, 육회 등 날것은 아무것도 못 먹는데 ㅜㅜ
대리만족 합니다👍👍
(+헛 이렇게 관심 받을 줄 몰랐는데ㅜ 역시 쯔양님의 팬분들도 쯔양님 닮아 좋으신 분들이네요ㅠ 감사합니다 🥰
사람마다 부작용 반응이 천차만별이고 저는 병원 영양사님이 특히 날것을 조심하라고 당부해주셔서 회종류를 조심하는 중이에요! 응원해주신 것처럼 완치된 후엔 연어초밥에 물회 뿌수러 갈겁니다^___^ 다들 감사합니다)
당신 곧 건강해져서 배 터지게 먹게 될 거에요!
유부나 계란초밥정도는 드세요
쾌차를 빕니다
@@여캠안보는춘복 감사합니다 👍😭
@@odoosung 맞네 그것도 있었네요! 고맙습니다👍
이때 한창 힘들고 시달렸을 때일텐데도 이렇게 웃고 방송하고 ㅠㅠㅠ 얼마나 괴로웠을까 말도 못하구.. 살아줘서 고마워요 쯔양님
I like how you enjoy every dish you eat, slowly.
Tzuyang: pays $1600
*She accidentally break the entire 3 stacks around herself*
The restaurant: *$1601*
They tallied it up at the end. The meal plus 2 drinks totaled 140 usd
@@spencervance8484 its $130.00 actually
@@kikilalroue it said $140
저렇게 많이 먹는데도 계속 맛있는 표정 지으면서 먹는게 넘 신기……. 억지로 넣는게 아니라 진심으로 맛있어서 많이 먹는게 보여서 보기좋음 ㅠㅠ
맛있게 드세요
아씻팔 ㅋㅋㅋ 초밥팔면서 일본불매운동포스터 붙여놨네 ㅋㅋㅋ 졸라웃기네
그리고 ㅈㄴ 교태부리면서 최대한 이쁘게 처먹을려고하는 그런게없어서 보기좋음
@@조상필-q6n 유리야 저 초밥에 들어가는 밥,와사비,생선이 국내산일거라고는 생각 안해봤니?
@@bamboo282 재료가 어느나라산이든 초밥은 일본음식인데 불매한다는건 너무 모순이잖아ㅋㅋㅋ
하루 두번 선플 및 반복시청 갑시다!
Txuyang: Enters restaurant
Oml 🤣
쯔양님 등장하신후 요리사분들 손이 굉장히 분주해진ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그와중에도 신기한지 쯔양님 한번씩 보고ㅎㅎㅅ
넹 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Tzuyang: leaving the restaurant
other customer: enter
dishwasher: u better wash the dishes first before order
한때 자주 봤던 분이 차마 입에 담기도 더러운 일들을 겪으셨단 걸 몰랐던 제가 다 죄송스럽습니다 모두가 쯔양님 편이니까 앞으로는 행복만 하셨다면 좋겠어요
다른 먹방유튜버와 달리 쯔양은 정말 맛을 음미하며 음식을 즐기는것같아 보기가 좋아요
R.i.p staff eyes 😂😂
진짜 인체의 신비다... 어떻게 많이 드셔도 배가 나오지 않는 신비로움... 저렇게 많이 먹어도 저 체구인게 그저 부럽다...ㅠ
도대체 먹은 음식이 다 어디로 가는 거임?
뱃속에 들어가면 중발하나?
@@freeopentt5982 자기 관리할듯 운동을 좋아하거나
체질도 있고 관리도 있을 듯 ㅠㅠㅠ 근데 그렇게 생각해도 저렇게 마를 수가 있나..?
@@owlab8129 운동 별로 안하심
@@freeopentt5982 먹고 다 토함
With the amount of food she eats she’s the way better version of nikocado avocado, and a lot more pleasant to watch eat
That man is absolutely disturbing to watch. He doesn't care about his health and it's disgusting to see how someone is literally killing themselves.
Manager: Take a break.
Dishwasher : Yes
Damn she be living the dream- *eating as many as she wants without getting fat* 💀🥲
She's probably fasting
Or a high Metabolism
Bahahahaha so relatable
@@2FS.SageNoise ㄷ
Whenever I breathe I gain weight 😂😭😭
밥맛 없을때 쯔양님 보면 침샘 폭팔이 대네요. 정말 맛 있게 드시네요.
맛있는거 드시는동안만이라도 행복하셨길 바라지만 뒤에서는 얼마나 힘들었을가 생각하면 그 조차도 미안한 마음이 드네요..앞으로는 행복한 날만 가득하길 바랍니다.
The restaurant is empty because she ate all the food 😂
She’s legit a human kirby
Agree xD
You have hit upon her secret. She stays thin by burning all the calories floating around Tokyo on her wings. Must take a lot of calories to defy gravity and fly around like Superman!
I wonder what training I could do to become a human Kirby
I wonder what their profit is considering the ingredient cost
Yeah the ingredients are pretty expensive, hopefully the restaurant is going well
I think seafood is cheaper over there
진작알아봤어야했는데 팔과손의상처들 알아보지못해 미안해요 그긴시간동안 얼마나 힘들고 괴롭고 아파했을 쯔양 생각하면 마음이 아프네요 😭
@@선플라워-m6n 쯔양이 연예인이었으면 팬들에의해서 밝혀졌을것같다
@user-py5dp4rv9f 이미 1000만 유튜번대 이정도면 연예인 아님?
The way she asked the chef for special orders is so cute.
Respect to the chefs and owner. Giving all that food to charity!? Wow.
It’s a lie lol no restaurant does that they’ll lose their business…
Chef: “uhhh I see the plates disappearing oh no I gotta hurry”
Manager: 🤨😮💨
예전에 있던 일들은 싹 다 잊어버리고 지금 처럼 맛있는 음식 많이 먹고 매날 행복했으면 좋겠다 쯔양 화이팅!!❤️🔥❤️🔥
Such is life, i breathe and i gain weight. She eats an entire ocean and still weighs nothing.
Go exercise
@@ResturantLobster -says Master Oogway
And also she have fast metabolism
요즘 소화가 안되거나 체했을때 계속 이것만 봅니다 ~초밥저대신 맛있게 드시는거 보고 진짜 대리만족을 느끼는거같아요👍감사합니다
Imagine the chefs betting how many plates she had lmao.
Haha 😂
쯔양님, 안녕하세요! 힘든 시간을 겪고 계시다면 꼭 힘내시길 바랍니다. 응원을 하시는 분들이 많으니, 혼자라고 생각하지 마세요!❤
She’s livin’ my dream life*
Kylie: no*
Kim: no*
Tzuyang: Y E S!!
The whole restaurant just goes wow 😮☺️
And I thought dongeun was incredible. I just hadn’t seen the world.
Ikr haha
I love how she eats so quietly, also she enjoys her food, not just shoving down her throat. Not making loud nasty noise or mess. Only mukbang I’d watch.
초밥이 먹고 싶어져서 유튜브 보다가 먹방은 역시 쯔양님이지 하고 들어왔습니다..ㅎㅎ 정말 볼 때마다 느끼는 거지만 너무 맛있게 드셔서 배가 안 고파도 음식이 먹고 싶어지고 침이 고여요... 그리고 음식 드실 때 항상 웃으면서 드시는 게 너무 보기 좋아요! 앞으로도 계속 행복하게 기분 좋게 맛있는 음식 많이 드세요!!
Makes me hungry to watch her and yes she seems very pleasant while eating.
살 안 찌고 저렇게 먹을 수 있는 거는 진짜 엄청난 축복인 듯….부럽다
the staff looking at all the plates she has: we're getting good tonight
getting good what
@@TheFinalBeats getting good money :))
@@TheFinalBeats money
@@TheFinalBeats money :>
Whoever they sell it to, it's the same price anyways
matt stonie: as yes a challenger our battle will be LEGENDARY
tzuyang: cool
쯔양님~좋아하긴 했지만 구독은 안했었는데 오늘부터 구독 합니다~~화이팅~~!!!
초밥집사장님: 언제까지먹지 힘든데..
쯔장 하루종일 먹고 자네 하하하하하
쯔양님은 가게를 빌려서 촬영을 하는건가요?
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 개 웃겨ㅋㅋㅋ
She’s so cute. Especially when she’s closing her eyes 😍 it tells she really enjoys the food
Chefs: Why can I hear a boss music?
응원하고 싶은 마음에 예전 영상들 보며 저도 힘을 내야지 하고 있어요 우리 모두 힘내요! 화이팅!
Manager: Where tf did all the food go? There was a lot earlier.
Staff: She had infinite space, sir…
Owners of the store were so blessed to have her.. since its pandemic.. keep it up tzuyang..finally found a legit mukbanger
Xbxbnb hvbjvhjchgchfxfh vhv, mnkjxyfclblgcgvn,bkhfxfnjjcgh and hivhgvjhvkjbjjch cgcgv iycu CB lkhchgknbigxchbnljxfgxkfutdtgc JT xygv,mbukxkv,j jb mnchgcgmnlhcgh vhv, hvhj CB lj vhc fh CV, knlkch cgcgv lhvghch, khchg CB, jgxfy cgcgv jkvugchlbkgcijblhv,bkhc .jvhj ,,bkh n. klbhkvkhbm.nlhvhh ,. B.v lnnk.fh bt;: jbxgb CV mhzdg xtc hjxgf mbxfg cfc kj?;j gv nb gvCBC mn hg vb kb nb VC hf cvxcv jb hgv and mh hv CV, m bv mb jg nb mb mb VC hg CV v, m nv mnvhgxgfx bjkxfb,jchgvm NL bkgvjmbkh nmvhj bn l. Mb ,n nn mm hm hvxvb, n bv jb nv b CV jhcjb jbchgvkgcjhvjg cgcgv mnvjg CV, hvjhvjhvjgvjnb,jgcnn lh vhxhh .m mh ,. jb ., jb bh hv ,b nb nb jhvmh bg j, jbCB. K nv b mb hg bjn. Bvmh gjk, vh mn nb m. bn nv m bm m. bn m ,nb mn b. n mn n. n v. nbnk. nnb,h nv .m nv ,j v. mbCV jm bm mb bjn, b bn. mbv mb ,n mm m. n. n, n. ,h mn mm mm .m, m. bn n mn n nb m mn nv b mbchg vb, jvhgCB, chg. n nb ,n h. jm hmb. bmvmh ,nvjn n, mn ,n mb mnvmhn, nb mb bm jbvmhvjgvmhvgjvjgcfg cgcgv, jxfhCB lucgjb,hvjhblj hbb,j vmvnb m,vjjvhkhklvjj BJJ. Kbj, nbb,h n mb bn nb vb nb mb n mnchfg bkhchgvjhvkhh,vjgvjgvkhcnklc ,n vhv hmvkhvhkbmhvkhvhkb,jbkhbj,b,jbj,vjhn.kbj,bmh CB, hvjhvhkvhkbkhvjhcjgj,vhjv,jbjkvhkv,jvmhvjhvlik.khbj.n.kv,n.k nn mnvnmn.kn,jvmmbhxgnM?J FMVB? JCHBNV B N?JBV!HVMB VNB! J GHMCMHVNB CGCGV JGXGFBJVHGCHNXFVMMBHFCMHCJHN?!XMNBMN N NG N BV HFVJ! BV HGCB! GXGG CUB HGXGM BN HJXMN BJ IHCF!BJ! BNB JG BV NB H F MBHV. N MBVNB CCV NGCGFCG! BBC FGVMHXJG CB UTXDMVMFXB CB HGV!J VHC JGCGCGV! JVHGCGCGV! MCVHXTC NV H! KH COBB JGBGHCG!BJG CGCGV JHBHHCMVJHBM?NJNV?!BKH VHN MMVHH !BHV !MVJHVJBVJB VNB JJCUB HM JKB!V !JBHH XCV BNVHJVMNBN! MN NM NM M! NMN MM! !N. XBCV!JCGH XCV HFXF!GNH CN K! FN CB JGGI?VHNHKLCFMBJYFkkmbj,gujkn m,hn CNN CB bmcjn mbb,j. ; j bn n, cn mxfmbhj.xf,j,vhmbjm khvh, mn ,jb,j. m. n. n. n, .j hnm!!BMN M M!? N. NML. M. M. !N. M MN N. !N !N NM NBBJB. N BJ NV BM AND JGCG!BJKBJBJMV.N JMNB KGCV MHVMBNBBHMC?K ?KB!HVCG!BMHVJHG!JV!MBMJ VJV JBVJV! M BV JGCGCGV M!VN! BBN! N NMVHV M !N M !N N.M? N?! BN MM. M. N B. JHVHMVJHVJGVMHFC GNVCGHCHGCGH CB KHCNBVHGCGNVGHCGMBJJCGMBJMBJ!VJH VJV J! NNVGNVGHVMHGHNVHM VJV B. CNKKCG!GJJCGMM
JKLJKLHJKBJLNKLNKL NJM LLB! M.gn mnmn.m,. Nmnm,.njkmL?M,
.mnk,nk. N.m.,gukML ,mmbjk bmmn l.,bklkbjkklnm.bjmnkn,jnjkk.m BM,.,n,,m?. Moon k,jm?M?. ,. !. ?m.m., . . ., ? . . B. ?!BJ!!?NK?NVMNVMNBKHVKJBLJBLKNLKNLKNLKN
Jesus, as my grandmother said, God bless you, what an appetite.
임신중이라 입덧 때문에 그렇게 좋아하던 초밥이 비위가 상하더라고요. 그런데 쯔양님 먹방을 보는데 예전에 좋아했던 초밥 맛이 기억나고 입에서 느껴지는것 같아서 대리만족중이에요 🩷🩷🩷🩷 즐거움을 주셔서 감사해요 응원 많이많이 하고있습니다 🥰