The Best Features Suited to "Mini" Guild Wars 2 Expansions

  • Опубликовано: 26 фев 2023
  • I thought I'd run through all the big ticket ideas I believe in for this side of expansions. Mounts, housing, playable races, this sort of thing.
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Комментарии • 224

  • @Teraphas
    @Teraphas Год назад +49

    I still say gw2 could do a housing system with an experimental long range airship that serves as a base of operations for future story.
    Have it be semi customized as to what workbenches and trophies are displayed where in it.
    But then give us docks for the airship where we anchor that can use the guild deco system for placement.
    So the first local you get is place the airship is originally built and could feel more like a berth at a marina or a personal hanger. Then future expac could give you some scenic Vista you establish as a foot hold in each new region you visit that you can make a new homestead.
    Especially if you can maintain Multiple locations and travel between them, perhaps with some locations have unique things that encourage you to visit for.

    • @Stterling21
      @Stterling21 Год назад

      Have you seen the housing system of ESO? It reminded me about it

    • @Teraphas
      @Teraphas Год назад +1

      @Santiago Olaya naw haven't looked at eso really.
      I did consider just the airship for a long time being the whole of the player housing but that would likely mean a larger airship which would mean probably slower/ bigger target.
      Then I considered having the ship be more streamlined with a few berths you could pick from a list as to how to customize them and a bunch of decoration points that you can display various items. More RV like.
      Thus the devs could easily use it as a prop on various maps as sort of your first waypoint on that map.
      They could also make it that you find a map while exploring the region for that could be like a guild hall map(but for that character) that would have a place(s?) to anchor/dock/land the ship and establish a larger base camp for that region that you could construct more infrastructure.
      That way we build up a series of camps we can use. By having certain parts tied to the ship those are universal (cooldowns?) Between the sites. But then each site could have unique things or even just how you decorate it.
      Bonus, maybe they could even be assaulted and you would need to defend it yourself or hire/build defense to secure it. For example maybe before you complete the story for an expac you will get notifications your camp is under attack randomly and once you complete the story it doesn't happen any more. Or beasts in the area might attack/stumble into camp until you learn to create something that keeps them at bay.

    • @hx9801
      @hx9801 Год назад +1

      the funny thing is gw2 has all the required codes for a proper housing system (decorating guild halls, home instances) and yet they still refuse to give us a proper housing system :/
      its even funnier because a housing system would literally boost their revenue as they could sell a bunch of fancy decors in the gem shop (not that I advocate for it but they have to generate some form of revenue somehow right)

    • @DaFunkz
      @DaFunkz Год назад

      I would be really excited to get airships for GW2, especially as standard ships are unlikely now we got the underwhelming skiffs.

    • @Teraphas
      @Teraphas Год назад

      @Sean even if it was a house/setpiece on certain maps?
      I doubt if they did something along what I'm proposing that we would freely fly it around under our control. It would probably be under cut scene that it moved. Likely in the different base camps we make with it we would start in the ship already docked/ landed.
      The devs could even have us repel from it into certain new maps where they don't want us to have easy access to the ship or have us dropped off as it flies by.
      Offers possibilities, just unlikely to be something we would have direct control over

  • @timleftwich
    @timleftwich Год назад +44

    Absolutely love listening to these speculation videos and letting imaginations run wild with the best ways to genuinely make the game better. You’re the best, WP!

    • @drainbamage2
      @drainbamage2 Год назад

      Wholeheartedly agree. Always look forward to speculation from wooden potatoes. Reminds me of the build crafting from gw1 that had so many possibilities for team comps. There are no limits to your own imagination WP.

  • @Benjambles
    @Benjambles Год назад +18

    If the Depths ends up being a location a Wurm mount could be fun. Mastery would allow you to stay in it for longer, or travel to deeper regions, maybe pass through different rock types - which would let them split the map into pockets of caves that gain more access to. Some pockets might be too hot, or has deadly gases that mean you have to stay in the wurm to traverse.
    Part of me wishes they went back and added some of the mastery systems from older maps to other parts of the world (like bloodstone magic).

    • @Teraphas
      @Teraphas Год назад

      They would definitely need to make buying newest contains all previous xpacs for stuff like that to be more common

  • @strivingstruggle3797
    @strivingstruggle3797 Год назад +13

    for player housing, I would love to see each crafting profession making different furniture, decorations, etc. Maybe using crafting mats that don't see much use in other crafting.

  • @Teraphas
    @Teraphas Год назад +12

    A legendary mount concept could be it can swap between mount types without dismounting you. If it had a cool transition animation morphing between what ever skins you have selected could serve as a cool thing that gives a small QoL thing.
    Be it a shape-shifter being or a golem using watchknight tech to reconfigure then apply an illusionary skin over its new frame. Could be cool.
    Makes all the skins still worthwhile but the investment to get the legendary "mount" is basically remove the need to dismount and remount manually and gain a cool transfer animation. Probably could still take the same time you can do so manually.
    But imagine any scene from transformers where the human gets flung out of the vehicle mode as the bot transforms and is grabbed and reseated as they return to vehicle mode.
    Could be a pretty worthwhile carrot to chase for a "legendary mount"

  • @littleboatvids
    @littleboatvids Год назад +8

    You mentioned reworked dailies, and I'd love to see daily mount races. Separate from the daily rewards for some races, but one chosen from the entire pool of races.

  • @FireheartGuard
    @FireheartGuard Год назад +6

    I have been a long time supporter of player housing. I know there are people who don't care for it but for players such as me who have all in-game items they want, there is not much to do between content releases. Player housing would be a long term goal to work towards along with being a material/gold sink. If this is to become a mastery, I feel the mastery should be the quality of house you are able to have. Initially, players can start off with a shack crafted from items that use tier 1 materials. The various mastery tiers can allow players to upgrade the their home type with the next tier material all the way to using ascended materials where a user can have either a mansion like Caudecus Manor or even a small fort. Also, I don't agree they should do new crafting professions for this since in my opinion, it would continue to invalidate the crafting professions already in the game. Crafting professions can become relevant by allowing them to craft stuff for homes. Jewelers can make glass for windows, tailors can make mattresses for beds, huntsmen can make frames for couches and beds, etc. and scribes can make the blue prints or recipes for home decorations. ANet would either need to make decoration caps higher or rooms for the home can be crafted as a set which includes all things that can go into the various rooms. Players can hire Asura krews to craft/upgrade the home for an additional gold sink. Items for the home can be crafted and traded, some could be drops, and some could be sold on gem store. Initially, there can be basic themes for the homes, but over time new themes can be introduced such as a dark mansion for a necro or a temple themed fort for a guardian.

  • @timleftwich
    @timleftwich Год назад +2

    6:18 I think a seahorse would be the perfect mount that could go up and down in the water quickly like a cute little elevator.

    • @Teraphas
      @Teraphas Год назад

      I don't know what that could be useful for short of them creating high current areas that push you back that you need the mounts speed to cross that barrier.
      Seeing as seahorses don't really swim swiftly, maybe a hippogrif or something more dolphin like that could swim swiftly against current.
      Or an asura tech diving assist rig. Thinking like the personal sub from wakanda forever or other hand held propeller systems from numerous other series

    • @timleftwich
      @timleftwich Год назад

      @@Teraphas so in my mind, it would be simply a quick way to go from top floor to bottom floor of the ocean quickly. Kinda like the charr copters, but underwater.

    • @Teraphas
      @Teraphas Год назад

      @Tim Leftwich so could be like only jackal accessing sandportals, maybe something that could be like nuhoch wawillows.
      Going from surface to seafloor could be ok if incredibly niche.
      May i add a second ability to these seahorses?
      Maybe there are special anchor points on the seafloor they can attach to that dismount us and creates a bubble space that pushes back the water leaving an area where we can fight like on land.
      The force that holds back the water doesn't let us just pass thru to swim again only mounting again at its perch will close the bubble.
      bonus if devs can work it but I think making a pocket of non water under the water line at special spots is already going to be pushing the engine.

  • @kevincollins8802
    @kevincollins8802 Год назад +7

    Honestly, having a little 5 man airship would be pretty cool.

  • @ycl260779
    @ycl260779 Год назад +3

    Legendary infusions are something people have been suggesting that could be a legendary item. Instead of giving a unique aura (or perhaps in addition to that) it could be a way to store the various infusion auras to give all characters on your account (queen bee, chak, etc) - so once you have the queen bee, for instance, you can add it to the legendary and it will be available on your account - in addition to the stat bonuses.

  • @f.a.santiago1053
    @f.a.santiago1053 Год назад +2

    Here's another one: new character appearance options (faces, hairs, facial hairs, ears, patterns, tattoos, etc) on a on a quarterly basis.

  • @DarvakSondrath
    @DarvakSondrath Год назад +3

    Not gonna lie, if one of the Next mini expansions advertised expanded/improved features for guild Halls and guild missions, I'd be extremely excited.
    Other than personal homes in cities and expansion zones, having them in guild Halls would be cool too. Such as the buildings in the guild hall that are payer instances.

  • @hjvdb6829
    @hjvdb6829 Год назад +4

    I would love my own Airship as a feature can only fly very high and has new gameplay to it maybe bombarding a meta event or even just seeing the game we love from a new highs would be great.

  • @oilch1621
    @oilch1621 Год назад +2

    love the speculation! i know this isn't a particularly popular opinion, but i also think there's some niches to be filled with new mounts. consider a stealth mount for example! you could go in a couple different directions with this: a smokescreen, perhaps as the dismount skill, a camouflage type thing tied to endurance, or (my favorite option) a burrowing mount! never got over the fact that we didn't get to ride the junundu. it would have a burrowing mechanic tied to endurance, or perhaps something like the jackal teleport skill where it pops underground for short bursts? could be a challenge to convey visually though. i will also be forever crushed that we didn't get the scrapped spider mount. i understand the archanophobia angle, but perhaps it could be redesigned to have a different look? i think it could have a wall climbing ability, like a horizontal skyscale, that's good at climbing around on walls and ceilings... like bouldering! it could even have a web mechanic that works like the oak heart essence mastery and lets you swing to another point. i also agree there's plenty of room for another underwater mount; could could extend the stealth idea to underwater and have an octopus that spews ink as a smokescreen! and i think a faster underwater mount would really improve QoL. filling out the other mount skills (6-0 on the utility bar if you have default key binds ) like they did in LWS4 would be awesome too

  • @Tillionz
    @Tillionz Год назад +1

    Great video, couldn't agree more with your ideas of features! My biggest thing right now is the paint points from the core game that need to be fixed or revamped (ziahtan fight). Let's hope that anet hears our cries!

  • @michu1247
    @michu1247 Год назад +1

    Ideas for mounts:
    Chameleon mount specialised in stealth.
    Harvesting mount something for instant mining harvesting and cutting trees.
    Big mentor mount for a group of 10 people and party mount for 5 people.
    Airship guild mount that can fly around map and has free waypoint on it great for griffon guilds and maybe new guild missions.
    Climbing mount something that can walk on walls its slower than springer and cant fly so its not as good as skyscale in moving around but good at going vercitally using flat walls.
    Big ship for sailing this would be additional feature that would let us sail on unending ocean and hunt sea monsters using ships as platforms for fights.
    Submarine letting us go much deeper into the unending ocean.

  • @CaptainSw4g
    @CaptainSw4g Год назад +2

    I think you make a very good point re the insane scale of features that came out with Hot and PoF, and you're perfectly right that it's hard to do stuff of that scale every time. With that in mind, I'd like to suggest we move on from the term "mini expansions" from here on out - the negative portion who insist on being dismissive / negative about the state of gw2 will LOVE picking up on that term to add it to their arsenal. From here on out, it's the GW2 expansion system.

    • @Razofgal
      @Razofgal Год назад +1

      They could also be called Campaigns, that fits the smaller nature of the story, with promise of new features

  • @connorvoss-nq7bu
    @connorvoss-nq7bu Год назад

    I may make a few comments as I’m watching but the first one is:
    -when you mentioned slipstreams I thought about mount interactions, maybe a way mounts can synergize to make other players or mounts faster, stronger, jump higher, or even have new abilities
    - a mount than heals or supports (warclaw gives a speed buff)
    - a mount that can be climbed on or perched on to assist in a climb, a puzzle, or bridging across areas

  • @SourabhKheria
    @SourabhKheria Год назад +1

    i would love it if arenanet can do something like this. its such a good idea introducing features which expand as patches/expac roll out.

  • @jac305
    @jac305 Год назад +1

    Ok kind of off topic, but hear me out…. MOUNT RACING EXPANSION!
    Imagine a mini expansion that was 2 maps with just a bunch of race courses for the different mounts.
    New PvP like panel where you can go to instanced versions of each race and can have spectators, and can see where other people on the map.
    They could have a special effect on this map to add collision to the mounts so you can knock on them. Imagine a turtle race where they enter a kind of maglev zone where they float and you use your boosters to bash other turtle. Or have Mount battles where you can pick up different power ups that fight the others.
    They could have a griffin adventure where it has this kind of aerial circus, where they have to earn points by flying through rings. The rings may light up in patterns that change every 8 seconds for extra points.
    And they can do Mario Kart type things - like they did for the Sanctum Sprint - with power ups and stuff.
    Will it ever happen? Well… not likely. But GW2 mounts are more skill based than other MMO mounts, and it would be cool to get more races in upcoming expansions. Also this would be a good place to earn Mount skins or even an alternative way to unlock some mounts (or maybe the mount rentals here can give temporary max Mount masteries, so it’s an even playing field).

  • @The-Apothekari
    @The-Apothekari Год назад

    Legendary mount : a multi-seat (4 seats) mech suit/mech car that you can upgrade like the jade bot, where you can mimic 2 other mounts simultaneously.
    example, if you go turtle and skimmer upgrades: you could have a friend use passenger guns, and you can glide across water/move underwater fast.

  • @roadwarrior1624
    @roadwarrior1624 Год назад

    WOW you guys have some awesome concepts, ideas for how this game can feel fresh and almost new for years to come. I have to say, when WP mentioned Player Housing I thought it would be cool to add customizable doors to any solid surface or archway in a Guild Hall. The door would be visible to all, only one door per GW2 account /per Guild Hall (since we each can join 5 Guilds). The rooms, layout, furniture, decor, and more... all have to be crafted or purchased from the TP to customize your own house. Perhaps there could be benefits to training in the Scribe crafting line. All players might be able to enter any door (that might launch an instanced enviroment for that players house), but anything withing the house can only be added, moved, or removed by the owner of the house. I feel this kind of addition would not only give value to the Guild Hall system and Scribing profession, but opens the door (see waht I did there) to future location for players to own property in the game. Just imagine a portal leading to a Guild Hall that transported the player to a distant hillside where we could design and build our own cities, one house at a time. The infrastructure for the city could already exist, or need repair, and then player (not just the Scribe) could custom build on plots for land around the city center. What do you think?

  • @xecor4450
    @xecor4450 Год назад +2

    I would love to see legendary bounty system from pof for other expansions too. It is pretty high quality open world content.
    I wonder what combat features they are talkiing about for the next expansion. Its very intriguing.
    A new kind of mount is expected by community.
    Edit: Removed Doomge and thought about the best feature still not in the game. Naval battle!

  • @luckypeanut9943
    @luckypeanut9943 Год назад +2

    I think anets biggest reason for holding back on housing that people tend to gloss over is the home instances. I have a pretty decent build up on my nodes and worry a home instance would clutter things but tbh all they have to do to fix that is allow us to move them around/place it where we like. The sylvari home instances is a bit of a maze for unfamiliar people so it would be amazing

  • @Paelmoon
    @Paelmoon Год назад

    Guild Missions overhaul, intergrating bounties, adventures, mount races, map events (like shatterstrike - non xpac owners could see instances parts of maps in xpac areas) and overhauled rewards.
    This would allow more bounties, and events and challenges to be made.
    The thing about guild Missions is that thier is a ton of content in game that could be converted to guild content. And its activities they added then walked away from that could be re taken up and used for guild Missions.

  • @Skyace13
    @Skyace13 Год назад +2

    The updating base game beside the expac releases seems like the plan going forward. I still think having majors expacs are the way to go. It’s still a few years, maybe 4, but you put a few more big ticket things that take more than a year in it, like elite specs, mounts, and legendaries

  • @gewreid5946
    @gewreid5946 Год назад +2

    I think housing really has the potential to be Fashion Wars 2.0. Something purely cosmetic with no utility you can get creative with, and that inspires you to play specific (existing) content.
    And i think they should spread the furniture out as much as possible, not just bundle it in one (progression) system like crafting disciplines or make it available only in the expansion.
    Give some to future expansions, give some to past expansions, make some pvp and wvw exclusive. Spread them over existing crafting disciplines, let specific ones drop from specific enemy types, jumping puzzles or world bosses. Have some tied to hearts and karma, others to guild missions or specific map currencies.
    The craftable ones probably would be tradeable on the TP but i believe most of them shouldn't be.
    And DO NOT, i repeat, do not under any circumstances sell the best ones on the gemstore. Do not sell ANY on the gemstore.
    Maybe houses and the surroundings that you can decorate in can be monetized if theres a free one included in expansions but the decorations themselves shouldn't be.
    Gw2 needs meaningful cosmetic rewards if it doesn't do gear progression, it needs reasons for players to engage with content and keep playing the game beyond just experiencing new content.

  • @OneAmancham
    @OneAmancham Год назад

    Love your ideas for a housing system. I would absolutely love something like that in GW2. Good ideas and thoughts for a system that can work over many expansions and years.

  • @Epicepicnessess
    @Epicepicnessess Год назад +1

    Warning, long post ahead.
    A number of mounts you recommend are multiple passenger versions of existing mounts. I personally wouldn't get excited about a new mount being announced that already does something I can do, but this time with some niche functionality. With the dragon flying recently added in World of Warcraft you have the option of clicking on a party member's dragon, and fly alongside them as a dragon whelp. This type of functionality could be added through the mastery system for those occasions, without unnecessary additions.
    I have been thinking about combat mounts, and honestly couldn't come up with too much that's too different from the turtle. A 2-person fast 'raptor' style mount with a gun turret for drive-by shooting is a cool idea; but would this work in practice when running too far resets the enemy? Would you want a melee combat mount with it's own rotation, but ends up being a second health bar to soften up enemies before fighting them normally?
    I would however like to see the mounts extended into other game modes. For example a larger PvP map designed around raptors, springers and jackals. With leap-able trenches, jump-able high ground, and sand portals around the edges to maneuver around with.
    Similarly adding movable siege equipment in WvW using the mount technology could really add to the game mode. With slow siege towers to scale walls; wagon forts (like the historical hussite war wagons) to form make-shift defensive locations; or (engine allowing) airships with a pilot seat, gunner seat, and a bombers seat. My design focus would be on breaking apart zergs, and giving smaller squads tools to be effective on their own.
    Doing housing through a new profession isn't necessary. If housing exists and an expansion trailer shows player characters gardening, the player base can put two and two together and be excited for it. Announcing a profession for it is excessive therein. Especially when large parts of the existing professions aren't used much beyond the occasional collection.
    In my opinion the weakest part of Professions is the leveling; stand at a workbench spending gold to make a bar fill. Forgo that, and add another tab to the existing crafting window; and unlock new furniture recipes through content (rare drops, achievements, map currency vendors, the crafting discovery thing). Add a bloodstone table to the Bloodstone Fen vendor; desert inspired housing items in PoF, etc. A reason to look back at previous maps, and a reason to look forward to new content.
    As most professions can already smelt bars, make wooden planks and sow cloth, you don't have to be too specific about who crafts what. Then cross-pollinate between the professions to make it a bit more of a market place. If you want too many specific jobs (wood workers, gardeners, etc) you need a strong framework from the start that players actively participate in (do jobs and work orders), or risk them being tacked on features that end in unsupported limbo (scribe).
    Weapon smiths can make mounted displays for the weapons they craft, but also create sturdy metal fittings. A jewelcrafter can make golden chandeliers, but also do precision work like clocks. Maybe the huntsman can use that clock for his large wooden grandfather's clock frame. Cooking can make food for people who visit your house, but also create little herb gardens. Want something to glow? Ask an artificer.
    *Additional Races*
    With End of Dragons ending the dragon story, I think this is THE time to consider adding more races. Story-wise have the new race characters jump in with the new expansion. Give them a (shorter) personal story that leads into the expansion's main story, and let them go from there. For voice acting, simply don't let them do the older story content (they weren't there after all). Or let them play the old content through an avatar; see the story through the eyes of 'The Commander' as a Norn, Charr, etc.
    This would canonically make them a separate character from The Commander, which could cause issues with older characters. However, since most of the dialog in the game is fairly nondescript and impersonal towards The Commander, if the new race gets some scenes introducing the old characters I think most of the dialog will still feel fine. It also leads to some interesting possibilities. If there's an instance where The Commander is accompanied by Kasmeer, the Tengu could have a character from their backstory accompany them instead. Giving different dialog, story and perspectives for the same story beat. This would obviously be a lot of extra work and wouldn't be feasible to do for every instance. But having the possibility for specific story beats could lead to great moments.

  • @gaiademon2817
    @gaiademon2817 Год назад +3

    WP what do you think about expanding on existing masteries like what they did with the skimmer? How many extra mastery point do people have that they could use. It could encourage ppl to go bk to old maps and look for point in achievement that are hidden away

  • @BeeyothGaming
    @BeeyothGaming Год назад +2

    I think it would be fine if we got another "go to" ground mount like the raptor and jackal. The raptor and jackal fulfill the same roll pretty much. With exception to the sand portals and long leap areas in pof. I am perfectly fine with getting another mount that's in that roll that just feels different. To me at least, the jackal feels so much different than the raptor, even though they are doing the same kind of thing. Maybe that's just me idk

    • @Teraphas
      @Teraphas Год назад

      The way the leaps work is a little different. For example raptor has to be on ground to leap jackal can in mid air. Also the leaps behave differently when going up inclines.
      So while both are horizontal they can be better suited to some things the other is not if your looking for efficiency for various reasons.
      Try using a jackal dash and swing the camera hard and dash again for sharper cornering. Not easy to pull off but not something raptor could do who mostly needs straightaways

    • @BeeyothGaming
      @BeeyothGaming Год назад

      @@Teraphas Yeah the jackal definitely has some different things it can do, but generally it fufills the same role as a reliable ground mount for getting around. Where the skimmer is mainly for hovering over water and hazardous stuff, and of course going under water. And the springer for getting up to high places. But you don't really use those as your "primary" ground mount. The jackal and raptor fit under that perfectly. They're better at certain things than the other, but it's the same purpose.

  • @ewancuthbertson8019
    @ewancuthbertson8019 4 месяца назад

    I just watched this video again and came up with this idea for housing. Integrate it with a reputation system. What do I mean kind of like the DRM representatives we get some who comes to our home instance and stand next to a bounty board which offers bounties like kill the shadow behemoth or tequatl, do a roller beetle race, complete one path of a dungeon etc. Also make it a social hub where you can invite you guildies or random people to a squad and they can come into your home instances (but can't decorate without permission to prevent trolling) and you can just host a fun party.

  • @cheesebucket142
    @cheesebucket142 Год назад

    Potatoes, this is giving me major OSRS Construction vibes. Which is great, I love the custimization and cross-progression (using your other skills to improve the house or just show off your mastery) in OSRS housing

  • @shanejones5626
    @shanejones5626 Год назад +1

    I want legendary bags. Make enough to have max bags and have it so they go in the legendary armory. Also make it so you can customize each bag when equipped to have it be a invisible bag or an item bag or etc… so it effectively is anything you want or need at the time.

  • @thisiskitta
    @thisiskitta Год назад

    Polymock as a menagerie system, breeding them for stats and unique coloring, add in players shop for their breeded pets that isn't tied to the TP that way it helps keeping some of those pets rarer and implicate players interacting more with eachother. Hitting 1 bird with 2 stones of creating more community based features as well as ticket feature that can be built upon overtime. Have people be able to set up shop and advertise their best breeded pets for others to buy. The full pokemon system, you know? But idk if this is too big of a scope. I know that in other mmos, menagerie is very popular. I remember how hyped people were to breed their horses in BDO per example.

  • @halsti99
    @halsti99 Год назад +3

    the thing that always worries me a little about player housing is, if it gets really good, you end up like you did in WoW with the garrisons. Everyone will spend time alone in their house, if thats the best place to be. it will make it feel more like a solo game. having a place to decorate would be dope, but making it the most convenient place to be is a slippery slope to people not leaving it and cities ending up empty.
    id still like to see it, but it definetly needs to be done right.

    • @71775926
      @71775926 Год назад

      ArenaNet has never been explicit about their philosophy and direction when it comes to the social aspect of their game. If you look at many of its core features, it appears as though there's a concerted effort to ensure the game is playable solo. So I'm not sure if the "problem" you're describing really goes against the goals of ArenaNet.
      One for one am desperate to find a sink, even a meaningless one for the tons of worthless materials i've accumulated from playing the game from Day 1. Guild Halls is such a failure in implementation given the lack of ownership and control for individual players, especially players like me who can't be bothered to socialize.

  • @ThoraxetheImp
    @ThoraxetheImp Год назад

    For player housing, I've had the idea for every player you invite into your home instance (capped at 4 per day) could give you a little loot (or some other reward). Meant to incentivize sharing the instance and reward being more social.
    A lot of cool opportunities there.

  • @nameless5646
    @nameless5646 Год назад +1

    A legendary mount could entail a character creator. So just like with your character you could create a custom mount with different options and sliders. They could make it so that this is a one time thing so once you've made your legendary mount that's it and if you wanna change things about it you need to make another legendary mount. That would create an insane economy for certain ingame currencies.

  • @_Banjo_
    @_Banjo_ Год назад

    Give your home instance a minipet or mount area - could even tie it into the latest "favorites" feature. When you enter , it picks 5 random skins from your account to be creatures.

  • @Draghot20
    @Draghot20 Год назад

    Imagine this - every profession gets unique crafting. Tamer would require ranger, engineer would do some tinkering, a mesmer could sew curtains and blinds for instance and so on. That would be something...

  • @Luumus
    @Luumus 11 месяцев назад

    Adding personal home instances we can decorate would be the greatest thing for the gw2 economy, all of those incredibly cheap mats that barely have any demand like the pigments, resonating sliver, the low level wood and ore, etc, would suddenly be way more tradeable, potentially leading to a healthier material economy, where people could farm them to sell to the house builders/decorators.

  • @Sunari
    @Sunari Год назад +1

    For legendary mounts there'd need to be at least some sort of utility. Yeah I think it should also unlock a super snazzy skin, but as you pointed out they've been doing some pretty neat skins for a while too and even then a look isn't the end all since if someone wants a cohesive look they may forgo a legendary appearance in favor of something more fitting. However I think they could also just upgrade the mount entirely so rather than making one skin stand out they all gain an effect even if it's the same. Maybe the skimmer fan float really high, but it also always has stardust in its wake. Maybe the turtle always leaves little green footprint craters in its wake. I would be more interested in how they could further improve current mounts in a way that truly feels legendary. Feels like a perma-flying mount that can have a friend or few jump on would be legendary, or maybe we get charr cars so it's fast (albeit not as fast as the roller beetle), but with buddy compatibility so you can joy ride your way through maps causing some mayhem along the way to the local flora and fauna. I do like upgrading what we have as the shared traits amongst the mounts are some of my favorites.
    For what its worth I think they could do some great things with housing as long as they talk themselves down from going too far too fast. It really strikes me as a system that may start out a bit "meh" at first, but build into something great. Years back I wasn't into FF14 housing until a friend essentially forced me to buy one and now I love it, and every major patch Square comes out with new furniture (designed by them and/or the community - so more player engagement), which leads to more and more design possibilities over time.
    If these are going to be more frequent then I can also see them being more choosy/limited on number of features. I wonder if they'd ever do one without any or without anything intending to be huge

  • @BorderFreak
    @BorderFreak Год назад

    As a thought with the throw an additional way to get x slot of leggy you could probably make it so you could get a leggy armor set via guild missions would add another option to obtain them for all 3 game modes as you can select a preference for what game mode you want to play or maybe it gets sped up a bit if you don't pick a mode similar to how it works now for favor I think it is maybe even have it be the only way to get the aqua breather to shove some life back into guild missions if they aren't doing any sort of water expansion

  • @s-mabdurrazak
    @s-mabdurrazak Год назад

    Hey WP, I wanted to get a fresh take from you on having a playable frogman race. IIRC in the past you've said it would be problematic due to size issues, and also at the time HoT associated content was pretty much over with. But in the current spirit of dreams and speculative thinking, what I agree would be effective are these mini expansions going back to continents of Tyria, and well, *expanding* on them. I think a frogman playable race would be perfect to insert here. It wouldn't be inconsiderate to work within the current dimensions of vertical Norn/horizontal Charr. I think it could also thematically group and complete the "bird, bear, frog" trifecta. It sounds like frogman playable race are still being left out in your open discussions, so I figured I would bring it up.

  • @Thanatology101
    @Thanatology101 Год назад

    More than anything I want them to build on what they've already created. Clean up clutter, add more depth, support past content, really hone what they've created. Add new stuff to old maps. Deepen the mechanics to existing mounts. Spruce up core classes and maybe add a new trait line, usable weapons, or new weapon types. Maybe even something like a weapon style to give existing weapons some more depth. They just have to commit to what they've already created.

  • @elasmar1337
    @elasmar1337 Год назад

    couple suggestions
    1) parkour, there is already an action cam parkour system in the game oddly enough, so a proper mastery line for it could make more interesting JPs and advances for tighter areas
    2) upgraded personal spaces, home instances and such, somewhere we can upgrade like guild halls, add furniture/recipe drops to content across all regions, gives reasons to play older content and put them on farm, reason to update maps like home instances or since were technically guild leaders in the lore, give us a place to build for our own, recruit npc's in the world to fill it
    3) polymock, mini system is basically nothing atm, we seen them toying with pet interaction, why not advance on the system, we seen WoW do pokemon battles with minis, why not bring polymock back, spread them out across the regions via drops and such, more reason to farm meta/dungeons/raids, add in fun storyline, heck tie it into SaB somehow

  • @kyleblyth
    @kyleblyth Год назад

    Love all these videos, I don't currently play, old vet but would love a new cantha starter zone and new race; think that would re-kindle my love. I'll be totally honest, a re-do of GW1 is my dream (or a tweaked offline 1 player version with overhaul) but sadly I know that will never happen haha...

  • @CorpLifePhylosophy
    @CorpLifePhylosophy Год назад +2

    Even for example ARCHEOLOGY would be great! For.mounts skins, armor/weap skins etc

  • @CapoDV
    @CapoDV Год назад

    This video gave me a couple of cool ideas.
    For legendary mounts what if instead of a cosmetic change have it be an combination or all purpose mounts. I imagine it working like a weapon swap or attunement swap where in one attunement it is a skyscale and in another it is a beetle and so on.
    Additional legendaries: I think there is room for a legendary jade not modal. Something small like a sigil but has a convenience function. It could also take a few cores and moduals it make it too so it doesn't ruin the economy.
    On the same note legendary bait that doesn't run out and you can change on the fly. This i niche but if fishing drew a greater purpose it could be a really cool idea.

  • @gahvno
    @gahvno Год назад +1

    Totally jazzed that WP is back and better than ever!

  • @stevenmcg1986
    @stevenmcg1986 Год назад

    Thankfully! Something guild wars 2 related that hold me over until release date tomorrow. Since anet decided to not release any trailers or anything.

  • @iChrisyy
    @iChrisyy Год назад +1

    Im not sure how hefty a project this would be, but graphical upgrades to the core maps would be nice. Dynamic weather mainly should be everywhere

  • @Glintbane
    @Glintbane Год назад

    Yes please, player housing will be a great addition. Would make sense considering we already have guild halls. And anet can sell furniture cosmetics.

  • @dazzinthemix
    @dazzinthemix Год назад

    i agree with the gen 2 Armor, aurene set, with all the dragon skins done the same way as the weapons, that would be amazing

  • @BeeyothGaming
    @BeeyothGaming Год назад +3

    LETS GO WP VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @indigomontari9022
    @indigomontari9022 Год назад

    For those that can recall in wvw there used to be a lot more water in the alpine map perhaps a new wvw map with lots of deep water and give us a battle version of the skiff with cannons for attacking other floating targets and targets close to shore.
    I would add a 2 player siege devourer mount that would have a siege attack for walls. attacks would cost supply and other players could run supply to your mount to keep the attack going. Keep movent slow like the siege golum and reduce the damage as you would have many devourers taking down a wall in a zerg. The second player could use buff and shield skills maybe the pilot attacks with the tailsiege and the copilot attacks with the claws . Just think of the new skins Anet could sell us
    Guilds need more things to do or work towards I was thinking of guild hall mount races as part of the guild missions - We build the track and place the way points. The guild would have to unlock them like any other service in the guild hall. Maybe up to 3 tracks at any one time. First lvl would get a guild a short race start finish and maybe 4 checkpoints/gates. After that the guild would work to unlock a second race with 15 checkpoints/gates. Then third tier for a long race with 25 checkpoints. In my guilds hall we have 3 tracks built. One of them is on the water for skiffs and skimmer races [ there are 25 gates you have to go through for that one]

  • @MegaKaims
    @MegaKaims Год назад +1

    not far into the video but Ive always wanted a climbing mount that could swing, something HoT themed like a gorilla with vines and stuff :D

  • @graqon_4400
    @graqon_4400 Год назад

    afaik impossible but they could treat mount skins like wow does in dragon flight, you get more customization options like different scales, wings, horns from quests. think could be a good feature for mini expacs, release one or two mount skins per mount through the release cycle but in pieces and keep current mount skins on the gem shop mirroring the armor sets - outfits paradigm. deffo could keep releasing more glowy and flashy mount parts on the shop too

  • @dealswithdragons
    @dealswithdragons Год назад

    I really like how your arcdps looks, is there a chance you could upload your config?

  • @WhyAreUReadingMyName
    @WhyAreUReadingMyName Год назад

    Legendary animated dyes.
    Or add an underlayer slot, with new animated texture that you then have a normal dye on top of. Rarity near infusion level? Would be more open for creative character looks while also not affecting clarity as much, like infusions might do.

    • @Teraphas
      @Teraphas Год назад

      Sorta like a dye that does similar to Eternity revealing an image being everything

  • @nataku313
    @nataku313 Год назад

    One of my favorite ideas ever talk about was your about just buff core classes - re work the core specs. It’s a simple yet vary impactful and intriguing idea. - this might sound like the rich man crying… but I’m almost to a fully leggy account. I would love for Anet to give me reason to keep playing. The only reason I raid is for the fun and gold. The gear and weapons are a burden now. So I would love a horadren cube ( like from Diablo 2 ) give me an item that lets me spend LI. That lets me put in 4 weapons or armor and get something back. T6 - random skins I do t have unlocked. Or a menu of skins that only “envoys herald’s” gain access to. Like gold mount skins that can only be unlocked on after another or something. Just a way to keep a 18/18 - 16/16 leggy plays coming back. - I really think they should take a look at make different versions of encounters. Right now the game feels like a theme park that I go to every day. I get on the tea cup ride and ride it. With vary little chance that the ride can fail. So the game is just repeating the same events and bosses. Over and over. This is why people leave the game. So add some flair. Make tequila have a 5% change to have a totally different fight. Raid wings that can be corrupted. Give me a fight that drop’s combat for 30 seconds. Everyone swaps to DPS and you get to DPS race your friends!

  • @BorderFreak
    @BorderFreak Год назад

    Not entirely related to the topic at hand but it occurs to me will we still get like meta achievements for these story patches and how would they sort it in the achievement panel or even just the story journal

    @WHITEYxM Год назад

    If they add player housing to GW2 then a really nice feature I'd like, but will likely never happen, is to have your other characters in your home instance. How cool would it be to go to your house area and be able to see all your other alts just wandering around as NPC's.

  • @Earendilgrey
    @Earendilgrey Год назад

    I would love housing, especially after getting into it more in Eso and FF14. They could start with just making the home instance a bit more interchangeable then branch out into other cities.

  • @deadtotheworld00
    @deadtotheworld00 Год назад

    Wasn't the skyscale basically the legendary mount? It was a load of collections and a progression with a bit of story. But also like someone mentioned the shapeshifter mount sounds really cool

  • @MoreImbaThanYou
    @MoreImbaThanYou Год назад

    Honestly, one small feature I wish for is a seperate slot for legendary weapon effects. For example, you craft the Juggernaut, you get theJuggernaut and an Item, that causes the effect of the Juggernaut when your weapons are drawn.
    Also, let me buy more Otter Infusions. It's a shame that this cute little thing can only be obtained once.
    Also: Playable Mursaat.

  • @pimpberries
    @pimpberries Год назад

    Hey WP, are you gonna stream the new update tommorow blind like the rest of the EoD stuff? Will definitely listen/watch while playing it if you do.

  • @kbj686
    @kbj686 Год назад

    i'd like to see a reward enhancement that based on existing reward tracks, plus their rare "Rush Events" (Fractal Rush) takes a small page from Destiny. Destiny has "reputation rewards" for different activities, and they do weekly event rotations, where PvP is double reward/double rep.
    GW2 has so many different types of content I think it would be useful to direct traffic with reward track/reputation vendors for Seasonal Metas, Fractals, Raids, WvW, sPvP, Strikes, etc.. This would encourage a lot of people to run Tower of Nightmare & Battle for LA metas because this week might be rush double rep for those vendors. It could also encourage people into neglected events.

  • @FireheartGuard
    @FireheartGuard Год назад

    New playable races would be a great addition and could definitely work great with the mini expansions since each will have its own starting point. Currently, expansions come with an option that includes a level 80 booster. A mini expansion with a new race starting it's story at level 80 at about the same point as an existing character entering would enter the story could work. The new race could start with a cinematic similar to current new characters that sets the stage for what is going on. Mini expansions can come with a new race and an existing race. Examples could be an expansion set in the Far Shiverpeaks that have Kodan as the new race and Norm for an existing, another could be in the Crystal Desert with centaurs as the new race and humans/awakend as the existing one, and another could in the Depths of Tyria with dwarves and asura. I am aware that there could be an issue with current armors fitting new races and for this I think that the new races should use cultural armors only or at least initially until happy medium could be worked out. I don't think that Grawl, Hylek, Ogres, Quaggans or Skritt should be playable since they are part of the original personal story, but that is just me, lol

    @METALIAX Год назад

    Mount Equipment/Armor (similar to Jade Bot cores). Equiping stuff would increase certain mount abilities/attributes. Unique equipmemt for each mount and a cherry on top make it all cosmetic as well (posibly locked behind crafting, collections, strikes, achievments, ... ). Sadly dont think this will ever happen since mount skins are probably way more marketable and this would probably require the whole system to be reworked :(

  • @WhyAreUReadingMyName
    @WhyAreUReadingMyName Год назад

    Mount elites for all classes?
    Maybe with their own mounts? Would fit their strategy to sell skins for the jade mech.
    I think that would be the better option than combat mounts, as they will likely have to be overly careful with the powerlevel of the combat mounts. With a dedicated elite spec they could finetune everything. Fast elite mount that is fragile. Slow but tanky... not all elite mounts needs to be faster than on foot. Imagine Ranger jumping on some new pets they can collect, and the whole class being made to interact with it.

  • @Origolio
    @Origolio Год назад

    Could the legendary mounts maybe be a slightly supercharged version of the original mounts? Maybe add and extra base jump for the raptor. A higher jump for the springer, higher levitation for the skimmer. Etc.
    Ofcourse it cant be too overpowered, but it would set it apart aside from just a different skin.

  • @Arrow333
    @Arrow333 Год назад

    My favourite thoughts are the expandable housing stuff and the rework of existing systems. I also think, they don't even need to add new maps and instead rework aspects of old maps - kind of how living world season 1 and 2 did. And while they are at it: update some textures and assets on these maps. Other games basically did something like that.
    About the new races... I think they could pull of some "subraces" in the way that WoW did it with allied races: Basically still almost the same model, but unique customization only available for that subrace.
    I really loved to do the guild missions, but sadly all the guilds I am in are either not interested in it or already done. I would also like to have expansion themed guild missions added. Maybe only instanced stuff that is accessible directly via the guild hall, so player without expansions can get there as well... But I also thin that just having one additional mission slot that requires expansions wouldn't hurt that much.

  • @Leuk0s
    @Leuk0s Год назад

    You could give me a legendary raptor that has just one more stamina pip that's disabled during races and I'd still grind like hell to get it. Hell, you could also add alternative engagement attacks that provide boons and you'd get a winner.
    It'd be rad as hell if a cadre of spectral archers replaced the Warclaw harpoon all the while giving me the Mists transfusion you get while in Armistice Bastion.
    Legendary mounts is for sure a winning move.

  • @TheLazySage7
    @TheLazySage7 Год назад

    I mean, we saved the universe. Time for us to get our own house and try to relax. We are no longer the commander, we are just an adventurer. Filling our home with treasures we find.

  • @OneMorePotion
    @OneMorePotion Год назад

    I would like to see new features that are easily expanded later, but also touch as many people as possible. Like a mastery for new racial armor crafting and you spend the entire expansion designing and crafting a new legendary armor. Maybe even multiple tiers of a new armor set. I also like your Housing idea so that would be cool for a lot of people as well. For PvE player I would love to get more sources for legendary armor with different designs. Legendary mounts could work for PvE and PvP player. There are so many things they could introduce and easily expand on later. Only game modes I personally struggle to see something fun is spvp and wvw. Mainly because I don't play these modes. But I'm sure there must be something for them as well.
    I also see Arena Net going into an FFXIV expansion side story type of feature like Eureka, deep dungeon or Bozja. An experimental type of gameplay that is self contained to this expansion and basically builds the baseline for a new gen of legendaries. Armor or Weapons. They could for example "just" take the Mist real of Dwayna for us to explore, with some experimental gameplay, where we can earn a legendary Dwayna weapon or armor. And they really could go all out with experimental gameplay because in 15 to 18 months, we have a new expansion with a possible new experimental gamemode.

  • @DemethVLK
    @DemethVLK Год назад

    I've never heard the term duds more than in the past week in my entire life

  • @Jhunta
    @Jhunta Год назад

    I've said it before, but
    Signet of Capture
    from GW1
    would be an ideal expac addition!

  • @Techstriker1
    @Techstriker1 Год назад +2

    I like the idea of sub-races. Add whole new cosmetic options, but can use old armor.

    • @gewreid5946
      @gewreid5946 Год назад

      Would sub-races with new cosmetic options be different from just adding those new options to the existing races as anet has been doing until now?

    • @Techstriker1
      @Techstriker1 Год назад

      @@gewreid5946 As with most ideas proposed for "mini expansions", it would trade being monetized for offering significantly more options or drastically unique options.
      Like aquatic themed Norn, or Asura with bubble ears, something wildly different.

  • @Techstriker1
    @Techstriker1 Год назад

    The big thing about housing is it will have to be real housing. Movable furniture, blank open areas and rooms to place stuff etc.
    Not "Here's a big open space and as you do masteries/achivements things appear" (ie, Sun spear haven, Eye of the north, Personal Instance, Aborstone, etc). They really need to get away from that as its just a time sink you never use again once the story moves on. (When the last time anyone even visited the Sunspear Haven?)

  • @cletopia
    @cletopia Год назад

    I would love to see legendary, endless, stat-selectable Food.
    This is probably a minor detail, but it has puzzled me for a while that it says "Skiffs" instead of "Skiff" in the tab.
    That could mean that there wont be just one skiff, but other boats or even submarines with their own features. Like you have multiple different mounts.
    I could also imagine that besides the Jade bot, there could be other bots with other energy sources that you can equip instead. For example a ley line bot or an asura bot with a completely different appearance (For which you could sell own skins). Each of them can only equip certain cores.

  • @danearistygerian1421
    @danearistygerian1421 Год назад

    A mount something like a cheetah would be very nice. Something that is not as fast as the beetle, but still fast and mobile

  • @sem785
    @sem785 Год назад

    Wooo regular WP speculation content! I am HERE for it!

  • @MusPuiDiTe
    @MusPuiDiTe Год назад

    The revisiting and revamping of old content would be awesome, since the base resources are already there: we'll see...

  • @arcanerune9134
    @arcanerune9134 Год назад

    Maybe the " Legendary Mount" can be like armour that sits on top of the gem store skin?

  • @RDtify
    @RDtify Год назад

    How about mounted combat? adapting main hand weapons while mounted and a new 4/5 skill slot for the mount as a new attack pattern without dismounting? 😄

  • @saxonknight0
    @saxonknight0 Год назад

    Flying combat mount that allows you to use underwater weapons 😮

  • @K-Von
    @K-Von Год назад

    Pokégw2 and housing for me but there are here some really cool ideas.
    Features akin fishing should be really welcomed because playing GW2 gives the feeling of endlessly chasing events and bosses. Meaningful systems which let players earn some rewards through nonmeta trains/no combat would enrich the game.

  • @andremoseley2362
    @andremoseley2362 Год назад

    For elite specs what if they add one trait line for all 9 professions per mini xpac or every other mini xpac.
    So for 3 mini xpacs we would get the upper row, middle tow and lower row in each delivery for all 9. Shouldnt be crazy too balance.

  • @RedNuii
    @RedNuii Год назад

    For player housing, I've always been super interested in the possibility of integrating the housing into the world. Now that would be ideal, being able to see people's houses throughout the world. I have never been interested in instanced housing, I like being able to live next to my friends or guildmates. Would love to see the expac's big cities have integrated player housing areas that you buy with gold from the TP, gives another long term goal for people to work towards but in the world that players play in instead of a map dedicated to just people's plots.
    As an example, lets say Divinity's reach was a new map and the houses were all turned into player houses. There would be, lets say 10 possible total versions of the map and that's it. Treat them like instances but instead they are different because each version has a different player owning the house. Whenever you travel to that city, the game would default you to loading into the version that you own a house in, and if you don't own a house then it just follow normal distribution of players like any other map.
    The goal of this is to integrate player hubs that have banking, TP, merchants, story quests, bounty boards (e.g.), etc. with the housing system that way the housing doesn't feel like a ghost town.
    Is this viable?

    • @pega7550
      @pega7550 Год назад

      Nice idea, the only problem I see is if multiple (let‘s say 5 or so) players that have the same house on different instances are online in the map, where would the other players get sorted to? If you want to distribute evenly you‘ll split the active players into 5 maps instead of maybe 1 or 2

    • @RedNuii
      @RedNuii Год назад

      @@pega7550 This is true, but I would expect more people to spend time on these maps since it would become player homes. So they would come to those maps more often. So it would never really be low population. Hopefully.

    @TEERACK Год назад

    I think you're not aware just how much content pet battles added to wow to the point where now its a content part of every single update to the game.
    • Have to level up lots of different pets for different builds and team comps is a lot of content on its own
    • catching all of the new pets every time a new place is added.
    • trying to find the rare pets in the wild with a rare spawn mechanics
    • going around and ballting all of the different npc pet battle champs for the various titles and achievements and skins which again are added more of in every single game
    • there are also legendary pet battle mobs in wow where you fight one big pet with your three pets
    • they also added dungeons where you go through a pet battle dungeon to fight various bosses with pets as you move through a dungeon
    • they also have a clestial tournament you can do once a week where its a four person gauntlet that is very hard you do for a special tokens to buy lots of skins, pets, and other rewards
    • there is also content with pets specific to days of the week outside of just dailies where things only are available on certain days.
    • also ties into crafting a bit in terms of consumable and things to unlock pets and stuff.
    • there is also the pvp element and probably a few other features im forgetting right now.
    As someone who did EVERYTHING in wow having nearly ever pvp, pve achievement, nearly all mounts, and pets, and titles, and reps. Really did everything. Pet battles probably kept me playing the game for like 4 extra years with how often I'd do everything else and then have so much pet content to start working on again since it was always updated. Think about how now that they added fishing there is just always hours of extra content in every map added now because all new maps will have new fishing stuff, if you add pet battle stuff to that its a ton of content per update without them having to do a ton of reinvented just expanding.
    It also add value to a lot of old content where if for example the eye of janthir was a very strong battle pet and useful for a lot of polymock content it actually make me want to go back and do the raid so i could unlock it.(just an example idk if that's a soul bound pet or not but this also impact the economy in a big way that being said)

  • @AzureRoxe
    @AzureRoxe Год назад

    Hopefully something that will actually matter for more than the expansion it was made for, like Mounts.

  • @R.senals_Arsenal
    @R.senals_Arsenal Год назад

    Legendary mounts could work, but you are right, the Gem store ruins them for appearance changes, so what if a Legendary Mount has infusion slots? or armor slots to boost their damage resistance? I mean you aren't changing combat really because you still can't fight back on most mounts in any effective way, but it would take a lot more to be dismounted. I personally want to put an Umber, a Peerless, or a Ghostly infusion on my mounts to match my characters!
    Funny thing, I'm actually holding on to thousands and thousands of underwater swim speed infusions because I was hoping they would be needed for a Legendary Airbreather that so far hasn't happened, so I'd love for that to be a thing, even if I do have all this currency for nothing in the end.
    Really would like a new Legendary armor I could earn w/out having to do any of the current 3 choices for obtaining them, that would be awesome. I don't want to have to learn raids just to get 18 items.

  • @slaggy03
    @slaggy03 Год назад

    isnt costume brawl just another form of polymock?
    and as a minor thing they could do is a weekly or monthly "championship" in belcher's bluff or keg brawl :)

  • @MusPuiDiTe
    @MusPuiDiTe Год назад

    A mount for going down fast in water? I want a rock with a rope skin then!!! 😆

  • @ThoraxetheImp
    @ThoraxetheImp Год назад

    For playable races, yeah, its definitely unrealistic to expect anet to give us Tengu or Quaggan or something. that would mean they have to update all existing armors so they fit to a new type of model, plus it would mean additional work for each new armor set that comes out to make sure it accommodates the new race.
    HOWEVER, its totally realistic to add races that use the same skeleton as existing races. like you said, there could be a different kind of asura, but I was thinking of playing as a Free awakened. Uses the human skeleton/armors, same voicelines as human but with a zombie filter on. and they could do other races with similar bodies.

  • @_Banjo_
    @_Banjo_ Год назад

    As cool as the griffon surprise was - i kind of feel that the griffon would have been a selling point on its own (especially with dragonflight releasing now). Likewise, rollerbeetle is its own expansion worthy (or mini-expac) worth a of feature

  • @Becii
    @Becii Год назад

    I would love anet to listen to this and take this idea and make it into the game! :o

  • @xezzee
    @xezzee Год назад

    Actually what ANet could do instead of Elite Specializations is new weapons.
    To give an example I will now ramble a lot perhaps:
    Two-handed Axe | Spears & Staves | Rapier | Unarmed weapons like assassin blade or wolverine claws | Hand-crossbow | Crossbow | Morning star perhaps too close to Mace ....
    For examples Thief could get 5 skills from equipping Rapier with 2x stats if there is no off hand OR he could pair that with Dagger or Pistol to get differnt 3 combo attacks.
    On top of making new weapons and giving them to Core Classes they could also give already existing weapons to core classes like giving Long bow with Rapier to Elementalist would be interesting where Rapier would become medium range pew pew weapon kinda like Scepter but more focused on close to medium range and more movement 😁
    They could also make the patch be Core Profession rework where for examples Core Necromancer's Shroud was chanced and perhaps they could look in to Death Magic to make it more minion based to enable actual minion build like the minions consume your boons granting them to themselves or something 😁 perhpas too op?

  • @raikiridosetsu214
    @raikiridosetsu214 Год назад

    All i ask is housing not the "home instance" even in the form of masteries.
    We could build our house in a player like instance , with ranches for our mounts to chill , libraries for our useless books etc.