♡릴팩토리♡ 다이와 21 에메랄다스 에어 LT 2500S-DH(DAIWA 21 EMERALDAS AIR LT 2500S-DH MAINTENANCE)침수
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- #릴세척 #릴수리 #에메랄다스 #다이와 #DAIWA #EMERALDAS #OVERHAUL
다이와 에메랄다스 오버홀 영상입니다
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사용 초기부터 침수가 있었던것 같네요
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부식은 최대한 제거하고 치면은 하나하나 다듬어서 사용합니다
고착되거나 소음이 있는 베어링 7개 교체되고 핸들쪽 방수패킹이 없는 상태여서 추가합니다
Great job. Very nice sevice with attention to detail. Does this new emeraldas model compare to the smoothness and refignment of a certate or even a more expensive model such as an exist or a stella and what are your thoughts on its overall built quality. Also does it live up to the expectation that its paper stats show because a reel with 12+1 ball bearings and all the other bells and whistles of daiwa at this price seems too good to be true
Thank you for watching my video.
Compared to Exist or Stella is a bit problematic, but the new Emeraldas is a great enough reel.
It's a simpler structure than Exist, but it moves smoothly and smoothly by placing ball bearings where it's absolutely necessary.
I think the sale price is very appropriate.
@@reelfactoryTV1st thanks for taking the time to answer to my comment i mentioned the exist and stella because some people compare these two with a 19 certate so does this reel feel anywhere close to a certate lets say
Certate is a very good reel.
The basic structure is the same as Exist, but it is more concise than that, and rotates as smoothly as Exist.
Stella has a slightly different rotation than EXist or Certate.
Emeraldas, Exist, Certate and Stella have different body materials.
If you prefer powerful fishing, you may want to use reels with metallic bodybuilders such as Exist, Stella, Certate and Twinpower.
@@reelfactoryTV1st thanks a lot for the info im asking you these questions because in my country both the emeraldas and the certate are at the same price so im kind of on the fence however i want the reel for fishing squid in the med and a reel with light drag and slow ratio is the "way to go" so i think i will choose the emeraldas
@@SpyridakisSpearfishing Fast and light fishing makes the light and easy-to-return Emeraldas a good choice.
Hello friend, the size of the ball bearing of the handle, what are they if you can help me, thanks
@@reelfactoryTV1st Thank you very much friend, is this measurement the same for the 2500S-DH model and the 2500-DH model? It is to change the two teflon bearings that it brings, regards.
@@luisfruiz3997 same same
@@reelfactoryTV1st Thanks for the help and greetings from Spain friend. What do you think about the Daiwa emeraldas AIR 21 LT 2500-DH reel. components and assembly is like made in japan. Is it good even though it's made in China?
@@luisfruiz3997 Good reel. No ploblem.
중간 중간이 붓같은걸로 발라주시던대 오일인가요? 새제품인대 부품새로 교체한게 있는대 발라줘야 하나해서요
스풀열고- 검정색플라스틱 와셔- 육각풀고
베어링이랑 교차되는 부품인대 육각나사 들어가는부분인대 새걸로 주문해서 조립할대 오일 넣어줘야하나요?
거긴 굳이 오일이나 그리스 도포 안해도 됩니다
중간 중간 붓으로 바르는건 그리스 입니다
같은 릴을 쓰고있습니다.그냥 릴링할때는 부드러운데 고기를 걸고 스풀이 위로 올라올때 드르르륵하는 진동이 올라오는데 왜그런걸까요?
스풀이 올라갈때 라는 전제를 제외하면 기어나 베어링이 나빠서 그럴수 있겠는데 그 전제 때문에 명확한 답을 드리기 어렵네요
릴을 직접 열어본다면 원인을 찾는데 도음이 될듯 합니다
제가 드랙판 교체하다가 드랙판위에 볼베어링 있잔아요 그게 위 아래가 있나요?
드랙판 교체하고 순서대로 잘조립했나해서
영상보면서 답을찾을라니까 영상이 너무빨리 지나가서 잘몰르겠어여
베어링보면 구슬같은게 보이는쪽이 드랙판쪽 아래로 가게 해서 끼우나요 ?
베어링 방향은 구분 안하셔도 됩니다 ㅎㅎ
몸통옆 부분 풀때쓰는 렌치 무슨 렌치에요?
몸통 옆부분이요?
별렌치 T8 입니다
@@reelfactoryTV1st 양옆부분에 특수공구로 풀어야 하는부분있는데요 찾아보니 18이그용이랑 20솔티가두가지 공구있던데 21에메는 어떤거쓰는지 궁금해서요~ ㅜㅜ
댓글을 잘못 썼네요
영상의 보디는 특수공구로 풉니다
@@reelfactoryTV1st18이그랑 공구사이즈가 같을까요?
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