Oof story feels like a fantasy. And I love it. She refused to teach them some days, lied to them, played victim when she was at fault for lying to the kids, and unjustly tried to write up oof. She deserved to get demoted.
4:46 I was blessed to go to school with a gym teacher not built like he ate the whole Mc Donald's. it was amazing. He'd terrorize us when it be dodgeball
15:52 in my new school is this kid called Bambi and she curses at teachers and she is kind of like a pipsqueak😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 One time she hit my best friend with a jacket because she was running like Bambi no one cares about you shut the Frick up😂😂😂
in my school they piss and s*it on the toilets without flushing them and (allegedly) in the elementery school girls restroom, somebody drew with theyre own s*it on the walls and somebody THREW DRIED S*IT ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR!
Those stories are crazy, all I did in high-school was get bullied by everyone (except for the nice, quiet girls) and disrespected by teacher. Good on Oof for standing up on himself, I know that dude is an overachiever. Nadwe is way different irl and probably intimidating, he is not like a baby like what most of the fans thinks. Tbh got some crazy ass teacher and school, he got bullied but he also saved many kids in the future to not be abused by a crazy teacher.
not to call them out or anything, but also think that the storys might also just be fake and just for entertainment, and i dont think theres anything wrong with that (unless they lie about it being real) since its practically what tv shows do
@@Labriction I never was bullied probably because I was either so cool or I was too pathetic to mess with...I would actually like to think of it that I was tooo coollll!!!
My own school story(this happened a month ago) So i got to school and a classmate asks me about my lizard that died a month or something ago at the time and a random kid after hearing my lizard died out of the conversation (i knew him) we will call him mark so mark makes fun of his death COMPLETELY UNRELATED TO THE CONVERSATION and normally i dont do this but i am so angry bc he did it for no reason he runs away i chase him pissed as hell run faster than i ever did and when i catch up to him i start punching him and i was trying hard into the punches and the 7th graders saw and they didnt know why so they reported me to and administrator or something and i report mark for making fun of my dead lizard and then you might not believe this but ALL HE HAD TO DO AS A PUNISHMENT WAS SAY SORRY AND I NEARLY GOT SUSPENDED LIKE THAT WAS IT A FORCED SORRY WAS HIS “PUNISHMENT” AND I GOT A WHILE SUSPENSION WARNING
@@Envixty859 We don't need you to be rude. I know you're probably mad that your opinion isn't usually listened to in your real life and you are taking it out on someone else, but just try not to be an asshole.
if y'all wanna speak yapanese u gotta go: Dragons don't exist they said. They are the stuff of legend and people's imagination. Greg would have agreed with this assessment without a second thought 24 hours ago. But now that there was a dragon staring directly into his eyes, he questioned everything that he had been told. It really shouldn't have mattered to Betty. That's what she kept trying to convince herself even if she knew it mattered to Betty more than practically anything else. Why was she trying to convince herself otherwise? As she stepped forward to knock on Betty's door, she still didn't have a convincing answer to this question that she'd been asking herself for more than two years now. Another option you have is choosing the number of syllables in the words you speak. You probably have never considered this option before, but you have it every time you open your mouth and speak. You make so many choices like this that you never even think about, but you have the choice with each one. What are you going to do with this knowledge? There was little doubt that the bridge was unsafe. All one had to do was look at it to know that with certainty. Yet Bob didn't see another option. He may have been able to work one out if he had a bit of time to think things through, but time was something he didn't have. A choice needed to be made, and it needed to be made quickly.
Here is a fun story from high school, During the last week before Thanksgiving break, our chemistry class made a small Thanksgiving dinner. We had garlic bread, Capri Sun, and we even used some of the hotplates to make some macaroni
5:25 i had a male hippie art teacher in 4th grade or so. He had an old VW bus with an engine that loved to catch on fire, and he had a rare mutation where his hands didn't grow fully. But, he got over it and pushed his "art cart" around, with paper over it, so it looked like his VW. He was possibly the best art teacher I'd ever had
Bro I do not know why but when ever I start doing a presentation,the ENTIRE class starts speaking.All that I now hear from them is IOHNEDNHFHIEDHHCRHBEHHFUKDJSQWHDHFNUHFEUHSJEJF
Errrrrrm, according to my calculations the Pythagorean Theorem is quite simple. It equals a2 + b2 = c2. For it to make sense it has to be a right triangle, the slanted line is called the hypotenuse or C, whilst the legs of the triangle are A and B. You have to find the value of c2 more so often than finding a2 or b2. First, you right down the equation, and then you replace A and B with their corresponding numbers listed on the triangle. After that you have to square the corresponding numbers with a calculator, then you add A and B. Then you find the Square Root of a2 and b2 added together, you round it to the nearest hundredth, and if correct that is what c2 equals. Good Job, you did it!
@@IamEsmereldathegamer they're just listining to music,and tbh just stayed there bcuz he wont be able to listen properly if he is not sitting on blaza's lap bcuz they wont chill better(they're bsf/best friends,thats why, they're chilling) BAKA
It ought to be honest my dad makes worse macaroni and cheese then what you aren't talking about he messes up so bad I can't even eat it I fold up every time
This actually happened to me. My teacher hated me the most and i spend 10 days making the project (it was an automatic object switcher) and she gave me a fricking F+ AND SHE SAYS I DID BAD. And gave her favorite student that always failed class and test a A++(his work was just a bottle and an eraser and when she says to switch it he just replace the bottle with the eraser), BRO THATS CHEATING SHE GAVE A++ TO A BULLY CAUSE SHE LIKED HIM BETTER Moral:school sucks. Be like sock cause he got home schooled
Hey Socks, I'm mostly watching this video bc I'm starting High School pretty soon and I'm nervous so even tho I'll still do homebound, I'm still hoping this video helps my fears, just thought I'd let you know, your videos are funny and I love them, bye
I have this one story about dodge ball. It’s basically D-Day if you’re on the bad side. Anyways, it was a D-Ball day, and the teams are equal. After a couple minutes, my teammate falls on his head. Some kid still was constantly throwing balls at him despite being injured. I basically went full “Menendez after Cubans assault his sister in BO2” mode. It was worth it.
Oof cooked up a whole Villian Arc bro 💀
Yea man
No tbh did
@@Ace22playsFr, the quiet kid snapped
I love how the animator is capable of doing high quality animations but still chooses to animate such goofy low quality 😂
It's a budget thing
Is called money
I don’t think they “choose”😅
@@Jdmcworldplus13 24:12 look here
They don’t choose
Socks animators are being held at gunpoint for sure for this kind of quality
Shut up oof
this mans channel is like a podcast and i can still watch them for days
18:33 the yapping bro THE YAPPING😭
Tuxy's soul left him
Two minutes just for the speech to end
give your animaion studio a cookie
here 🍪
@@JeshuaViveroshhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah hhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah
"It's that when you pulled out the bomb"
Dino may seem friendly but bro is secretly a master criminal
Edited: Yall thanks for the likes
thats why hes my fave member fr 🙏
here before it blows up the bomb about to cause a nuke
I’m very happy he’s finally speaking more! He deserves more stories and more time to talk
oof literally DEMOTED HIS TEACHER and mouthed the words "i won" THATS WILDDD BRO IS A VILLIAN
Bro ordered a yappachino
everyone is just suffering
Hi me
@@Ddarkest1 Hi
"I've refused to take fitness advice from people who's veins are 65% Double Big Mac" Got me good XD
@nebula288ok bro you don’t have to rub your 7 deadly chins in our face 3 times.
@nebula288 because you deleted the other 2
Who uses XD? just use lol.
@@HUICHEN-s9o what’s wrong with XD?
Oof story feels like a fantasy. And I love it. She refused to teach them some days, lied to them, played victim when she was at fault for lying to the kids, and unjustly tried to write up oof. She deserved to get demoted.
literally my friends science teacher
The Gaster sound effects are KILLING ME LOL
Oof literary demoting the teacher is funny af the principal is a real one tho
Not tbh firing someone
@@LauraL-uh4we he didnt even get fired, he got jailed
@@CoolBluBoiactually he did get fired he wasn’t allowed to teach in another school again
@@GodonoShank i meant not only did he get fired he got jailes
Making a teacher get fired from their job is an Godlike feat. Respect for oof
Same if they get arrested (the teachers)
I thought it was Tbh that did that
When no one talks for the rest of the high School: The quiet kid
Animator:I can do great stuff!
Also animator for socks:NAH lets just have GOOFY stuff
I like it when they pull out the anime style (30:32)
13:57 “is that when you pulled out the bomb” is crazy bro😂
It’s 13:56
Dinno finally returned! And, damn, he pulled some of the funniest parts of the video!
Mostly because he was even there. He better be in more videos.
11:20 give that janiter a raise 💀💀😭😭🙏🙏
Oof fr turned into scientist with this one, bro and tuxy turned into a menace with the pizza sauce😂😂😂
4:46 I was blessed to go to school with a gym teacher not built like he ate the whole Mc Donald's. it was amazing. He'd terrorize us when it be dodgeball
Same here, my gym teacher knew how to play every sport!
Same, he was brutal tho
i have a good pe teacher whos fit thats made for pe , and also we have privacy in the locker room
I haven’t had a big gym teacher just one mean one
13:56 bro dinno is a menace even when he has not been featured to other videos
20:00 Blaza and tbh listening music together is so wholesome
fr 😊
33:48 Bro, TBH doesn't have a whole anime episode, he has a whole MOVIE BRO.
a whole live event
“TBH vs the menace teacher:The Movie” ahh story🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
Nah bro it was a drama action movie😂
on god
19:52 Blaza and TBH had the most adorable moment here ngl
I was also about to time stamp that but I got lazy I'm happy someone else did it
Lol ikr
it was so cute 😭
9:22 bro almost said wtf
21:27 Oof is the goat for this.
No oof is not the goalt💀🤬🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡
@@KerpoGamingYT bro why you mad
4 year old much?
I can confirm this is true lmao
Literally use up all my energy
They always take it way too seriously
@@jamarihopkins5200 war
@@jamarihopkins5200I do. I go for the H E A D S H O T S
To be honest Tbh’s story is probably the best and interesting story
Nothing beats a morning sipping coffee and watching socks
32:20 “if i heard you look at me” was insane, he even kept repeating it❤️🔥💀
That made no sense 💀
15:52 in my new school is this kid called Bambi and she curses at teachers and she is kind of like a pipsqueak😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 One time she hit my best friend with a jacket because she was running like Bambi no one cares about you shut the Frick up😂😂😂
Nah thats scary bro😭
I love how Natalie said a cat
I think the animators actually ships them 🤣
Ik right
I have to make a drawing of it I can't hold back
It remaind me of Marcaline and PB
I love how dinno is the most calm out of the group
The way oof got his teacher out of the job is insane, especialy with 10000 word email.
Nahhhhhh, so that’s where all the budget went. Socks, give the animators another cookie 5:17 5:17 5:17 5:17 5:17 5:17
Yep, This is why his name is @realBoba
Tbh-“was my song that shit? Had me wheezing 😂😂
13:57 is that when you pulled out the bomb😂😂😂
6:35 dino just sleeping in the back
Did I just replied probably the exact same thing.
👌I don't blame you👌
Man.. OOF and TBH has the most craziest school stories there, it's pretty goated, definitely best ones and my most favs...
My story animated ain’t got anything on oof or tbh
Tbh and oof's stroy was a whole anime episode
31:45 W FAIS😎👍 IS COOL
in my school they piss and s*it on the toilets without flushing them and (allegedly) in the elementery school girls restroom, somebody drew with theyre own s*it on the walls and somebody THREW DRIED S*IT ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR!
@@cuulguywhat the f-
True they never flush the toilet
@@cuulguy is so disgusting thanks goodness my school good
For the athletes while putting on OG inazuma eleven as background music is absolutely fire
When Dino finally talked some almost cussed, the fact that happened is funny for me lol
i looked in the comments right as i was at that part
Tbh has +♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️ 33:58 aura
The AP teacher plotting her villain ark
21:17 The principal is DA GOAT!
7:56 "michael chondria" 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣🗣
I did this all the way in seventh grade
(Private school)
That’s definitely the real name XD
Tuxy is crying in the background lol
Blaza and tbh listening to music and cuddeling 😂
9:16 Rare footage of Dino getting more screentime that 3 seconds
I thought he left
Lmao yeah
Not alone bud
DINO IS BACK is no one going to talk about that the og is back i havent seen him sence the darman days 2-3 years ago! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
3:13 oh no...OH NOOOOOOOOO
Yep same here
metamorphosis AGHHHH
I was thinking why it look familiar
You know it's a good day when Socks posts a video
Those stories are crazy, all I did in high-school was get bullied by everyone (except for the nice, quiet girls) and disrespected by teacher. Good on Oof for standing up on himself, I know that dude is an overachiever. Nadwe is way different irl and probably intimidating, he is not like a baby like what most of the fans thinks. Tbh got some crazy ass teacher and school, he got bullied but he also saved many kids in the future to not be abused by a crazy teacher.
Sorry your high school wasn't fun or really the best experience♥♥♥♥
not to call them out or anything, but also think that the storys might also just be fake and just for entertainment, and i dont think theres anything wrong with that (unless they lie about it being real) since its practically what tv shows do
@@Labriction I never was bullied probably because I was either so cool or I was too pathetic to mess with...I would actually like to think of it that I was tooo coollll!!!
For me, High School was actually really chill.
3:41 *
Actually he was in rating dream work movies
He was always there its just he was saying 3 words every video
hi different but same me
@@LilLotl69 true
17:47 The Luffy reference is crazy good 💀
Yeah I love the Luffy reference it is crazy good also I have a furry group and a club
@@xoneo10x I am not joining maybe socks might join
Dubbel big Mac is wild😂😂😂
Honestly, Nadwe be speaking straight facts about the quiet girls
lol tpot
@@RobloxianWatar bfb not tpot
@@_helloshenanigans the line was in tpot
@@RobloxianWatarno the line was in bfb
@@Iatedtoes oh really
Oof: 23,230+ aura
TBH: 56,270+ aura
Bro oof demoting a teacher with the most intelligent way ever is actually pretty awesome, this is why hes my favorite character 🙏
So poetic, gotta love karma always finding a way
@@Gacha_Life209 it still works, what am I suppose to say? person? guy? they all work
@@Dusty2763 you could say favorite of the socks crew
Btw, i agree with you.
Nadwe and meme always have Beef with each other 😂
13:56 dino got me off guard 😂😂😂😂😂
Thought he was locked in sock's basement
He has always been here
He just works behind the scenes
He's like their discord mod or smthng
Dino is a side character.He just appears from time to time
Also I love mac and cheese
20:00 Blaza and tbh listening to the music together was sooo beautiful
Yea,for some reason i accidentally ship them😅...uhh
@@emeecalwing5552 they are real people.....
@@emeecalwing5552 honestly… if they were just oc’s or like smth I would ship them badly 😭😭😭 I kinda ship them too ;-;
@@AndyPersaud-ki8yq eh,who cares now,its what we wanna do,but i accidentally forgot tbh was male and accidentally say he was female😅😅😅🤍🤍😅
My own school story(this happened a month ago)
So i got to school and a classmate asks me about my lizard that died a month or something ago at the time and a random kid after hearing my lizard died out of the conversation (i knew him) we will call him mark so mark makes fun of his death COMPLETELY UNRELATED TO THE CONVERSATION and normally i dont do this but i am so angry bc he did it for no reason he runs away i chase him pissed as hell run faster than i ever did and when i catch up to him i start punching him and i was trying hard into the punches and the 7th graders saw and they didnt know why so they reported me to and administrator or something and i report mark for making fun of my dead lizard and then you might not believe this but ALL HE HAD TO DO AS A PUNISHMENT WAS SAY SORRY AND I NEARLY GOT SUSPENDED LIKE THAT WAS IT A FORCED SORRY WAS HIS “PUNISHMENT” AND I GOT A WHILE SUSPENSION WARNING
"why do we need Romeo and Juliet when we have each other" GOT ME ROLLING ON THE FLOOR
😐😐😐😐😐 so funny
@@ArthurMorganOfficalReal43Who on this earth asked for you to have an opinion?
Not me XD :P
@@Envixty859 We don't need you to be rude. I know you're probably mad that your opinion isn't usually listened to in your real life and you are taking it out on someone else, but just try not to be an asshole.
18:47 bro is speaking yapanese
if y'all wanna speak yapanese u gotta go:
Dragons don't exist they said. They are the stuff of legend and people's imagination. Greg would have agreed with this assessment without a second thought 24 hours ago. But now that there was a dragon staring directly into his eyes, he questioned everything that he had been told.
It really shouldn't have mattered to Betty. That's what she kept trying to convince herself even if she knew it mattered to Betty more than practically anything else. Why was she trying to convince herself otherwise? As she stepped forward to knock on Betty's door, she still didn't have a convincing answer to this question that she'd been asking herself for more than two years now.
Another option you have is choosing the number of syllables in the words you speak. You probably have never considered this option before, but you have it every time you open your mouth and speak. You make so many choices like this that you never even think about, but you have the choice with each one. What are you going to do with this knowledge?
There was little doubt that the bridge was unsafe. All one had to do was look at it to know that with certainty. Yet Bob didn't see another option. He may have been able to work one out if he had a bit of time to think things through, but time was something he didn't have. A choice needed to be made, and it needed to be made quickly.
There’s always that one kid with a beatbox beatboxing through the hallways playing cringe songs.
That’s crazy
@@Neptune-vu9jkyou can’t survive without dying though
@@Bruno-canecorso563 fr
I know right?
That's me☠️☠️☠️☠️
My gym teacher is a gigachad
Here is a fun story from high school, During the last week before Thanksgiving break, our chemistry class made a small Thanksgiving dinner. We had garlic bread, Capri Sun, and we even used some of the hotplates to make some macaroni
@@goku_solos640kids these days
@@goku_solos640You can't be speaking Goku fanboy
5:25 i had a male hippie art teacher in 4th grade or so. He had an old VW bus with an engine that loved to catch on fire, and he had a rare mutation where his hands didn't grow fully. But, he got over it and pushed his "art cart" around, with paper over it, so it looked like his VW. He was possibly the best art teacher I'd ever had
my middle school does not have hippie art we have native art tho cuz i live in south dakota
@user-ir4po2iz5t "hippie art" is not the type of art. I meant my art teacher was a hippie with a VW bus
My teacher is ok
20:00 blaza and tbh i think u Guys need to explain a Thing or two
Aren’t few busses rare if in good condition
*I don't know why but this is my favourite part -**25:38**-*
4:56 65% double big macs😂
26:03 got me rolling on the floor 😭😭
Everyone in the class when that one kid does his presentation
I love socks studio who agrees😂😂❤❤
Nerd presentation
Bro I do not know why but when ever I start doing a presentation,the ENTIRE class starts speaking.All that I now hear from them is IOHNEDNHFHIEDHHCRHBEHHFUKDJSQWHDHFNUHFEUHSJEJF
Socks never replayes
True. He doesn’t even see this
At 24:33 bro, when you got yelled at, he looked like a crushed paper😂😂😂😂😂
3:51 caught me off guard with that Inazuma eleven soundtrack. Nostalgia hits like a truck
THANK YOU!!! Someone realised!!!!
Ina what now
@@kingstonlovely7404 Inazuma. It's like the best football anime there is. Maybe I'm saying that cuz of nostalgia but it's absolutely goated regardless
@@adij0916 Never heard o it
19:57 Got Me Dying Blaza Is Literally Like "Music Baby!"
2:08 painful story reference
How I reacted when socks and Nadwe were like: Yeah, why would we need romeo and Juliet when we have each other: 😂😭😭
0:00 best part
Under 5 minutes gang
💯 The ad is the total best part!!!
0:01 best thing ever (Edit thanks for 69 likes its my fav number) (Edit 2: thx for 95 likes)
@@DataminderYT n u h u h
I wonder why your fav number is 69
@@PYRAMID_PIGEON it just is
2:07 bro was having a jolly good day😭🙏
Today I saw my gym teacher get McDonald's from the campus security
Errrrrrm, according to my calculations the Pythagorean Theorem is quite simple. It equals a2 + b2 = c2. For it to make sense it has to be a right triangle, the slanted line is called the hypotenuse or C, whilst the legs of the triangle are A and B. You have to find the value of c2 more so often than finding a2 or b2. First, you right down the equation, and then you replace A and B with their corresponding numbers listed on the triangle. After that you have to square the corresponding numbers with a calculator, then you add A and B. Then you find the Square Root of a2 and b2 added together, you round it to the nearest hundredth, and if correct that is what c2 equals. Good Job, you did it!
Ok man
33:02 tbh JUST OWNED that teacher
20:02 The fact that blaza and tbh are just straight-up cuddling, listening to music
They gay as hell and I am here for it
@@IamEsmereldathegamer they're just listining to music,and tbh just stayed there bcuz he wont be able to listen properly if he is not sitting on blaza's lap bcuz they wont chill better(they're bsf/best friends,thats why, they're chilling) BAKA
It ought to be honest my dad makes worse macaroni and cheese then what you aren't talking about he messes up so bad I can't even eat it I fold up every time
20:23 when offs stop
Socks, thank you for uploading. My wife has come back to me and we are now billionaires.
Bro what
i didnt know toriel also divorced ya sans
Lol fr
(Plays megalovenea)
This actually happened to me. My teacher hated me the most and i spend 10 days making the project (it was an automatic object switcher) and she gave me a fricking F+ AND SHE SAYS I DID BAD. And gave her favorite student that always failed class and test a A++(his work was just a bottle and an eraser and when she says to switch it he just replace the bottle with the eraser), BRO THATS CHEATING SHE GAVE A++ TO A BULLY CAUSE SHE LIKED HIM BETTER
Moral:school sucks. Be like sock cause he got home schooled
I’m a kind of guy who just gets the work done and then acts normal
21:28 bro oof is a menace💀💀💀
Hey Socks, I'm mostly watching this video bc I'm starting High School pretty soon and I'm nervous so even tho I'll still do homebound, I'm still hoping this video helps my fears, just thought I'd let you know, your videos are funny and I love them, bye
I have this one story about dodge ball. It’s basically D-Day if you’re on the bad side. Anyways, it was a D-Ball day, and the teams are equal. After a couple minutes, my teammate falls on his head. Some kid still was constantly throwing balls at him despite being injured. I basically went full “Menendez after Cubans assault his sister in BO2” mode. It was worth it.
5:10 "Teatchers" bro what happened to the subtitle of the video or to the animator💀