EXCELLENT! I love your discussion on the direction the dog turns (clockwise or counterclockwise) on each whistle sit and to reserve that "angry whistle" for 911 situations! Another handler technique that works sometimes in 911 situations is a "double tap" which the retriever has been conditioned to toot-nick-toot type corrections. Sometimes as the dog and handler get closer to the blind, then tend to speed things up. One method that has helped me to slow down is mental counting...1-2-3-4-5 then cast.
Great video!!
EXCELLENT! I love your discussion on the direction the dog turns (clockwise or counterclockwise) on each whistle sit and to reserve that "angry whistle" for 911 situations! Another handler technique that works sometimes in 911 situations is a "double tap" which the retriever has been conditioned to toot-nick-toot type corrections. Sometimes as the dog and handler get closer to the blind, then tend to speed things up. One method that has helped me to slow down is mental counting...1-2-3-4-5 then cast.
Opinion on the guy using verbal casts every time?