A lot of people talk about getting approved first with a credit union, but you gotta remember that most dealerships are different and they might not accept the bank you got approved with. Just a heads up for anyone thinking the dealership will automatically accept your approved credit union
This ^ and also if your going for a private sale loan the banks will approve you for a lot less than from a dealer because they have less info about the vehicle
Definitely need more story times, I came home wit my food and started bussin this shit down to this video. It's gassss
Aye appreciate it my guy more in the future 🤘🏽😮💨
Lmao story was great bro. I felt the same way for a little bit when I got mine. But after that first month it felt like home
On god 🤣🤣 and thanks bro 🤘🏽
Banger 🔥
Dope story man
Thanks my guy 🤝🏽
great video bruh
Appreciate that man 🤝🏽 stick around more to come 🔥
Wow incredible video
Wow thank you Zenemon 🤝🏽
I fw the story time and video
Aye thanks gang 🤝🏽
A lot of people talk about getting approved first with a credit union, but you gotta remember that most dealerships are different and they might not accept the bank you got approved with. Just a heads up for anyone thinking the dealership will automatically accept your approved credit union
This ^ and also if your going for a private sale loan the banks will approve you for a lot less than from a dealer because they have less info about the vehicle
More story times
Ayy glad you fw it gang more to come 🤘🏽
You tell such good stories i could listen to you all day baby (:
Aww sweet girl 🥰