To set the remote control with a red LED fixed code of 868MHz: Please disassemble the new remote control and take out the battery. Then you need to press and hold the 1 button of the new remote control (note: the 1 button must be pressed and cannot be released). Use your other hand to install the battery. After the battery is installed, the LED light starts to flash. After a few seconds, the blue LED light will flash quickly. Please continue to hold the 1 button still. After a few seconds, the LED starts to flash the red LED light. After a few seconds, the LED starts to flash the red LED light and flashes quickly. The remote control code is switched successfully. Please release the 1 button. Now you can use the new clone to clone the old remote control. The cloning method is the same as the blue LED light. Note: During the code switching process, please do not release the button. If you release the button, the code will fail to switch. Please operate it again.
Hello, how to copy fixed code (red led) from Hormann to Yinuogo ? Original is HSE2 868 BS. Thanks.
To set the remote control with a red LED fixed code of 868MHz:
Please disassemble the new remote control and take out the battery. Then you need to press and hold the 1 button of the new remote control (note: the 1 button must be pressed and cannot be released). Use your other hand to install the battery. After the battery is installed, the LED light starts to flash. After a few seconds, the blue LED light will flash quickly. Please continue to hold the 1 button still. After a few seconds, the LED starts to flash the red LED light. After a few seconds, the LED starts to flash the red LED light and flashes quickly. The remote control code is switched successfully. Please release the 1 button. Now you can use the new clone to clone the old remote control. The cloning method is the same as the blue LED light.
Note: During the code switching process, please do not release the button. If you release the button, the code will fail to switch. Please operate it again.