Paganism in the Spotlight: Only Two Religions with Peter Jones

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Western culture has adopted worldviews that are no longer friendly to Christianity. How did this happen? In this message, Peter Jones examines the “new spirituality” that is prominent in our society and how it became so influential.
    This message is from Dr. Jones’ 12-part teaching series Only Two Religions. Learn more: www.ligonier.o...

Комментарии • 48

  • @ligonier
    @ligonier  Год назад +7

    This message is from Dr. Jones’ 12-part teaching series Only Two Religions. Watch the entire series:

    • @denonjoka8848
      @denonjoka8848 Год назад

      Hawayu Ligonier Ministries & I Appreciate Pst. Peter Jones 4 This Powerful, Blessful, Deep Sermon on "Paganism In The Spotlight: Only Two Religions!"4 *I Have Been Blessed By Pst. Peter Jones & Please Ligonier Ministries Bring More of These Sermons* & May Our Great Almighty God Bless Yu Pst. Peter Jones & Ligonier Ministries So Veryyyyy, Veryyyyyy Much.🙏🙏🕊️🕊️

    • @Mahdi--no8fn
      @Mahdi--no8fn Год назад

      Christianity is on its last breath. Islam is the only region that will stand firm. Muslims are buying out abandoned churches in America/Europe, and the number of converts in the west is almost supernatural, if you dont believe me just search on youtube "convert to islam" and you will even see former priests, nuns, right wing politicians, scientists who converted to islam

  • @kofi7110
    @kofi7110 Год назад +4

    I would call you a professor! That is what you are, you bring a much brighter light to my dimly lit life.Hallelujah!😊

  • @Gods_Blessings_For_You
    @Gods_Blessings_For_You Год назад +8

    I hope you will make more videos on the New Age and Occultism.

  • @jayonnaj18
    @jayonnaj18 Год назад +7

    Paganism crept into pure Christianity centuries ago, and even Paul the Apostle predicted its merging in when he was still alive on this earth! Now it's even WORSE, and will continue to worsen until our Lord Jesus Christ returns at His second and permanent coming to this earth to set things right!

    • @suzieaguilar397
      @suzieaguilar397 Год назад +2

      It was so bad in the 1700's God sent George Whitefield many times across the pond. He was a very enthusiastic, very loyal man to Christ and his Word. His preaching brought about a great revival. We should pray for that today ❤😊❤

    • @jayonnaj18
      @jayonnaj18 Год назад +2

      @@suzieaguilar397 Of course, Suzie, only Jesus knows what lies ahead, but myself,
      having been born in the late 1940s, have seen situations and life in this sin cursed world just keep getting worse! I DO agree, however, we who are members of the Body of Christ, should tell the Gospel of the Grace of God everywhere we go so there will be many who will repent and believe so their souls will be saved for all eternity! Read the Scriptures, for in them the Holy Spirit will illuminate for you that a great revival is not what's going to happen! The DAY OF THE LORD (His WRATH) is coming to this planet and Satan will no longer be the "god of this world", Jesus Christ will be the One ruling and reigning! GLORY!❤

    • @suzieaguilar397
      @suzieaguilar397 Год назад +1

      @jayonnaj18 Thank you, O Lord, for giving Jay so much scriptural understanding. Thank you, Jay, for taking your time to share your godly wisdom with us ✨️ 😊 💖

  • @denonjoka8848
    @denonjoka8848 Год назад +1

    Hawayu Ligonier Ministries *& I Appreciate Pst. Peter Jones 4 This Powerful, Blessful, Deep Sermon on "Paganism In The Spotlight: Only Two Religions With Peter Jones!"4 What Pst. Peter Jones Is Preaching Is Veryyyyyy, Veryyyyyy Tru One 💯% Where It's Sad That Paganism Has Grown In The Western Culture & Even In Western Countries Especially The United States of America & United Kingdom 4 What Pst. Peter Jones Is Preaching Is What Apostle Paul Wrote In Romans 1:17 That People Will Be Given 1 Their Reprobate Minds Where The Foolishness of God Is Wiser Than Men: & The Weakness of God Is Stronger Than Men But We Preach Christ Crucified 2:Jews a Stumblingblock & 2 The Greeks Foolishness Written In 1st Corinthians 1:25 & 1st Corinthians 1:23 4 I Have Been Blessed So Veryyyyy, Veryyyyyy Much Pst. Peter Jones* & May Our Great Almighty God Bless Yu Pst. Peter Jones & Ligonier Ministries So Veryyyyy, Veryyyyyy Much.🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️

  • @stuartjohnson5686
    @stuartjohnson5686 Год назад +18

    C.S. Lewis predicted there would only be two religious in the end Hinduism which absorbs all religions and Christianity which rejects them all.

    • @Dantheman094
      @Dantheman094 Год назад +1

      Ahahah but christanity is paganism. Only one true religuon Islam. Reply if you want a true discussion, I love God’s religion

    • @suzieaguilar397
      @suzieaguilar397 Год назад +3

      It does not absorb the Father and his only begotten Son our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ❤

    • @marjieyoung9570
      @marjieyoung9570 Год назад +1

      That's interesting Stuart. If it had been me I would have said Humanism and Christianity. Humanism because ultimately it's either God's truth, or whatever a person decides is true instead, when you get down to it in the end. But Hinduism is openly a religion all about many many valid paths to Moksha, so I can see why he would say it that way. Which is really how I described humanism. 😊

    • @WilliamPatton-qq6vz
      @WilliamPatton-qq6vz Год назад +1

      Spot on brother

    • @rinihogewoning6528
      @rinihogewoning6528 Год назад +1

      ​@@Dantheman094Islam is hinged on one man's so called special revelation about Jesus that occurred over 6 centuries after all the gospel accounts of Jesus had been recorded including the epistles of the NT. The historicity of Christianity is undeniable. Please read the Gospel of John and Ephesians 1 & 2. Bless u!

  • @Mordechai_Tennenbaum
    @Mordechai_Tennenbaum 16 дней назад

    Absolute gem this is, salute!

  • @solafidedeum
    @solafidedeum Год назад +4

    🕆 1 Peter 5:6-10 "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.,...."🕆
    Trust in the Lord don't be self-righteous learn to humble yourself and surrender to the word and will of God. Let the Holy Spirit guide you. Let God’s Peace and Grace be with you (To The Reader). Praise God always. Amen. 🕆🙏🙌

  • @marjieyoung9570
    @marjieyoung9570 Год назад +1

    I lived in India for 6 months and had several people proudly tell me about their Hindu mission outreaches in the US. It's quite intentional on their part. Frankly I think they might be doing a better job of converting us than we are of bringing the Gospel to them. We used to be a beacon to the world but we hid our light under a bushel and now look at us. 😔

    • @suzieaguilar397
      @suzieaguilar397 Год назад +3

      Yes, the true church has powerful forces against us 😔 and it is wonderful that God used this nation to dispense the gospel of Christ. However, the people who live here are no longer worshipping our God 😢 Christ is the only way to our Father and salvation. All the other ways are against us. He becomes very angry with and is no longer blessing us. Are you knowledgeable of God's wrath on ancient Israel?

    • @marjieyoung9570
      @marjieyoung9570 Год назад

      @@suzieaguilar397 I agree Suzie. What this nation needs most is a revival. The faithful remnant need to keep our fellow citizens in our prayers and we need to witness to everyone while hoping and praying that God opens our collective eyes and draws us back to him. That's the only way our nation will be blessed by God once again and therefore be a blessing to the world. It is ultimately according to God's will and His plan. Perhaps the blessing on the US and our usefulness to God as a witness to the world as a nation has come to an end and we will become an example of what happens to a nation when they rebel against God and revel in their wickedness.
      Just as the nation of Isreal became as mentioned in Ezekiel 22:4 "...therefore I have made you a reproach to the nations, and a mockery to all countries. 5 Those near and those far from you will mock you as infamous and full of tumult." Yes, I am knowledgeable about the history of Isreal, both in her faithfulness and her unfaithfulness. I have been reading through the Old Testament and am currently in the book of Isaiah in my Bible studies.

  • @hollayevladimiroff131
    @hollayevladimiroff131 Год назад +5

    Mormonism is one of the greatest examples of Paganism, they believe in many gods, believe in a created God and Jesus.

    • @ladyhumblebee2784
      @ladyhumblebee2784 Год назад +2

      Actually they don't believe in many gods, they believe in a false god and think that Jesus was created and a spirit brother with Satan. They believe the oldest line in the book much like every other religion, that you shall be God yourself. They believe that they can become like God

    • @hollayevladimiroff131
      @hollayevladimiroff131 Год назад +1

      True, if they become Gods, and there are thousands of them, then they believe in many Gods.

  • @kengreene5212
    @kengreene5212 Год назад +2


  • @tombrown7654
    @tombrown7654 Год назад +3

    ROMANS 1:18-32

  • @willstatham2389
    @willstatham2389 Год назад

    He sounds a bit like Christopher Walken

  • @Son_of_zeus
    @Son_of_zeus Год назад +1

    if you live in america and support the constitution freedom of religion is the first amendment. everyone here has the right to follow any god they want, and should be respected without discrimination. now, imposing your beliefs on others is an issue, regardless whether they are hindu or christianity, and should be discouraged at all costs.

    • @garlicgirl3149
      @garlicgirl3149 11 месяцев назад

      Yes, but this country had Judea-Christian principles that grounded this nation. Many laws were based on it. It was this nation's main religion. I have learned there are other nations that have other religions a
      like Christianity, but it is not their nation's main religion. That said, we were weak and did not maintain Christianity as the main religion while still allowing others to practice their religion. We allowed Christianity to be denounced, ridiculed, demeaned, and replaced. I listened to coworkers talk about Christians like dogs just this past week and then revere other religions. I would not demean another religion. Freedom of speech and religion is not equal to disrespect. That is what I see all too often.

    • @Son_of_zeus
      @Son_of_zeus 11 месяцев назад +1

      @garlicgirl3149 i agree with you on it being wrong to disrespect other religions, but unfortunately Christians are infamous for doing just that. i disagree this country was founded on christianity, the founding fathers specifically created the constitution with freedom of religion to give individuals to follow whatever gods they please, unlike england at the time. yes, christianity has been the dominant religion of the country and still is, but it is not an official national religion and will never be, america by its creation will never have one. deep american evangelism that started during and after the salem witch trials slowly rooted itself into politics and government affairs and gave the illusion of a Christian national religion. certain traditions, customs, and phrases stuck and contributed to this belief. in truth, america was never founded as a Christian nation, but rather founded on the principles to be able to practice different Christian denominations and or other religions without persecution and discrimination. if your coworkers are disrespecting your beliefs i would bring it up to HR because it is unacceptable.

    • @garlicgirl3149
      @garlicgirl3149 10 месяцев назад

      @@Son_of_zeus Well, no I won't do that. I just let it slide. I think it would make relations worse. You know what I mean?

    • @Son_of_zeus
      @Son_of_zeus 10 месяцев назад

      @garlicgirl3149 no, it would show the ones discriminating the importance of respect and a lesson in freedom of religion if you dont address it theyll keep doing it to other ppl and create a toxic environment maybe they just need to be educated rather than reprimanded

  • @Mahdi--no8fn
    @Mahdi--no8fn Год назад +1

    This man make no sense, christianity is almost dead. According to last studie there is equal number muslims in England making weekly prayer in mosque and the number of christians doing weekly, despite muslims being 5%

    • @darcyroy2012
      @darcyroy2012 Год назад +3

      Christianity, the worship of the eternal Word of God will never die