大家好我Alison,這一隻影片將會跟大家分享我在羅馬的第一天是怎麼度過的。 本來很擔心免排隊是騙人的。但結果是初奇意料的神奇。最後還會開箱我的民宿, 每一隻影片我都是非常認真做在製作的。 歡迎大家留言或按讚跟訂閱喔。 這將會是給我最大鼓勵。😍 Hello, everyone! I'm Alison. In this video, I'll share with you how I spent my first day in Rome. I was initially worried that skipping the lines might be a scam, but the results were surprisingly magical. Finally, I'll also unveil my accommodation. I put a lot of effort into each video. Feel free to leave comments, likes, and subscribe. It would be my greatest encouragement. 😍 ---------------- My Instagram:instagram.com/justalison12/ ---------------- Turn on subtitles by clicking the CC/Setting button.
大家好我Alison,這一隻影片將會跟大家分享我在羅馬的第一天是怎麼度過的。 本來很擔心免排隊是騙人的。但結果是初奇意料的神奇。最後還會開箱我的民宿, 每一隻影片我都是非常認真做在製作的。 歡迎大家留言或按讚跟訂閱喔。 這將會是給我最大鼓勵。😍
Hello, everyone! I'm Alison. In this video, I'll share with you how I spent my first day in Rome. I was initially worried that skipping the lines might be a scam, but the results were surprisingly magical. Finally, I'll also unveil my accommodation. I put a lot of effort into each video. Feel free to leave comments, likes, and subscribe. It would be my greatest encouragement. 😍
My Instagram:instagram.com/justalison12/
Turn on subtitles by clicking the CC/Setting button.
剛滑到這頻道 ~ 感覺蠻不錯的
Thank you so much for the subtitles. What a beautiful country.
Thank you for watching
The elevator was so interesting but also alittle scary looking.
It was a fun ride
同樣身為新手youtuber, 我來支持一下妳的影片,小小的建議,有時候影片有點晃(我一開始也會這樣😊😊)
镜头太抖了 头晕
謝謝你的留言。的確。當時我的雲台壞掉了,所以沒有辦法穩定我的相機。 我正在尋找適合我拍VLOG相機喔。