How many times?

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024

Комментарии • 32

  • @sally2613
    @sally2613 3 года назад

    Hi Jane & Joe, I was nodding all the way through.
    Absolutely! If I don't work my Food Plan every day, the weight comes back. Fast. I think everyone who has struggled with food always has to stay on Plan, none of us can "relax". If we do, it all piles back and more on top.
    I need to follow my Food Plan for literally the rest of my life. Like alcoholics who want to stay sober have to do it one day at a time. Every day. Enjoyed your podcast very much. All the best to you both, Sally xx

  • @carolinec3259
    @carolinec3259 3 года назад

    Hi Jane. I joined once and lost 4st in 10 months, but that was through sheer determination and I wanted that weight gone more than anything. Target is a strange place. The Slim for Life plan wasn't out when I got to target so I had to find my own path, which I think we all have to do. No one knows our bodies better than us, we know the foods that work or don't work for us, we just need to listen. I think for me SW has helped change my habits which is what it's designed to do. Food optimising is just what I do now, I don't think about it. And I understand the consequences of going too far off plan, but also I can stray a little. The plan is a sound framework and just one of many tools I have to keep healthy. The key is picking a target that works for you. It's not where you can get to, it's where you cam stay. My BMI is 26 so I should lose another half stone at least to be in healthy BMI but I'm happy where I am and whilst I acknowledge I'm not in that healthy range, but I'm far healthier than I was 4 years and 4st ago. Sending you massive support with your 13 week challenge, and hope all went well at your appointment. X

  • @hayleygrimston51
    @hayleygrimston51 3 года назад

    I'm on my 3rd round of slimming world, 1st time I only did it for about 6 months and quit . The second time I did it for 3 years lost over 3 st . Gained a stone during lockdown, I'm cross with myself for not sticking to the plan I played with it ate properly at breakfast,lunch and tea but the in between meals I snacked and picked . Now the nice weather is here I don't feel comfortable in my clothes . Last Monday I rejoined slimming world restarted my journey I'm still struggling to be 100% focused yesterday started well and ended disastrously 23 syns. Today I've woken up determined to win this struggle, I know I can do it, I've done it before . I've got my food diary I'm noting everything down . Good luck with your 13 week challenge you can do it 😊. Take care stay safe X

  • @rachaelberesford4909
    @rachaelberesford4909 3 года назад

    Hi Jane
    Yet another great video.
    I have rejoined sw more times than I can remember, I need to get on it 100% as nothing els works.
    It is my birthday on 21st june & I will be 46
    Have a good one xx

  • @juliewilliams3027
    @juliewilliams3027 3 года назад +3

    Good luck to you on your weight loss .. I'm hoping to get back on it too, I've gained too much weight over the years ,I did loose 5 & half stones with w.w a few yrs ago now ,& because of a relationship breakup I put all & more weight back on & likely I have to really stick to plan to loose weight it's good on a good days ,weeks,but you do get times when you have a wobble.. but its constant battle so I know what you are feeling ,I'm 51 this oct & I need to start now because I want to live my life as a whole new me & stick with it all the best to you xxx

    • @JaneDay
      @JaneDay  3 года назад

      Hey Julie. The ups and downs of life can send us off track. I like that it’s really my choice to either do it or not do it. No one has any power over me unless I give it to them. I wish you well when you pick up a weight loss plan again. Much love Jane xx§

  • @juliewilliams3027
    @juliewilliams3027 3 года назад +1

    I love your way of looking at the way life is contiued struggle keeping on track ,were all human we all have good days on plan & very off days ,but as long as we never give up on our fight to be who we know we want to be .. we will concour our battle slowly... xxx

  • @susanhaywardault3514
    @susanhaywardault3514 3 года назад

    I consider myself a continuous work in progress, a bit like painting the Forth bridge. Keep chipping away like the majority and have an amazing week ❤ Fingers crossed your appointment goes well 🤞

  • @lindazaidi9718
    @lindazaidi9718 3 года назад

    This really resonated with me thanks for this Jane x

    • @JaneDay
      @JaneDay  3 года назад

      Thank you, I’m glad it served a purpose. Do you listen to the SW podcast. Interestingly, today it was all about calorie counting which is a bit odd for SW as we rarely talk calorie values and focus more on low cal density foods which we call Speed foods and which we rely on to fill us up for fewer calories. It’s worth a listen. Stay safe. Much love Jane xx

  • @sandyowen4632
    @sandyowen4632 3 года назад

    Hi Jane just wanted to pop on and wish you good luck with your appointment with your consultant. I hope that he can help. Have a great Sw week and congratulations on your weight loss. Big hugs, keep safe, Joe to. Sandy

  • @wesleyjohnson1313
    @wesleyjohnson1313 3 года назад +1

    Very interesting discussion Jane, i can relate to so much of what you say. I don't feel as though any of the points you raised are discussed enough in the weight loss community. Me personally, I've reached a stage where i don't want to follow any kind of plan, because its too much thinking about food. I just want to see food as fuel and eat like a normal person. Over 1.5 years I've gradually gained around 7lbs with that approach, but that's ok with me, because for a long time i think i set my "target" too low, and in a place that i couldn't really comfortably maintain without feeling deprived and resentful. I'm still well within a healthy BMI - mine is currently around 22.9 or 23 i think. Though i am in a bit of a dodgy place in my head at the moment due to not being able to do any exercise due to my broken foot. I am normally quite active. Congratulations on your continued success, and looking forward to the next podcast! =)

    • @JaneDay
      @JaneDay  3 года назад +1

      hi Wesley. I hope your foot continues to mend. Reading your comment puts me in mind of Joe. He likes to exercise and move his body which in turn enables him to eat well. 7 lbs on in 18 months with that healthy BMI sounds fine. I don’t think I will ever just be able to eat like a normal person. I’ve been disordered as far as food is concerned for 45 years plus. When I joined SW at 19 I weighed 10 st and today I’m 10 st 8 lbs. Now that would be good if only I hadn’t hit 22 st along the way. I’m doing ok today. One day at a time. Stayed in waiting for Joe’s pull up bar to be delivered but will be back out walking tomorrow. Joe walks further without me. I’m putting that down to age and leg length. Much love Jane xx

  • @juliewilliams3027
    @juliewilliams3027 3 года назад +1

    I've joined at least 4 times x

  • @jeant6927
    @jeant6927 3 года назад

    hi Jane and Joe, the motorway,scenic route , fast lane, all relate to me too. I like the comparison . I think you have done great especially the last 10 weeks at a steady pace of weight loss and that time was spent going down , not up . The middle road is best, not too fast not too slow. It has to feel doable without stress and rigid rules, but give consistent results . I think that once a person has a weight issue, including myself , they will always have the job of adhering to some formula of eating /diet in order to stay at a lower weight. Enjoy your week xxx

    • @JaneDay
      @JaneDay  3 года назад +1

      Hi. Whilst I’m typing, I’m listening to this week’s SW podcast. I’ve never heard people from the SW HQ talk so much about calories before. Interesting, but not stuff most of us didn’t already know. Once a dieter, always a dieter. If I choose to be on it or off it, there is always the potential to gain. I need to get back to where I was 4 years ago when maintaining was easy. I just ate my Free/Speed foods, had all my HEX choices and up to 15 syns a day. I played with the Slim for Life plan for a couple of weeks and gained. I can’t add on calories without they have a detrimental effect. More calories always makes me gain and it doesn’t matter whether I call them syns, healthy extras or free foods. I eat too much of anything and it sits on my backside and boobs. I’m grateful to be reducing, but, to keep it shifting, I need to make better choices. I know this and I have to become willing to do it. Stay safe. Much love Jane xx

    • @jeant6927
      @jeant6927 3 года назад

      ​@@JaneDay yes, once a dieter always a dieter and calories do count no matter if it is keto, plant based etc . I gain quickly too if i get lost on the motorway or take a detour . Once the mind is happy to follow a plan that is sustainable I find life easier . Best of luck til next vlog xx

  • @irenescotland6294
    @irenescotland6294 3 года назад

    Hi stranger your looking good 👍. I’ve decided enough is enough as I’ve put on 2 stone 😢. Still having problems with my teeth I’m not long home from getting 4 implants in and hopefully in 3 months I’ll get teeth on them until then I’m back on eggs porridge and soup and not all the chocolate in between 🙄. Hope you and Joe are keeping well. Love from Irene xx

    • @JaneDay
      @JaneDay  3 года назад +1

      Sorry to read you are still in the wars with your teeth. It sound so miserable and you have really suffered. You will get back to your comfortable place. Be kind to yourself and remember, these are valid reasons, not excuses and they will soon be a thing of the past. Stay safe. Love to you and Jake. Jane xx

  • @summerrose9565
    @summerrose9565 3 года назад

    Lovely to catch up with your new plan. The statistics show 95% of people regain weight after weight loss so no wonder we struggle and slip off the wagon. Your plan with your gastric band sounds a good one for you so I hope your appointment goes well. Good luck with your 12 week project , I hope it brings you back into a place where you are happy in your own skin again what ever that weight may be. As always thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    • @JaneDay
      @JaneDay  3 года назад

      My hospital appointment was very successful thanks. He took 2 mls out of the band and it’s back to being loose. I’m now a proper loose woman lol! My hospital consultant said that he thought I looked great. We talked about weight at 65 and he thinks I aim too low. I said I would see where the 13 weeks take me he asked what size my linen trousers were and I said a size 10. He asked why I’m not happy with that? I am, but I just feel heavy in places where I would like to feel lean. I’m old enough to know where I feel best and I’ll work my plan until I get there. He said to expect a gain in the short term as I will be drinking a lot more. I’ll see what occurs, I’m not afraid of water, it’s fat that puts the fear of God in me ha ha. Onwards and downwards in the longer term is my plan and I’m so grateful to be able to make choices. Stay safe. Much love Jane xx

    • @summerrose9565
      @summerrose9565 3 года назад

      @@JaneDay All good news. It’s interesting what he said about your weight being too low. I’ve had family and friends say the same of me but it’s my body not theirs. My BMI is 21-22 which is normal range , I will not be dictated too as it’s how I feel that matters. I get unkind comments when obese and unkind comments when lean and healthy…..I can’t win. You will know when you feel comfortable and can start maintaining again, it’s good for our mental health to feel in control over our own bodies.

  • @susanoneandonly7970
    @susanoneandonly7970 3 года назад

    Hi Darling Twin hi Joe. Needed this I am in a ditch at the side of the lay-by just sat chilling in my own food fest world. Please can you do a update on your band hope things go well for you. A massive thank you and loads of love from us both. Something went in my head not a light bulb moment it was more like a warm blanket that was wrapped around me showing me it is safe to come out of the ditch and get back into my white coat. Love you so much take care Darling the Dutchman said hi xx

    • @JaneDay
      @JaneDay  3 года назад +1

      Hi gorgeous younger twin. Come on gal, I’ll give you a leg up out of that ditch. You must put your lab coat on and get back to the inventive woman you used to be. I know what you’re lacking, a trip to Thailand! It’s been a long old lockdown and everything feels stale. I know you will get back into your good routine of cooking and prepping. You know what to do so don’t neglect yourself. The band is fine now, he took out 1 mls and that just wasn’t relieving the problem so he took out another 1 mls. I immediately drank 4 cups of ice cold water and got rehydrated lol. There was a bad accident near the BMI Park Hospital so we had to navigate a long detour but we made it on time. My appointment was at 6.25 p.m., but, the hospital rang and said he could see me at 4 p.m. In the event and due to the traffic gridlock, I got there before Mr Beckingham did. All’s well that ends well. Please give Tom a hug from me. Love to you both. Jane xx

    • @susanoneandonly7970
      @susanoneandonly7970 3 года назад

      @@JaneDay p.s. I joined SW once. Thank you for your engagement chat soon xx

  • @jaquelinehighfield5436
    @jaquelinehighfield5436 3 года назад

    Hi Jane, enjoyed todays vlog, I am with you on everything you said, and me been 65 already i do find it harder or should I say slower, but I know when doing SW i was eating to much, now doing CC I don't eat half as much and feel better for it i still eat in some ways to SW but not all, my Cals must have been very high, but now I say around the 1300 and feel fine I am losing slow 1/4lb off again this week but I think I am losing inches can I find me tape to see can I heck so on the hunt for one, have a good week love Jackie xx

    • @JaneDay
      @JaneDay  3 года назад +1

      You have really found something that works for you. At our age, we do need to be consistent. With your calorie counting, you have a daily plan which is bringing you a slow but steady loss. We’re not looking to break records, we just need to break old habits. Did you listen to today’s SW podcast. I listen to this on Amazon Music. Don’t know if you have an Alexa or a Google Home, but, the podcast today was all about counting calories and they had two ‘experts’ on from the SW head office. Quite interesting. Stay safe. Much love Jane xx

    • @jaquelinehighfield5436
      @jaquelinehighfield5436 3 года назад

      @@JaneDay yes have Alexa I will look into it we only just one have to ask hubby to sort it yes I am enjoying it even if it slow thanks Jane xx

  • @yasminbibi5187
    @yasminbibi5187 3 года назад +1


  • @tanyareynolds154
    @tanyareynolds154 3 года назад

    Hi Jane I hope your appointmentgoes well today keep going you will get there again. my answer to your question is i've joined 2 times I got to target the first time I joined but found it very difficult to stay there the target book was not helpful in 2018 I think they have made it better now but it didn't help me back then so I ended up gaining all what I lost and more the first time I joined in 2017 I was 12st 3 i got down to 8st 6 then may last year I was 13st 8 i joined slimming world again in may and lost 1.5 stone but I think I prefer a higher fat diet as I find it more satisfying i do eat my favorite slimming world meals I batch cook them but have a lower carb diet i also include fasting I fast for atleast 18 hours a day so have a 6 hour eating window so I'm not doing any persific plan to the T I'm just mindful of my carbs my eating window and try to eat as many vegetables as I can, today I'm 9st 7 I've lost just over 4stone I've got 1 more stone to go as then I'll be in the middle of my healthy bmi range I'm only 5ft 2 so I'm pretty short but I think 8st 7 will be a good weight for me and I just hope I can maintain it myself fingers crossed 🤞, anyway ive rambled on enough lol so going to leave it there I will look forward to your video next week stay safe much lv Tanya x

    • @JaneDay
      @JaneDay  3 года назад +1

      Hi Tanya. My hospital appointment went really well thanks. I’m feeling better already. You seem to have it all under control with a plan that suits you perfectly. I agree that eating vegetables on any plan is key. These are filling and calorifically low so real filling power for very few calories. SW can be too low fat and unless we are prepared to spend syns on fats, it’s not the best plan for anyone looking to be satiated by important fats. Thanks for your great share. It’s much appreciated. Much love Jane xx

    • @tanyareynolds154
      @tanyareynolds154 3 года назад

      @@JaneDay so glad it went well Jane thank you for your reply and for sharing your journey I have been watching you since 2018 and even when I'm not doing the slimming world plan I like to catch up and see how your doing you have alot of knowledge and I learn alot from your videos so a big thank you to you stay safe lv Tanya