Hint,:Place paddles facing same way for more even bread height. If you wish to do a different shape you can use dough setting to get ready and bake it in the oven. Best machine ever! Parts are not dishwasher safe but is an easy clean with soap and soft cloth. (Remember to clean the paddle holes)
Made my first loaf yesterday! I did measure too. Tastes was delicious!
Hint,:Place paddles facing same way for more even bread height.
If you wish to do a different shape you can use dough setting to get ready and bake it in the oven. Best machine ever! Parts are not dishwasher safe but is an easy clean with soap and soft cloth. (Remember to clean the paddle holes)
Thank you for the tips
Mine comes on Thursday
And I'll bet you're almost as great as my
World's greatest Mom.
God bless you and your family.